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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas: aplicações para o estudo de toxinas produzidas por cianobactérias / Liquid-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry: applications for the study of toxins produced by cyanobacteria

Felipe Augusto Dörr 16 May 2011 (has links)
A crescente demanda por água doce de boa qualidade, associada ao aumento na frequência de florações tóxicas de cianobactérias em reservatórios utilizados para consumo humano, levou à publicação da Portaria nº. 518/04 pelo Ministério da Saúde. Entre outros parâmetros de potabilidade, as empresas fornecedoras de água tratada devem realizar o monitoramento de cianotoxinas. Para tanto, métodos analíticos rápidos e precisos para a determinação destes compostos são imprescindíveis. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo empregar a cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas para o estudo das principais cianotoxinas em território nacional: microcistinas, anatoxina-a(s), cilindrospermopsina e saxitoxinas. Os resultados obtidos estão distribuídos em capítulos específicos dedicados a cada grupo de toxinas. Dessa forma, o primeiro capítulo apresenta um estudo de fragmentação na fase gasosa de ânions de microcistinas em um equipamento do tipo orbitrap. É demonstrado que o modo negativo de ionização por electrospray fornece informações estruturais importantes e complementares ao modo positivo de ionização. Uma abertura seletiva do peptídeo cíclico é proposta e mecanismos discutidos, o que facilita a interpretação de resultados durante a caracterização de variantes desconhecidas. O modelo de fragmentação desenvolvido foi utilizado para identificar a variante [Leu1]MC-LR em um extrato de Microcystis spp. O segundo capítulo descreve metodologias qualitativas de LC/MS para o monitoramento e identificação do organofosforado natural anatoxina-a(s), cuja análise é prejudicada pela ausência de padrões comerciais. A cromatografia de interação hidrofílica foi empregada e mecanismos de fragmentação na fase gasosa propostos, discutindo-se os íons característicos desta estrutura química. Tal modelo permitiu a identificação desta toxina nas cepas de Anabaena oumiana ITEP-25 e ITEP-26 pela primeira vez. O terceiro capítulo disserta sobre os mecanismos de fragmentação na fase gasosa da toxina cilindrospermopsina quando ionizada por electrospray na forma de aduto com metais alcalinos. Diferenças nas vias de fragmentação são demonstradas de acordo com o raio atômico do metal formador do aduto, com implicações práticas na sua determinação cromatográfica. Já o quarto capítulo discute os mecanismos de fragmentação de variantes sulfatadas de saxitoxinas (GTX1e4, GTX2e3, dcGTX2e3, GTX5) após ionização por electrospray no modo positivo e negativo. É demonstrado pela primeira vez que uma conformação estrutural específica do grupamento sulfato explica a intensa eliminação de SO3 observada para as variantes GTX1, GTX2 e dcGTX2 no modo positivo de ionização. Por outro lado, o modo negativo de ionização apresenta vantagens uma vez que a dissociação na fonte é insignificante se comparada à dissociação observada no modo positivo. Como resultado, métodos quantitativos no modo negativo podem apresentar maior sensibilidade, permitindo a detecção destas toxinas em amostras ambientais em quantidades mais baixas. De maneira geral, conclui-se que a cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectrometria de massas é ferramenta poderosa para a análise quali e quantitativa das principais cianotoxinas, podendo ser amplamente empregada para o monitoramento de água para consumo humano. / The increasing occurrence of toxic cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs used to supply drinking water for human consumption has prompted the publication of resolution 518/04 by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Among other quality requirements, the monitoring of cyanotoxins in treated water is mandatory for companies responsible for potable water distribution. Therefore, precise and rapid analytical methods are essential. In this context, the aim of this work is to employ liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry to study the most important cyanotoxins in our country: microcystins, anatoxin-a(s), cylindrospermopsis and saxitoxins. The obtained results are distributed in four chapters, each one dedicated to a single group of toxins. In this way, chapter one presents the gas-phase fragmentation behavior of deprotonated microcystins in an Orbitrap instrument. It is demonstrated that electrospray negative ionization can provide significant structural information about microcystins. These results are complementary to the positive ionization mode. A selective ring opening process is proposed and possible mechanisms are discussed, which may facilitate data interpretation when unknown variants are considered. The general fragmentation model was further applied to the characterization of [Leu1]MC-LR in a Microcystis spp. cell extract. The second chapter describes qualitative analytical methods for the identification of anatoxin-a(s), a natural organophosphate whose determination is hampered by the lack of commercial standards. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography was employed and fragmentation mechanisms proposed, identifying the characteristic product ions of this toxin. The developed methods were further used to identify anatoxin-a(s) for the first time in Anabaena oumiana strains ITEP-25 and ITEP-26. The third chapter presents data related to the gas-phase fragmentation behavior of cylindrospermospin when this toxin is ionized as metal adducts. Different fragmentation pathways are accessed depending on the atomic radius of the metal cation involved. Practical implications for the chromatographic analysis of this toxin are presented. The last chapter describes the fragmentation behavior of sulphate-containing saxitoxin variants (GTX1&4, GTX2&3, dcGTX2&3, GTX5) after electrospray ionization in both the positive and negative modes. A mechanism for the intense SO3 elimination from [M+H]+ ions from GTX1, GTX2 and dcGTX2 is proposed for the first time and relies on a specific structure conformation. On the other hand, the negative ionization mode shows much less in-source dissociation when compared to the positive mode. As a consequence, methods based on negative ionization might be more sensitive for sulfate-containing variants, allowing the detection of lower amounts of these toxins in environmental samples. At the end, it can be concluded that liquid chromatography is a well-suited and powerful technique for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of cyanotoxins, being an invaluable contribution to water safety evaluation.

Análises de bisfosfonatos por cromatografia líquida de troca aniônica, detecção indireta no ultravioleta e por condutividade com supressão de eluente / Analysis of bisphosphonates using anionic exchange liquid chromatography, ultraviolet indirect detection and by condutivity with eluent supression

Leite, Rodrigo de Souza 03 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de metodologias cromatográficas para a análise de Bisfosfonatos em medicamentos acabados, matérias-prima e em fluidos biológicos utilizando Cromatografia Iônica com detecção Indireta no UV e detecção por Condutividade com Supressão de Eluente. No capítulo 1, descreve-se a pesquisa bibliográfica das propriedades farmacológicas dos BP´s, suas principais rotas sintéticas e sobre os métodos analíticos apresentados na literatura científica. No capítulo 2, foi descrito o desenvolvimento de um método para a determinação dos BP´s etidronato, clodronato, pamidronato e alendronato em matéria-prima e para medicamentos de alendronato, utilizando Cromatografia Iônica e detecção indireta no Ultravioleta. A metodologia foi validada e aplicada na análise de medicamentos contendo alendronato em comprimidos de referência e em comprimidos genéricos. No capítulo 3, descreve-se estudos visando a determinação de etidronado em plasma humano, utilizando Cromatografia Iônica Multidimensional com detecção indireta no Ultravioleta. No capítulo 4, foi desenvolvida outra metodologia para a determinação do BP´s etidronato, clodronato, pamidronato e alendronato em matéria-prima e em medicamentos contendo alendronato, utilizando Cromatografia Iônica e detecção por Condutividade com supressão de eluente. A metodologia foi validada e aplicada na análise de medicamentos contendo alendronato em comprimidos similares e em comprimidos manipulados. No capítulo 5, uma metodologia utilizando Cromatografia Iônica e detecção por Condutividade com supressão de eluente foi desenvolvida e validada para determinar clodronato em urina humana. / This work presents the development of chromatografic methodologies for analysis of Bisphosphonates in drugs, raw material and biological fluids using Ion Chromatography with indirect UV detection and conductivity detection with eluent suppression. In chapter 1, an extensive bibliographical research was accomplished in relationship to the pharmacological properties of bisphosphonates, their more important synthetic routes and about the analytical methods presented in the scientific literature. In chapter 2, the development of a method was described for the determination of BP´s etidronate, clodronate, pamidronate and alendronate in raw material and for alendronate tablets, using Ionic Chromatography with indirect UV detection. The methodology was applied to the analysis of medicines containing alendronate in both forms, generic and reference. In chapter 3, studies conducted to determinate etidronate in human plasma, using Multidimensional ionic chromatography with indirect UV detection are decribed. In chapter 4, a methodology developed for the determination of etidronate, clodronate, pamidronate and alendronate in raw material and for alendronate tablets using ionic chromatography and detection for conductivity with eluente suppression is described. The methodology was applied in the analysis of medicines with alendronate generic and reference. In chapter 5, a methodology using ion chromatography and detection for conductivity with eluente suppression was developed and validated to determine clodronate in human urine.

Estrutura e reatividade de sulfóxidos de rutênio com bases heterocíclicas nitrogenadas / Structure and reactivity of ruthenium sulfoxides containing nitrogen heterocyclic bases

Oliveira, Denise de 30 November 1990 (has links)
Os sulfóxidos de rutênio(II) apresentam grande interesse em catálise oxidativa e em química medicinal. Com o intuito de contribuir para um melhor entendimento do comportamento químico e da estrutura eletrônica desta classe de compostos, realizamos, neste trabalho, um estudo sistemático da série de complexos do tipo [RuCl2(S-dmso)2Lx], onde x = 1 (compostos poliméricos) ou 2 (monômeros) e L = base N-heterocíclica (derivados de piridina, pirazina e imidazol). Os compostos foram obtidos a partir do precursor [RuCl2(S-dmso)3(O-dmso)], sendo que nos produtos das sínteses dos monômeros, há formação de misturas dos isômeros geométricos cis-Cl, cis-S, trans-N e cis-Cl, cis-S, cis-N. Os dados espectroscópicos e de microanálise não têm permitido detectar a existência destas misturas. Porém, com o auxílio conjunto das técnicas de voltametria cíclica e HPLC-fase reversa foi possível identificar e analisar os isômeros. A caracterização destes foi efetuada com base na comparação com o complexo de 2,6-dimetilpirazina, o qual foi isolado na forma cis-Cl, cis<-S, trans-N pura, e também como mistura dos dois isômeros. Em todos os derivados, o sulfóxido encontra-se coordenado via átomo de enxofre ao Ru(II) (v(SO): 1070 a 1100 cm-1). Os isômeros apresentam três bandas de transferência de carga (TC) Ru(II) &#8594; L, na região de 290 a 450 nm, conforme esperado para microssimetria C2V. As energias destas, no entanto, são menores para as espécies cis-N, evidenciando uma maior retrodoação-&#960; Ru(II) &#8594; L para os N-heterocíclicos em configuração cis. Os valores de potenciais redox (E) são altos (0,9 a 1,5 V vs EPH, em acetonitrila) devido à contribuição da retrodoação-&#960; Ru(II)&#8594; S para a estabilização do HOMO nos complexos, sendo que os isômeros trans-N são mais facilmente oxidáveis do que os cis-N. Para ambos, existem correlações lineares entre E e pKa(L), havendo uma diminuição do potencial com o aumento da capacidade &#963;-doadora de L. As correlações lineares entre E e as energias das bandas TC (ETC) também são boas, sendo observada uma diminuição no valor do potencial à medida que diminui a retrodoação-&#960; Ru(II) &#8594; L. As energias das bandas TC são maiores para os ligantes que possuem maior pKa, existindo também boa correlação linear entre ETC e pKa para os dois isômeros. O tipo de base N-heterocíclica e as posições ocupadas pelos diferentes ligantes (Cl-, dmso e L) no \"octaedro\" determinam a estabilidade e o comportamento espectroscópico e eletroquímico dos complexos. As interações inter-ligantes, nesta série, são de extrema importância, influenciando as magnitudes das retrodoações-&#960; Ru(II) &#8594; S-dmso e Ru(II) &#8594; L. A retrodoação metal&#8594; ligante é fortalecida quando o receptor- &#960; ocupa posição trans ao cloreto, que é doador-&#960;, devido às interações trans- cooperativas do tipo: doador-&#960 &#8594; Ru(II) &#8594; receptor-&#960; O sulfóxido tem grande importância para a estabilização dos niveis &#960 do rutênio. O fraco acoplamento existente entre os sítios metálicos Ru e Fe em espécies polinucleares formadas entre o [RuCl2(S-dmso)2(pirazina)2] e o íon [Fe(CN)5]3- comprova o abaixamento da energia dos níveis &#960; do Ru(II) em relação aos do Fe(II). Outro aspecto interessante na série [RuCl2(dmso)2L2] são as possibilidades de equilíbrios dissociativos em solução, devido à presença dos três tipos diferentes de ligantes. Verificou-se que o isômero trans-N de 2,6-dimetilpirazina sofre aquação térmica, com labilização preferencial do N-heterocíclico. O cloreto é o ligante mais inerte, sendo a sua saída precedida pela do dmso. / Ruthenium(II) sulfoxides are compounds of great interest in oxidative catalysis and in chemotherapy. In order to contribute for the understanding of the chemistry and electronic structure of this class of compounds, it has been studied a series of [RuCl2(S-dmso)2Lx] complexes, where x = 1 (polymeric compounds) or 2 (monomers) and L = N-heterocyclic ligands (pyridine, pyrazine and imidazole derivatives). The complexes were synthesized from [RuCl2(S-dmso)3(O-dmso)]. A mixture of geometrical isomers was obtained in the monomeric products, consisting of two species, exhibiting cis-Cl,cis-S, trans-N and cis-Cl, cis-S, cis-N configurations. Microanalysis and spectroscopical data provided no information on the existenee of the isomers. However, they were identified and characterized based on cyclic voltammetry and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, by comparison with the 2,6-dimethylpyrazine derivative, which was isolated as apure trans-N isomer as well as a mixture of isomers. The dmso ligand coordenates to Ru(II) by the sulfur atom (v(SO): 1070 - 1100 cm-1) in all the complexes. Three Ru(II)&#8594; L charge transfer bands (TC) are observed in the 290 to 450 nm region, as expected for a C2V microssymmetry for both isomers. The band energies of the cis-N isomers are smaller than those of trans-N, showing that Ru(II)&#8594; L &#960-backdonation is stronger when N-heterocyclic ligands exhibit cis configuration. The redox potential values (E) are high (0,9 to 1,5 V vs EPH. (EPH) in acetonitrile) due to the contribution of the Ru(II)&#8594; S-dmso &#960;-backdonation to the HOMO stabilization. Linear correlations between E and pKa(L) can be observed for both isomers, exhibiting a decrease of the potentials with the increase in the &#963;-donor capability of L. The correlation between E and TC band energies is also good showing that as the Ru(II)&#8594; L &#960;-backdonation decreases, the E values decrease. TC band energies increase linearly with the pKa of ligands. The nature of N-heterocyclic ligand and their coordenation are of great relevance to the stability, spectroscopic and electrochemical characteristics of the complexes. The trans-interactions are extremely important in this series, influencing the strength of the Ru(II)&#8594; S-dmso and Ru(II)&#8594; L &#960;-backdonation. The dmso and L Iigands are &#960;-acceptors. The metal&#8594; ligand &#960;-backdonation is strengthened when the Iigand is trans to chloride, which is &#960;-donor, due to trans-cooperative interactions of the type: &#960;-donor &#8594; Ru(II)&#8594; &#960;-acceptor. The sulfoxide is important for the stabilization of the &#960; levels of the ruthenium ion. The weak coupling observed for the Ru and Fe metallic centers in the polynuclear species formed between the [RuCl2(S-dmso)2(pyrazine)2] complex and the [Fe(CN)5]3- ion is indicative of a decrease of the &#960;-levels of Ru(II) with respect to those of the Fe(II) ions. Another interesting aspect in the series of [RuCl2(S-dmso)2L2] complexes is the occurrence of dissociative equilibria in the solution, due to the existence of three types of ligands. It was observed that the trans-N isomer of 2,6-dimethylpyrazine derivative undergoes thermal substitution, with preferential labilization of the N-heterocyclic ligand. Chloride ion is the most inert ligand in this complex.

Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia para análise simultânea de aminoácidos como possíveis marcadores neurobiológicos da esquizofrenia utilizando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por fluorescência / Development and validation of methodology for simultaneous analysis of amino acids as potential neurobiological markers of schizophrenia using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection

Alcantara, Greyce Kelly Steinhorst 02 March 2012 (has links)
As teorias neurobiológicas defendem que a esquizofrenia é essencialmente causada por alterações bioquímicas e estruturais do cérebro. A importância que os aminoácidos tem com a fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia e, por este envolvimento encontrar-se pouco esclarecido é que esta pesquisa teve como propósito desenvolver e validar uma metodologia analítica para a análise simultânea dos aminoácidos: glutamato, aspartato, serina, glicina, arginina e lisina em plasma de pacientes com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, utilizando para isto a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por fluorescência. Os analitos foram inicialmente extraídos através do processo de precipitação protéica, com o solvente orgânico acetonitrila. Para que pudessem ser detectados por fluorescência os aminoácidos foram derivatizados empregando orto-ftalaldeído na presença de B-mercaptoetanol. O tempo total de separação foi de 18 minutos em coluna analítica LiChroCART® RP-18 (Merck, 125mm, 4mm d.i., 5m) no modo de eluição gradiente com tampão acetato de sódio 0,1 mol/L (pH 7,0, A) e acetonitrila e água (B), na proporção 70:30, respectivamente, para posterior detecção por fluorescência (excitação 340 nm, emissão 450 nm). O método foi validado segundo os critérios estabelecidos pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). A resposta do detector encontrou-se linear na faixa de 9,6 a 192 pmol/mL para todos os aminoácidos. O limite de detecção estabelecido foi de 7,68 pmol/mL e o limite de quantificação foi de 9,6 pmol/mL. A recuperação foi superior a 70%. A precisão e exatidão intra-ensaio variou de 3,6% a 5,3% e 3,1% a 8,3%, respectivamente. A precisão e exatidão interensaio variou de 3,6% a 7,1% e 3,1% a 11,4%, respectivamente. A especificidade foi determinada para os seguintes interferentes: lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam, haloperidol, levomepromazina, propranolol, ranitidina, fluoxetina, olanzapina, carbamazepina, diclofenaco, amiodarona, sulfametoxazol e, ainda, plasma hemolisado, normal e lipêmico. O método desenvolvido e validado mostrou ser eficiente na determinação simultânea de aminoácidos podendo ser aplicado em amostras de pacientes esquizofrênicos a fim de investigar seu envolvimento com esta desordem psiquiátrica tão intrigante. / Schizophrenia is primarily caused by structural and biochemical changes in the brain according to the main neurobiological theory, including the amino acids concentrations in the human plasma. The relation between these amino acids concentrations and the schizophrenia needs more clarification. Therefore, an analytical tool is necessary to provide which of these amino acids are related with this mental disease. The aim of this research was to develop and to validate an analytical methodology using High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescence detection for simultaneous analysis of the main human amino acids, which are: glutamate, aspartate, serine, glycine, arginine and lysine in plasma of schizophrenic patients. Protein precipitation was the extraction technique chosen for the amino acids determination using acetonitrile as organic solvent. The derivatization was conducted by the reaction between the amino acids and ortho-phthalaldehyde in the presence of B-mercaptoethanol. The separation was achieved using the analytical column LiChroCART® RP-18 (Merck, 125mm, 4mm ID, 5mm) by gradient elution in 18 minutes. The mobile phase was composed by sodium acetate buffer 0.1 mol / L (pH 7.0; A) and acetonitrile: water (B) (70:30, v/v). The detection was performed by fluorescence (excitation 340 nm, emission 450 nm). The method was validated according to criteria established by the regulatory agency (ANVISA). The detector response was found linear in the range 9.6 to 192 pmol / mL for all amino acids. The detection limit was set at 7.68 pmol / mL and the limit of quantification was 9.6 pmol / mL. The recovery was above 70%. The precision and accuracy intra-assay ranged from 3.6% to 5.3% and 3.1% to 8.3%, respectively. The precision and accuracy inter-assay ranged from 3.6% to 7.1% and 3.1% to 11.4%, respectively. The specificity was determined for the following possible interferents: lorazepam, diazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam, haloperidol, levomepromazine, propranolol, ranitidine, fluoxetine, olanzapine, carbamazepine, diclofenac, amiodarone, trimethoprim. Plasma hemolyzed, lipemic and normal were evaluated. This method was adequate to simultaneous determination of amino acids, therefore it can be applied to samples of schizophrenic patients and consequently, providing information of the main amino acids involvement with this psychiatric disorder.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia para monitorização terapêutica da azatioprina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência-UV (HPLC-UV) em transplantados renais / Development of a methodology for therapeutic drug monitoring of azathioprine by high performance liquid chromatography-UV (HPLC-UV) in renal transplant recipients

Pacheco Neto, Maurilio 24 June 2010 (has links)
A azatioprina (AZA) é um imunossupressor utilizado no tratamento de doenças autoimunes como lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, doença de Crohn, doença inflamatória intestinal e contra a rejeição em transplantes de órgãos sólidos. Após mais de 40 anos de uso a AZA continua exercendo um papel central nos regimes imunomoduladores, devido ao fato de combinar eficácia, segurança e baixo custo. Sabe-se que a atividade da tiopurina metiltransferase pode determinar, pelo menos em parte, a eficácia clínica da AZA. Esta enzima apresenta polimorfismo genético co-dominante e a distribuição dos alelos variantes é significativamente diferente entre as populações. A grande variabilidade farmacocinética no metabolismo AZA justifica a sua monitorização terapêutica. Neste trabalho otimizou-se uma metodologia para a quantificação dos metabólitos da AZA, 6-TGN e 6-MMP, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC/UV-Vis), utilizando-se um detector de ultravioleta-visível em um único comprimento de onda, após a amostra passar por uma desproteinização ácida simples e ser aquecida para a conversão dos metabólitos em suas respectivas bases livres. Os valores destes metabólitos foram determinados em uma população de 124 pacientes transplantados renais. Para adequarmos o processo às legislações locais e internacionais, foram seguidas orientações da Anvisa, FDA e CLSI. A separação foi realizada em coluna de fase reversa, sendo a fase móvel A fosfato de potássio e a fase móvel B metanol. A detecção da 6-TGN e da 6-MMP foi realizada em 342 m (UV-Vis). O estudo da linearidade da 6-TGN variou entre 0,30 e 89,71 mol/L e da 6-MMP entre 0,30 e 93,86 mol/L. As recuperações, de 95,08 a 100,80% para 6-TGN e 95,38 a 105,06% para 6-MMP. Os CV da repetibilidade, de 0,04 a 5,06%, enquanto os CV da reprodutibilidade de 4,88 a 12,73% para 6-TGN e 6-MMP. Para ambos os metabólitos o LD e o LQ foram de 0,30 mol/L e 0,13 mol/L. Os eritrócitos lavados e as amostras tratadas, prontas para a injeção no HPLC, foram armazenadas abaixo de -5°C até a análise. Nesta temperatura estiveram estáveis durante 8 semanas e 1 dia, respectivamente. Os valores das concentrações de 6-TGN e 6-MMP encontrados nas amostras dos pacientes variaram entre não detectável a 1569 mol/8 x 108 RBC (mediana de 200,50) e não detectável a 113057 mol/8 x 108 RBC (mediana de 5166), respectivamente. As correlações entre os níveis de 6-TGN ou 6-MMP e as variáveis sexo, tempo pós-transplante, número de transplantes e dosagem de AZA (mg/kg) foram examinadas em diferentes grupos. O método proposto apresenta boa relação custo-benefício, é simples, preciso e rápido na determinação das concentrações intraeritrocitárias de 6-TGN e 6-MMP em pacientes sob terapia com AZA. O método validado permite que o laboratório forneça dados farmacocinéticos úteis e precisos para o ajuste do tratamento do paciente e pode ser facilmente adaptado para a análise rotineira destes metabólitos. Os resultados das amostras dos pacientes estão de acordo com os encontrados em outros estudos, atestando a utilidade dessa ferramenta analítica no acompanhamento dos pacientes / Azathioprine (AZA) is an immunosuppressant used in autoimmune pathologies like lupus erythematosus, Chrons disease, inflammatory bowel disease and against rejection in solid organs transplant. After more than 40 years of use, AZA continues exerting a central role in immunomodulatory regimens, due to the fact that it combines effectiveness, safety and low cost. It is well known that thiopurine methyltransferase activity may determine, at least in part, the clinical efficacy of AZA therapy. This enzyme exhibits codominant genetic polymorphism and the distribution of these variant alleles differs significantly among populations. The considerable pharmacokinetic variability in AZA metabolism justify the therapeutic drug monitoring of this drug. In this work a methodology was improved to quantify the metabolites of AZA, 6-TGN and 6-MMP, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC/UV-Vis) with an ultraviolet-visible detector, using a single wavelength reading, following a simple acid deproteinization and heating to convert the metabolites into their respective free bases. The values of these metabolites were determined in a population of 124 renal transplant recipients. To adequate the process to international and local legislation, Anvisa, FDA and CLSI guidelines were followed. Separation was achieved on a reversed-phase column; mobile phase A potassium phosphate and mobile phase B methanol. Detection of 6-TGN and 6-MMP was performed at 342 m (UV-Vis). Assay linearity for 6-TGN ranged from 0.30 to 89.71 mol/L and from 0.30 to 93.86 mol/L for 6-MMP. The recoveries were 95.08, 97.76 and 100.80% for 6-TGN and 104.79, 95.38 and 105.06% for 6-MMP. Repeatability CV were 3.50, 5.06, 1.09 and 0.04, 0.35, 1.58%, while reproducibility CV were 8.65, 7.18, 8.44 and 12.73, 6.40, 4.88% for 6-TGN and 6-MMP, respectively. LOQ and LOD of 6-TNG and 6-MMP were respectively 0.30 mol/L and 0.13 mol/L for both metabolites. The washed erythrocytes and the samples treated and ready for injection into the HPLC system were stored below -5 °C until analysis, at this temperature the samples were stable for 8 weeks and for 1 day, respectively. 6-TGN and 6-MMP patient analysis values ranged from non detectable to 1569 mol/8 x 108 RBC (median of 200.50) and non detectable to 113057 mol/8 x 108 RBC (median of 5166), respectively. The correlations between 6-TGN or 6-MMP levels and variables sex, time post-transplant, number of transplants and AZA dosage (mg/kg) were examined in different groups. The proposed HPLC method has a good cost-benefit ratio, is straightforward, precise, accurate and fast at the determining 6-TGN and 6-MMP concentrations in red blood cells of patients under AZA therapy. The validated method is good enough to enable the laboratory to routinely provide useful and accurate pharmacokinetic data in time to adjust patient regimens. It can be easily adopted for routine analysis of these drug metabolites. The results of patient samples are in agreement with others studies, thus certifying the usefulness of this analytical tool in monitoring of patients

Studies of Capsaicinoids Contents of Locally Grown and Commercial Chilies Using Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography.

Muchena, John Kailemia 19 August 2009 (has links)
Capsaicinoids are a class of compounds responsible for the "heat" of hot peppers. Capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin have the highest burning effect. The aim of this work is to separate and quantify the two major capsaicinoids in fruits harvested at different stages of development and at different seasons. Simple and rapid HPLC method involves 73:27% methanol water mobile phase with C18 stationary phase and UV-Vis detector set at 210 nm. The method showed good reproducibility with 1.74% - 4.72% relative standard deviations, a linear response within 0.65–45.5 and 0.25-17.5 μg/mL for capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin, respectively. The method achieved average recovery of 106% for capsaicin and 102% dihydrocapsaicin. Determination of capsaicinoids in four naturally grown chili and commercial source habanero were analyzed. The amount in the sample ranged from 1184-8156 μg/g for capsaicin and 430-3299 μg/g for dihydrocapsaicin.

Investigation of the Chemical Protection Capacity of Common Shoe Materials in Undergraduate Laboratories

Lawson, Sarah E 01 May 2015 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical resistance of common shoe materials regularly worn in undergraduate chemistry laboratories by subjecting the materials to hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. The materials tested were leather, canvas cotton, and polyester. Due to the lack of restriction on undergraduate laboratory footwear, the research discussed in this thesis is important to undergraduate universities. Currently, many universities across the nation only require undergraduate students to wear close-toed, close-heeled shoes in chemistry laboratories, and often the resistance of the shoe material to acids and bases may not be taken into careful consideration. Overall, the results of this experiment revealed that exposure to the different chemical concentrations of NaOH and HCl did not appear to negatively affect the structural integrity of the fabrics, but according to the mass spectrometry results gathered in this experiment, the three fabrics differed in individual complexities as well as in the compounds extracted following acid and base treatments.

Extraction, Purification and Characterization of an Antibiotic-like Compound Produced by Rhodococcus sp. MTM3W5.2

Manikindi, Pushpavathi Reddyvari 01 August 2016 (has links)
The bacterium Rhodococcus is a potential source for novel antimicrobial metabolites. Recently, the Rhodococcus strain MTM3W5.2 was isolated from a soil sample collected from Morristown, East Tennessee and was found to produce an inhibitor molecule that is active against similar Rhodococcus species. The aim of this research is to extract, purify, and characterize the active compound. The compound was obtained from both agar and broth cultures of strain MTM3W5.2 and purified by primary fractionation of crude extract on a Sephadex LH-20 column, followed by semi-preparative reversed phase column chromatography. Final purification was achieved using multiple rounds of an analytical C18 HPLC column. Based on the results obtained from UV-Vis, FT-IR, and HR-MS, the molecule is a polyketide with a molecular formula of C52H78O13 and an exact mass of 911.5490 amu. The partial structure of this compound has been determined using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy.

Hand-portable Capillary Liquid Chromatography Instrumentation

Sharma, Sonika 01 December 2015 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the development of hand-portable capillary liquid chromatography (LC) instrumentation. In this work, battery-operable nano-flow pumping systems (isocratic and gradient) were developed and integrated with portable UV-absorption detectors for capillary LC. The systems were reduced in size to acceptable weights and power usage for field operation. A major advantage of the pumps is that they do not employ a splitter, since they were specifically designed for capillary column use, thereby greatly reducing solvent consumption and waste generation. UV-absorption detectors were specifically designed and optimized for on-column detection to minimize extra-column band broadening. Initially, an isocratic nano-flow pumping system with a stop-flow injector was integrated with an on-column UV-absorption detector (254 nm). The pumping system gave excellent flow rate accuracy (<99.94%) and low percent injection carry-over (RSD 0.31%) suitable for quantitative analysis. Using sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate, the detector gave an LOD (S/N = 3) of 0.13 µM, which was 12 times lower than a commercial UV-absorption detector. Reversed-phase separations of a homologous series of alkyl benzenes was demonstrated. Further miniaturization of UV-absorption detection was accomplished using a 260 nm deep UV LED. The detector was small in size and weighed only 85 g (without electronics). No optical reference was included due to the low drift in the signal. Two ball lenses, one of which was integrated with the LED, were used to increase light throughput through the capillary column. Stray light was minimized by the use of a band-pass filter and an adjustable slit. Signals down to the ppb level (nM) were easily detected with a short-term noise level of 4.4 µAU, confirming a low limit of detection and low noise. The detection limit for adenosine-5'-monophosphate was 230 times lower than any previously reported values. Isocratic separations of phenolic compounds were performed using a poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate monolithic capillary column. Finally, a novel nano-flow gradient generator integrated with a stop-flow injector was developed. Gradient performance was found to be excellent for gradient step accuracy (RSD < 1.2%, n = 4) and linear gradient reproducibility (RSD < 1.42%, n = 4). Separations of five phenols were demonstrated using the nano-flow gradient system. Efforts to develop a 405 nm laser diode-based UV-absorption detector for hemoglobin analysis were described.


Asare, Shardrack O. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Lignin, the second most abundant naturally occurring polymer found in plant cell wall has the potential of becoming an alternative source for the production of chemical synthons for the pharmaceuticals and other chemical industries. While much gain has been made towards the development of degradation methods to break down lignin, effective analytical methods are still required to rapidly and accurately identify the products of lignin breakdown experiments. The goal of this work was to develop mass spectrometric methods for the characterization of lignin oligomers based on the study of model lignin compounds. Unlike peptides and oligosaccharides, lignin model compounds that could serve as analytical standards for methods developments are not commercially available, and hence, the first project of this dissertation focused on the synthesis of lignin model compounds containing the β-O-4 bond. The priority was to synthesize compounds containing all important functionalities that reflect the structure of native lignin. By employing the known Aldol reaction, lignin oligomers containing the β-O-4 were synthesized. The synthesized β-O-4 lignin oligomers contained the characteristic functional groups of native β-O-4 lignin, that is, the phenolic functionality, the aryl glycerol β-O-4 aryl ether bond and the unsaturated side chain. The second project was aimed at developing alternative ionization methods for the characterization of lignin in the negative ion mode mass spectrometry. A chloride adduct ionization method was developed and used for characterizing and sequencing lignin oligomers. This method proved to be very useful in stabilizing the adduct ion in the full scan spectrum mode and also providing useful structural information upon tandem mass spectrometry. In the third project, a cationization technique was developed to unambiguously assign the sequence in which β-O-4 lignin oligomers are connected. A simple and easy to use sequencing chart was designed and could serve as a guide for predicting the sequence of larger lignin oligomers. This method offers an alternative approach for the characterization of lignin oligomers in the positive ion mode mass spectrometry. The fourth project focused on the ionization response of a new class of β-O-4 lignin compounds. β-O-4 compounds having the same skeletal backbone but different non-polar groups at the a-position were synthesized, and their ESI response studied. Results from this study show that a slight change in the structure of a β-O-4 lignin model compound can change the cationization response to several order of magnitude. Most importantly, this work for the first time has shown a direct correlation between lignin ionization response and lignin structure. The fifth project was aimed at studying the chromatographic behavior of the diastereomer pair in β-O-4 lignin model compounds. Using three commercially available HPLC columns, the chromatographic behavior and factors that affect the separation of the diastereomer pair of the β-O-4 lignin diastereomer on an HPLC column were studied. By performing tandem mass spectrometry on each of the diastereomers, a fragmentation mechanism was developed that could be used to unambiguous assign the configuration (erythro or threo) for the pair of diastereomer in a β-O-4 model. The results presented in this dissertation adds significant knowledge to the lignin mass spectrometry literature, and it offers new ionization techniques for the characterization of lignin oligomers, most importantly, an alternative approach for lignin analysis using adduct ionization mass spectrometry. The developed methods could easily be extended for the characterization of larger lignin oligomers.

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