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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherches sur le lexique de Pollux : les articles juridiques / Researches on the lexicon of Pollux : the juridical articles

Amaraschi, Francesca 24 April 2013 (has links)
Le travail de recherche au cours des trois années de doctorat en cotutelle entre l'Université de Reims-Champagne Ardenne et l'Université de Florence m'a permis de comprendre et d'encadrer les principales problématiques soulevées par l'Onomasticon de Julius Pollux (IIème siècle apr. J.-C.) et d'entreprendre l'étude des aspects qui n'ont jamais été spécifiquement abordés jusqu'à aujourd'hui.La thèse est structurée en quatre chapitres et complétée par deux appendices.La première traduction en langue moderne et le commentaire des articles juridiques contenus dans le VIIIème livre constituent la section principale de la thèse: ils sont insérés dans le IVème chapitre. La recherche s'est concentrée également sur les problèmes relatifs à la figure de l'auteur et le contexte historique dans lequel il a travaillé (Ier chapitre), ainsi qu'à la transmission du texte dans une version interpolée et abrégée (IIème chapitre), à sa structure et à sa constitution (IIIème chapitre). J'ai ensuite examiné une scholie qui semble témoigner l'existence d'un épitomé de l'épitomé lié à une branche particulière de la tradition manuscrite (Ier appendice) et, enfin, j'ai réalisé une traduction en italien, la première en langue moderne, des lettres dédicatoires à l'empereur Commode qui ouvrent chacun des dix livres du lexique (IIème appendice).Le Ier chapitre porte sur une présentation des toutes les attestations relatives à l'auteur et sur une discussion de la datation de son activité et de son ouvrage par rapport aux sources postérieures et aux références offertes par le lexique lui-même: il porte aussi sur le contexte historique dans lequel est né l'Onomasticon.Dans le IIème chapitre, je présente la question de l'épitomé de l'Onomasticon et je décris les traces d'abrégé qu'on peut relever dans la tradition manuscrite et dans la transmission du VIIIème livre. La deuxième partie du chapitre est consacrée à la question de l'épitomé du VIIIème livre, c'est-à-dire à la description des manuscrits qui transmettent cette partie de l'Onomasticon qui, comme les autres, a été l'objet d'abréviations.Dans le IIIème chapitre, je propose une description schématique des dix livres de l'Onomasticon et de ses structures, qui dérive de la lecture complète du lexique que j'ai menée à bien afin de comprendre la méthode de travail de Pollux, ses intérêts et sa culture historique, c'est-à-dire les sources qu'il a utilisées et comment il s'en est servi. Il s'agit d'une brève analyse de chaque livre, avec une attention particulière portée aux sujets principaux et au nombre des sources classiques citées dans le texte, car les premières sections susceptibles d'être éliminées par un épitomateur sont de façon récurrente les répertoires de sources. Au cours de l'analyse des dix livres, je mets donc en évidence les confusions et les incohérences qui font souvent partie du texte.En ce qui concerne l'étude des articles juridiques contenus dans le VIIIème livre, j'ai réalisé la traduction en italien, ainsi qu'un commentaire historique et philologique, de la moitié des 157 paragraphes du livre environ.J'ai choisi de traduire et de commenter les entrées qui semblent contribuer à améliorer les connaissances qui viennent d'autres sources et qui concernent le procès, mais aussi l'organisation constitutionnelle et politique de l'Athènes de l'époque classique. Je commente aussi les articles qui apportent des éléments en contraste avec les témoignages en notre possession et qui sont motif de discussion entre les historiens qui s'occupent de droit attique. De toute façon, il y a aussi, dans le commentaire, des traductions, des références et des notes qui concernent d'autres entrées du livre et les articles juridiques qu'on trouve dans des sections différentes du lexique (comme dans le VIème livre). En revanche, je me limite à énumérer les sources bibliographiques les plus pertinentes des problèmes déjà connus et largement discutés par les modernes. / The research work during a three-year PhD jointly supervised by the University of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne and the University of Florence has allowed me to understand and frame the main issues raised by the Onomasticon by Julius Pollux (2nd century A.D.) and to undertake the study of aspects that have not been specifically addressed until now.The thesis is structured in four chapters and supplemented by two appendices.The first modern language translation and commentary of legal terms contained in the eighth book is the main section of the thesis: they are part of the fourth chapter. My research also focused on issues related to the figure of the author and the historical context in which he worked (first chapter), the transmission of the text in an interpolated version and abridged (second chapter), its structure and its constitution (third chapter). Finally, I considered a scholium which seems to prove the existence of an epitome of the epitome tied to a particular branch of the manuscript tradition (appendix I) and I made an Italian translation (the first modern language translation) of the letters to the Emperor Commodus which open each of the ten books of the lexicon (appendix II).In particular, the first chapter focuses on the sources relating to the author and on the dating of its activity: the chapter concerns also the historical context in which the Onomasticon was written.In the second chapter, I present the question of the epitome of Onomasticon and I describe its traces in the manuscript tradition and in the transmission of the eighth book. The second part of the chapter is devoted to the question of the epitome of the eighth book, that, like the others, has been the subject of abbreviations.In the third chapter, I propose a schematic description of the ten books' structure, which derives from a thorough reading of the lexicon. The aim is to understand the working method of Pollux, its interests and its historic culture.In the fourth chapter, I realized the Italian translation and an historical and philological commentary of half of the 157 paragraphs of the book. I chose to translate and comment the lemmata that appear to contribute to improve the knowledge about the Athenian constitutional and political system of the classical period. I also commented terms that provide elements in contrast with our sources and which are grounds for discussion among modern scholars. There are also translations, references and notes about legal terms found in different books (as in the sixth book). I limit myself to list the most relevant bibliographic sources about questions that are widely discussed by modern scholars.

Il manoscritto berlinese del Huon d'Auvergne (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett 78 D8 [Hamilton 337]) : studio paleograpfico, linguistico et artistico / Le manuscrit berlinois de la chanson de Huon d’Auvergne (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, 78 D 8 [Hamilton 337]) : étude paléographique, linguistique et artistique / The Berlin manuscript Huon d’Auvergne (Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett 78 D8 [Hamilton 337]) : a paleographic, linguistic and artistic study

Cattaneo, Antonella Sabina 02 June 2015 (has links)
Le travail se propose d’analyser sous divers aspects l’un des manuscrits les moins étudiés appartenant au célèbre groupe des manuscitsfranco-italiens provenant de la famille de Gonzaga de Mantou, l’Huon d’Auvergne, conservé à Berlin. La première partie du travail est une transcription interprétative intégrale du manuscrit : elle est complétée par une étude de l’écriture gothique et une analyse d’un riche ensemble d’enluminures (deuxième partie) à travers la comparaison avec un autre code contemporaine lui aussi en franco-italien, l’Entrée d’Espagne, conservé à Venise et d’autres mnuscrits illustrés réalisés en Italie du Nord au XIV siècle (en particulier le Roman de Troie). La troisième partie de la thèse traite de manière plus spécifique des questions stylistiques et linguistiques: en particulier, les analyses linguistiques concernant le lexique en isolant deux champs sémantiques, le champ du combat et celui de la mer. La partie linguistique est complété par un tableau des rimes qui suit l’ordre des laisses, par une table synoptique des rimes des deux poèmes (Huon d’Auvergne et Entrée d’Espagne) et par un dictionnaire de rimes des deux poèmes complets mis sur CD-Rom. / Using different analytic perspectives, this dissertation examines the Huon d’Auvergne manuscript, one of the less studied manuscripts from the famous group of the Franco-Italian codices in Berlin coming from a Gonzaga family. Other than a complete interpretative transcription of the manuscript, an early section of this work centers around the study of Gothic and the analysis of the rich decorative apparatus comparing it whit another manuscript of the same period written in Franco-Italian, the Entrée d’Espagne, kept in Venice, and other manuscripts written in Northern Italy in the 14th century (in particular the Roman de Troie). The second part of this thesis is more specifically devoted to literary, stylistic, and linguistic question : in particular, the analyses of the lexicon of the poem, compared with the one of Entrée d’Espagne, and the rhyme schemes which characterize it. A complete list of the rhyme schemes of Huon d’Auvergne and Entrée d’Espagne, included on a cd-Rom, will verify the analyses and considerations regarding the meter of the poem which will be fund in the chapter of the thesis focusing on this topic.

Afasia e linguagem figurada: o acesso lexical dentro de contextos metafóricos / Aphasia and figurative language: the lexical access in metaphoric contexts

Bruna Seixas Lima 03 February 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa traz a análise de fenômenos linguísticos extraídos de entrevistas realizadas com seis sujeitos afásicos com diferentes graus de dificuldade de acesso lexical. Observamos a habilidade desses sujeitos em produzir e compreender nomes de animais utilizados em contexto não-literal. Desenvolvemos uma entrevista para determinar se os sujeitos em questão apresentavam dificuldade para acessar os nomes de animais escolhidos. Numa primeira etapa, os sujeitos tiveram de nomeá-los e descrevê-los e, posteriormente, utilizá-los dentro de um contexto provido pela entrevistadora. A hipótese é que possa haver diferença entre a habilidade do sujeito para produzir e compreender nomes de animais dependendo do contexto apresentado. Duas perspectivas de análise diferentes são apresentadas aqui: primeiro, temos as teorias baseadas em correlatos biológicos da linguagem e, em segundo, a teoria linguística de Roman Jakobson sobre o processamento da linguagem e a sua divisão em dois eixos principais, a metáfora e a metonímia (habilidades de abstração baseadas na similaridade e na contiguidade, respectivamente). Alguns sujeitos apresentam dificuldade para produzir formas de palavras no seu sentido literal, mas o mesmo não acontece quando as mesmas palavras são produzidas no seu sentido não-literal, sugerindo que nesses sujeitos o sistema semântico-lexical pode estar mais preservado do que se imagina, sendo que o tipo de entrada ou saída dessas formas lexicais pode ser o elemento prejudicado. A análise das entrevistas realizadas revela que a compreensão dessas mesmas metáforas foi uma tarefa mais laboriosa para os sujeitos, o que reforça nossa hipótese, uma vez que durante a tarefa de compreensão das metáforas os sujeitos não foram providos do contexto dado na tarefa de produção. / This research proposes the analysis of language phenomena taken from interviews made with six aphasic subjects presenting different degrees of lexical access deficits. The focus of this paper is the observation of the ability of these subjects to produce and comprehend names of animals used in a metaphorical context. We developed an interview in order to determine whether the subjects presented problems to access the chosen names of animals. In the first part of the interview, the subjects were asked to name and describe the animal pictures presented and, aftermost, they had to produce and comprehend those names in the context provided by the interviewer. Two distinct perspectives are presented in this paper: first, we have theories based on biological correlates of language, and in second, the linguistic theory by Roman Jakobson about the processing of language and its division in two main axis: metaphor and metonymy (modes of relation based on similarity and contiguity, respectively). Some subjects present distress to produce word forms in their literal meaning, whereas the same does not occur when those words are used in their nonliteral meaning. This suggests that these subjects present a better preservation of the semantic-lexical system than expected, and the only affected element can be the type of input or output of the lexical form. We can see in the interviews presented here that the comprehension of the mentioned metaphors was a more laborious task for the subjects, which reinforces our hypothesis, once during the comprehension part of the interview, the subjects were not provided with the context given previously, in the production task.

As escolhas léxico-estilísticas em Vidas secas / The lexical-stylistics choices in Vidas Secas

Maria da Graça de Souza 27 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese trata das escolhas léxico-estilísticas na obra Vidas secas de Graciliano Ramos. Sabemos que o texto é o lugar em que se processa o novo e para que esse novo possa ser construído é preciso que o sujeito produtor tenha competência lexical, pois o ato de textualização está relacionado com as escolhas feitas pelo sujeito produtor ao mediatizar-se com o mundo, com o universo referencial. Essa mediatização implica um recorte e a partir desse recorte o sujeito produtor reconceptualiza o referente, tendo, por conseguinte, o novo. Todavia, essa reconceptualização implica uma escolha e é essa escolha que vai determinar a visão de mundo e o estilo do sujeito produtor. Como sabemos, o estilo como objeto da estilística, ainda não foi satisfatoriamente delimitado, mas nessa pesquisa estamos entendendo-o como escolha que abrange tanto o conteúdo quanto a maneira como esse conteúdo é organizado e apresentado. Desse modo, os recursos estilísticos, a escolha de um tipo de gênero discursivo e a seleção lexical estão implicitamente relacionados ao estilo, à criatividade do sujeito produtor uma vez que a forma entrelaçada ao conteúdo determinará a seleção lexical do discurso enunciado, pois como sabemos, as experiências sócio-histórico-culturais-ideológicas e cognitivas do falante de uma determinada língua vêm marcadas pelo léxico que mostra, não só sua visão de mundo, mas também a sua criatividade em representar esse mundo. Nesse sentido, esta tese tem por tema o estudo do léxico, na obra Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos, buscando verificar como as escolhas lexicais dão ao contexto expressividade e revelam a visão de mundo do sujeito produtor. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o estilo conciso, enxuto e preciso na obra Vidas secas se deve, não só ao fato de o sujeito produtor procurar narrar uma história usando uma linguagem tão seca quanto o meio ambiente retratado na narrativa, mas também porque busca se colocar como porta-voz de personagens não alfabetizadas, agindo como procurador dessas personagens. As escolhas lexicais em Vidas secas apontaram que as personagens têm uma vida seca em todos os sentidos seca de água, seca de amor, seca de conhecimento letrado, seca de socialização. Essas secas vão despersonalizando as personagens, aproximando-as cada vez mais de animais para que possam sobreviver no meio hostil. É preciso ressaltar também que o estudo do campo lexical da seca apontou que esse fenômeno climático para a população pobre como a família de Fabiano simboliza a morte, sendo necessário em tempos de longas estiagens saírem em busca da sobrevivência em outras regiões a verdade é que não queria afastar-se da fazenda. A viagem parecia sem jeito, nem acreditava nela, e só resolvera partir quando estava definitivamente perdido. Podia continuar a viver num cemitério? Nada o prendia àquela terra dura, acharia um lugar menos seco para enterrar-se (RAMOS, 1985, p.117). / This thesis has for objective to treat choicess lexical-stylistics in the literary work Vidas secas by Graciliano Ramos. We know that the text is the place in where it processes the new and that the new can be built it is necessary that the producers subject has lexical competence as the textualization act is related to the choices made by the producers subject when mediates with the world, with the referential universe. This mediatization implies act of cut the experiential world, this acts producer subject reconceptualizes the referent, and he has therefore \"the new\". But, this reconceptualization implies a choice and it is this choice that will determine the worlds view and the style producers subject. As we know, the style, as stylistics object wasnt yet satisfactorily delimited, but in this research we understand it as a choice that covers so much both the content and how as that content is organized and presented. Thus, the stylisticss recourses, the choice of discursive style and the lexical selection are implicitly related to style, to creativitys producer subject once the form interlaced to content will determine the lexical selection of the utterance discourse, because as we know the speakers experiences socio-historical-cultural-ideological and cognitive that given to language have been marked by the lexicon that shows not only their view world, but also their creativity to represent this world. Thus, this thesis has for theme the lexicons study in the literary work Vidas secas, by Graciliano Ramos, it searches to investigate as the lexical choices give the expression to context and reveal the views world producers subject. The results suggest that the concise, succinct and precise style in literary work Vidas secas it dues to the fact producers subject to tell a story using a dry language as the environment depicted in the narrative, and also because it seeks to position itself as characters spokesman illiterate, acting as attorney of those characters. Lexical choices in literary work Vidas secas pointed out that the characters have a dry life in every senses drys water, drys love, drys literate knowledge, drys socialization. These \"dry\" will depersonalize the characters, approaching more and more animals so that they can survive in the hostile environment. One should also point out that the study of lexical drys field pointed out that this weather phenomenon for the poor as familys Fabiano symbolizes the death, if need be in droughts long time out in search survival in other regions, \"the truth is did not want to move away from the farm. The trip seemed embarrassed, could not believe it, and just decided to leave when was definitely lost. Could continue to live in a cemetery? Nothing held him to that hard earth, would find a less dry place to bury \"(RAMOS, 1985, p.117).

As escolhas léxico-estilísticas em Vidas secas / The lexical-stylistics choices in Vidas Secas

Souza, Maria da Graça de 27 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese trata das escolhas léxico-estilísticas na obra Vidas secas de Graciliano Ramos. Sabemos que o texto é o lugar em que se processa o novo e para que esse novo possa ser construído é preciso que o sujeito produtor tenha competência lexical, pois o ato de textualização está relacionado com as escolhas feitas pelo sujeito produtor ao mediatizar-se com o mundo, com o universo referencial. Essa mediatização implica um recorte e a partir desse recorte o sujeito produtor reconceptualiza o referente, tendo, por conseguinte, o novo. Todavia, essa reconceptualização implica uma escolha e é essa escolha que vai determinar a visão de mundo e o estilo do sujeito produtor. Como sabemos, o estilo como objeto da estilística, ainda não foi satisfatoriamente delimitado, mas nessa pesquisa estamos entendendo-o como escolha que abrange tanto o conteúdo quanto a maneira como esse conteúdo é organizado e apresentado. Desse modo, os recursos estilísticos, a escolha de um tipo de gênero discursivo e a seleção lexical estão implicitamente relacionados ao estilo, à criatividade do sujeito produtor uma vez que a forma entrelaçada ao conteúdo determinará a seleção lexical do discurso enunciado, pois como sabemos, as experiências sócio-histórico-culturais-ideológicas e cognitivas do falante de uma determinada língua vêm marcadas pelo léxico que mostra, não só sua visão de mundo, mas também a sua criatividade em representar esse mundo. Nesse sentido, esta tese tem por tema o estudo do léxico, na obra Vidas secas, de Graciliano Ramos, buscando verificar como as escolhas lexicais dão ao contexto expressividade e revelam a visão de mundo do sujeito produtor. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o estilo conciso, enxuto e preciso na obra Vidas secas se deve, não só ao fato de o sujeito produtor procurar narrar uma história usando uma linguagem tão seca quanto o meio ambiente retratado na narrativa, mas também porque busca se colocar como porta-voz de personagens não alfabetizadas, agindo como procurador dessas personagens. As escolhas lexicais em Vidas secas apontaram que as personagens têm uma vida seca em todos os sentidos seca de água, seca de amor, seca de conhecimento letrado, seca de socialização. Essas secas vão despersonalizando as personagens, aproximando-as cada vez mais de animais para que possam sobreviver no meio hostil. É preciso ressaltar também que o estudo do campo lexical da seca apontou que esse fenômeno climático para a população pobre como a família de Fabiano simboliza a morte, sendo necessário em tempos de longas estiagens saírem em busca da sobrevivência em outras regiões a verdade é que não queria afastar-se da fazenda. A viagem parecia sem jeito, nem acreditava nela, e só resolvera partir quando estava definitivamente perdido. Podia continuar a viver num cemitério? Nada o prendia àquela terra dura, acharia um lugar menos seco para enterrar-se (RAMOS, 1985, p.117). / This thesis has for objective to treat choicess lexical-stylistics in the literary work Vidas secas by Graciliano Ramos. We know that the text is the place in where it processes the new and that the new can be built it is necessary that the producers subject has lexical competence as the textualization act is related to the choices made by the producers subject when mediates with the world, with the referential universe. This mediatization implies act of cut the experiential world, this acts producer subject reconceptualizes the referent, and he has therefore \"the new\". But, this reconceptualization implies a choice and it is this choice that will determine the worlds view and the style producers subject. As we know, the style, as stylistics object wasnt yet satisfactorily delimited, but in this research we understand it as a choice that covers so much both the content and how as that content is organized and presented. Thus, the stylisticss recourses, the choice of discursive style and the lexical selection are implicitly related to style, to creativitys producer subject once the form interlaced to content will determine the lexical selection of the utterance discourse, because as we know the speakers experiences socio-historical-cultural-ideological and cognitive that given to language have been marked by the lexicon that shows not only their view world, but also their creativity to represent this world. Thus, this thesis has for theme the lexicons study in the literary work Vidas secas, by Graciliano Ramos, it searches to investigate as the lexical choices give the expression to context and reveal the views world producers subject. The results suggest that the concise, succinct and precise style in literary work Vidas secas it dues to the fact producers subject to tell a story using a dry language as the environment depicted in the narrative, and also because it seeks to position itself as characters spokesman illiterate, acting as attorney of those characters. Lexical choices in literary work Vidas secas pointed out that the characters have a dry life in every senses drys water, drys love, drys literate knowledge, drys socialization. These \"dry\" will depersonalize the characters, approaching more and more animals so that they can survive in the hostile environment. One should also point out that the study of lexical drys field pointed out that this weather phenomenon for the poor as familys Fabiano symbolizes the death, if need be in droughts long time out in search survival in other regions, \"the truth is did not want to move away from the farm. The trip seemed embarrassed, could not believe it, and just decided to leave when was definitely lost. Could continue to live in a cemetery? Nothing held him to that hard earth, would find a less dry place to bury \"(RAMOS, 1985, p.117).

Sound correspondences in the English-Spanish bilingual lexicon

O'Neill, Sarah Ollivia 01 December 2018 (has links)
While it has been recognized that L2 word learning is facilitated for cognates (De Groot & Keijzer 2000), approaches to cognate acquisition have focused on the similarity of L1- L2 forms, overlooking regular patterns in differences between items. For example, English phone [dʒ] regularly corresponds to the Spanish phone [x]: agent [eɪdʒɛnt]- agente [axente], voyage [vɔɪədʒ]- viaje [bjaxe]. The current studies test whether L1 English, L2 Spanish learners acquire and utilize regular cognate sound correspondences. Experiment 1 compared accuracy for cognate forms that include or do not include regular correspondences. Subjects learned the English names of 20 monsters. Afterward, they saw each monster's image and heard its name in English, then recalled and produced the monster's (cognate) name in Spanish. Results revealed higher accuracy for items containing regular cognate correspondences. Subjects with higher proficiency showed greater differences in accuracy between regular and irregular items. In Experiment 2, subjects heard a novel word in either English or Spanish and invented a plausible cognate in the other language. Their modifications to the word forms were analyzed. Analyses revealed that subjects’ modifications were not random, but rather demonstrated convergence on dominant modification strategies. Higher proficiency correlated with greater convergence on dominant strategies. Together, these results demonstrate that L1 English, L2 Spanish learners have knowledge of regular cognate correspondences and can utilize correspondences to learn or invent new cognate forms. Furthermore, because this knowledge is acquired gradually by the L2 learner, cognate processing is not consistent across proficiency levels or between individual learners.

The Impact of Vocabulary Knowledge on Nonword Judgments in Spanish-English Bilinguals

Leyden, Marisa E. 27 June 2018 (has links)
This thesis suggests that the range of vocabulary in an individual’s lexicon has an influence on in their assessment of nonword wordlikeness. The study included thirteen Spanish-English bilinguals who participated in a language dominance questionnaire, standardized assessments of Spanish and English vocabulary knowledge, and Spanish and English wordlikeness judgment tasks. Resulting data demonstrated moderate correlations between vocabulary knowledge and performance on nonword wordlikeness judgement tasks in Spanish and English. Participants with larger lexicons appeared more tolerant of less probable nonwords, those with low phonotactic probability, while those with smaller lexicons were less accepting of nonwords with low phonotactic probability. The results suggest that an individual’s processing of low probability phonological constituents is influenced by the diversity and complexity of their linguistic knowledge and specifically, their vocabulary acquisition.

The study of lexical borrowing from Russian in Modern Chinese

Li, Suogui, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Languages and Linguistics January 2002 (has links)
This study is based on an exhaustive analysis of 1,500 Russian words that have been borrowed from the Russian lexicon into Modern Chinese.The purpose of this study is in part to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of the standardisation of the Chinese language.The fact that at present there is no standard method by which foreign words are borrowed into Chinese is problematic because it gives rise to confusion amongst Chinese speakers. It is hoped that this study can begin to clarify such methods, and also limit potential abuses of lexical borrowing that do not accord with the linguistic principles of the Modern Chinese language. In addressing these issues this study covered eight forms of borrowing that exist in Modern Chinese borrowings.In effect these eight forms all stem from either phonetic, semantic or direct transplantation forms of borrowing.This thesis has also discussed many of the linguistic difficulties, and their resolutions, that arise in the process of borrowing.It has also highlighted several aspects of lexical borrowing that have not been addressed in previous literature, and suggested creative ways in which these issues could be addressed in the future. It is hoped that the content of this thesis is able to form part of the process of providing a reference for the formulation of an official Chinese language policy. / Master of Arts (Hons)

Exploiting Lexical Regularities in Designing Natural Language Systems

Katz, Boris, Levin, Beth 01 April 1988 (has links)
This paper presents the lexical component of the START Question Answering system developed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. START is able to interpret correctly a wide range of semantic relationships associated with alternate expressions of the arguments of verbs. The design of the system takes advantage of the results of recent linguistic research into the structure of the lexicon, allowing START to attain a broader range of coverage than many existing systems.

Lexical influence on phonological processing in adults with and without stuttering

Moriarty, Kirsten Elizabeth 08 July 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how phonetic complexity influences the accuracy and rate of speech production in adults who do (AWS, N=15) and do not stutter (AWNS, N=15). Target words were characterized according to high phonetic complexity (HIPC) and low phonetic complexity (LIPC), and were controlled for lexical influences such as word frequency and neighborhood density. It was hypothesized that if phonetic complexity influenced speech production, there would be a difference in reaction time and accuracy for AWS during the HIPC condition. Method: Participants produced two rounds of 40 target words corresponding to specific line drawings, during a confrontational naming task. Speech reaction time (SRT) was recorded from initial presentation of picture, and fluency and accuracy of production were coded for each target. Results: There was no significant difference in SRT according to HIPC and LIPC for either AWS or AWNS. AWS participants had slower SRT recorded compared to AWNS for all conditions tested. There was no relationship found between HIPC and increased moments of disfluency. Accuracy of target word production decreased during LIPC words. Conclusion: Phonetic complexity does not affect rate or fluency of speech production for either AWS or AWNS. While there is no difference in phonetic complexity measures, AWS are consistently slower than AWNS across both groups of target productions. Increased errors for both groups on LIPC target words may indicate a motor component to accuracy of speech production. / text

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