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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A rela??o entre o fator de vis?o do c?u e a temperatura do ar em diferentes zonas clim?ticas locais / The relationship between the sky view factor and air temperature across different local climate zones

Soeira, Marcelo Rezende Cal?a 28 January 2019 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2019-03-18T17:37:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCELO REZENDE CAL?A SOEIRA.pdf: 10669454 bytes, checksum: 0c817cd4715977e2f4677644509e8516 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-18T17:37:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCELO REZENDE CAL?A SOEIRA.pdf: 10669454 bytes, checksum: 0c817cd4715977e2f4677644509e8516 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-01-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research was to estimate and compare the Sky View Factor (SVF) and Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) correlation across different Local Climate Zones (LCZs) situated in the city of Campinas, S?o Paulo, Brazil. The SVF consists of an non dimensional parameter which describes the ratio of visible sky from a given point in space. In the urban environment, SVF values are strongly related to buildings density and height. Also strongly related to the densification and verticalization of the urban tissue is the Urban Heat Island phenomenon, which is characterized by the elevation of air temperature in urban environments as a result of its impact on the surface energy balance. For this reason, research has been conducted in many countries to investigate the correlation between SVF and the UHII. To evaluate the effects of urban tissue composition on these correlations, however, systematic methods for detecting and reporting such composition are required. Employing the Local Climate Zones method, which classifies urban areas as climate zones according to their structural typology and surface cover, this research evaluated SVF-UHII correlation variations across different built up areas of the same city. Combining mobile measurements and stationary monitoring devices a map of the nocturnal UHII at the research site was obtained. According to seven parameters (H/W ratio; SVF; Built area; Permeable area; Impermeable area; Height of roughness elements; And roughness class), obtained by geoprocessing, eleven LCZs were identified at the site. Nocturnal UHII linear regressions were calculated for SVF values (point and 100m radius average values were used) at eight LCZs classes. At compact low, low-high, mid-low and high-mid rise LCZs (3, 31, 23 and 12), with SVF values between 0,20 and 0,45, the approximate air temperature increase ranged from 1,5 up to 2,2?C. At compact low and mid-low rise LCZs (3 and 23), with SVF values between 0,45 and 0,7, the approximate air temperature increase ranged from 0,7 up to 1,2?C. For sparsely built low rise LCZs (6), with SVF between 0,60 and 0,90, the approximate air temperature variation ranged from - 0,2 up to 0,0?C. From these results it was concluded that the correlation between SVF and UHII is influenced by the morphological and superficial composition of the urban tissue. Hence, to effectively utilize SVF in UHI mitigation strategies, these influences should be considered. / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo estimar e comparar as correla??es entre o FVC e a varia??o da temperatura do ar encontradas em diferentes zonas clim?ticas situadas em um recorte da cidade de Campinas- SP. O fator de vis?o do c?u (FVC) ? um par?metro adimensional utilizado para descrever a propor??o de c?u vis?vel, em um determinado local, a partir do n?vel do solo. No ambiente urbano, seu valor est? fortemente relacionado ao grau de compacta??o e verticaliza??o da malha construtiva. Outro fen?meno relacionado ao grau de compacta??o e verticaliza??o da malha urbana ? o fen?meno da Ilha de Calor Urbana (ICU), caracterizado pela reten??o do calor absorvido no ambiente constru?do. Por este motivo, ? grande o n?mero de pesquisas que estudam a correla??o entre o FVC e o fen?meno da Ilha de Calor Urbana em diversas cidades do mundo. Atrav?s de m?todos sistem?ticos para o reconhecimento e documenta??o de heterogeneidades da malha urbana, como o m?todo das Zonas Clim?ticas Locais (LCZs), que classifica ?reas urbanas em zonas clim?ticas locais de acordo com sua tipologia construtiva e cobertura de superf?cies, tornou-se poss?vel avaliar a varia??o desta correla??o em um contexto intramunicipal. Atrav?s de campanhas de medi??es m?veis e de pontos fixos de monitoramento, a intensidade da ilha de calor urbana na ?rea de estudo foi avaliada. A ?rea de estudo foi classificada em onze LCZs de acordo com sete par?metros urban?sticos obtidos por geoprocessamento (rela??o altura-largura, FVC, ?rea edificada, ?rea imperme?vel, ?rea perme?vel, altura m?dia dos elementos de rugosidade e classe de rugosidade). Regress?es lineares foram estabelecidas entre a intensidade da ICU ?s 21:00 e valores de FVC (pontuais e m?dios para um raio de 100m) em ?reas de an?lise correspondentes a oito LCZs. Para valores de FVC entre 0,20 e 0,45, a eleva??o aproximada da temperatura do ar em LCZs de arranjo compacto e verticaliza??o baixa a m?dia-alta ? 1,5 a 2,2 ?C; para valores de FVC entre 0,45 e 0,7 em LCZs de arranjo compacto e verticaliza??o baixa e m?dia-baixa, a eleva??o aproximada da temperatura do ar foi de 0,7 a 1,5 ?C; e para valores de FVC entre 0,60 e 0,90 em LCZs de arranjo esparso e verticaliza??o baixa, a varia??o aproximada da temperatura do ar foi de 0,0 a -0,2 ?C. Assim, conclui-se que a influ?ncia do FVC na eleva??o da temperatura do ar em ?reas urbanizadas varia conforme a composi??o morfol?gica e superficial do tecido urbano. Para que o FVC seja utilizado efetivamente em estrat?gias de mitiga??o da ICU, essa rela??o deve ser considerada.

Local Action for Global Change : An Analysis of the Åland Islands’ Energy and Climate Strategy in the Polycentric System

Nordlund, Hanna, Sarling, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Примена и процена класификационог система локаних климатских зона помоћу аутоматизованог модела и биоклиматских анализа / Primena i procena klasifikacionog sistema lokanih klimatskih zona pomoću automatizovanog modela i bioklimatskih analiza / Application and evaluation of classification system of Local climate zones using automatic model and bioclimate analysis

Milošević Dragan 07 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Тема&nbsp; докторске&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp; је&nbsp; примена&nbsp; и&nbsp; процена&nbsp; класификационог&nbsp; система&nbsp; локалних климатских&nbsp; зона&nbsp; (ЛКЗ)&nbsp; помоћу&nbsp; аутоматизованог&nbsp; модела&nbsp; и&nbsp; биоклиматских&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; на примеру&nbsp; Новог&nbsp; Сада&nbsp; (Србија).&nbsp; Развијени&nbsp; ГИС&nbsp; модел&nbsp; се&nbsp; показао&nbsp; као&nbsp; адекватан&nbsp; за мапирање и дефинисање&nbsp; ЛКЗ у Новом Саду и његовој околини издвојивши чак 13 ЛКЗ употребом 7&nbsp; параметара градске површине.&nbsp; Осим тога,&nbsp; у&nbsp; оквиру дисертације је приказан и развијен нов модел за чишћење базе података. Добијени&nbsp; резултати&nbsp; су&nbsp; указали&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; најизраженије&nbsp; разлике&nbsp; у&nbsp; средњој температури&nbsp; ваздуха&nbsp; (Т<sub>ср)</sub>&nbsp; јављају&nbsp; између&nbsp; локалних&nbsp; климатских&nbsp; зона&nbsp; (ЛКЗ)&nbsp; ноћу&nbsp; током топлотног таласа и износе до 5,5 &deg;C (ЛКЗ<sub>2-А</sub>, разлика између урбане збијене средњеградње и густе шуме изван града). На годишњем нивоу разлике у Т<sub>ср</sub> износе 1,7 &deg;C између града и<br />природне&nbsp; околине,&nbsp; односно&nbsp; 0,7&nbsp; &deg;C&nbsp; унутар&nbsp; различитих&nbsp; градских&nbsp; ЛКЗ.&nbsp; Статистичком анализом&nbsp; средњих&nbsp; максималних&nbsp; и&nbsp; апсолутно&nbsp; максималних&nbsp; температура&nbsp; ваздуха&nbsp; на годишњем,&nbsp; сезонском&nbsp; и&nbsp; месечном&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; нису&nbsp; уочене&nbsp; знатне&nbsp; разлике&nbsp; између&nbsp; ЛКЗ. Учесталост&nbsp; појаве&nbsp; температурних&nbsp; индекса&nbsp; је&nbsp; указала&nbsp; да&nbsp; тзв.&nbsp; &bdquo;хладни&nbsp; индекси&ldquo;&nbsp; (мразни дани,&nbsp; ледени&nbsp; дани)&nbsp; указују&nbsp; на&nbsp; температурне&nbsp; специфичности&nbsp; ЛКЗ&nbsp; у&nbsp; Новом&nbsp; Саду,&nbsp; док&nbsp; то није&nbsp; евидентно&nbsp; анализом&nbsp; тзв.&nbsp; &bdquo;топлих&nbsp; индекса&ldquo;&nbsp; (летњи&nbsp; дани,&nbsp; тропски&nbsp;&nbsp; дани),&nbsp; изузев тропских&nbsp; ноћи.&nbsp; Анализом&nbsp; релативне&nbsp; влажности&nbsp; ваздуха&nbsp; је&nbsp; уочено&nbsp; да&nbsp; постоје&nbsp; знатне разлике између изграђених и природних ЛКЗ, док то није случај између изг рађених ЛКЗ. У Новом Саду се јавља тзв. &bdquo;урбано&nbsp; острво сувоће&ldquo; ноћу током топлотног таласа када је збијена средњеградња (ЛКЗ 2)&nbsp; окарактерисана са максималним дефицитом влажности од око&nbsp; 33%&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; природну&nbsp; ЛКЗ&nbsp; А&nbsp; изван&nbsp; града.&nbsp; Статистичка&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; вредности израчунатих&nbsp; биоклиматских&nbsp; индекса&nbsp; PET&nbsp; и&nbsp; UTCI&nbsp; је&nbsp; указала&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; ЛКЗ&nbsp; разликују&nbsp; у&nbsp; условима&nbsp; спољњег&nbsp; термалног&nbsp; комфора&nbsp; човека&nbsp; на&nbsp; годишњем,&nbsp; сезонском&nbsp; и&nbsp; месечном нивоу,&nbsp; као&nbsp; и&nbsp; током&nbsp; топлотног&nbsp; и&nbsp; хладног&nbsp; таласа&nbsp; (до&nbsp; максималних&nbsp; 8-9&nbsp; &deg;C).&nbsp; Такође&nbsp; су резултати указали&nbsp; да је класификациони систем&nbsp; ЛКЗ адекватан за интер-урбану анализу градске климе (поређења између градова).</p> / <p>Tema&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je&nbsp; primena&nbsp; i&nbsp; procena&nbsp; klasifikacionog&nbsp; sistema&nbsp; lokalnih klimatskih&nbsp; zona&nbsp; (LKZ)&nbsp; pomoću&nbsp; automatizovanog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; i&nbsp; bioklimatskih&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; na primeru&nbsp; Novog&nbsp; Sada&nbsp; (Srbija).&nbsp; Razvijeni&nbsp; GIS&nbsp; model&nbsp; se&nbsp; pokazao&nbsp; kao&nbsp; adekvatan&nbsp; za mapiranje i definisanje&nbsp; LKZ u Novom Sadu i njegovoj okolini izdvojivši čak 13 LKZ upotrebom 7&nbsp; parametara gradske površine.&nbsp; Osim toga,&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru disertacije je prikazan i razvijen nov model za čišćenje baze podataka. Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; najizraženije&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; srednjoj temperaturi&nbsp; vazduha&nbsp; (T<sub>sr)</sub>&nbsp; javljaju&nbsp; između&nbsp; lokalnih&nbsp; klimatskih&nbsp; zona&nbsp; (LKZ)&nbsp; noću&nbsp; tokom toplotnog talasa i iznose do 5,5 &deg;C (LKZ<sub>2-A</sub>, razlika između urbane zbijene srednjegradnje i guste šume izvan grada). Na godišnjem nivou razlike u T<sub>sr</sub> iznose 1,7 &deg;C između grada i<br />prirodne&nbsp; okoline,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; 0,7&nbsp; &deg;C&nbsp; unutar&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; gradskih&nbsp; LKZ.&nbsp; Statističkom analizom&nbsp; srednjih&nbsp; maksimalnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; apsolutno&nbsp; maksimalnih&nbsp; temperatura&nbsp; vazduha&nbsp; na godišnjem,&nbsp; sezonskom&nbsp; i&nbsp; mesečnom&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; nisu&nbsp; uočene&nbsp; znatne&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; između&nbsp; LKZ. Učestalost&nbsp; pojave&nbsp; temperaturnih&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukazala&nbsp; da&nbsp; tzv.&nbsp; &bdquo;hladni&nbsp; indeksi&ldquo;&nbsp; (mrazni dani,&nbsp; ledeni&nbsp; dani)&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; temperaturne&nbsp; specifičnosti&nbsp; LKZ&nbsp; u&nbsp; Novom&nbsp; Sadu,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; to nije&nbsp; evidentno&nbsp; analizom&nbsp; tzv.&nbsp; &bdquo;toplih&nbsp; indeksa&ldquo;&nbsp; (letnji&nbsp; dani,&nbsp; tropski&nbsp;&nbsp; dani),&nbsp; izuzev tropskih&nbsp; noći.&nbsp; Analizom&nbsp; relativne&nbsp; vlažnosti&nbsp; vazduha&nbsp; je&nbsp; uočeno&nbsp; da&nbsp; postoje&nbsp; znatne razlike između izgrađenih i prirodnih LKZ, dok to nije slučaj između izg rađenih LKZ. U Novom Sadu se javlja tzv. &bdquo;urbano&nbsp; ostrvo suvoće&ldquo; noću tokom toplotnog talasa kada je zbijena srednjegradnja (LKZ 2)&nbsp; okarakterisana sa maksimalnim deficitom vlažnosti od oko&nbsp; 33%&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; prirodnu&nbsp; LKZ&nbsp; A&nbsp; izvan&nbsp; grada.&nbsp; Statistička&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; vrednosti izračunatih&nbsp; bioklimatskih&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; PET&nbsp; i&nbsp; UTCI&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukazala&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; LKZ&nbsp; razlikuju&nbsp; u&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; spoljnjeg&nbsp; termalnog&nbsp; komfora&nbsp; čoveka&nbsp; na&nbsp; godišnjem,&nbsp; sezonskom&nbsp; i&nbsp; mesečnom nivou,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; tokom&nbsp; toplotnog&nbsp; i&nbsp; hladnog&nbsp; talasa&nbsp; (do&nbsp; maksimalnih&nbsp; 8-9&nbsp; &deg;C).&nbsp; Takođe&nbsp; su rezultati ukazali&nbsp; da je klasifikacioni sistem&nbsp; LKZ adekvatan za inter-urbanu analizu gradske klime (poređenja između gradova).</p> / <p>The&nbsp; topic&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; and&nbsp; assessment&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; classification system of local climate zones (LCZ) using the automated model and bioclimatic analysis on the example of Novi Sad (Serbia). The developed GIS model proved to be adequate for&nbsp; mapping and defining LCZs&nbsp; in Novi Sad and its surroundings by&nbsp; delineating&nbsp; 13 LCZs&nbsp; using 7 parameters of the city surface. In addition, in the&nbsp; framework of the dissertation, is&nbsp; developed new&nbsp; model for cleaning the database. The&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; indicated&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; pronounced&nbsp; differences&nbsp; in&nbsp; mean&nbsp; air temperature (T<sub>sr</sub>) occur between LCZs at night during a heat wave and are up to 5.5 &deg; C (LCZ<sub>2-A</sub>, the difference between urban compact midrise and dense forests). At annual level, the difference in&nbsp; T<sub>sr</sub>&nbsp; is 1.7 &deg;C between the city and the&nbsp; natural environment, and 0.7 &deg;C within different city LCZs. Statistical analysis of mean maximum and absolute maximum air temperatures at&nbsp; annual, seasonal and monthly levels did not show significant differences between&nbsp; LCZs. The frequency of occurrence of temperature indexes indicated that the so-called &quot;cold indices&quot; (cold days, ice days) indicate the temperature specificity of&nbsp; LCZs&nbsp; in Novi&nbsp; Sad, while this is not evident from the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; so-called&nbsp; &quot;warm&nbsp; indices&quot;&nbsp; (summer&nbsp; days,&nbsp; tropical&nbsp; days),&nbsp; except&nbsp; for&nbsp; tropical nights.&nbsp; By&nbsp; analyzing&nbsp; the&nbsp; relative&nbsp; humidity&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; air&nbsp; it&nbsp; was&nbsp; noticed&nbsp; that&nbsp; there&nbsp; are&nbsp; significant differences between the built-up&nbsp; and natural&nbsp; LCZs, while this is not the case between built-up LCZs. In Novi Sad there is&nbsp; recognized so-called&nbsp; &quot;Urban dryness&nbsp; island&quot; at night during a heat wave period&nbsp; when a compact midrise LCZ 2&nbsp; is characterized with a maximum humidity deficit of about&nbsp; 33% compared to the natural&nbsp; LCZ&nbsp; A outside the city. Statistical analysis of the values of calculated bioclimatic indexes&nbsp; PET and UTCI indicated that&nbsp; LCZs&nbsp; differ in the conditions of the&nbsp; outdoor&nbsp; thermal&nbsp; comfort&nbsp; of&nbsp; population&nbsp; at&nbsp; annual,&nbsp; seasonal&nbsp; and&nbsp; monthly&nbsp; levels&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as during heat and cold waves (up to a maximum of 8-9 &deg; C differences). The results also indicated<br />that&nbsp; the&nbsp; LCZ&nbsp; classification&nbsp; system&nbsp; is&nbsp; adequate&nbsp; for&nbsp; inter-urban&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; city&nbsp; climate (comparsions between cities).</p>

Nedskalning av globala visioner till lokala klimatstrategier : En analys av Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi / Downscaling of global visions to local climate strategies : An analyze of Oslo municipality's climate strategy

Adolfsson, Anna, Johansson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera hur nedskalning av en global vision till en lokal kontext tar sig uttryck i Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi. Valet av Oslo kommuns klimatstrategi som studieobjekt baserades på Oslos samarbete med UN-Habitat samt utnämnandet av Oslo till Europas miljöhuvudstad 2019 och Norges petroleumverksamhet. Dokumentet Klimastrategi mot Oslo 2030 (2020) har analyserats utifrån begreppen Urbanitet och Hållbar övergång samt innebörden med nedskalning av klimatpolitiken och tre förmedlingsmetoder. Uppsatsen förankras i den tidigare forskningen som behandlar Köpenhamn och Stockholm. För att besvara frågeställningarna; vilka åtgärder presenteras som viktigast för att bli en nollutsläppsstad 2030? Hur beskrivs kopplingarna mellan den lokala klimatstrategin och den globala måluppfyllelsen? Vad finns det för kritiska punkter med strategins åtgärder och lösningar? används en kvalitativ analysmetod där empirin och den vetenskapliga förankringen får lika mycket utrymme. Utifrån den avslutande diskussionen framkommer det i slutsatserna att den största åtgärden i klimatstrategin är CCS-anläggningen på Klemetsrud. Även en fossilfri omställning av transportsektorn samt en minskad energianvändning är av vikt för att Oslo ska lyckas bli en nollutsläppsstad till 2030. Det belyses att den lokala utsläppsredovisningen påverkar den globala måluppfyllelsen. De kritiska punkterna i klimatstrategin som identifierats är; oklarhet gällande biobränslets framtida roll, den diffusa målformuleringen i Indirekta utsläpp samt problematiken med att ta efter åtgärder och lösningar från strategin för andra internationella städer. / The purpose of the thesis is to analyze how downscaling of a global climate vision to a local context is expressed in Oslo Muncipality’s climate strategy. The choice of Oslo municipality's climate strategy as a study object was based on Oslo's collaboration with UN-Habitat, the nomination of Oslo as Europe's environmental capital in 2019 and Norway's petroleum operations. The document Klimastrategi mot Oslo 2030 (2020) has been analyzed on the basis of the concepts of Urbanity and Sustainable Transition, as well as the meaning of downsizing climate policy and three communication methods. The thesis is anchored in the previous research that treats Copenhagen and Stockholm. To answer the questions; which measures are presented as most important to become a zero-emission city in 2030? How are the links between the local climate strategy and global goal fulfillment described? What are the critical points of the strategy's measures and solutions? a qualitative analysis method is used where the empirical data and the scientific foundation are given equal space. Based on the concluding discussion, it appears from the conclusions that the largest measure in the climate strategy is the CCS facility at Klemetsrud. A fossil-free restructuring of the transport sector and a reduction in energy use are also important for Oslo to succeed in becoming a zero-emission city by 2030. It is highlighted that local emission accounting affects global target fulfillment. The critical points in the climate strategy that have been identified are; uncertainty regarding the future role of biofuels, the diffuse goal formulation in Indirect Emissions and the problem of following measures and solutions from the strategy for other international cities.

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