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Vertical Field Switching Blue Phase Liquid Crystals For Field Sequential Color DisplaysCheng, Hui-Chuan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Low power consumption is a critical requirement for all liquid crystal display (LCD) devices. A field sequential color (FSC) LCD was proposed by using red (R), green (G) and blue (B) LEDs and removing the lossy component of color filters which only transmits ~30% of the incoming white light. Without color filters, FSC LCDs exhibit a ~3X higher optical efficiency and 3X higher resolution density as compared to the conventional color filters-based LCDs. However, color breakup (CBU) is a most disturbing defect that degrades the image quality in FSC displays. CBU can be observed in stationary or moving images. It manifests in FSC LCDs when there is a relative speed between the images and observers’ eyes, and the observer will see the color splitting patterns or rainbow effect at the boundary between two different colors. In Chapter 2, we introduce a five-primary display by adding additional yellow(Y) and cyan(C) colors. From the analysis and simulations, five primaries can provide wide color gamut and meanwhile the white brightness is increased, as compared to the three-primary. Based on the five-primary theorem, we propose a method to reduce CBU of FSC LCDs by using RGBYC LEDs instead of RGB LEDs in the second section. Without increasing the sub-frame rate as three-primary LCDs, we can reduce the CBU by utilizing proper color sequence and weighting ratios. In addition, the color gamut achieves 140% NTSC and the white brightness increases by more than 13%, as compared to the three-primary FSC LCDs. Another strategy to suppress CBU is using higher field frequency, such as 540 Hz or even up to 1000 Hz. However, this approach needs liquid crystals with a very fast response time (
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Refractive Indices Of Liquid Crystals And Their Applications In Display And Photonic DevicesLi, Jun 01 January 2005 (has links)
Liquid crystals (LCs) are important materials for flat panel display and photonic devices. Most LC devices use electrical field-, magnetic field-, or temperature-induced refractive index change to modulate the incident light. Molecular constituents, wavelength, and temperature are the three primary factors determining the liquid crystal refractive indices: ne and no for the extraordinary and ordinary rays, respectively. In this dissertation, we derive several physical models for describing the wavelength and temperature effects on liquid crystal refractive indices, average refractive index, and birefringence. Based on these models, we develop some high temperature gradient refractive index LC mixtures for photonic applications, such as thermal tunable liquid crystal photonic crystal fibers and thermal solitons. Liquid crystal refractive indices decrease as the wavelength increase. Both ne and no saturate in the infrared region. Wavelength effect on LC refractive indices is important for the design of direct-view displays. In Chapter 2, we derive the extended Cauchy models for describing the wavelength effect on liquid crystal refractive indices in the visible and infrared spectral regions based on the three-band model. The three-coefficient Cauchy model could be used for describing the refractive indices of liquid crystals with low, medium, and high birefringence, whereas the two-coefficient Cauchy model is more suitable for low birefringence liquid crystals. The critical value of the birefringence is deltan~0.12. Temperature is another important factor affecting the LC refractive indices. The thermal effect originated from the lamp of projection display would affect the performance of the employed liquid crystal. In Chapter 3, we derive the four-parameter and three-parameter parabolic models for describing the temperature effect on the LC refractive indices based on Vuks model and Haller equation. We validate the empirical Haller equation quantitatively. We also validate that the average refractive index of liquid crystal decreases linearly as the temperature increases. Liquid crystals exhibit a large thermal nonlinearity which is attractive for new photonic applications using photonic crystal fibers. We derive the physical models for describing the temperature gradient of the LC refractive indices, ne and no, based on the four-parameter model. We find that LC exhibits a crossover temperature To at which dno/dT is equal to zero. The physical models of the temperature gradient indicate that ne, the extraordinary refractive index, always decreases as the temperature increases since dne/dT is always negative, whereas no, the ordinary refractive index, decreases as the temperature increases when the temperature is lower than the crossover temperature (dno/dT<0 when the temperature is lower than To) and increases as the temperature increases when the temperature is higher than the crossover temperature (dno/dT>0 when the temperature is higher than To ). Measurements of LC refractive indices play an important role for validating the physical models and the device design. Liquid crystal is anisotropic and the incident linearly polarized light encounters two different refractive indices when the polarization is parallel or perpendicular to the optic axis. The measurement is more complicated than that for an isotropic medium. In Chapter 4, we use a multi-wavelength Abbe refractometer to measure the LC refractive indices in the visible light region. We measured the LC refractive indices at six wavelengths, lamda=450, 486, 546, 589, 633 and 656 nm by changing the filters. We use a circulating constant temperature bath to control the temperature of the sample. The temperature range is from 10 to 55 oC. The refractive index data measured include five low-birefringence liquid crystals, MLC-9200-000, MLC-9200-100, MLC-6608 (delta_epsilon=-4.2), MLC-6241-000, and UCF-280 (delta_epsilon=-4); four middle-birefringence liquid crystals, 5CB, 5PCH, E7, E48 and BL003; four high-birefringence liquid crystals, BL006, BL038, E44 and UCF-35, and two liquid crystals with high dno/dT at room temperature, UCF-1 and UCF-2. The refractive indices of E7 at two infrared wavelengths lamda=1.55 and 10.6 um are measured by the wedged-cell refractometer method. The UV absorption spectra of several liquid crystals, MLC-9200-000, MLC-9200-100, MLC-6608 and TL-216 are measured, too. In section 6.5, we also measure the refractive index of cured optical films of NOA65 and NOA81 using the multi-wavelength Abbe refractometer. In Chapter 5, we use the experimental data measured in Chapter 4 to validate the physical models we derived, the extended three-coefficient and two-coefficient Cauchy models, the four-parameter and three-parameter parabolic models. For the first time, we validate the Vuks model using the experimental data of liquid crystals directly. We also validate the empirical Haller equation for the LC birefringence delta_n and the linear equation for the LC average refractive index . The study of the LC refractive indices explores several new photonic applications for liquid crystals such as high temperature gradient liquid crystals, high thermal tunable liquid crystal photonic crystal fibers, the laser induced 2D+1 thermal solitons in nematic crystals, determination for the infrared refractive indices of liquid crystals, comparative study for refractive index between liquid crystals and photopolymers for polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) applications, and so on. In Chapter 6, we introduce these applications one by one. First, we formulate two novel liquid crystals, UCF-1 and UCF-2, with high dno/dT at room temperature. The dno/dT of UCF-1 is about 4X higher than that of 5CB at room temperature. Second, we infiltrate UCF-1 into the micro holes around the silica core of a section of three-rod core PCF and set up a highly thermal tunable liquid crystal photonic crystal fiber. The guided mode has an effective area of 440 Ým2 with an insertion loss of less than 0.5dB. The loss is mainly attributed to coupling losses between the index-guided section and the bandgap-guided section. The thermal tuning sensitivity of the spectral position of the bandgap was measured to be 27 nm/degree around room temperature, which is 4.6 times higher than that using the commercial E7 LC mixture operated at a temperature above 50 degree C. Third, the novel liquid crystals UCF-1 and UCF-2 are preferred to trigger the laser-induced thermal solitons in nematic liquid crystal confined in a capillary because of the high positive temperature gradient at room temperature. Fourth, we extrapolate the refractive index data measured at the visible light region to the near and far infrared region basing on the extended Cauchy model and four-parameter model. The extrapolation method is validated by the experimental data measured at the visible light and infrared light regions. Knowing the LC refractive indices at the infrared region is important for some photonic devices operated in this light region. Finally, we make a completely comparative study for refractive index between two photocurable polymers (NOA65 and NOA81) and two series of Merck liquid crystals, E-series (E44, E48, and E7) and BL-series (BL038, BL003 and BL006) in order to optimize the performance of polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLC). Among the LC materials we studied, BL038 and E48 are good candidates for making PDLC system incorporating NOA65. The BL038 PDLC cell shows a higher contrast ratio than the E48 cell because BL038 has a better matched ordinary refractive index, higher birefringence, and similar miscibility as compared to E48. Liquid crystals having a good miscibility with polymer, matched ordinary refractive index, and higher birefringence help to improve the PDLC contrast ratio for display applications. In Chapter 7, we give a general summary for the dissertation.
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光電產業競爭優勢之研究--以國內LCD產業為例江雅文, Jiang, Yea-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
光電產業中的「光電顯示元件」在未來高度資訊化的時代中將扮演著重要的人機界面媒介,除了筆記型電腦及LCD監視器的應用之外,在「後PC時代」中,消費性電子產品及多媒體產品的應用範圍將擴大,對顯示元件之需求量將大增。現在的消費大眾對電子產品的要求傾向輕薄、省電、低輻射、環保性。傳統的CRT(Cathode Ray Tube, 陰極射線管)顯示器已無法滿足這方面的訴求,因而各類的平面顯示器正不斷地被研發中。包括液晶顯示器(LCD,Liquid Crystal Display)、電漿顯示器(PDP,Plasma Display Panel)、電激發光顯示器(ELD,Electron Luminescent Display)、真空螢光顯示器(VFD,Vacuum Fluorescent Display)、發光二極體(LED,Light Emitting Diode)、場發射顯示器(FED,Field Emission Display)等。
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 4
第三節 研究範圍 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 競爭優勢的觀念 7
第二節 競爭優勢及其來源 8
第三節 價值鏈模型 22
第四節 鑽石模型 24
第五節 動態競爭理論 26
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究流程及架構 30
第二節 分析方法及資料來源 31
第三節 研究限制 32
第四章 光電產業概述
第一節 世界光電產業概述 34
第二節 我國光電產業概述 36
第三節 結論 47
第五章 LCD產業之發展概述
第一節 LCD產業概述 50
第二節 整體LCD產業發展趨勢 71
第三節 我國LCD產業發展概況 83
第四節 LCD產業未來發展趨勢 105
第六章 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析
第一節 我國LCD產業結構分析 117
第二節 我國LCD產業之競爭優勢分析 121
第三節 LCD產業之鑽石模型分析模式 126
第四節 我國LCD產業未來發展策略建議 130
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 135
第二節 建議 138
參考文獻 141
附錄一 145
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台灣TFT-LCD產業生產力與效率分析孫松增 Unknown Date (has links)
藉由Tobit 迴歸分析,意味著廠商可藉由提高每人配備率、總資產週轉率、流動比率、研發費用率及經營年限等變數,可提昇廠商的整體技術效率,提供了一些政策方向供廠商參考。
以Malmquist生產力指數來看,總要素生產力的變動(Tfpch)大部分的因素,是來自於生產技術的變動(Tech);彩晶在總要素生產力的變動上,平均有16.8%的成長,是第1名,其他的廠商則呈現不大的差別;但若以時間趨勢來看,2001Q4到2002Q1和2003Q1到2003Q2兩各階段都有滿大的成長,但在2002Q2到2002Q3和2002Q3到2002Q4兩個階段卻呈現衰退的表現。 / In Taiwan, TFT-LCD, which is likely to lead high-tech to strive upward in the future, has been receiving more and more attention. Recently, TFT-LCD industry has come into great blossom. Not only does the stock transaction amount achieve a record-breaking peak, but the stock price also makes breakthroughs at all times. This research is to use Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to compare and analyze the relative operating efficiency of chief leaders in the high-tech industry, including AUO, CPT, CMO, QDI to HannStar. The research ranges from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2004. The researcher adopts input variables, which include total assets, business costs, business expenses and employees, and output variables, business revenues and business net profits, as well.
On the whole, in spite of CCR and BCC model, the average order is different, but approximately similar. The quarters, which perform well, are the 1st quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2004; the bad quarters are the 4th quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2003. To speculate reasons, it has to do with the business cycle and panel board price fluctuation.
Under the frame, by use of Tobit analysis, factories can strengthen total technology efficiency by raising equipment per employee, total asserts turnover, current ratio, R & D ratio, and the period of operating. It provides these factories a referential direction.
In conclusion, according to Malmquist index analysis, the Tfpch is the better part from the tech. HannStar, with 16.8% average growth in Tfpch, is the top one. The other factories are nearly close. In the time period, from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2002, and from the 1st quarter in 2003 to the 2nd quarter in 2003, the other factories has a high growth, but from the 2nd quarter in 2002 to the 3rd quarter in 2002 and from the 3rd quarter in 2002 to the 4th quarter in 2002, there is a decline in growth.
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