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Dinâmica de populações e comunidades de borboletas e aves ao longo do tempo / Population and community dynamics of butterflies and birds over timeCarlos Candia-Gallardo 27 April 2017 (has links)
As abundâncias e identidades das espécies de qualquer comunidade biológica mudam tanto ao longo do espaço quanto do tempo. Não obstante, aspectos espaciais da biodiversidade têm sido muito mais explorados do que os temporais. Um dos motivos pelos quais padrões temporais têm recebido menos atenção é a escassez de estudos de longo prazo, especialmente na região neotropical, uma das mais biodiversas e ameaçadas do planeta. Estudar a dinâmica de populações e comunidades ao longo do tempo pode revelar processos ecológicos fundamentais, bem como descrever como pressões naturais e humanas afetam a biodiversidade. Entender a dinâmica das populações e comunidades envolve entender as histórias de vida dos organismos, como eles interagem com o ambiente, o papel de interações entre espécies, o papel de processos demográficos estocásticos, dentre outros fatores. Nesta tese investigamos a dinâmica temporal de populações e comunidades de borboletas e aves, e ao longo dos capítulos avaliamos o papel de diferentes processos na regulação dessas dinâmicas. No Capítulo 1 investigamos se um comportamento sazonal observado em borboletas Ithomiini (Nymphalidae, Danainae), supostamente adaptativo à seca - os \"bolsões de Ithomiini\"- seria uma simples resposta reativa à falta de chuvas ou se mecanismos endógenos (\"relógios biológicos\") estariam envolvidos. No Capítulo 2 realizamos um estudo de dinâmica populacional comparada de borboletas miméticas da tribo Ithomiini. Algumas evidências têm sugerido que além de convergir na morfologia, espécies co-miméticas tenderiam a convergir também no comportamento, no uso de microhabitats e possivelmente em suas dinâmicas populacionais. Testamos as hipóteses de que 1) pares de espécies co-miméticas (i.e., com a morfologia convergente) ou 2) pares de espécies mais próximas filogeneticamente teriam suas dinâmicas populacionais mais correlacionadas do que pares de espécies agrupados ao acaso. No Capítulo 3 descrevemos como a composição de espécies de assembleias de aves e borboletas de nove localidades tropicais e subtropicais na América do Sul e do Norte variou ao longo do tempo (anos a décadas), e se diferenças demográficas entre espécies (nicho) seriam importantes para explicar os padrões observados. No Capítulo 1 encontramos evidências de que a agregações seriam um comportamento endógeno sincronizado com o fotoperíodo, com plasticidade limitada para lidar com as alterações no regime de chuvas previstas para a região e para o continente. No Capítulo 2 encontramos que as dinâmicas populacionais de pares de espécies de Ithomiini de um mesmo anel mimético ou mais próximas filogeneticamente não tenderam a ser mais correlacionadas do que pares reunidos ao acaso, e que as espécies, anéis miméticos e subtribos estudadas tiveram suas dinâmicas temporais mais correlacionados do que seria esperado por acaso. Estes resultados e os do Capítulo 1 sugerem que na dinâmica desse sistema as pressões seletivas exercidas por fatores ambientais seriam mais importantes do que interações entre espécies. No Capítulo 3 mostramos que a composição de espécies de assembleias de aves na Amazônia, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica e Flórida se alterou ao longo dos anos, mesmo em assembleias de áreas bem preservadas. Sobreposta a essa rotatividade (turnover) interanual também encontramos rotatividade sazonal, previsível, na composição de espécies de assembleias de aves da Amazônia e da Mata Atlântica e na assembleia de borboletas Ithomiini. Padrões de rotatividade sazonal na composição de espécies podem ser mais comuns em comunidades neotropicais do que se imagina. As estratégias temporais dos organismos neotropicais, as quais parecem ser a base dos padrões sazonais observados nas comunidades, podem ser largamente determinadas por ritmos (\"relógios\") endógenos. Estudos sobre a regulação dos ritmos e estratégias temporais dos organismos, e dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas e do uso do solo sobre eles, são essenciais. Um importante passo nesse sentido é a disseminação de estudos de longo-prazo de populações e comunidades, contínuos, sistemáticos e com resolução para detectar padrões sazonais. Além disso, a interação das perspectivas, bases teóricas e abordagens da biologia molecular, fisiologia, cronobiologia e ecologia pode avançar nosso entendimento sobre os processos que moldam a dinâmica da biodiversidade e sobre as consequências das perturbações humanas sobre os ecossistemas / The species abundances and identities of any biological community change both over space and time. Nevertheless, Spatial biodiversity dimensions have been much more exploited than temporal ones. One of the reasons for which temporal patterns have received less attention is a scarcity of long-term studies, especially in the neotropical region, one of the most biodiverse and endangered on the planet. Studying the dynamics of populations and communities over time can reveal key ecological processes as well as describe how natural and human pressures affect biodiversity. Understanding the dynamics of populations and communities involves understanding organisms life histories, how they interact with the environment, the role of interactions among species, the role of stochastic demographic processes, and other factors. In this dissertation we investigated the temporal dynamics of butterflies and birds populations and assemblages, and throughout its chapters we evaluate the role of different processes in the regulation of dynamics. In Chapter 1 we investigated whether a seasonal behavior observed in butterflies Ithomiini (Nymphalidae, Danainae), supposedly adaptive to dissecation - the \"Ithomiini pockets \" - is a simple reactive response to drought or there is internal time-keeping mechanisms involved. In Chapter 2, we performed a comparative population dynamics study of mimetic butterflies of the Ithomiini tribe. Some evidence has suggested that besides the convergence in morphology, co-mimetic species would tend to converge also in behavior, in the use of microhabitats and possibly in their population dynamics. We hypothesized that (1) pairs of co-mimetic species or (2) pairs of species more phylogenetically related would have their population dynamics more correlated than pairs of species grouped at random. In Chapter 3 we described how species composition of bird and butterfly assemblages from nine tropical and subtropical locations in South and North America varied over time (years and decades), and if demographic differences between species (niche) are needed to explain observed patterns. In Chapter 1 we found evidence that Ithomiini pockets are regulated by internal time-keeping mechanisms synchronized to photoperiod, and that mechanism has limited plasticity to cope with rainfall regime changes predicted for the study region and for the continent as a whole. In Chapter 2 we found that the population dynamics of Ithomiini species pairs more phylogenetically related or belonging to the same mimetic ring did not tend to be more correlated than pairs assembled at random, and that the species, mimetic rings and subtribes had their temporal dynamics more correlated than would be expected By chance These results and those of Chapter 1 suggest that this system dynamics is more influenced by selective pressures exerted by environmental factors than by species interactions. In Chapter 3 we show that the composition of bird assemblages in the Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest, and Florida has changed over the years, even in assemblies of well-preserved areas. Superimposed to this interannual turnover we also found seasonal, predictable turnover in species composition of bird assemblages of the Amazon and Atlantic Forest and in the Ithomiini butterflies assembly. Patterns of seasonal turnover in species composition may be more common in neotropical communities than is imagined. The temporal strategies of neotropical organisms, which appear to be the basis of the seasonal patterns observed in communities, can be largely determined by endogenous rhythms (\"biological clocks\"). Studies on the regulation of organisms\' temporal rhythms and strategies, and the effects of climate change and land use on them, are essential. An important step in this direction is the dissemination of continuous, systematic, population and community long-term studies, with sampling resolution to detect seasonal patterns. In addition, the interaction of perspectives, theoretical basis, and approaches of molecular biology, physiology, chronobiology, and ecology can advance our understanding of the processes that shape biodiversity dynamics and the consequences of human disturbances on ecosystems
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Role of Wnt4 signaling in mammalian sex determination, ovariogenesis and female sex duct differentiationPrunskaite-Hyyryläinen, R. (Renata) 20 May 2014 (has links)
Mammalian female sex development was considered a default developmental pathway. However, the deletion of the Wnt4 gene, a member of the Wnt family of secreted signals, was shown to reverse the sex of XX female mouse embryo and caused exhibition of certain male characteristics. This indicated that the female sexual development cannot be default but depends on active signaling and cell-cell interaction.
The aim of the current study was to reveal the functional role of the Wnt4 gene in the control of sex determination, ovariogenesis and female sex duct formation.
This study demonstrates that testosterone is produced by the ovary of Wnt4-deficient female embryos. The inhibition of androgen action by an antiandrogen, flutamide, during gestation leads to complete degeneration of the Wolffian ducts in 80% of the Wnt4 mutant females. This suggests that testosterone is the possible mediator of the masculinization phenotype in Wnt4-deficient females. Wnt4 is expressed by ovarian somatic cells, which are vital for the control of female germline development. This work has shown that Wnt4 is the factor maintaining germ cell cysts, cell-cell interaction and early follicular gene expression. In addition, the findings indicate a critical role for Wnt4/5a signaling in meiosis. Our research has proven that Wnt4 has roles during postnatal ovary development as its defective signaling leads to premature ovarian failure associated with diminished Amh levels, defective basement membrane and cell polarization.
The Mullerian duct, the anlagen of oviduct, uterus and upper part of vagina, does not form in Wnt4-deficient females. This study indicates that Wnt4 is needed for migration initiation and maintenance during Mullerian duct formation prenatally. During the postnatal uterine differentiation Wnt4 is essential for endometrial gland formation.
The present study provides new evidence for Wnt4 function during embryonic and adult female sexual differentiation. / Tiivistelmä
Nisäkkäiden naaraspuolista kehitystä pidettiin aiemmin sukupuolisen erilaistumiskehityksen oletusarvona. Signaloivien proteiinien Wnt-perheeseen kuuluvan Wnt4-geenin puutteen todettiin kuitenkin johtavan XX naarasalkion sukupuolen kääntymisen koiraaksi sekä aiheuttavan tiettyjä koiraille ominaisia piirteitä. Tämä osoitti, ettei naaraspuolinen kehitys ole oletusarvo, vaan se riippuu aktiivisesta signaloinnista ja solujen välisestä interaktiosta.
Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää Wnt4-geenin roolia sukupuolen määräytymisessä, munasarjojen kehittymisessä sekä naaraan sukupuolitiehyitten muodostumisessa.
Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin, että munasarjat tuottavat testosteronia niillä naaraspuolisilla alkioilla, joilta puuttuu Wnt4-geeni. 80 prosentilla naaraista, joilla on Wnt4-geenin puute, androgeenivaikutuksen esto raskauden aikana annettavalla antiandrogeenilla, flutamidilla, estää sukupuolen vaihtumisen fenotyypin. Tämä viittaa siihen, että testosteroni toimii mahdollisena koiraan fenotyypin välittäjänä naarailla, joilta puuttuu Wnt4-geeni. Wnt4 ilmentyy munasarjojen somaattisissa soluissa, jotka ovat tärkeitä naaraspuolisen ituradan kehityksen säätelyn kannalta. Väitöstutkimus osoittaa, että Wnt4 on itusoluryppäitä, solujen välistä interaktiota sekä varhaista follikkeligeeni-ilmentymistä ylläpitävä tekijä. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että Wnt4/5a -signaloinnilla on tärkeä rooli meioosissa. Tutkimus osoittaa lisäksi, että Wnt4 vaikuttaa munasarjojen kehitykseen myös syntymän jälkeen. Puutteellinen signalointi alentaa Anti-Müllerian hormonin tasoa, heikentää tyvikalvoa ja vähentää solujen polarisaatiota, joka johtaa ennenaikaiseen munasarjojen toiminnan hiipumiseen.
Müllerin tiehyet, joista myöhemmin kehittyvät munanjohtimet, kohtu ja vaginan yläosa, jäävät kokonaan muodostumatta naarailla, joilta puuttuu Wnt4-geeni. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että Wnt4 on tarpeen alkioaikaiseen Müllerin tiehyen muodostavien solujen liikkeellelähtöön ja ylläpitoon. Wnt4:llä on myös keskeinen rooli kohturauhasten muodostumisessa sukukypsyyden saavuttamisen aikana ja sen jälkeen.
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Élucidation des rôles des voies Wnt et Hippo dans le développement et la fonction du tractus reproducteur femelle chez la sourisSt-Jean, Guillaume 11 1900 (has links)
Le développement du tractus reproducteur femelle est issu de la coordination minutieuse de nombreuses voies de signalisation régulant les processus de prolifération, différenciation et d’apoptose cellulaire durant l’embryogenèse. Les voies Wnt et Hippo se démarquent à cet égard. L’activation de la voie Wnt, via des ligands spécifiques, participe à la stabilisation et l’augmentation de l’activité transcriptionnelle du coactivateur de transcription β-catenin. La voie Hippo, pour sa part, ne possède aucun de ligand spécifique. L’inactivation de la voie Hippo (via les kinases Lats1 et Lats2) entraine la stabilisation des coactivateurs de la transcription YAP/TAZ et l’augmentation de leur activité transcriptionnelle. Plusieurs évidences suggèrent notamment la possibilité de redondance fonctionnelle entre certains ligands de la voie Wnt, dont Wnt4 et Wnt5a, dans le développement du tractus reproducteur femelle. Cette avenue demeure toutefois peu étudiée. L’implication de la voie Hippo n’a pas été rapportée dans le développement du tractus reproducteur femelle. Toutefois, les nombreuses interactions rapportées dans la littérature entre les deux voies suggèrent un rôle méconnu de la voie Hippo. L’objectif de ce projet était donc d’élucider les rôles de Wnt4, Wnt5a, Lats1 et Lats2 dans le mésenchyme de Müller et le développement de l’utérus. Les résultats de notre première étude ont confirmé la fonction partiellement redondante de Wnt4 et Wnt5a dans le développement de l’utérus. Notre modèle est notamment caractérisé par des anomalies développementales ainsi qu’une perte de fonction utérine associée à des anomalies de décidualisation in vivo et une diminution de la viabilité des concepti. Les résultats de notre seconde étude ont confirmé les rôles redondants de Lats1 et Lats2 dans le maintien de la multipotentialité des cellules mésenchymateuses müllériennes. Une différenciation hâtive des cellules mésenchymateuses müllériennes en myofibroblastes via, entre autres, l’expression du gène cible Ctgf, a été observée. Nos résultats additionnels n’ont pu mettre en évidence une interaction potentielle entre les voies Wnt et Hippo pouvant expliquer l’apparition des phénotypes. Ces deux études permettent de confirmer certains rôles connus et d’établir de nouveaux rôles de ces voies dans le développement des canaux de Müller. Ils pourront aussi établir les fondements de modèles permettant l’étude de différentes pathologies utérines et l’identification de cibles thérapeutiques. / The development of the female reproductive tract arises from the coordination of numerous signaling pathways regulating processes such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis during embryogenesis. The Wnt and Hippo pathways are known to be involved in these processes. Wnt pathway activation, via its specific ligands, results in the stabilisation and increased transcriptional activity of β-catenin. The Hippo pathway does not possess any specific ligands. In contrast to Wnt, inactivation of the Hippo pathway (via Lats1 and Lats2 kinases) is required for the stabilization and increased activity of the transcriptional coactivators YAP and TAZ. The Wnt pathway is known to be involved in the development of the female reproductive tract. Further evidence also suggests the possibility of functional redundancy amongst certain WNT ligands such as Wnt4 and Wnt5a. The Hippo pathway is not known to be implicated in the development of the female reproductive tract. However, numerous interactions have been reported between both pathways, suggesting a possible unknown role of Hippo in that context. The objective of this project was to elucidate the roles of Wnt4, Wnt5a, Lats1 and Lats2 in the Müllerian mesenchyme and the development of the uterus. Results from our first study confirmed the partially redundant roles of Wnt4 and Wnt5a in the development of the uterus. Our model was notably characterized by developmental abnormalities and loss of uterine functions resulting in in vivo decidualization defects and loss of conceptus viability. Results from our second study confirmed the redundant roles of Lats1 and Lats2 in the maintenance of Müllerian mesenchymal cell multipotency. We observed premature differentiation of Müllerian mesenchymal cells into myofibroblasts in absence of both Lats1 and Lats2. These changes were in part due to the increased expression of the target gene Ctgf. Our additional results could not demonstrate any potential interactions between the Wnt and Hippo pathways that could explain the phenotypic changes. In conclusion, our studies confirmed and further discovered novel roles of these pathways in the development of the Müllerian ducts. These models could also lead to better understanding of the pathophysiology of certain uterine diseases and the discovery of potential therapeutic approaches.
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Avaliação da reserva ovariana em pacientes com síndrome antifosfolípide primária / Ovarian reserve evaluation in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndromeYamakami, Lucas Yugo Shiguehara 16 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome antifosfolípide é uma doença autoimune caracterizada por eventos trombóticos e/ou obstétricos adversos associados à presença de anticorpos antifosfolípides. Considera-se síndrome antifosfolípide primária (SAFP) quando não há outra doença autoimune ou inflamatória associada. Objetivos: Avaliar marcadores de reserva ovariana em mulheres com SAFP e a associação entre estes marcadores e dados clínicos, laboratoriais e anticorpo anti-corpo lúteo (anti-CoL). Métodos: Realizou-se estudo transversal em 18 pacientes com SAFP e 24 controles. A reserva ovariana foi avaliada na fase folicular precoce através das dosagens de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estradiol e hormônio anti-Mülleriano (HAM), pela técnica de ELISA, e contagem ultrassonográfica de folículos antrais (CFA). O anti-CoL foi avaliado através de immunoblot. Todas as análises foram realizadas após suspensão de contraceptivo hormonal por, no mínimo, 6 meses e retorno das menstruações. O teste t foi utilizado para comparar médias ± desvio padrão e o teste de Mann-Whitney, para comparar medianas (variação). O teste exato de Fisher foi utilizado para comparar diferenças entre variáveis categóricas. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: A média da idade foi similar em pacientes com SAFP e controles (33,0 ± 5,0 vs. 30,4 ± 7,0 anos, p=0,19). Houve maior frequência de CFA baixa (<=10) (56% vs. 22%, p=0,04) e muito baixa (<=5) (37% vs. 9%, p=0,04) em pacientes com SAFP quando comparadas aos controles. Em relação ao HAM, observou-se tendência de maior frequência de concentração sérica reduzida (<1,0 ng/mL), baixa (<0,5 ng/mL) e muito baixa (<0,2 ng/mL) em pacientes com SAFP (p=0,08; p=0,07 and p=0,07; respectivamente). As concetrações séricas de FSH, LH e estradiol foram semelhantes em pacientes e controles (p>0,05). Não houve associação entre baixa reserva ovariana e tipos específicos de anticorpos antifosfolípides. A presença do anti-CoL foi observada apenas em pacientes com SAFP (11% vs. 0%, p=0,177) e não foi relacionada a parâmetros de reserva ovariana. Conclusões: Pacientes com SAFP apresentaram reserva ovariana diminuída, com prevalência maior do que 50%, o que reforça o aconselhamento reprodutivo e planejamento familiar / Introduction: Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by thrombosis and/or pregnancy morbidity associated with antiphospholipid antibodies. Primary APS (PAPS) is diagnosed when no other autoimmune or inflammatory diseases are present. Objective: to determine ovarian reserve in PAPS women and to evaluate the association between ovarian reserve tests and clinical and laboratorial parameters, and anti-corpus luteum antibody (anti-CoL). Methods: In this cross sectional study, 18 PAPS patients and 24 healthy women were evaluated at early follicular phase with measurement of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), carried out by ELISA test, and sonographic antral follicle count (AFC). Serum measurement of anti-CoL was determined by immunoblot analysis. All analyses were performed after at least 6 months from the last intake of hormonal contraceptive and resumption of menstruation. Data were compared by t-test and Mann-Whitney test in continuous variables and by Fisher\'s exact test in categorical variables. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: The mean age was comparable in PAPS and controls (33.0 ± 5.0 vs. 30.4 ± 7.0 years; p=0.19). Regarding ovarian reserve tests, the frequencies of low AFC (<= 10) (56% vs. 22%, p=0.04) and very low AFC (<= 5) (37% vs. 9%, p=0.04) were significantly higher in PAPS patients than controls. Trends of higher frequencies of reduced (<1.0 ng/mL), low (<0.5 ng/mL) and negligible (<0.2 ng/mL) AMH levels were found in PAPS patients (p=0.08; p=0.07 and p=0.07; respectively). FSH, LH and estradiol were similar in patients and controls. There was no association between low ovarian reserve and specific types of antiphospholipid antibodies. Anti-CoL was solely observed in PAPS patients (11% vs. 0%; p=0.177) and was not related to ovarian reserve tests. Conclusion: Women suffering from PAPS possessed reduced ovarian reserve, with prevalence greater than 50%, emphasizing fertility counseling and family planning
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Avaliação da reserva ovariana em pacientes com síndrome antifosfolípide primária / Ovarian reserve evaluation in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndromeLucas Yugo Shiguehara Yamakami 16 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome antifosfolípide é uma doença autoimune caracterizada por eventos trombóticos e/ou obstétricos adversos associados à presença de anticorpos antifosfolípides. Considera-se síndrome antifosfolípide primária (SAFP) quando não há outra doença autoimune ou inflamatória associada. Objetivos: Avaliar marcadores de reserva ovariana em mulheres com SAFP e a associação entre estes marcadores e dados clínicos, laboratoriais e anticorpo anti-corpo lúteo (anti-CoL). Métodos: Realizou-se estudo transversal em 18 pacientes com SAFP e 24 controles. A reserva ovariana foi avaliada na fase folicular precoce através das dosagens de hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estradiol e hormônio anti-Mülleriano (HAM), pela técnica de ELISA, e contagem ultrassonográfica de folículos antrais (CFA). O anti-CoL foi avaliado através de immunoblot. Todas as análises foram realizadas após suspensão de contraceptivo hormonal por, no mínimo, 6 meses e retorno das menstruações. O teste t foi utilizado para comparar médias ± desvio padrão e o teste de Mann-Whitney, para comparar medianas (variação). O teste exato de Fisher foi utilizado para comparar diferenças entre variáveis categóricas. Adotou-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: A média da idade foi similar em pacientes com SAFP e controles (33,0 ± 5,0 vs. 30,4 ± 7,0 anos, p=0,19). Houve maior frequência de CFA baixa (<=10) (56% vs. 22%, p=0,04) e muito baixa (<=5) (37% vs. 9%, p=0,04) em pacientes com SAFP quando comparadas aos controles. Em relação ao HAM, observou-se tendência de maior frequência de concentração sérica reduzida (<1,0 ng/mL), baixa (<0,5 ng/mL) e muito baixa (<0,2 ng/mL) em pacientes com SAFP (p=0,08; p=0,07 and p=0,07; respectivamente). As concetrações séricas de FSH, LH e estradiol foram semelhantes em pacientes e controles (p>0,05). Não houve associação entre baixa reserva ovariana e tipos específicos de anticorpos antifosfolípides. A presença do anti-CoL foi observada apenas em pacientes com SAFP (11% vs. 0%, p=0,177) e não foi relacionada a parâmetros de reserva ovariana. Conclusões: Pacientes com SAFP apresentaram reserva ovariana diminuída, com prevalência maior do que 50%, o que reforça o aconselhamento reprodutivo e planejamento familiar / Introduction: Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by thrombosis and/or pregnancy morbidity associated with antiphospholipid antibodies. Primary APS (PAPS) is diagnosed when no other autoimmune or inflammatory diseases are present. Objective: to determine ovarian reserve in PAPS women and to evaluate the association between ovarian reserve tests and clinical and laboratorial parameters, and anti-corpus luteum antibody (anti-CoL). Methods: In this cross sectional study, 18 PAPS patients and 24 healthy women were evaluated at early follicular phase with measurement of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), carried out by ELISA test, and sonographic antral follicle count (AFC). Serum measurement of anti-CoL was determined by immunoblot analysis. All analyses were performed after at least 6 months from the last intake of hormonal contraceptive and resumption of menstruation. Data were compared by t-test and Mann-Whitney test in continuous variables and by Fisher\'s exact test in categorical variables. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: The mean age was comparable in PAPS and controls (33.0 ± 5.0 vs. 30.4 ± 7.0 years; p=0.19). Regarding ovarian reserve tests, the frequencies of low AFC (<= 10) (56% vs. 22%, p=0.04) and very low AFC (<= 5) (37% vs. 9%, p=0.04) were significantly higher in PAPS patients than controls. Trends of higher frequencies of reduced (<1.0 ng/mL), low (<0.5 ng/mL) and negligible (<0.2 ng/mL) AMH levels were found in PAPS patients (p=0.08; p=0.07 and p=0.07; respectively). FSH, LH and estradiol were similar in patients and controls. There was no association between low ovarian reserve and specific types of antiphospholipid antibodies. Anti-CoL was solely observed in PAPS patients (11% vs. 0%; p=0.177) and was not related to ovarian reserve tests. Conclusion: Women suffering from PAPS possessed reduced ovarian reserve, with prevalence greater than 50%, emphasizing fertility counseling and family planning
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