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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da reserva ovariana em mulheres pré- menopáusicas portadoras de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico

Gasparin, Andrese Aline January 2014 (has links)
Objetivos: A reserva ovariana de pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) pode ser afetada pela atividade de doença e pelo tratamento medicamentoso. Estudos realizados até o momento mostram que pacientes com LES têm taxas de fertilidade semelhantes às de mulheres hígidas da mesma idade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a reserva ovariana de pacientes com LES e compará-la com a de controles saudáveis através da dosagem do hormônio anti-Mülleriano (HAM). Métodos: Estudo de caso-controle no qual foram incluídas 80 mulheres prémenopáusicas, sendo 40 pacientes com diagnóstico de LES segundo critérios de classificação do American College of Rheumatology (ACR) de 1997 e 40 controles hígidos pareados pelo uso de anticoncepcional oral. Foi utilizado o kit Human AMH ELISA (CUSABIO, Wuhan, China) para a determinação quantitativa da concentração sérica do HAM em sangue venoso. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os níveis séricos de HAM nas pacientes com LES e nos controles (22,79 ± 17,32 ng/ml versus 21,41 ± 16,22 ng/ml, respectivamente; p=0,7), mesmo após ajuste para a idade (21,03 ± 2,74 ng/ml versus 23,97 ± 2,71 ng/ml; p=0,5). Não foi identificada correlação do HAM com tempo de doença (r=0,2; p=0,3), índice de massa corporal (IMC) (r=0,2; p=0,2) e índices de atividade [SLEDAI (r=0,1; p=0,7)] e cronicidade de doença [SLICC (r=0,1; p=0,7)]. Não houve associação do HAM com etnicidade, tabagismo ativo e uso prévio de ciclofosfamida ou outros imunossupressores. Conclusão: Neste estudo transversal, mulheres com LES apresentaram níveis de HAM semelhantes aos de controles saudáveis, indicando reserva ovariana preservada nessa população. / Objective: The ovarian reserve of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may be affected by disease activity and medication use. Studies have found that patients with SLE have similar fertility rates to healthy women of the same age. The goal of the present study was to investigate the ovarian reserve of patients with SLE by measuring anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels, and compare it to that of healthy controls. Method: This was a case-control study performed on 80 premenopausal women, of whom 40 fulfilled the 1997 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for SLE and 40 healthy controls paired by hormonal contraceptive use. Serum concentrations of AMH in peripheral venous blood were measured using a Human AMH ELISA kit (CUSABIO, Wuhan, China). Results: AMH serum levels did not differ between patients with SLE and controls (22.79 ± 17.32 ng/ml versus 21.41 ± 16.22 ng/ml, respectively, p=0.7), even after adjusting for age (21.03 ± 2.074 ng/ml versus 23.97 ± 2.71 ng/ml; p=0.5). AHM levels were not significantly correlated with disease duration (r=0.2; p=0.3), body mass index (BMI) (r=0.2; p=0.2) and disease activity [SLEDAI (r=0.1; p=0.7)] and damage indices [SLICC (r=0.1; p=0.7)]. No associations were found between AMH and ethnicity, current smoking, as well as current or prior use of cyclophosphamide and other immunosuppressants. Conclusion: In this cross-sectional study, women with SLE demonstrated similar AMH levels to healthy controls, suggesting preserved ovarian reserve in this population.

Análise da influência do hormônio anti-Mülleriano na produção in vitro de embriões bovinos / Analysis Influence of the anti-Müllerian Hrmone on in vitro Bovine Embryo Production.

Adriana Renzi 03 April 2012 (has links)
A maturação in vitro de oócitos (MIV) é uma importante tecnologia reprodutiva a qual gera oócitos maduros capazes de suportar o desenvolvimento embrionário pré-implantacional e sua completa evolução à termo. Muitos fatores levam ao processo de maturação do oócito, e o AMH (hormônio anti-Mülleriano) tem demonstrado possuir um importante efeito nesta etapa. Neste trabalho nós demonstramos a influência da suplementação de AMH na maturação de complexos cumulus-oócito (COCs). Nossos resultados demonstram que não houve efeito na produção de embriões para COCS grau I. Entretanto, pudemos encontrar diferenças significativas entre os COCs graus II e III maturados na presença de 150ng/ml de AMH. Aqui também demonstramos que não houve diferença significativa na expressão relativa de mRNA para os genes AMHRII e FSHR no oócito, e na expressão relativa de mRNA para os genes AMH, AMHRII e FSHR nas células da granulosa. Nossos resultados corroboram com as importantes funções do AMH na produção de embriões, sugerem que a suplementação do meio de maturação de oócitos com AMH pode ajudar a melhorar a produção de blastocistos. / The in vitro oocyte maturation (MIV) is an important reproductive technology that generates mature oocytes able to support the preimplantation embryonic development and their fully evolution to term. Many factors lead to oocyte maturation process, and the AMH (AntiMüllerian hormone) have demonstrated important effects in the oocyte development. Here, we report the influence of AMH supplementation in the cumulus-oocyte complex (COCs) maturation. We found that AMH had no effect on embryo production of COCs grade I. On the other hand, significant differences between the COCs grade II and COCs grade III matured in AMH 150ng/ml were verified. We have also demonstrated that there were no significant difference in mRNA expression of the genes AMHRII and FSHR in the oocyte, and in mRNA of the genes AMH, AMHRII and FSHR in the granulosa cells. Taken together, the results corroborate the important roles for AMH on embryo production, and suggest that AMH supplementation could achieve successful outcome in the production of blastocysts.

Relação do peso ao nascer com a concentração sérica do hormônio antimulleriano: estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte de mulheres na menacme / Association between birth weight and functional ovarian reserve estimated through seric concentration of AMH: A nested cohort study of menacme women

Maria Lucia dos Santos Lima 10 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O processo de envelhecimento reprodutivo ocorre em virtude do declínio progressivo na quantidade e qualidade de óvulos que se inicia após a puberdade, se mantém ao longo da menacme, com redução gradual da fertilidade, e termina na menopausa, caracterizada pelo esgotamento do número de folículos e, consequentemente, da reserva ovariana funcional (ROF). A vida pré-natal constitui um importante período para o desenvolvimento dos órgãos genitais internos femininos e mudanças nessa fase podem ter repercussões futuras: quando o feto é submetido a condições adversas intrauterinas, mecanismos metabólicos e endócrinos de adaptação podem mudar o eixo metabólico pós-natal predispondo a certas doenças na vida adulta. Com base nesses dados, postulou-se que condições desfavoráveis de vida intrauterina que poderiam se refletir com alterações do peso ao nascer (PN) poderiam levar à reprogramação de genes envolvidos no controle da ROF e que talvez nascer pequeno para idade gestacional (PIG) ou grande (GIG) possibilitaria a interferência com a ROF estimada por meio das concentrações séricas do hormônio antimülleriano (AMH). Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação do PN com a ROF, estimada por meio da concentração sérica do AMH em mulheres na menacme com 34 a 35 anos de idade. Pacientes e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte de mulheres que nasceram no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), no período de 01 de junho de 1978 e 31 de maio de 1979. O desfecho primário avaliado foi a concentração sérica de AMH, um marcador da ROF, e sua correlação com o PN, divididos em três grupos: PIG, adequado para a idade gestacional (AIG) e GIG. Resultados: Das 274 pacientes incluídas no estudo, 19 foram classificadas como PIG, 238 como AIG e 17 como GIG. As concentrações médias de AMH não foram significativamente diferentes (p=0,11) entre mulheres na menacme nascidas PIG, AIG e GIG (2,14 ng/mL, 2,13 ng/mLe 2,57 ng/mL, respectivamente). Conclusão: Não se observou diferença nas concentrações séricas de AMH entre mulheres nascidas PIG, AIG e GIG avaliadas entre 34 e 35 anos de idade. A casuística avaliada permitiu detectar ou descartar uma grande diferença entre os grupos (effectsize de 0,7). Dessa forma, evidenciou-se que o PN não apresenta grande influência sobre a ROF, estimada pelas concentrações séricas do AMH, em mulheres na menacme, entre 34 e 35 anos de idade. Caso novos estudos evidenciem que diferenças pequenas ou moderadas nas concentrações séricas do AMH possam apresentar relevantes repercussões clínicas em mulheres nesta faixa etária, outras pesquisas serão necessárias, sendo os dados do presente estudo úteis para o cálculo amostral. / Background: The reproductive aging process occurs by a progressive decline in the quantity and quality of oocyte, starting after pubertal onset, remaining through menacme with gradual reduction of fertility and ends with menopause, which is the depletion of ovarian follicles and hence the depletion of functional ovarian reserve (FOR). Prenatal life corresponds to a critical window for the development of female internal genitalia and changes at this stage may have future repercussions: when the fetus is submitted to intra uterine adverse conditions, adaptive metabolic and endocrine mechanisms will change the metabolic axis in the postnatal period thereafter predisposing to several diseases in adulthood. Based on this correlation, we postulate that unfavorable conditions of intrauterine life that could reflect on birth weight (BW) could lead to the reprogramming of genes involved in the control of FOR and that maybe being born small for gestational age (SGA) or large for gestational age (LGA) could interfere with the FOR estimated through serum concentrations of Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). Objective: To investigate the relationship between BW and ROF estimated through AMH serum concentration in menacme women with 34-35 years old. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective birth cohort assessing all women who were born in Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP) between June 1, 1978 and May 31, 1979. The primary endpoint was to evaluate serum AMH concentration, a marker of FOR and its correlation with BW divided into three groups: SGA, adequate for gestational age (AGA) and LGA. Results: Out of the 274 patients included in the study: 19 were classified as SGA, 238 as AGA, and 17 as LGA. The average of AMH concentrationwas not significantly different (p=0.11) among women in reproductive age born SGA, AGA and LGA (2.14 ng/mL, 2.13 ng/mL, and 2.57 ng/mL respectively. A variance analysis between the three groups and OR did not find a significant different between them (p=0.11). Conclusion: There was no difference in serum AMH concentration in women born SGA, AGA and LGA with 34 to 35 years old. This sample also allowed to detect or rule out a major difference between the groups (effect size of 0.7). In conclusion, BW does not have a great influence on FOR, estimated through serum AMH concentration in menacmewomen, between 34 and 35 years old. If new studies show clearly that small or moderate differences in serum AMH concentration could impact clinical outcomes in women at this age, further studies will be needed, and the data of this study could be useful for sample size calculation.

The role of anti-Müllerian hormone in assisted reproduction in women

Rustamov, Oybek January 2014 (has links)
Anti-Müllerian hormone appears to play central role in regulation of oocyte recruitment and folliculogenesis. Serum AMH concentration was found to be one of the best predictors of ovarian performance in IVF treatment. Consequently many fertility centres have introduced AMH for the assessment of ovarian reserve and as a tool for formulation of ovarian stimulation strategies in IVF. However published evidence on reliability of AMH assay methods and the role of AMH-tailored individualisation of ovarian stimulation in IVF appear to be weak. Consequently, I decided to conduct a series of studies that directed towards an improvement of the scientific evidence in these areas of research. The studies on performance of Gen II AMH assay revealed the assay suffers from significant instability and provides erroneous results. Consequently, the manufacturer introduced a modification on assay method. In view of the observed issues with Gen II assay, I conducted a critical appraisal of all published research on the previous and current assay methods that reported AMH variability, assay method comparison and sample stability. The literature indicated clinically important variability between AMH measurements in repeated samples, which was reported to be more significant with Gen II assay. The studies on between-assay conversion factors derived conflicting conclusions. Correspondingly, the review of studies on sample stability revealed conflicting reports on the stability of AMH under normal storage and processing conditions, which was reported to be more significant issue in Gen II assay. In view of above findings, we concluded that AMH in serum may exhibit pre-analytical instability, which may vary with assay method. Therefore robust, international standards for the development and validation of AMH assays are required. In the analysis of determinants of ovarian reserve, I evaluated the effect of ethnicity, BMI, endometriosis, causes of infertility and reproductive surgery on AMH, AFC and FSH measurements using data on a large cohort of infertile patients. Using robust multivariable regression analysis in a large cohort of IVF cycles, I established the effect of age, AMH, AFC, diagnosis, attempt, COS protocol changes, gonadotrophin type, USOR operator, regime and initial dose of gonadotrophins on oocyte yield. Then, I examined effect of gonadotrophin dose and regime on total and mature oocyte numbers. The study found that, after adjustment for all above variables, there was no increase in oocyte yield with increasing gonadotrophin dose categories beyond the very lowest doses. This suggests that there may not be significant direct dose-response effect and consequently strict protocols for tailoring the initial dose of gonadotrophins may not necessarily optimize ovarian performance in IVF treatment. In summary, studies described in this thesis have revealed instability of Gen II assay samples and raised awareness of the pitfalls of AMH measurements. These studies have also demonstrated the effect of clinically measurable factors on ovarian reserve and provided data on the effect of AMH, other patient characteristics and treatment interventions on oocyte yield in cycles of IVF. Furthermore, a robust database and statistical models have been developed, which can be used in future studies on ovarian reserve and IVF treatment interventions.

Granulosa cell anti-Müllerian hormone secretion in ovarian development and disease

Koskela, S. (Sanna) 19 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) was identified originally in connection with its role in male sexual differentiation. In females, AMH is secreted by ovarian granulosa cells of growing follicles and its serum levels correlate well with the remaining number of follicles, thus reflecting ovarian reserve. The aim of this study was to explore the expression and secretion of AMH in human ovarian development and in various disorders resulting in decreased reproductive function. In fetal ovaries, AMH expression was found to be initiated at midgestation and it increased gradually towards term. In serum samples from infant girls, transient postnatal activation of the pituitary-ovarian axis was found and it occurred later in premature infants, reflected in lower serum AMH levels and lower numbers of growing follicles. This immaturity resulted in insufficient feedback from ovary to pituitary and may explain the higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in these girls. Ovarian follicle reserve is typically diminished in women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). Assay of serum AMH may be used to identify women with POI and existing follicles, as women with FSH receptor mutation who were known to have follicles had serum AMH levels in low normal range and girls/women with Turner syndrome mosaicism had higher serum AMH levels compared with those with other karyotypes. The diagnostics and follow-up of ovarian granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) are challenging as a result of the rarity of the disease and late possible recurrences. Assay of serum AMH combined with assay of the currently used marker inhibin B was shown to improve follow-up of GCTs in individual patients, compared with serum inhibin B measurement alone. The analyses revealed that AMH and inhibin B assays perform similarly in detecting macroscopic tumors. Continuous use of combined hormonal contraceptives inhibited ovarian activity independently of the administration route, as serum AMH levels decreased significantly and similarly during oral, transdermal or vaginal administration. The decrease of serum AMH levels indicates that AMH is secreted partially from FSH-dependent follicles. The study provides novel information on AMH secretion in ovarian development, and the use of AMH assay in assessing ovarian reserve and detecting ovarian disorders such as ovarian insufficiency and GCTs. / Tiivistelmä Naisen munasarjassa munarakkuloiden granuloosasolut erittävät anti-Müllerian hormonia (AMH), ja sen pitoisuudet seerumissa heijastavat jäljellä olevien munarakkuloiden määrää. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin AMH:n eritystä ja ilmentymistä munasarjan kehityksen aikana ja erilaisissa munasarjan toiminnan häiriötiloissa. Tuloksina havaittiin, että AMH:a ilmentyy sikiökaudella munasarjassa jo keskiraskaudesta eteenpäin. Syntymän jälkeen otetuissa seeruminäytteissä todettiin ohimenevä aivolisäkkeen ja munasarjan aktivaatio, joka ilmeni myöhemmin ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä tytöillä. Heillä havaittiin vähemmän kasvavia munarakkuloita ja matalammat seerumin AMH-pitoisuudet syntymän jälkeen kuin täysiaikaisilla tytöillä. Tämä kypsymättömyys johtui todennäköisesti munasarjan riittämättömästä palautejärjestelmästä aivolisäkkeeseen, mikä voi selittää korkeammat follikkelia stimuloivan hormonin (FSH) pitoisuudet ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä tytöillä. Ennenaikainen munasarjojen toiminnan hiipuminen voi johtua esim. kromosomi- tai geenivirheestä. Naisilla, joilla on virheellinen FSH-reseptori, tiedetään olevan munarakkuloita jäljellä, ja tulokset osoittivat seerumin AMH-pitoisuuksien olevan lähes normaali näillä naisilla. Myös tytöillä ja naisilla, joilla on todettu Turnerin oireyhtymän mosaikismi, AMH-pitoisuudet olivat merkittävästi korkeammat verrattuna muihin karyotyyppeihin. Täten AMH-määrityksen avulla voidaan mahdollisesti löytää ennenaikaisesta munasarjojen toiminnan hiipumisesta kärsivien joukosta ne naiset, joilla on vielä jäljellä munarakkuloita. Munasarjan granuloosasolukasvaimen diagnostiikka ja seuranta ovat haastavia kasvaimen myöhäisen uusiutumistaipumuksen ja harvinaisuuden vuoksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että seerumin AMH-määrityksen yhdistäminen tällä hetkellä käytössä olevaan inhibiini B -määritykseen voisi parantaa yksittäisten potilaiden seurantaa makroskooppisen kasvaimen toteamisen osalta. Tutkimus osoitti hormonaalisten yhdistelmäehkäisyvalmisteiden jatkuvan käytön vähentävän munasarjan aktiivisuutta merkittävästi annostelureitistä riippumatta, koska seerumin AMH-pitoisuudet laskivat samalla tavalla ehkäisypilleriä, -rengasta ja -laastaria käyttävillä naisilla. Tutkimus toi uutta tietoa AMH:n erityksestä munasarjan kehityksen aikana sekä AMH-määrityksen käytön mahdollisuuksista munarakkuloiden määrän arvioinnissa ja eri häiriötilojen tunnistamisessa.

Voie de signalisation et gènes cibles de l’AMH dans le tractus génital femelle / AMH signaling pathway and its target genes in female reproductive tract

Sèdes, Lauriane 03 April 2014 (has links)
L’hormone anti-Müllerienne (AMH) est un membre de la famille TGF-β impliquée dans la différenciation du tractus reproductif mâle. Elle est aussi exprimée par les cellules de la granulosa de l’ovaire adulte. Cependant, son rôle physiologique chez la femelle n’a pas encore été entièrement établi. Mon projet de thèse a pour objectif d’élucider le(s) rôle(s) de l’AMH dans le tractus reproductif femelle. L’AMH transduit ses effets par l’intermédiaire de deux récepteurs transmembranaires sérine/thréonine kinase : un récepteur de type II qui lui est spécifique (AMHR-II) et un récepteur de type I (ActR-IA, BMPR-IA, BMPR-IB) qu’elle partage avec les BMPs. Après fixation de l’hormone sur le récepteur de type II, celui-ci recrute et phosphoryle le récepteur de type I. Ce dernier phosphoryle à son tour les Smads spécifiques (Smad1, 5 et 8) qui s’associent à la Smad commune, Smad4. L’ensemble transloque dans le noyau et en association avec des facteurs de transcription régule les gènes cibles de l’hormone. L'utilisation de souris KO conditionnelles pour les récepteurs Acvr1 et Bmpr1a et d'une technique de siRNA dirigés contre chacun des trois récepteurs de type I a permis de mettre en évidence que le récepteur BMPR-IA est un acteur essentiel de la voie de signalisation de l'AMH dans les cellules de la granulosa. Pour déterminer la ou les Smad(s) impliquées, une technique de gènes rapporteurs, Smad-Gal4/UAS-luciférase, a été utilisée. Nous avons pu montrer que les Smad1 et 5 sont importantes pour la transduction du signal de l'AMH dans les cellules de la granulosa. Récemment des corécepteurs aux BMPs, les Repulsive Guidance Molecule (RGMs), ont été mis en évidence. L’AMH partageant sa voie de signalisation avec les BMPs, nous avons cherché à déterminer si ces corécepteurs pouvaient également intervenir dans la voie de signalisation de l’AMH. Il existe 3 types de RGMs: RGMa, RGMb et RGMc. Nous avons montré en q-PCR que seul RGMb est exprimé dans les cellules de la granulosa alors que les 3 RGMs sont exprimés dans l’ovaire. L'utilisation de siRNA dirigés contre RGMb a permis de montrer que ce récepteur n'est pas nécessaire à la transduction du signal de l'AMH. Actuellement, seuls deux gènes cibles de l’AMH sont connus dans les cellules de la granulosa : l’aromatase et le récepteur LH. Nous avons réalisé des analyses de puces à ADN (ou micro-array) pour décrire de nouveaux gènes cibles de l'AMH. L'analyse des puces a permis de décrire de nouveaux gènes régulés par cette hormone tels qu’Ovgp1 ou Kcnj2. La dernière partie de mon projet visait à déterminer un rôle potentiel de l'AMH dans l'utérus. En effet, le récepteur de cette hormone est exprimé dans le myomètre utérin de souris permettant de supposer qu’elle peut agir sur cet organe. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence une expression faible du gène de l’Amh dans l’utérus. En revanche, l’expression et la localisation de la protéine restent encore à définir. Une expérience de PCR-array a permis de montrer que de nombreux gènes sont différentiellement exprimés entre l’utérus Wt et l’utérus KO Amh. Ceci indique que l’AMH jouerait un rôle sur la régulation de la fonction utérine qu’elle soit exprimée ou non dans cet organe. / Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a member of the TGF-ß superfamily. AMH is well known for its role in Müllerian duct regression in male fetuses. Postnatally, AMH is secreted by granulosa cells (GCs) of small growing follicles (preantral and small antral). However, despite the increasing interest of ovarian AMH in clinics, little is known on its mechanism of action and its role in female reproductive tract. My PhD project focuses on the identification of AMH function in the female reproductive tract.AMH signals through a type II transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptor (AMHR-II) which forms a complex with a type I serine/threonine kinase receptor (ActR-IA, BMPR-IA, BMPR-IB). The type II receptor phosphorylates serine and threonine residues of type I receptor. Once activated, the type I receptor phosphorylates the receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smad1/5/8) which interact with a common partner Smad4. The Smad complex accumulates into the nucleus and regulates target gene expression. This canonical signalling pathway is regulated at different levels, in particular by co-receptors which amplify or antagonize TGF-ß family members action. The type I receptors and R-Smads involved in AMH effects on post-natal GCs remain unknown. In addition, to date, no co-receptor has been found for AMH. To define the involvement of the different type I receptors, we used siRNA technology to inactivate Acvr1, Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b in GC. In parallele, we analysed GC extracted from conditional mutant mice for Acvr1 and Bmpr1a. We found that BMPR-IA is the most important type I receptor for AMH to transduce its signal in GC. A Smad-Gal4/UAS-luciferase reporter gene technology allowed us to show that Smad1 and 5 are involved in AMH signaling pathway. Recently, new BMPs coreceptors were found, RGMs for Repulsive Guidance Molecules. There are three RGMs : RGMa, b and c. Because AMH shares with BMPs its type I receptors and R-Smad proteins, we hypothesized that they also share the same co-receptors, the RGM. We showed that RGMb was the only one expressed in GC and after siRNA transfection we demonstrated that this coreceptor is not essential for AMH to transduce its signal.To date, only few AMH target genes have been identified. Aromatase (Cyp19a1) and LH receptor (Lhcgr) are down-regulated by AMH in rat and porcine GCs. We used micro-array technology (Affymetrix) by comparing Wt and knockout immature ovaries to find new AMH target genes. This experiment evidenced that Ovgp1 and Kcnj2 are two new potential AMH target genes in the ovary.The last part of my project was to define a potential role of AMH in murine uterus. Only one study showed that AMHR-II is expressed in the mouse myometrium. We showed that Amh gene is slightly expressed in uterus but the results are not confirmed at the protein level. Using PCR-array, we found a lot of differentially expressed genes between Wt and Amh KO uterus. Therefore, AMH could regulate uterine function through the modulation of different genes located in the myometrium.

Assessment of Fertility Potential in Bottlenose Dolphins (<i>Tursiops truncatus</i>): An ELISA-based Biomarker Analysis

Wade, Leslie Schwierzke 01 January 2011 (has links)
As apex predators in coastal systems, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are susceptible to persistent organic pollutant (POP) accumulation and retention over time, which has prompted continued interest in understanding the extent to which contaminant body burdens or other stressors are sufficient to cause adverse sublethal effects on energetic fitness, immune function, or reproduction. Increasing our knowledge of reproductive endocrinology in bottlenose dolphins may provide insight into changes in reproductive rates, thereby expanding the capacity to assess conservation status. This study used the Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) technique to examine peptide fertility hormones [inhibin A, inhibin B and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)] measured in serum of free-ranging dolphins (n = 129) of varying age, gender, and maturity status from three locations (Sarasota Bay, FL, Indian River Lagoon, FL, and southern Georgia). The primary research objectives were to establish hormone baselines, investigate AMH and inhibin use as reproductive biomarkers, and examine the potential use of these hormones as biomarkers of toxicant or other stressor effects on reproduction. AMH secretion differed significantly with gender (p < 0.001), where levels were approximately 1,000-fold higher in males than females (1,122 ± 427 ng mL-1 and 1.15 ± 1.25 ng mL-1, mean ± SD). Male AMH levels were related to maturity status, and linear regression analysis revealed a significant, negative relationship between male AMH and age, body length, body weight, and maximum girth in all populations. Of the parameters assessed, age was the best indicator of AMH levels in males. AMH concentrations in females did not vary significantly over time or with maturity status, but exhibited a decrease in some older individuals, potentially indicating an AMH decline in long-lived female dolphins. Inhibins did not differ significantly between age classes in males, but appeared to be an estrous cycle indicator in females, where inhibin peaks were likely related to follicular and luteal phases. These data provide new information on circulating serum AMH and inhibin levels in bottlenose dolphins, which appear to reflect a degree of gonadal function and show promise as reproductive biomarkers. Our findings suggest the possibility of toxicant effects on AMH and inhibin production, but not conclusively. Further investigation of mechanism(s) of action for contaminant-related reproductive toxicity will elucidate the diagnostic value of these hormones to assess the effects of POPs on fertility potential in bottlenose dolphins.

Avaliação da reserva ovariana em mulheres com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia

D'Avila, Ângela Marcon January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reserva ovariana (RO) refere-se à quantidade e, para alguns autores, à qualidade de folículos presentes nos ovários em um dado momento. É a medida pela qual se avalia a produção de oócitos e consequente potencial reprodutivo. Ela pode ser inferida mediante dosagem dos níveis séricos do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), estradiol, inibina B e hormônio antimülleriano (HAM), e ainda, ultrassonograficamente, através da contagem de folículos antrais (CFA). Na década de 50 observou-se que mulheres submetidas à quimioterapia (QT) apresentavam falência ovariana mais precocemente, efeito atribuído à gonadotoxicidade quimioterápica. Objetivos: Estudar o HAM como marcador da RO em mulheres com câncer de mama expostas à QT gonadotóxica comparando-o com outros marcadores da RO e determinar preditores de risco da ocorrência de anovulação (amenorreia ou ciclos irregulares) nessas mulheres. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo de coorte com 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama e necessidade de QT com ciclofosfamida, com idade até 40 anos, ciclos menstruais regulares e sem histórico de tratamento quimioterápico prévio. As pacientes realizaram coleta de sangue e ultrassonografia pélvica transvaginal (USTV) antes da QT (T1) e 2 (T2) e 6 (T3) meses após seu término. Resultados: A idade média das pacientes estudadas foi 35,3 ± 3,8 anos e o tempo médio de seguimento foi de 14 ± 3 meses. A prevalência de anovulação foi de 40% durante a QT, 85% 2 meses após o término da QT (4 a 6 ciclos de ciclofosfamida) e de 60% 6 meses após a QT. A média de idade das pacientes que se tornaram anovulatórias foi de 36,5 ± 3,8 anos, enquanto que nas que permaneceram ovulatórias foi de 32,9 ± 3,5 anos com p = 0,02. O FSH acompanhou o status menstrual, apresentando aumento e queda significativos em T2 e T3. O HAM diminuiu significativamente de T1 (2,53 (1 - 5,31) ng/mL) para T2 (valores abaixo do detectável) com p < 0,0001 e não se modificou de T2 para T3, mesmo com uma parcela de pacientes retomando a ciclicidade menstrual. CFA em T1 foi 11 (8 - 13,5) folículos, sendo estatisticamente maior que nos tempos T2 e T3 (p < 0,0001). Entre T2 e T3 não houve diferença. As pacientes que mantiveram ciclos ovulatórios após o término da QT apresentaram no final do estudo níveis significativamente mais baixos de HAM do que previamente à QT (1,46 (< 0,08 - 4,31) ng/ml versus 6,17 (3,19 - 10,07) ng/mL) e CFA (7 (5,5 - 10) folículos versus 13 (11 - 15,5) folículos). HAM e CFA apresentaram correlação negativa e significativa com a idade. Trinta e dois anos foi a idade que apresentou sensibilidade de 96% e especificidade de 39% para predição de anovulação, mesmo que sem amenorreia, com área sob a curva (ASC) ROC de 0,77. Os marcadores de RO e os respectivos pontos de corte com poder de predizer ocorrência de anovulação em pacientes expostas à QT foram HAM < 3,32 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 85%, especificidade de 75% e ASC de 0,86) e CFA < 13 folículos antrais (sensibilidade de 81%, especificidade de 62% e ASC de 0,81). Para a predição de amenorreia exclusivamente, o HAM teve como ponto de corte o valor de 1,87 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 82%, especificidade de 83% e ASC de 0,84) e a CFA valor de 9 folículos (sensibilidade de 71%, especificidade de 78% e ASC de 0,73 ). As avaliações dos marcadores de RO não foram influenciadas pelo número de ciclos de QT (4 ou 6 ciclos), nem pela dose de quimioterápico utilizado por área corporal. Conclusão: O HAM e a CFA são igualmente capazes de determinar a queda da RO em pacientes submetidas à QT gonadotóxica. Pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de mama que necessitam de QT com ciclofosfamida devem ser alertadas para o risco de amenorreia especialmente quando a idade for de 32 anos ou mais, dosagens séricas de HAM abaixo de 3,32 ng/ml, CFA < 13, devendo receber informações a respeito da preservação da fertilidade. Dentre esses marcadores, o HAM foi o de maior poder em predizer a ocorrência de amenorreia. / Introduction: Ovarian reserve (OR) refers to quantity and, to some authors, quality of follicles present in ovaries at a given time. It is the measure used to assess the capacity of the ovary to produce oocytes. Its evaluation is trough serum analysis of FSH, estradiol, inhibin and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and trough ultrassonography to count de antrals follicles (AFC). In the 50s, it was observed that women exposed to chemotherapy experienced premature ovarian failure, effect attributed to chemotherapy. Objectives: To ascertain OR by means of AMH in young women with breast cancer exposed to chemotherapy comparing them with another ovarian reserve tests. To define risk predictors of anovulation (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) in those women. Methods: A cohort study with 52 eumenorrheic patients (age < 40years) with breast cancer who received chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide. Assessment was carried out with serum samples and pelvic ultrasonography before chemotherapy (T1), and 2 (T2) and 6 (T3) months after chemotherapy. Results: Mean age was 35.3 ± 3.8 years. Mean duration of follow-up was 14 ± 3 months. Anovulation was present in 40% of women during the chemotherapy, 85% 2 months after and 60% 6 months after chemotherapy. Mean age of anovulatory women in T3 was 36.5 ± 3.8 years. Women with regular cycles was 32.9 ± 3.5 years (p = 0.02). FSH levels rises and decreased significantly in T2 and T3. AMH levels declined significantly, down to undetectable levels at T2 from a median of 2.53 (1 –5.31 ng/mL) at T1 (p < 0.0001) and remained unchanged from T@ and T3, even though some patients resumed normal menses. Median AFC was 11 ( 8.0 – 13.5) follicles at T1 and significantly lower at T2 and T3 (p < 0.0001). No difference was found between T2 and T3 in patients who resumed ovulation cycles after completion of chemotherapy, AMH and AFC levels were significantly lower as compared with baseline: 1.46 (< 0.08 – 4.31) ng/mL vs. 6.17 (3.19 – 10.07) ng/mL and 7 (5.5 - 10) follicles vs. 13 (11 – 15.5) follicles. In patients who remained ovulatory during chemotherapy or resumed normal menses, FSH and estradiol levels remained unchanged relative to baseline. AMH and AFC presented significantly negative correlation with age. The age of thirty-two years presented 96% of sensitivity and 39% of specificity to predict anovulation with ROC area under the curve (AUC) of 0.77. The ovarian reserve (OVR) tests with power to predict anovulation in women exposed to CT were AMH < 3.32 ng/mL (sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 75% and AUC of 0.87) and AFC < 13 follicles (sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 62% and AUC of 0.81). The AMH cut off to predict amenorrhea was 1,87 ng/mL (sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 83% and AUC of 0,84) and the AFC cut off was 9 follicles (sensitivity of 71%, specificity of 78% and AUC of 0.73 ). The analysis was not influenced by the number of cycles or dose of CT. Conclusions: AMH and AFC are equally able to determine the OVR decline in chemotherapy exposed women. FSH is not adequate for this purpose, except in women who become amenorrheic. Thirty-two year old or older women, AMH levels < 3.32 ng/mL and AFC < 13 follicles determined significantly higher risk of anovulation after CT with cyclophosphamide. These women should be encouraged to preserve their fertility. Among the OVR tests, AMH was the powerful to predict the anovulation.

Avaliação da reserva ovariana em mulheres com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia

D'Avila, Ângela Marcon January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reserva ovariana (RO) refere-se à quantidade e, para alguns autores, à qualidade de folículos presentes nos ovários em um dado momento. É a medida pela qual se avalia a produção de oócitos e consequente potencial reprodutivo. Ela pode ser inferida mediante dosagem dos níveis séricos do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), estradiol, inibina B e hormônio antimülleriano (HAM), e ainda, ultrassonograficamente, através da contagem de folículos antrais (CFA). Na década de 50 observou-se que mulheres submetidas à quimioterapia (QT) apresentavam falência ovariana mais precocemente, efeito atribuído à gonadotoxicidade quimioterápica. Objetivos: Estudar o HAM como marcador da RO em mulheres com câncer de mama expostas à QT gonadotóxica comparando-o com outros marcadores da RO e determinar preditores de risco da ocorrência de anovulação (amenorreia ou ciclos irregulares) nessas mulheres. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo de coorte com 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama e necessidade de QT com ciclofosfamida, com idade até 40 anos, ciclos menstruais regulares e sem histórico de tratamento quimioterápico prévio. As pacientes realizaram coleta de sangue e ultrassonografia pélvica transvaginal (USTV) antes da QT (T1) e 2 (T2) e 6 (T3) meses após seu término. Resultados: A idade média das pacientes estudadas foi 35,3 ± 3,8 anos e o tempo médio de seguimento foi de 14 ± 3 meses. A prevalência de anovulação foi de 40% durante a QT, 85% 2 meses após o término da QT (4 a 6 ciclos de ciclofosfamida) e de 60% 6 meses após a QT. A média de idade das pacientes que se tornaram anovulatórias foi de 36,5 ± 3,8 anos, enquanto que nas que permaneceram ovulatórias foi de 32,9 ± 3,5 anos com p = 0,02. O FSH acompanhou o status menstrual, apresentando aumento e queda significativos em T2 e T3. O HAM diminuiu significativamente de T1 (2,53 (1 - 5,31) ng/mL) para T2 (valores abaixo do detectável) com p < 0,0001 e não se modificou de T2 para T3, mesmo com uma parcela de pacientes retomando a ciclicidade menstrual. CFA em T1 foi 11 (8 - 13,5) folículos, sendo estatisticamente maior que nos tempos T2 e T3 (p < 0,0001). Entre T2 e T3 não houve diferença. As pacientes que mantiveram ciclos ovulatórios após o término da QT apresentaram no final do estudo níveis significativamente mais baixos de HAM do que previamente à QT (1,46 (< 0,08 - 4,31) ng/ml versus 6,17 (3,19 - 10,07) ng/mL) e CFA (7 (5,5 - 10) folículos versus 13 (11 - 15,5) folículos). HAM e CFA apresentaram correlação negativa e significativa com a idade. Trinta e dois anos foi a idade que apresentou sensibilidade de 96% e especificidade de 39% para predição de anovulação, mesmo que sem amenorreia, com área sob a curva (ASC) ROC de 0,77. Os marcadores de RO e os respectivos pontos de corte com poder de predizer ocorrência de anovulação em pacientes expostas à QT foram HAM < 3,32 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 85%, especificidade de 75% e ASC de 0,86) e CFA < 13 folículos antrais (sensibilidade de 81%, especificidade de 62% e ASC de 0,81). Para a predição de amenorreia exclusivamente, o HAM teve como ponto de corte o valor de 1,87 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 82%, especificidade de 83% e ASC de 0,84) e a CFA valor de 9 folículos (sensibilidade de 71%, especificidade de 78% e ASC de 0,73 ). As avaliações dos marcadores de RO não foram influenciadas pelo número de ciclos de QT (4 ou 6 ciclos), nem pela dose de quimioterápico utilizado por área corporal. Conclusão: O HAM e a CFA são igualmente capazes de determinar a queda da RO em pacientes submetidas à QT gonadotóxica. Pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de mama que necessitam de QT com ciclofosfamida devem ser alertadas para o risco de amenorreia especialmente quando a idade for de 32 anos ou mais, dosagens séricas de HAM abaixo de 3,32 ng/ml, CFA < 13, devendo receber informações a respeito da preservação da fertilidade. Dentre esses marcadores, o HAM foi o de maior poder em predizer a ocorrência de amenorreia. / Introduction: Ovarian reserve (OR) refers to quantity and, to some authors, quality of follicles present in ovaries at a given time. It is the measure used to assess the capacity of the ovary to produce oocytes. Its evaluation is trough serum analysis of FSH, estradiol, inhibin and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and trough ultrassonography to count de antrals follicles (AFC). In the 50s, it was observed that women exposed to chemotherapy experienced premature ovarian failure, effect attributed to chemotherapy. Objectives: To ascertain OR by means of AMH in young women with breast cancer exposed to chemotherapy comparing them with another ovarian reserve tests. To define risk predictors of anovulation (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) in those women. Methods: A cohort study with 52 eumenorrheic patients (age < 40years) with breast cancer who received chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide. Assessment was carried out with serum samples and pelvic ultrasonography before chemotherapy (T1), and 2 (T2) and 6 (T3) months after chemotherapy. Results: Mean age was 35.3 ± 3.8 years. Mean duration of follow-up was 14 ± 3 months. Anovulation was present in 40% of women during the chemotherapy, 85% 2 months after and 60% 6 months after chemotherapy. Mean age of anovulatory women in T3 was 36.5 ± 3.8 years. Women with regular cycles was 32.9 ± 3.5 years (p = 0.02). FSH levels rises and decreased significantly in T2 and T3. AMH levels declined significantly, down to undetectable levels at T2 from a median of 2.53 (1 –5.31 ng/mL) at T1 (p < 0.0001) and remained unchanged from T@ and T3, even though some patients resumed normal menses. Median AFC was 11 ( 8.0 – 13.5) follicles at T1 and significantly lower at T2 and T3 (p < 0.0001). No difference was found between T2 and T3 in patients who resumed ovulation cycles after completion of chemotherapy, AMH and AFC levels were significantly lower as compared with baseline: 1.46 (< 0.08 – 4.31) ng/mL vs. 6.17 (3.19 – 10.07) ng/mL and 7 (5.5 - 10) follicles vs. 13 (11 – 15.5) follicles. In patients who remained ovulatory during chemotherapy or resumed normal menses, FSH and estradiol levels remained unchanged relative to baseline. AMH and AFC presented significantly negative correlation with age. The age of thirty-two years presented 96% of sensitivity and 39% of specificity to predict anovulation with ROC area under the curve (AUC) of 0.77. The ovarian reserve (OVR) tests with power to predict anovulation in women exposed to CT were AMH < 3.32 ng/mL (sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 75% and AUC of 0.87) and AFC < 13 follicles (sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 62% and AUC of 0.81). The AMH cut off to predict amenorrhea was 1,87 ng/mL (sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 83% and AUC of 0,84) and the AFC cut off was 9 follicles (sensitivity of 71%, specificity of 78% and AUC of 0.73 ). The analysis was not influenced by the number of cycles or dose of CT. Conclusions: AMH and AFC are equally able to determine the OVR decline in chemotherapy exposed women. FSH is not adequate for this purpose, except in women who become amenorrheic. Thirty-two year old or older women, AMH levels < 3.32 ng/mL and AFC < 13 follicles determined significantly higher risk of anovulation after CT with cyclophosphamide. These women should be encouraged to preserve their fertility. Among the OVR tests, AMH was the powerful to predict the anovulation.

Avaliação da reserva ovariana em mulheres com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia

D'Avila, Ângela Marcon January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A reserva ovariana (RO) refere-se à quantidade e, para alguns autores, à qualidade de folículos presentes nos ovários em um dado momento. É a medida pela qual se avalia a produção de oócitos e consequente potencial reprodutivo. Ela pode ser inferida mediante dosagem dos níveis séricos do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), estradiol, inibina B e hormônio antimülleriano (HAM), e ainda, ultrassonograficamente, através da contagem de folículos antrais (CFA). Na década de 50 observou-se que mulheres submetidas à quimioterapia (QT) apresentavam falência ovariana mais precocemente, efeito atribuído à gonadotoxicidade quimioterápica. Objetivos: Estudar o HAM como marcador da RO em mulheres com câncer de mama expostas à QT gonadotóxica comparando-o com outros marcadores da RO e determinar preditores de risco da ocorrência de anovulação (amenorreia ou ciclos irregulares) nessas mulheres. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo de coorte com 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama e necessidade de QT com ciclofosfamida, com idade até 40 anos, ciclos menstruais regulares e sem histórico de tratamento quimioterápico prévio. As pacientes realizaram coleta de sangue e ultrassonografia pélvica transvaginal (USTV) antes da QT (T1) e 2 (T2) e 6 (T3) meses após seu término. Resultados: A idade média das pacientes estudadas foi 35,3 ± 3,8 anos e o tempo médio de seguimento foi de 14 ± 3 meses. A prevalência de anovulação foi de 40% durante a QT, 85% 2 meses após o término da QT (4 a 6 ciclos de ciclofosfamida) e de 60% 6 meses após a QT. A média de idade das pacientes que se tornaram anovulatórias foi de 36,5 ± 3,8 anos, enquanto que nas que permaneceram ovulatórias foi de 32,9 ± 3,5 anos com p = 0,02. O FSH acompanhou o status menstrual, apresentando aumento e queda significativos em T2 e T3. O HAM diminuiu significativamente de T1 (2,53 (1 - 5,31) ng/mL) para T2 (valores abaixo do detectável) com p < 0,0001 e não se modificou de T2 para T3, mesmo com uma parcela de pacientes retomando a ciclicidade menstrual. CFA em T1 foi 11 (8 - 13,5) folículos, sendo estatisticamente maior que nos tempos T2 e T3 (p < 0,0001). Entre T2 e T3 não houve diferença. As pacientes que mantiveram ciclos ovulatórios após o término da QT apresentaram no final do estudo níveis significativamente mais baixos de HAM do que previamente à QT (1,46 (< 0,08 - 4,31) ng/ml versus 6,17 (3,19 - 10,07) ng/mL) e CFA (7 (5,5 - 10) folículos versus 13 (11 - 15,5) folículos). HAM e CFA apresentaram correlação negativa e significativa com a idade. Trinta e dois anos foi a idade que apresentou sensibilidade de 96% e especificidade de 39% para predição de anovulação, mesmo que sem amenorreia, com área sob a curva (ASC) ROC de 0,77. Os marcadores de RO e os respectivos pontos de corte com poder de predizer ocorrência de anovulação em pacientes expostas à QT foram HAM < 3,32 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 85%, especificidade de 75% e ASC de 0,86) e CFA < 13 folículos antrais (sensibilidade de 81%, especificidade de 62% e ASC de 0,81). Para a predição de amenorreia exclusivamente, o HAM teve como ponto de corte o valor de 1,87 ng/ml (sensibilidade de 82%, especificidade de 83% e ASC de 0,84) e a CFA valor de 9 folículos (sensibilidade de 71%, especificidade de 78% e ASC de 0,73 ). As avaliações dos marcadores de RO não foram influenciadas pelo número de ciclos de QT (4 ou 6 ciclos), nem pela dose de quimioterápico utilizado por área corporal. Conclusão: O HAM e a CFA são igualmente capazes de determinar a queda da RO em pacientes submetidas à QT gonadotóxica. Pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de mama que necessitam de QT com ciclofosfamida devem ser alertadas para o risco de amenorreia especialmente quando a idade for de 32 anos ou mais, dosagens séricas de HAM abaixo de 3,32 ng/ml, CFA < 13, devendo receber informações a respeito da preservação da fertilidade. Dentre esses marcadores, o HAM foi o de maior poder em predizer a ocorrência de amenorreia. / Introduction: Ovarian reserve (OR) refers to quantity and, to some authors, quality of follicles present in ovaries at a given time. It is the measure used to assess the capacity of the ovary to produce oocytes. Its evaluation is trough serum analysis of FSH, estradiol, inhibin and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and trough ultrassonography to count de antrals follicles (AFC). In the 50s, it was observed that women exposed to chemotherapy experienced premature ovarian failure, effect attributed to chemotherapy. Objectives: To ascertain OR by means of AMH in young women with breast cancer exposed to chemotherapy comparing them with another ovarian reserve tests. To define risk predictors of anovulation (oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea) in those women. Methods: A cohort study with 52 eumenorrheic patients (age < 40years) with breast cancer who received chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide. Assessment was carried out with serum samples and pelvic ultrasonography before chemotherapy (T1), and 2 (T2) and 6 (T3) months after chemotherapy. Results: Mean age was 35.3 ± 3.8 years. Mean duration of follow-up was 14 ± 3 months. Anovulation was present in 40% of women during the chemotherapy, 85% 2 months after and 60% 6 months after chemotherapy. Mean age of anovulatory women in T3 was 36.5 ± 3.8 years. Women with regular cycles was 32.9 ± 3.5 years (p = 0.02). FSH levels rises and decreased significantly in T2 and T3. AMH levels declined significantly, down to undetectable levels at T2 from a median of 2.53 (1 –5.31 ng/mL) at T1 (p < 0.0001) and remained unchanged from T@ and T3, even though some patients resumed normal menses. Median AFC was 11 ( 8.0 – 13.5) follicles at T1 and significantly lower at T2 and T3 (p < 0.0001). No difference was found between T2 and T3 in patients who resumed ovulation cycles after completion of chemotherapy, AMH and AFC levels were significantly lower as compared with baseline: 1.46 (< 0.08 – 4.31) ng/mL vs. 6.17 (3.19 – 10.07) ng/mL and 7 (5.5 - 10) follicles vs. 13 (11 – 15.5) follicles. In patients who remained ovulatory during chemotherapy or resumed normal menses, FSH and estradiol levels remained unchanged relative to baseline. AMH and AFC presented significantly negative correlation with age. The age of thirty-two years presented 96% of sensitivity and 39% of specificity to predict anovulation with ROC area under the curve (AUC) of 0.77. The ovarian reserve (OVR) tests with power to predict anovulation in women exposed to CT were AMH < 3.32 ng/mL (sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 75% and AUC of 0.87) and AFC < 13 follicles (sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 62% and AUC of 0.81). The AMH cut off to predict amenorrhea was 1,87 ng/mL (sensitivity of 82%, specificity of 83% and AUC of 0,84) and the AFC cut off was 9 follicles (sensitivity of 71%, specificity of 78% and AUC of 0.73 ). The analysis was not influenced by the number of cycles or dose of CT. Conclusions: AMH and AFC are equally able to determine the OVR decline in chemotherapy exposed women. FSH is not adequate for this purpose, except in women who become amenorrheic. Thirty-two year old or older women, AMH levels < 3.32 ng/mL and AFC < 13 follicles determined significantly higher risk of anovulation after CT with cyclophosphamide. These women should be encouraged to preserve their fertility. Among the OVR tests, AMH was the powerful to predict the anovulation.

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