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Strength and Ductility of Concrete Cylinders Confined with Fiber Metal Laminate CompositesAhmed, Md Tofail 05 April 2023 (has links)
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is a composite material made of fibers that carry tensile loads embedded in a polymeric matrix. Externally bonded FRP retrofits of reinforced concrete elements provide an efficient, economical, and accepted method of mitigating deficiencies related to seismic and blast loads, as well as addressing corrosion-related issues. FRPs retrofits are widely regarded as cost effective as the cost associated with retrofit installation and facility down-time are usually less than similar retrofit systems. Besides issues of bond and anchorage between the FRP and the substrate, the main disadvantage of FRP materials is that they behave in a brittle, linear elastic manner. As a result, strengthening concrete structures with FRP may introduce new and undesirable behaviors that are mitigated by design codes through strict strain limits. Because FRP is designed for very low strain levels to prevent brittle rupture and unpredictable debonding, buildings and bridges are strengthened in such a way that restricts their energy dissipation capacity at the ultimate limit state. This runs counter to the structural design philosophy of new buildings where the design objective is to develop significant plastic deformation to dissipate energy.
An ideal composite material for infrastructure strengthening is one that combines the ease of application of FRP rehabilitation systems with the ability of ductile metals to yield under relatively large strains to provide energy dissipation and ensure ductile behavior. Known as a fiber metal laminate (FML), the aerospace industry has successfully developed a composite consisting of thin metal sheets alternatively bonded to epoxy saturated fiber fabric that is widely used to construct aircraft fuselages and wings. Unlike FRP, FML composites possess a well-defined yield point and exhibit inelastic behavior. However, aerospace grade FML composites cannot directly be applied to building and bridges because they: (i) were developed for low-stress fatigue resistance rather than performance near ultimate stress; (ii) are precisely manufactured to unnecessarily tight tolerances by civil construction standards; and (iii) are not economical compared with current FRP strengthening techniques. Therefore, developing a multifunctional civil engineering composite material based on FML theory would unlock opportunities related to plastic design, energy dissipation, and other mechanisms not currently possible with FRP.
This dissertation presents a comprehensive study on the use FML jackets to enhance the strength and ductility of concrete cylinders. The confinement effect and failure mechanisms of FML confined concrete were analyzed for a range of experimental parameters, including the effect of the number of layers, the fiber orientation, and fabric architecture of the FML jackets. The experimental program was divided into two phases. The first phase consisted of a series of uniaxial tension coupon tests to investigate how the stacking arrangement of various E-glass fabrics and aluminum sheets could be tuned to control the yield strength, post-yield stiffness, and ductility characteristics of the FML lay-ups. Mechanical roughening of aluminum sheets and the addition of a bond enhancement agent to the resin system was found to enhance the interlayer bonding and splice capacity of metal and fiber layers. The results demonstrated that FML coupons with [±45°] glass fabrics exhibited pseudo-elastic-plastic stress-strain response, while coupons with [0°] and [0°/90°] fabrics exhibited strain hardening after yielding of aluminum layers. Furthermore, the ratio of the relative contribution of composite layers to the total elastic stiffness of the FML composites was found to be a good indicator of the mechanical properties and shape of the uniaxial stress-strain response of the FML lay-ups. An analytical model based on the Rule of Mixtures (ROM) was used to predict the tensile behavior of the FML coupons.
The second phase consisted of axial compression testing of concrete cylinders confined by FML jackets to investigate the influence of various lay-up schemes on the strength and ductility of the confined concrete. Cylinders jacketed with FML showed a significant increase in their strength and ductility. The degree of strain-softening response, maximum strength, peak strain, ultimate deformation, and energy dissipation capacity of the FML confined concrete was found to be controlled by the pseudo-ductile stress-strain response of the FML jackets. FML lay-ups which exhibited strain hardening uniaxial behavior tended to produce greater enhancements in confined concrete strength and steeper strain softening response than FML lay-ups which exhibited pseudo-elastic-plastic uniaxial behavior. Furthermore, FML confined concrete showed improved performance, compared to FRP confined concrete, in terms of confined concrete behavior and failure mode. Finally, the project also demonstrated that an in-situ, hand lay-up preparation procedure for FML jackets provided a level of performance and construction tolerance suitable for use in civil infrastructure applications. Although the results of this study encourage the use of FML as a viable substitute to FRP for retrofitting deficient concrete members, further research is recommended on large-scale columns to verify the feasibility of this innovative retrofit technique. / Doctor of Philosophy / Glass fiber fabrics infused with epoxy resin can be wrapped around concrete cylinders to create a form of confinement jacket that enhances the strength and ductility of the concrete. The cured fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite will resist the lateral expansion of the cylinder when it is subject to axial compression. The resistance action works in the form of an external confining pressure developed by jacket and applied to the surface of the cylinder. The increase in confinement pressure is proportional to the lateral expansion of the cylinder which creates hoop strains in the jacket material. The FRP jacket will rupture suddenly when the jacket reaches its ultimate strain capacity, causing the confined cylinder to fail in an explosive manner. FRP composites are often used to repair and strengthen structures suffering from performance deficiencies. However, the brittle mode of failure of FRP is undesirable because it can occur suddenly and without warning. An ideal composite for infrastructure strengthening applications is one that combines the ease of application of FRP rehabilitation systems with the ability of ductile metals to yield under large strains to provide energy dissipation and ensure ductile behavior.
The objective of this research was to investigate the strength and ductility of concrete cylinders confined by fiber metal laminates (FML), a composite material consisting of thin aluminum sheets alternatively bonded to layers of glass fiber fabrics. Axial compression testing of concrete cylinders confined by FML jackets was performed to investigate the influence of various FML lay-up schemes on the strength and ductility of the confined cylinders. Concrete cylinders jacketed with FML showed a significant increase in strength and ductility. FML lay-ups which exhibited strain hardening uniaxial behavior tended to produce greater enhancements in confined concrete strength and steeper strain softening response than FML lay-ups which exhibited pseudo-elastic-plastic uniaxial behavior. Furthermore, FML confined concrete showed improved performance, compared to FRP confined concrete, in terms of confined concrete behavior and failure mode. Although the results of this study encourage the use of FML as a viable substitute to FRP for retrofitting deficient concrete members, further research is recommended on large-scale columns to verify the feasibility of this innovative retrofit technique.
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Fastighetsmäklarens skyldighet att ge råd och upplysningar : En studie i tillämpningen av 16 § i FastighetsmäklarlagenEdelbrock, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
En bostadsrätt omfattar ett medlemskap i en ekonomisk förening och ger nyttjanderätt till en lägenhet. Detta innebär att bostadsrätten inte är något materiellt utan just en andel i föreningen, vilken bland annat innefattar upplåtelse av en lägenhet att nyttja mot ersättning, i det hus som ägs av föreningen, men också del i föreningens tillgångar och skulder. I Sverige förmedlas årligen över hundra tusen bostadsrätter via fastighetsmäklare. Olikt en fastighetsöverlåtelse finns vid överlåtelse av bostadsrätt tre intressenter, i form av köpare, säljare och bostadsrättsförening. Fastighetsmäklaren är ytterligare en part som ska fungera som en oberoende mellanman i relationen mellan säljaren och köparen. Fastighets- mäklarens roll i överlåtelseprocessen är central och dennes arbete regleras genom fastighetsmäklarlagen, där regler om bland annat god fastighetsmäklarsed, omsorgsplikt, samt rådgivnings- och upplysningsskyldighet återfinns. Denna uppsats syftar till att ur ett fastighetsmäklarperspektiv utreda och tydliggöra gällande rätt inom området för mäklarens rådgivnings- och upplysningsskyldighet vid överlåtelse av bostadsrätt. I min studie av förmedlingsprocessen för bostadsrätter har jag kunnat identifiera ett antal områden där kraven på fastighetsmäklarens agerande behöver tydliggöras. Uppsatsen har koncentrerats till det ansvar som vilar på fastighetsmäklaren gällande råd och upplysningar om föreningens ekonomi och stadgar, skyldigheten att upplysa köparen om ansvaret att undersöka bostadsrätten, samt vad en sådan undersökning omfattar. Mäklarnas tillämpning av reglerna i fastighetsmäklarlagen är, vid förmedling av bostadsrätt, i stor utsträckning förenklad och anpassad efter hur förmedlingsprocessen vid fastighetsöverlåtelser går till. Det finns i och med detta ett behov av att fastighetsmäklarna anpassar sina råd, upplysningar och sin information efter de särskilda regler och förhållanden som råder för bostadsrätter. Detta gäller inte minst mäklarens upplysning om köparens ansvar att undersöka bostadsrätten.
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Avaliação da resposta imunológica de cães vacinados com a vacina FML (Leishmune®) e cães naturalmente infectados com leishmaniose visceral canina por meio de dois métodos sorológicos = ELISA e RIFI / Leishmune®-vaccinated versus naturally infected dogs with canine visceral leishmaniais serologigal diagnostic differentiationBarichello, Fabiana Farinello Grecco 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silmara Marques Allegretti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T21:52:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A Leishmaniose Visceral Canina, doença grave e fatal, tem o cão como o principal reservatório do seu agente etiológico no meio urbano. Devido ao alto parasitismo cutâneo nestes animais, da quantidade de cães infectados, e do próximo convívio com o homem, as ações desenvolvidas pelo Programa Brasileiro de Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral são centradas no reservatório canino, através da identificação e eutanásia dos animais soropositivos. Sendo assim, a adoção de ações profiláticas, com a utilização de vacinas nos cães, constituiria uma importante ferramenta para a diminuição da doença nestes animais, e consequentemente, da infecção do vetor e da transmissão do agente. Além disso, a adoção de medidas profiláticas, como o uso de coleiras impregnadas com deltametrina, repelentes de uso tópico e vacinas, são as únicas alternativas disponíveis atualmente para os cães, pois no Brasil, o tratamento de cães está proibido desde a publicação da Portaria Interministerial nº 1.426, de 11 de julho de 2008. Apesar de disponível desde 2004, a vacina Leishmune® ainda não é amplamente utilizada no Brasil, principalmente devido à possibilidade dos cães vacinados apresentarem sorologia positiva em inquéritos epidemiológicos, não sendo possível diferenciá-los dos infectados. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil sorológico de cães vacinados e saudáveis que residem em áreas endêmicas, e de cães naturalmente infectados por Leishmania infantum/ chagasi, e avaliar a possibilidade de diferenciação sorológica a partir dos métodos utilizados atualmente nos inquéritos epidemiológicos oficiais e nos laboratórios de diagnóstico particulares: ELISA e RIFI com antígenos L. major-like, produzidos pelo Laboratório Bio-Manguinhos e ELISA S7, produzido pelo Laboratório Biogene. Todos os soros de cães foram testados nos três métodos, e os resultados demonstraram que nenhum cão vacinado apresentou resultado positivo em mais de um teste. Apenas um cão vacinado (1/39) apresentou resultado de 1:40 na RIFI, e quatro cães (4/39) apresentaram resultado positivo no ELISA L. major-like. Nenhum soro de cão vacinado apresentou resultado positivo no ELISA S7. O único resultado positivo na RIFI foi negativo nos outros dois métodos, e os quatro soros positivos no ELISA L. major-like foram negativos tanto na RIFI quanto no ELISA S7. Estes resultados sugerem reações falso-positivas, e demonstram que, de acordo com o Manual de Vigilância Epidemiológica, se os soros de cães vacinados forem testados em dois métodos (ELISA e RIFI), a possibilidade de um cão vacinado apresentar resultado positivo será remota. Desta maneira, a vacinação da população canina não dificultaria as ações atualmente empregadas para o controle da Leishmaniose Visceral, mas poderia, no futuro, ser somada as medidas já adotadas, evitando assim a eutanásia de cães / Abstract: Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis, serious and fatal disease, has the dog as main reservoir of the agent Leishmania infantum in urban environment. The control actions developed by the Brazilian Program of Visceral Leishmaniasis Control are focused on the canine reservoir through identification and euthanasia of seropositive animals, due to high cutaneous parasitism in these animals, the amount of infected dogs and the closeness to the human being. Therefore, the adoption of prophylactic measures like dog vaccination would be an important tool to reduce the number of infected dogs and consequently the vector infection and the disease transmission. Besides that, the adoption of prophylactic measures in these animals, like the usage of deltametrin embedded collars, topic usage repellent and vaccines are the only available alternatives for these animals, since dogs treatment has been forbidden by law in Brazil since 2008. Although it has been available since 2004, the Leishmune® vaccine is not widely used in Brazil yet, especially due to the possibility of vaccinated dogs showing positive serology, being impossible to differentiate them from infected dogs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the serologic profile of healthy and vaccinated dogs who live in endemic areas and of naturally infected dogs with Leishmania Infantum/ chagasi, and also evaluate the possibility of serologic differentiation using the same methods nowadays adopted by official epidemiological surveys and in private diagnosis laboratories: ELISA and IFA with L. major-like antigens, produced by Bio-Manguinhos Laboratory and ELISA S7, produced by Biogene Laboratory. All the dogs sera were tested in the three methods, and the results showed that no vaccinated dog presented a positive result in more than one test. Only a vaccinated dog (1/39), presented 1:40 in IFA, and 4 dogs (4/39) presented a ELISA L. major-like positive result. No vaccinated dog sera presented positive result in ELISA S7. The only IFA positive result was negative in the other two methods and the four positive sera in ELISA L. major-like were negative either in IFA, as in ELISA S7. These results suggest false positive reactions and demonstrate that according to the Epidemiological Surveillance Manual, if the vaccinated dogs sera are tested in two methods (ELISA and IFA), the possibility of a vaccinated dog to present a positive result is remote. Thus, the vaccination of a big quantity of dogs would not disturb the presently adopted actions for Visceral Leishmaniasis control, but could in the future be added to the already adopted measures, therefore avoiding the dog's euthanasia / Mestrado / Parasitologia / Mestre em Parasitologia
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薄層化CFRP積層板の面外方向負荷に対する力学的特性および損傷形態についての研究山田, 耕平 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22437号 / 工博第4698号 / 新制||工||1734(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 北條 正樹, 教授 平方 寛之, 准教授 西川 雅章, 教授 土屋 智由 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Fastighetsmäklarens påverkan på ansvarsfördelningen för faktiska felNilsson, Ante, Rosenberg, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur mäklaren påverkar på ansvarsfördelningen för faktiska fel i fastighet mellan en köpare och säljare. Vilka fel som köparen kommer att ansvara för enligt 4:19 JB utgår från vad denne hade kunnat finna vid en normal undersökningsplikt. Undersökningsplikten kan även utökas om köparen får varnande besked att ett fel kan föreligga. Undersökningsplikten kan även reduceras ifall köparen får lugnande besked eller det bagatelliseras om den specifika egenskapen samt om utfästelser görs. Motsattvis reduceras eller utökas säljarens felansvar. Säljaren står även ansvarig för fel denne svikligt undanhåller för att utnyttja köparens okunskap. Mäklaren har en upplysningsplikt enligt 16 § FML och ska upplysa om fel denne känner till eller misstänker. Det är oberoende om informationen framkommit till mäklaren från annan part eller om mäklaren själv har vetskap om det genom exempelvis tidigare erfarenheter. Mäklaren ska även verka för att säljaren lämnar upplysningar som kan vara av betydelse för köparen. Det kan ske genom en s.k. frågelista. Utifrån sammanställning av författningar, praxis och doktrin har det framkommit att mäklaren genom sina skyldigheter kan påverka ansvarsfördelningen. Mäklaren kan påverka ansvarsfördelningen i bägge riktningar för en köpare och säljare, dvs. att det leder till en förskjutning av ansvaret för faktiska fel i fastigheten. Mäklaren påverkar ansvaret genom sin upplysningsplikt. Köparen kan få en utökad undersökningsplikt genom att mäklaren lämnar varnande besked till köparen om fel denne misstänker. Köparen kan också få reducerad undersökningsplikt genom att mäklaren lämnar lugnande besked. Motsatsvis innebär det ett reducerat eller utökat ansvar för säljaren. Det innebär att mäklarens uttalande till en köpare har samma innebörd som säljarens uttalande i fråga om ansvarsfördelningen mellan köparen och säljaren. / The essay is about how the broker affects the distribution of responsibilities for factual faults in properties between a buyer and a seller. Which faults the buyer will be responsible for according to 4:19 JB is based on what the buyer could have discovered in a normal investigation duty. This duty of inquiry may also be extended if the buyer receives a warning message pointing to that a fault may exist. The extension of what the buyer is responsible of may also be reduced if the buyer receives a calming message or the specific attribute is being trivialized or if a specific attribute is being pledged. By contrast, the seller’s liability of faults is reduced or increased. The seller is liable for faults, which he fraudulently refuses to exploit due to the byer’s lack of knowledge. The broker has a duty to provide information according to 16 § FML and shall disclose any faults he is aware of or suspects. It is independent whether the information has been disclosed to the broker from another person or if the broker himself knows about it through previous experiences. The broker must also act in order for the seller to provide information that may be of importance to the buyer. This can be done through a list of questions. Based on the compilation of constitutions, practices and doctrine, it has been found that the broker can, through his obligations, affect the distribution of responsibilities. The broker can affect the distribution of responsibilities in both directions for a buyer and a seller, i.e. that it leads to a shift of responsibilities for actual faults in the property. The broker affects the responsibility through his duty of disclosure. The buyer can also get a reduced duty to investigate due to a calming message from the broker. By contrast, it implies reduced or increased liability for the seller. This means that the broker’s statement to a buyer has the same meaning as the seller’s statement regarding the division of responsibility between the buyer and seller.
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Desempenho ao impacto de laminados fibra-metal utilizando reforços termoplásticos. / Impact performance of fibre-metal laminates with thermoplastic material.Santiago, Rafael Celeghini 07 April 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de laminados fibra-metal em regime de impacto, a partir de uma abordagem teórica, numérica e experimental. Os materiais estudados consistem em camadas finas intercaladas de alumínio 2024-T4 e de um novo material termoplástico de polipropileno (PP) de alta resistência mecânica. Eventos de impacto de baixa e alta velocidade contra placas destes laminados foram realizados a partir de um martelo de impacto e de um canhão pneumático, respectivamente. Nestes experimentos buscou-se identificar as condições limite de ruptura e perfuração das amostras, assim como parâmetros de comportamento do material. O laminado fibra metal de PP (ou TFML) e seus constituintes foram caracterizados a taxas de deformação entre 10-4 / s e 102 / s, utilizando-se máquinas de ensaio universal comerciais e um dispositivo desenvolvido especificamente para este estudo, capaz de caracterizar materiais em taxas intermediárias de deformação. Os modelos teóricos de Jones e Reid-Wen foram adaptados para utilização com TFMLs, sendo capazes de identificar o comportamento do material em regime de baixa e alta velocidade de impacto, respectivamente. Um modelo numérico do TFML em regime de impacto foi desenvolvido utilizando o programa comercial LSDyna. Resultados experimentais e teóricos foram confrontados com esse, apresentado boa correlação na predição do limiar de falha e limite balístico do material. Uma vez que o comportamento do TFML ao impacto foi modelado, buscou-se identificar o efeito da distribuição de camadas e composição de constituintes no comportamento do material ao impacto. Estudos também foram conduzidos com o intuito de identificar a influência da taxa de deformação, geometria do indentador e localização do impacto no comportamento dos laminados. Por fim, uma configuração de TFML foi proposta visando melhoria de seu desempenho ao impacto. / In this work, the behaviour of fibre-metal laminates under impact loading is studied by using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. The material is a combination of thin aluminium 2024-T3 layers and an innovative high strength thermoplastic polypropylene material. Low and high velocity impact events were performed using a falling weight machine and a gas-gun projectile launcher, respectively. The thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates (or TFML) and its constituents were mechanically characterized in the range of strain rates between 10-4 / s and 102 / s , using commercial universal testing machines and a specifically designed rig for tensile tests at intermediate strain rates. The Jones and Reid-Wen theoretical models were adapted to be used with TFML plates. A finite element model of the TFML under impact events was developed using LS-Dyna software. The numerical model revalled results that were compared with the theoretical models and the experimental data, providing reasonably similar results. Once the TFML impact behaviour was identified and modelled, the effect of the layers distribution and constituent composition on the TFML impact response was studied. Studies of the strain rate effect, identor geometry and the impact location were also performed. Finally, a TFML configuration was suggested in order to improve the TFML impact performance.
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Desempenho ao impacto de laminados fibra-metal utilizando reforços termoplásticos. / Impact performance of fibre-metal laminates with thermoplastic material.Rafael Celeghini Santiago 07 April 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de laminados fibra-metal em regime de impacto, a partir de uma abordagem teórica, numérica e experimental. Os materiais estudados consistem em camadas finas intercaladas de alumínio 2024-T4 e de um novo material termoplástico de polipropileno (PP) de alta resistência mecânica. Eventos de impacto de baixa e alta velocidade contra placas destes laminados foram realizados a partir de um martelo de impacto e de um canhão pneumático, respectivamente. Nestes experimentos buscou-se identificar as condições limite de ruptura e perfuração das amostras, assim como parâmetros de comportamento do material. O laminado fibra metal de PP (ou TFML) e seus constituintes foram caracterizados a taxas de deformação entre 10-4 / s e 102 / s, utilizando-se máquinas de ensaio universal comerciais e um dispositivo desenvolvido especificamente para este estudo, capaz de caracterizar materiais em taxas intermediárias de deformação. Os modelos teóricos de Jones e Reid-Wen foram adaptados para utilização com TFMLs, sendo capazes de identificar o comportamento do material em regime de baixa e alta velocidade de impacto, respectivamente. Um modelo numérico do TFML em regime de impacto foi desenvolvido utilizando o programa comercial LSDyna. Resultados experimentais e teóricos foram confrontados com esse, apresentado boa correlação na predição do limiar de falha e limite balístico do material. Uma vez que o comportamento do TFML ao impacto foi modelado, buscou-se identificar o efeito da distribuição de camadas e composição de constituintes no comportamento do material ao impacto. Estudos também foram conduzidos com o intuito de identificar a influência da taxa de deformação, geometria do indentador e localização do impacto no comportamento dos laminados. Por fim, uma configuração de TFML foi proposta visando melhoria de seu desempenho ao impacto. / In this work, the behaviour of fibre-metal laminates under impact loading is studied by using theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches. The material is a combination of thin aluminium 2024-T3 layers and an innovative high strength thermoplastic polypropylene material. Low and high velocity impact events were performed using a falling weight machine and a gas-gun projectile launcher, respectively. The thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates (or TFML) and its constituents were mechanically characterized in the range of strain rates between 10-4 / s and 102 / s , using commercial universal testing machines and a specifically designed rig for tensile tests at intermediate strain rates. The Jones and Reid-Wen theoretical models were adapted to be used with TFML plates. A finite element model of the TFML under impact events was developed using LS-Dyna software. The numerical model revalled results that were compared with the theoretical models and the experimental data, providing reasonably similar results. Once the TFML impact behaviour was identified and modelled, the effect of the layers distribution and constituent composition on the TFML impact response was studied. Studies of the strain rate effect, identor geometry and the impact location were also performed. Finally, a TFML configuration was suggested in order to improve the TFML impact performance.
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Estudo do processo de furação do laminado metal fibra de alumínio 2024-T3 e epóxi reforçado com fibra de vidro /Bonhin, Eduardo Pires. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Valério Ribeiro / Resumo: A utilização de materiais compósitos em componentes do setor aeronáutico vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos. Isso se deve ao fato destes materiais apresentarem boas propriedades mecânicas, aliadas a sua baixa massa específica. Dentre estes, os laminados metal fibra, são uma classe de materiais que vem ganhando destaque. Contudo seu emprego na maioria dos casos, requer a confecção de furos, algo que é muito complexo e pode causar danos ao material. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o processo de furação em cheio de um laminado de metal fibra de alumínio 2024-T3/epóxi/fibra de vidro apoiado no alumínio 7075, aplicando diferentes parâmetros de usinagem para avaliar a influência na qualidade dos furos e o desgaste das ferramentas, correlacionando com a potência consumida, vibração, força de avanço, variações dimensionais nos furos e alteração das propriedades mecânicas do material. Para tal, o material foi processado via moldagem por compressão a quente e caracterizado por meio dos ensaios de cisalhamento interlaminar (ILSS), cisalhamento por compressão (CST) e Lap shear. Posteriormente, foram realizados processos de furação utilizando 4000, 6000 e 8000 rpm, bem como avanços de 0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 mm/rot. Após a análise dos resultados, pode-se concluir que os parâmetros influenciaram nos dados de potência, vibração e força de avanço, bem como houve variação significativa nos diâmetros obtidos, sendo que o melhor resultado ocorreu para combinação de 6000 rpm com 0,05mm... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The use of composite materials in aeronautical components has been increased in the last years. This is due to these material presente good mechanical properties, allied with low specific mass. Among them, the fiber metal laminated (FML) are a class of materials that has been gaining prominence. However, its use in most cases requires the drilling of holes, which is very complex and can cause damage to the material. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the conventional drilling process in aeronautical aluminum structures reinforced with fiber metal laminates. Applying different machining parameters, to evaluate the delamination and the wear tools, correlating with the power consumed, vibration, advance force, dimensional variations in the holes and variation of the mechanical properties on material. For this, the material was processed by hot compression molding and characterized by interlaminar shear stress (ILSS), compression shear test (CST) and Lap-shear. Afterwards, drilling processes were carried out using 4000, 6000 and 8000 rpm, as well as an advance of 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 mm / rot. After the analysis of the results, it was possible to conclude that the parameters influenced the data of power, vibration and force of advance, as well as there was significant variation in the diameters obtained, being the best result occurred for a combination of 6000 rpm with 0,05mm / rot. It can also be stated that there is a tendency of shear strength of the Lap Shear... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Thermoplastbasierte hybride Laminate für Hochleistungsanwendungen im LeichtbauZopp, Camilo 15 February 2022 (has links)
Leichtbau zählt als eines der Zukunftstechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts, um sowohl die Mobilitätsfragen von morgen zu beantworten als auch die klima- und energiepolitischen Ziele zu erreichen. Ein wesentlicher Fokus wird dabei auf Multi-Material-Systeme gelegt. Insbesondere die Kombination von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen und metallischen Legierungen zu sog. hybriden Laminaten zeigt ein hohes Substitutions- und Leichtbaupotential gegenüber klassischen monolithischen Konstruktionswerkstoffen. Vorrangig werden derartige hybride Schichtverbunde mit einer duroplastischen Matrix hergestellt, wodurch allerdings Restriktionen, bspw. gegenüber Produktivität, Recycling- und Lagerfähigkeit, resultieren. Eine besondere Alternative dazu bieten hybride Laminate auf Thermoplastbasis.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die am Bundesexzellenzcluster MERGE entwickelten neuartigen thermoplastbasierten Schichtverbunde Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polyamid/Aluminium Laminate (CAPAAL®) und Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Aluminium Laminate (CATPUAL) erforscht und im optimierten variothermen Pressprozess hergestellt. Um die Werkstoffverbunde über die Grundlagenforschung hinaus, etwa in der industriellen Nutzung, zu etablieren, wurden umfangreiche Charakterisierungen und Fertigungsstudien durchgeführt.
Zum einen erfolgten mikrostrukturell-analytische Untersuchungen u. a. zu der Imprägniergüte, der Oberflächenbehandlung der Aluminiumlegierung und des Versagensverhaltens. Zum anderen fanden mechanisch-technologische Charakterisierungen bezüglich quasi-statischer Versuche unter Zug- und Biegebelastung sowie Ermüdungsversuche unter Biegebelastung im Niedrig-Frequenzbereich statt. Die quasi-statischen Untersuchungen der Subkomponenten (Aluminiumlegierung, Verbundwerkstoff) und der hybriden Laminate wurden sowohl unter Raumtemperatur als auch unter definierten Temperaturbelastungen und Konditionierungszuständen durchgeführt, um deren Sensitivität zu analysieren sowie zu bewerten. Ebenfalls erfolgten analytische Berechnungen zur Auslegung der hybriden Schichtverbunde basierend auf der klassischen Laminattheorie und der Mischungsregel unter Einbeziehung des Metallvolumengehalts. Darüber hinaus wurden die thermisch induzierten Eigenspannungen analytisch ermittelt und in die Berechnungen der quasi-statischen Kennwerte inkludiert.
Anhand der Untersuchungen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass CAPAAL® und CATPUAL als „maßgeschneiderte“ Halbzeuge oder Strukturbauteile mit einem hohen Leichtbaupotential für großseriennahe Anwendungen prädestiniert sind. Diese weisen in Abhängigkeit der medialen Belastungen eine höhere Performance und ein weniger katastrophales Versagensverhalten als die entsprechenden Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde auf. Zudem wurde konstatiert, dass eine hervorragende Ermüdungsfestigkeit unter Biegebelastung vorliegt. Die theoretischen Vorhersagen weisen vor allem über den Ansatz der Mischungsregel eine gute Korrelation zu den experimentell ermittelten Kennwerten auf.:1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik
3 Materialien und experimentelle Untersuchungen
4 Versuchsergebnisse und Diskussion
5 Bewertung der erzielten Ergebnisse
6 Ausgewählte Leichtbaulösungen
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Lightweight construction is considered one of the future technologies of the 21st century, both to answer tomorrow's mobility questions and to achieve climate and energy policy goals. A major focus is placed on multi-material systems. In particular, the combination of fibre-reinforced plastics and metal alloys to form so-called hybrid laminates shows a high substitution and lightweight construction potential compared to classic monolithic construction materials. Such hybrid laminates are primarily produced with a thermoset matrix, which results in restrictions, e. g. with regard to productivity, recyclability and storability. Hybrid laminates based on thermoplastics offer a special alternative.
In the context of this work, the novel thermoplastic-based laminates Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polyamid/Aluminium Laminate (CAPAAL®) and Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Aluminium Laminate (CATPUAL) were researched and produced in an optimised vario-heat pressing process. In order to establish the material composites beyond basic research, for example in industrial use, extensive characterization and manufacturing studies were carried out.
On the one hand, microstructural-analytical characterisations were conducted, for example, on the impregnation quality, the surface treatment of the aluminium alloy and the failure behaviour. On the other hand, mechanical-technological investigations were carried out with regard to quasi-static tests under tensile and bending load as well as fatigue tests under bending load in the low-frequency range. The quasi-static tests of the subcomponents (aluminium alloy, composite material) and hybrid laminates were carried out both at room temperature and under defined temperature loads and conditioning conditions in order to analyse and evaluate their sensitivity. Analytical calculations for the design of the hybrid laminates based on the classical laminate theory and the rule of mixtures including the metal volume content were also considered. Furthermore, the thermally induced residual stresses were determined analytically and included in the calculations of the quasi-static characteristic values.
Based on the investigations, it was possible to prove that CAPAAL® and CATPUAL are predestined as 'tailor-made' semi-finished products or structural components with a high lightweight construction potential for applications close to large-scale production. Depending on the medial loads, these exhibit higher performance and less catastrophic failure behaviour than the corresponding fibre-plastic composites. In addition, it was stated that there is an excellent fatigue strength under bending load. The theoretical predictions show a good correlation to the experimentally determined characteristic values, especially via the rule of mixtures approach.:1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik
3 Materialien und experimentelle Untersuchungen
4 Versuchsergebnisse und Diskussion
5 Bewertung der erzielten Ergebnisse
6 Ausgewählte Leichtbaulösungen
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Fastighetsmäklarens upplysningsplikt : Avseende omfattningen av upplysningsplikten gentemot köparen, med inriktning på fysiska missförhållanden hänfört till fastigheten / The magnitude of realtor’s liability to inform buyers about physical errors according to the propertySnihs, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Vid en fastighetsöverlåtelse är det mycket information som ska utbytas på kort tid, mellan köpare, säljare och mäklare vad beträffar fastighetens fysiska skick och standard. I egenskap av en lojal, opartisk och sakkunnig person avseende fastighetsförsäljningar, har mäklaren ålagts en upplysningsplikt avseende sådant kring fastighetens skick som denne iakttagit, känner till eller annars har anledning att misstänka, som kan antas ha betydelse för köparen. Räckvidden av mäklarens upplysningsplikt gentemot köparen, avseende fysiska missförhållanden enligt FML 16§ 3st. kommer att utgöra uppsatsens brännpunkt. I detta inryms att söka klar-göra vilka typer av fysiska missförhållanden som en mäklare förväntas informera en köpare om, för att inte riskera att drabbas av någon typ av påföljd. Därutöver utreds förutsägbarheten och ändamålsenligheten kring FML 16§ 3st. Bedömningen av mäklarens upplysningsplikt ska även ses utifrån köparens och säljarens inbördes ansvarsområden för faktiska fel i fastigheten, samt i vilken omfattning det anses motiverat att mäklaren ikläder sig parternas ansvarsroller. Hänsyn i bedömningen får även tas till det faktum att mäklaren åläggs en grundläggande lojalitetsplikt som denne uppbär gentemot såväl köparen som säljaren. Problematiken kan i första hand härledas till tvetydiga och tämligen oklara förarbetsuttalanden, samt frånvaron av prejudicerade rättspraxis på området. Rättsreglerna kring bestämmelsen synes därav även vara svåra att tillämpa i de lägre domstolsinstanserna och hos tillsynsmyndigheten, FMN. Därav kvarstår osäkerhet kring rättsläget avseende omfattningen av mäklarens upplysningsplikt vad beträffar fysiska missförhållanden härlett till fastigheten. / When selling a property there is much information, in regards to the property’s physical standard, which should be discussed between the parties; the realtor, the buyer and the property owner. In relation to the buyer and the property owner, the realtor will be known as a loyal, independent person that carries expert know-ledge in regards to selling property. Therefore the realtor should carry the liability to inform the buyer about physical errors according to the property, that has been found, or for some other reason will be known, or if there is a reason to suspect an error, that can be of importance to the buyer. The focus point of this thesis is the magnitude of the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors, according to FML 16§ 3st., and to examine what kind of physical errors that the buyer have the right to be informed of. Because if the realtor do not respect the obligations according to FML 16§ 3st., legal sanctions will be given. The author will also examine if the legal rule, FML 16§ 3st., is predictable and appropriate. To examine the magnitude of the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors, the legal relation between the buyer and the property owner has to be taken into account according to JB 4:19§. The fact that the realtor also carries a responsibility to submit to good faith and fair dealing will also be interesting. The principal legal issue will be based on the unclear preparatory work, regarding to FML (2011:666) 16§ 3st., and the magnitude of realtor’s liability to inform the buyer on physical errors. Furthermore, there is no case law given by the Swedish Supreme Courts, and that is one more reason why the area is so hard to apply. The legal position will therefore stay unclear, according the realtor’s liability to inform the buyer about physical errors of the property.
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