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Synthèse, caractérisation et étude des propriétés magnétiques et diélectriques de nanocomposites Polyaniline/hexaferrite pour l'absorption des micro-ondes / Synthesis, characterization and study of the magnetic and dielectric properties of nanocomposites Polyaniline/hexaferrite for absorbing electromagnetic wavesBen ghzaiel, Tayssir 06 January 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse consistent à élaborer des nanocomposites Polyaniline/hexaferrite pour l’absorption des micro-ondes. L’idée principale est la mise en œuvre de matériaux composites à base de polymères conducteurs intrinsèques telle la Polyaniline que nous avons dopée avec différents types d’acides (HCl, CSA, NSA et TSA…) et l’hexaferrite de baryum de type magnétoplombite (M) stœchiométrique ou substitué. Au niveau de l’hexaferrite de baryum, la substitution du Fe3+ s’est faite par les ions Al3+, Bi3+, Cr3+ et Mn3+.L’hexaferrite de baryum et les hexaferrites substitués par les différents ions cités ci-dessus ont été synthétisés par voie hydrothermale dynamique en faisant varier divers paramètres au cours de la synthèse (pH, température, temps, rapport [OH-]/[NO3-]…).L’élaboration des composites Polyaniline/hexaferrite (pur ou substitués) a été effectuée par polymérisation oxydative en utilisant plusieurs techniques de synthèse : la polymérisation chimique en solution (en tenant compte de la nature de l’acide utilisé) avec ou sans agitation (Aqueous-Based Polymerization with or without stirring) et la polymérisation oxydative par voie solide (Solid-Based Polymerization). L’optimisation de ces différentes techniques de synthèse après caractérisations physicochimiques (DRX, FTIR, ATG, MEB, EDX), diélectriques (ε’, ε’’, σdc) et magnétiques (Mr, Ms, Hc, Tc, µ’, µ’’) des échantillons, a montré que la polymérisation par voie solide se trouve la méthode la plus facile, économique et respectueuse de l’environnement. Elle est aussi adaptée à la production du composite Pani/BaFe12O19 avec de bonnes propriétés structurales, physiques et magnétiques. L’étude de la substitution du Fe3+ dans le BaFe12O19 par Al3+, Bi3+, Cr3+ et Mn3+ a montré une forte dépendance des propriétés structurales et magnétiques avec la distribution de ces ions dans la maille cristalline hexagonale. En effet, les ions Al3+, Cr3+ et Mn3+ ont une tendance à occuper les sites tétraédriques, alors que le Bi3+ occupe les sites octaédriques. Une augmentation de Hc associée à la taille des cristallites a été observée pour les particules substituées avec l'Al et le Cr alors qu’une modification de l'anisotropie magnetocristalline (fort terme d'ordre supérieur) a été mise en évidence pour les substitutions Bi et Mn, dû à leur grand rayon ionique. L’incorporation des hexaferrites substitués dans la Polyaniline pour obtenir des composites Pani/BaMeFe11O19, où Me = Al, Bi, Cr et Mn, révèle une variation des propriétés électromagnétiques dans la gamme de fréquences allant de 1 à 18 GHz. En effet, ces variations sont dues à la formation de dipôles entre l’ion de substitution et les cations O2- dans le ferrite qui sont responsables de la résonance ferromagnétique, de l'anisotropie magnétocristalline et des interactions avec la matrice polymérique. Le composite Pani/BaFe12O19 présente des absorptions dans la bande X qui se déplacent vers la bande Ku avec la substitution du fer confirmant / This thesis deals with the formulation of Polyaniline/hexaferrite nanocomposite for absorbing electromagnetic waves. The main idea is the process of composite materials based on polymers intrinsic conductors such as polyaniline that we doped with different types of acids (HCl, CSA, NSA, and ... TSA) and barium hexaferrite with magnetoplumbite structure with or without substitution according to desired stoichiometries. In the barium hexaferrite, the substitution of Fe 3+ is made by Al3+, Bi3+, Cr3+ and Mn3+ ions.The barium hexaferrite and its substitutions by different ions mentioned above were synthesized dynamic hydrothermal method by varying various parameters during the synthesis (pH, temperature, time, ratio [OH-]/[NO3-] ...).The elaboration of polyaniline/hexaferrite composite (pure or substituted) was carried out by oxidative polymerization using various synthesis techniques: Aqueous-Based Polymerisation with or without agitation (taking into account the nature of the acid used) (ABP) and Solid-Based Polymerization (SBP). The optimization of these various synthesis techniques after physicochemical (XRD, FTIR, TGA, SEM, EDX), dielectric (ε ', ε' ', σdc) and magnetic (Mr, Ms, Hc, Tc, µ', µ'') characterizations of the samples showed that the solid route is the easiest method, economical and environmentally friendly. It is also suitable for the production of composite Pani/BaFe12O19 with good structural, physical and magnetic properties.The study of the substitution of Fe 3+ in the BaFe12O19 by Al3+, Bi3+, Cr3+ and Mn3+ showed a strong dependence of the structural and magnetic properties with the distribution of these ions in the hexagonal crystal lattice. In fact, Al3+, Cr3+ and Mn3+ ions tend to occupy the tetrahedral sites, while the Bi3+ favoured the octahedral sites. An increase in Hc associated with the small crystallite size observed for particles substituted with Al and Cr and the enhancement magnetocristalline anisotropy (strong higher order term) for Bi and Mn due to their high ionic radius.The incorporation of the substituted hexaferrite in the polyaniline to obtain Pani/BaMeFe11O19 composite, where Me = Al, Bi, Cr and Mn, reveals a variation in electromagnetic properties in the frequency range from 1 to 18 GHz. In fact, these variations are due to the formation of dipoles between the substituting ion and surrounding O2- cations in the ferrite which are responsible for the ferromagnetic resonance, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the exchange interaction with the polymer. The composite Pani/BaFe12O19 shows absorption bands at the X-band that shift to the Ku-band with the substitution of iron, confirming the potential of these materials for microwave applications.
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Magnetic Mineralogy of Nb-bearing Carbonatites from Oldoinyo Dili (Tanzania) / Magnetisk mineralogi av Nb-innehållande karbonatiter från Oldoinyo Dili (Tanzania)Frejd, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Niobium (Nb) and Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) have in recent years received considerable attention because of their importance to the modern technical industry, and more specifically the enhanced sustainability that comes with them. The main source for Nb and REE’s on Earth are carbonatites and associated alkaline silicate rocks. This report examines the magnetic properties of rocks from the Oldoinyo Dili carbonatite complex in northern Tanzania. Previous workers have suggested a link between the Fe-bearing mineralogy and the formation of Nb-mineralizations at Oldoinyo Dili. This hypothesis is further examined in this report by combining detailed petrographic observations and withnew measurements of magnetic susceptibility. The aim is to see if any correlation exists between occurrence of Nb-mineralizations and the types of Fe-minerals present at Oldoinyo Dili. Based on the magnetic susceptibility measurements, at least two different species of Fe-minerals arefound in the examined samples. These are characterized by different magnetic trends during heating/cooling and also by their separate Curie temperatures (Tc). In combination with the petrographic observations these minerals are interpreted to be magnetite (Fe2O4) with Tc ~580°C, and a mineral that most likely represents a solid solution between ilmenite (FeTiO3) and hematite (Fe2O3) with Tc ~300°C. Here, no clear link between the type of opaque mineral(s) present and the total Nb content of the carbonatites can be conclusively determined based on the petrography and the magnetic measurements alone. Although the results of this report provide an important first step towards understanding the relationship between Nb-mineralizations and the magnetic mineralogy at Oldoinyo Dili, more detailed analyses of the mineral chemistry is a necessity to fully understand their complex relations and the specific conditions under which they formed. / Niob (Nb) och sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE’s) har på senare år fått stor uppmärksamhet för sin betydelse för den moderna tekniska industrin, och specifikt för den förhöjda hållbarhet som de bidrar med. Den huvudsakliga källan till Nb och REE’s på jorden är karbonatiter och associerade alkalisilikater. Denna rapport undersöker de magnetiska egenskaperna för karbonatit-komplexet Oldoinyo Dili i norra Tanzania. Forskare har tidigare anat att det finns en koppling mellan Fe-bärande mineralogi och bildandet av Nb-mineraliseringar vid Oldoinyo Dili. Denna hypotes undersöks vidare i denna rapport genom att kombinera detaljerade petrografiska observationer med nya mätningar av magnetisk susceptibilitet. Syftet är att undersöka om det finns någon korrelation mellan förekomst av Nb-mineraliseringar och de typer av järnmineral som finns vid Oldoinyo Dili. Baserat på de genomförda magnetiska susceptibilitets-mätningarna så finns det åtminstone två olika sorters järnmineral i de undersökta proverna. De karaktäriseras av olika magnetiska trender vid upphettning/nedkylning och även av sina olika Curietemperaturer (Tc). Kombinerat med petrografiska observationer uttolkas att dessa mineral är magnetit (Fe2O4) med Tc ~580°C, samt en mineral som troligen är en solid solution av ilmenit (FeTiO3) och hematit (Fe2O3) med Tc ~300°C. Det går inte att senågon tydlig koppling mellan förekommande opaka mineral och det totala Nb-innehållet i karbonatiterna med säkerhet enbart utifrån petrografin och de genomförda magnetiska mätningarna. Resultaten av denna rapport utgör ett bra första steg mot att förstå relationen mellan Nb-mineraliseringar och den magnetiska mineralogin för Oldoinyo Dili, men mer detaljerade analyser av mineralkemin är nödvändigt för att till fullo förstå de komplexa förhållanden som råder vid bildning av dessa.
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Vývoj procesních parametrů technologie Selective laser melting pro výrobu tenkostěnných dílů z práškového železa / Development of process parameters of Selective laser melting technology for the production of thin-walled iron partsŠreibr, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the processing of pure iron by Selective laser melting technology as a material with good electromagnetic properties. The main area is the optimization of the production of thin-walled samples, which monitor the influence of process parameters on the thickness and quality of the wall surfaces. In addition to the perpendicular walls, walls built at an angle of 45° are also examined. Another phase of the thesis is the determination of process parameters for bulk bodies to achieve the lowest porosity and high surface quality. An important part of the research is the application of acquired knowledge in the production of samples designed to test magnetic properties as well as part for a specific application. These considerations concern not only the setting of the printing parameters, but also the heat treatment and its influence on the magnetic and mechanical properties of the material. Mechanical properties were determined by tensile tests and hardness tests. All samples were made on a SLM 280HL using a 400W ytterbium laser.
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Sinteza i karakterizacija nanočestičnih prahova na bazi cink-ferita / Synthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles based on zinc-ferritesMilanović Marija 02 July 2010 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja strukturnih i magnetnih osobina čistih cink- ferita, ZnFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> i cink-ferita sa dodatkom indijuma Zn<sub>1-x</sub>In<sub>x</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> i itrijuma, ZnY<sub>x</sub>Fe<sub>2-x</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, gde je 0 ≤ x ≤ 0,6. Prahovi na bazi cink-ferita su sintetisani koristeći nisko temperaturnu metodu sinteze iz tečne faze – metodu koprecipitacije. Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se utvrdi veza između uslova sinteze, uticaja različitih katjona, strukture i osobina čistih cink-feritnih nanočestica, kao i cink-ferita sa dodatkom indijuma i itrijuma. Radi praćenja uticaja veličine čestica dobijenog praha na strukturu i osobine ovih materijala, sintetisani čist cink-ferit je kalcinisan na različitim temperaturama. Posebno je razmatran i uticaj dodatka različitih jona na distribuciju i preraspodelu katjona u spinelnoj strukturi. Pored toga ispitivan je uticaj tako pripremljenih prahova na njihove magnetne osobine. Rentgenostrukturna i TEM analize potvrdili su da ispitivani uzorci spadaju u klasu nanomaterijala spinelne strukture. Analiza Raman i Mössbauer spektara je ukazala na moguću raspodelu katjona između tetraedarskih i oktaedarskih mesta, te formiranje delimično inverznog spinela. Ispitivanja magnetnih osobina su pokazala da histerezisne petlje ne pokazuju saturaciju u prisustvu jakog magnetnog polja, što je potvrdilo superparamagnetnu i jednodomensku prirodu čestica. Pokazano je da pored uticaja veličine čestica, dodatak različitih katjona (u ovom slučaju itrijum i indijum) ima veliki uticaj na uređenje strukture, a posledično i na magnetno ponašanje ispitivanih nanočestičnih sistema.</p> / <p> This thesis presents the results of the investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of nanostructured zinc ferrites, ZnFe2O4 and zinc ferrites supstituted with different amount of indium and yttrium, Zn1-xInxFe2O4 and ZnYxFe2-xO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0,6). Powders based on zinc ferrites were synthesised by a low temperature wet-chemical method – coprecipitation. The main purpose of this thesis was to establish the relationship between the synthesis, dopants, structure and properties of zinc ferrite based materials. Nanoparticles of ZnFe2O4 were calcined at different temperatures in order to elucidate the influence of the particle size on the magnetic properties of the obtained nanoparticles. In addition, we have investigated the effect of dopant addition on cation distribution in spinel structure, in order to modify the magnetic properties and to obtain the magnetic ceramics with improved properties compared to the bulk-counterparts. The results of X-ray and TEM analyses confirmed the nanosized nature and spinel type structure of the investigated samples. Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies implied on the possible cation distribution between the tetrahedral and octahedral sites and formation of the partially inversed spinel. The study of the magnetic properties showed that hysteresis loops do not saturate even in the presence of high magnetic fields, which confirmed the superparamagnetic and single domain nature of the samples. These observations imply that, besides the particle size, doping (e.g. yttrium and indium) causes significant structural rearrangements which in turn induce changes in magnetic behavior of the investigated nanoparticulate systems.</p>
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ESR and Magnetization Studies of Transition Metal Molecular CompoundsAliabadi, Azar 13 January 2016 (has links)
Molecule-based magnets (molecular magnets) have attracted much interest in recent decades both from an experimental and from a theoretical point of view, not only because of their interesting physical effects, but also because of their potential applications: e.g., molecular spintronics, quantum computing, high density information storage, and nanomedicine. Molecular magnets are at the very bottom of the possible size of nanomagnets. On reducing the size of objects down to the nanoscale, the coexistence of classical properties and quantum properties in these systems may be observed. In additional, molecular magnets exist with structural variability and permit selective substitution of the ligands in order to alter their magnetic properties. Therefore, these characteristics make such molecules suitable candidates for studying molecular magnetism. They can be used as model systems for a detailed understanding of interplay between structural and magnetic properties of them in order to optimize desired magnetic properties.
This thesis considers the investigation of magnetic properties of several new transition metal molecular compounds via different experimental techniques (continuous wave electron spin resonance (CW ESR), pulse ESR, high-field/high-frequency ESR (HF-ESR) and static magnetization techniques).
The first studied compounds were mono- and trinuclear Cu(II)-(oxamato, oxamidato)/bis(oxamidato) type compounds. First, all components of the g-tensor and the tensors of onsite ACu and transferred AN HF interactions of mononuclear Cu(II)- bis(oxamidato) compounds have been determined from CW ESR measurements at 10 GHz and at room temperature and pulse ELDOR detected NMR measurements at 35 GHz and at 20 K. The spin density distributions of the mononuclear compounds have been calculated from the experimentally obtained HF tensors. The magnetic exchange constants J of their corresponding trinuclear compounds were determined from susceptibility measurements versus temperature. Our discussion of the spin density distribution of the mononuclear compounds together with the results of the magnetic characterization of their corresponding trinuclear compounds show that the spin population of the mononuclear compounds is in interplay with the J values of their corresponding trinuclear compounds.
The second studied compounds were polynuclear Cu(II)-(bis)oxamato compounds with ferrocene and ferrocenium ligands. The magnetic properties of these compounds were studied by susceptibility measurements versus temperature to determine J values. In addition, the ESR technique is used to investigate the magnetic properties of the studied compounds because they contain two different magnetic ions and because only the ESR technique can selectively excite different electron spin species. These studies together with geometries of the ferrocenium ligands determined by crystallographic studies indicate that the magnetic interaction between a central Cu(II) and a Fe(III) ions changed from the antiferromagnetic coupling to the ferromagnetic coupling when a stronger distortion of the axial symmetry in the feroccenium cation exists. Therefore, the degree of the distortion of the feroccenium cation is a control parameter for the sign of the interaction between the central Cu(II) ion and the Fe(III) spins of the studied compounds.
The last two studied molecular magnets were a binuclear Ni(II) compound (Ni(II)-dimer) and a cube-like tetranuclear compound with a [Fe4O4]-cube core (Fe4-cube). HF-ESR measurements enabled us to determine the g-factor, the sign, and the absolute value of the magnetic anisotropy parameters. Using this information together with static magnetization measurements, the J value and the magnetic ground state of the studied compounds have been determined. In Ni(II)-dimer, two Ni(II) ions, each having a spin S = 1, are coupled antiferromagnetically that leads to a ground state with total spin Stot = 0. An easy plane magnetic anisotropy with a preferable direction for each Ni(II) ion is found. For Fe4-cube, a ground state with total spin Stot = 8 has been determined. The analysis of the frequency dependence and temperature dependence of HF-ESR lines reveals an easy axis magnetic anisotropy (Dcube = -22 GHz (-1 K)) corresponding to an energy barrier of U = 64 K for the thermal relaxation of the magnetization. These results indicate that Fe4-cube is favorable to show single molecular magnet (SMM) behavior.
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Preparation and characterization of Manganese doped iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles coated pine cone powder and its applications in water treatmentOuma, Immaculate Linda Achiengꞌ 03 1900 (has links)
D. Tech (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Trivalent arsenic (As(III)) and hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) toxicity have necessitated a great deal of research into the remediation of contaminated water. The techniques applied including oxidation, coagulation-flocculation and ion exchange have suffered drawbacks due to the high cost of materials and equipment, complex operations and secondary pollution among others. Adsorption, however, remains a cost-effective solution in the remediation of contaminated water. The use of biosorbent materials further lowers the cost of the adsorption process and improves its eco-friendliness. These biomaterials, however, suffer some drawbacks as poor porosity, low adsorption capacities and mechanical strength thus require modifications to improve their applicability as biosorbents. In this work pine cone powder, a waste from pine trees, was used as a biosorbent for the removal of As(III) and Cr(VI) from water. The powder was pre-treated with Fenton’s reagent to oxidize some of the functional groups and provide more binding sites. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (magnetite) were incorporated into the pine cone matrix to form a magnetic composite with higher heavy metal affinity. The magnetite nanoparticles were also doped with manganese to improve their redox capacities and aid in the oxidation of the toxic As(III) to the less toxic As(V) and allow for improved binding. The adsorbents used in the study were therefore named as Fenton’s treated pine cone powder (FTP), pine cone -magnetite composite (FTP-MNP), magnetite nanoparticles (MNP), manganese doped magnetite nanoparticles (Mn MNP) and manganese doped pine cone-magnetite composite (Mn FTP-MNP).
The prepared materials were fully characterized, and the adsorption process was optimized for both As(III) and Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution. After modification the surface area of the particles increased in the order Mn MNP>MNP>Mn FTP-MNP>FTP-MNP>FTP. Surface and Xray analysis confirmed the formation of magnetite by the presence of both ferric and ferrous ion states on the surface and characteristic diffraction peaks for magnetite. The adsorption data was fitted into isotherm and kinetic models and the nature of adsorption was determined from the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. Equilibrium studies indicated that the adsorption followed Langmuir isotherm for all adsorbents and was thus monolayer in nature, further analysis indicated that chemisorption was the predominant type of adsorption with ion exchange being the predominant mechanism of adsorption. Spent adsorbents were tested for reusability and displayed excellent adsorption capacities when used for up to three times. Adsorption mechanism was evaluated using characterization techniques and the ion-exchange mechanism inferred from thermodynamic data was confirmed spectroscopically with redox reactions aiding in the removal of the pollutants from water. The introduction of competing anions in solution, lowered the adsorption efficiency of both arsenic and chromium on the adsorbent indicating that there was competition for adsorption sites.
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Vergleich magnetischer Eigenschaften herkömmlicher und mittels 3D-Multimaterialdruck hergestellter WerkstoffeTrnka, Nikolaus, Rudolph, Johannes, Werner, Ralf 28 February 2020 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag werden die magnetischen Eigenschaften von ferromagnetischen Proben, welche mittels des neuen 3D-Multimaterialdruckverfahrens (3DMMD) hergestellt wurden, mit herkömmlichen Magnetkreismaterialien verglichen. Dazu wird zunächst die Technologie des Druckverfahrens sowie das Messprinzip und der Versuchsstand beschrieben. Im Weiteren wird ein Überblick über die Materialentwicklung gegeben und die Messergebnisse diskutiert. Es folgt die Betrachtung relevanter Einflüsse bei der Herstellung von Magnetkreisen sowie der Vergleich der Messergebnisse verschiedener Materialien. / In this paper, the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic samples produced using the new 3D multi-material printing process (3DMMD) are compared with conventional magnetic circuit materials. First the technology of the printing process as well as the measuring principle and the test bench are described. Furthermore, an overview of the material development is given and the measurement results are discussed. This is followed by the consideration of relevant influences in the production of magnetic circuits and the comparison of the measurement results of different materials.
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Optical and magnetic properties of rare earth Doped α-Fe2O3 for future bio-imaging applicationsMathevula, Langutani Eulenda 04 1900 (has links)
Imaging techniques have been developed for decades for the detection of biomolecules in
biomedicine cells, in vitro or in living cells and organisms. The application however, often
constrained by the available probes, whose optical properties may limit the imaging possibilities.
It is very essential to improve the sensitivity of these devices by enhancing efficiency to detection.
Recently, Fe3O4 has been used primarily in cancer theranostic application such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). However, its toxicity towards normal cells has been pointed out by
scientific communities, when they are involved in in vitro (helics) cancer treatment. In this work,
we have chosen to use α-Fe2O3, because it has proven to be less toxic than Fe3O4. Hematite is
antiferromagnetic (AFM) at room temperature with a small canted moment lying within the crystal
symmetry plane. At low temperature, hematite undergoes a magnetic phase transition from weak
ferromagnetic (WFM) to a pure antiferromagnetic configuration (AF), which is known as the
Morin transition. This magnetic property makes it possible for hematite to be applied in imaging
technique. To enhance the optical properties, the α-Fe2O3 is doped with lanthanide ions due to their
unique optical properties. Incorporation of these rare earth ions, enable the α-Fe2O3 to have
enhance luminescence properties.
Imaging techniques have been developed for decades for the detection of biomolecules in
biomedicine cells, in vitro or in living cells and organisms. The application however, often
constrained by the available probes, whose optical properties may limit the imaging possibilities.
It is very essential to improve the sensitivity of these devices by enhancing efficiency to detection.
Recently, Fe3O4 has been used primarily in cancer theranostic application such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). However, its toxicity towards normal cells has been pointed out by
scientific communities, when they are involved in in vitro (helics) cancer treatment. In this work,
we have chosen to use α-Fe2O3, because it has proven to be less toxic than Fe3O4. Hematite is
antiferromagnetic (AFM) at room temperature with a small canted moment lying within the crystal
symmetry plane. At low temperature, hematite undergoes a magnetic phase transition from weak
ferromagnetic (WFM) to a pure antiferromagnetic configuration (AF), which is known as the
Morin transition. This magnetic property makes it possible for hematite to be applied in imaging
technique. To enhance the optical properties, the α-Fe2O3 is doped with lanthanide ions due to their
unique optical properties. Incorporation of these rare earth ions, enable the α-Fe2O3 to have
enhance luminescence properties.
These lanthanide-doped nanoparticles (UCNPs) undergoes up-conversion process which have
remarkable ability to combine two or more low energy photons to generate a singly high energy
photon by an anti-stokes process and hold great promise for bio-imaging. These nanoparticles
exhibit excellent photostability, continuous emission capability and sharp multi-peak line
emission. With near infrared excitation, light scattering by biological tissues is substantially
reduced. α-Fe2O3 have been singly and co-doped with Holmium, Thulium, and Ytterbium by both
sol-gel and microwave methods. The doping of these lanthanides have shown improved
luminescent properties of α-Fe2O3. The up-conversion has been observed from co-doping Thulium
and Ytterbium. This work is a proof of concept to show the up-conversion in α-Fe2O3. However,
the up-conversion intensity is low about 200000 CPS maximum observed, this could be due to the
nature of the host structure quenching the luminescence. There is rather, a need to increase the
intensity for the maximum application to be achieved. / Physics
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Synthese und magnetische Eigenschaften von Dysprosium-Nitrid-ClusterfullerenenSchlesier, Christin 16 January 2019 (has links)
Der Fokus dieser Dissertation liegt auf den gemischt-metallischen Dysprosium-Nitrid-Clusterfullerenen. Durch die Inklusion von bis zu drei Lanthanoiden mit unvollständig gefüllten 4f-Orbitalen weisen diese Clusterfullerene eine Vielzahl interessanter magnetischer Eigenschaften auf. Die magnetische Charakterisierung der Nitrid-Clusterfullerene DyxSc3-xN@C80-Ih (x = 1 - 3) zeigte bereits 2014 den Einfluss der Stöchiometrie auf das magnetische Verhalten und stufte diese Verbindungen als Einzelmolekülmagnete ein.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Zusammenspiel zwischen den strukturellen Eigenschaften und dem magnetischen Verhalten der Clusterfullerene untersucht. Der Fokus lag auf der Synthese und der magnetischen Charakterisierung von Clusterfullerenen mit unterschiedlicher Kohlenstoffkäfiggröße bzw. -isomerie, unterschiedlicher Clusterzusammensetzung bzw. Cluster-bildender Metalle und dem Einfluss des nichtmetallischen Zentralatoms des Clusters.
Die Dysprosium-Nitrid-Clusterfullerene wurden über ein modifiziertes Krätschmer-Huffman-Verfahren und unter Verwendung der trimetallischen Nitridtemplatmethode synthetisiert und anschließend mittels HPLC fraktioniert und massenspektrometrisch analysiert.
Die magnetische Charakterisierung der Clusterfullerene gelang mittels DC-SQUID-Magnetometrie. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersuchten Fullerene konnten als Einzelmolekülmagnete identifiziert werden.
Das magnetische Verhalten der Nitrid-Clusterfullerene wird hauptsächlich durch den Cluster M3N und weniger durch den diamagnetischen Kohlenstoffkäfig bestimmt. Jedoch wurde für DySc2N@C80-D5h und Dy2ScN@C80-D5h eine verringerte Lebensdauer der Magnetisierung im Vergleich zu ihren Analoga mit Ih-Kohlenstoffkäfigsymmetrie beobachtet. Stärkeren Einfluss hat die Kohlenstoffkäfiggröße. Für DySc2N@C68, Dy2ScN@C84 und Dy2ScN@C88 wurde eine deutliche Abnahme der Remanenz, der Blocktemperaturen und der Relaxationzeiten festgestellt. Als Ursache werden die veränderten Dy-N-Bindungslängen diskutiert.
Die Clusterfullerene Dy2MN@C80-Ih und DyM2N@C80-Ih (M = Gd, Er, Lu) enthalten neben Dysprosium ein weiteres Lanthanoid im Cluster. Das zweite Lanthanoid M ruft eine erhebliche Änderungen der magnetischen Eigenschaften hervor. Die paramagnetischen Metalle Gd und Er wirken sich stark negativ auf die magnetische Remanenz aus.
Für Dy2LuN@C80-Ih und DyLu2N@C80-Ih wurde ein ähnliches magnetisches Verhalten wie für DyxSc3-xN@C80-Ih (x = 1, 2) verzeichnet. Durch die Verdünnung des Fullerens DyLu2N@C80-Ih mit der diamagnetischen Verbindung Lu3N@C80-Ih wurde zusätzlich eine Erhöhung der Hysterese der Magnetisierung im untersuchten Temperaturbereich registriert.
Der Einfluss der nichtmetallischen Clusterspezies auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften wurde anhand der Carbid-Clusterfullerene Dy2TiC@C80-Ih, -D5h und Dy2TiC2@C80-Ih untersucht. Obwohl die Fullerene Dy2TiC@C80-Ih bzw. -D5h sich nur durch die isoelektronische Ti-C-Clustereinheit von den Nitrid-Clusterfullerenen unterscheiden, ist deren Remanenz nur halb so groß. Ein weiteres Kohlenstoffatom im Cluster, wie in Dy2TiC2@C80-Ih, ruft eine weitere Abnahme der Hysterese der Magnetisierung hervor. Die veränderte Bindungssituation der Carbid-Cluster wird als Ursache für das beobachtete magnetische Verhalten herangezogen.
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<p>In this dissertation, we present work on developing superconducting circuits intended to advance the implementation of Asynchronous Ballistic Reversible Computation using Fluxon Logic. In the first Chapter we introduce the need for developing reversible computing, and discuss implementing asynchronous reversible computing using fluxons in superconducting circuits. In Chapter 2, we introduce basic superconductivity physics, including the Josephson effects, which is necessary to know for understanding the behavior of Josephson junction transmission lines. In Chapter 3, we introduce tools to physically understand the behavior of topologically protected solitons, 'fluxons', in Josephson junction transmission lines. Finally, in Chapter 4, we briefly discuss the history of fluxon-based computation devices and present current state of the art design of such reversible computation devices, including the fluxon Rotary gate that we have developed. Taken together, these represent advances in the direction of implementing asynchronous reversible computing in practice.</p>
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