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Habitar coletivo: obras diferenciadas contemporâneas em São Paulo / Collective housing: contemporary and differential proposal in São PauloZulin, Fabricia 23 May 2013 (has links)
Atualmente a paisagem de São Paulo, e também de outras cidades, é marcada por uma produção repetitiva e sem criatividade, mal representada por edifícios habitacionais parecidos e pouco relacionados ao contexto urbano no qual estão inseridos, concebidos por investidores imobiliários que atribuem pouca relevância ao valor autoral do arquiteto como forma de contribuição a seus empreendimentos. Com base neste cenário, a pesquisa partiu de uma pergunta ampla e direta: Onde estão os bons projetos em meio a tanta mesmice? Habitar Coletivo: obras diferenciadas contemporâneas em São Paulo apresenta um estudo das atuais obras de habitação coletiva localizadas na região metropolitana de São Paulo, do início do século XXI, pois, ao que parece, foi um período em que se construiu muito, porém, não necessariamente se construiu bem. Denominar esses estudos de casos como diferenciados, revela-se positivo pelo fato das obras contribuírem com novas possibilidades de agentes, de ocupação de lote urbano, novas técnicas construtivas, novas maneiras de agenciamento do programa, entre outras possibilidades reveladas, muitas vezes rebaixadas na produção comercial usual. Os projetos selecionados foram organizados em três grupos principais: Conjuntos horizontais, Edifícios pouco verticalizados com unidades habitacionais sobrepostas e Edifícios verticalizados com unidades habitacionais sobrepostas. Na segunda parte da pesquisa, Leitura dos projetos selecionados, foram realizadas as análises específicas a partir de dados obtidos primordialmente nos importantes canais de divulgação da produção arquitetônica, como as revistas ProjetoDesign e Arquitetura e Urbanismo; visitas realizadas às obras; conversa e coleta de dados com os escritórios de arquitetura; e redesenho dos projetos. Os textos de cada obra foram organizados a partir de assuntos que se repetem nos diferentes projetos: trajetória do arquiteto; agentes; partido de implantação; espaços exteriores; sistema estrutural e técnica construtiva; envoltória e unidade habitacional. Por fim, após cada leitura são expostas as fichas gráficas correspondentes, também organizadas por temas e escalas principais. A sistematização geral em grupos não engessa comparações apenas entre obras de uma mesma categoria, afinal, são vinculadas a múltiplos sistemas de valoração e possuem cada uma separadamente um conjunto de características muito particulares que, em determinados momentos, são comparáveis ou não a outros projetos, tratando-se, portanto, de uma produção heterogênea e singular. Desse modo, na terceira parte, Análise comparativa e considerações finais por temas presentes nos projetos selecionados, é realizado o cruzamento dos diversos assuntos presentes nos projetos, sendo possível perceber que as obras não representam tipos bem definidos, e sim, possuem ideias que ora pertence a um grupo temático e ora pertence a outro. Também foram identificadas situações de projetos onde os agentes empreendedores principais são os próprios arquitetos, ou situações com empreendedores que valorizam a arquitetura autoral de qualidade, entre outros agentes relevantes a pesquisa. O redesenho dos projetos foi de suma importância para algumas conclusões. Também é importante mencionar que não se trata de imaginar que as iniciativas destacadas devam ser entendidas como modelos de \"boa arquitetura\" a serem seguidos exclusivamente, ao mesmo tempo, os projetos selecionados conseguem expor alternativas superiores em qualidade ao que parece ser a regra do mercado imobiliário que rege decadentemente as cidades. / Nowadays, the view in São Paulo and also in other cities is known by a tiring and without creativity production, badly represented for the same habitable buildings which have no connection to the urban context where they belong to, conceived by housing investors who really do not care to the architect\'s authorship value as a contribution to their project. Basing on this picture the research initiates from one question: Where are the good and innovative projects among the usual and traditional proposals? Collective Housing: A Contemporary and Differential Proposal in São Paulo presents a current study of collective habitation essays in São Paulo metropolitan region since the beginning of XXI century that was apparently a period of intense construction, although not necessarily a good quality of construction. Calling this paper a differential proposal is positive for the fact that the buildings here proposed contribute to new agents possibilities, urban lots occupation, new building techniques, other options of heading the program, among many possibilities revealed that often are lowered in a usual commercial production. The selected projects were divides in three principal groups: horizontal residential buildings, medium upright buildings with superposed housing units and upright buildings with superposed housing units. In the second part of the paper, reading of the selected projects, particular analysis were made using information retrieved from respectable media channels of architectural production as ProjetoDesign and Arquitetura e Urbanismo magazines\' articles, while visiting the projects location, interviewing architecture offices\' staff and redrawing the projects. Each proposal text was organized according to the most frequent topics that appear in the different projects: architect\'s career, agents, implantation party, outdoors areas, structural systems and building techniques, envelopment and housing units. At last, after each reading the corresponding graphic card is exposed and also organized by subjects and main scales. The general group systematization doesn\'t obligate one to compare projects among the same category, once they are connected to multiple valorization systems and own individually a group of peculiar characteristics that in certain moments are comparable or not to other projects, being a mixed and singular production at the same time. In this way, the third part, Comparative analysis and final considerations about selected projects\' themes is found a crossing of many projects\' subjects where it\'s possible to notice that the proposals don\'t represent a well-defined type, otherwise they own ideas that in a moment belong to a thematic group and in another doesn\'t. It was observed as well situations where the principal entrepreneur agents were architects or situations where the architect\'s authorship is appreciated by the entrepreneur. The projects\' redrawing were essential to some conclusions. Finally it\'s good to mention that the chosen proposals are not necessarily considered \"good architecture\" to be exclusively followed, at the same time, the chosen proposals can expose superior alternatives regarding to quality which seems to be the housing market rule that guides the cities in a decadent way.
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Dimensionamento e sequenciamento de lotes de produção na indústria de bens de consumo de higiene pessoal. / Lot sizing and sequencing in the personal hygiene consumer goods industry.Kawamura, Márcio Seiti 11 November 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do problema integrado de dimensionamento e sequenciamento de lotes de produção. O processo de dimensionar e sequenciar lotes de produção consiste em determinar quanto produzir de cada produto e a sequência de produção desses lotes em cada máquina a cada período a fim de atender a uma demanda prevista sob as condições e capacidades operacionais existentes. O caso estudado nesse trabalho aborda o cenário de uma empresa de grande porte da indústria de bens de consumo de higiene pessoal, um mercado bastante concorrido no qual o bom nível de serviço de atendimento e a gestão de custos mostram-se essenciais na competição pelos clientes. Nessa empresa, existe um ambiente operacional complexo, composto por máquinas distintas em paralelo com capacidade limitada de produção cujos tempos de preparação (setup) são dependentes da sequência de produção, além de uma restrição de capacidade de armazenagem dos produtos fabricados, característica não encontrada na literatura existente. Os clientes permitem que ocorram atrasos de atendimento da demanda, porém isso é extremamente indesejável. Esse tipo de problema é NP-difícil, sendo geralmente tratado na literatura por heurísticas. Nesse trabalho, elaboramos nove diferentes estratégias de resolução baseadas na heurística relax-and-fix. O objetivo é, não somente resolver um problema real complexo, como também avaliar se o modo de articionamento e a sequência de resolução dos subproblemas influencia no desempenho da heurística. Os testes computacionais foram conduzidos em instâncias geradas aleatoriamente e em casos reais. Os resultados mostraram um bom desempenho e robustez da abordagem proposta. Técnicas alternativas foram aplicadas na estratégia com os melhores resultados para potencializar seu desempenho. / This work adresses the integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem. The process of lot sizing and scheduling consists of determining how much to produce of each product and the scheduling of these lots in each machine in order to meet the demand under existing restrictions and operational capabilities. The case studied in this work describes the scenario of a big company in the industry of consumer goods for personal hygiene, a very competitive market in which the good service level for customers and the cost management show up in the competition for the clients. In this company, there is a complex operational environment, composed of distinct parallel machines with limited production capacity and sequence dependente setup times. There is also a limited finished goods storage capacity, a characteristic not found in the existing literature. Backordering is allowed but it is extremely undesirable. This problem is NP-hard and it has been treated by heuristics in the literature. In this work, we developed nine different solving strategies based on the relax-and-fix heuristics. The aim of this approach is not only to solve a complex real problem but also assess whether the form of partitioning and the sequence of solving the subproblems influences the performance of the relax-and-fix heuristics. The computational experiments were conducted on ramdomly generated instances and real problems. The results showed the good performance and the robustness of the proposed approach. Alternative techniques were applied in the strategy with the best results in the previous tests to enhance its performance.
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O problema integrado de dimensionamento e sequenciamento de lotes no processo de fabricação da cerveja: modelos e métodos de solução / The integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem in the brewing process: models and solution methodsBaldo, Tamara Angélica 19 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda o problema multiestágio de planejamento e programação da produção em indústrias cervejeiras. O processo de fabricação de cerveja pode ser dividido em duas etapas principais: preparação do líquido e envase. A primeira etapa ocorre, na maior parte do tempo, dentro de tanques de fermentação e maturação. A segunda ocorre nas linhas de envase, podendo ter início assim que o líquido estiver pronto nos tanques. O tempo de preparação do líquido demora vários dias, enquanto que na maioria das indústrias de bebidas carbonatadas este tempo é de no máximo algumas horas. O objetivo deste estudo é obter planos de produção viáveis que visam otimizar as decisões de programação envolvidas nestes processos. Visitas a cervejarias no Brasil e em Portugal foram realizadas para uma maior familiaridade do processo de produção e dados foram coletados. Modelos de programação inteira mista para representar o problema foram desenvolvidos, baseados em abordagens CSLP (The Continuous Setup Lot-Sizing Problem), GLSP (General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem), SPL (Simple Plant Location Problem) e ATSP (Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem). Os resultados mostram que os modelos são coerentes e representam adequadamente o problema, entretanto, mostram-se difíceis de serem resolvidos na otimalidade. Esta dificuldade de resolução dos modelos motivou o desenvolvimento de procedimentos MIP-heurísticos, como também de uma metaheurística GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure). As soluções obtidas pelos procedimentos heurísticos são de boa qualidade, quando comparadas ao melhor limitante inferior encontrado por meio da resolução dos modelos matemáticos. Os testes computacionais foram realizados utilizando instâncias geradas com base em dados reais. / This study deals with the multistage lot-sizing and scheduling problem in breweries. The brewing process can be divided into two main stages: preparation and filling of the liquid. The first stage occurs most of the time in fermentation and maturation tanks. The second stage occurs in the filling lines and it can start as soon as the liquid gets ready. The preparation time of the liquid takes several days, while in the carbonated beverage industries this time is at most a few hours. The purpose of this study is to obtain feasible production plans aimed at optimizing the decisions involved in these processes. Visits to brewery industries in Brazil and Portugal were held to a greater familiarity of the production process and data were collected. Mixed integer programming models have been developed to represent the problem, based on approaches for the CSLP (The Continuous Setup Lot-Sizing Problem), GLSP (General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem), SPL (Simple Plant Location Problem) and ATSP (Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem). The results show that the models are consistent and adequately represent the problem; however, they are difficult to be solved at optimality. This motivated the development of MIP-heuristic procedures, as well as a meta-heuristic GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure). The obtained solutions by the heuristics are of good quality, when compared to the best lower bound found by solving the mathematical models. The tests were conducted using generated instances based on real data.
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Abordagens para o problema de dimensionamento e sequenciamento da produção em indústrias integradas de papel e celulose / Approaches for the lot sizing and scheduling problem in integrated pulp and paper millsFurlan, Marcos Mansano 10 December 2015 (has links)
O setor industrial produtor de papel e celulose tem aumentado sua relevância comercial nas últimas décadas devido à demanda constantemente crescente. O aumento na competitividade do setor gerado pela economia globalizada e a dificuldade de desenvolvimento de bons planos de produção em ambientes produtivos cada vez mais complexos têm motivado a pesquisa por novas e efetivas ferramentas de auxílio à tomada de decisão. Considerando estas dificuldades, abordamos neste trabalho o problema de dimensionamento e sequenciamento de lotes com foco em empresas com processo integrado de produção de celulose e de papel. Trata-se de um problema de planejamento de médio a curto prazo, geralmente com maior enfoque no curto prazo por considerar o planejamento detalhado da produção em horizontes de planejamento que não superam 30 dias. No processo integrado de celulose e papel, foram consideradas as decisões de produção do digestor, evaporador, caldeira de recuperação e de múltiplas máquinas produtoras de papel, além do controle de estoque de produtos intermediários e finais. Modelos matemáticos da literatura foram modificados e estendidos para incorporar características adicionais do problema como, por exemplo, processos com múltiplas máquinas de papel. Além disso, foram desenvolvidas heurísticas construtivas, heurísticas de melhoria, abordagens de solução híbridas baseadas em algoritmos genéticos combinadas com ferramentas comerciais de solução exata, além de combinações entre os métodos. As abordagens desenvolvidas foram testadas computacionalmente e as melhores combinações de métodos foram definidas. De forma geral, os resultados dessas abordagens foram superiores aos obtidos por ferramentas de solução comerciais puras. Ademais, a variação proposta da heurística de melhoria fixe-e-otimize com mudanças na função objetivo se destacou com relação aos demais métodos, obtendo os melhores resultados, independentemente da qualidade da solução inicial utilizada. As principais contribuições desta tese são a apresentação de modelos matemáticos para representar apropriadamente o problema estudado, e o desenvolvimento de métodos de solução efetivos para resolver o problema. / The pulp and paper industry has been increasing the commercial importance in recent decades due to the constant growing demand. The increasing competitiveness of this sector generated by the globalized economy and the difficulty to develop good production plans in complex production environments have motivated the search for new and effective decision support systems. Given these difficulties, in this thesis we address the lot sizing and scheduling problem focused on integrated pulp and paper mills. This is a problem of medium to short term planning, generally more focused on the short term as it covers detailed production schedules in planning horizons which do not exceed 30 days. In these integrated pulp and paper process the production decisions of digester, evaporator, recovery boiler and multiple paper machines are considered, apart from the inventory control of intermediate and final products. Mathematical models known in the literature were modified and extended to incorporate additional features of the problem, such as processes with multiple paper machines. In addition, constructive and improvement heuristics, and hybrid methods based on genetic algorithms combined with a commercial solver were developed, as well as combinations of these solution approaches. The methods developed were computationally tested and the best combinations of methods were defined. Overall, the results of these methods were superior to the solutions obtained by pure commercial solvers. Moreover, the alternative variation proposed of the improvement heuristic fix-and-optimize with exchanges in the objective function surpassed the other methods, obtaining the best results, regardless of the quality of the initial solution used. The main contribution of this thesis are the presentation of mathematical models that appropriately represents the problem under study, and the development of effective solution methods to deal with the problem.
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Estudos em problemas de dimesionamento de lotes com preparações carryover e crossover / Studies in lot-sizing problems with setup carryover and crossoverHuaccha Neyra, Jackeline del Carmen [UNESP] 13 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JACKELINE DEL CARMEN HUACCHA NEYRA null (jacky_157_93@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-24T15:38:11Z
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dissertação jackeline.pdf: 1416143 bytes, checksum: 3865afc18803fe4e45d315a9ee3afaf9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-03-24T18:02:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os problemas de dimensionamento de lotes consistem em determinar a quantidade de itens que devem ser produzidos em todos os períodos de um horizonte de planejamento. Em geral, são considerados custos de produção, preparação de máquina e de manutenção de estoque. Neste trabalho estuda-se uma extensão do problema de dimensionamento de lotes com restrição de capacidade que considera tempos de preparação, preparação carryover e crossover, em que se tem uma única máquina, único estágio, multi-itens e big-bucket (CLSP-SCC). Novas formulações para o CLSP-SCC são apresentadas e evitam a necessidade de definir novas variáveis binárias para modelar a preparação crossover. Também são propostas restrições de quebra de simetria para formulações propostas na literatura. São provadas as relações teóricas que existem entre cada uma destas formulações estudadas. Além disso, é proposta uma heurística híbrida que combina as heurísticas Relax-and-Fix e Fix-and-Optimize (RF-FO), em que a heurística Relax-and-Fix é usada para obter uma solução inicial e a heurística Fix-and-Optimize melhora essa solução. Por fim, apresentam-se os resultados computacionais e conclui-se que os resultados obtidos melhoram significativamente quando comparam-se a formulação clássica com as formulações sem preparação carryover. Compara-se também os resultados da heurística com os do pacote computacional CPLEX e, quando ambos são limitados ao mesmo tempo computacional, a heurística RF-FO obtém melhores resultados. / Lot-Sizing Problems consist of determining the quantity of items to be produced in each period of a planning horizon. In general, production, setup and inventory costs are considered. In this work an extension of the Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem is studied, which considers setup times, Setup Carryover and Setup Crossover, single machine, single level, multi items, multi periods and big-bucket (CLSP-SCC). New formulations to the CLSP-SCC are presented and avoid the necessity of defining new extra binary variables to model the setup crossover. Furthermore, symmetry breaking constraints are proposed for formulations from the literature. The theoretical relations between the studied formulations are proved. A Relax-and-Fix and Fixand-Optimize (RF-FO) hybrid heuristic is proposed, in which the Relax-and-Fix helps to find an initial solution and the Fix-and-Optimize improves it. Computational results are presented and the obtained results improve significantly when comparing the classical formulation with the formulation without setup carryover. Finally, the results obtained by the RF-FO heuristic and the computational package CPLEX are compared and, when they both are limited to the same computational time, the RF-FO heuristic obtains better results.
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Problema integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e corte de estoque: modelagem matemática e métodos de solução / A general integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem: mathematical modelling and solution methodsMelega, Gislaine Mara [UNESP] 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by GISLAINE MARA MELEGA null (gis_laine_m@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-27T18:20:11Z
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TESE_Gislaine Melega_Matemática.pdf: 2710288 bytes, checksum: 9c3a4e388e7584cf0423182dcfdcced8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-03-29T19:23:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
melega_gm_dr_sjrp.pdf: 2710288 bytes, checksum: 9c3a4e388e7584cf0423182dcfdcced8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-29T19:23:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Nesta tese, estamos interessados em tratar de maneira integrada dois conhecidos problemas da literatura. Esta integração é referida na literatura como problema integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e corte de estoque. A ideia consiste em considerar simultaneamente, as decisões relacionadas com ambos os problemas, de modo a capturar a interdependência entre estas decisões e, assim, obter uma melhor solução global. Propõe-se um modelo matemático geral para o problema integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e corte de estoque (GILSCS), que considera vários níveis de integração e nos permite classificar a literatura, em termos de modelos matemáticos, dos problemas integrados. A classificação é organizada a partir de dois principais aspectos de integração que são: a integração através dos períodos de tempo e a integração entre os níveis de produção. Em um horizonte de planejamento que considera vários períodos, o estoque fornece uma ligação entre os períodos. Esta integração, por períodos de tempo, constitui o primeiro tipo de integração. O problema geral também considera a produção em diferentes níveis: objetos são fabricados ou comprados e então são cortados para produzir peças menores e estas, por sua vez, constituem componentes para a produção dos produtos finais. A integração entre os diferentes níveis de produção consiste no segundo tipo de integração. A revisão da literatura também possibilita direcionar interessantes áreas para pesquisas futuras. O comportamento da solução para este tipo de problema, com três níveis e vários períodos, é estudado a partir do desenvolvimento de métodos de solução considerando abordagens que superam as dificuldades do problema, que consistem no alto número de padrões de corte, estruturas em vários níveis (multiestágios) e variáveis binárias de preparo. Os métodos de solução propostos para o problema GILSCS são baseados em duas abordagens conhecidas da literatura, usadas com sucesso para resolver os problemas separadamente, que são o procedimento de geração de colunas e heurísticas de decomposição do tipo relax-and-fix. Estas estratégias e suas variações são combinadas à um pacote de otimização em um estudo computacional com dados gerados aleatoriamente. Uma revisão da literatura, em termos de métodos de solução, para o problema integrado também é apresentada. Outras contribuições desta tese consistem em propor diferentes modelos matemáticos para o problema integrado, combinando modelos alternativos para cada um dos problemas separadamente. Neste estudo, o objetivo é comparar e avaliar, com um extensivo estudo computacional, a qualidade e o impacto das diferentes formulações. O outro trabalho trata de uma aplicação do problema integrado em um indústria de móveis de pequeno porte, em que restrições específicas do ambiente industrial são abordadas, como estoque de segurança e ciclos da serra. A solução obtida pelo modelo proposto é comparada com uma simulação da prática da empresa. / In this thesis, the subject of interest is in treating, in an integrated way, two wellknown problems in the literature. This integration is referred in the literature as the integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem. The basic idea is to consider, simultaneously, the decisions related to both problems so as to capture the interdependency between these decisions in order to obtain a better global solution. We propose a mathematical model for a general integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock (GILSCS) problem. This model considers multiple dimensions of integration and enables us to classify the current literature, in terms of mathematical models, in this field. The main classification of the literature is organized around two types of integration. In a planning horizon which consists of multiple periods, the inventory provides a link between the periods. This integration across time periods constitutes the first type of integration. The general problem also considers the production in different levels: objects are fabricated or purchased and then, they are cut to produce the pieces which are then assembled as components in the production of final products. The integration between these production levels constitutes the second type of integration. The literature review also enables us to point out interesting areas for future research. The behavior of a solution to this type of problem, with three levels of production and several time periods, is studied considering the development of solution approaches that overcome the difficulties of the problem, which are the high number of cutting patterns, multi-level structures and the binary values of the setup variables. The solution methods proposed to the GILSCS problem are based on two known strategies from the literature which are used successfully to solve the problems separately, which are the column generation procedure and decomposition heuristics based on relax-and-fix procedure. These strategies and their variations are combined into an optimization package in a computational study with randomly generated data. A literature review, in terms of solution methods, to the integrated problem, is also presented. Other contributions of this thesis consist of proposing different mathematical models for the integrated problem combining alternative models for each one of the problems separately. In this study, the aim is to compare and evaluate, with an extensive computational study, the quality and the impact of these dfifferent formulations. Another study is an application of the integrated problem in a small furniture factory, in which specific constraints related to the industrial environment are addressed, such as, safety stock level constraints and saw cycles constraints. The solution obtained from the proposed model is compared to a simulation of the common practice in the company. / FAPESP: 2012/20631-2
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Truffles Have Never Been Modern: An Actor-Network Theorization of 150 Years of French TrufficultureVan Vleet, Eric 27 March 2018 (has links)
Contemporary scholars seeking to increase Tuber Melanosporum truffle production rely almost exclusively on technological advancements to increase yields, while failing to place the cultivation of truffles, trufficulture, in its historical or local landscape contexts. In this dissertation, I describe how truffle scholars’ conceptualization of trufficulture and landscapes has changed over 150 years in France, while focusing on the French département of Lot. I examine changing relations between humans and nonhumans and how they impact truffle harvests. I analyzed the history of French trufficulture through a close reading of historic truffle manuals, archival research and the classification of remotely sensed images. Shifting from the past to the present, from July 2014-August 2016, I conducted semi-structured survey interviews with working truffle-growers (trufficulteurs) and participant observation at meetings of trufficulteurs, truffle hunts and truffle markets. I utilize actor-network theory (ANT) as both a theory and methodology. Actor-network theory allowed me to follow the impacts made by both humans and nonhumans on trufficulture. I found that truffle harvests in the 1880s dropped by 90%. Highly populated, intensively worked landscapes of viticulture, silvopastoralism and cereal cultivation created conditions suitable to truffles. By the 1870s the phylloxera aphid ravaged grapevines, which made trufficulture an important source of revenue. These advantageous conditions would not last. Post-WWI, yields fell for decades because of an ongoing rural population exodus and consequent agricultural abandonment, which promoted reforestation and closed canopy forests in Lot, France. By the 1960s, French trufficulteurs organized associations to share knowledge and promote local truffle markets to revive production. Trufficulteurs’ utilization of tractors, ‘inoculated’ plants and irrigation systems produced a new form of “modern” trufficulture. State subsidies helped trufficulteurs adopt “modern” practices, in hopes of increasing yields. “Modern” trufficulture has not dramatically increased yields. A few highly-capitalized trufficulteurs dominate production in Lot. Many others practice trufficulture as a hobby. Instead of relying on “modern” technological fixes, my findings suggest that trufficulteurs, farmers and states should reinvigorate extensive polyculture farming practices that maintain open canopy forests, which were beneficial to trufficulture in the past. Actor-network theory allowed me to rethink human and nonhuman relations, and to propose alternatives to “modern” trufficulture.
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Les terrains vacants et la lisibilité du centre-ville de Montréal.André, Jean-Philippe 12 1900 (has links)
Les terrains vacants sont, à Montréal, des éléments indéniables dans la composition de la trame urbaine. Leur présence soutenue intéresse déjà depuis longtemps de nombreux
auteurs et décideurs municipaux. Toutefois, il s’avère que l’on connaît peu les caractéristiques paysagères de ces espaces. Cette recherche en aménagement vise à
compléter nos connaissances sur cette typologie d’espace urbain. Elle porte sur la
caractérisation paysagère des terrains vacants du centre-ville de Montréal et sur l’étude de leur potentiel visuel à mettre en valeur les attributs significatifs du paysage urbain.
Ces deux études doivent permettre de comprendre le rôle joué par ces vides dans la
perception du paysage urbain. Cette démarche s’interroge sur la possibilité que certains
vides puissent être justifiés et légitimés en regard de la notion de lisibilité du paysage urbain (Lynch, 1976, 1982). Les terrains joueraient un rôle important au niveau de la perception des paysages urbains. Il s’agit de démontrer le potentiel des espaces vacants dans la mise en valeur du paysage urbain, dans l’optique, pour certains d’entre eux, de légitimer le vide ou une partie du vide qui les définit, de les rendre structurants dans la composition urbaine. Grâce à un travail d’observation des caractéristiques urbaines, contextuelles, visuelles et physiques, l’étude a pu à la fois dresser le portrait de ces espaces en attente de développement urbain et démontrer leur implication dans la lisibilité urbaine.
Ce travail présente l’intérêt d’offrir un énoncé sur la planification du développement des terrains vacants du centre-ville de Montréal en regard de la notion de lisibilité urbaine partie prenante dans la qualité urbaine. / In Montreal, vacant lots are undeniable elements in the composition of the urban pattern. For a long time, their sustained presence has interested various authors (Lévesque, Prost, etc.) and municipal authorities. However, it turns out that we know little about the landscape character assessment of these spaces. This research seeks to complete our knowledge of this typology of urban spaces in Downtown Montreal trough a landscape character assessment and a study of their visual potential.
Those two studies will underline the role of these voids in the urban landscape perception. Some vacant lots are maybe part of a good urban imageability.
This study assumes that vacant lots have an important role with regards to the urban
landscape perception. By collecting information which refers to urban, contextual, visual and physical characteristics, observations were able to prove that there is a relationship between the urban imageability and the voids generated by the vacant lot. It demonstrated
the potential of those spaces to enhance the urban landscape by their structuring abilities.
This study proposes a first glimpse of a coherent planning for the development of
downtown vacant lots, in particular, through the notion of imageability as an integral part of the urban quality.
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Augmenting Cartographic Resources and Assessing Roadway State for Vehicle NavigationSeo, Young-Woo 01 April 2012 (has links)
Maps are important for both human and robot navigation. Given a route, drivingassistance systems consult maps to guide human drivers to their destinations. Similarly, topological maps of a road network provide a robotic vehicle with information about where it can drive and what driving behaviors it should use. By providing the necessary information about the driving environment, maps simplify both manual and autonomous driving.
The majority of existing cartographic databases are built, using manual surveys and operator interactions, to primarily assist human navigation. Hence, the resolution of existing maps is insufficient for use in robotics applications. Also, the coverage of these maps fails to extend to places where robotics applications require detailed geometric information.
To augment the resolution and coverage of existing maps, this thesis investigates computer vision algorithms to automatically build lane-level detailed maps of highways and parking lots by analyzing publicly available cartographic resources, such as orthoimagery.
Our map-building methods recognize image patterns and objects that are tightly coupled with the structure of the underlying road network by 1) identifying, without human intervention, locally consistent image cues and 2) linking them based on the obtained local evidence and prior information about roadways. We demonstrate the accuracy of our bootstrapping approach in building lane-level detailed roadwaymaps through experiments.
Due to expected abnormal events on highways such as roadwork, the geometry and traffic rules of highways that appear on maps can occasionally change. This thesis also addresses the problem of updating the resulting maps with temporary changes by analyzing perspective imagery acquired from a vision sensor installed on a vehicle.
To robustly recognize highway work zones, our sign recognizer focuses on handling variations of signs’ colors and shapes. Sign recognition errors, which are inevitable, can cause our system to misread temporary highway changes. To handle potential errors, our method utilizes the temporal redundancy of sign occurrences and their corresponding classification decisions. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our approach highway workzone recognition through testing with video data recorded under various weather conditions.
Two major results of this thesis work are 1) algorithms that analyze orthoimages to produce lane-level detailed maps of highways and parking lots and 2) on-vehicle computer vision algorithms that are able to recognize temporary changes on highways. Our maps can provide detailed information about a route, in advance, to either a human driver or a self-driving vehicle. While driving on highways, our roadway-assessing algorithms enable the vehicle to update the resulting maps with temporary changes to the route.
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Designing density: increasing functionality through flexibility in single family neighborhoodsSmith, Alyson Rae 29 April 2009 (has links)
American cities have only recently come of age in the global sense. Therefore, most of our land use regulations have emphasized greenfield development issues over those of a mature city. The next wave of city building is redensification. This thesis argues that modern day, Euclidian zoning needs to be replaced in order to make the case for a sustainable mix of residential diversity, density, and affordability.
Conventional zoning relies on simplistic measures to regulate density and shape the form of neighborhoods. Initially used primarily as a way to make the field of planning appear scientific and rational, these measures do not create functionally flexible neighborhoods for the changing needs of the twenty first century. Urban spaces should be thought of as a language, composed of pieces that evolve with cultural norms. Zoning must evolve to reflect current societal values, with an emphasis on environmental issues, while meeting the needs of changing market structures if cities are ever to sustainably house their populous. Zoning's inflexibility towards cultural shifts uses antiquated assumptions to force contemporary city design into a regulatory straight jacket.
Using case studies within the city of Los Angeles because of its history in side-by-side integration of single family homes with a range of residential densities and supportive commercial uses, the thesis investigates three primary questions. First, under what zoning ordinances did the Los Angeles neighborhoods evolve and what lessons in functionality can be taken from their design? Second, looking at both conventional zoning and newer, form-based regulatory techniques, how does zoning affect the variety of housing types available? And third, what would a flexible zoning framework, created to support the future development of an evolving regional urbanization process and a changing social demographic, look like?
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