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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace matematických modelů pro simulaci hydrologických poměrů na vybraných vodních tocích / Application of mathematical models for simulation of hydrological conditions in selected streams

Kurková, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Flood is a natural phenomenon that occurs at different intensities and irregular time intervals. As to natural disasters, floods represent the greatest direct threat for the Czech Republic. They may cause serious critical situations during which not only extensive material damages are done, but may bring also losses of the lives of inhabitants in affected areas as well as vast devastation of cultural landscape including environmental damages. Important from the viewpoint of the elimination of potential threats and consequences of such events is the information issued by flood forecasting service about the character and size of flood areas for individual N-year flood discharges and specific flood scenarios. An adequate image of depths and flow rates in the longitudinal or cross profile of the watercourse during a flood event is provided by the hydrodynamic model. This is why the information obtained from the hydrodynamic models occupies a privileged position from the viewpoint of the protection of citizens' lives and mitigation of damage to their property. The first study is situated on the river Úhlava in meadows by Příchovice near the town Přeštice. The proposal of flood-protection measures is contained in Territorial control documentation. The documentation was elaborated on the basis of hydraulic calculations and experiences from the flood in August 2002. The mathematical model is practically used in the study of analysis of proposed flood-protection measures. The analysis is based on mathematical simulation of water outflow and water level on the river Úhlava. It is possible to use the non-commercial software Hec-Ras, version 3.1.1., for the simulation itself. One of the points of view of the possibility of using proposed flood-protection measures is total efficiency. The mathematical model is posssible to use as a basis of support for realization of proposed flood-protection measures on the river Úhlava in meadows by Příchovice within the grant programme "Program prevence před povodněmi II" under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture. In the second case the mathematical model is practically used in the study of hydrotechnical analysis of streams in cadastral unit. The analysis is based on matjematical simulation of water outflow and water level on chosen streams. It is possible to use the noncomercial software HEC-RAS for the own simulation. The analysis should be shown on dangerous places in the interest place. The mathematical model is possible of using to use as basis for revaluation of action in spatial plan or for view of the flood-protection measures in the village Mochtín. Basic input into the hydrodynamic models is represented by altimetry data. One of ways to obtain such data is through the method of aerial laser scanning (ALS) from the digital relief model (DRM). This method is considered one of the most accurate methods for obtaining altimetry data. Its bottleneck is however incapacity of recording terrain geometry under water surface due to the fact that laser beam is absorbed by water mass. The absence of geometric data on watercourse discharge area may perceptibly affect results of modelling, especially if a missing part of the channel represents a significant discharge area with its capacity. One of methods for eliminating the deficiency is a sufficient channel recess by means of software tools such as CroSolver. The third submitted paper deals with the construction of a hydrodynamic model using 5th generation DRM data, and compares outputs from this model at various discharges with a model based on the altimetry data modified by using the CroSolver tool. Outputs from the two hydrodynamic models are compared in HEC-RAS programme with the use of recessed data and with the use of unmodified DRM. The comparison is done on the sections of two watercourses with different terrain morphology and watercourse size. A complementary output is the comparison of inundation areas issuing from both model variants. Our results indicate that differences in the outputs are significant namely in the lower discharges (Q1, Q5) whereas for Q50 and Q100 the difference is negligible with a great role being played by morphology of the modelled area and by the watercourse size.

<i>In-situ</i> Wachstumsuntersuchungen beim reaktiven Anlassen von Cu, In Schichten in elementarem Schwefel

Pietzker, Christian January 2003 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde das reaktive Anlassen von dünnen Kupfer-Indium-Schichten in elementarem Schwefel mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenbeugung untersucht. Durch die simultane Aufnahme der Röntgenspektren und der Messung der diffusen Reflexion von Laserlicht der Wellenlänge 635 nm an der Oberfläche der Probe während des Schichtwachstums von CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> konnte eine Methode zur Prozesskontrolle für ein Herstellungsverfahren von CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> etabliert werden. <br><br>Die Bildung von CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> aus Kupfer-Indium-Vorläuferschichten wird dominiert von Umwandlungen der intermetallischen Phasen. CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> wächst innerhalb der Aufheizperiode ab einer Temperatur von ca. 200°C aus der Phase Cu<sub>11</sub>In<sub>9</sub>. Jedoch zerfällt letztere metallische Phase in Cu<sub>16</sub>In<sub>9</sub> und flüssiges Indium bei einer Temperatur von ca. 310°C. Das flüssige Indium reagiert im Falle von Kupferarmut mit dem Schwefel und führt zu einem zusätzlichen Reaktionspfad über InS zu CuIn<sub>5</sub>S<sub>8</sub>. Unter Präparationsbedingungen mit Kupferüberschuss wird das Indium in einer intermetallischen Phase gebunden.<br><br>Erstmals konnte die Phase Digenite bei Temperaturen über 240°C beobachtet werden. Beim Abkühlen auf Raumtemperatur wandelt sich diese Phase unter dem Verbrauch von Schwefel in Covellite um.<br><br>Für Proben mit Kupferüberschuss konnte eine Wachstumskinetik proportional zur Temperatur beobachtet werden. Dieses Verhalten wurde durch eine stress-induzierte Diffusion als dominierenden Reaktionsmechanismus interpretiert. Dabei werden während der Bildung von CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> durch unterschiedliche Ausdehnungen der metallischen und sulfidischen Schichten eine Spannung in der CuInS<SUB>2</SUB>-Schicht induziert, die nach Überschreiten einer Grenzspannung zu Rissen in der CuInS<sub>2</sub>-Schicht führt. Entlang dieser Risse findet ein schneller Transport der Metalle zur Oberfläche, wo diese mit dem Schwefel reagieren können, statt. Die Risse heilen durch die Bildung neuen Sulfids wieder aus. / In this work the reactive annealing of thin copper and indium films in elemental sulphur was investigated by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction. Measuring simultanously laser light diffusively reflected from the growth surface, a simple method for process monitoring could be established. The process monitoring using 635 nm laser light can now independently be used in production.<br><br>The growth of CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> from copper-indium precursors is dominated by transitions between intermetallic phases. CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> growths in the heat up period above 200 °C from the phase Cu<SUB>11</SUB>In<SUB>9</SUB>. However the latter metallic phase decomposes into Cu<SUB>16</SUB>In<SUB>9</SUB> and liquid indium at a temperature of 310 °C. The liquid indium reacts in the case of copper deficiency with sulphur to InS. This leads to an additional reaction path via InS to CuIn<SUB>5</SUB>S<SUB>8</SUB>. Under preparation conditions with copper excess to the contrary, indium is bound in an intermetallic phase.<br><br>For the first time the phase Digenite could be observed in a growth experiment at temperatures above 240 °C. During cool down to room temperature this phase transforms to Covellite by consumption of sulphur.<br><br>For samples with copper excess a growth kinetic proportional to the temperature was observed. This behaviour is interpreted by a stress induced reaction mechanism: During the formation of CuInS<SUB>2</SUB>, strain in the CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> thin film is induced due to different expansion coefficients of the metallic and sulphurous phases. After transgression of a certain strain limit, cracks within CuInS<SUB>2</SUB> are formed. Along these cracks, fast transport of metallic species to the surface can occur. There these species can react with the sulphur. The cracks can heal up by the formation of new sulphides.

Développement de nouvelles sondes pour l'analyse par RMN des fonctions cellulaires des biomolécules / Developpment of new probes for NMR based analysis of biomolecules’ cellular functions

Fernandes, Laetitia 24 September 2015 (has links)
La compréhension des interactions intra- et inter-moléculaires à l’échelle atomique représente un enjeu scientifique important. A l’heure actuelle, les techniques de RMN ont déjà prouvé leur efficacité pour l’analyse de ces interactions in vitro, dans les solutions tampons. Toutefois, il a également été montré que la plupart des biomolécules ont une structure et une dynamique différentes in vivo, à l’intérieur des cellules, de celle in vitro. Il est donc crucial d’analyser les biomolécules dans leur milieu naturel, la cellule. Récemment, les progrès dans le domaine de la RMN dans les cellules ont permis de mieux comprendre la dynamique et les interactions des biomolécules présentes dans le milieu cellulaire complexe. Cependant, la biomolécule étudiée étant présente en faibles concentrations, elle possède un faible signal sur le spectre RMN, qu’il est difficile de suivre. De plus, du fait de la forte viscosité du milieu cellulaire, la relaxation rapide de l’aimantation transverse se traduit par un élargissement des raies spectrales. L’utilisation des états de spin à longs temps de vie et de la Polarisation Dynamique Nucléaire suivie par la dissolution de l’échantillon (dissolution-DNP) pourraient permettre de pallier aux problèmes d’élargissement de raies et de sensibilité. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’explorer les bénéfices des ces avancées récentes de la RMN pour l’étude des petites molécules, peptides et protéines à l’intérieur des cellules. Pour la protéine c-Src, qui appartient à la classe des protéines intrinsèquement désordonnées (IDP), la dynamique de l’ensemble des conformations de l’extrémité N-terminale a été suivie utilisant des états de spin à longs temps de vie LLS. Le signal du noyau de carbone-13 de la molécule de pyruvate a été augmenté utilisant la Polarisation Dynamique Nucléaire (DNP) afin de mieux l’observer dans le milieu cellulaire. Un peptide représentatif pour la partie active d’une autre protéine, IκBα, a été introduit dans des cellules HepG2 par l’électroporation. Les observations faites lors des ces expériences sont discutées dans la perspective de faciliter les études RMN des biomolécules à l’intérieur des cellules. / Most NMR studies are carried out in vitro, but the structure and dynamics of some biomolecules inside cells differ from those in vitro. It thus becomes interesting to analyze biomolecules such as proteins in their natural environment: the cell. Recent progress of in cell NMR allowed to better understand the behaviour of proteins: their dynamics and their interactions with other biomolecules in the cell. But the low concentration of proteins leads to low signal intensity. Moreover, the viscosity of the environment induces faster transverse relaxation, resulting in line broadening for proteins signals. The use of the Long-Lived States and Coherences (LLS and LLC, respectively) as well as dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (dissolution-DNP) can improve NMR observations in cells. LLS were used to understand and characterize the structure of the N-terminal domain of c-Src, which is intrinsically disordered. To follow the phosphorylation of proteins, a first preliminary study of a 21-aa peptides derived from IKBα electroporated into HepG2 cell lines was carried out.

Ανίχνευση σωματιδίων σε πλάσμα σιλανίου

Κορφιάτη, Βασιλική 30 April 2014 (has links)
Η παρουσία σκόνης στο πλάσμα απασχόλησε ιδιαίτερα τους μελετητές στην εκτέλεση εφαρμογών υψηλής τεχνολογίας και κατασκευής. Η εμφάνιση των σωματιδίων μέσα σε αντιδραστήρες πλάσματος, μόλυνε τα υποστρώματα, μείωνοντας κατά αυτό το τρόπο την παραγωγική διαδικασία και διαταράσοντας με απρόβλεπτους τρόπους το πλάσμα. Ο σχηματισμός και η πυρήνωση των σωματιδίων μέσα στο πλάσμα είχε τεράστιες επιπτώσεις στις βιομηχανίες (οικονομικές κτλ.). Βέβαια με την πάροδο των χρόνων και τις αλλεπάληλες μελέτες που έγιναν οι επιστήμονες κατάφεραν να ελέγξουν αυτό το συνεχή σχηματισμό σωματιδίων. Με τον καιρό, κάποιοι μελετητές εκμεταλεύτηκαν την παρουσία σκόνης και οδηγήθηκαν στην ανάπτηξη νέων προϊόντων. Αυτή είναι η περίπτωση των πολυμορφικών ηλιακών κυττάρων (δηλ. αμορφα υδρογονωμενα ηλιακά κύτταρα με ενσωματωμένους νανοκρυσταλλίτες). Η κατασκευή αυτή έγινε απο την ομάδα του Roca i Cabarrocas του Πολυτεχνείου Ecole στην Γαλλία. Στην παρούσα εργασία θα γίνει η μελέτη σχηματισμού και ανάπτυξης των σωματιδίων στα διάφορα στάδιά τους και θα παρουσιαστούν διάφοροι τρόποι ανίχνευσης αυτών. Σκοπός μας είναι να βρούμε την ακριβή χρονική στιγμή σχηματισμού της σκόνης και να επεμβαίνουμε ώστε να σταματάμε την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξή της. / -

Tvorba databáze krasových jevů na území ŠLP Křtiny z dat leteckého laserového skenování

Balková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with description of the karst and its typical phnenomenons with emphasis on surface figures sinkholes. Further, it dicribes the airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology, data collection and processing procedure and utilization for the puropose of terrain depressions indentification based on the researches and processes of foreign experts. From these available studies, the most suitable methodics is chosen and applied to Digital Elevation Model of 5th generation (DEM 5G) data. The results of this aplication are compared with available sinkholes databases kept in the PLA Moravian Karst office and own terrain research.

Evidence a analýza terénních tvarů reliéfu a jejich vztahu ke středověkým hradním areálům / Antropogenic landforms identification and analysis of their relation to medieval castles

Sýkora, Martin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Evidence a analýza terénních tvarů reliéfu a jejich vztahu ke středověkým hradním areálům / Antropogenic landforms identification and analysis of their relation to medieval castles

Sýkora, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This Thesis focuses on the anthropogenic geomorphology in the vicinity of eight selected castles in the Bohemia region. The first part of study gathers information about already known archaeological features in the castle areas or hinterland. The first step of the survey uses LIDAR data combined with both historical and contemporary maps. Next, a surface survey helped to prove the existence of selected archaeological features, mark their location and get their written description and photographic documentation. Thanks to the information collected this way, we can possibly interpret former use of the features, as well as their origins in relation to the existence of the castle itself. The last part evaluates efficiency of the used method and reflects of the state of the examined castles areas and surroundings. Key-words: Medieval archaeology - Non-destructive methods - LIDAR - Castle - Anthropogenic landforms

Výpočet radiace v lesních porostech na základě dat leteckého laserového skenování

Patočka, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI) is the most important variable influencing the penetration of solar radiation beams through the forest stand. Currently, the airborne laser scanning, as new indirect method, suggests itself for estimation of LAI. LAI was measured terrestrially using the hemispherical photographies analysis and compared with LiDAR Penetration Index - LPI. There were created several regression models describing the dependence of LAI and LPI with coefficients of determination from 0.71 up to 0.81. Leaf area index was also applied to the Beer-Lambert law for calculation of the solar radiation in forest stands. Practical application possibilities of LPI in forestry (estimation of stocking, optimization of shelterwood cuttings etc.) have been described in conclusion of this diploma thesis.

Evidence a analýza terénních tvarů reliéfu a jejich vztahu ke středověkým hradním areálům / Antropogenic landforms identification and analysis of their relation to medieval castles

Sýkora, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This Thesis focuses on the anthropogenic geomorphology in the vicinity of eight selected castles in the Bohemia region. The first part of study gathers information about already known archaeological features in the castle areas or hinterland. The first step of the survey uses LIDAR data combined with both historical and contemporary maps. Next, a surface survey helped to prove the existence of selected archaeological features, mark their location and get their written description and photographic documentation. Thanks to the information collected this way, we can possibly interpret former use of the features, as well as their origins in relation to the existence of the castle itself. The last part evaluates efficiency of the used method and reflects of the state of the examined castles areas and surroundings. Key-words: Medieval archaeology - Non-destructive methods - LIDAR - Castles - Anthropogenic landforms

Multilinguals' Strategies : A qualitative study on multilingual students' use of English in Swedish upper secondary school

Luthardt, Lara-Theresa January 2023 (has links)
In a multilingual world, it is common for the English classroom in upper secondary schools in Sweden to be filled with more than second language learners. These multilingual students have the potential to bring their language learning strategies (LLS) to the classroom, as well as their language repertoire, which every student could benefit from. The aim of this degree project is therefore to gain a deeper understanding of the language repertoires and language learning strategies of participating students at upper secondary schools in Sweden. To explore this, a qualitative approach was employed to discover participants’ language repertoires and the LLS participants report to use. Interviews were used to collect data about language use, repertoire and reported strategy use. In addition to the interviews, Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was utilized to find out which strategies participants claimed to use in a broader sense. The results show that participant’s multilingualism is not taken advantage of in school, but it blossoms outside of English class where it is used to retain connections to friends and family. The results also show that participants use cognitive, social and compensation strategies the most, by translating, practicing, and asking others for help.

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