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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ins and Outs of School Provider Literature: A Multi-Year Content Analysis on LGBT Youth

Ryan, Caitlin Conor 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study is based on a content analysis of two primary sources: 1) literature published on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth in professional journals for school providers (school counselors, nurses, psychologists and social workers) over more than a 30-year period; and 2) materials developed for school providers on LGBT youth by states with laws, regulations and professional policies related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity in schools. Fifteen professional journals were identified that serve as primary and secondary journals for school providers. A total of 41 articles were published in these journals on LGBT youth between 1937 and 2005. Journal articles were coded by the investigator and a second coder, with an inter-rater reliability rate of .97. Most articles focused on identity development, and a majority provided information on developing a supportive school environment for LGB youth. Few focused on issues of salience for contemporary generations of LGBT adolescents, such as resiliency and strength or positive youth development. Only one article focused on youth of color, one on lesbian youth and none on transgender youth. Less than one-third included HIV/AIDS, only 7% mentioned HIV counseling and testing, and 2% mentioned lesbians' risk for STDs. Nearly three-fourths of articles (71%) focused on interventions with LGB youth (few included transgender youth), including the need to promote a safe school environment. Few empirical articles (19.5%), a handful of training articles (7.3%) no theoretical and very few review articles (2.2%) were published during this period. Although nearly one-third of the states had adopted laws, regulations or professional standards to prohibit discrimination of students on the basis of sexual orientation (and 4 included gender identity), no states other than Massachusetts had developed training materials for school providers on LGBT youth. However, Massachusetts' materials were never used since their program was defunded in 2002. Several states made training on LGBT adolescents available to school providers through professional and community organizations. Coupled with limited and outdated content in professional journals, school providers lack access to current multidisciplinary research, theoretical literature and information reviews needed to inform their work with LGBT students and their families.

Pedagogický pohled na výchovu dětí homosexuálními páry / Pedagogical view on the upbringing of children by homosexual couples

Vráblíková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This Master's Thesis approaches the phenomen of upbringing of children by lesbian and gay couples. It deals with primary school teachers' attitude to the question of homosexuality and homoparentality. In the theoretical part, the issues such as family, gender, gender role and identity are introduced. Thereafter the work is focused on the concept of gay and lesbian families, the legal aspects of homoparentality and the possible approach to parenting by the same-sex couples. The thesis also presents some of the realized researches into homoparentality. Part of these studies covers a potentional influence of upbringing by same- sex parents on child's development. Second part comprises the researches focused on parental experience of gays and lesbian women. The last chapter of theoretical part deals with the conception of homosexuality and education at schools. The aim of the practical part is to find out what the attitude of primary school teachers to homosexuality and homoparentality is really like, whether and how these topics are taught and how the attitude of teachers is reflected in teaching/lessons. Keywords: homosexuality, homoparentality, same-sex family, gay parenthood, lesbian parenthood, registered partnership

Vztahy k rodině u homosexuálů a lesbiček / Relationships to family of gays and lesbians

Škoulová, Monika January 2011 (has links)
This work issue from individual polostandardized interviews of gays and lesbians which were obtain to this work by method of Snowball Sampling and searching on the web-nets. Their family histories (stories) and biography were noted on dictaphone and written down to the letter. Mains objectives of this work are two and has theme about family. Objectives are: "Maping of relationships of lesbians and gays in family neighbourhood (primary family)" and "Relationship of lesbians and gay to their secondary family". Author gets in this way individual own view of gays and lesbians on these problems. To this work is added one interview of bisexual too who lived a long time lesbian's life style and currently she is a few years married.

Sexual Orientation and the Advanced Placement Art History Survey

Bond, Richard P. 12 1900 (has links)
This two-part study included a content analysis of an AP art history text and a survey together with interviews with AP art history teachers that embraced both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The first phase of the study examined one of the more popular art history survey texts in the AP art history program, Gardner’s Art through the Ages, in terms of how inclusive it is in addressing issues of sexual orientation and, particularly, same-sex perspectives. In addition, the text was examined for evidence of sexual orientation ignored – particularly same-sex perspectives ignored and for heteronormative hegemonies. The second phase investigated the understandings and opinions of AP art history teachers toward the inclusion of sexual orientation and same-sex perspectives in their curriculums and classrooms. Recent recognition of gay, lesbian, and same-sex perspectives in the study of art history has challenged art educators and art historians to begin to consider opening up their curriculums and writings to include these perspectives. These ignored perspectives produce important understandings that enrich and deepen the discourse of art history. The inclusion of gay and lesbian content and same-sex perspectives to the study of AP art history, not only effectively serves the needs of AP art history teachers, but it provides a more equitable and comprehensive visual arts education to students. The implications of this study are broad and complex. If students are to be well and comprehensively educated in the history of the visual arts, including discussions about the sexual orientation of gay and lesbian artists as well as artworks depicting same-sex perspectives is important. Similarly, their teachers must be well-informed and believe that including such material in the curriculum is important. There is definitely a need for designing more balanced and equitable AP art history programs that include gay and lesbian artists as well as same-sex perspectives. From a multicultural art education perspective, this study reveals that gays and lesbians are marginalized in a major AP art history survey text. It illuminates how an AP art history survey text and AP art history teachers’ attitudes and knowledge base on same-sex perspectives inform their curriculums, specifically concerning what’s important to teach in an AP art history classroom. If approved AP art history survey texts as well as the influential annual AP College Board art history exam included issues of sexual orientation, particularly same-sex perspectives, it would encourage more AP art history teachers to include gay and lesbian artists and same-sex perspectives in their curriculums.

L’emprunt linguistique dans le lexique des homosexualités : étude historique et comparative des internationalismes en français, italien, espagnol, anglais et allemand / Loanwords in the lexicon of homosexuality : a historical and comparative study of internationalisms in French, Italian, Spanish, English and German

Lovecchio, Nicholas 10 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le lexique international de l’homosexualité d’un point de vue linguistique, en prenant comme point de départ le fait que les internationalismes sont des emprunts lexicaux qui doivent être étudiés dans une perspective historique et comparative. Après une réflexion critique sur les différentes approches à l’étude de l’emprunt linguistique (philologique vs. sociolinguistique), qui situe la problématique dans le cadre de la néologie en général, il s’agissait d’évaluer jusqu’à quel point le vocabulaire de l’homosexualité dans plusieurs langues d’Europe – le français, l’italien, l’espagnol, l’anglais et l’allemand – résulte de phénomènes d’emprunts lexématiques ou de calques, en émettant et en testant l’hypothèse selon laquelle la plupart de ces dénominations relèvent de la monogenèse, et non de la polygenèse. Pour ce faire, on suit le parcours historique de chaque lexème, dans chaque langue, pour mettre en relief les points de contact entre elles. La nomenclature consiste en 13 séries monographiques : sodomie, contre nature, bougre, bardache, tribade, pédérastie, saphisme, lesbienne, uranisme, inversion, homosexualité (avec hétérosexualité, bisexualité, transsexualité), gay, queer. Chaque série est divisée par langue, pour que les représentants de chacune des cinq langues soient traités selon leurs propres termes. À travers de très nombreux exemples textuels – majoritairement inédits – et une analyse puisant dans une lecture exhaustive de la lexicographie et des sources secondaires, cette thèse propose de multiples corrections, précisions, antédatations et découvertes sur le lexique étudié. / This thesis is a linguistic study of the international lexicon of homosexuality, taking as its central assumption that internationalisms are the product of lexical borrowing and must be studied in a historical comparative perspective. Following a critical review of different approaches to loanword studies (philological vs. sociolinguistic), which places the problem within the more general realm of the neologism, the aim was to assess to what extent the shared homosexual lexicon in several European languages – French, Italian, Spanish, English and German – results from borrowing (loanwords or calques), by testing the hypothesis that most of these denominations can be traced back to a single origin, rather than being independently constructed. The path of each lexeme in each language is followed in order to highlight the points of contact between languages. The nomenclature consists of 13 monographic series: sodomy, against nature, buggery, bardash (with berdache), tribade, pederasty, sapphism, lesbian, uranism, inversion, homosexuality (with heterosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality), gay, queer. Each series is divided by language so that the representatives of each of the five languages are treated on their own terms. Through a wealth of textual examples – many never before studied – and an analysis drawing on a comprehensive reading of the lexicography and major secondary sources, this thesis presents numerous corrections, clarifications, antedatings and discoveries on the lexicon under study.

Taking It to the Streets: the History of Gay Pride Parades in Dallas, Texas: 1972-1986

Edelbrock, Kyle 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes the organization of two waves of pride parades in the city of Dallas, Texas. Using more than 40 sources, this work details how LGBT organizers have used pride parades to create a more established place for the LGBT community in greater Dallas culture. This works adds to the study of LGBT history by focusing on an understudied region, the South; as well as focusing on an important symbolic event in LGBT communities, pride parades.

L’intégration des personnages LGBTQ dans le cinéma québécois

Robillard, Maude 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Duas mães? Mulheres lésbicas e maternidade / Two moms? Lesbians and motherhood

Maria Eduarda Cavadinha Corrêa 25 April 2012 (has links)
Em nossa sociedade, a relação heterossexual ainda parece ser a única possibilidade legitimada para formação de um casal ou até mesmo de uma família. Porém, é cada vez maior o número de pessoas que desafia os discursos normativos presentes e busca a constituição de parcerias afetivo-sexuais com outras de seu próprio sexo, muitas vezes associando essas parcerias à experiência da parentalidade, seja com filhos biológicos ou adotivos. Com as crescentes discussões sobre os direitos sexuais reprodutivos e com o surgimento de novos arranjos familiares, entre eles o formado por casais homossexuais, começa-se a desconstruir o modelo ideal de família nuclear e abre-se caminho para discussão de temas como a maternidade lésbica. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com o debate da homoparentalidade, procurando demonstrar as especificidades existentes entre essas mulheres e suas formas de construir sua cidadania íntima dentro do contexto heteronormativo da sociedade brasileira. Para tanto, foi traçado o seguinte objetivo geral: compreender as concepções sobre a parentalidade de mulheres lésbicas que buscam a gravidez por meio de doadores de sêmen, sejam eles conhecidos ou desconhecidos. O estudo proposto baseia-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, como forma de privilegiar os discursos dos sujeitos como fonte de informação. Doze mulheres lésbicas aceitaram participar do estudo e foram entrevistadas entre os anos de 2009 e 2011. Os dados foram transcritos, organizados e analisados. A partir dos resultados, foi possível perceber que a vivência da maternidade por parte das mulheres lésbicas depende de fatores diversos como o histórico-cultural, o social, o jurídico-legal, o econômico e os relacionados às políticas públicas, além, é claro, da história de vida de cada uma dessas mulheres. Desta forma, para a mulher assumir a homossexualidade em uma sociedade heteronormativa e, ao mesmo tempo, optar pela maternidade, é necessário percorrer um árduo caminho, onde uma das saídas parece ser a luta pela cidadania plena e consolidação dos direitos humanos. Isto aponta para a importância de se abordar o tema em estudos e discussões acadêmicas com outras esferas da política pública e da vida social, incluindo a saúde pública / In our society, the heterosexual relationship still appears to be the only legitimate form to be a couple or to be a family. However, an increasing number of people who challenge the normative discourse are seeking for same-sex partnerships, often associating these partnerships to the experience of parenting, with biological or adoptive children. The increasing discussions about reproductive and sexual rights and the emergence of new family arrangements, including the one formed by homosexual couples, began to deconstruct the ideal model of nuclear family and its opens up the way for new discussions such as lesbian motherhood. This study intend to contribute to the homoparenthood debate, by demonstrating the specificities between these women and their ways to construct an intimate citizenship within the context of Brazilian heternormative society. To do so, the following overall aim was: to comprehend the parenthood concepts of lesbian women who seek pregnancy through known or unknown semen donor. The proposed study is based on the assumptions of qualitative research, which means that the subjects discourse was the source of information. Twelve lesbians were interviewed between the years 2009 and 2011. The data were transcribed, organized and analyzed. From the results, it was revealed that the motherhood experience by lesbians depends on several factors such as historical, cultural, social, juridical, legal, economic, public policies, and, of course, the personal history of each of these women. Thus, for women who come out as a lesbian in a heteronormative society and at the same time, opt for motherhood, they have a hard road to face. The solution seems to be to struggle for citizenship and human rights consolidation. So, its important working up this issue in academic studies and to discuss with other spheres of public policy and social life, including public health

Duas mães? Mulheres lésbicas e maternidade / Two moms? Lesbians and motherhood

Corrêa, Maria Eduarda Cavadinha 25 April 2012 (has links)
Em nossa sociedade, a relação heterossexual ainda parece ser a única possibilidade legitimada para formação de um casal ou até mesmo de uma família. Porém, é cada vez maior o número de pessoas que desafia os discursos normativos presentes e busca a constituição de parcerias afetivo-sexuais com outras de seu próprio sexo, muitas vezes associando essas parcerias à experiência da parentalidade, seja com filhos biológicos ou adotivos. Com as crescentes discussões sobre os direitos sexuais reprodutivos e com o surgimento de novos arranjos familiares, entre eles o formado por casais homossexuais, começa-se a desconstruir o modelo ideal de família nuclear e abre-se caminho para discussão de temas como a maternidade lésbica. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com o debate da homoparentalidade, procurando demonstrar as especificidades existentes entre essas mulheres e suas formas de construir sua cidadania íntima dentro do contexto heteronormativo da sociedade brasileira. Para tanto, foi traçado o seguinte objetivo geral: compreender as concepções sobre a parentalidade de mulheres lésbicas que buscam a gravidez por meio de doadores de sêmen, sejam eles conhecidos ou desconhecidos. O estudo proposto baseia-se nos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, como forma de privilegiar os discursos dos sujeitos como fonte de informação. Doze mulheres lésbicas aceitaram participar do estudo e foram entrevistadas entre os anos de 2009 e 2011. Os dados foram transcritos, organizados e analisados. A partir dos resultados, foi possível perceber que a vivência da maternidade por parte das mulheres lésbicas depende de fatores diversos como o histórico-cultural, o social, o jurídico-legal, o econômico e os relacionados às políticas públicas, além, é claro, da história de vida de cada uma dessas mulheres. Desta forma, para a mulher assumir a homossexualidade em uma sociedade heteronormativa e, ao mesmo tempo, optar pela maternidade, é necessário percorrer um árduo caminho, onde uma das saídas parece ser a luta pela cidadania plena e consolidação dos direitos humanos. Isto aponta para a importância de se abordar o tema em estudos e discussões acadêmicas com outras esferas da política pública e da vida social, incluindo a saúde pública / In our society, the heterosexual relationship still appears to be the only legitimate form to be a couple or to be a family. However, an increasing number of people who challenge the normative discourse are seeking for same-sex partnerships, often associating these partnerships to the experience of parenting, with biological or adoptive children. The increasing discussions about reproductive and sexual rights and the emergence of new family arrangements, including the one formed by homosexual couples, began to deconstruct the ideal model of nuclear family and its opens up the way for new discussions such as lesbian motherhood. This study intend to contribute to the homoparenthood debate, by demonstrating the specificities between these women and their ways to construct an intimate citizenship within the context of Brazilian heternormative society. To do so, the following overall aim was: to comprehend the parenthood concepts of lesbian women who seek pregnancy through known or unknown semen donor. The proposed study is based on the assumptions of qualitative research, which means that the subjects discourse was the source of information. Twelve lesbians were interviewed between the years 2009 and 2011. The data were transcribed, organized and analyzed. From the results, it was revealed that the motherhood experience by lesbians depends on several factors such as historical, cultural, social, juridical, legal, economic, public policies, and, of course, the personal history of each of these women. Thus, for women who come out as a lesbian in a heteronormative society and at the same time, opt for motherhood, they have a hard road to face. The solution seems to be to struggle for citizenship and human rights consolidation. So, its important working up this issue in academic studies and to discuss with other spheres of public policy and social life, including public health

The Unkindness of Strangers: Exploring Success and Isolation in the Dramatic Works of Tennessee Williams

Gilbert, Chelsea Nicole 01 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the theme of isolation in the dramatic works of Tennessee Williams using his essay “The Catastrophe of Success” as the base theory text. The essay attacks the American idea of success though an in-depth examination of the “Cinderella myth” that Williams claims is so prevalent in both Hollywood and American Democracy. Williams’ deconstruction of this myth reveals that America’s love for stories like it results the isolation of three groups: homosexuals, women and the physically disabled and terminally ill. Williams passes no judgment on his characters, instead showing their lives as they truly are. Through The Glass Menagerie (1945), A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), Orpheus Descending (1957) and Vieux Carre (1977), Williams gives readers and audiences a glimpse into the lives of isolated individuals, and the struggles each group faces.

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