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Puasono lygties sprendimas naudojantis šaltinio apibendrintomis hiperbolinės funkcijomis / Poisson's equation using a source of summarized hyperbolic functionsBrenčys, Liutauras 04 August 2011 (has links)
Sudarytas Puasono lygties sprendimo per „rutuliukų“ potencialus algoritmas. Šiuo metodu Puasono lygties sprendimo uždavinys suvedamas į tiesinių algebrinių lygčių sistemos sprendimą. Sudaryta ir išbandyta matematiniu paketu MATHCAD to sprendimo programa. Palyginti gauti sprendiniai su tais, kurie gaunami analiziškai, įvertintas gautų sprendinių tikslumas. Šį sprendimo būdą galima panaudoti realiems fizikiniams potencialams paskaičiuoti, turint galvoje realų potencialą su kuriuo realūs krūviai. / It consists of Poisson equation solution in the "ball" potential algorithm. In this method the Poisson equation, the decision problem are reduced to linear algebraic equations system solution. Created and tested a mathematical package MATHCAD program for that decision. Compared to solutions with those obtained analytically, estimated to obtain accurate solutions. This solution can be used to calculate the real physical potentials, given the real potential of the real workloads.
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Viceúrovňové metody / Multilevel methodsVacek, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The analysis of the convergence behavior of the multilevel methods is in the literature typically carried out under the assumption that the problem on the coarsest level is solved exactly. The aim of this thesis is to present a description of the multilevel methods which allows inexact solve on the coarsest level and to revisit selected results presented in literature using these weaker assumptions. In particular, we focus on the derivation of the uniform bound on the rate of convergence. Moreover, we discuss the possible dependence of the convergence behavior on the mesh size of the initial triangulation. 41
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Globální krylovovské metody pro řešení lineárních algebraických problémů s maticovým pozorováním / Global krylov methods for solving linear algebraic problems with matrix observationsRapavý, Martin January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis we study methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equati- ons with multiple right hand sides. Specifically we focus on block Krylov subspace methods and global Krylov subspace methods, which can be derived by various approaches to generalization of methods GMRES and LSQR for solving systems of linear equations with single right hand side. We describe the difference in construction of orthonormal basis in block methods and F-orthonormal basis in global methods, in detail. Finally, we provide numerical experiments for the deri- ved algorithms in MATLAB enviroment. On carefully selected test problems we compare convergence properties of the methods. 1
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Tensor Maps of Twisted Group Schemes and Cohomological InvariantsRuether, Cameron 10 December 2021 (has links)
Working over an arbitrary field F of characteristic not 2, we consider linear algebraic
groups over F. We view these as functors, represented by finitely generated F-Hopf
algebras, from the category of commutative, associative, F-algebras Alg_F, to the
category of groups. Classical examples of these groups, such as the special linear
group SL_n are split, however there are also linear algebraic groups arising from central
simple F-algebras which are non-split. For example, associated to a non-split central
simple F-algebra A of degree n is a non-split special linear group SL(A). It is well
known that central simple algebras are twisted forms of matrix algebras. This means
that over the separable closure of F, denoted F_sep, we have A⊗_F F_sep ∼= M_n(F_sep) and that there is a twisted Gal(F_sep/F)-action on M_n(F_sep) whose fixed points are A. We
show that a similar method of twisted Galois descent can be used to obtain all non-split
semisimple linear algebraic groups associated to central simple algebras as fixed
points within their split counterparts. In particular, these techniques can be used
to construct the spin and half-spin groups Spin(A, τ ) and HSpin(A, τ ) associated
to a central simple F-algebra of degree 4n with orthogonal involution. Furthermore,
we develop a theory of twisted Galois descent for Hopf algebras and show how the
fixed points obtained this way are the representing Hopf algebras of our non-split
groups. Returning to the view of group schemes as functors, we discuss how the group
schemes we consider are sheaves on the étale site of Alg_F whose stalks are Chevalley
groups over local, strictly Henselian F-algebras. This allows us to use the generators
and relations presentation of Chevalley groups to explicitly describe group scheme
morphisms. After showing how the Kronecker tensor product of matrices induces
maps between simply connected groups, we give an explicit description of these maps
in terms of Chevalley generators. This allows us to compute the kernel of these new
maps composed with standard isogenies and thereby construct new tensor product
maps between non-simply connected split groups. These new maps are Gal(F_sep/F)-morphisms and so we apply our techniques of twisted Galois descent to also obtain
new tensor product morphisms between non-split groups schemes. Finally, we use
one of our new split tensor product maps to compute the degree three cohomological
invariants of HSpin_4n for all n.
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The residually weakly primitive and locally two-transitive rank two geometries for the groups PSL(2, q)De Saedeleer, Julie 15 October 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is a contribution to the classification of all incidence geometries<p>of rank two on which some group PSL(2,q), q a prime power, acts flag-transitively.<p>Actually we require that the action be RWPRI (residually weakly primitive) and (2T)1<p>(doubly transitive on every residue of rank one). In fact our definition of RWPRI requires<p>the geometry to be firm (each residue of rank one has at least two elements) and RC<p>(residually connected).<p><p>The main goal is achieved in this thesis.<p>It is stated in our "Main Theorem". The proof of this theorem requires more than 60pages.<p><p>Quite surprisingly, our proof in the direction of the main goal uses essentially the classification<p>of all subgroups of PSL(2,q), a famous result provided in Dickson’s book "Linear groups: With an exposition of the Galois field theory", section 260, in which the group is called Linear Fractional Group LF(n, pn).<p><p>Our proof requires to work with all ordered pairs of subgroups up to conjugacy.<p><p>The restrictions such as RWPRI and (2T)1 allow for a complete analysis.<p><p>The geometries obtained in our "Main Theorem" are bipartite graphs; and also locally 2-arc-transitive<p>graphs in the sense of Giudici, Li and Cheryl Praeger. These graphs are interesting in their own right because of<p>the numerous connections they have with other fields of mathematics. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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The Minkowski-Siegel Formula for quadratic bundles on curves / The Minkowski-Siegel Formula for quadratic bundles on curvesCerviño, Juan Marcos 13 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Aproximace maticemi malé hodnosti a jejich aplikace / Approximations by low-rank matrices and their applicationsOutrata, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Consider the problem of solving a large system of linear algebraic equations, using the Krylov subspace methods. In order to find the solution efficiently, the system often needs to be preconditioned, i.e., transformed prior to the iterative scheme. A feature of the system that often enables fast solution with efficient preconditioners is the structural sparsity of the corresponding matrix. A recent development brought another and a slightly different phe- nomenon called the data sparsity. In contrast to the classical (structural) sparsity, the data sparsity refers to an uneven distribution of extractable information inside the matrix. In practice, the data sparsity of a matrix ty- pically means that its blocks can be successfully approximated by matrices of low rank. Naturally, this may significantly change the character of the numerical computations involving the matrix. The thesis focuses on finding ways to construct Cholesky-based preconditioners for the conjugate gradi- ent method to solve systems with symmetric and positive definite matrices, exploiting a combination of the data and structural sparsity. Methods to exploit the data sparsity are evolving very fast, influencing not only iterative solvers but direct solvers as well. Hierarchical schemes based on the data sparsity concepts can be derived...
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Sur les sous-groupes profinis des groupes algébriques linéaires / On profinite subgroups of algebraic groupsLoisel, Benoit 11 July 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux sous-groupes profinis et pro-p d'un groupe algébrique linéaire connexe défini sur un corps local. Dans le premier chapitre, on résume brièvement la théorie de Bruhat-Tits et on introduit les notations nécessaires à ce travail. Dans le second chapitre, on trouve des conditions équivalentes à l'existence de sous-groupes compacts maximaux d'un groupe algébrique linéaire G connexe quelconque défini sur un corps local K. Dans le troisième chapitre, on obtient un théorème de conjugaison des sous-groupes pro-p maximaux de G(K) lorsque G est réductif. On décrit ces sous-groupes, de plus en plus précisément, en supposant successivement que G est semi-simple, puis simplement connexe, puis quasi-déployé. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on s'intéresse aux présentations d'un sous-groupe pro-p maximal du groupe des points rationnels d'un groupe algébrique G semi-simple simplement connexe quasi-déployé défini sur un corps local K. Plus spécifiquement, on calcule le nombre minimal de générateurs topologiques d'un sous-groupe pro-p maximal. On obtient une formule linéaire en le rang d'un certain système de racines, qui dépend de la ramification de l'extension minimale L=K déployant G, explicitant ainsi les contributions de la théorie de Lie et de l'arithmétique du corps de base. / In this thesis, we are interested in the profinite and pro-p subgroups of a connected linear algebraic group defined over a local field. In the first chapter, we briefly summarize the Bruhat-Tits theory and introduce the notations necessary for this work. In the second chapter we find conditions equivalent to the existence of maximal compact subgroups of any connected linear algebraic group G defined over a local field K. In the third chapter, we obtain a conjugacy theorem of the maximal pro-p subgroups of G(K) when G is reductive. We describe these subgroups, more and more precisely, assuming successively that G is semi-simple, then simply connected, then quasi-split in addition. In the fourth chapter, we are interested in the pro-p presentations of a maximal pro-p subgroup of the group of rational points of a quasi-split semi-simple algebraic group G defined over a local field K. More specifically, we compute the minimum number of generators of a maximal pro-p subgroup. We obtain a formula which is linear in the rank of a certain root system, which depends on the ramification of the minimal extension L=K which splits G, thus making explicit the contributions of the Lie theory and of the arithmetic of the base field.
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Konvergence řešení soustav algebraických rovnic / Algebraic Equations Solution ConvergenceSehnalová, Pavla January 2007 (has links)
The work describes techniques for solving systems of linear and differential equations. It explains the definition of conversion from system of linear to system of differential equations. The method of the elementary transmission and the transform algorithm are presented. Both of methods are demonstrated on simply examples and properties of conversion are shown. The work compares fast and accurate solutions of methods and algorithm. For computing examples and solving experiments following programs were used: TKSL and TKSL/C. The program TKSL/C was enriched with the graphic user interface which makes the conversion of systems and computing results easier.
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Oktaven und Reduktionstheorie / Octonions and reduction theoryRoeseler, Karsten 07 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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