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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cannabinoid Receptor 2 and C-X-C Chemokine Receptor 4 Interact to Abrogate CXCL12-Mediated Cellular Response

Coke, Christopher James 22 May 2017 (has links)
The expression of C-X-C Chemokine Receptor 4 (CXCR4) has been correlated with increased metastatic potential of cancer cells. CXCR4 increases tumor malignancy by encouraging tumors cells to migrate to distal organs expressing its cognate ligand, CXCL12, facilitating metastasis. Thus, targeting the CXCR4/CXCL12 signaling axis provides a good strategy to inhibit the metastatic spread of tumor cells and slow cancer progression. Various studies suggest that cannabis may have anti-proliferative as well as anti-metastatic properties, though a biochemical mechanism describing how this occurs has yet to be discovered. Our lab has confirmed that agonist-bound CXCR4 and agonist-bound Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) can form heterodimers that play a role in decreasing cancer cell migration. Simultaneous treatment of the breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231 and the prostate cancer cell line PC-3, with CXCL12 and AM1241, a synthetic ligand for CB2, desensitizes the intrinsic cellular response to migrate toward areas of high CXCL12 concentration. Furthermore, through co-immunoprecipitation and proximity ligation assays (PLA), we have determined that there is increased interaction between the two receptors with co-stimulation of respective agonists, providing evidence for the therapeutic notion that treating tumors that endogenously secrete CXCL12 with exogenous ligands for the cannabinoid can induce dimerization. Moreover, when CXCR4 and CB2 were activated simultaneously with various agonists, decreases in migration were observed, confirming that the regulatory activity was receptor-based, not agonist-based. Finally, to determine whether simultaneously–treated, dimerized receptors inhibited activity of respective receptors, calcium mobilization assays to determine G-protein coupled receptor activation were employed. Results showed that transiently activated calcium levels were significantly lower in response to simultaneous treated cells when compared to cells treated with their individual ligands. Phosphorylation of ERK and AKT were abrogated in response to simultaneous stimulation indicating loss in downstream signaling. Therefore, we believe that the interaction of CB2 with CXCR4 may play a role in inhibiting the cells response to CXCL12, leading to a loss in metastatic potential of cells expressing these receptors.

Uticaj anjonskog i nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula / The influence of anionic and nonionic surfactant on the physico-chemical properties of aqueous polymer solutions

Milanović Maja 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Razvoj savremenih sistema za ciljanu aplikaciju farmakolo&scaron;ki aktivne supstance zasniva se na postojanju interakcija između funkcionalnih grupa makromolekula i povr&scaron;inski aktivne materije &scaron;to omogućava kontrolisano oslobađanje, smanjenu toksičnost i bolji režim doziranja leka. Prisustvo tenzida, kako se jos povr&scaron;inski aktivne materije nazivaju, u niskim koncentracijima može značajno da izmeni konformaciju makromolekula i viskozitet sistema, i samim tim pro&scaron;iri mogućnosti primene modifikovanjem svojstava. Stoga je poznavanje fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora makromolekul-povr&scaron;inski aktivna materija neophodno radi dobijanja adekvatnog finalnog proizvoda unapređenih osobina uz primenu optimalnih koncentracija pomoćnih supstanci. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja natrijum lauril sulfata, predstavnika anjonskih tenzida, odnosno polioksietilen (20) sorbitan monooleata, kao &scaron;iroko kori&scaron;ćenog nejonskog tenzida na fizičko-hemijske osobine vodenih rastvora makromolekula karbomera 940 i ksantan gume. U cilju potpunog razumevanja ovih sistema, čiste komponente su prvo analizirane infracrvenom spektroskopijom primenom Fourierove tranformacije. Pona&scaron;anje karbomera 940 odnosno ksantan gume u prisustvu tenzida, ispitano je kombinacijom različitih tehnika (viskozimetrije, konduktometrije, tenziometrije, spektroskopije, spektrofluorimetrije, skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije) koje pružaju uporedive rezultate. Određene vrednosti interakcionih parametara, potvrdjuju hipotezu o postojanju međudejstva između karbomera 940/ksantan gume i ispitivanih tenzida i ukazuju da povećanje koncentracije makromolekula u rastvoru uslovljava &scaron;irenje opsega interakcije. Tenzidom indukovane promene konformacije ksantan gume odnosno karbomera 940 potvrđene su i na mikroskopskom nivou. Takođe, rezultati uticaja ispitivanih tenzida na osobine vodenih rastvora sme&scaron;a karbomera 940 i ksantan gume dobijeni su istim tehnikama. Međudejstvom dva različita polimera bez dodatne sinteze na jeftin i brz način mogu se postići željene karakteristike sistema. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih rezultata definisani su matematički modeli primenom metodologije odzivnih povr&scaron;ina i vi&scaron;estruke linearne regresije, čija je validnost statistički potvrđena te se mogu primeniti u optimizaciji i predviđanju fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora analiziranih binarnih sistema.</p> / <p>The possible interactions between polymers and surfactants are of great interest in the development of drug delivery systems, where they improve therapeutic efficiency by the controlled release and reduced toxicity. The addition of even a small amount of surfactant could change the physico-chemical properties of polymer dispersions in terms of viscosity and stability of the system and, consequently, enlarge possibilities for their application. Therefore, understanding the physico-chemical properties of polymer-surfactant aqueous solutions are necessary in order to optimize the formulation of these compounds and consequently to get product with acceptable properties and desired effect. In this thesis the physico-chemical changes of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by different surfactants were investigated. Widely used anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate, and nonionic polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate were used. In order to completely understand the mechanism of interaction the pure polymers and surfactants were tested by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The behaviour of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum in the presence of examined surfactants were analysed by the combination of different techniques such as viscometry, conductometry, tensiometry, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The obtained results confirmed the existence of interactions between carbomer 940 / xanthan gum and tested surfactants. Furthermore, the interaction parameters were determined and the polymer saturation points for both surfactants increased with the increase in carbomer 940 and xanthan gum content, respectively. Additionally, the surfactant induced microstructural changes of carbomer 940 as well as xanthan gum were confirmed. Moreover, the physico-chemical properties of the mixture of carbomer 940 and xanthan gum influenced by the addition of anionic and nonionic surfactant were examined by the same techniques. Without additional synthesis the desired characteristics of the system could be achieved by optimizing the interaction between two different polymers. The obtained results were analysed by response surface methodology and multiple linear regression analysis. The defined mathematical models could be used to optimize and predict physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of the tested binary systems.</p>

Nouveaux vecteurs polymères et modèles expérimentaux en vue de la délivrance intrapéritonéale prolongée d’agents anti tumoraux dans le traitement des cancers de l’ovaire / Novel polymers and experimental models suitable for prolonged drug delivery in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer

Colombo, Pierre-Emmanuel 28 February 2012 (has links)
Le cancer de l'ovaire est la première cause de décès par cancer gynécologique. Cette thèse avait pour objectif la prospection de nouvelles solutions thérapeutiques fondées sur la délivrance prolongée d'agents anti tumoraux à l'aide de systèmes macromoléculaires de synthèse. L'un des obstacles majeurs était la disposition d'un modèle de tumeur pertinent chez l'animal. Après un examen bibliographique des connaissances acquises, le deuxième chapitre examine le potentiel d'un panel de xénogreffes dérivées de tumeurs ovariennes humaines directement greffées chez la souris immunodéprimée. Il est montré que les principales caractéristiques phénotypiques et moléculaires des tumeurs originales sont maintenues au niveau des greffes. Les résultats traduisent la présence d'une hétérogénéité intra-tumorale et d'une oligoclonalité au niveau des tumeurs primaires. L'ensemble confirme l'importance du choix du modèle tumoral pour l'évaluation de nouveaux traitements et l'étude des mécanismes aboutissant aux rechutes de la maladie et au développement d'une chimiorésistance. Un troisième chapitre traite l'exemple d'un système de délivrance prolongée fondé sur le couplage d'un agent antitumoral modèle, la doxorubicine, associé de diverses manières à un vecteur macromoléculaire biorésorbable, le poly(L-lysine citramide). Le premier conjugué obtenu par couplage direct sur le vecteur étant trop stable, divers systèmes ont été conçus pour obtenir la libération souhaitée. L'utilisation d'un bras espaceur clivable de type ester-hydrazone a fourni le meilleur résultat. Pour pallier la complexité de ces conjugués, une stratégie innovante fondée sur le piégeage de la doxorubicine dans une gélatine artificielle à base de poly(N-acryloyl glycinamide) est prospectée qui devrait permettre l'utilisation simultanée de plusieurs principes actifs piégés temporairement par voie physique dans un gel adhésif et fournir des solutions mieux adaptées aux contraintes cliniques des traitements intrapéritonéaux. / Ovarian carcinoma is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy. The aim of this PhD thesis was to develop new therapeutic approaches based on novel synthetic macromolecular drug delivery systems for intraperitoneal chemotherapy. These objectives were limited by the requirement of reliable tumor models for experimental studies. After a concise review of knowledge published in the literature, the potential interest of the establishment of a collection of tumor grafts derived from samples of human tumors is examined in a second chapter. Data show that the major phenotypic and genotypic features of the original tumors are maintained in the xenografts. They also confirm the importance of this tumor model to test new drugs and to analyze intratumoral heterogeneity and oligoclonality in primary ovarian carcinoma. The collection will be also helpful to study the mechanisms leading to disease recurrences and resistance to chemotherapies. An example of drug delivery system based on the different associations of a model chemotherapeutic drug (doxorubicin) with a bioresorbable macromolecular vector, namely poly(L-lysine citramide), is addressed in a third chapter. Direct amid linkage in the first conjugate was too stable with respect to antitumoral cytotoxicity desired after in vivo administration and different systems were generated subsequently to increase drug release in tumor deposits. The best results were obtained with a hydrazone cleavable spacer containing an ester group. To overcome the complexity of these conjugates, a novel strategy based on doxorubicin entrapment in a synthetic gelatin made of (poly(N-acryloyl glycinamide) is developed. This strategy should allow physical temporary entrapment of different drug molecules in a adhesive gel and could provide new solutions to the therapeutic challenges of intraperitoneal administration.

Association of Pericentrin with the γ Tubulin Ring Complex: a Dissertation

Zimmerman, Wendy Cherie 03 June 2004 (has links)
Pericentrin is a molecular scaffold protein. It anchors protein kinases, (PKB, (Purohit, personal communication), PKC, (Chen et al., 2004), PKA Diviani et al., 2000), the γ tubulin ring complex, (γ TuRC) (Zimmerman et al., 2004), and possibly dynein (Purohit et al., 1999) to the spindle pole. The γ TuRC is a ~ 2 MDa complex which binds the minus ends of microtubules and nucleates microtubules in vitro, (Zheng et al., 1995). Prior to this work, nothing was known about the association of the γTuRC with pericentrin. Herein I report the biochemical identification of a large protein complex in Xenopus extracts containing pericentrin, the γ TuRC, and other as yet unidentified proteins. Immunodepletion of γ tubulin results in co-depletion of pericentrin, indicating that virtually all the pericentrin in a Xenopus extract is associated with γ tubulin. However, pericentrin is not a member of the, γ TuRC, since isolated γ TuRCs do not contain pericentrin. The association of pericentrin with the γ TuRC is readily disrupted, resulting in two separable complexes, a small pericentrin containing complex of approximately 740 KDa and the the γ TuRC, 1.9 MDa in Xenopus. Co overexpression/ coimmunoprecipitation and yeast two hybrid studies demonstrate that pericentrin binds the γTuRC through interactions with both GCP2 and GCP3. When added to Xenopus mitotic extracts, the GCP2/3 binding domain uncoupled γ TuRCs from centrosomes, inhibited microtubule aster assembly and induced rapid disassembly of pre-assembled asters. All phenotypes were significantly reduced in a pericentrin mutant with diminished GCP2/3 binding, and were specific for mitotic centro somal asters as I observed little effect on interphase asters or on asters assembled by the Ran-mediated centrosome-independent pathway. Overexpression of the GCP2/3 binding domain of pericentrin in somatic cells perturbed mitotic astral microtubules and spindle bipolarity. Likewise pericentrin silencing by small interfering RNAs in somatic cells disrupted γ tubulin localization and spindle organization in mitosis but had no effect on γ tubulin localization or microtubule organization in interphase cells. Pericentrin silencing or overexpression induced G2/antephase arrest followed by apoptosis in many but not all cell types. I conclude that pericentrin anchoring of γ tubulin complexes at centrosomes in mitotic cells is required for proper spindle organization and that loss of this anchoring mechanism elicits a checkpoint response that prevents mitotic entry and triggers apoptotic cell death. Additionally, I provide functional and in vitro evidence to suggest that the larger pericentrin isoform (pericentrin B/ Kendrin) is not functionally homologous to pericentrin/pericentrin A in regard to it's interaction with the γ TuRC.

Efeitos do crowding macromolecular na atividade enzim?tica da 2-trans-ENOIL-ACP (COA) redutaze de Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Rotta, Mariane 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-26T17:50:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARIANE_ROTTA_PARCIAL.pdf: 2374056 bytes, checksum: 0b798c90ce9ab78e6edbfeb524d79d97 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-26T17:50:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_MARIANE_ROTTA_PARCIAL.pdf: 2374056 bytes, checksum: 0b798c90ce9ab78e6edbfeb524d79d97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / The cellular milieu is a complex and crowded aqueous solution. It is thus expected that this large concentration of macromolecules causes deviations from solution ideality. To mimic the intracellular environment, crowding effects are commonly studied in vitro using crowding agents. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of macromolecular synthetic crowding agents on the apparent steady-state kinetic parameters (Km, kcat, and kcat/Km) for the chemical reaction catalyzed by 2-trans-enoyl-ACP (CoA) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (InhA). The results showed that ficoll 70, ficoll 400, and dextran 70 had negligible effects on InhA activity in the range of concentrations used. On the other hand, a complex effect was observed for PEG 6000. Sucrose, which was employed in control experiments, decreased both the kcat/Km values for NADH and kcat for 2-trans-dodecenoyl-CoA (DD-CoA) substrate in a concentration-dependent manner. Molecular dynamics results suggest that InhA adopts a more compact conformer in sucrose solution, which likely accounts for the steady-state kinetic results. The presence of crowding agents appears to alter the relative abundance of different conformers of InhA in solution. The effects of the crowding agents on the energy (Ea and E?), enthalpy (?H#), entropy (?S#), and Gibbs free energy (?G#) of activation were determined. The ?G# values for all crowding agents tested were similar to dilute buffer, suggesting that excluded volume effects did not facilitate stable activated ES# complex formation. Nonlinear Arrhenius plot for PEG 6000 suggests that "soft" interactions may play a role in macromolecular crowding effects. / O meio intracelular ? uma solu??o aquosa complexa, pois ? preenchida por diversos tipos de macromol?culas. Espera-se que essa grande concentra??o de macromol?culas resulte em um comportamento n?o ideal para a solu??o. Para mimetizar o ambiente intracelular, os efeitos do da ocupa??o macromolecular s?o comumente estudados in vitro utilizando agentes de crowding. O objetivo central do presente estudo ? avaliar os poss?veis efeitos de agentes de crowding macromolecular sint?ticos nos par?metros cin?ticos aparentes de estado-estacion?rio (Km, kcat e kcat/Km) para a rea??o qu?mica catalisada pela 2-trans-enoil-ACP(CoA) redutase de Mycobacterium tuberculosis (InhA). Os resultados mostraram que ficoll 70, ficoll 400 e dextran 70 t?m efeitos negligenci?veis na atividade da InhA na faixa de concentra??o utilizada. Por outro lado, um complexo efeito foi observado na presen?a do PEG 6000. A sacarose, que foi utilizada como controle nos experimentos, reduziu os valores de kcat/Km para o NADH e kcat para o 2-trans-dodecenoil-CoA de uma maneira concentra??o-dependente. Os resultados de din?mica molecular sugerem que a InhA adota uma forma mais compacta na presen?a de sacarose, o que provavelmente tem efeitos nos resultados de cin?tica de estado-estacion?rio. A presen?a dos agentes de crowding parece alterar a abund?ncia relativa dos diferentes conf?rmeros da InhA em solu??o. Os efeitos do crowding macromolecular na energia (Ea e E?), entalpia (?H#), entropia (?S#) e energia livre de Gibbs de ativa??o (?G#) foram determinados. Os valores de ?G# para todos os agentes de crowding testados foram similares ao tamp?o Pipes 100 mM, sugerindo que os efeitos do volume exclu?do n?o facilitam a forma??o do complexo ativado est?vel ES#. A n?o linearidade do gr?fico de Arrhenius para o PEG 6000 sugere que intera??es ?brandas? possam atuar nos efeitos do crowding macromolecular.

Développements de méthodologies de synthèse innovantes pour l'obtention de chimiothèques de polyélectrolytes multifonctionnalisés / Development of innovative synthetic methodologies for the design of multifunctional polyelectrolyte libraries

Benlahouès, Antoine 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les polyélectrolytes sont des polymères chargés, solubles dans l'eau, omniprésents dans les nature et capables d’interagir avec de nombreux composants cellulaires. Leur utilisation dans des essais cliniques est actuellement limitée par le manque de données fiables sur les relations entre leurs structures et leurs biopropriétés. Ce projet s'inscrit dans un programme plus vaste visant à obtenir une bibliothèque de polyélectrolytes multifonctionnalisés bien caractérisés pour le criblage de biopropriétés. Dans ce cadre, nous avons cherché à synthétiser des chaînes macromoléculaires contenant des unités maloniques C(COOH)2 situées à différentes positions le long du squelette du polymère. Ces unités peuvent être utilisées comme points de départ pour introduire plusieurs autres groupes fonctionnels en utilisant de nombreuses réactions de la chimie organique, conduisant à un grand nombre de structures à partir d'un squelette commun, y compris des copolymères. Cette thèse est schématiquement divisée en quatre parties : (a) une présentation bibliographique des relations existant entre structures et propriétés pour des polymères multifonctionnalisés, suivie d'une analyse plus spécifique de l'importance du positionnement d’esters carboxyliques le long d’une chaîne carbonée, (b) une description des efforts expérimentaux menés pour obtenir les poly(triméthylène-1,1-dicarboxylate)s, des intermédiaires clés dans la synthèse des polymères décrits dans les chapitres suivants, (c) une description de l'hydrolyse du précurseur ci-dessus, donnant l'acide poly(triméthylène-1,1-dicarboxylique), ainsi que des propriétés et de la réactivité de ce polyacide, (d) un rapport détaillé sur la synthèse de l’acide poly(triméthylène carboxylique) par décarboxylation quantitative du polyacide ci-dessus, ainsi que sur les propriétés et réactivité de ce polyacide. Dans les deux dernières sections, un accent particulier est mis sur la portée et les limites de diverses procédures de post-fonctionnalisation lorsque l'on tente d'obtenir une bibliothèque de polymères fonctionnels à partir de précurseurs polycarboxyliques / Polyelectrolytes are water-soluble charged polymers that are ubiquitous in life science and capable of interacting with many cellular constituents. Their use in clinical trials is currently limited by a lack of reliable data on the relationships linking their structures to bioproperties. This project is part of a larger program aimed at obtaining a library of well-characterized multifunctionalized polyelectrolytes for the screening of bioproperties. In this framework, we aimed at synthesizing macromolecular chains containing malonic units C(COOH)2 located at various positions alongside the polymer backbone. These units can be used as starting points to introduce several other functional groups using many reactions from organic chemistry, leading to a great number of structures from a common skeleton, including copolymers. This thesis is schematically divided into four parts: (a) a bibliographical presentation of the relationships existing between structures and properties for multifunctional polymers, followed by a more specific analysis on the importance of carboxylic esters positioning alongside a carbon chain backbone, (b) a description of experimental efforts aimed at obtaining poly(trimethylene-1,1-dicarboxylate)s, key intermediates in the synthesis of a large family of polymers described in the next chapters, (c) a depiction of the hydrolysis of the above precursor, yielding poly(trimethylene-1,1-dicarboxylic acid), as well as of the properties and reactivity of this polyacid, (d) a detailed report on the synthesis of poly(trimethylenecarboxylic acid) via the quantitative decarboxylation of the above polyacid, as well as of the properties and reactivity of this polyacid. A special focus is made in the last two sections on the scope and limitations of various post-functionalizing procedures when attempting to obtain a large library of functional polymers from polycarboxylic precursors

Recalage flexible de modèles moléculaires dans les reconstructions 3D de microscopie électronique / Flexible fitting of molecular models into EM 3D reconstructions

Goret, Gael 26 September 2011 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, la cristallographie de macromolécules produit couramment des modèles moléculaires à résolution atomique. Cependant, cette technique est particulièrement difficile à mettre en œuvre, dans le cas de complexes de taille importante. La microscopie électronique permet, elle, de visualiser des particules de grande taille, dans des conditions proches de celles in vivo. Cependant, la résolution des reconstructions tridimensionnelles obtenues exclut, en général, leur interprétation directe en termes de structures moléculaires, étape nécessaire à la compréhension des problèmes biologiques. Il est donc naturel d'essayer de combiner les informations fournies par ces deux techniques pour caractériser la structure des assemblages macromoléculaires. L'idée est de positionner les modèles moléculaires déterminés par cristallographie à l'intérieur de reconstructions 3D issues de la microscopie électronique, et de comparer la densité électronique associée à la reconstruction 3D avec une densité électronique calculée à partir des modèles. Le problème numérique réside dans la détermination et l'optimisation des variables qui spécifient les positions des modèles, considérés comme des corps rigides, à l'intérieur de l'assemblage. Cette idée simple a donné lieu au développement d'une méthode appelée recalage. Ce travail de thèse a eu pour but de fournir aux biologistes un outil, basé sur la méthode du recalage, qui leurs permette de construire des modèles pseudo-moléculaires associés aux assemblages produits par microscopie électronique. Le logiciel issu de ce travail, nommé VEDA est un environnement graphique convivial, intégrant la possibilité de recalage flexible, et un moteur de calcul performant (calcul rapide, traitement de symétries complexes, utilisation de grands volumes, ...). Testé sur des dizaines de cas réels, VEDA est aujourd'hui pleinement fonctionnel et est utilisé par un nombre croissant de chercheurs, en France et à l'étranger qui lui reconnaissent tous facilité d'utilisation, stabilité, rapidité et qualité des résultats. / Today, macromolecular crystallography commonly produces molecular models at atomic resolution. However, this technique is particularly difficult to implement in the cases of large complexes. Electron microscopy allows for the visualization of large particles under conditions similar to those in vivo. However, the resolution of three-dimensional reconstructions obtained by electron microscopy does not allow, in general, the direct interpretation of molecular structures, a necessary step in understanding biological problems. Therefore, it is natural to try to combine information provided by these two techniques to characterize the structure of macromolecular assemblies. The idea is to place the molecular models determined by crystallography inside electron microscopy 3D reconstructions, and compare the electron density associated to the 3D reconstruction with an electron density calculated from the models. The numerical problem is the determination and the optimization of the variables that specify the positions of the models, considered as rigid body, inside the assembly. This simple idea has led to the development of a method called fitting. This thesis aims to provide biologists with a tool, based on the method of fitting, that allows them to build pseudo-molecular models associated to the assemblies produced by electron microscopy. The software resulting from this work, named VEDA, has a user-friendly graphical environment, includes the possibility of flexible fitting, and implements a powerful calculation core (fast computation, treatment of complex symmetry, use of large volumes, etc.). Tested on dozens of real cases with experimental data sets, VEDA is now fully functional and is used by a growing number of researchers in France and abroad. All of the users have recognized ease of use, stability, speed, and quality of results of VEDA. STAR

Molecular Engineering Approaches to Highly Structured Materials

Valiyaveettil, Suresh 01 1900 (has links)
Design and synthesis of novel supramolecular architectures is an interesting area of research in the last two decades. Intermolecular interactions assisted self-assembly of molecular and macromolecular building blocks play an important role in obtaining the desired shape and function of the supramolecular architectures. A combination of the classical covalent synthesis with the self-assembly assisted formation of well-defined architectures (noncovalent synthesis) allows us to develop novel multifunctional materials. Our approach in this area is focused on the design of novel molecular and biomolecular building blocks and the optimization of structure-property relationship of the materials using self-assembly approach. This presentation will focus on our recent efforts on the design and synthesis of polymers and oligopeptides for investigation of the self-assembly and fine-tuning the structure-property relationship. Also, some highlights will be given on our initial investigation on how hard minerals are synthesized by natural molecules through the self-assembly processes. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

Estudi estructural d' oligonucleòtids en presència de fàrmacs intercalants i metalls de transició

Valls Vidal, Núria 03 November 2004 (has links)
En la present tesi s'han realitzat estudis estructurals de DNA. L'obectiu era l'estudi detallat de les interaccions del DNA amb fàrmacs intercalants i amb metalls de transició. Tant els fàrmacs intercalants com els metalls de transició poden afectar a les propietats i a l'estructura del DNA. Això es pot utilitzar en àmbits mèdics com per exemple en la millora de les propietats dels fàrmacs anticancerígens, antibiòtics, etc. Referent als metalls de transició es coneixen interaccions específiques d'aquests amb el DNA que també poden ser molt útils en dissenyar noves estructures de DNA (1).Els estudis s'han realitzat emprant sobretot la cristal·lografia de raigs X, tècnica que permet realitzar un estudi estructural molt detallat. Per tal de complementar els estudis cristal·logràfics, s'han utilitzat també altres tècniques com són el footprinting, fluorescència o mesures de viscositat. Aquestes donen informació sobre els fàrmacs que es volen utilitzar.S'han estudiat sistemes aromàtics derivats de l'acridina i de l'antraquinona que tenen units diferents substituents, principalment aminoàcids. S'ha comprovat, però, que en general aquests fàrmacs no són específics per a una determinada seqüència. Els estudis de cristal·lització han demostrat aquesta inespecificitat dels fàrmacs. S'han fet assajos amb dotze oligonucleòtids diferents. Aquests contenen passos CG (pas típic on s'intercalen els fàrmacs en estructures ja descrites) i passos AA/TT. Es coneix només una estructura on el fàrmac es troba intercalat en un pas com aquest (2), i s'ha intentat induir un altre cop aquesta intercalació amb altres oligonucleòtids.S'han fet molts assajos de cristal·lització per obtenir complexos DNA-fàrmac i s'han resolt, finalment, cinc estructures amb quatre oligonucleòtids diferents. D'aquestes cinc estructures només dues han presentat fàrmac intercalat. El decàmer d(CGCAATTGCG) s'ha cristal·litzat en el grup espacial I212121 formant una estructura isomòrfica a la mateixa seqüència descrita per Spink (3). Aquest decàmer s'ha descrit en un total de cinc estructures diferents i en quatre grups espacials. Això ha permès realitzar un estudi comparatiu de totes elles, analitzant d'una banda les diferències i de l'altra els efectes de les diferents condicions de cristal·lització emprades.S'ha resolt també la primera estructura de B-DNA, la seqüència d(GAATTCG), amb una simetria cúbica. És el primer cop que es cristal·litza aquesta seqüència i el grup espacial és I23. El tret més important de l'estructura són les grans cavitats de dissolvent que presenta, només el 24% del cristall està ocupat per àtoms de DNA. L'estructura s'ha resolt pel mètode de MAD utilitzant l'ió Ni2+ com a àtom pesat.La primera estructura del decàmer d(CAATTAATTG) s'ha descrit a una resolució de 2.8 Å. Aquesta ha cristal·litzat en el grup espacial P3221 i és isomòrfica a un grup d'estructures de seqüències diferents (4). El fet de contenir un 80% de bases A i T ha suggerit fer un estudi conformacional del decàmer.Totes les estructures s'han cristal·litzat en presència dels ions Ni2+ o Co2+, els quals formen gairebé sempre interaccions específiques amb els N7 de les guanines. Aquests ions tenen en general un paper molt important a l'hora d'estabilitzar el cristall ja que sovint ajuden a unir dues columnes de dúplexs a través de guanines terminals que es desaparellen. També s'han detectat altres ions com el Ba2+ o el Na+. / In the present thesis we have carried out structural studies on DNA. The main purpose was the determination in a detailed way of the interactions between DNA and intercalating drugs as well as with transition metals.Both, intercalating drugs and transition metals, can influence the properties and structure of DNA. This characteristic can be used in order to improve the therapeutic applications of the drugs. On the other hand, specific interactions between DNA and transition metals are known, and they can be used to design new structures of DNA (1).The main technique used has been X-ray crystallography, which allows studying structures in great detail, but also other techniques have been used as for example footprinting, fluorescence or viscosity assays. These techniques can give information about the drugs, they can predict whether a drug is going to intercalate in the DNA and also if they are specific for a particular sequence.The drugs used are aromatic systems, anthraquinone and acridine derivatives with different substituents covalently linked, most of them amino acids. Our studies confirm that in general, the drugs used have no sequence specificity.Crystallographic studies also show that drugs are not specific because in most of the structures solved, the drug could not be detected. Twelve different oligonucleotides, between six and twelve base pairs, have been tested. Those contain CG steps (typical intercalating step) and AA/TT steps. There is only one structure known in the literature where a drug intercalates in an AA/TT step (2) and we have been trying to induce this intercalation again with different oligonucleotides.Many crystallisation assays have been done in order to obtain DNA-drug complexes and finally, five different structures with four different olignucleotides have been solved. Only two of these structures contain the intercalated drug, this is the sequence d(CGTACG) that has been crystallized with two different drugs, an acridine and an anthraquinone derivative.The decamer d(CGCAATTGCG) has been crystallised in the space group I212121, showing an isomorphic structure of the same sequence previously described by Spink (3). This decamer has been crystallised as five different structures in four different space groups. All these structures allowed a comparative study between all of them, analysing the differences and the effect of the crystallisation conditions.The first structure of a B-DNA with a cubic symmetry has also been solved with the sequence d(GAATTCG). It is the first time this sequence has been crystallised and the most important feature of this structure are the great cavities of solvent contained in each cell, only 24% of the crystal is occupied by DNA atoms.Also the first structure of the decamer d(CAATTAATTG) has been solved in the space group P3221. The fact that contains a large quantity of A and T bases (80%) suggested analysing in detail the conformation of the decamer. There is a group of isomorphic structures with different sequences already described in the literature (4). All five structures have been crystallised in the presence of Co2+ or Ni2+ ions. Both ions normally form specific interactions with the N7 atoms of guanines and they have a very imortant role in the stabilisation of the crystals. Other ions such Ba2+ and Na+ have also been detected in the structures.

Severe osmotic compression of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Miermont, Agnès 08 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les cellules ont développé plusieurs voies de signalisation et de réponses transcriptionnelles pour réguler leur taille et coordonner leur croissance et leurs divisions cellulaires. L'intérieur des cellules est naturellement surchargé par des macromolécules. Cet encombrement macromoléculaire, appelé crowding, a été intensément étudié in vitro et est connu pour affecter la cinétique des réactions. Cependant, l'étude des effets d'encombrement in vivo est plus difficile en raison du haut niveau de complexité et d'hétérogénéité à l'intérieur d'une cellule. Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux effets de changement du volume cellulaire sur la cinétique de réactions biochimiques chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pour cela, nous avons induit des stress osmotiques pour comprimer la cellule et étudier l'impact du crowding sur les cinétiques de signalisation. La réduction du volume cellulaire augmente la viscosité interne et peut retarder le fonctionnement de plusieurs voies de signalisation et de processus cellulaires. En augmentant progressivement le niveau de compression, on observe un ralentissement des processus biologiques jusqu'à un point où l'adaptation cellulaire est abolie. Ceci a été observé pour la translocation nucléaire de facteurs de transcription (Hog1, Msn2, Crz1, Mig1 et Yap1) ainsi que pour la mobilité des protéines Abp1 et Sec7. Nous montrons aussi que la compression altère la capacité de plusieurs protéines à diffuser dans le cytoplasme de différents types cellulaires. Nous proposons que ces altérations cinétiques induites par l'augmentation de la viscosité intracellulaire ne soient pas sans rappeler une transition vitreuse. Ces résultats suggèrent l'importance d'un encombrement macromoléculaire optimal permettant aux cellules de fonctionner correctement.

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