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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes et outils pour la fabrication de transducteurs ultrasonores en silicium / Methods and tools for the fabrication of silicon micromachined ultrasonic transducers

Bellaredj, Mohamed Lamine Fayçal 08 July 2013 (has links)
L’utilisation des ultrasons pour l’imagerie présente plusieurs avantages : elle est extrêmement sure car ellen'utilise pas de radiations ionisantes et ne présente pas d'effets néfastes sur la santé. D’autre part, elle donne desrésultats d’excellente qualité avec un coût relativement faible. Historiquement, les matériaux piézoélectriques et leurscomposites ont été très tôt utilisés pour la génération d’ultrasons. Les transducteurs fabriqués à partir de ces matériauxdominent actuellement le marché des sondes ultrasonores. Cependant, pour certaines applications, ils ne peuvent pasêtre utilisés pour des raisons de dimensionnement et de limitations dues aux propriétés des matériaux. Une solutionpeut être apportée par l’utilisation des transducteurs ultrasonores capacitifs micro-usinés dits CMUTs. Ces dernierssuscitent un intérêt croissant dans le milieu de l’imagerie ultrasonore et sont considérés comme une alternativepotentielle et viable aux transducteurs piézoélectriques. Cette nouvelle technologie CMUTs est caractérisée par uneplus large bande passante, une sensibilité élevée, une facilité de fabrication et une réduction des coûts de production.Cette thèse est consacrée à la mise en place d’un certain nombre d’outils théoriques et expérimentaux permettant lamodélisation/conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation de transducteurs CMUTs à membrane circulaire pourl’émission des ultrasons. Nous commençons par développer des outils de simulation à base de calculs par élémentsfinis, permettant la compréhension et la modélisation du comportement électromécanique des CMUTs pour laconception et le dimensionnement des cellules élémentaires et des réseaux. Nous proposons par la suite un nouveauprocédé de fabrication de transducteurs CMUTs basé sur le collage anodique d’une couche de silicium monocristallind’épaisseur fixe d’une plaquette de SOI sur un substrat de verre. L’évolution du procédé de fabrication est détailléepour chaque étape technologique en soulignant à chaque fois les améliorations/modifications apportées pour unefiabilité et une répétitivité accrue associées à une connaissance des limites de faisabilité. Dans la dernière partie de cetravail, on s’intéresse à la mise en œuvre de plusieurs plateformes expérimentales permettant différentescaractérisations électromécaniques statiques et dynamiques des dispositifs CMUTs fabriqués / The use of ultrasound imaging has several advantages: it is extremely safe because it does not use ionizingradiation and has no adverse effects on health. It gives excellent quality results with a relatively low cost. Historically,piezoelectric materials and their composites have been early used for ultrasound generation. Transducers made fromthese materials dominate currently the ultrasonic probes market. However, for some applications, they can’t bebecause of design and limitation reasons due to material properties. A solution can be provided by the use ofcapacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers CMUTs. A growing interest in the field of the ultrasound imaging isshown to this technology considered as a potential and viable alternative to piezoelectric transducers andcharacterized by a wide bandwidth, high sensitivity, ease of manufacture and reduce production costs. This thesis isdevoted to the establishment of a number of experimental and theoretical tools for the modeling/design, fabricationand characterization of circular membrane CMUTs transducers for ultrasound transmission. We begin by developingsimulation tools based on finite elements method in order to understand/model the CMUTs electromechanicalbehavior for the design and dimensioning of elementary cells and networks. Thereafter, we introduce a new CMUTtransducers fabrication process based on the anodic bonding a fixed thickness single crystal silicon layer of a SOIwafer on a glass substrate. The process evolution is detailed for each technological step highlighting everyimprovements/changes introduced for increased reliability and repeatability associated with an increased knowledgeof feasibility limits. In the last part of this work, we focus on the implementation of several experimental platformsallowing different static and dynamic electromechanical characterizations of the fabricated CMUTs devices.

Fundamentos do fresamento: uma aplicação em microfresamento / Fundamentals of end milling operation: an application to micro end milling

Marcel Henrique Militão Dib 17 September 2013 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o estudo do microfresamento tem recebido grande atenção devido a seu uso na fabricação de microcomponentes como células de combustível, microatuadores ou sensores, circuitos integrados, etc. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os fundamentos do fresamento aplicados ao microfresamento. Para isto foi investigado, em escala reduzida, o comportamento de alguns princípios fundamentais da usinagem convencional, tais como espessura de corte instantânea, espessura de corte média, força de corte, pressão específica de corte, potência de corte, entre outros. A importância deste trabalho justifica-se pela necessidade de se entender como estes princípios comportam-se em escalas reduzidas. Inicialmente foi realizada uma investigação da literatura a fim de mostrar a origem de alguns destes princípios fundamentais. Em seguida, uma análise critica destes fundamentos foi apresentada e experimentos foram realizados com o intuito de confrontar o levantamento teórico com os resultados práticos. Para isso foram realizados testes de microfresamento com duas microfresas de metal duro constituídas de dois dentes cada uma com diâmetro de 0,8 mm. O raio da aresta de corte de cada ferramenta foi medido usando um microscópio confocal e os valores variaram de 1,8 \'mü\'m a 3,3 \'mü\'m. O material usado nos experimentos foi um alumínio liga (RSA 6061) de grãos ultrafinos (valor médio de 1 \'mü\'m). O fresamento adotado foi o frontal parcial (não engajado) com penetrações de trabalho de 0,2 mm e 0,4 mm. Os avanços por dente usados foram de 5 \'mü\'m e 10 \'mü\'m a uma profundidade de usinagem de 50 \'mü\'m. A máquina usada foi um centro de usinagem CNC de três eixos com potência nominal de 18 kw e rotação máxima de 24000 RPM. A máxima velocidade de corte alcançada foi de 50 m/min. Para coletar o sinal das forças de usinagem um dinamômetro piezoelétrico modelo 9256 C2 (Kistler) foi usado. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o comportamento da variação da força de corte, o aumento da pressão específica de corte com o decréscimo da espessura de corte, energia de corte, potência de corte e representação da energia e potência de corte com base na força de corte média durante a formação do cavaco, são semelhantes ao comportamento destes parâmetros durante a usinagem convencional. Com base nestes resultados, foi mostrado que os fundamentos do fresamento podem ser aplicados em microfresamento para explicar o comportamento da microusinagem. / Recently, micro end milling is a subject that has received a large contribution due to its feasibility to be applied to the manufacturing of micro components such as fuel cells, micro actuators and sensors, integrated circuits, etc. The objective of this study is to present fundamental principles of machining of end milling operation applied to the micro end milling operation. It will be investigated the behavior at small scale of some known conventional machining parameters such as instantaneous thickness of cut, average thickness of cut, cutting force, specific cutting pressure, cutting power among others. The relevance of this study is justified by the need of understanding how those cutting parameters behave when the machining scale is reduced. Firstly, a review of the literature was carried out in order to show the origin of some fundamental principles of machining of materials. Thereafter, a critical analysis was held on these fundamentals and experimental cutting tests were designed and carried out aiming to comparing the experimental results with the expected trend shown by those parameters in conventional machining scale. The micro end milling tests used two carbide two teeth micro end mills with a diameter of 0,8 mm. The cutting edge of each tool was measured using a confocal optical profiler and the values ranged from 1,8 \'mü\'m up to 3,3 \'mü\'m. The workpiece material used in the cutting experiments was an ultra fine grain (average 1 \'mü\'m) aluminum alloy (RSA 6061). The machining operation was partial (not engaged) end milling with radial depths of cut of 0,2 mm and 0,4 mm. The feed per tooth used were 5 \'mü\'m and 10 \'mü\'m at constant depth of cut of 50 \'mü\'m. The machine tool used was a three axis CNC machining center with 18 kw nominal power and maximum spindle speed of 24000 RPM. At the maximum spindle speed the maximum cutting speed reached was 50 m/min. A mini piezoelectric dynamometer multicomponent model 9256 C2 (Kistler) was used to gather the cutting forces signals during machining. Therefore, the experimental results showed that the cutting force variation behavior, the increase of specific cutting pressure with the decrease of thickness of cut, cutting energy, cutting power, representing the energy and cutting power representation based on the average cutting force during chip formation are similar to the behavior of these parameters during conventional machining. Based upon that it is shown that the fundamental principles may well be applied to explain the machining behavior at very reduced scales during micro end milling operation.

Estudo da geometria de arestas de corte aplicadas em usinagem com altas velocidades de corte / Study of cutting edge geometry applied in high speed machining

Alessandro Roger Rodrigues 22 March 2005 (has links)
Trata do estudo experimental da energia específica de corte e sua relação com parâmetros de usinagem, características geométricas e tribológicas das ferramentas, e material da peça usinada. Dentre as variáveis investigadas são destaques a profundidade de usinagem, velocidade de corte, raio de ponta, geometria de quebra-cavaco, tipo de revestimento das ferramentas, dureza, microestrutura e composição química do material da peça. Os seguintes materiais foram empregados nos ensaios: aços SAE 1213, 1020, 1045, ASTM H13 recozido e temperado, e liga de alumínio 2024. As medições de energia específica foram realizadas em uma máquina Charpy instrumentada por meio de um dinamômetro piezelétrico e um encoder ótico rotacional. Vários resultados puderam ser comparados aos obtidos em torno e centro de usinagem CNC devidamente instrumentados. Testes na condição HSM foram implementados nas máquinas-ferramentas. Todas as variáveis pesquisadas mostraram exercer influência sobre a energia específica. O aumento da profundidade de usinagem em 2,3 vezes causou diminuição da energia específica em 21%, na usinagem da liga de alumínio 2024. A elevação da velocidade de corte em torno de 70% conduziu a uma queda da energia específica de 24% para o aço SAE 1020. A geometria da ferramenta influiu mais decisivamente na energia específica sob velocidades de corte convencionais que na condição HSM. Pequenas variações na geometria do quebra-cavaco dos insertos causaram diminuição da energia específica de até 29%, para velocidade de corte convencional, e de 14% para HSM, na usinagem do aço H13 temperado. Diversos resultados de energia específica de corte medidos pelo ensaio Charpy proposto por este trabalho apresentaram boa concordância com os valores equivalentes fornecidos pela literatura científica / This thesis presents an experimental study about the specific cutting energy and its relation with cutting parameters, geometrical and tribological characteristics of tools, and workpiece material. Depth of cut, cutting speed, tool nose radius, chip-breaker geometry, tool coating, hardness, microstructure and chemical composition of the workpiece material are some investigated variables. The following workpiece materials were tested: SAE 1213, 1020, 1045, annealed and tempered ASTM H13 steels, and 2024 aluminum alloy. The specific cutting energy values were measured by using a Charpy machine instrumented through piezoelectric dynamometer and incremental optical encoder. Several results could be compared to ones from instrumented CNC lathe and machining center. Tests under HSM condition were carried out in machine-tools. All researched variables have influence over specific cutting energy. The depth of cut rise in 2.3x caused a decrease of specific cutting energy around 21% when machining 2024 aluminum alloy. The elevation of the cutting speed about 70% leaded to reduction of specific cutting energy around 24% when machining SAE 1020 steel. The tool geometry present more influence on specific cutting energy under conventional cutting speed than at high speed cutting. Small variations of tool chip-breaker geometries caused diminution of the specific cutting energy up to 29% for conventional cutting speed, and 14% on average for HSM condition when machining tempered ASTM H13 steel. Various specific cutting energy results obtained from the Charpy test proposed by this work presented a good concordance with equivalent ones provided by scientific literature

Análise e estudo de parâmetros para texturização a laser com pulsos ultracurtos para melhoria das propriedades tribológicas de componentes de motor / Analysis and study of parameters for laser surface texturing with ultrashort pulses to improve of tribological properties of engine components

Alexandre Vieira 13 June 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas otimizações no processo de fabricação de micro cavidades na superfície do aço DIN 16MnCr5, com o objetivo de reduzir o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre duas superfícies. Para a confecção das micro cavidades (dimples) foi utilizado um laser com pulsos ultracurtos, de largura temporal de algumas dezenas de femtossegundos. Além de estudos de variação de fluência do laser, também foi analisado o resultado da utilização de diferentes perfis de energia do feixe. Para a caracterização das micro cavidades, foram utilizadas técnicas como a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise morfológica, interferometria de luz branca e microscopia confocal para análise topográfica, dimensional e perfilométrica. Foram realizados ensaios de desgaste, em tribômetro para análise da variação do coeficiente de atrito após a texturização. Após os ensaios, percebeu-se que a texturização com pulsos ultracurtos apresenta grande vantagem na confecção de micro cavidades devido a precisão e ausência de interação térmica entre o laser e o material. Em relação ao atrito, as amostras texturizadas apresentaram redução da força e do coeficiente de atrito, porém, foram observados sinais de aumento da pressão de contato entre as superfícies. / In this work, optimizations were realized in the dimples manufacturing process on DIN 16MnCr5 steel surface, the target were to reduce the coefficient of dynamic friction between two surfaces. A laser with ultrashort pulses, temporal width of a few tens of femtoseconds, was used to manufacture dimples. In addition to studies of variation of laser beam fluency, the results of the use of different beam energy profiles were also analyzed. For analysis of dimples, techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for morphological analysis, white light interferometry and confocal surface microscopy were used for topographic, dimensional and perfilometry. Wear tests were performed to analyze the variation of the friction coefficient in texturing surface. After the tests, it was observed that the texturing with ultrashort pulses presents a great advantage in manufacturing of dimples, due to the precision and absence of thermal interaction between the laser beam and the material. In relation to the friction coefficient, the textured samples presented a reduction of the friction force and consequently of the friction coefficient, but an increase in the contact pressure between the studied surfaces was observed.

Estudo experimental de lubrificação e resfriamento no torneamento duro em componentes de grande porte / Experimental study of cooling lubrication methods in hard turning of large components

Guilherme Carlos Alves 12 June 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo experimental de lubrificação e resfriamento no torneamento duro de uma superfície funcional em componentes de grande porte, com aplicação no chão de fábrica. Foram comparadas as técnicas de mínima quantidade de lubrificante e resfriamento abundante, utilizando o método de resposta de superfície. O planejamento tridimensional utilizado foi de dois níveis, adicionado de pontos axiais, ponto central e de réplica. Foram variados a velocidade periférica da peça, o avanço da ferramenta de usinagem e a profundidade de usinagem. Após a execução do experimento, a integridade da superfície foi analisada pela medição da tensão residual, da espessura de possíveis modificações microestruturais e pela medição dos parâmetros estatísticos Sa, Sq e Sz. As medidas foram então ajustadas em modelos matemáticos, otimizadas e por fim comparadas. A análise dos resultados sinalizou que os modelos ajustados para ambos os métodos foram capazes de explicar satisfatoriamente o comportamento das variáveis de resposta. Ainda, a partir da função desirability, foi possível estimar valores ótimos com qualidade equivalente entre os métodos. Tanto para o emprego com mínimas quantidades quanto para resfriamento abundante foram registradas tensões circunferenciais altamente compressivas. Nas condições ótimas, quando empregadas mínimas quantidades de lubrificante, a superfície apresentou valores de tensões residuais 37% maiores em comparação ao obtido quando empregado o resfriamento abundante. Ambos os métodos produziram tanto superfícies livres de modificações microestruturais significativas, como também superfícies com modificações microstruturais significativas. Porém, quando detectadas, as modificações se mostraram muito reduzidas, com espessura de até 2,35 &#956m. Nas condições ótimas, quando empregado mínimas quantidades de lubrificante, a espessura da modificação foi 74% menor em comparação ao obtido quando empregado o resfriamento abundante. Os parâmetros estatísticos sugeriram alguma vantagem da aplicação de mínimas quantidades de lubrificante. Nas condições ótimas, a aplicação MQL apresentou melhor rugosidade Sa, em 47%, e Sz, em 11%. Porém, o desvio-padrão Sq da superfície apresentou valor 12% maior ao resfriamento abundante. / This work aimed to conduct a study of cooling and lubrication in hard turning of functional surface of large components. It was compared the performance of minimum quantity lubrication and abundant cooling through the application of response surface methodology. The activities were developed in shop floor application. It was designed a three-dimensional experiment with two levels, added by axial points, center point and one center replicate. The input variables were the peripheral velocity of the workpiece, the feed of the cutting tool and the depth of cut of machining. After the process were analyzed the surface integrity through the circumferential residual stress, possibly microstructure modified layers and statistical parameters such Sa, Sq and Sz. Then, the measurements were adjusted in mathematical models, optimized and compared. The analysis of the results indicated that the adjusted models for both methods were capable of explaining satisfactorily the behavior of the response variables. Also, the use of the desirability function allowed to predict optimal values with equivalent quality between the methods. The minimal quantities, as well the abundant cooling, produced circumferential residual stresses highly compressive. On optimal conditions, the MQL presented residual stresses 37% lower the abundant cooling. Both methods produced surfaces free of significant altered layers as well surface containing significant surface altered layer. However, when detected, the altered surface layer was very thin, with thickness up to 2,35 &#956m. On optimal conditions, the MQL altered layer was 74% lower the abundant cooling. The statistical parameters indicated some advantage on the application of MQL. On optimal conditions, the minimal quantities presented better Sa roughness in 47%, and Sz, in 11%. However, the standard deviation Sq of the surface presented a value 12% higher the abundant cooling.

Estudo da aplicação de insertos de cerâmica avançada na usinagem de ultraprecisão em aços endurecidos / Study on the application of advanced ceramic tool in ultraprecision machining of hardened steel

Danver Messias Bruno 12 November 2010 (has links)
O objetivo principal desse trabalho é investigar a aplicação de cerâmica á base de Zirconia em ferramentas de corte na usinagem de aço temperado (VND) utilizando um torno de ultraprecisão. Foram analisados dois tipos de composições de cerâmicas com estrutura cristalina diferentes, sendo elas: monoclínica e tetragonal. A diferença destas estruturas é devido à adição de Ytria. A fase monoclínica não contém Ytria em sua composição, enquanto, a fase tetragonal é obtida com Ytria (\'Y IND.3\') (chamada zirconia parcialmente estabilizada com Ytria). A fase tetragonal apresenta uma resistência elevada ao impacto junto com alta dureza (1800 kgf/\'MM POT.2\') quando comparada com a fase monoclínica que apresenta alta dureza mas menor tenacidade. Devido a este fato, esses materiais têm chamado à atenção dos pesquisadores para a usinagem de aços endurecidos. A geração de superfície é influenciada por diversos fatores, sendo eles: material peça, condições de corte, erros macro geométrico, erros de micro geometricos e do estado da aresta da ferramenta. Na usinagem de ultraprecisão a alta rigidez e vibração/trepidação máquina ferramenta é usada para evitar erros de micro geometria e macro geometria que conseqüentemente são transferidos para superfície da peça. Neste trabalho, devido ao fato de se usar um torno de ultraprecisão é possível afirmar que o perfil da rugosidade é gerado pela replicação do perfil da aresta da ferramenta de corte para a superfície da peça. A rugosidade da superfície foi medida com um perfilometro óptico com resolução de 0,1 nm. Os resultados mostraram que a rugosidade da superfície obtida após os testes de usinagem com as ferramantas de cerâmicas chegou á valores em torno de 0,140 microns, o que equivale ao acabamento com processo de retificação. Outro aspecto importante refere-se ao desgaste das ferramentas que, conseqüentemente, tem uma grande influência nos resultados obtidos. As ferramentas de corte foram analisadas antes e depois da usinagem por microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Verificou-se que as ferramentas de corte na fase tetragonal apresentaram desgaste do tipo cratera na aresta da ferramenta enquanto a aresta da ferramenta monoclínica apresentou desgaste do tipo lascamento. / The main objective of this work is to investigate the application of a ceramic composite of Alumina-Zirconia cutting tools inserts in the machining of hardened steel (VND) in an ultraprecision lathe. Two different ceramic compositions with different crystalline structure were tested, to know: monoclinic and tetragonal. The difference in these structures is due the addition of Yttrium. The monoclinic phase has no Yttrium in its composition while the tetragonal phase is obtained with Ytrium (\'Y IND.3\') (named partially stabilized zirconium). The tetragonal phase presents a high impact toughness along with high hardness (1800 kgf/\'MM POT.2\') when compared to the monoclinic phase which presents high hardness but lower toughness. Due to this fact, these materials have draw attention of researchers in the field of machining of hardened steels. The surface generation is influenced by several factors, to know: workpiece material, cutting conditions, macro geometry errors, micro geometry errors and the sharpness of the cutting edge. In ultraprecision machining, a high stiffness and chatter/vibration free machine tool is used in order to avoid common macro and micro geometry errors replicated into the workpiece surface. In this case, it is possible to assert that the roughness profile is generated by the replication of the cutting tool edge profile to the workpiece surface. The surface roughness was measured by an optical profiler with resolution of 0,1 nm. The results showed that the surface roughness obtained after machining tests with these ceramic inserts were in the range of 0,140 micrometers, which is in the same range of roughness obtained by the grinding process. Another important aspect refers to the wear of the ceramic inserts which has direct influence in the performance as a cutting tool material. The cutting inserts were evaluated before and after machining by scanning electron microscope. It was found that the tetragonal phase cutting tools presented crater wear on the rake face while the monoclinic phase presented cutting edge chipping as the main main type of wear.

Pokročilá výroba individuálních ortopedických implantátů technologií selektivního tavení laserem / Advanced Fabrication of Custom Orthopaedic Implants Using Selective Laser Melting Technology

Trubačová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
This work describes advanced fabrication of custom orthopaedic implants using unconventional additive manufacturing technology - Selective Laser Melting (SLM). There was a main focus on custom knee replacement and certainly on its femoral component. The study investigated three general issues within the domain of the usage of additive manufacturing technology in medical application. First, there was an evaluation of process parameters influences of SLM fabrication method on surface and mechanical properties of titanium Ti6Al4V ELI specimens. This material was used because of its biocompatibility and its wide use within implant fabrication. Then, a proposal of the manufacturing strategy was carried out and the fabrication of customized knee femoral component prototype by SLM technology was done. The elaboration of the numerical chain prior the SLM implant fabrication, from patient's CT knee scan to final femoral replacement model, was also done. Then, a proposal of different 3-axis and 5-axis strategies of machining of the fitting femoral surface of bone prototype (3D printed from the powder) using CNC machines FV 25 CNC and TAJMAC ZPS MCV 1210 was projected and also, the 3-axis spiral machining was realised. The individual machining tool paths were generated by software Power Mill from Delcam group. Finally, these machining strategies were generated as a prior step before a machining of real patient’s bone, therefore the machining tests of cartilage and bone were done.

Étude expérimentale et modélisation multi-physique de l’évolution de la microstructure dans les procédés d’usinage de l'alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4V / Experimental study and multi-physics modeling of microstructure evolution in Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy machining

Yameogo, Dominique Ibrahima 30 January 2019 (has links)
Le présent travail concerne l’étude de l’usinage de l’alliage de titane Ti-6Al-4V, matériau très apprécié par les industries aéronautique, biomédicale et de l’énergie. Les qualités des alliages de titane sont nombreuses : haute résistance aux températures élevées et à la corrosion, haute résistance mécanique, biocompatibilité, etc. Cependant, certaines propriétés physiques de ces matériaux, comme leur faible conductivité thermique, conduisent à des difficultés lors de leur mise en forme par usinage. Des études ont été et sont toujours conduites afin de comprendre le comportement de ces matériaux lors de leur mise en forme. Peu de travaux portent sur la prise en compte de la microstructure dans le comportement des alliages de titane lors du procédé d’usinage. Cette dimension constitue l’une des originalités de ce travail de thèse. Les phénomènes microstructuraux sont caractérisés à travers une étude expérimentale en coupe orthogonale de l’alliage Ti-6Al-4V. Les efforts, la température, la morphologie des copeaux et la microstructure sont analysés et interprétés. Une étude numérique du processus de coupe par simulation éléments finis est employée pour comprendre le rôle de l’endommagement et de la recristallisation. A partir des conclusions de ces différentes études, la construction d’un nouveau modèle de comportement est proposée. Ce modèle est appliqué à une modélisation élément fini pour différentes conditions de coupe afin d’étudier l’influence des paramètres d’usinage. Le modèle est validé par comparaison aux résultats expérimentaux. Il est ensuite exploité afin de proposer une analyse du processus de la coupe et notamment de la formation du copeau. / The present work concerns the study of the machining of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. This material is much appreciated by the aerospace, biomedical and energy industries for its advantageous properties: high resistance to high temperatures and corrosion, high mechanical strength, biocompatibility, etc. However, certain physical properties of these materials, such as their low thermal conductivity, lead to difficulties during the machining process. Studies have been and are still conducted to understand the behavior of these materials during their shaping. Few studies consider the influence of microstructure on the behavior of titanium alloys during the machining process. This is one of the originalities of the present work. The microstructural phenomena are characterized through an experimental study of orthogonal cutting of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Machining forces, temperature, chip morphology and microstructure are analyzed and discussed. A numerical study of the finite element simulation process is used to understand the role of damage and recrystallization. From the conclusions of these different studies, the construction of a new model of behavior is proposed. This model is applied to finite element modeling for different cutting conditions to study the influence of machining parameters. The model is validated by comparison with the experimental results. It is then used to propose an analysis of the microstructural phenomena during the cutting process and the formation of the chip.

Estudo do processo de furação do laminado metal fibra de alumínio 2024-T3 e epóxi reforçado com fibra de vidro /

Bonhin, Eduardo Pires. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Valério Ribeiro / Resumo: A utilização de materiais compósitos em componentes do setor aeronáutico vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos. Isso se deve ao fato destes materiais apresentarem boas propriedades mecânicas, aliadas a sua baixa massa específica. Dentre estes, os laminados metal fibra, são uma classe de materiais que vem ganhando destaque. Contudo seu emprego na maioria dos casos, requer a confecção de furos, algo que é muito complexo e pode causar danos ao material. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o processo de furação em cheio de um laminado de metal fibra de alumínio 2024-T3/epóxi/fibra de vidro apoiado no alumínio 7075, aplicando diferentes parâmetros de usinagem para avaliar a influência na qualidade dos furos e o desgaste das ferramentas, correlacionando com a potência consumida, vibração, força de avanço, variações dimensionais nos furos e alteração das propriedades mecânicas do material. Para tal, o material foi processado via moldagem por compressão a quente e caracterizado por meio dos ensaios de cisalhamento interlaminar (ILSS), cisalhamento por compressão (CST) e Lap shear. Posteriormente, foram realizados processos de furação utilizando 4000, 6000 e 8000 rpm, bem como avanços de 0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 mm/rot. Após a análise dos resultados, pode-se concluir que os parâmetros influenciaram nos dados de potência, vibração e força de avanço, bem como houve variação significativa nos diâmetros obtidos, sendo que o melhor resultado ocorreu para combinação de 6000 rpm com 0,05mm... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The use of composite materials in aeronautical components has been increased in the last years. This is due to these material presente good mechanical properties, allied with low specific mass. Among them, the fiber metal laminated (FML) are a class of materials that has been gaining prominence. However, its use in most cases requires the drilling of holes, which is very complex and can cause damage to the material. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the conventional drilling process in aeronautical aluminum structures reinforced with fiber metal laminates. Applying different machining parameters, to evaluate the delamination and the wear tools, correlating with the power consumed, vibration, advance force, dimensional variations in the holes and variation of the mechanical properties on material. For this, the material was processed by hot compression molding and characterized by interlaminar shear stress (ILSS), compression shear test (CST) and Lap-shear. Afterwards, drilling processes were carried out using 4000, 6000 and 8000 rpm, as well as an advance of 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 mm / rot. After the analysis of the results, it was possible to conclude that the parameters influenced the data of power, vibration and force of advance, as well as there was significant variation in the diameters obtained, being the best result occurred for a combination of 6000 rpm with 0,05mm / rot. It can also be stated that there is a tendency of shear strength of the Lap Shear... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Conception, réalisation et caractérisation d'un transformateur de commande / Design, realization and characterization of a drive transformer

Mahamat, Ahmat Taha 29 May 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne la conception, la réalisation et la caractérisation d’un transformateur de commande pour interrupteurs de puissance à grille isolée, le transformateur assurant l’isolation galvanique entre étage de commande et circuit de puissance. L’objectif du travail n’était pas de répondre à un cahier des charges précis mais de développer une nouvelle voie technologique pour la réalisation de transformateur planaire intégrable. Les principales caractéristiques d’un tel transformateur sont : - une inductance élevée (rapport inductance/surface occupée le plus grand possible) ; - des résistances séries faibles ; - un couplage capacitif entre primaire et secondaire le plus faible possible. Ces contraintes nous ont conduits à étudier un transformateur planaire à couches magnétiques dont les enroulements primaire et secondaire sont enterrés dans le matériau magnétique afin de réduire l’entrefer. La structure Face to Face a été retenue avec un décalage de 45° entre enroulements primaire et secondaire. Après une étude en simulation, chaque enroulement enterré dans un matériau ferrite a été réalisé séparément puis assemblé pour donner naissance au transformateur. De très nombreuses étapes technologiques : micro usinage laser femtoseconde, dépôts de cuivre par pulvérisation cathodique, photolithographie, planarisation, gravure chimique … ont été mises en oeuvre. Le transformateur ainsi réalisé est constitué d’un empilement de couches magnétiques, conductrices et isolantes. Il a été caractérisé des très basses fréquences jusqu’à plusieurs dizaines de MHz. Les résultats de mesure obtenus sont proches des résultats de simulation, la bande passante du transformateur s’étendant de 20kHz à 7MHz / This work concerns the design, realization and characterization of a control transformer for insulated gate power switches, the transformer providing galvanic isolation between driving stage and power circuits. The aim of the work was not to respond to a precise specification but to develop a new technological path for the realization of an integrable planar transformer. The main characteristics of such transformer are: - high inductance (ratio of inductance / area occupied as large as possible); - low series resistances; - a capacitive coupling between primary and secondary as small as possible. These constraints guided us to study a planar transformer with magnetic layers whose primary and secondary windings are buried in the magnetic material in order to reduce the air gap. The Face to Face structure was chosen with a 45 ° offset between primary and secondary windings. After a numerical study, windings buried in a ferrite material were fabricated separately and then assembled to give rise to the transformer. Many technological steps: femtosecond laser micromachining, copper deposits by sputtering, photolithography, planarization, chemical etching ... have been implemented. Thus, the transformer produced consists of a stack of magnetic, conductive and insulating layers. It has been characterized from very low frequencies up to several tens of MHz. The measurement results obtained are close to simulation results, the bandwidth of the transformer extending from 20 kHz to 7 MHz

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