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Light Scattering Studies of Dynamics of Bent-Core Liquid CrystalsStojadinovic, Strahinja 08 February 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Elastic Constants, Viscosities and Fluctuation Modes of Certain Bent-Core Nematic Liquid Crystals Studied by Dynamic Light Scattering and Magnetic Field Induced Orientational DistortionMajumdar, Madhabi 23 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Examination Of The Solution Behaviors Of The Giant Inorganic-Organic Amphiphilic HybridsZhang, Baofang 07 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Computational analysis of wide-angle light scattering from single cellsPilarski, Patrick Michael 11 1900 (has links)
The analysis of wide-angle cellular light scattering patterns is a challenging problem. Small changes to the organization, orientation, shape, and optical properties of scatterers and scattering populations can significantly alter their complex two-dimensional scattering signatures. Because of this, it is difficult to find methods that can identify medically relevant cellular properties while remaining robust to experimental noise and sample-to-sample differences. It is an important problem. Recent work has shown that changes to the internal structure of cells---specifically, the distribution and aggregation of organelles---can indicate the progression of a number of common disorders, ranging from cancer to neurodegenerative disease, and can also predict a patient's response to treatments like chemotherapy. However, there is no direct analytical solution to the inverse wide-angle cellular light scattering problem, and available simulation and interpretation methods either rely on restrictive cell models, or are too computationally demanding for routine use.
This dissertation addresses these challenges from a computational vantage point. First, it explores the theoretical limits and optical basis for wide-angle scattering pattern analysis. The result is a rapid new simulation method to generate realistic organelle scattering patterns without the need for computationally challenging or restrictive routines. Pattern analysis, image segmentation, machine learning, and iterative pattern classification methods are then used to identify novel relationships between wide-angle scattering patterns and the distribution of organelles (in this case mitochondria) within a cell. Importantly, this work shows that by parameterizing a scattering image it is possible to extract vital information about cell structure while remaining robust to changes in organelle concentration, effective size, and random placement. The result is a powerful collection of methods to simulate and interpret experimental light scattering signatures. This gives new insight into the theoretical basis for wide-angle cellular light scattering, and facilitates advances in real-time patient care, cell structure prediction, and cell morphology research.
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Computational analysis of wide-angle light scattering from single cellsPilarski, Patrick Michael Unknown Date
No description available.
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Development of an Optical Scattering Measurement Device / Produktutveckling av ett optiskt mätinstrumentGrünwald, Ida, Gåhlin, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Optical scattering measurement devices are used to measure light reflection and light scattering from materials, to obtain data of the surface and bulk properties of materials. The measurement data are often used in research and development projects where material requirements are important, also for quality control in manufacturing processes, in different optical simulations and can be used for photorealistic rendering. In this master thesis project conducted at AFRY, a multifunctional team will develop an optical scattering measurement device that aims to collect data more accurately than current devices on the market. This thesis will focus on the mechanical design of the device which consists of the stability and movement of the components, the environment of the measurements and material selection with a focus on performance and sustainability. The optical model that will act as a basis for the development will be a gonioreflectometer consisting of a material sample, sample holder, light source, detector and an environment in which the measurements are conducted. Some of the physical, cognitive and emotional needs of the intended user are efficient use, low risk of misuse, reliable and high precision. A thorough requirement specification was made as a framework for the concept generation. The selected concept provides the movement of the optical components with an angular step enabling the desired optical scattering measurement. The selected stepper motor and gear ratio provides the flexibility of the movement, making it easy for the user to change angular steps of the optical components, enabling both fine and rough measurements. A separating screen was chosen for both concepts in order to avoid light contamination between measurements and the material sample holder resembles a frame that allows for mounting the material sample outside of the device. The mechanical system has a high stability and the material black anodized aluminum further contributes to the sturdiness of the construction. A physical prototype was created to validate the movement, since the movement of the detector and light source will be similar, only the detector movement was prototyped. The prototype showed that the movement of the detector worked in the desired way, hence the construction of the movement is approved. The scope was delimited in consensus with the project members and supervisors due to the time frame, hence there is future work on the device that should be accounted for. In conclusion, the purpose of the project was fulfilled after delimiting the goals and a conceptual solution was created that fulfilled the requirements of the project. / Optiska mätinstrument används för att mäta ljusreflektion och ljusspridning från material, för att erhålla data om materialets yt- och bulkegenskaper. Mätdata används ofta i forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt där materialkrav är viktiga, även för kvalitetskontroll i tillverkningsprocesser, i olika optiska simuleringar och kan användas för fotorealistisk rendering. I detta examensarbete, genomfört på AFRY, kommer ett multifunktionellt team att utveckla en optisk spridningsmätningsenhet som syftar till att samla in data mer noggrant. Denna avhandling kommer att fokusera på den mekaniska designen av enheten som består av stabiliteten och rörelsen av komponenterna, mätmiljön och materialval med fokus på prestanda och hållbarhet. Den optiska modellen som kommer att ligga till grund för utvecklingen kommer att vara en gonioreflektometer bestående av ett materialprov, provhållare, ljuskälla, detektor och en miljö där mätningarna genomförs. Några av de fysiska, kognitiva och emotionella behoven hos den avsedda användaren är effektiv användning, låg risk för felanvändning, pålitlighet och hög precision. En noggrann kravspecifikation gjordes som en ram för konceptgenereringen. Det valda konceptet möjliggör rörelse av de optiska komponenterna med ett vinkelsteg som tillåter den önskade optiska spridningsmätningen. Den valda stegmotorn och utväxlingen ger flexibilitet i rörelsen, detta bidrar till att det är enkelt för användaren att ändra vinkelstegen för de optiska komponenterna, vilket tillåter både fina och grova mätningar. En avskiljningsskärm valdes för att undvika ljuskontaminering mellan mätningarna och materialprovhållaren liknar en ram där materialprovet monteras utanför enheten. Det mekaniska systemet har en hög stabilitet och materialet svart anodiserad aluminium bidrar till konstruktionens robusthet. En fysisk prototyp skapades för att validera rörelsen, eftersom rörelsen av detektorn och ljuskällan kommer att vara liknande, återskapades endast detektorns rörelse. Prototypen visade att detektorns rörelse fungerade på önskat sätt, därmed godkänns konstruktionen av rörelsen. Projektets mål avgränsades i samförstånd med projektmedlemmarna och handledarna på grund av tidsramen, därmed finns det framtida arbete för mätinstrumentet som bör beaktas. Sammanfattningsvis uppfylldes projektets syfte efter att målen avgränsats och en konceptuell lösning skapades som uppfyllde projektets krav.
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Mechanochemical polymerization – controlling a polycondensation reaction between a diamine and a dialdehyde in a ball millBorchardt, Lars, Grätz, Sven 04 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The mechanochemical polycondensation between a diamine and a dialdehyde constitutes a sustainable alternative to classical solvent-based polymerization reactions. This process not only allows for a higher conversion and a shorter reaction time as compared to standard solvent-based syntheses of this conjugated polymer, but the reaction can also be adjusted by the energy introduced via the ball mill.
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Étude des poly(2-alkyl-2-oxazoline)s munis d'extrémités hydrophobes en solution aqueuse et à linterface eau/airEl Hajj Obeid, Rodolphe January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Particle diffusion in protein gels and at interfaces / Diffusion de particules dans des gels de protéines et aux interfacesBalakrishnan Nair, Gireeshkumar 14 March 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier la mobilité de traceurs particulaires dans des milieuxcomplexes par microscopie confocale à balayage laser (CLSM) combinée avec le suivi demultiple particules (MPT) et le recouvrement de fluorescence après photoblanchiment (FRAP).Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié la diffusion de particules dans les gels formés par des protéinesglobulaires. Dans ce but, des gels avec structures variés ont été préparés en faisant varier lesconcentrations en protéine et en sel. La structure a été caractérisée par l'analyse des imagesobtenues par CLSM en termes de fonction de corrélation de paires. La mobilité de particulesavec une large gamme de tailles (2nm - 1 micron) a été étudiée à la fois dans des gels homogèneset hétérogènes et reliée à la structure du gel.Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié des émulsions eau dans eau préparées en mélangeant dessolutions aqueuses de PEO et de dextran. Il a été montré que lorsque des particules colloïdalessont ajoutées, elles sont emprisonnées à l'interface eau-eau, car elles réduisent la tensioninterfaciale. La structure et le déplacement des particules à l'interface ont été déterminés parCLSM combinée avec MPT. / The objective of the thesis was to investigate the mobility of tracer particles in complex media byConfocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) combined with multiple particle tracking (MPT)and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).First, we investigated the diffusion of tracer particles in gels formed by globular proteins. Gelswith a variety of structures were prepared by varying the protein and salt concentrations. Thestructure was characterized by analysis of the CLSM images in terms of the pair correlationfunction. The mobility of particles with a broad range of sizes (2nm - 1μm) was investigatedboth in homogeneous and heterogeneous gels and related to the gel structure.Second, we studied water-in-water-emulsions prepared by mixing aqueous solutions of PEO anddextran. It is shown that when colloidal particles are added they become trapped at the waterwaterinterface because they reduce the interfacial tension. The structure and the displacement ofthe particles at the interface were determined using CLSM combined with MPT.
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Caractérisation in situ de l'endommagement volumique par Spectroscopie Raman et rayons X de différents polypropylènes déformés en traction uniaxiale / In situ volume damage characterization by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray of various deformed polypropylene in uniaxial tensionChaudemanche, Samuel 03 December 2013 (has links)
L'utilisation de matériaux polymères a su s'imposer au cours du 20ième siècle, en remplaçant ou se combinant aux matériaux métalliques, pour des applications mécaniques toujours plus techniques. La grande diversité des propriétés physiques des polymères est intimement lié à leur forte complexité microstructurale, qui malgré leur utilisation massive reste, au demeurant, encore très incomprise. Afin de mieux comprendre les évolutions microstructurales aux échelles nano et micrométrique dont résultent le comportement macroscopique il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles techniques de caractérisation in situ. Ce travail fait état de l'utilisation de la spectroscopie Raman couplée au système VidéoTractionTM afin d'obtenir des informations microstructurales de la déformation de polymère semi-cristallins. Pour cela, des polypropylènes de formulations diverses ont été étudiés, permettant de souligner le rôle joué par la matrice et les charges organiques et minérales dans le processus de déformation plastique. Des mesures in situ de l'orientation des chaînes macromoléculaires déterminées in situ par Raman ont été confirmées, au synchrotron Petra III d'Hambourg, par une expérience couplant le système VidéoTractionTM-Raman à un dispositif de diffusion des rayons X aux grands angles. L'endommagent volumique des matériaux a été étudié post mortem par Tomographie X et radiographie X. Les améliorations apportées au système VidéoTractionTM-Raman ainsi qu'une étude de la diffusion de la lumière incohérente de nos matériaux au cours de leurs déformations ont permis l'établissement d'un critère de mesure de l'endommagement volumique in situ par Raman / The use of polymer materials - replacing or combining with metallic materials - has successfully established itself in the 20th century for increasingly technical mechanical applications. The great diversity of polymers physical properties is closely related to their high microstructural complexity, which is still very misunderstood despite their massive use. The development of new techniques for in situ characterization allows to better understand the microstructural evolutions on nanoscale and micrometer scale which affect the macroscopic behavior. This work report the use of Raman spectroscopy coupled with the VideoTractionTM system in order to obtain information about the microstructural deformation of polymer. Various formulations of polypropylene were studied to highlight the role played by the polypropylene matrix and the organic and mineral fillers in the plastic deformation process. The in situ measures of the macromolecular chains' orientation determined by Raman were confirmed by the performing of an experimental setup coupling the Raman-VideoTractionTM system with a device of Wide angle X-ray scattering. The volume damage of material was studied post mortem using X-ray tomography. The improvements made to VideoTractionTM-Raman system and a study of the incoherent light scattering of our materials enabled the setting of a Raman criterion for measuring in situ the volume damage. The studies carried out to evaluate in situ macromolecular orientation and volume damage highlight the existence of competition between these two processes. The degree of influence of organic and mineral fillers in this competition within the polypropylene matrix was determined
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