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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Idéhantering för varaktig idégenerering : En studie i upprepad idégenerering på Volvo CE

Sangve, John January 2013 (has links)
Studien syftar till att förbättra kunskapen om förhållandet mellan idéhantering och idégenereringsvilja hos Volvo CE och presenterar rekommendationer för fortsatt förbättringsarbete. Detta behov har uppkommit då Volvo CE uppfattat att antalet genererade idéer sjunkit. Följande frågor formulerades i arbetets inledningsfas: Hur påverkas deltagarnas vilja att komma med idéer och förbättringsförslag av idéhanteringssystemet? Finns det brister i Volvos idéhanteringssystem och om så är fallet, hur avhjälps detta? Arbetets empiri samlades genom ett antal intervjuer av deltagare och processledare under hösten 2011 och metoden har varit kvalitativ med grundad teori som ansats. Resultatet av arbetet är ett antal faktorer som tillsammans kraftigt påverkar deltagarnas idégenereringsvilja på lång sikt. Bland dessa faktorer finns, för att nämna några, innovation och ledarskap, återkoppling, upplevd expertis och insyn. / This study aims to gather knowledge regarding the connection between idea management and the employees will to participate in idea generation at Volvo CE. This was necessary as Volvo CE perceived that the amount of generated ideas was sinking. Recommendations for further improvements are also presented. The following questions were formulated at the start of this study: How is the participants will to share ideas and suggestions of improvement affected by the idea management system? Are there flaws in Volvo’s idea management system and if so, how can they be resolved? The data was gathered through a series of interviews during the fall of 2011 and the method used was a qualitative method with elements from grounded theory. The results presented are in form of factors that when combined, affect the participants longtime will to generate new ideas. Among these factors are, to mention a few, innovation and leadership, feedback, perceived expertise and transparency.

Gyvenamųjų namų šildymo geotermine energija problemos / Problems of Geothermal Energy Use for Dwelling Houses Heating

Jakubovič, Artiom 17 June 2009 (has links)
Pagrindinės šiame darbe sprendžiamos problemos yra susijusios su efektyviu ilgalaikiu šilumos siurblių eksploatavimu. Šilumos siurblio sistemos kintamuoju priimamas gruntinis šilumokaitis. Tai reiškia, kad šilumos siurblio efektyvumas priklausys nuo šilumnešio temperatūros gruntiniame šilumokaityje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikiama informacija apie geoterminę energiją bei jos naudojimo būdus. Apibrėžiama seklioji geoterminė energija. Pateikiamos šilumos siurblių šilumokaičių schemos. Praktinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama gruntinių šilumokaičių modeliavimo metodų analizė bei pasirenkamas metodas tolimesniam modeliavimui. Modeliuojami trijų skirtingų tipų vertikalūs gruntiniai šilumokaičiai. Modeliavimo rezultatas: šilumnešio vidutinės mėnesinės temperatūros 25 metų laikotarpiui. Pagal temperatūras nustatomas šilumos siurblio vidutinis mėnesinis efektyvumo koeficientas. Naudojant efektyvumo koeficientus apskaičiuojamas elektros energijos poreikis. Atliekama ekonominė analizė. Analizės rezultatai parodė, kad efektyviausias vertikalus gruntinis šilumokaitis, prie darbe priimtų modeliavimo sąlygų, yra viengubas gruntinis šilumokaitis su dviem U-formos vamzdžiais. / The main problems that are solved in this thesis are tailored with heat pumps longtime efficiency. The borehole heat exchanger was selected as a variable of a heat pump system. This means that efficiency of the heat pump depends from the temperature of heat carrier inside soil heat exchanger. First part of this thesis represents information about geothermal energy and ways of using it. Definition about shallow geothermal energy is made. The examples of heat pump heat exchangers are given. The practical part of the thesis contains analysis of the simulation models for soil heat exchangers. According to this analysis, selection of the simulation tool is made for further modeling. The simulations of three different heat exchangers types are made. Modeling results show heat carrier’s mean monthly temperatures during time period of 25 years. Using these temperatures the heat pump’s mean monthly coefficient of performance is defined. Using coefficients of performance the calculation of electric power demand is made. Economic analysis is made. The analysis results showed that the most efficient vertical borehole heat exchanger is one heat exchanger with two U-pipes, in terms of conditions that had been used in this thesis.

Divers problèmes théoriques et numériques liés à la simulation de fluides non newtoniens / Various theoretical and numerical issues related to the simulation of non-newtonian fluids

Benoit, David 22 January 2014 (has links)
Le chapitre 1 introduit les modèles et donne les principaux résultats obtenus. Dans le chapitre 2, on présente des simulations numériques d'un modèle macroscopique en deux dimensions. La méthode de discrétisation par éléments finis utilisée est décrite. Pour le cas test de l'écoulement autour d'un cylindre, les phénomènes en jeu dans les fluides vieillissants sont observés. Le chapitre 3 concerne l'étude mathématique de la version unidimensionnelle du système d'équations aux dérivées partielles utilisé pour les simulations. On montre que le problème est bien posé et on examine le comportement en temps long de la solution. Dans le dernier chapitre, des équations macroscopiques sont dérivées à partir d'une équation mésoscopique. L'analyse mathématique de cette équation mésoscopique est également menée / This thesis is devoted to the modelling, the mathematical analysis and the simulation of non-Newtonian fluids. Some fluids in an intermediate liquid-solid phase are particularly considered: aging fluids. Modelling scales are macroscopic and mesoscopic. In Chapter 1, we introduce the models and give the main results obtained. In Chapter 2, we present numerical simulations of a macroscopic two-dimensional model. The finite element method used for discretization is described. For the flow past a cylinder test-case, phenomena at play in aging fluids are observed. The Chapter 3 contains a mathematical analysis of the one-dimensional version of the system of partial differential equations used for the simulations. We show well-posedness and investigate the longtime behaviour of the solution. In the last chapter, macroscopic equations are derived from a mesoscopic equation. The mathematical analysis of this mesoscopic equation is also carried out

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