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Water Simulating in Computer GraphicsWu, Liming, Li, Kai January 2007 (has links)
Fluid simulating is one of the most difficult problems in computer graphics. On the other hand, water appears in our life very frequently. This thesis focuses on water simulating. We have two main methods to do this in the thesis: the first is wave based water simulating; Sine wave summing based and Fast Fourier Transform based methods are all belong to this part. The other one is physics based water simulating. We make it based on Navier-Stokes Equation and it is the most realistic animation of water. It can deal with the boundary and spray which other method cannot express. Then we put our emphasis on implement by the physics method using Navier-Stokes Equation.
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Analise comparativa entre protocolos de camada MAC para redes ad-hoc sem fio / Comparative analysis between MAC-level protocols for ad-hoc wireless networksSeo, Carlos Eduardo 30 July 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Michel Daoud Yacoub, Paulo Cardieri / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T19:06:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho visa o estudo de redes ad hoc sem ?o, em especial, os protocolos da subcamada MAC do modelo OSI. Neste tipo de rede sem controle centralizado, o acesso ao meio se torna uma parte crítica no processo de comunicação entre terminais. Assim sendo, a principal motivação deste trabalho é investigar como os protocolos da subcamada MAC podem afetar o desempenho da rede do ponto de vista das aplicações, em especial, tráfego VoIP e de dados. Para tal, foram feitas análises comparativas entre diversos protocolos, baseadas em resultados de simulações feitas no simulador de redes ns2. Tais resultados mostram que a maior parte das alternativas ao protocolo padrão IEEE 802.11 ainda precisam amadurecer para que possam tornarse comercialmente viáveis. Um protocolo, no entanto, se destaca dos demais em cenários de tráfego misto (voz e dados), apresentando melhoria de desempenho em relação ao IEEE 802.11: o IEEE 802.11e, variante do IEEE 802.11 com funções de suporte a QoS / Abstract: This work presented here is focused on studying ad hoc wireless networks, in particular, the MAC sublevel protocols from the OSI reference model. In these networks, the lack of a centralized control makes the medium access control a critical part in the communication process between network terminals. Thus, the main objective of this work is to investigate how the MAC sublevel protocols may interfere in network performance from the application point of view, in particular, VoIP and data transmission. In order to accomplish this goal, several comparative analysis between protocols have been made, based on simulation results from the ns2 network simulator. The results show that the alternatives to the IEEE 802.11 standard suggested so far aren¿t mature enough to be commercially viable, although there is one protocol that is very promising: the IEEE 802.11e, a variant of IEEE 802.11 with QoS support functions / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
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Analysis of the spatial throughput in interference networksNardelli, P. H. (Pedro Henrique Juliano) 19 August 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we study the spatial throughput of interference-limited wireless networks from different perspectives, considering that the spatial distribution of nodes follows a 2-dimensional homogeneous Poisson point process and transmitters employ Gaussian point-to-point codes. To carry out this analysis, we model the interrelations between network elements using concepts from stochastic geometry, communication theory and information theory. We derive closed-form equations to compute/approximate the performance metric that is chosen to evaluate the system for each given specific scenario.
Our first contribution is an investigation about whether it is preferable to have a large number of short single-hop links or a small number of long hops in multi-hop wireless networks, using a newly proposed metric denominated aggregate multi-hop information efficiency. For single-hop systems, we revisit the transmission capacity framework to study medium access protocols that use asynchronous transmissions and allow for packet retransmissions, showing when a carrier sensing capability is more suitable than synchronous transmissions, and vice-versa. We also cast the effective link throughput and the network spatial throughput optimization problems to find the combination of medium access probability, coding rate and maximum number of retransmissions that maximize each metric under packet loss and queue stability constraints, evincing when they do (and do not) have the same solution. Furthermore we analyze the expected maximum achievable sum rates over a given area – or spatial capacity – based on the capacity regions of Gaussian point-to-point codes for two decoding rules, namely (i) treating interference as noise (IAN) and (ii) jointly detecting the strongest interfering signals treating the others as noise (OPT), proving the advantages of the second. We additionally demonstrate that, when the same decoding rule and network density are considered, the spatial-capacity-achieving scheme always outperforms the spatial throughput obtained with the best predetermined fixed rate strategy. With those results in hand, we discuss general guidelines on the construction of ad hoc adaptive algorithms that would improve the information flow throughout the interference network, respecting the nodes’ internal and external constraints. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä työssä tutkitaan häiriörajoitteisten langattomien verkkojen tila-alueen suorituskykyä, olettaen verkkosolmujen sijoittuvan 2-ulotteisen Poissonin pisteprosessin mukaisesti, sekä olettaen lähettimien hyödyntävän Gaussisia pisteestä-pisteeseen -koodeja. Suorituskykyanalyysi pohjautuu stokastiseen geometriaan, tietoliikenneteoriaan sekä informaatioteoriaan. Suljetun muodon suorituskyky-yhtälöitä hyödyntäen arvioidaan suorityskykymetriikoita eri skenaarioissa.
Työn aluksi esitetään uusi monihyppyverkkojen informaatiotehokkuuteen perustuva metriikka. Sen avulla voidaan tutkia onko tehokkaampaa käyttää useita lyhyen hypyn linkkejä vai pienempää määrää pidempien hyppyjen linkkejä. Yhden hypyn verkoissa tutkitaan mediaanpääsyprotokollia asynkronisissa verkoissa pakettien uudelleenlähetykseen perustuen ja verrataan tätä synkroniseen lähetykseen ilman vapaan kanavan tunnistusmekanismia. Työssä tutkitaan myös linkin efektiivisen suorituskyvyn ja verkon tila-alueen suorituskyvyn optimointia, jotta sopiva yhdistelmä mediaan pääsyn todennäköisyydelle, koodausnopeudelle ja uudelleenlähetysten maksimilukumäärälle löytyisi ja samalla maksimoisi jokaisen käytetyn metriikan ehdollistettuna paketin menetyksille ja jonon stabiilisuudelle. Lisäksi arvioidaan maksimaalista odotettavaa nettosiirtonopeutta tietyllä alueella, eli tila-alueen kapasiteettia, Gaussimaisen pisteestä-pisteeseen koodien kapasiteettialueisiin perustuen kahta eri dekoodaussääntöä hyödyntäen: (i) olettaen häiriön olevan kohinaa tai (ii) ilmaisemalla voimakkaimmat häiriösignaalit ja olettaen muiden olevan kohinaa. Jälkimmäinen osoittautui tehokkaammaksi menetelmäksi. Työssä osoitetaan myös, että samalla dekoodaussäännöllä ja verkon tiheydellä tila-alueen kapasiteetin saavuttava menetelmä on aina tehokkaampi kuin tavanomainen tila-alueen suorituskykyyn perustuva kiinteän siirtonopeuden menetelmä. Saavutettujen tulosten valossa työssä esitetään yleisiä suunnittelumenetelmiä mukautuville ad hoc -algoritmeille, joiden avulla voidaan parantaa tiedonsiirtoa häiriörajoitteisissa verkoissa, ehdollistettuna verkon solmujen sisäisille ja ulkoisille rajoitteille.
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Performance of Multi-Channel Medium Access Control Protocol incorporating Opportunistic Cooperative Diversity over Rayleigh Fading ChannelAhmed, Sabbir January 2006 (has links)
This thesis paper proposes a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for wireless networks, termed as CD-MMAC that utilizes multiple channels and incorporates opportunistic cooperative diversity dynamically to improve its performance. The IEEE 802.11b standard protocol allows the use of multiple channels available at the physical layer but its MAC protocol is designed only for a single channel. The proposed protocol utilizes multiple channels by using single interface and incorporates opportunistic cooperative diversity by using cross-layer MAC. The new protocol leverages the multi-rate capability of IEEE 802.11b and allows wireless nodes far away from destination node to transmit at a higher rate by using intermediate nodes as a relays. The protocol improves network throughput and packet delivery ratio significantly and reduces packet delay. The performance improvement is further evaluated by simulation and analysis. / sabbir@linuxmail.org
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Feasibility study: Implementation of a gigabit Ethernet controller using an FPGAFält, Richard January 2003 (has links)
Background: Many systems that Enea Epact AB develops for theirs customers communicates with computers. In order to meet the customers demands on cost effective solutions, Enea Epact wants to know if it is possible to implement a gigabit Ethernet controller in an FPGA. The controller shall be designed with the intent to meet the requirements of IEEE 802.3. Aim: Find out if it is feasible to implement a gigabit Ethernet controller using an FPGA. In the meaning of feasible, certain constraints for size, speed and device must be met. Method: Get an insight of the standard IEEE 802.3 and make a rough design of a gigabit Ethernet controller in order to identify parts in the standard that might cause problem when implemented in an FPGA. Implement the selected parts and evaluate the results. Conclusion: It is possible to implement a gigabit Ethernet controller using an FPGA and the FPGA does not have to be a state-of-the-art device.
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Energy harvesting wireless sensor networks leveraging wake-up receivers : energy managers and MAC protocols / Réseaux de capteurs sans fils auto-alimentés utilisant des wake-up radio : gestionnaire d'énergie et protocoles MACAït-Aoudia, Fayçal 28 September 2017 (has links)
Les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fils (RCSFs) sont composés d'une multitude de nœuds, chacun étant capable de réaliser des mesures (température, pression, etc) et de communiquer par radio fréquence. Ces réseaux forment une pierre angulaire de l'Internet des Objets, en étant au cœur de nombreuses applications, par exemple de domotique ou d'agriculture de précision. La limite d'utilisation des RCSFs provient souvent de leurs durées de vie restreintes, les rendant peu intéressants pour des applications nécessitants de longues périodes de fonctionnement en autonomie. En effet, les RCSFs traditionnels sont alimentés par des piles individuelles équipant chaque nœud, et les nœuds sont ainsi condamnés à une durée de vie finie et courte par rapport aux besoins de certaines applications. De plus, changer les piles n'est pas toujours réalisable si le réseau est dense, ou si les nœuds sont déployés dans des environnements les rendant difficile d'accès. Une solution plus prometteuse est d'équiper chaque nœud d'un ou de plusieurs récupérateur(s) d'énergie individuel(s), et ainsi de le rendre capable de s'alimenter exclusivement à partir de l'énergie récoltée dans son environnent. Plusieurs sources d'énergie sont possibles, telles que le vent ou le solaire. Étant donné que les sources d'énergie sont typiquement dynamiques et non contrôlées, ne pas tomber en panne d'alimentation et nécessaire pour garantir un fonctionnement fiable. Comme l'augmentation de la qualité de service engendre souvent une augmentation de la puissance consommée, une solution simple est de configurer la qualité de service au déploiement à une valeur constante suffisamment faible pour éviter la panne d'alimentation. Cependant, cette solution ne permet pas d'exploiter pleinement l'énergie récoltée, et mène ainsi à un gaspillage d'énergie important ainsi qu'à de faibles qualités de service au vu de l'énergie récoltée. Une solution plus efficace est d'adapter dynamiquement la puissance consommée, et donc la qualité de service. Cette adaptation est faite par un composant logiciel appelé gestionnaire d'énergie. Dans cette thèse, deux nouvelles approches pour l'adaptation en ligne sont proposées, l'une s'appuyant sur la théorie du contrôle floue, et l'autre sur l'apprentissage par renforcement. De plus, comme la communication est souvent la tâche la plus énergivore dans les RCSFs, les wake-up receivers sont utilisées dans cette thèse pour réduire le coût des communications. Un modèle analytique générique a été proposé pour étudier différents protocoles de contrôle d'accès au support (Medium Access Control -- MAC), et combiné à des résultats expérimentaux pour évaluer les wake-up receivers. Aussi, un nouveau protocole MAC permettant la sélection opportuniste de relais a été proposé. Enfin, la combinaison des wake-up receivers et de la récolte d'énergie a été étudiée expérimentalement avec un cas pratique. / Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are made of multiple sensor devices which measure physical value (e.g. temperature, pressure...) and communicate wirelessly. These networks form a key enabling technology of many Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as smart building and precision farming. The bottleneck of long-term WSN applications is typically the energy. Indeed, traditional WSNs are powered by individual batteries and a significant effort was devoted to maximizing the lifetime of these devices. However, as the batteries can only store a finite amount of energy, the network is still doomed to die, and changing the batteries is not always possible if the network is dense or if the nodes are deployed in a harsh environment. A promising solution is to enable each node to harvest energy directly in its environment, using individual energy harvesters. As most of the energy sources are dynamic and uncontrolled, avoiding power failures of the nodes is critical to enable reliable networks. Increasing the quality of service typically requires increasing the power consumption, and a simple solution is to set the quality of service of the nodes to a constant value low enough to avoid power failures. However, this solution does not fully exploits the available energy and therefore leads to high energy waste and poor quality of service regarding the available environmental energy. A more efficient solution is online adaptation of the node power consumption, which is performed by an energy manager on each node. In this thesis, two new approaches for online adaptation of the nodes energy consumption were proposed, relying on fuzzy control theory and reinforcement learning. Moreover, as communications are typically the most energy consuming task of a WSN node, emerging wake-up receivers were leveraged to reduce the energy cost of communications. A generic analytical framework for evaluating Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols was proposed, and it was combined to experiments to evaluate emerging wake-up receivers. A new opportunistic MAC protocol was also introduced for "on-the-fly" relay selection. Finally wake-up receivers and energy harvesting were combined and experimentally evaluated in a practical use case.
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Energy Efficient Scheme Using Handshaking For Broadcast In A Wireless Ad Hoc NetworkSathya Prakash, K R 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The applications of ad hoc wireless networks envisaged in this thesis are those related to issues of disaster management, rehabilitation, security and defense. The circumstances in such situations warrants the deployment of a quick ad hoc network that is simple and uses minimum resoures to get started. The communication within the network has to be reliable and it has to be simple so that it can be deployed in extremely compex topography and other climatic conditions. Since large batteries cannot be assumed to be at our disposal for the sake of communication at all the times, energy conservation by way of energy efficient schemes is a paramount issue.
Ad hoc wireless networks are broadcast networks by nature. For all the communications, transmissions by the nodes are broadcast into the air. A networkwide broadcast is distinguished from this. When a node wants its data to reach all the other nodes in the network then it initiates a networkwide broadcast. There may be nodes in the network that are not directly reachable by the node that wants to do a networkwide broadcast.
Networkwide broadcast is used by ad hoc wireless networks for routing protocols, updating of network status information, network organization and multicasting. Most importantly, the applications envisaged out of this thesis need all their data communication as networkwide broadcast alone. In an ad hoc wireless network, a networkwide broadcast is usually effected by the flooding mechanism, which is inherently inefficient, since all the nodes in the network have to transmit the same information. It is possible to exploit the topology of the network in such a way, that only a few of the nodes need to transmit the information to complete a networkwide broadcast.
The thesis deals with a new scheme for a networkwide broadcast implemented in the media access control (MAC) layer of an ad hoc wireless network. The new scheme is developed by extending the concept of handshaking signals used in unicast, to the networkwide broadcast scenario. In the case of unicast, where there is an intended recipient, handshaking is done for reliability and happens through the RTS and CTS packets. This idea is extended to suit the networkwide broadcast scenario and the consequences are discussed in detail in the thesis. Intuitively, adding more packets for handshaking increases the number of bytes transmitted. But the results obtained are interesting, since the network transmits fewer bytes per networkwide broadcast, on an average, with the newly proposed scheme. A comparison is done with the implementation of simple flooding following the IEEE 802.11 standard. These results have been demonstrated by simulations. The average improvement is nearly 2.5 times reduction in the number of bytes transmitted per networkwide broadcast.
The performance of a networkwide broadcast in an ad hoc wireless network is usually affected badly by losses due to transmssion error in the medium. In a medium with errors, persistence improves reliability. This reliability helps in bringing robustness. The advantage of the proposed scheme is that it uses the idea of persistence to ensure the networkwide broadcast reachabilityto be almost independent of transmission error rate. The MAC layer ensures that the broadcast packet reaches each and every node that is connected to the node that initiates the etworkwide broadcast. The effects of collision are also overcome. Our simulations establish that the scheme works correctly, and gives good performance.
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A Digital Spectral Correlator For GMRTTatke, V M 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Enhancement of LTE Radio Access Protocols for Efficient Video StreamingTirouvengadam, Balaaji January 2012 (has links)
A drastic increase in traffic of mobile broadband is seen in the past few years, which is further accelerated by the increase in usage of smart phones and its applications. The availability of good smart phones and better data connectivity are encouraging mobile users to use video services. This huge increase in usage will pose a lot of challenges to the wireless networks. The wireless network has to become content aware in order to offer enhanced quality of video service through efficient utilization of the wireless spectrum. This thesis focuses on improving the Quality of Experience (QoE) for video transmission over Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks by imparting the content awareness to the system and providing unequal error protection for critical video packets. Two different schemes for the improvement of video quality delivery over LTE networks are presented in this thesis. Using content awareness, the retransmission count of Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) are changed dynamically such that the most important video frame gets more number of retransmission attempts, which increases its success for delivery in-turn increasing the received video quality. Since Radio Link Control (RLC) is the link layer for radio interface, the second approach focuses on optimizing this layer for efficient video transmission. As part of this scheme, a new operation mode called Hybrid Mode (HM) for RLC is defined. This mode performs retransmission only for the critical video frames, leaving other frames to unacknowledged transmission. The simulation results of both proposed schemes provide significant improvement in achieving good video quality without affecting the system performance.
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Quality of Service for Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid ApplicationsAl-Anbagi, Irfan January 2013 (has links)
Monitoring and controlling smart grid assets in a timely and reliable manner is highly
desired for emerging smart grid applications. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are
anticipated to be widely utilized in a broad range of smart grid applications due to
their numerous advantages along with their successful adoption in various critical areas
including military and health care. Despite these advantages, the use of WSNs in such
critical applications has brought forward a new challenge of ful lling the Quality of
Service (QoS) requirements of these applications. Providing QoS support is a challenging
issue due to highly resource constrained nature of sensor nodes, unreliable wireless links
and harsh operation environments. In this thesis we critically investigate the problem
of QoS provisioning in WSNs. We identify challenges, limitations and requirements for
applying QoS provisioning for WSNs in smart grid applications. We nd that the topic
of data prioritization techniques at the MAC layer to provide delay bounds in condition
monitoring applications is not well developed. We develop six novel QoS schemes that
provide data di erentiation and reduce the latency of high priority tra c in a smart
grid context. These schemes are namely; Delay-Responsive Cross layer (DRX), Fair
and Delay-aware Cross layer (FDRX), Delay-Responsive Cross layer with Linear backo
(LDRX), Adaptive Realistic and Stable Model (ARSM), Adaptive Inter-cluster head
Delay Control (AIDC) and QoS-aware GTS Allocation (QGA). Furthermore, we propose
a new Markov-based model for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC namely, Realistic and Stable Markovbased
(RSM). RSM considers actual network conditions and enhances the stability of
the WSNs. We show through analytical and simulation results that all of the presented
schemes reduce the end-to-end delay while maintaining good energy consumption and
data delivery values.
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