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Caractérisation morphologique de particules de glace par imagerie interférométrique multi-vues pour des applications aéroportées / Morphological characterization of ice particles by multi-view interferometric out-of-focus imaging for airborne applicationsTalbi, Mohamed 27 November 2018 (has links)
Le phénomène de givrage qui se produit durant les vols d’aéronefs, lors de leurs traversées de la troposphère (zone dans laquelle la température peut descendre jusqu’à -60°C) se manifeste par une accrétion de glace sur différentes parties de l’appareil (voilures, réacteurs, sondes de mesure…) mettant en péril la sécurité de celui-ci. Ce phénomène constitue alors une problématique majeure pour la sécurité de l’aviation civile, c’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles techniques de mesure afin de détecter et d’éviter les zones à risques. Notre intérêt s’est porté sur l’imagerie interférométrique en défaut de mise au point, une technique optique offrant de nombreux avantages (large champ de mesure, gamme de tailles étudiée étendue [50 μm : quelques millimètres], distance particule/appareil de mesure de plusieurs dizaines de centimètres…). Au cours de ces travaux de thèse, nous avons développé un dispositif d’Imagerie Interférométrique de Particules (IIP) multi-vues permettant de caractériser les cristaux de glace en suspension dans latroposphère. En effet, par comparaison avec des mesures obtenues sur des images nettesenregistrées simultanément, nous avons validé l’utilisation de l’IIP multi-vues pour l’estimation dedimensions de particules de glace avec un taux d’erreur inférieur à 20%. Nous avons égalementproposé différentes approches permettant d’estimer les volumes des particules de glace et mis enévidence la « signature » typique d’une gouttelette en cours de givrage à partir d’images d’IIP.Dans une seconde partie, nous avons validé l’utilisation de l’IIP multi-vues pour le cas complexe oùles interférogrammes d’une paire de particules de glace proches l’une de l’autre se recouvrent etdiscuté des phénomènes de Moiré qui peuvent apparaître et perturber nos mesures. En outre, nousavons étendu le domaine d’utilisation de l’IIP à des milieux moins dilués. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous avons développé un dispositif expérimental innovant nous permettant d’effectuer des mesures d’IIP expérimentales à partir de particules « programmées » sur une matrice de micro-miroirs (DMD). / The icing phenomenon that occurs during aircraft flights during their troposphere crossings (an area where the temperature can drop to -60 ° C) is manifested by an accretion of ice on different parts of the apparatus (wings, reactors, measurement probes ...) endangering the safety of this latter. This phenomenon is therefore a major problem for the safety of civil aviation, that's why it is necessary to develop new measurement techniques to detect and avoid risk's areas. Our interest has been on interferometric out-of-focus imaging, an optical technique offering many advantages (wide measurement field, range of studied sizes extended [50 μm: a few millimeters], distance particle / measuring device several tens of centimeters ...). During this thesis, we have developed a multi-view Interferometric Particle Imaging (IPI) device to characterize suspended ice crystals in the troposphere. Indeed, by comparison with measurements obtained on in-focus images recorded simultaneously, we have validated the use of multi-view IIP for the estimation of ice particle dimensions with an error rate lower than 20%. We also proposed different approaches to estimate ice particle volumes and highlighted the typical "signature" of a droplet during icing from IIP images.In a second part, we validated the use of multi-view IIP for the complex case where the interferograms of a pair of ice particles close to each other overlap and discuss about Moiré phenomena that may appear and disrupt our measurements. In addition, we have extended the field of use of IIP to less diluted media. Finally, in the last part, we have developed an innovative experimental device allowing us to perform experimental IIP measurements from particles "programmed" on a matrix of micro-mirrors (DMD : Digital Micromirror Device).
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<div>Large protein molecules are abundant in biological cells but are very difficult to study in physiological conditions due to molecular disorder. For large proteins, most structural information is obtained in crystalline states which can be achieved in certain conditions at very low temperature. X-ray and neutron crystallography methods can then be used for determination of crystalline structures at atomic level. However, in solution at room or physiological temperatures such highly resolved descriptions cannot be obtained except in very few cases. Scattering methods that can be used to study this type of structures at room temperature include small-angle x-ray and neutron scattering. These methods are used here to study two distinct proteins that are both classified as glycoproteins, which are a large class of proteins with diverse biological functions. In this study, two specific plasma glycoproteins were used: Fibrinogen (340 kDa) and Alpha 1-Antitrypsin or A1AT (52 kDa). These proteins have been chosen based on the fact that they have a propensity to form very large molecular aggregates due to their tendency to polymerize. One goal of this project is to show that for such complex structures, a combination of scattering methods that include SAXS, SANS, and DLS can address important structural and interaction questions despite the fact that atomic resolution cannot be obtained as in crystallography. A1AT protein has been shown to have protective roles of lung cells against emphysema, while fibrinogen is a major factor in the blood clotting process. A systematic approach to study these proteins interactions with lipid membranes and other proteins, using contrast-matching small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS), is presented here. A series of structural reference points for each protein in solution were determined by performing measurements under osmotic stress controlled by the addition of polyethylene glycol-1,500 MW (PEG 1500) in the samples. Osmotic pressure changes the free energy of the molecular mixture and has consequences on the structure and the interaction of molecular aggregates. In particular, the measured radius of gyration (Rg) for A1AT shows a sharp structural transition when the concentration of PEG 1500 is between 33 wt\% and 36 wt\%. Similarly, a significant structural change was observed for fibrinogen when the concentration of PEG 1500 was above 40 wt\%. This analysis is applied to a study of A1AT interacting with lipid membranes and to a study of fibrinogen polymerization in the presence of the enzyme thrombin, which catalyzes the formation of blood clots. The experimental approach presented here and the applications to specific questions show that an appropriate combination of scattering methods can produce useful information on the behavior and the interactions of large protein systems in physiological conditions despite the lower resolution compared to crystallography.</div>
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Asociace polymerů s amfifilními sloučeninami (surfaktanty) ve vodných roztocích / Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutionsDelisavva, Foteini January 2017 (has links)
Title: Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD Thesis is devoted to the co-assembly in systems containing electrically charged polymers (polyelectrolytes and block copolymers containing polyelectrolyte sequences). I studied the interactions between block copolymers and oppositely charged surfactants in aqueous solutions, and the structure and properties of co-assembled nanoparticles by a combination of several experimental methods. I found that the spontaneous formation, solubility and stability of complex nanoparticles depend not only on the electrostatic attractive forces but also on the hydrophobic effects. In a major part of my Thesis, I studied the interaction of polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged gemini surfactants (containing two charged head-groups interconnected by a short linker and two hydrophobic tails) which is a relatively new topic - much less studied than the co-assembly with conventional single tail surfactants. Better understanding of the formation and properties of complexes containing gemini surfactants and polymers provides knowledge that should lead to novel tailor-made nanoparticles with desired properties for applications in medicine and new technologies (including nano-technologies). We have shown that the...
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Polymerizace bifunkčních acetylenů katalyzovaná komplexy rhodia / Polymerization of bifunctional acetylenic monomers catalyzed by rhodium complexesSlováková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Monte Carlo Simulation to Study Propagation of Light through Biological TissuesPrabhu Verleker, Akshay 20 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Photoacoustic Imaging is a non-invasive optical imaging modality used to image
biological tissues. In this method, a pulsating laser illuminates a region of tissues to be imaged, which then generates an acoustic wave due to thermal volume expansion. This wave is then sensed using an acoustic sensor such as a piezoelectric transducer and the resultant signal is converted into an imaging using the back projection algorithm. Since different types of tissues have different photo-acoustic properties, this imaging modality can be used for imaging different types of tissues and bodily organ systems.
This study aims at quantifying the process of light conversion into the acoustic signal. Light travels through tissues and gets attenuated (scattered or absorbed) or reflected depending on the optical properties of the tissues. The process of light propagation through tissues is studied using Monte Carlo simulation software which predicts the propagation of light through tissues of various shapes and with different optical properties. This simulation gives the resultant energy distribution due to light absorption and scattering on a voxel by voxel basis.
The Monte Carlo code alone is not sufficient to validate the photon propagation. The success of the Monte Carlo code depends on accurate prediction of the optical properties of the tissues. It also depends on accurately depicting tissue boundaries and thus the resolution of the imaging space. Hence, a validation algorithm has been designed so as to recover the optical properties of the tissues which are imaged and to successfully validate the simulation results. The accuracy of the validation code is studied for various optical properties and boundary conditions. The results are then compared and validated with real time images obtained from the photoacoustic scanner. The various parameters for the successful validation of Monte Carlo method are studied and presented.
This study is then validated using the algorithm to study the conversion of light to sound. Thus it is a significant step in the quantification of the photoacoustic effect so as to accurately predict tissue properties.
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Laser Scattering for Fast Characterization of Cellulose Filaments / Laserspridning för Snabb Dimensionskarakterisering av CellulosafilamentKonstantinidou, Alexandra, Holmström, Saga, Hellberg, Susanna January 2022 (has links)
Cellulosananofibriller (CNFs) hör till naturens mest fundamentala byggstenar och förser naturliga material, såsom den yttre cellväggen i trä, med en otrolig styrka och styvhet. Genom att imitera träets arkitektur öppnas möjligheter upp för tillverkning av nya, biobaserade och lättviktiga strukturella material med mekaniska egenskaper som överskrider de för glasfiber, metaller och legeringar. Den ingenjörsmässiga utmaningen ligger i att framgångsrikt lyckas överföra de önskade mekaniska egenskaperna hos CNFs till filament som kan användas i material för dagligt bruk. Vid flödesfokuserad spinning av extraherade CNFs påverkar många parametrar den slutgiltiga funktionaliteten och kvaliteten hos de resulterande filamenten. För att optimera dessa processparametrar är mätning av de spunna filamentens dimensioner ett viktigt moment. Av särskilt intresse är filamentbredden, eftersom den är avgörande för de mekaniska egenskaperna. Karakterisering av filamentbredden är i dagsläget en mycket tidskrävande process där varje filament mäts manuellt i optiskt mikroskop. Det huvudsakliga målet med detta projekt är att effektivisera den nuvarande mätprocessen med avseende på både hastighet och noggrannhet med hjälp av laserspridning. I denna rapport visar vi på minst en halvering av nuvarande mättid vid användandet av en 3D-printad laseruppställning istället för ett optiskt mikroskop vid mätning av filamentbredd. Våra resultat indikerar att mätsäkerheten generellt är högre för lasermetoden jämfört med mikroskopin. Genomsnittliga standardavvikelser för mätvärden på tunnaste bredden från mikroskopi samt de två olika kurvanpassningsmetoderna vid lasermätning rapporteras vara 1.62, 0.85 (Curve fit) respektive 1.59 (Minima matching). Standardavvikelserna för tunnaste bredd korrelerar dock inte direkt mot metodernas noggrannhet eftersom de spunna filamenten uppvisar en stor variation i bredd längs med längden. En närmare jämförelse mellan mätvärden för matchade punkter på ideala och defekta filament demonstrerar att icke-uniforma och defekta filament påverkar mätnoggrannheten för laserspridningen negativt. Sammantaget stödjer våra resultat det faktum att ett tunnare filament resulterar i bättre upplösning och mindre mätfel vid mätning med laserspridning. Våra resultat visar på den stora potentialen för laserspridning som en mer effektiv mätmetod vid karakterisering av cellulosafilamentbredd. / Cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) are one of nature’s most fundamental building blocks, providing incredible strength and stiffness to natural materials, such as the outer cell wall layer in wood. By mimicking the architecture of wood, possibilities opens up for the fabrication of new, biobased, light-weight structural materials with mechanical properties exceeding that of glassfibers, metals and alloys. However, the engineering challenge lies in successfully managing to translate the desirable mechanical properties of the CNFs into filaments that can be used in everyday life materials. Throughout the process of spinning the extracted CNFs into filaments, many factors and parameters affect the ultimate functionality and performance of the resulting filaments. Measuring the dimensions of the spun filaments is a crucial step in further optimizing process parameters. The width of the filament especially, impacts its mechanical performance. The characterization of the cellulose filament width is currently very time-consuming as each filament is manually measured using optical microscopy. The primary goal of this project is to make the current characterization process more effective, with respect to both accuracy and speed of measurement, by using laser scattering. In this report, we demonstrate a reduction by more than a half in measurement time using a 3D-printed laser scattering setup instead of an optical microscope when measuring filament width. Our results indicate that the certainty in measurement is generally higher for lase rscattering compared to optical microscopy. The mean standard deviations (SD) for the smallest widths estimated with optical microscopy and the two curve fitting methods used for the laser measurements are reported to be 1.62, 0.85 (Curve fit) and 1.59 (Minima matching) respectively. However, standard deviations for the thinnest width does not correlate directly to the accuracy of the methods since the spun filaments show a large variation in width along the length. A closer comparison between measurement values for matched points at ideal and non-uniform filaments demonstrate that the accuracy of the laser measurements are dependent on the uniformity of the filaments, with non-uniform filaments negatively impacting the accuracy. Our overall results supports the fact that a thinner filament gives a better resolution and smaller error when measuring with laser. Our results provide evidence for the great potential of laser scattering as a more efficient method for cellulose filament width determination.
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The Characterization of Bimodal Droplet Size Distributions in the Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Emulsions Applied to the Production of BiodieselFalahati, Hamid January 2010 (has links)
A non-reactive model system comprising a highly concentrated and unstable oil-in-water emulsion was used to investigate the retention of oil by the membrane in producing biodiesel with a membrane reactor. Critical flux was identified using the relationship between the permeate flux and transmembrane pressure along with the separation efficiency of the membrane. It was shown that separation efficiencies above 99.5% could be obtained at all operating conditions up to the critical flux. It was observed that the concentration of oil in all collected permeate samples using the oil-water system was below 0.2 wt% when operating at a flux below the critical flux. Studies to date have been limited to the characterization of low concentrated emulsions below 15 vol.%. The average oil droplet size in highly concentrated emulsions was measured as 3200 nm employing direct light scattering (DLS) measurement methods. It was observed that the estimated cake layer thickness of 20 to 80 mm was larger than external diameter of the membrane tube i.e. 6 mm based on a large particle size. Settling of the concentrated emulsion permitted the detection of a smaller particle size distribution (30-100 nm) within the larger particles averaging 3200 nm. It was identified that DLS methods could not efficiently give the droplet size distribution of the oil in the emulsion since large particles interfered with the detection of smaller particles. The content of the smaller particles represented 1% of the total weight of oil at 30°C and 5% at 70°C. This was too low to be detected using DLS measurements but was sufficient to affect ultrafiltration. In order to study the critical flux in the presence of transesterification reaction and the effect of cross flow velocity on separation, various oils were transesterified in another membrane reactor providing higher cross flow velocity. higher cross flow velocity provides better separation by reducing materials deposition on the surface of the membrane due to higher shearing. The oils tested were canola, corn, sunflower and unrefined soy oils (Free Fatty Acids (FFA< 1%)), and waste cooking oil (FFA= 9%). The quality of all biodiesel samples was studied in terms of glycerine, mono-glyceride, di-glyceride and tri-glyceride concentrations. The composition of all biodiesel samples were in the range required by ASTM D6751 and EN 14214 standards. A critical flux based on operating pressure in the reactor was reached for waste cooking and pre-treated corn oils. It was identified that the reaction residence time in the reactor was an extremely important design parameter affecting the operating pressure in the reactor. / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
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Mechanistic Insights into the Stabilisation of Biopharmaceuticals using Glycine Derivatives. The Effect of Glycine Derivatives on the Crystallisation, Physical Properties and Behaviour of Commonly used Excipients to Stabilise Antigens, Adjuvants and Proteins in the Solid StateBright, Andrew G. January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation has focused on studying the effect of four glycine derivatives on the solid state properties of mannitol, glycine, and sucrose when freeze dried into blended mixtures. The primary goal was to assess their value for use in the stabilisation of vaccines in the solid state, by examining key physical and chemical characteristics, which have been documented to be beneficial to the stabilisation of biopharmaceutical formulations. The novel excipients; dimethyl glycine, and trimethyl glycine, were shown to retard the crystallisation and increase the overall glass transition temperature, of mannitol, when freeze dried as evidenced by DSC and Powder X-ray diffraction. Mannitol’s glass transition temperature increased from 100C to 12.650C and 13.610C when mixed with methyl-glycine and dimethyl glycine respectively. The glycine derivatives did not show the same effect on sucrose which remained amorphous regardless of the concentration of the other excipient. The different behaviour with the sucrose system was thought to be due to relatively high glass transition temperature of sucrose. Conversely glycine remained highly crystalline due it’s relatively low glass transition temperature. The novel excipient formulations were also assessed for their effect on the aggregation of the adjuvant aluminium hydroxide when freeze dried by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS).The formulations containing the glycine derivatives all caused a decrease in the aggregation size of the adjuvant from ~26 μm, to 185 nm in the presence of methyl glycine. The effects of lysozyme and viral antigen on the adjuvants were also examined showing that the addition of the virus did not affect the size of the aggregates formed, however lysozyme showed significant decreases in the aggregates formed. Examination of the freezing method were also made showing that faster freezing rates produced smaller aggregates of the adjuvant. When investigating the rate at which the excipients lost water during secondary drying there was evidence of the formation of hydrates of glycine, trimethyl glycine, and mannitol has shown that the glycine derivatives have attributes which would be beneficial in stabilising vaccines in the solid state when freeze dried. / Stabilitech Ltd. and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
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Peptide-Porphyrin Self-Assembled MaterialsBludin, Alexey O. 23 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Critical Behavior and Crossover Effects in the Properties of Binary and Ternary Mixtures and Verification of the Dynamic Scaling Conception / Kritisches Verhalten und Crossover Effekte in den Eigenschaften Binärer und Ternärer Gemische sowie Verifizierung des Konzeptes der Dynamischen SkalierungIwanowski, Ireneusz 07 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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