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Haunted by you : a study of the real and psycho-literary space of Jack Kerouac’s LowellJuarez, David Ryan 16 February 2015 (has links)
This report argues that through his lived experiences of growing up in his hometown of Lowell, MA, and the joys and traumas he accrued from early childhood and into early adulthood, Jack Kerouac began to rewrite, reimagine, and reconstruction Lowell in several different works and iterations to attempt to address and exorcise the ghosts of his past. For my argument, I study several of Kerouac’s works: Visions of Gerard (1963), Doctor Sax: Faust Part Three (1959), Visions of Cody (1972), and Book of Dreams (1960). Pulling from the fields of Beat studies, literary criticism, childhood studies, psychology, geocriticism, and American cultural history, I attempt to highlight the translation and transformation of Lowell in Kerouac’s texts into a psycho-literary space. / text
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The ideas of a precursor : ʾAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibi (1849-1902), in relation to the trend of Muslim-Arab political thoughtKedourie, Sylvia January 1953 (has links)
The first difficulty which confronts the student of the ideas of ʾAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibi is the absence of a full biography of the man; al-Kawākibi did not have his Boswell, nor would his personality have attached a faithful and admiring disciple as Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍa. He is nevertheless a well thought of figure, and he appears in the standard literary and biographical dictionaries. It is to be noticed however that all the biographical notes which refer to him have one and the same source: the two official documents which Rashīd Riḍa, editor of al-Manār printed in his obituary notice about al-Kawākibi. These documents and the life of al-Kawākibi given in al-Manār were used by all subsequent writers and editors of biographical compilations.
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Comprehensive youth complex in Ma On ShanLok, Chi-luen, David., 駱熾聯. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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City Contemporary Dance ComplexWu, Pak-lai., 胡百禮. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Youth hostel/housing at YaumateiLai, Tung-yiu., 黎東耀. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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The touring architecture: towards the vision of 'tourist(i)-city' -a sensation in 'extra'-ordinaryLi, Man-kwong, Kevlin, 李文光 January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Transport Station in Lok Ma Chau呂文峻, Lui, Man-chun, Marco. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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[Re]Public space in Yau Ma Tei王永傑, Wong, Wing-kit, Franz. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture
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Les contes de l'Oikos, cr??ation sc??naristique, suivi de Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l'habitat urbain.Par??, Denise January 2014 (has links)
La difficult?? des soci??t??s d??velopp??es ?? s???inscrire de mani??re soutenable dans la biosph??re et ?? r??soudre les probl??mes ??cologiques provoqu??s par leur croissance pose un d??fi de taille ?? la civilisation postindustrielle qui s???est, de mani??re illusoire, autonomis??e de son substrat naturel. Motiv?? par le d??sir de r??g??n??rer le rapport entre l?????tre humain et son milieu biophysique, ce m??moire de recherche-cr??ation explore la possibilit?? des ??uvres de fiction cin??matographique de mettre en jeu une pens??e pragmatique et mythique qui s???applique ?? ressaisir l???habitat humain urbain de mani??re ?? assurer la viabilit?? de l?????cosyst??me dans lequel il s???inscrit. D???une certaine mani??re, l???entreprise peut se rapprocher d???une recherche sur les pratiques ??mancipatoires dans le domaine de l???habitation urbaine ??cologique, dont le rapport prend une forme insolite, c???est-??-dire un sc??nario de film.
La premi??re partie du m??moire est constitu??e d???un travail de cr??ation sc??naristique : Les contes de l???Oikos. Une biologiste souhaite r??nover, avec l???aide de son compagnon et de leur fille, la maison de son p??re dont elle vient d???h??riter. Son projet consiste ?? concevoir cet habitat urbain et le milieu dans lequel il s???ins??re comme un ??cosyst??me. Elle voit son entreprise mise en p??ril par celle d???un promoteur immobilier. Parall??lement ?? ce r??cit, un conte peupl?? de personnages mythiques, cr???? par les parents pour la fillette, fait ??cho aux motifs r??alistes et offre une interpr??tation onirique des sc??nes du quotidien.
La deuxi??me partie tente Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l???habitat urbain. Cet essai retrace l?????mergence, au cours des ann??es 1990 aux ??tats-Unis, d???une nouvelle perspective th??orique issue de la critique litt??raire, soit l?????cocritique. Son d??veloppement et son rayonnement sont examin??s avant de cerner plus pr??cis??ment comment cette approche envisage les th??mes ??tudi??s : l???habitat et la ville. Sur le plan m??thodologique, la recherche explore les possibilit??s offertes par la r??flexion de Bruno Latour afin de conduire l???analyse ??cocritique de deux films qui mettent en sc??ne, dans une certaine mesure, des habitats urbains : l???un, dystopique, Soleil vert, l???autre, eutopique, La belle Verte. Enfin, Les contes de l???Oikos sont reconsid??r??s ?? la lumi??re de ces analyses.
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Le survenant selon Giono et Guèvremont /Poirier, Michel Philippe January 1988 (has links)
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