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Smärtans påverkan på fritidsaktiviteter : En intervjustudie med personer med fibromyalgiJohansson, Malin, Isaksson, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva hur personer med fibromyalgi upplevde att fritidsaktiviteter påverkades av smärta. Som datainsamlingsmetod valdes en intervju. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio kvinnor. Frågorna utformades från centrala begrepp i The Model of Human Occupation. Inklusionskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle ha diagnosen fibromyalgi och vara i arbetsför ålder. De hade även ett lönearbete, ideellt arbete eller deltog i eftergymnasiala studier på minst deltid. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet presenterades i form av fem huvudkategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. De fem huvudkategorierna som beskrev smärtans påverkan på fritidsaktiviteter var; Miljöns betydelse, Aktivitetsbe-gränsningar, Anpassningsstrategier, Aktiviteter för smärtlindring och Balans i vardagen. Smärtan hade gjort att informanterna tvingats välja bort några av de fritidsaktiviteter de utförde tidigare. De fortsatte att engagera sig i fritidsaktiviteter som hade ett stort värde för dem om smärtan inte upplevdes för begränsande under eller efter utförandet. Miljön och aktivitetens krav påverkade tillsammans med smärtan aktivitetsutförandet.
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Copyright in Social Media : A Preparatory Study in Access to Protected YouTube ClipsVintersvärd, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Social media, such as YouTube, contain different types of information provided by the users. Because of the popularity and ability to reach out to others, coprorations might want to use this information in its advertising. However, some of the information is copyright protected works. How can a coproration use the limitations in the copyright protection to its advantage? Even when it is allowed to use the work with regard to the limitations in the copyright protection, attention must be paid to personal information and marketing provisions. This bachelor's thesis disclosures the method by which a work or the information is legally eccessed for advertising purposes.
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Reglerna om ränteavdragsbegränsningar : är tioprocentsregeln och ventilen i behov av en skärpning?Lundqvist, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Den 1 januari 2009 infördes regler som begränsar rätten för företag att göra ränteavdrag, vilket har till syfte att förhindra aggressiv skatteplanering som sker genom ränteupplägg. Två undantag till denna begränsade rätt till ränteavdrag benämns tioprocentsregeln och ventilen. Genom dessa får ränteavdrag göras om mottagaren av ränteinkomsten beskattas med tio procent eller om förfarandet är affärsmässigt motiverat. Dessa undantagsregler har dock blivit utsatts för kritik. Kritiken som har framförts är att den aggressiva skatteplaneringen som sker genom ränteupplägg inte minskat trots tillkomsten av reglerna om ränteavdragsbegränsningar och det finns även frågetecken om tioprocentsregeln är förenlig med etableringsfriheten inom EU. Med anledning av detta har regeringen lagt fram förslag om att skärpa reglerna om ränteavdragsbegränsningar. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att utreda huruvida en skärpning av tioprocentsregeln och ventilen bör ske samt utreda hur en sådan skärpning, med anledning av regeringens förslag, bör utformas. I uppsatsen används en traditionell juridisk metod för att beskriva gällande rätt och uppsatsen gör anspråk på att vara rättsvetenskaplig när frågorna i syftet besvaras. En skärpning av tioprocentsregeln och ventilen är nödvändig då bolagsskattebasen idag är i behov av ett skydd som ingen av dessa två regler i sin nuvarande utformning kan ge. Dock bör ingen av de föreslagna skärpningarna angående tioprocentsregeln som regeringen lagt fram införas, då de måste anses som allt för långtgående. Angående ventilen finns det emellertid två förslag som måste anses så pass välavvägda och stärkande för ventilens utformning att dessa bör införas. / The first of January 2009 rules that limited the right for companies to make deduction of interest were introduced and the purpose was to prevent aggressive tax planning through advanced interest approaches. Two exceptions to this limitation are called the ten percent rule and the valve. Through these exceptions interest deduction can be done if the receiver of the interest is taxed by at least ten percent or if the procedure can be commercially justified. However the ten percent rule and the valve have been subject to criticism. The criticism put forward argue that the aggressive tax planning through interest approach have not declined despite the creation of the rules of interest deduction limitations and there are also ambiguities if the ten percent rule is compatible with the freedom of establishment within the EU. For this reason, the Government has submitted a proposal to tightening the rules of interest deduction limitations. Hence the purpose of this study is to investigate whether a tightening of the ten percent rule and the valve should occur and examine how such a tightening, on the occasion of the government's proposals, should be formulated. The thesis applies a traditional legal method used to describe the law and the thesis claims to be the jurisprudential when the questions in the purpose are answered. The tightening of the ten percent rule and the valve is necessary because the corporate tax base is in need of protection and neither of these two rules in their present form is able to provide this protection. However, none of the proposals regarding the ten percent rule which the government has submitted should be introduced because they must be regarded as disproportionate extensive. Regarding the valve there are two proposals that should be implemented since they must be considered well balanced and invigorating for the valve’s formulation.
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名古屋大学附属図書館医学部分館における外国雑誌の廃棄についてASAMI, Sayaka, 浅見, 沙矢香 20 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Autorių teisių ir visuomenės teisės į informaciją derinimo problema / The Problem of Combining Copyright and Society's Right to Receive InformationDeltuvaitė, Goda 04 March 2009 (has links)
Autorių teisių ir visuomenės teisės į informaciją derinimo problema Vystantis informacinės visuomenės laikmečiui, esant modernios informacijos sklaidos technologijoms autorių teisių saugomi objektai tampa vis svarbesne civilinės apyvartos dalimi. Autorių teisių apsaugos reglamentavimas reikšmingos įtakos turi ne tik patiems autoriams, tačiau ir visuomenės teisei gauti informaciją. Naudodamasis savo teisėmis autorius tam tikrais atvejais gal uždrausti naudoti kūrinį ar bent jau reikalauti mokėti atlyginimą. Siekiant apginti asmens teisę gerbti jo intelektinės veiklos rezultatą bei esant būtinybei užtikrinti viešąjį interesą, būtina nustatyti tinkamą abiejų vertybių apsaugos balansą. Istoriškai tiek prigimtinės tiek ir utilitarinės autorių teisių apsaugos teorijų atstovai siekė pateisinti autorių teisių apsaugą įvairiais argumentais bei rasti atsakymą, kada autoriaus teisė turi būti apribojama. Tyrime analizuojamas visuomenės teisės ar visuomenės intereso į informaciją egzistavimas bei aiškinamasi autorių teisių apribojimo ir išimties sąvokų skirtybė. Analizuojant autorių teisių apsaugą sutelkiamas dėmesys į bendruosius apribojimus, kai autorius neturi teisės reikalauti, kad jo teisės būtų ginamos. Išanalizavus bendruosius apribojimus darbe tiriami apribojimai numatyti Prancūzijos, Vokietijos, Lietuvos bei JAV bei tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose, stengiamasi nustatyti, koki poveikį šie ribojimai turi visuomenės teisei į informaciją. Darbe atkreipiamas dėmesys ir į kitus teisių į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of combining copyright and society’s right to receive information The objects of the intellectual property become a very important part of the civil turnover due the process of the development of information society and modern technologies of information dispersion. Regulation of copyright has huge impact not only to the authors themselves, but also to the society’s right to receive information. In some cases when making use of their rights, authors may prohibit usage of the copyright object or at least claim for remuneration. With due regard to the necessity to protect right of the author of respecting the result of his intellectual activity and to insure the public interest of the society it is vitally important to set a fair balance of both values. From the historical perspective representatives of both natural law and utilitarian notions theories were seeking to find the justification for limitation of copyright. In this research the existence of society’s right and society’s interest is being analyzed as well as the difference of terms exception and limitation are observed. In the analysis of copyright protection it is focused on the general limitations, when the copyright holder is not entitled to request for the protection of copyright object. After the analysis of general limitations the evaluation of limitations set in the legal acts of France, Germany, Lithuania, the USA and international legal acts are presented. It is investigated what impact the... [to full text]
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In this work we report on two sets of measurements involving the Hall-B photon tagging system of the Tomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The relative energy calibration of the tagging counters was performed by using the PrimEx pair spectrometer and a series of high position resolution micro-strip detectors. The photon energies were determined by forming coincidence between the tagger and the e+ e- pairs for several values of the pair spectrometer magnetic field between 0.36T to 1.9T (total of 180 fields). The second set of measurements, collected in conjunction with the Fall 2004 PrimEx run, investigated inherent limitations on the photon tagging technique. We report for the first time an experimental signature for these effects.
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School-age outcomes of children born at the limit of viability : a Swedish national prospective follow-up study at 10 to 12 yearsFarooqi, Aijaz January 2007 (has links)
Background/Aim: During the past two decades, major advances in maternal-fetal medicine, neonatology, and the development of regionalized perinatal care have resulted in dramatic increases in survival rates, by more than 60%, of extremely immature (EI) infants born at less than 26 completed weeks of gestation, creating a new infant population. Studies of school-age outcomes in children with an extremely low birth weight of < 1000 g, born in the1980s, indicated that these children had a substantially high prevalence of low-severity neuropsychological deficits, behavioral problems, and difficulties at school. Information on school-age outcomes of extremely preterm children born in the 1990s is sparse, and mainly restricted to the neurobehavioral and developmental outcome. The aim of this research was to investigate the comprehensive neurological, developmental, functional, and mental health status and health care needs of children born at 23-25 weeks of gestation in the 1990s, allowing a total view of the child in the context of the family, his peers, school, and the health care system. The ultimate aim was to obtain a clearer understanding of the functional capacities of these vulnerable children and the possibilities of ameliorative interventions, as a basis for planning and provision of services for this growing population. Methods: We studied 11-year-old children born from 1990 through 1992 before 26 completed weeks of gestation in all of Sweden. All had been evaluated at a corrected age of 36 months. Of 89 eligible children, 86 (97%) were studied at a mean age of 11 years. An equal number of children born at term served as controls. The following methods were used: 1) well validated, mailed questionnaires filled out by the parents, class teachers and the children themselves; 2) structured interviews were conducted with a parent or a primary caregiver; 3) review of pediatric case records and records from other specialist health care services; and 4) anthropometric measurements (length, weight, head circumference and body mass index) from birth to 11 years of age. The following domains were explored: current health status, growth attainment, mental health assessment, emotional well-being, adaptive functioning and social competencies, school performance, executive functions, and learning and language skills. Relations of socioeconomic background and of environmental and perinatal risk factors to the long-term outcome were evaluated. Results: EI children compared with the controls had significantly higher rates of specific diagnoses or disabilities including neurosensory impairment (15% vs 2%, respectively), asthma (20% vs 6%), poor motor skills (26% vs 3%), poor visual perception (21% vs 4%), poor learning skills (27% vs 3%),poor adaptive functioning (42% vs 9%), and poor academic performance (49% vs 7%). As a consequence of these disabilities, significantly more EI children than controls had chronic conditions, which included functional limitations (64% vs 11%), compensatory dependency needs (59% vs 25%), and services above those routinely required by children in general (67% vs 22%). Regarding growth attainment, EI children had significantly lower values for all three growth parameters (length, weight and head circumference) than the controls at 11 years. They showed a sharp decline in weight and height z scores up to 3 months’ corrected age, followed by good catch-up growth in both weight and height up to 11 years. EI children did not exhibit catch-up growth in head circumference after the first 6 months of life. Preterm birth and parental height were significant predictors of 11-year height, and group status (prematurity) correlated strongly with head circumference. Our results also suggest that the EI children had a significantly greater risk for poorer mental health and poorer emotional well-being than the control participants, including internalizing (anxiety/depression, withdrawn behavior and somatic complaints), and attention, social, and thought problems. No differences in externalizing problems were found between the EI cohort and controls. Multivariable analyses disclosed a number of significant predictors of behavioral adjustment: group status (EI vs control), family function, social risk, male gender, and presence of a chronic medical condition. Concerning school performance, more than half (59%) of our EI cohort were experiencing school difficulties and 15%, compared with 5% of the control children were attending special schools or having full-time special education. Despite fewer adaptive skills in the EI cohort these children were not different from the controls in respect to being happy and being positively adjusted in their day-to-day life. Compared with controls, EI children had a significantly increased risk for executive dysfunctions in most of the areas assessed (Attention control and Attention switching, Hypoactivity, Planning/organizing, and Working memory). EI children were also at increased risk for deficient skills in language tasks (comprehension, communication, and expression) and in the four standard measures of learning skills (reading/writing, math, general learning, and coping in learning). However, only a relatively small number of EI children exhibited severe impairments in executive or non-executive skills. Multivariate analyses revealed that prematurity, executive dysfunction and male gender were associated with poor learning skills. Conclusions and implications: Children born extremely immature have significantly greater health problems and special health care needs that require ongoing services through the school years. However, it is notable that very few children have severe impairments that curtail major activities of daily living. The overall results of this study are reassuring. Despite having an increased risk for mental health problems, executive dysfunctions and school difficulties, 85% of the EI children were in the mainstream schools and a majority were not having major adjustment difficulties. In terms of growth, most of our EI children showed good catch-up in late childhood and were within 2SD of their mean midparental height at 11 years of age. Although biological immaturity is associated with an increased risk for a substantial number of behavioral/emotional problems, improvement of the modifiable environmental factors will benefit the outcome in EI children. We also believe that knowledge of the course of development of psychopathological conditions from early childhood to adolescence and beyond is crucial for identifying the need for intervention and prevention strategies. Thus when there is evidence to suggest neuropsychological and behavioral or emotional problems, early identification and preventive measures might help families to manage these from an early stage. Our findings further suggest that current preterm follow-up programs might benefit from the addition of psychological and family services to traditional neurodevelopmental assessments, especially in the neonatal period and first years of life.
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Le désengagement de l'État vu a travers les ententes de développement régional : le cas du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean /Diri, Driss. January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire (M.E.S.R.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1992. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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The social anxiety spectrum and work limitations among managerial level employeesEmsley, Lindy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Social anxiety symptoms are common within the community. They are often
unrecognised in many organisations, with resultant significant work
impairments. The aim of the study was to explore to what extent the social
anxiety spectrum of symptoms influences the performance of management
employees and how the disorder should be managed in the workplace. The
study includes the following constructs: social anxiety spectrum, job
characteristics, work limitations and perceived performance difficulties. A nonexperimental
research design was used to explore the relationships between the
four constructs.
A convenience sample of 250 managerial employees was approached from two
large organizations, one in the private, and the other in the public sector. One
hundred and eighteen (118) respondents completed and returned their
The descriptive statistics reflected a mean age of 32 years (range 20 to 56
years), with 50% males and 50% females, and a race distribution of 64% White,
29% Coloured, 4% Black and 3% Indian for the sample. The majority of the
participants had been working for 0 to 5 years (37.29%). The mean years
worked was 10.81 and the median 9.5 (range 0.5 to 40 years worked).
A high percentage of participants (11%) were found to have social anxiety
symptoms above the cut off score for a diagnosis of the disorder. The results of
the present study indicated that social anxiety affects all areas of work. These
symptoms were associated with several areas of work limitations and
performance difficulties not restricted to social interaction or presentation.
It was also found that job insecurity increases social anxiety symptoms, work
limitations and perceived performance difficulties. On the other hand, it was
found that organisational support may act as a buffer against demands and may
decrease work limitations and perceived performance difficulties. Whilst no
moderating effect was found for growth opportunities in the relationship between
social anxiety and work limitations, support was found for a negative relationship
with both social anxiety and work limitations. No moderating effect was found
for job insecurity in the relationship between social anxiety and work limitations.
However, growth opportunities as a resource were found to moderate the
relationship between social anxiety symptoms and perceived performance
difficulties. Evidence was also found for the moderating effect of job insecurity in
the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and perceived performance
difficulties. The limitations of the current study and recommendations for
organisations are discussed. This study highlights the importance of social
anxiety symptoms as a barrier to effective work performance. Given the fact that
interventions can potentially improve social anxiety and thereby performance,
this area deserves much greater research attention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sosiale angssimptome kom algemeen in die gemeenskap voor. Die simptome
word nie alledaags in organisaies herken nie, en mag tot merkbaar verlaagde
prestasie lei. Die doel van die studie was om die mate waartoe sosiale
angsspektrum-simptome die prestasie van bestuursvlak-werknemers beïnvloed
te bepaal en ondersoek in te stel na wyses waarop die simptome in organisasies
bestuur moet word. Die studie het die volgende konstrukte ingesluit: sosiale
angsspektrum-simptome, werkseienskappe, werksbeperkinge en waargenome
prestasie-uitdagings. Daar is van ’n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp
gebruik gemaak om die verhoudings tussen die vier konstrukte te bestudeer.
’n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 250 bestuursvlak-werknemers van beide ’n
privaatsektor en publieke sektor organisasie is genader. Eenhonderd en agtien
voltooide vraelyste is ingedien. Die beskrywende statistiek het ’n gemiddelde
ouderdom van 32 jaar getoon (versprei oor 20 tot 56 jaar), met 50% manlik, 50%
vroulik, en ’n rasverspreiding van 64% wit, 29% kleurling, 4% swart en 3% Indiër
respondente in die steekproef.
Die meerderheid van die deelnemers het vorige werkservaring van 0 tot 5 jaar
(37.29%) aangedui. Die gemiddelde aantal jare van werk was 10.81 en die
mediaan 9.5 (versprei oor 0.5 tot 40 jaar gewerk).
‘n Hoë voorkomssyfer (11%) van sosiale angs is in die studie gevind, bo die
afsnypunt vir die diagnose van die versteuring. Die resultate van die huidige
studie dui aan dat sosiale angs alle aspekte van werk beïnvloed. Hierdie
simptome was geassosieer met vele areas van werksbeperkings en
waargenome prestasie-uitdagings en was nie slegs tot take wat sosiale
interaksie en voordragte insluit, beperk nie.
Die studie het ook gevind dat werksonsekerheid sosiale angssimptome,
werksbeperkings en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings verhoog. Organisasieondersteuning
is aangedui as ‘n moontlike buffer teen werkseise en mag
werksbeperkings en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings verminder. Geen
modereringseffek is vir groeigeleenthede gevind in die verhouding tussen sosiale
angs en werksbeperkings nie, maar daar is wel gevind dat groeigeleenthede ’n
negatiewe verband met beide sosiale angs en werksbeperkings het. Geen
modereringseffek vir werksonsekerheid in die verhouding tussen sosiale angs en
werksbeperkinge is gevind nie.
Die rol van groeigeleenthede as hulpbron om die verhouding tussen sosiale
angssimptome en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings te modereer, is bevestig.
Getuienis is ook vir die modereringseffek van werksonsekerheid in die
verhouding tussen sosiale angssimptome en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings
gevind. Die beperkinge van die huidige studie en voorstelle vir organisasies
word bespreek.
Hierdie studie bekemtoon die belangrikheid van sosiale angssimptome as ’n
hindernis met betrekking tot effektiewe werksprestasie. Ingrepe kan potensiaal
sosiale angs verminder en daardeur prestasie verhoog. Hierdie aspek behoort
heelwat meer navorsingsaandag in die toekoms te geniet.
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On some limiting performance issues of multiuser receivers in fading channelsDjonin, Dejan V. 15 November 2018 (has links)
The problem of information-theoretic optimal resource allocation for the synchronous single-cell CDMA Gaussian multiple access channel is investigated. Several different cases are analyzed including: optimal sequence allocation without power control, optimal sequence allocation with optimal power control and optimal sequence allocation without power control with equal single user capacities. In order to simplify the mathematical description of the multiple access capacity region, a Cholesky decomposition characterization is introduced and utilized to find the optimal sequence allocation for equal single user capacities.
The case of randomly chosen spreading sequences in a large system model, i.e. when number of users and processing gain increase without bounds while maintaining their ratio fixed, is also analyzed. Using this model, the performance of a conventional decision feedback receiver in flat fading channels is analyzed.
A sequence allocation scheme that uses two sets of orthogonal users that can be decoded with a very simple decision feedback receiver is analyzed. It is shown that the spectral efficiency of this scheme is very close to the maximal possible.
Finally, the issue of imperfect channel state information available at the receiver is discussed and the spectral efficiency loss compared to the perfect channel state information case is evaluated for the optimal multiuser receiver. / Graduate
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