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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise e tradução de Il ventre di Napoli de Matilde Serao / Analysis and translation of \"Il ventre di napoli\" by Matilde Serao

Cammarota, Luciana 27 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar uma tradução comentada e anotada para o português brasileiro da obra Il ventre di Napoli, da escritora e jornalista italiana Matilde Serao (1856-1927). O livro está dividido em três partes: Vinte anos atrás, escrito em 1884, Agora, escrito em 1903, e A alma de Nápoles, escrito entre 1903 e 1905. A introdução à tradução contém ainda uma análise da obra da autora bem como do período histórico em que esta foi escrita. / This thesis has the purpose of presenting a commented and annotated translation, into Brazilian Portuguese, of the novel Il ventre di Napoli, by the Italian author and journalist Matilde Serao (1856-1927). The book is divided into three parts: Vinte anos atrás [Twenty years ago], written in 1884, Agora [Today], written in 1903, and A alma de Nápoles [The soul of Naples], written between 1903 and 1905. The introduction to the translation also includes an analysis of both the work of the author, and the historical period when it was written.

O tratamento da polissemia em traduções da obra Romeu e Julieta de William Shakespeare

Braun, Ana Karina Borges January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a apresentar um estudo comparativo de traduções da obra Romeu e Julieta, de William Shakespeare, no que diz respeito à polissemia, entendida como uma condensação de significados em um só significante e que constitui uma fonte potencial de inequivalência na tradução. Nesta obra, é representada pelas expressões de duplo sentido com conotação obscena, aqui, denominadas jogos de linguagem. A análise se sustenta nos pressupostos teóricos da tradução, com base nos estudos das teóricas Rosa Rabadán e Hurtado Albir, compreendida como um processo interpretativo e comunicativo através do qual um texto fonte não é apenas traduzido à língua alvo, como também inserido em um novo contexto sócio-cultural, tendo em vista sua finalidade específica e seu público alvo. O objetivo é estudar a tradução da polissemia nesta obra, através da comparação e da análise das soluções encontradas em três de suas traduções para o português: Beatriz Viégas-Faria (1998), Bárbara Heliodora (2004) e Elvio Funck (2011). A metodologia consiste, primeiramente, no levantamento e na análise em inglês de passagens com jogos de linguagem que evidenciem a polissemia, aqui delimitadas às falas do personagem Mercúcio. Em segundo lugar, a metodologia consiste na comparação das diferentes soluções oferecidas pelos tradutores à questão da potencial inequivalência que os jogos de linguagem possam representar. A partir dessa comparação e da análise dos jogos de linguagem, espero evidenciar que a tradução dos jogos de linguagem requer um tratamento cuidadoso no que diz respeito à reprodução de sua função comunicativa da comicidade através da exploração do tema da sexualidade. Portanto, a análise do tratamento dado à polissemia pelos tradutores permitirá, também, conhecer seus efeitos na produção de textos da língua alvo e refletir sobre a melhor maneira de reproduzi-los, de modo a propor estratégias para enfrentar esse tipo de problema de tradução que também levem em conta a necessidade de uma adaptação ao contexto social ou à cultura em que serão inseridos e à finalidade de cada tradução. / This thesis proposes a comparative study of different translations of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare concerning the polysemy, defined as a condensation of more than one signified in the same signifier and potential source of equivalence in translation represented in this literary work specifically by double meaning expressions with obscene connotation named jogos de linguagem (language games). The analysis is based on theoretical assumptions of translation that define it as an interpretative and communicative process based on the studies of Rosa Rabadán and Hurtado Albir in which the text of a source language is not only translated into the target language, but also inserted in a new social and cultural context considering its specific purpose and its target audience. It aims at studying the translation of polysemy in this literary work through the comparison and analysis of three of its translations into Portuguese. They are Beatriz Viégas-Faria’s translation, published in 1998, Bárbara Heliodora’s translation, published in 2004, and Elvio Funck’s translation, published in 2011. Firstly, the methodology consists of researching and analyzing some passages with double meaning expressions that display examples of polysemy in the source text, focused on Mercúcio’s speech as a matter of time and organization. Secondly, it consists of comparing different solutions of translation concerning matters of potential non-equivalence the jogos de linguagem may represent. Through this analysis and comparison, I hope to evince that the translation of the jogos de linguagem requires a careful treatment concerning the reproduction of the communicative function of comicality through the exploration of sexuality. Therefore the analysis of the translators’ treatment of polysemy will also allow us to know its effects in the production of texts of the target language and to reflect on the best way of reproducing them in order to propose strategies to solve this kind of translation problem considering the necessity of an adjustment towards the social and cultural context in which they are inserted and the purpose of each translation.

Traduções de Persepolis de Marjane Satrapi : soluções para itens culturais-específicos e considersações sobre os polissistemas

Gonçalves, Marina Bortolini January 2017 (has links)
O romance gráfico Persépolis (2000), da autora e artista gráfica iraniana Marjane Satrapi, foi publicado originalmente na França e, em pouco tempo, devido ao seu sucesso, traduzido para diversas línguas. Apesar de ser uma obra que retrata uma cultura periférica (iraniana), o fato de ter sido publicada em francês e em um local onde a cultura dos quadrinhos é bastante valorizada levoua ao centro do que Even-Zohar (1990) denomina “polissistema literário”. Do mesmo modo, suas traduções também ocupam o centro do polissistema de literaturas traduzidas, visto que os quadrinhos franceses são respeitados e consideravelmente consumidos no sistema literário anglófono. No Brasil, além das razões anteriores, um romance autobiográfico em quadrinhos contribui com a representatividade desse gênero no polissistema literário local. Por se tratar de uma narrativa autobiográfica que se passa, na maior parte da obra, no Irã, retratando a cultura do país, porém, escrita originalmente em francês, o texto carrega marcas culturais dessas duas culturas de modo bastante peculiar. Dessa forma, as traduções da obra precisam adequar uma série de termos da(s) cultura(s) de partida para as culturas de chegada, sobretudo, no que diz respeito ao contexto iraniano, devido à distância cultural existente entre países orientais e ocidentais. No que tange ao fazer tradutório, o pesquisador Javier Franco Aixelá (1996) propõe denominar como culturespecific items (CSIs) as expressões linguísticas que podem causar problemas para a tradução devido a divergências na compreensão cultural, como nomes próprios, marcas e instituições, por exemplo, que têm ocorrência expressiva no texto de Satrapi. No presente trabalho, os itens culturaisespecíficos são localizados no texto de partida e as soluções empregadas nas traduções para o português brasileiro e para o inglês são categorizadas de acordo com a proposta de Aixelá e, por fim, cotejadas. O cotejo entre as soluções tradutórias para os ICEs utilizadas nas duas línguas mostrou que as traduções tiveram um número similar de ocorrências de uso das estratégias, apenas com algumas variações de manipulação. / The graphic novel Persepolis (2000), written and illustrated by the Iranian artist and writer Marjane Satrapi, was first published in France, and then, due to its success, it was soon translated to several languages. Although it portraits a peripheral culture (Iranian), the fact that is was published in French and in a country where the comics culture is quite appreciated brought the work to the center of what Even-Zohar (1990) coined “literary polysystem”. On the same direction, its translations also occupy the center of the translated literature polysystem, since French comics are respected and consumed in the anglophone literary system. In Brazil, in addition to the aforementioned reasons, an autobiographical graphic novel fills the gap of such kind of production in the local literary repertoire. Considering it is an autobiographical narrative which takes place mostly in Iran, portraying the country's culture, yet originally written in French, the text presents cultural marks from these two cultures in a very peculiar way. Therefore, the translations need to adequate a series of terms from the source culture(s) to the target cultures; mostly, with regard to the Iranian context, due to the cultural distance between Western and Eastern countries. Concerning the translation activity, the researcher Javier Franco Aixelá (1996) designates as “culture-specific items” (CSIs) the linguistic expressions that may cause problems to translators due to divergences in cultural understanding, such as proper names, brands and institutions, for instance, items which are constantly present in Satrapi’s text; he categorizes those items according to the possible manipulation they may receive. In the present work, the culture-specific items are found in the source text, and the solutions used in the translations to Brazilian Portuguese and to English are categorized according to Aixelá’s proposition and, finally, compared. Thus, it is possible to observe if the difficulties in transposing the cultural items to both target languages are similar to each other, as well as if the strategies used by the translators of the two languages are the same or differ from each other.

Investigando o uso de marcadores culturais presentes em quatro obras amadeanas, traduzidas para o inglês /

Validório, Valéria Cristiane. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Diva Cardoso de Camargo / Banca: Francis Henrik Aubert / Banca: Heloisa Gonçalves Barbosa / Banca: Antonio Manoel dos Santos Silva / Banca: Peter James Harris / Resumo: Com o propósito de analisar o comportamento lingüístico-tradutório de dois tradutores profissionais diante das dificuldades impostas pelas barreiras culturais na tradução, investigamos os quatro corpora paralelos de nossa pesquisa, compostos por duas obras traduzidas por Gregory Rabassa, Sea of Death (1984) e The War of the Saints (1993), em relação às respectivas obras originais Mar Morto (1936) e O Sumiço da Santa (1988), escritas por Jorge Amado, bem como por duas obras traduzidas por Barbara Shelby Merello, Tent of Miracles (1971) e Tieta (The Americas) (1979) em relação às obras originais Tenda dos Milagres (1969) e Tieta do Agreste (1977), do mesmo autor. Os objetivos principais que nortearam o presente trabalho foram: analisar a tradução de marcadores culturais, verificar o comportamento lingüístico dos tradutores profissionais Gregory Rabassa e Barbara Shelby Merello por meio da observação das opções por eles utilizadas nas traduções, bem como dos traços de normalização presentes nas quatro obras traduzidas. Para tanto, apoiamo-nos na abordagem interdisciplinar proposta por Camargo (2005, 2007), adotando, para o levantamento e processamento eletrônico de dados, o arcabouço teórico-metodológico dos estudos tradução baseadas em corpus de Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2004), bem como os estudos sobre a lingüística de corpus, propostos por Berber Sardinha (2000, 2004). Com relação à classificação e análise dos dados levantados, adotamos os trabalhos sobre as modalidades tradutórias de Aubert (1984, 1998), a proposta de Nida (1945) para os domínios culturais, reformulada por Aubert (1981), bem como os estudos sobre normalização de Baker (1996) e Scott (1998). A metodologia adotada requereu a utilização do programa WordSmith Tools e as ferramentas por ele disponibilizadas, que nos proporcionaram os recursos necessários... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Intending to analyse the translational linguistic behavior of two professional translators faced with difficulties imposed by cultural barriers in translation, we analyzed four parallel corpora in our research, composed by two novels translated by Gregory Rabassa, Sea of Death (1984) and The War of the Saints (1993), in comparison with the original novels Mar Morto (1936) and O Sumiço da Santa (1988), written by Jorge Amado, as well as by two novels translated by Barbara Shelby Merello, Tent of Miracles (1971) and Tieta (The Americas) (1979), in comparison with the original novels Tenda dos Milagres (1969) and Tieta do Agreste (1977), written by the same author. Our main objectives were: to analyze the translation of cultural markers, to observe Gregory Rabassa's and Barbara Shelby Merello's professional behavior by the analysis of resources used by them in their respective translations, and also to identify normalization features in the four translated texts. With these purposes in mind, we based our study on Camargo's interdisciplinary proposal (2005, 2007) adopting, for the electronic compilation and processing, the theory and methodology proposed by Baker for corpus-based translation studies (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000), and the methodology adopted by Berber Sardinha for corpus linguistics (1999, 2000, 2003, 2004). Concerning the classification and analyzes of data gathered from our corpora, we based our study on the works on translation modalities by Aubert (1984, 1998), on the works on cultural domains by Nida (1945) and Aubert (1981), and also on the investigations on normalization by Baker (1996) and Scott (1998). The methodology adopted in the present research required the use of WordSmith Tools software, which provided the necessary resources for the collection of data from the novels and for the observation and analysis of the cultural and textual aspects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Análise e tradução de Il ventre di Napoli de Matilde Serao / Analysis and translation of \"Il ventre di napoli\" by Matilde Serao

Luciana Cammarota 27 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar uma tradução comentada e anotada para o português brasileiro da obra Il ventre di Napoli, da escritora e jornalista italiana Matilde Serao (1856-1927). O livro está dividido em três partes: Vinte anos atrás, escrito em 1884, Agora, escrito em 1903, e A alma de Nápoles, escrito entre 1903 e 1905. A introdução à tradução contém ainda uma análise da obra da autora bem como do período histórico em que esta foi escrita. / This thesis has the purpose of presenting a commented and annotated translation, into Brazilian Portuguese, of the novel Il ventre di Napoli, by the Italian author and journalist Matilde Serao (1856-1927). The book is divided into three parts: Vinte anos atrás [Twenty years ago], written in 1884, Agora [Today], written in 1903, and A alma de Nápoles [The soul of Naples], written between 1903 and 1905. The introduction to the translation also includes an analysis of both the work of the author, and the historical period when it was written.

Por outros olhos: alteridade em tradução de (e em) Rafik Schami / Through other eyes: alterity in translation of (and in) Rafik Schami

Fernando Martins de Toledo 26 September 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma tradução comentada de dois contos do autor sírio Rafik Schami, exilado desde 1971 na Alemanha. Com uma literatura socialmente engajada e transcultural, Schami propõe em sua obra um amálgama de tradições e traz em questão o debate acerca da diversidade cultural e da convivência entre as culturas. O objetivo de ressaltar na tradução a alteridade do texto de partida somente pode ser concebido por meio de uma reflexão preliminar acerca dos conceitos de cultura e das relações transculturais. Estas questões jogam luz sobre a importância da atitude estrangeirizante de tradução e abrem espaço para uma discussão sobre seu caráter pós-criativo e como ela se alinha ao projeto sociocultural de Schami. / The thesis at hand presents a commented translation of two narratives by the Syrian author Rafik Schami, who has been living in exile in Germany since 1971. By making use of a transcultural and socially-engaged literature, Schami offers in his writings an amalgam of traditions and brings up for discussion the debate about the cultural diversity and the coexistence amongst cultures. The goal of emphasizing the foreignness in the translation may only be achieved through a preliminary thought about the concepts of culture and the transcultural relations. These matters cast light upon the importance of the foreignizing translation practices and also give place to a discussion about its post-creative nature and how it aligns with Schamis sociocultural project.

Tradução e sensibilidade. Die Judenbuche de Annette von Droste-Hülshoff e suas traduções / Translation and sensibility: Die Judenbuche by Annette von DrosteHülshoff and its translations

Nowinska, Magdalena 30 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho é guiado por uma questão central que diz respeito ao comportamento de tradutores e editores diante de textos de cujo conteúdo eles talvez discordem. Em termos concretos, analisouse como as traduções de um determinado texto Die Judenbuche (1842), de Annette von DrosteHülshoff, um texto canônico da literatura alemã, ainda sem recepção e sem tradução no Brasil enfrentaram os motifs judaicos nela contidos, motifs estes que apontam para estereótipos antijudaicos. O corpus de análise foi composto por 25 traduções de 12 idiomas e 13 países, todos do âmbito cultural chamado de Ocidente, coincidindo, do ponto de vista temporal, aproximadamente com o século XX. Baseandose em teorias de recepção (principalmente nas vertentes de Wolfgang Iser e da ReaderResponseTheory) e de reescritura (de André Lefevere), a pesquisa buscou mostrar que traduções, uma das formas de recepção e reescritura de literatura, evitam discutir temas sensíveis nos textos nelas publicados e são, assim, mais \"estáticas\" do que a crítica literária, uma outra forma de recepção e reescritura, escolhida aqui como ponto de comparação. Para a análise das traduções, certos trechos e aspectos da Judenbuche foram definidos e analisados em relação ao original. Além dos textos traduzidos, os paratextos das traduções foram também analisados. Nos textos traduzidos, procurouse por shifts indicativos de atitudes; nos paratextos, por menções aos motifs judaicos e discussões sobre eles. A interpretação dos resultados considerou vários contextos (os contextos nacionais e históricos, as editoras, a identidade dos autores dos diferentes gêneros textuais, as convenções dos gêneros, etc.). Como contexto comum e como uma das fontes de reações dos autores dos textos analisados foi presumido o contexto da história judaica no Ocidente. Os resultados da análise confirmaram, por um lado, a hipótese, mostrando que as traduções de fato não costumam debater explicitamente temas sensíveis em textos literários. Ao mesmo tempo, contudo, as traduções mostraram que os motifs judaicos da Judenbuche preocuparam sim os tradutores e editores. Os textos traduzidos mostraram diversos shifts. Nos paratextos, menções explicitas e valorativas aos motifs judaicos foram poucas, mas observouse a tendência de seu aumento nos anos mais recentes, nos quais o tema do antissemitismo na literatura vem ganhando destaque no âmbito dos estudos literários. Traduções inseridas em contextos acadêmicos mostraram mais ocorrências de menções aos motifs judaicos em paratextos do que traduções direcionadas a um público geral. Em relação ao contexto da história judaica do século XX, mudanças no corpus como todo foram observadas; shifts nos textos traduzidos aumentaram no período de 1933 a 1945, enquanto os textos traduzidos de depois de 1945 mostram uma tendência a atenuar as ambiguidades da Judenbuche. Em relação aos contextos nacionais, mudanças foram observadas na direção de um aumento de sensibilidade em relação ao conteúdo da Judenbuche. Concluiuse, assim, que, embora traduções não fossem consideradas uma plataforma de debates abertos sobre o problema do antissemitismo na literatura, os tradutores e editores mostraram um aumento de sensibilidade em relação ao tema no decorrer do tempo. / This study is guided by a question about the behaviour of translators and editors towards texts the contents of which they possibly disagree with. More specifically, the study analysed how the translations of a particular text Die Judenbuche (1842), by Annette von DrosteHülshoff, a canonical text of German literature, as yet without reception or translation in Brazil face the Jewish motifs contained in it, motifs sometimes considered as antiSemitic stereotypes. The corpus of the study, composed of 25 translations into 12 languages and from 13 countries, comprehends the cultural area usually denominated as the West, and coincides temporally with the 20th century. Based on theories of reception studies (by Wolfgang Iser and from ReaderResponseTheory) and on the theory of rewriting (by André Lefevere), the study sought to demonstrate that translations, one of the forms of reception and rewriting of literature, avoid discussing sensitive topics in the translated texts, and are thus more \"static\" than literary criticism, another form of reception and rewriting, chosen as point of comparison. For the analysis of the translations, certain passages and aspects of Die Judenbuche were defined and analysed in comparison with the original. The paratexts of the translations were also analysed. The analysis of the translated texts sought to identify shifts indicatives of attitudes; the analysis of the paratexts sought to identify references to and discussions on the Jewish motifs. The interpretation of the results considered different contexts (the national and historical contexts, the publishing houses, the identity of the authors of the different text genres, conventions of the genres etc.). The Jewish history in the West was presumed as a common context and as one of the sources of attitudes of the authors of the analysed texts. The results of the analysis confirmed the hypothesis, demonstrating that translations in fact do not undertake explicit debates of sensitive topics in literary texts. However, the translations also demonstrated that the Jewish motifs in Die Judenbuche did preoccupy the translators and editors. The translated texts contained diverse shifts. In the paratexts only few explicit and evaluative references to the Jewish motifs were identified, but in recent years, in which literary antiSemitism has received more and more attention in literary studies, an increase in references was observed. Translations from academic contexts showed more references to Jewish motifs in their paratexts than translations for the general public. Against the context of Jewish history in the 20th century, variations have been observed in the corpus as a whole; in the translated texts, shifts increased during the years from 1933 to 1945, while in the years after 1945 tendencies towards an attenuation of Die Judenbuche\'s ambiguities dominated. Within the national contexts, an increase of sensibility towards the content of Die Judenbuche was observed. Thus, even though translations apparently are not considered a platform for debates on problems of antiSemitism in literature, the results evidenced that translators and editors did show, in the course of time, an increase in sensitivity with regard to the topic.

Poems easily written in a hard life

Zhang, Wenyu 01 August 2019 (has links)
Poems Easily Written in a Hard Life is an English-language translation of Yun Dongju’s 40 poems. This work of literary translation is proceeded by a translator’s preface which seeks to situate the work in its specific social and linguistic context and to render the translator’s work visible.

Brave New World: The Correlation of Social Order and the Process of Literary Translation

Reinhard, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This comparative analysis of four different German-language versions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) shows the correlation between political and socio-cultural circumstances, as well as ideological differences, and translations of the novel. The first German translation was created by Herberth E. Herlitschka in 1932, entitled Welt – Wohin? Two further versions of it were released in 1950 and 1981. In 1978, the East German publisher Das Neue Berlin published a new translation created by Eva Walch, entitled Schöne neue Welt. My thesis focuses on the first translations by both Herlitschka and Walch, but takes into account the others as well. The methodological basis is Heidemarie Salevsky’s tripartite model. With its focus on author and work, commissioning institution and translator, it was developed as a tool to determine the factors influencing the process of literary translation. Within this framework, the translations are contextualized within the cultural and political circumstances of the Weimar and German Democratic Republics, including an historical overview of the two main publishers, Insel and Das Neue Berlin. With reference to letters between Herlitschka and his publisher Anton Kippenberg at the Insel Verlag, secured from the Goethe und Schiller Archiv (Stiftung Weimarer Klassik), titles and subtitles as paratextual elements of the Herlitschka versions are examined. An overview of Lawrence Venuti’s and Hans Vermeer’s approaches to the notions of domesticating and foreignizing provides further theoretical tools to assess the translations. Venuti rejects the technique of domesticating translation as, in his opinion, it constitutes an act of violence against the source language, which is contrast with Vermeer’s perspective, according to which the alternatives are equivalent. In Vermeer’s opinion, both the domesticating as well as the foreignizing translation do not destroy the source culture. Another fundamental theoretical principle is Otto Kade’s claim that the affiliation of a translator to a certain social system and identification with a certain ideology are evident in his or her work. The thesis includes a study of the afterwords in the East German versions, which display an intent to create distance between the society of the novel and that of the translator. These paratexts function as a tool for censorship and at the same time as a means to circumvent it. Chapters 1-4 and 16 is selected for intensive analysis. It becomes obvious that the different socio-political situations influence the outcome of the translations. One of the most striking differences between them, Herlitschka’s translocation of the original setting, is identified as a parodistic device. An analysis of the themes of gender, race and sexuality further answers what kinds of factors influenced the process of literary translation, what kinds of modifications appear and what causes them. Herlitschka’s work displays a tendency to intensify traces of misogyny and racism, and to tone down descriptions of sexuality, phenomena which could not be found in Walch’s text. The conclusion links to Margaret Atwood’s introduction to the most recent Canadian edition of Brave New World and identifies the examination of the two key German translations of the novel as an extension of her argument, pointing to the novel’s relevance for contemporary times, transcending geographical and linguistic borders to include readers in all modern societies and cultures.

Brave New World: The Correlation of Social Order and the Process of Literary Translation

Reinhard, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This comparative analysis of four different German-language versions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) shows the correlation between political and socio-cultural circumstances, as well as ideological differences, and translations of the novel. The first German translation was created by Herberth E. Herlitschka in 1932, entitled Welt – Wohin? Two further versions of it were released in 1950 and 1981. In 1978, the East German publisher Das Neue Berlin published a new translation created by Eva Walch, entitled Schöne neue Welt. My thesis focuses on the first translations by both Herlitschka and Walch, but takes into account the others as well. The methodological basis is Heidemarie Salevsky’s tripartite model. With its focus on author and work, commissioning institution and translator, it was developed as a tool to determine the factors influencing the process of literary translation. Within this framework, the translations are contextualized within the cultural and political circumstances of the Weimar and German Democratic Republics, including an historical overview of the two main publishers, Insel and Das Neue Berlin. With reference to letters between Herlitschka and his publisher Anton Kippenberg at the Insel Verlag, secured from the Goethe und Schiller Archiv (Stiftung Weimarer Klassik), titles and subtitles as paratextual elements of the Herlitschka versions are examined. An overview of Lawrence Venuti’s and Hans Vermeer’s approaches to the notions of domesticating and foreignizing provides further theoretical tools to assess the translations. Venuti rejects the technique of domesticating translation as, in his opinion, it constitutes an act of violence against the source language, which is contrast with Vermeer’s perspective, according to which the alternatives are equivalent. In Vermeer’s opinion, both the domesticating as well as the foreignizing translation do not destroy the source culture. Another fundamental theoretical principle is Otto Kade’s claim that the affiliation of a translator to a certain social system and identification with a certain ideology are evident in his or her work. The thesis includes a study of the afterwords in the East German versions, which display an intent to create distance between the society of the novel and that of the translator. These paratexts function as a tool for censorship and at the same time as a means to circumvent it. Chapters 1-4 and 16 is selected for intensive analysis. It becomes obvious that the different socio-political situations influence the outcome of the translations. One of the most striking differences between them, Herlitschka’s translocation of the original setting, is identified as a parodistic device. An analysis of the themes of gender, race and sexuality further answers what kinds of factors influenced the process of literary translation, what kinds of modifications appear and what causes them. Herlitschka’s work displays a tendency to intensify traces of misogyny and racism, and to tone down descriptions of sexuality, phenomena which could not be found in Walch’s text. The conclusion links to Margaret Atwood’s introduction to the most recent Canadian edition of Brave New World and identifies the examination of the two key German translations of the novel as an extension of her argument, pointing to the novel’s relevance for contemporary times, transcending geographical and linguistic borders to include readers in all modern societies and cultures.

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