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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Paleolimnological Assessment Of Past Aquatic Vegetation Dynamics And Ecosytem State In Turkish Shallow Lakes

Levi, Eti Ester 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Since submerged macrophytes are a key primary producer of shallow lakes and are sensitive to environmental changes, macrofossils of them can be used in investigations of past environmental conditions, to infer human introduced environmental impacts (e.g. eutrophication) and to determine past macrophyte communities. The present study includes twenty six shallow lakes, which were chosen along a latitudinal gradient ranging from the North (41&deg / 52&acute / N, 27&deg / 58&acute / E) to the South (37&deg / 06&acute / N, 29&deg / 36&acute / E) in Turkey. Sampling for environmental variables and sediment was carried out using a snap-shot sampling protocol (developed within the framework of the EU FP6 project &lsquo / Eurolimpacs&rsquo / ) during the summers of three consecutive years (2006-2008). Surface sediment, short core and long core samples were retrieved from the lakes. The aims of this study were i. to compare the surface sediment plant macrofossils with present day macrophyte taxa of the lakes, ii. to determine the environmental variables potentially influencing the temporal changes in macrophyte communities, and iii. to assess vegetation community dynamics in dated short and long cores. Comparison of plant macrofossil assemblages in surface sediment with present day macrophyte coverage revealed that approximately 41% of the modern taxa were represented among the surface sediment macrofossils. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was carried out for surface macrofossil data with corresponding environmental data. RDA revealed relation of plant species and environmental variables (e.g. Salinity and Najas marina L.). Changes in plant species assemblages in short and long cores from eight lakes chosen along a latitudinal gradient ranging from North to South Turkey is discussed in relation to the RDA results.

Οικολογική έρευνα της λίμνης Παμβώτιδας : διερεύνηση των σχέσεων της οικολογικής ποιότητας των υδάτων και της υδρόβιας βλάστησης. / Ecological research of Lake Pamvotis : relationships between water quality and aquatic vegetation

Στεφανίδης, Κώστας 29 June 2007 (has links)
Η λίμνη Παμβώτιδα των Ιωαννίνων είναι μια τυπική εύτροφη ρηχή λίμνη που παρουσιάζει μεγάλο οικολογικό ενδιαφέρον (ανήκει στο δίκτυο «ΦΥΣΗ 2000» , αποτελεί ενδιαίτημα πολλών ελληνικών ενδημικών ειδών ) . Ο ευτροφισμός και η εισαγωγή πολλών αλλόχθονων κυπρινοειδών ειδών τα τελευταία χρόνια έχουν προκαλέσει τα τελευταία χρόνια δραματική μείωση της αφθονίας της υδρόβιας βλάστησης. Στα πλαίσια αυτής της μεταπτυχιακής διατριβής μελετήθηκε η δομή της υπάρχουσας υδρόβιας βλάστησης και αξιολογήθηκε η επίδραση της παρόχθιας ζώνης στα φυσικοχημικά χαρακτηριστικά του νερού κατά τη δειγματοληπτική περίοδο 2004-2005. Εφαρμόστηκαν οι μέθοδοι TWINSPAN και NMS προκειμένου η υδρόβια βλάστηση να ταξινομηθεί σε ευδιάκριτες ομάδες βλάστησης και η CCA ώστε να διαπιστωθούν συσχετίσεις μεταξύ των υδρόβιων μακροφύτων και των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων. Πραγματοποιήθηκε ανάλυση διασποράς (one-way ANOVA) προκειμένου να διαπιστωθούν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ των φυσικοχημικών χαρακτηριστικών του νερού της παρόχθιας ζώνης ,του νερού υδρόβιας βλάστησης εκτός παρόχθιας ζώνης και των ανοικτών νερών. Επιπλέον διερευνήθηκαν πιθανά εποχιακά πρότυπα στη διακύμανση των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων ενώ διερευνήθηκαν και πιθανές συσχετίσεις μεταξύ των παραμέτρων. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι τροφικοί δείκτες Carlson για την αξιολόγηση της τροφικής κατάστασης της λίμνης και την εξαγωγή χρήσιμων συμπερασμάτων. Τα αποτελέσματα των αναλύσεων έδειξαν πως η υφυδατική βλάστηση έχει μειωθεί σε δραματικά επίπεδα ,ενώ έχουν απομείνει ελάχιστα είδη που παρουσιάζουν μέγιστη τιμή πληθοκάλυψης την άνοιξη. Διακρίθηκαν 4 ομάδες υδρόβιας βλάστησης εκ των οποίων οι 3 αντιστοιχούν σε ομάδες εφυδατικής βλάστησης. Η παρόχθια ζώνη παρουσίασε χαμηλότερα επίπεδα SRP ,pH ,διαλυμένου οξυγόνου ,ανθρακικών και διαφάνειας και υψηλότερα επίπεδα όξινων ανθρακικών ,αγωγιμότητας και λόγου διαφάνειας προς βάθος σε σχέση με τους άλλους δύο οικότυπους. Τα φωσφορικά και τα αμμωνιακά κυμάνθηκαν σε υψηλά επίπεδα το καλοκαίρι ενώ τα νιτρικά εμφάνισαν την υψηλότερη συγκέντρωσή τους το φθινόπωρο. Ο λόγος DIN /SRP κυμάνθηκε σε χαμηλές τιμές ( <15) υποδεικνύοντας περιοριστικές συνθήκες αζώτου ενώ η τροφική κατάσταση της λίμνης κατατάσσεται ως εύτροφη σύμφωνα με τον τροφικό δείκτη Carlson. Σύμφωνα με τα παραπάνω υπάρχουν ενδείξεις πως η παρόχθια ζώνη, είτε λόγω των υδρόβιων μακροφύτων είτε λόγω άλλων μηχανισμών ,επηρεάζει με διάφορους τρόπους ορισμένα φυσικοχημικά χαρακτηριστικά του νερού. Τα αυξημένα επίπεδα φωσφόρου το καλοκαίρι υποδεικνύουν την ύπαρξη μηχανισμών απελευθέρωσης φωσφόρου από το ίζημα ,ενώ οι χαμηλές τιμές του λόγου DIN/SRP αποτελούν ένδειξη για την επικράτηση αζωτοδεσμευτικών κυανοβακτηρίων με δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις για την υδρόβια ζωή. / Lake Pamvotis is a shallow eutrophic lake situated in northwestern Greece (Region of Epirus). The lake has been stocked with grass carp and common carp during the last years and since then a serious decline of submerged vegetation has been observed. The aquatic vegetation of the lake was studied during the sampling period 2004 –2005 and was classified in groups using TWINSPAN and NMS. CCA was performed in order to examine relationships between the aquatic macrophyte species abundance and the environmental variables. Moreover ,it was investigated the effect of the littoral zone on physical and chemical characteristics of water quality and the seasonal patterns of the environmental variables. One –way ANOVA was used to determine statistical significant differences of environmental variables between the littoral zone and the non –littoral plots with aquatic vegetation and without aquatic vegetation. The trophic state index of Carlson was calculated to evaluate the trophic state of the lake. The results showed a great decline of submerged aquatic vegetation and only a few submersed species were recorded (Ranunculus trichophyllus ,Potamogeton crispus ,Callitriche stagnalis). One-way ANOVA showed that SRP ,pH ,surface D.O ,carbonates and transparency were lower in the littoral zone while bicarbonates ,conductivity and transparency /depth ratio were higher. Higher SRP was recorded during the summer due to increased internal loading from the sediment ,while higher nitrate concentrations were occured during the autumn. The ratio DIN/SRP ranged in low values (<15) from spring to autumn indicating N limiting conditions where cyanobacteria blooms are likely to be dominant. The trophic state of the lake is classified as eutrophic according to the Kratzer and Brezonik classification system.

Οικολογική έρευνα των λομνοθαλασσών Ροδιά, Τσουκαλιό, Λογαρού του Αμβρακικού Κόλπου (Περιοχή Ramsar) / Ecological survey of the Lagoons Rodia, Tsoukalo, Logarou, Amvrakikos Gulf (Ramsar site)

Χρηστιά, Χρυσούλα 29 June 2007 (has links)
Ο Αμβρακικός κόλπος είναι ο μεγαλύτερος κόλπος της Δυτικής Ελλάδας με έκταση περίπου 405km2. Αποτελεί μια από τις σπουδαιότερες περιοχές της χώρας μας, όπου σύμφωνα με την Κ.Υ.Α. 16.611/93 έχει υπαχθεί σε καθεστώς προστασίας, σε εφαρμογή της διεθνούς σύμβασης Ramsar που αφορά την προστασία και τη διατήρηση των υδρόβιων και παρυδάτιων οργανισμών. Η περιοχή πρόσφατα έχει ενταχθεί στο δίκτυο ΦΥΣΗ 2000 με κωδικό GR2110001 και αποτελεί σημαντικό βιότοπο τόσο για τα υδρόβια και παρυδάτια πουλιά που διαχειμάζουν και αναπαράγονται στην περιοχή όσο και για σημαντικά είδη χλωρίδας και πανίδας. Οι λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού κόλπου απαντούν κυρίως στο βόρειο τμήμα. Οι κυριότερες λιμνοθάλασσες είναι το σύμπλεγμα «Ροδιά, Τσουκαλιό, Αυλερή» δυτικά του λόφου της Σαλαώρας και η λιμνοθάλασσα Λογαρού ανατολικά του ίδιου λόφου. Οι δύο από τις τρεις λιμνοθάλασσες, η Τσουκαλιό και η Ροδιά επικοινωνούν μεταξύ τους και διαχωρίζονται από τη Λογαρού με μια στενή λωρίδα γης. Οι παράκτιες λιμνοθάλασσες βρίσκονται μεταξύ ξηράς και θάλασσας και επηρεάζονται τόσο από το θαλάσσιο όσο και από το χερσαίο περιβάλλον. Επηρεάζονται από σε αυξημένες εισροές θρεπτικών από τους ποταμούς και τις ανθρωπογενείς δραστηριότητες που αναπτύσσονται στη λεκάνη απορροής τους. Οι παράκτιες λιμνοθάλασσες είναι αυτόνομα δυναμικά οικοσυστήματα με υψηλή παραγωγική ικανότητα και παρουσιάζουν ιδιαίτερα μορφολογικά και οικολογικά χαρακτηριστικά. Τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά αυτών των συστημάτων είναι οι συχνές μεταβολές των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων (θερμοκρασία και αλατότητα) που προκαλούν σημαντικές μεταβολές στην αφθονία και την κατανομή των οργανισμών. Η οικολογική έρευνα βασίστηκε στην παρακολούθηση των εποχικών διακυμάνσεων κατά τη διάρκεια της βλαστητικής περιόδου, από τον Μάϊο του 2003 έως τον Μάϊο του 2004, της βλάστησης των υδροβίων μακροφύτων, των θρεπτικών αλάτων και των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων του νερού (βάθος, διαφάνεια, θερμοκρασία, αλατότητα, αγωγιμότητα, διαλυμένο οξυγόνο, pH) στις τρεις παράκτιες λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού κόλπου. Διερευνήθηκε επίσης η δομή των μακροφυτικών κοινωνιών που εντοπίστηκαν στις λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού καθώς και ο τρόπος με τον οποίο οι αβιοτικοί παράγοντες μπορούν να επηρεάσουν την αφθονία των διαφορετικών φυτικών ειδών. Ειδικότερα μελετήθηκε η σύνθεση των φυτικών οργανισμών, οι εποχικές αλλαγές και η διαδοχή των κυρίαρχων ειδών στις λιμνοθάλασσες σε σχέση με τους κύριους περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες. Το σύμπλεγμα των λιμνοθαλασσών αποτελείται από διαφορετικούς βιότοπους ως προς την αφθονία και την ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύσταση των βυθισμένων μακροφύτων. Οι λιμνοθάλασσες Ροδιά και Τσουκαλιό παρουσιάζουν ομοιότητες μεταξύ τους, ενώ η Λογαρού έχει μεγαλύτερη ομοιότητα με τον Αμβρακικό, με τον οποίο η επικοινωνία είναι άμεση. Στη μακροφυτική βλάστηση των λιμνοθαλασσών του Αμβρακικού επικρατούν το αγγειόσπερμο Zostera noltii και το χαρόφυτο Lamprothamnium papulosum, ενώ έχουν καταγραφεί συνολικά 12 είδη υδρόβιων μακροφύτων τα οποία διαχωρίστηκαν με την ανάλυση συστάδων σε έξι ομάδες βλάστησης. Τα κυρίαρχα φυτικά είδη ήταν το αγγειόσπερμο Zostera noltii και το χαρόφυτο Lamprothamnium papulosum στις λιμνοθάλασσες Ροδιά και Τσουκαλιό, ενώ στη λιμνοθάλασσα Λογαρού καταγράφηκαν σε αφθονία τα είδη Gracilaria-bursa pastoris και Acetabularia mediterranea και σε περιορισμένη έκταση η Zostera noltii. Οι περιοχές στις οποίες παρατηρούνται οι μεγαλύτεροι δείκτες ποικιλότητας και αφθονίας των ειδών εντοπίζονται στο νότιο τμήμα της λιμνοθάλασσας Τσουκαλιό. Την άνοιξη του 2004 παρατηρήθηκε αυξημένη παρουσία νηματοειδών φυκών τα οποία χαρακτηρίζονται ως ευκαιριακά είδη και η παρουσία τους αποτελεί δείκτη ευτροφισμού. Η λιμνοθάλασσα Ροδιά παρουσίασε σημαντική μείωση την άνοιξη του 2004 τόσο στο αριθμό των υδρόβιων φυτικών ειδών όσο και στο ποσοστό κάλυψης. Για τον καθορισμό των σχέσεων μεταξύ των περιβαλλοντικών μεταβλητών και των ειδών των μακροφύτων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η ανάλυση κανονικών αντιστοιχιών CCA (CANOCO-Canonical Correspondence Analysis) Οι στατιστικές διαφορές στις μέσες τιμές των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων και των ομάδων βλάστησης υπολογίστηκαν με την Ανάλυση Διασποράς (ANOVA- Tukey’s test) Οι κυριότεροι παράγοντες που φαίνεται να επηρεάζουν τη μακροφυτική βλάστηση στην περιοχή μελέτης είναι το υδρολογικό ισοζύγιο, η αλατότητα, η περιεκτικότητα σε θρεπτικά άλατα και η διαφάνεια του νερού. Η διαφάνεια του νερού ήταν υψηλότερη στις λιμνοθάλασσες Τσουκαλιό και Ροδιά και μικρότερη στη Λογαρού. Το pH στις λιμνοθάλασσες ήταν αλκαλικό και κυμαίνονταν από 7,5 έως 9, και οι τιμές του διαλυμένου οξυγόνου μπορούν να κατατάξουν τα ύδατα των λιμνοθαλασσών του Αμβρακικού στα σχεδόν πλούσια ή πλούσια. Η μεγαλύτερη διακύμανση της αλατότητας παρατηρήθηκε στις λιμνοθάλασσες Ροδιά και Τσουκαλιό ενώ η μικρότερη διαπιστώθηκε στη λιμνοθάλασσα Λογαρού που μπορεί να χαρακτηριστεί ως υπερύαλη μιας και η τιμή της συγκεκριμένης παραμέτρου παρουσίασε τιμές που ξεπερνούσαν το 40‰. Παρατηρήθηκε εποχική μεταβολή στις συγκεντρώσεις των θρεπτικών αλάτων του αζώτου μεταξύ των περιόδων παρακολούθησης. Σημειώνεται μείωση της συγκέντρωσης του ολικού ανόργανου Ν κατά τη διάρκεια της άνοιξης του 2004 σε σχέση με την άνοιξη του 2003. Η συγκέντρωση του ολικού ανόργανου Ν είναι χαμηλότερη το καλοκαίρι και το φθινόπωρο. Η λιμνοθάλασσα Ροδιά παρουσιάζει τη μεγαλύτερη συγκέντρωση ολικού ανόργανου αζώτου, ακολουθεί η λιμνοθάλασσα Τσουκαλιό και τελευταία η λιμνοθάλασσα Λογαρού. Οι συγκεντρώσεις των νιτρικών ιόντων εμφανίζονται αυξημένες την άνοιξη και το φθινόπωρο. Το φθινόπωρο επίσης παρατηρούνται υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις αμμωνιακών ιόντων ενώ οι συγκεντρώσεις των φωσφορικών κυμαίνονται σε πολύ χαμηλά επίπεδα. Σημαντικό ρόλο στη ανάπτυξη των μακροφύτων παίζει ο φώσφορος ο οποίος αποτελεί περιοριστικό παράγοντα. Ο φώσφορος είναι αυτός που ρυθμίζει και τον ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ μακροφύτων και φυτοπλαγκτού και θεωρείται ότι είναι ένας από τους κύριους παράγοντες περιορισμού της φυτοκάλυψης στις λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού κόλπου. / Amvrakikos Gulf, situated in Western Greece, is one of the most important areas of the country, protected by the Ramsar Convention, especially for waterfowl populations, and recently has been included to the Natura 2000 Network with code number GR2110001. It is considered to be a very important biotope for flora and fauna and especially for birds that they are nesting and breeding in such type of habitats. The lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf appear mainly at the north part of it. The most important lagoons are Rodia, Tsoukalio and Ayleri western of Salaora’ s hill and Logarou at the eastern part of the same hill. Two of the lagoons are interconnected and separated from the third by a narrow strip of land. Coastal lagoons, situated between the land and the sea, are influenced by both marine and terrestrial factors and subjected to increased nutrient inputs by rivers and human activities of the catchment area. Coastal lagoons are autonomous dynamic systems with a high productivity potential and a number of common morphological and ecological features. Characteristic features of these systems are frequent fluctuations in the environmental parameters (temperature and salinity) causing severe changes in the abundance and distribution of organisms. The ecological study is based on monitoring data on the seasonal variation during the vegetated periods of 2003-‘04 on submerged vegetation, nutrients, light and physicochemical parameters of water (depth, transparency, temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH), in three shallow coastal brackish lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf, Ionian Sea. It was studied the species composition, the seasonal variations and the succession of submerged macrophytes in relation to the main environmental factors and the abundance of the different species. The submerged flora in the Rodia and Tsoukalio is dominated by a charophytes, Lamprothamnium papulosum and an important angiosperm Zostera noltii. In Logarou two species of macroalgae Gracilaria-bursa pastoris and Acetabularia mediterranea, are abundant while Zostera noltii occurs with a limited presence. Statistical analyses and ordination methods were performed with statistical package SPSS (V. 12) and PC Ord (V.4). The hydrological regime, depth, water transparency and the fluctuation of salinity seems to be the main factors controlling the abundance of different species in three lagoons. When the salinity changed during the second year of the survey it was observed an alteration of the vegetation. The most important alteration happened at Rodia lagoon on spring 2004. It was also observed changes on the concentrations of nutrients and especially on nitrogen. The concentrations of nitrates were higher in spring and autumn due to inputs from catchments area. On autumn they were observed higher concentrations of ammonium with the exception of phosphates that they were very low something that recorded in similar ecosystems in other areas of the world.

Diel and monthly observations of plant mediated fluxes of methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from lake Följesjön in Sweden using static chamber method

Radpour, Houtan January 2013 (has links)
Aquatic plants or macrophytes are known as conduits of Methane (CH4), Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Nitrous oxide (N2O) which contribute to the total fluxes of the Greenhouse gases emissions from lakes. Recent studies emphasized that the knowledge on plant mediated emissions calls for more systematic and comparative data especially in the areas of spatial and temporal variability. In this study I measured diel (24 hour) and diurnal(  daily hours only) plant mediated fluxes during four sampling sessions using chamber method from a  Swedish lake in summer 2012. The measurements were conducted on two macrophyte population patterns of mixed plant communities and Equisetum fluviatile (specie-specific) community. CH4 emissions were higher in darker hours and there were no diel correlation between CH4 fluxes and average diel temperature. CH4 fluxes varied between 0.42 mmol m-2d-1 and 2.3 mmol m-2d-1. The CO2 fluxes had negative fluxes in day and positive during the day which was logical due to macrophyte respiration and photosynthesis mechanisms. Occasional daily positive fluxes were seen (only) during the rainy hours and there were no correlation between temperature and diel CO2 fluxes. The total net CO2 exchange was 2.8mmol m-2d-1 indicating that there was more CO2 release in the littoral zone of that lake. N2O fluxes did not show any clear diel or monthly pattern and the fluxes ranged between positive and negative numbers. The N2O fluxes did not exceed 2µmol m-2 d-1 with the total average flux of 0.8µmol m-2 d-1.

Παρακολούθηση της οικολογικής ποιότητας των λιμνοθαλασσών Κοτύχι & Πρόκοπος της Δ. Ελλάδας : ανάλυση των βιοκοινωνιών των υδρόβιων μακρόφυτων και μακροασπόνδυλων στα πλαίσια εφαρμογής της οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΕ για τα ύδατα

Φυττής, Γεώργιος 05 July 2012 (has links)
Τα υδρόβια μακρόφυτα και τα βενθικά μακροασπόνδυλα μελετήθηκαν εποχικά σε δύο λιμνοθάλασσες της Δυτικής Ελλάδας (Κοτύχι και Πρόκοπος), με σκοπό την ανάλυση της χωρικής και εποχικής διακύμανσης των βιοκοινωνιών τους. Η λιμνοθάλασσα Κοτύχι παρουσιάζει μεγαλύτερη επικοινωνία με τη θάλασσα, ενώ ο Πρόκοπος έχει μεγαλύτερο βαθμό απομόνωσης από τη θάλασσα. Τα υδρόβια μακρόφυτα αποτελούν κύριο στοιχείο των λιμνοθαλασσών. Συνολικά και στις δύο περιοχές μελέτης βρέθηκαν 22 taxa μακροφύτων (αγγειόσπερμα και μακροφύκη), εκ των οποίων τα 8 αποτελούν νέες αναφορές για την περιοχή μελέτης. Συγκεκριμένα, βρέθηκαν 16 taxa στο Κοτύχι (2 ροδοφύκη, 8 χλωροφύκη, 5 αγγειόσπερμα, 1 στρεπτόφυτο) και 14 στον Πρόκοπο (1 ροδοφύκος, 5 χλωροφύκη, 5 αγγειόσπερμα, 3 στρεπτόφυτα). Τα αγγειόσπερμα Ruppia cirrhosa και Potamogeton pectinatus ήταν κυρίαρχα και στις δύο λιμνοθάλασσες. Κυρίαρχο taxon στο Κοτύχι ήταν και το χλωροφύκος Cladophora glomerata, ενώ για τον Πρόκοπο το αγγειόσπερμο Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata. H βιομάζα των υδρόβιων μακροφύτων παρουσίασε μεγάλη αύξηση κατά τη διάρκεια της θερινής περιόδου. Στο Κοτύχι απαντούν 28 taxa υδροβίων μακροασπονδύλων, ενώ στον Πρόκοπο 19. Η οικογένεια των Chironomidae (Miscellanea) και το Lekanesphaera monodi (Καρκινοειδή) ήταν τα κυρίαρχα taxa και για τις δύο λιμνοθάλασσες. Η ποικιλότητα (Η’) της βενθικής πανίδας κυμάνθηκε από 1,3 έως 2,6 στο Κοτύχι και από 0,7 έως 2,4 στον Πρόκοπο. Τα αποτελέσματα της ιεραρχικής ομαδοποίησης (Cluster analysis) σε σύνολο 72 δειγματοληπτικών επιφανειών, με βάση την αφθονία των υδρόβιων μακροφύτων στις δύο περιοχές μελέτης, ανέδειξαν 5 ομάδες βλάστησης. Στην ομάδα Ι κυρίαρχο taxon είναι το αγγειόσπερμο Zostera noltii, ενώ στις ομάδες ΙΙa και ΙΙb κυριαρχεί το αγγειόσπεrμο Ruppia cirrhosa, με διαφορετική αντιπροσώπευση των συνοδών ειδών. Στην ομάδα ΙΙIa κυριαρχούν τα αγγειόσπερμα Potamogeton pectinatus και Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata, ενώ η ομάδα ΙΙIb κυριαρχείται από το Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata που συνοδεύεται από το χλωροφύκος Ulva intestinalis. O έλεγχος των διαφορών των ομάδων βλάστησης, με βάση τη διακύμανση των περιβαλλοντικών τους παραμέτρων πραγματοποιήθηκε με τον έλεγχο Mann - Whitney U. Στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές υπάρχουν μεταξύ της ομάδας ΙΙb με τις ομάδες Ι και ΙΙIb, όσον αφορά το βάθος και μεταξύ της ομάδας ΙΙb και ΙΙΙa, όσον αφορά την αναλογία διαφάνεια/βάθος και τη συγκέντρωση του ολικού φωσφόρου. Τα αποτελέσματα της ιεραρχικής ομαδοποίησης (Cluster analysis) σε σύνολο 36 δειγματοληπτικών επιφανειών, με βάση την αφθονία των υδρόβιων μακροασπονδύλων ανέδειξαν δύο ομάδες βενθικής πανίδας σε επίπεδο ομοιότητας περίπου 50% (Bray curtis similarity 50%) που αντιστοιχούν στις δύο λιμνοθάλασσες. Η ομάδα που αντιστοιχεί στο Κοτύχι κυριαρχείται από την οικογένεια Chironomidae και η ομάδα που αντιστοιχεί στον Πρόκοπο κυριαρχείται από την οικογένεια Οstracoda. O έλεγχος Mann - Whitney U έδειξε ότι οι δύο λιμνοθάλασσες διαφέρουν με βάση τις αβιοτικές παραμέτρους σε επίπεδο σημαντικότητας p<0,001 στο βάθος, την αναλογία διαφάνεια/βάθος, τη συγκέντρωση του ολικού φωσφόρου, χλωροφύλλης –α και ολικών αιωρούμενων στερεών. Ο Πρόκοπος παρουσίασε μεγαλύτερο βάθος (0,87m) από το Κοτύχι (0,56m) και μεγαλύτερη διακύμανση των παραπάνω παραμέτρων. Γενικά, τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης κύριων συνιστωσών (PCA) και της ανάλυσης ANOSIM, που αφορούν τις περιβαλλοντικές παραμέτρους έδειξαν ότι η διακύμανση των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων παρουσίασε εποχικό και χωρικό πρότυπο και στις δύο λιμνοθάλασσες με τη μεγαλύτερη διακύμανση τους να παρατηρείται στον Πρόκοπo. Κατά τη διάρκεια της θερινής περιόδου ειδικά στον Πρόκοπο καταγράφηκαν πολύ χαμηλές τιμές διαλυμένου οξυγόνου (χαμηλότερη τιμή: 0,34 mg/l), ακραίες τιμές αλατότητας (μέγιστη τιμή: 38,43 psu) και αυξημένες τιμές pH (μέγιστη τιμή: 9,95). Αυτή η εποχική διακύμανση των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων προκαλεί έντονο φυσικό στρες στους υδρόβιους οργανισμούς επηρεάζοντας την αφθονία και εξάπλωση τους. Οι κυριότερες συσχετίσεις των αβιοτικών παραμέτρων που προέκυψαν από την ανάλυση Spearman είναι η θετική συσχέτιση του ολικού φώσφορου με τη χλωροφύλλη – α, τα ολικά αιωρούμενα στερεά και τη σταθερά απορρόφησης – α, η αρνητική συσχέτιση της αναλογίας διαφάνειας/βάθος με τον ολικό φώσφορο και τη χλωροφύλλη – α και του διαλυμένου οξυγόνου στο υπόστρωμα με τη συγκέντρωση φωσφορικών ιόντων, ολικού αζώτου, ολικού άνθρακα και οργανικού άνθρακα στο ίζημα. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης πλεονασμού (RDA), τo pH, η συγκέντρωση των ολικών αιωρούμενων στερεών της χλωροφύλλης - α, το βάθος, η θερμοκρασία και η σταθερά απορρόφησης Κ φαίνεται να παίζουν τον πιο σημαντικό ρόλο στην εξάπλωση & αφθονία των μακροφύτων. Όσον αφορά την εξάπλωση και αφθονία των υδρόβιων μακροασπονδύλων, σύμφωνα με την ανάλυση πλεονασμού (RDA), πιο σημαντικό ρόλο φαίνεται να παίζουν το βάθος, η συγκέντρωση των ολικών αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων, η θερμοκρασία και το pH. Γενικά, στις δύο λιμνοθάλασσες καταγράφηκε χαμηλός ειδών μακροφύτων και μακροαπονδύλων, όπως και σε άλλες λιμνοθάλασσες της Ελλάδας (Reizopoulou and Nicolaidou 2004, Kevrekidis 2004, Mogias and Kevrekidis 2005). Ο χαμηλότερος αριθμός ειδών και ατόμων μακροασπονδύλων παρατηρήθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της θερινής περιόδου. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν επίσης ότι ο αριθμός ειδών, η ποικιλότητα και η αφθονία, των βενθικών μακροασπονδύλων σχετίζεται ισχυρά με την υδρόβια βλάστηση και το βαθμό απομόνωσης από τη θάλασσα. Ο αριθμός ειδών και ατόμων μακροασπονδύλων παρουσιάστηκε αυξημένος στον τύπο ενδιαιτήματος, όπου κυριαρχούν τα αγγειόσπερμα, ενώ παρουσιάστηκε μειωμένος σε γυμνό υπόστρωμα. Επίσης, ο αριθμός ειδών και ατόμων μακροασπονδύλων εμφανίζεται μειωμένος με την αύξηση της απόστασης από τη θάλασσα. Τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης πλεονασμού (RDA) έδειξαν ότι τα μαλάκια παρουσιάζουν καλύτερη συσχέτιση με το αγγειόσπερμο Zostera noltii και τα συνοδά του είδη, ενώ τα καρκινοείδη παρουσιάζουν καλύτερη συσχέτιση με τα αγγειόσπερμα Ruppia cirrhosa, Potamogeton pectinatus και Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata και τα συνοδά τους είδη. Τα Miscellanea δείχνουν καλύτερη συσχέτιση με τα ευκαιριακά είδη υδροβίων μακροφύτων. Το Gammarus insensibilis παρουσίασε συνεμφάνιση με το χλωροφύκος Chaetomorpha linum, το οποίο αποτελεί μέρος της διατροφής του (Sheader & Sheader 1987, Bamber et al. 1992). Στην παρούσα εργασία συζητούνται περαιτέρω η οικολογική ποιότητα των δύο λιμνοθαλασσών και οι χωρικές και χρονικές διακυμάνσεις των περιβαλλοντικών παραμέτρων καθώς και οι επιδράσεις τους στη δομή και λειτουργία των βιοκοινωνιών των μακροφύτων και μακροασπονδύλων. / Aquatic macrophytes and benthic macroinvertebrates were studied seasonally in two coastal lagoons (Kotychi and Prokopos) located in Western Greece, in order to investigate spatial and temporal trends. Kotychi lagoon presents a better communication with the sea, while Prokopos has a high degree of confinement. Both ecosystems receive seasonally freshwater input by streams. The submerged aquatic macrophytes constituted a major component of the ecosystems studied. In total were found 22 taxa of aquatic macrophytes (angiosperms and macroalgae), 16 taxa for Kotychi (2 Rhodophyta, 8 Chlorophyta, 5 Magnoliophyta, 1 Streptophyta) and 14 taxa for Prokopos (1 Rhodophyta, 5 Chlorophyta, 5 Magnoliophyta, 3 Streptophyta). Ruppia cirrhosa, and Potamogeton pectinatus were dominant in both lagoons. Kotychi lagoon was also dominated by Cladophora glomerata and Prokopos by Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata, while the biomass of aquatic species peaked during summer period. The total number of macroinvertebrates found in the lagoons was 28 taxa for Kotychi and 19 for Prokopos. Chironomidae (Miscellanea) and Lekanesphaera monodi (Crustacea) were dominant in both lagoons, while Kotychi was also dominated by Monocorophium insidiosum (Crustacea), and Prokopos by Ostracoda (Crustacea). Benthic diversity (Η’) ranged from 1.3 to 2.6 in Kotychi and from 0.7 to 2.5 in Prokopos. Cluster analysis (Bray Curtis similarity) distinguished 5 vegetation groups based on 72 sampling plots. Group I, was dominated by Zostera noltii, groups IIa and IIb were both dominated by Ruppia cirrhosa, but they present different abundance in companion opportunistic species. Group IIIa was dominated by Potamogeton pectinatus and Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata and group IIIb by Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata and Ulva intestinalis. Mann - Whitney U – test showed that means of environmental variables such as depth, total P and the ratio transparency/depth differed significantly among groups IIb, IIIa and IIIb. Cluster analysis (Bray Curtis similarity) distinguished two groups of macroinvertebrates, based on 36 sampling plots. Group I represents Kotychi lagoon by Chironomidae and group II represents Prokopos lagoon II dominated by Ostracoda. Mann - Whitney U – test showed that means of environmental variables such as depth, the ratio transparency/depth, total P, chl-a and TSM differed significantly between the two lagoons. Prokopos (0,87m) is a deeper lagoon than Kotychi (0,56m) and presented higher values of the ratio transparency/depth, total P, chl-a and TSM. Generally, PCA and ANOSIM analysis showed that there is a seasonal and spatial fluctuation of environmental variables in the two lagoons. Prokopos showed widest range of the environmental variables among seasons. In Prokopos lagoon during summer period recorded very low values of D.O. (lowest value: 0,34 mg/l), high salinity (max. value: 38,43 psu) and pH (max. value: 9,95). The high seasonal fluctuations of environmental variables create a natural stress to aquatic organisms affecting their abundance. The results of Spearman analysis showed that total P was positively correlated with chl-a, TSM and attenuation coefficient K and the ratio transparency/depth was negatively correlated with total P and chl-a. Also, sediment’s D.O. was negatively correlated with orthophosphates, total nitrogen, total and organic carbon in the sediment. The results of RDA analysis showed that pH, TSM, chl-a, depth, attenuation coefficient K and temperature play the most important role in the abundance and distribution of aquatic macrophytes. Depth, TSM, temperature and pH influence the distribution and abundance of benthic mavroinvertebrates. Generally, both lagoon showed low number of species of macrophytes and macroinvertebrates, similarly with other Greek lagoons (Reizopoulou and Nicolaidou 2004, Kevrekidis 2004, Mogias and Kevrekidis 2005). The lowest number of species and individuals of macroinvertebrates was recorded during the summer period. Moreover, results showed that species richness, diversity, and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates were strongly related to aquatic vegetation and degree of confinement. The number of species and individuals of macroinvertebrates increased in the habitat where angiosperms were the dominated macrophytes. On the other hand, the number of species and individuals of macroinvertebrates presented lower values in bare substrates. Also, the number of species and individuals of macroinvertebrates presented a reduction at the sampling stations which have a high distance from the sea, in both lagoons. RDA analysis showed that Mollusca prefer as a habitat the angiosperm Zostera noltii and its companion species. Crustacea showed better relation with angiosperms Ruppia cirrhosa, Potamogeton pectinatus and Zannichellia pallustris ssp. pedicellata and their companion species. Miscellanea showed better relation with the opportunistic species of aquatic macrophytes. Gammarus insensibilis presented co-occurrence with Chaetomorpha linum, which is a part of its diet, as referred also, in Sheader & Sheader (1987) and Bamber et al. (1992). In the current study the ecological evaluation of the two coastal lagoons, the spatial and temporal fluctuations of environmental variables and their influence to the structure and function of biotic communities are further discussed.

Preferência alimentar e eficiência da carpa capim (Ctenopharyngodon idella) no controle de macrófitas aquáticas em mesocosmos /

Silva, Adilson Ferreira da. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Robinson Antonio Pitelli / Coorientador: Claudinei da Cruz / Banca: Lúcia Helena Sipauba Tavares / Banca: Matheus Nicolino Peixoto Henares / Resumo: As plantas aquáticas podem constituir problemas em muitos corpos hídricos, sendo necessário empregar técnicas de controle. A utilização do peixe carpa capim (Ctenopharyngodon idella) é uma técnica consagrada de controle biológico em muitos países. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a preferência alimentar e a eficiência de controle da carpa capim diploide, pelas macrófitas aquáticas submersas Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa, Egeria najas e Hydrilla verticillata isoladas e combinadas em condição de mesocosmos. Para tanto, foram realizados 3 experimentos. No primeiro experimento foi realizado a oferta e o plantio das macrófitas C. demersum, E. densa e E. najas em microcosmos de 250 litros em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com 5 repetições. No segundo e terceiro experimento as plantas foram ofertadas isoladas e associadas em condição de mesocosmos de 2000 L. No segundo experimento foi utilizada as plantas: C. demersum; E. densa e E. najas e no terceiro experimento: C. demersum; E. densa; E. najas e H. verticillata em delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC) em triplicata. No primeiro experimento ocorreu maior controle e ganho em biomassa de peixe nos tratamentos com a menor quantidade de peixes. No segundo experimento a planta mais predada pela carpa capim foi a E. najas e C. demersum quando ofertadas isoladamente, e quando oferecidas em conjunto a ordem de preferência alimentar foi C. demersum > E. najas > E. densa. No terceiro experimento a planta mais consumida tanto isolada quanto combinada foi a H. verticillata e a menos consumida foi a E. densa. Assim, conclui-se que a carpa capim (C. idella) como agente de controle biológico apresentou elevada eficiência devido a sua maior preferência pela H. verticillata, seguida pela E. najas e C. demersum e com menor intensidade pela E. densa em condição de mesocosmos, o que torna a carpa capim uma ótima ... / Abstract: The macrophytes may be problems in many water bodies, being necessary to employ control technique. The use of grass carp fish (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is an established biological control technique in many countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of food preference and control of diploid grass carp exposed the macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum, Egeria densa, Egeria najas and Hydrilla verticillata isolated and combined condition micro and mesocosms. To this, three experiments were conducted. The first experiment was the supply and planting of macrophytes C. demersum, E. densa and E. najas in microcosms of 250 liters with five repetitions in completely randomized design (CRD). In the second and third experiment plants were offered in isolated and combinated condition mesocosms 2000 L. In the second experiment the plant C. demersum, E. densa and E. najas was used, in the third experiment the macrophyte C. demersum, E. densa, E, najas and H. verticillata in a randomized block design (RBD) in triplicate. In the first experiment the treatment with lower quantity of fish were what to show the bigger consumption and to get in weight in conditions of microcosms. In the second experiment the plant more predated by grass carp was E. najas and C. demersum when offered alone, and when offered together the order of food preference was C. demersum > E. najas > E. densa. In the third experiment the plant most consumed either alone or in combination was the H. verticillata and the least consumed was E. densa. Thus, it is concluded that use of grass carp (C. idella) as a biological control agent has advantages for having high rates of consumption and in greater preference for H. verticillata, followed by E. najas and C. demersum and lower intensity in the E. densa in mesocosms condition, which makes the grass carp one great tool for biological control / Mestre

Efeitos da presença de macrófitas nos macroinvertebrados de córregos tropicais

Fonseca, Daniel Gonçalves da 08 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4000.pdf: 1405688 bytes, checksum: 20351183bd8a8281e307e66398831dbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-08 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The riparian forest deforestation by pasture activities allows greater solar incidence on the streams bed. The high input of light favours the development of aquatic macrophytes, which also contributing with the high primary production rate and are important substrate for aquatic organisms. This substrate generates stability subunities and complex microhabitats which are used as refugee, places and feeding source and interfere in the trophic relations in the streams. Benthic macroinvertebrates can be affected in several ways by fish (predators) through direct effects (feeding) or indirect effects (predation risk, bio-perturbation, trophic links). However, the complexity offered by the macrophytes can influence the trophic interactions between fish and the macroinvertebrates, decreasing the predation pressure and allowing the coexistence among these organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the macrophyte influence on the aquatic communities. With the purpose of facilitate the understanding, the study was divided in two chapters: (1) It compared the macroinvertebrate assemblages present in sites with or without macrophytes in three different streams; (2) It evaluated the aquatic macrophyte effects on the colonization of macroinvertebrate communities and on the predation interaction between macroinvertebrates and fish, using an experiment with exclusion cages in two streams. The results allow a better understanding of the functional processes in the structure of the streams, providing knowledge about the human interaction effects on the functioning of these systems. / O desmatamento das matas ciliares realizado por atividades de pastagens possibilita maior incidência solar sobre o leito dos córregos. A alta entrada de luz favorece o desenvolvimento de bancos de macrófitas, que além de contribuírem com alta taxa de produção primária são importante substrato para os organismos aquáticos. Esse substrato gera subunidades de estabilidade e microhabitats complexos que são utilizados como refúgio, local e fonte de alimentação e interferem nas relações tróficas dentro dos riachos. Macroinvertebrados bentônicos podem ser afetados de diversas formas pela presença de peixes (predadores), seja através de efeitos tróficos diretos (alimentação) ou de efeitos indiretos (ameaça de predação, bioperturbação, ligações tróficas). No entanto, a complexidade fornecida pelas macrófitas pode influenciar as interações tróficas entre peixes e macroinvertebrados, diminuindo a pressão de predação e permitindo a coexistência entre esses organismos. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência das macrófitas aquáticas nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados aquáticos. Na intenção de facilitar a compreensão, o estudo foi dividido em dois capítulos: (1) Comparou as comunidades de macroinvertebrados presentes em locais com e sem macrófitas em três diferentes riachos; (2) Avaliou o efeito das macrófitas aquáticas na colonização da assembléia de macroinvertebrados e na interação de predação entre macroinvertebrados e peixes, usando um experimento com gaiolas de exclusão em dois riachos. Os resultados permitem um melhor entendimento dos processos funcionais e estruturais de riachos, fornecendo conhecimento dos efeitos de alterações humanas no funcionamento desses sistemas.

Decomposição anaeróbia de Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig e Urochloa subquadripara (Trin.) R.D. Webster em meios com Zn e Pb

Moitas, Marcel Loyo 22 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:32:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6259.pdf: 1872707 bytes, checksum: b6729ed53cb8e3b7fd961aa092dad810 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-22 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of Zn and Pb in the anaerobic decomposition of aquatic macrophytes. Considering this purpose, bioassays with Hedychium coronarium coronarium and Urochloa subquadripara from Fazzari and Espraiado lagoons (São Carlos, SP, Brazil) were performed in laboratory. The kinetics of macrophytes detritus decompositions was conducted during 100 days. The pH, electrical conductivity and ratio E4/E6 was measured along this period. This procedure was carried under 6 experimental conditions: C1 (control), C2 (control plus KNO3), Zn95 (95.3 mg.L-1), Zn2 (2.0 mg.L-1), Pb6 (6.0 mg.L-1) and Pb06 (0.06 mg.L-1). Each of these conditions was also tested under two temperatures (15°C and 25°C) with the aim of evaluate the seasonality effect on the process. The organic and inorganic carbon data was fit to a kinetics model. Zinc and lead concentrations decreased the rate of particulate organic carbon loss of H. coronarium, which was observed by lower k4 and kT values. The highest zinc concentration performed the most aggressive effect causing very little loss of particulate organic carbon. Also mineralization of H. coronarium did not occur in any of the experimental conditions including control (C1), which can be associated with antimicrobial effect of some natural products in the plant. The COP loss and the COD increase were possibly related to fermentative microorganisms. The organic carbon breakdown was the only process represented by the mathematical model adopted. Zinc and lead concentrations decreased or increased U. subquadripara refractory organic carbon loss (k4) depending on condition. These differences are probably related to interactions of metals with the macrophyte detritus and humic substances produced along the process, changing thus the bioavailability of metals for heterotrophic microorganisms. Also, the highest zinc concentration condition (Zn95) had a negative effect on mineralization of U. subquadripara, showing that metal can affect mineralization and organic carbon decay independently. Overall, the kinetic model used represented the decomposition dynamics of U. subquadripara. The temperature showed a positive correlation with both plants detritus breakdown. We conclude the Zn and Pb can play a driving force role on the anaerobic decomposition of macrophytes, reducing or inhibiting heterotrophic activity. Also, we conclude that Zn and Pb had different effects for H. coronarium and U. subquadripara. Zinc showed independent effect on mineralization and POC breakdown processes. Finally, metals adsorption on detritus and humic substances are processes that determine its influence on decomposition. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do Zn e Pb sobre a decomposição anaeróbia de duas macrófitas aquáticas. Para tanto foram realizados bioensaios utilizando fragmentos de Hedychium coronarium e Urochloa subquadripara, coletadas respectivamente nas represas do Fazzari e do Espraiado (São Carlos, SP, Brasil). A cinética de decomposição dos detritos foi acompanhada por 100 dias, juntamente com a variação temporal do pH, condutividade elétrica e razão E4/E6. Esse procedimento foi realizado com 6 tratamentos diferentes: C1 (controle), C2 (controle com adição de KNO3), Zn95 (95,3 mg.L-1), Zn2 (2,0 mg.L-1), Pb6 (6,0 mg.L-1) e Pb06 (0,06 mg.L-1). Os tratamentos foram mantidos a 15°C e 25°C com o objetivo de discutir o efeito da temperatura sobre a decomposição. As cinéticas do carbono orgânico e inorgânico em cada tratamento foram parametrizadas por modelos matemáticos. Para H. coronarium observou-se que os metais reduziram a velocidade de decaimento do carbono orgânico, o que foi representado pela redução dos coeficientes kT e k4. O tratamento com a maior concentração de zinco (Zn95) teve destaque por ter proporcionado decréscimos pequenos na quantidade de carbono orgânico particulado (COP) ao longo do período experimental. Os detritos de H. coronarium não foram mineralizados, inclusive nos tratamentos controle, o que pode estar associado a efeitos antimicrobianos dessa espécie. O decaimento do COP e aumento do carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) estiveram provavelmente associados a microrganismos fermentadores. Embora o modelo de duplo decaimento tenha se ajustado bem à dinâmica do COP, a não ocorrência de mineralização não permitiu ajuste das demais equações que integram o modelo adotado. Para U. subquadripara os metais atuaram tanto no sentido de diminuir quanto de aumentar a velocidade de decaimento do carbono orgânico refratário, refletindo valores de k4 menores ou maiores em relação aos controles. Essas diferenças estão provavelmente relacionadas a interações dos metais com os detritos e/ou substâncias húmicas, alterando a concentração biodisponível aos organismos heterotróficos. O tratamento Zn95 ainda influenciou negativamente o processo de mineralização, demonstrando a capacidade do zinco em atuar de maneira independente nos processos de decaimento e mineralização do carbono orgânico. De maneira geral o modelo proposto representou a dinâmica de decomposição de U. subquadripara. A temperatura mostrou correlação positiva com o decaimento e mineralização do carbono orgânico em ambas as plantas. Concluiu-se que os metais Zn e Pb são capazes de atuar como funções de força no processo de decomposição anaeróbia, inibindo ou reduzindo a atividade heterotrófica; que o zinco pode atuar de maneira independente sobre os processos de decaimento do COP e de mineralização; que os efeitos destes metais foram diferentes para cada espécie, e que a adsorção dos mesmos aos detritos e substâncias húmicas são fatores que provavelmente condicionam o papel destes contaminantes como funções de força do processo de decomposição.

Tratamento de efluentes de piscicultura utilizando sistema tipo wetland povoado com espécies de macrófitas aquáticas de três tipos ecológicos diferentes /

Assunção, Argos Willian de Almeida. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Augusto do Amaral / Banca: Antônio Fernando Monteiro Camargo / Banca: Irineu Bianchini Júnior / Resumo: A aquicultura é uma atividade impactante para o meio ambiente, podendo causar eutrofização de corpos hídricos, introdução de espécies exóticas, transmissão de doenças e competição pelo uso da água. Os efluentes de criações de organismos aquáticos são ricos em matéria orgânica e nutrientes, nitrogênio e fósforo, decorrente de adubação, restos de ração e excreção. A partir de um viveiro de criação de pacu "Piaractus mesopotamicus" foi avaliado o impacto ambiental causado pela criação, a presença de organismos indicadores de contaminação fecal (Escherichia coli), e avaliada a eficiência de um sistema de tratamento tipo wetland construída utilizando três espécies de macrófitas aquáticas de tipos ecológicos diferentes: Eichhornia crassipes (flutuante), Ceratophyllum demersum(submersa) e Typha dominigensis (emersa). As variáveis analisadas foram temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, alcalinidade, dureza total, demanda química e bioquímica de oxigênio (DQO e DBO), nitrogênio (total, amoniacal, nitrito e nitrato), fósforo (total e ortofosfato) e o NMP de Escherichia coli, como ferramenta de análise foi aplicada uma análise multivariada de fatores. Os resultados demonstraram que a criação de pacu apresentou impacto ambiental significativo na qualidade da água do efluente do viveiro, gerando elevação da concentração de fósforo total, nitrogênio total e material particulado suspenso, aumento nos níveis de turbidez e demanda bioquímica e química de oxigênio. O sistema de tratamento foi eficiente no tratamento do efluente e todas as etapas do tratamento foram significativas para a remoção das variáveis relacionadas com o impacto ambiental. Todas as amostras apresentaram número mais provável de Escherichia coli dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira / Abstract: Aquaculture is responsible for various types of environmental impacts, causing eutrophication of water bodies, introduction of exotic species, disease transmission and competition for water use. The effluents from aquatic organisms breeding are rich in organic matter and nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus, due to fertilization, food leftovers and excretion. From a pacu "Piaractus mesopotamicus" breeding pond was evaluated the environmental impact in the water, the presence of fecal indicator organisms (Escherichia coli) and evaluated the effluent treatment by a constructed wetland using three species aquatic macrophytes of different ecological types: Eichhornia crassipes (floating), Ceratophyllum demersum (submerged) and Typha dominigensis (onshore). The analyzed variables were temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness, chemical demand and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD), nitrogen (total, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) and phosphorus (total and orthophosphate), for data analysis was applied a multivariate factor analysis. The results demonstrated that the pacu breeding showed significant environmental impact on water quality of the effluent, causing elevation of total phosphorus, total nitrogen and suspended particulate material, an increase in turbidity and chemical and biochemical oxygen demand. The treatment system was effective in the treatment of effluent and all stages of treatment were significant for the removal of variables related to environmental impact. The most probable number of E. coli was in accordance with Brazilian law in all samples / Mestre

Efeitos de múltiplos predadores e complexidade de hábitat na sobrevivência de Oreochromis niloticus / Effects of multiple predators and habitat complexity in the survival of Oreochromis niloticus

Moura, Maria Joana Nogueira de 17 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaJNM_DISSERT.pdf: 690437 bytes, checksum: e6158b89abf749bf20f6676d8058b602 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The introductions of non-native animal species occur in all regions colonized by man and has caused a number of changes in native communities, mainly eliminated several species of fish that are present in the environment and serve as food for other fish, so the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of two predators, Cichla kelberi and Hoplias aff. malabaricus in the presence of artificial macrophytes on the survival of the prey niloticus. The study was conducted in an experiment with a completely randomized design in which it was used two levels of macrophytes (with and without) and three levels of predators (H. aff. malabaricus, C. kelberi, and H. aff. malabaricus + C. kelberi) with 5 replicates each, beginning with the addition of 70 tilapia by closing the tank and after 24 hours by counting the proportion of prey consumed. The analysis of the effect of predators and the presence of artificial macrophytes in the proportion of prey consumed as well as the interaction of these factors was assessed by the factorial analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) and to calculate the expected effects additives and multiple predators multiplicative own equations of the models were used. Based on these analyzes it was identified that C. kelberi and H. aff. malabaricus consumed similar proportions of O. niloticus in monospecific treatments. In environments with artificial macrophytes average of prey consumed was significantly lower for the treatment with the predator C. kelberi. The effects observed and expected multiple predators were not significant, but for the treatments with artificial macrophytes was and was not identified emerging impact of multiple predators for any environment. Finally, this work showed that the successful establishment of invasive O. niloticus species may be favored in environments containing artificial macrophytes, as well as the interaction between predators in which once together reduced the mortality rate of non-native prey / As introduções de espécies animais não nativos ocorrem em todas as regiões colonizadas pelo homem e tem causado uma série de alterações nas comunidades nativas, principalmente a eliminado várias espécies de peixes que estão presentes no ambiente e servem como alimento para outros peixes, assim o objetivo desse trabalho foi de avaliar o efeito de dois predadores, Cichla Kelberi e Hoplias aff. malabaricus na presença de macrófitas artificiais sobre a sobrevivência de presas do Oreochromis niloticus. O trabalho foi realizado em experimento com delineamento inteiramente casualizado no qual foi utilizado dois níveis de macrófitas (com e sem) e três níveis de predadores (H. aff. malabaricus, C. kelberi, e H. aff. malabaricus + C. kelberi), com 5 réplicas cada, iniciando com a adição de 70 alevinos de tilápia por tanque e encerramento 24 horas depois com a contagem da proporção de presas consumidas. A análise do efeito dos predadores e da presença de macrófitas artificiais na proporção de presas consumidas, bem como a interação desses fatores foi avaliada por uma análise de variância fatorial (two-way ANOVA) e para calcular os efeitos esperados aditivos e multiplicativos de múltiplos predadores foram utilizadas equações próprias dos modelos. Com base nessas análises foi identificado que o C. kelberi e H. aff. malabaricus consumiram proporções semelhantes de O. niloticus nos tratamentos monoespecíficos. Em ambientes com macrófitas artificiais a média das presas consumidas foi significativamente menor para o tratamento com o predador C. kelberi. Os efeitos observados e esperados de múltiplos predadores não apresentaram significância, contudo para os tratamentos com macrófitas artificiais foi e não foi identificado impacto emergente de múltiplos predadores para nenhum ambiente. Por fim, esse trabalho mostrou que o sucesso de estabelecimento da espécie invasora O. niloticus pode ser favorecido em ambientes com presença de macrófitas artificiais, bem como pela interação entre predadores no qual que uma vez juntos reduziu a taxa de mortalidade das presas não nativas

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