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Grassmann variables and pseudoclassical Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceDamion, Robin A. 24 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The concept of a propagator is useful and is a well-known object in diffusion NMR experiments. Here, we investigate the related concept; the propagator for the magnetization or the Green’s function of the Torrey-Bloch equations. The magnetization propagator is constructed by defining functions such as the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian and using these to define a path integral. It is shown that the equations of motion derived from the Lagrangian produce complex-valued trajectories (classical paths) and it is conjectured that the end-points of these trajectories are real-valued. The complex nature of the trajectories also suggests that the spin degrees of freedom are also encoded into the trajectories and this idea is explored by explicitly modeling the spin or precessing magnetization by anticommuting Grassmann variables. A pseudoclassical Lagrangian is constructed by combining the diffusive (bosonic) Lagrangian with the Grassmann (fermionic) Lagrangian, and performing the path integral over the Grassmann variables recovers the original Lagrangian that was used in the construction of the propagator for the magnetization. The trajectories of the pseudoclassical model also provide some insight into the nature of the end-points.
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Current and field induced magnetization reversal in Pt/Co/Pt and (Ga, Mn)(As, P) ferromagnetic films / Retournement de l’aimantation par courant et champ magnétique dans les films ferromagnétiques de Pt/Co/Pt et (Ga,Mn)(As,P)Gorchon, Jon 07 July 2014 (has links)
La manipulation de l’état magnétique d’un système ferromagnétique présente un grand intérêt en raison de possibles applications technologiques. Comprendre les mécanismes fondamentaux qui contrôlent l’aimantation est donc particulièrement important. La compréhension de certains mécanismes peut également avoir un impact dans d’autres domaines de la physique. C’est le cas par exemple de la dynamique de déplacement de parois de domaines sous champ magnétique dans le régime de reptation (creep) qui peut être assimilé à celui d’une interface élastique et qui présente un caractère universel. Cette thèse présente tout d’abord, à travers un travail expérimental sur des couches ultra-minces de Pt/Co/Pt, une description complète de la dynamique de déplacement de parois de domaines sous champ magnétique. Une analyse auto-cohérente permet d’extraire tous les paramètres de contrôle, des exposants universels sont confirmés et un nouveau régime dynamique (le TAFF) est identifié. Une deuxième étude porte sur le déplacement de parois sous courant électrique en géométrie étendue dans un film de (Ga,Mn)(As,P). Cette étude met en évidence des instabilités de forme des parois de domaines soumises à un gradient de courant électrique. Les limites de stabilités sont analytiquement prédites et présentent un bon accord avec les expériences. Un troisième travail porte sur le renversement de l’aimantation à l’interface entre un film de (Ga,Mn)(As,P) et une électrode non ferromagnétique. Un renversement stochastique de l’aimantation sous courant continu est mis en évidence. Son origine réside dans l’accumulation de spin à l’interface qui diminue fortement l’aimantation locale. Un modèle simplifié permet de décrire la probabilité de retournement de l’aimantation et d’extraire les temps caractéristiques associés. / Effectively manipulating the magnetic state of a ferromagnet has a great interest for possible technological applications. Understanding the underlying fundamental mechanisms is thus particularly important. In some cases, the understanding of some mechanisms may even importantly impact other areas of physics. This is the case for example with field induced magnetic domain walls motion in the creep regime, where the wall can be assimilated to an elastic interface and follows an universal behavior. This thesis presents through an experimental work on Pt/Co/Pt ultra-thin samples, a complete description of the temperature and field dependent domain wall dynamics. A self-consistent analysis allows the extraction of all control parameters, identifying the new Thermally Activated Flux Flow regime, and confirming universal thermal scaling exponents. A second study focuses on current induced domain wall motion in an extended geometry of a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) ferromagnetic film. This study unveils domain wall shape instabilities under a gradient of current. The instability limits are analytically predicted in agreement with the experimental observations. A third work concerns the magnetization reversal mechanism evidenced at the interface between a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) film and a non-ferromagnetic electrode under a current flow. The reversal is shown to be stochastic and mainly governed by the spin accumulation at the interface, which reduces importantly the local magnetization. A simplified model allows the description of the reversal probability and the time scales involved in the mechanism of reversal are accessed and discussed.
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Calor específico do modelo de Anderson de uma impureza por grupo de renormalização numérico / Numerical Renormalization-group Computation of Specific Heats.Costa, Sandra Cristina 24 March 1995 (has links)
Neste trabalho, calculam-se o calor específico e a entropia do Modelo de Anderson simétrico de uma impureza usando o Grupo de Renormalização Numérico (GRN). O método é baseado na discretização logarítmica da banda de condução do metal hospedeiro a qual a impureza está acoplada. Porém, esta discretização introduz oscilações nas propriedades termodinâmicas. Esta inconveniência, inerente ao método, é contornável para a suscetibilidade magnética, mas é crítica para o calor específico, restringindo o alcance do GRN. Para sobrepor essa dificuldade, é usado o novo procedimento denominado intercalado que foi desenvolvido para o cálculo da suscetibilidade magnética de modelos de duas impurezas. Para reduzir as matrizes e o tempo computacional, é usado, também, o operador carga axial, recentemente definido no contexto do Modelo de Kondo de duas impurezas, e que é conservado pelo Hamiltoniano de Anderson simétrico. As curvas obtidas são comparadas com resultados exatos obtidos por ansatz de Bethe e pelo Modelo de Nível Ressonante. / The specific heat and the entropy of the one-impurity symmetric Anderson Model are calculated using the Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG). The heart of the method is the logarithmic discretization of the metal conduction band where the impurity is coupled. However, this discretization, inherent in the method, introduces oscillations in the thermodynamical properties. For the susceptibility it is not so critical but for the specific heat the usual calculation is prohibitive. To overcome this difficulty, we use the new procedure called interleaved that was developed to calculate the susceptibility of two-impurity models. In order to reduce the matrices and computation time, use is made of the axial charge operator recently defined in the two-impurity Kondo Model context and that is conserved by the symmetric Anderson Hamiltonian. The curves obtained are compared with exacts results of Bethe ansatz and Resonant Level Model.
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Estudo da convergência no método de elementos finitos aplicado a dispositivos eletromagnéticos não lineares. / Survey on the convergence of non-linear finite element method applied to electromagnetic devices in two-dimension.Rodrigues Filho, Bruno Amado 31 August 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho é estudada a convergência no método dos elementos finitos (MEF) quando da sua aplicação a dispositivos eletromagnéticos com características não lineares, ou seja, constituídos de materiais ferromagnéticos com curva de magnetização BxH que apresenta o fenômeno da saturação magnética. O método de Newton-Raphson é o método numérico utilizado para a resolução do sistema de equações não linear gerado. São abordadas versões desse método que utilizam fator de relaxação, bem como técnicas para a otimização desse fator, com o intuito de acelerar a sua convergência, mostrando sua efetividade. Aborda-se também a influência da escolha do modelo para a característica B(H) dos materiais ferromagnéticos, tanto em termos de desempenho computacional quanto de precisão. Duas classes de modelos para a curva vxB², bem como para sua derivada dv/dB², são analisados, quais sejam: modelos analíticos e modelos interpoladores. Dentre os modelos analíticos destacam-se os modelos de O\'Connor, Marrocco e de Brauer (exponencial). Os modelos interpoladores utilizados foram de Akima e Spline cúbica. Além do tratamento de materiais com características não lineares, também se realizou um breve estudo da aplicação de materiais do tipo ímã permanente e sua formulação pelo MEF. Outro aspecto avaliado foi a influência de diferentes métodos de resolução do sistema linear de equações algébricas na convergência do método de Newton-Raphson, como o ICCG, BiCGStab, decomposição LU e Wavelet-based Multigrid. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a potencialidade desta última técnica em termos de ganho de desempenho global da solução. / This work presents a study on the convergence of non-linear finite analysis applied to the modeling of electromagnetic devices with plane symmetry. Three aspects have been thoroughly investigated which have influence on the convergence performance, namely: the relaxation factor in the Newton-Raphson algorithm, the model of the magnetization curve and the choice of the linear solver. It is shown that convergence acceleration of the Newton-Raphson algorithm can be achieved with the use of a relaxation factor, along with numerical techniques for optimizing this factor, such as Line Search or the Brent method. Several models for the magnetization curve, both analytical (O\'Connor, Marrocco, Brauer) and interpolation-based (Akima and Cubic Splines), have been analised and comparisons in terms of their computational efficiency, as well as accuracy, are presented in order to give some guidance to the choice of the model. The influence of several linear solvers in the convergence of the Newton-Raphson algorithm has finally been investigated. The following linear solvers have been compared: LU decomposition , ICCG, BiCGStab and Wavelet-based Multigrid. The results show the superiority of the latter to improve the overall computational performance of the solution.
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Síntese e caracterização de nanomateriais superparamagnéticos do tipo core-shell para aplicação em catálise e biomedicina / Synthesis and characterization of core-shell superparamagnetic nanomaterials for biomedical and catalytic applicationsBeck Júnior, Watson 31 March 2016 (has links)
As diversas aplicações tecnológicas de nanopartículas magnéticas (NPM) vêm intensificando o interesse por materiais com propriedades magnéticas diferenciadas, como magnetização de saturação (MS) intensificada e comportamento superparamagnético. Embora MNP metálicas de Fe, Co e bimetálicas de FeCo e FePt possuam altos valores de MS, sua baixa estabilidade química dificulta aplicações em escala nanométrica. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe, Co, FeCo e FePt com alta estabilidade química e rigoroso controle morfológico. NPM de óxido metálicos (Fe e Co) também foram obtidas. Dois métodos de síntese foram empregados. Usando método baseado em sistemas nanoheterogêneos (sistemas micelares ou de microemulsão inversa), foram sintetizadas NPM de Fe3O4 e Co metálico. Foram empregados surfactantes cátion-substituídos: dodecil sulfato de ferro(III) (FeDS) e dodecil sulfato de cobalto(II) (CoDS). Para a síntese das NPM, foram estudados e determinados a concentração micelar crítica do FeDS em 1-octanol (cmc = 0,90 mmol L-1) e o diagrama de fases pseudoternário para o sistema n-heptano/CoDS/n-butanol/H2O. NPM esferoidais de magnetita com3,4 nm de diâmetro e comportamento quase-paramagnético foram obtidas usando sistemas micelares de FeDS em 1-octanol. Já as NPM de Co obtidas via microemulsão inversa, apesar da larga distribuição de tamanho e baixa MS, são quimicamente estáveis e superparamagnéticas. O segundo método é baseado na decomposição térmica de complexos metálicos, pelo qual foram preparadas NPM esféricas de FePt e de óxidos metálicos (Fe3O4, FeXO1-X, (Co,Fe)XO1-X e CoFe2O4) com morfologia controlada e estabilidade química. O método não mostrou a mesma efetividade na síntese de NPM de FeAg e FeCo: a liga FeAg não foi obtida enquanto que NPM de FeCo com estabilidade química foram obtidas sem controle morfológico. NPM de Fe e FeCo foram preparadas a partir da redução térmica de NPM de Fe3O4 e CoFe2O4, as quais foram previamente recobertas com sílica. A sílica previne a sinterização inter-partículas, além de proporcionar caráter hidrofílico e biocompatibilidade ao material. As amostras reduzidas apresentaram aumento dos valores de MS (entre 21,3 e 163,9%), o qual é diretamente proporcional às dimensões das NPM. O recobrimento com sílica foi realizado via hidrólise de tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS) em sistema de microemulsão inversa. A espessura da camada de sílica foi controlada variando-se o tempo de reação e as concentrações de TEOS e de NPM, sendo então proposto um mecanismo do processo de recobrimento. Algumas amostras receberam um recobrimento adicional de TiO2 na fase anatase, para o qual foi empregado etilenoglicol como solvente e ligante para formação de glicolato de Ti como precursor. A espessura da camada de TiO2 (2-12 nm) é controlada variando as quantidades relativas entre NPM e o precursor de Ti. Ensaios de hipertermia magnética foram realizados para as amostras recobertas com sílica. Ensaios de hipertermia magnéticas mostram grande aumento da taxa de aquecimento das amostras após a redução térmica, mesmo para dispersões diluídas de NPM (0,6 a 4,5 mg mL-1). Taxas de aquecimento entre 0,3 e 3,0oC min-1 e SAR entre 37,2 e 96,3 W g-1. foram obtidos. A atividade fotocatalítica das amostras recobertas foram próximas à da fase anatase pura, com a vantagem de possuir um núcleo magnético que permite a recuperação do catalisador pela simples aplicação de campos magnéticos externos. Os resultados preliminares dos ensaios de hipertermia magnética e fotocatálise indicam um forte potencial dos materiais aqui relatados para aplicações em biomedicina e em fotocatálise. / The most diverse technological applications of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) have intensifiedthe interest for materials with different magnetic properties such as enhanced saturationmagnetization (MS) and superparamagnetic behavior. Despite the high MS values of metalparticles of Fe, Co, FeCo and FePt, their low chemical stability hinders most applications at thenanoscale. This thesis reports the synthesis of metallic Fe and Co and bimetallic FeCo and FePtMNP with high chemical stability and strict morphological control. MNP of iron oxide and mixediron-cobalt oxide were also synthesized. Two methods were employed. The first method, basedon nanoheterogeneous systems (micellar or reverse microemulsion systems), was used toprepare magnetite and metallic Co NPM. The method applies cation-substituted surfactants:iron(III) dodecyl sulfate iron (FeDS) and cobalt(II) dodecyl sulfate (CoDS). Before the MNPsyntheses, it were studied e determined the critical micelle concentration of FeDS in 1-octanol(cmc = 0.90 mmol L-1) and the pseudo-ternary phase diagram of n-heptane/CoDS/nbutanol/H2O. Spheroidal MNP of magnetite with 3.4 nm in diameter and quasi-paramagneticbehavior were prepared in octanolic FeDS micellar systems. Despite their broad sizedistribution and low MS, metallic Co MNP were produced in reverse microemulsions withchemical stability and superparamagnetic behavior. The second synthesis method, based onthermal decomposition of metal complexes, was employed to prepare spherical FePt and metaloxides (Fe3O4, FeXO1-X, (Co, Fe)XO1-X and CoFe2O4) MNP. Strict morphological control and highchemical stability were reached. Such method does not show the same effectiveness tosynthesize FeAg and FeCo MNP: the FeAg bimetallic alloy was not obtained while FeCo MNPwith chemical stability and compositional control were prepared with no morphological control.Fe and FeCo MNP were produced by thermal reduction of silica-coated Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 MPN. The coating, beyond to prevent inter-particle sintering, provides biocompatibility andhydrophilic character. The reduced samples showed a significant increase in MS values(between 21.3 and 163.9%), which is directly proportional to MNP size. The silica coating wasaccomplished by tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) hydrolysis in reverse microemulsions. Thethickness of the silica layer is controlled by varying the reaction time and concentration of TEOSand NPM. The observations during coating process allowed to propose its probable mechanism.An additional coating of TiO2 (anatase phase) was performed onto silica layer for somesamples. Anatase coating was achieved by using ethylene glycol as both solvent and ligand toproduce an intermediate complex Ti precursor. The variation of the relative amounts of NPMand the Ti precursor allows to control the thickness of the anatase layer between 2 and 12 nm. Assays of magnetic hyperthermia were performed for silica-coated samples. The heating rate of the reduced samples increases after thermal reduction, even for dilute MNP dispersions (0.6 to4.5 mg mL-1). Heating rates between 0.3 and 3.0o C min-1 and SAR in the range of 37.2 96.3 Wg-1 were obtained. The photocatalytic activities of pure anatase particles and TiO2 -coated MNPwere close, but the magnetic samples has the advantage of being recovered from reactionmedia by applying the external magnetic fields. The preliminary results of magnetichyperthermia and photocatalysis assays indicate such materials have strong potential forapplications in biomedicine and photocatalysis.
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Estudo da convergência no método de elementos finitos aplicado a dispositivos eletromagnéticos não lineares. / Survey on the convergence of non-linear finite element method applied to electromagnetic devices in two-dimension.Bruno Amado Rodrigues Filho 31 August 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho é estudada a convergência no método dos elementos finitos (MEF) quando da sua aplicação a dispositivos eletromagnéticos com características não lineares, ou seja, constituídos de materiais ferromagnéticos com curva de magnetização BxH que apresenta o fenômeno da saturação magnética. O método de Newton-Raphson é o método numérico utilizado para a resolução do sistema de equações não linear gerado. São abordadas versões desse método que utilizam fator de relaxação, bem como técnicas para a otimização desse fator, com o intuito de acelerar a sua convergência, mostrando sua efetividade. Aborda-se também a influência da escolha do modelo para a característica B(H) dos materiais ferromagnéticos, tanto em termos de desempenho computacional quanto de precisão. Duas classes de modelos para a curva vxB², bem como para sua derivada dv/dB², são analisados, quais sejam: modelos analíticos e modelos interpoladores. Dentre os modelos analíticos destacam-se os modelos de O\'Connor, Marrocco e de Brauer (exponencial). Os modelos interpoladores utilizados foram de Akima e Spline cúbica. Além do tratamento de materiais com características não lineares, também se realizou um breve estudo da aplicação de materiais do tipo ímã permanente e sua formulação pelo MEF. Outro aspecto avaliado foi a influência de diferentes métodos de resolução do sistema linear de equações algébricas na convergência do método de Newton-Raphson, como o ICCG, BiCGStab, decomposição LU e Wavelet-based Multigrid. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a potencialidade desta última técnica em termos de ganho de desempenho global da solução. / This work presents a study on the convergence of non-linear finite analysis applied to the modeling of electromagnetic devices with plane symmetry. Three aspects have been thoroughly investigated which have influence on the convergence performance, namely: the relaxation factor in the Newton-Raphson algorithm, the model of the magnetization curve and the choice of the linear solver. It is shown that convergence acceleration of the Newton-Raphson algorithm can be achieved with the use of a relaxation factor, along with numerical techniques for optimizing this factor, such as Line Search or the Brent method. Several models for the magnetization curve, both analytical (O\'Connor, Marrocco, Brauer) and interpolation-based (Akima and Cubic Splines), have been analised and comparisons in terms of their computational efficiency, as well as accuracy, are presented in order to give some guidance to the choice of the model. The influence of several linear solvers in the convergence of the Newton-Raphson algorithm has finally been investigated. The following linear solvers have been compared: LU decomposition , ICCG, BiCGStab and Wavelet-based Multigrid. The results show the superiority of the latter to improve the overall computational performance of the solution.
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Magnetization Dynamics in Coupled Thin Film SystemsAdams, Daniel J. 23 May 2019 (has links)
A study is presented detailing experimental investigations of magnetization dynamics in nanostructured systems which are coupled magnetically. This work seeks to characterize the anisotropy of such systems through experimental techniques which probe microwave resonant absorption in the materials.
A custom-built experimental setup, designed and assembled in our labs, is explained in detail. This setup allows for angular-dependent ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements in the sample plane through vector network analyzer spectroscopy and is adaptable to two different types of coplanar waveguides. This technique has proven effective for characterization of multiple types of magnetic systems, including multilayered structures as detailed here, with different types of anisotropies while allowing us to draw analogies with more common characterization techniques. The angular FMR setup has been used to study coupled systems, such as those coupled through the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction as well as exchange-biased structures. These types of coupled systems have technological impacts and are highly applied in the components of magnetoresistive random access memory. Using this new characterization technique, properties of synthetic antiferromagnets have been revealed which had not been observed before.
In addition to these experiments, magnetic susceptibility and FMR in exchange biased systems have been investigated at temperatures as low as 2 K. This investigation used a new FMR spectrometer and was one of the first studies to use this instrument.
For the first time a new method of identifying several types of coupling which can be present in layered nanostructures is presented and supported through comparison with known techniques, thus connecting a new characterization technique for layered structures with decades-old procedures. Many results within this work are also supported theoretically with computer simulations.
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鈷/鉑垂直磁化多層膜中結構對磁耦合及電性的影響 / Influence of structure on magnetic coupling and electric properties in cobalt/platinum multilayer with spontaneously perpendicular-magnetization曾嘉裕, Tseng, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在研究多層膜之垂直異向性結構組成及其介面特質,本實驗多層膜選取的材料為鐵磁性的鈷(Co)以及貴重金屬的鉑(Pt),並利用濺鍍(Sputtering)系統來製作(鈷/鉑)多層膜樣品,最初的實驗為尋找(鈷/鉑)多層膜結構組成最佳垂直易性發生之條件,所以分別變化鐵磁層鈷之厚度、一般金屬層鉑之厚度、(鈷/鉑)雙層層數及緩衝buffer layer層鉑之厚度,並利用震動樣品磁度儀(VSM)及超導量子干涉儀(SQUIDE)分別量測垂直及平行磁場方向之磁化強度M對磁場field H的關係,再由M-H圖進行判別其垂直異向性的程度。
在最初的實驗部分可了解如何得到最佳(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜之結構,並從中可得不同緩衝層鉑之厚度、(鈷/鉑)雙層層數及雙層內鉑之厚度的矯頑場有一趨勢存在,於第二部分的實驗即利用這些矯頑場之趨勢來製作一系列產生巨磁效應之三層膜結構,其中的鐵磁層由(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜取代,並對此結構做一系列量測,利用震動樣品磁度儀(VSM)量測其磁化強度對磁場的關係、利用LR700系統及物理低溫量測系統(PPMS)量測其異常Hall effect霍爾效應(EHE)現象和電阻對磁場的關係,再將這一系列的量測結果分析其中被一般金屬層鉑所隔開的上下(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜之間耦合程度。 / The topic of this thesis is about the property of the interface and structure in the multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. The materials of this multilayers are ferromagnetic cobalt and platinum. We use sputtering system to fabricate cobalt/platinum multilayer with various thicknesses. The initial experiment is to search for the optimum condition that develop cobalt/platinum multilayer with perpendicular anisotropy. Then, the influenceof the buffer layer of platinum is studied. We use Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer to measure the magnetization vs. magnetic field relation by applied magnetic fields in both out of plane and in plane directions to distinguishe the degree of perpendicular anisotropy from the M-H figures.
From the initial experiments we can understand how to get the optimum structure of cobalt/platinum perpendicular anisotrpy multilayer. There is a tendency exists in the coercivity depending on different thicknesses of the ferromagnetic layer cobalt, the normal noble platinum, the number of bilayers of cobalt/platinum, and the buffer layer of platinum. In the second part of this experiment we used the difference of coercivities to fabricate a series of trilayers structures that produce giant magnetoresistance effect. The individual ferromagnetic layer was cobalt/platinum perpendicular anisotropy multilayer. The structures was measured by VSM to study magnetization vs. field relation. A LR700 resistance bridge and a physical properties measurement system (PPMS) were used to measure the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) and resistant vs. field relation.
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Element-resolved ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic alloys and multilayersEschenlohr, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The microscopic origin of ultrafast demagnetization, i.e. the quenching of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic metal on a sub-picosecond timescale after laser excitation, is still only incompletely understood, despite a large body of experimental and theoretical work performed since the discovery of the effect more than 15 years ago. Time- and element-resolved x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements can provide insight into the microscopic processes behind ultrafast demagnetization as well as its dependence on materials properties.
Using the BESSY II Femtoslicing facility, a storage ring based source of 100 fs short soft x-ray pulses, ultrafast magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic NiFe and GdTb alloys as well as a Au/Ni layered structure were investigated in laser pump – x-ray probe experiments.
After laser excitation, the constituents of Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20 exhibit distinctly different time constants of demagnetization, leading to decoupled dynamics, despite the strong exchange interaction that couples the Ni and Fe sublattices under equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, the time constants of demagnetization for Ni and Fe are different in Ni50Fe50 and Ni80Fe20, and also different from the values for the respective pure elements. These variations are explained by taking the magnetic moments of the Ni and Fe sublattices, which are changed from the pure element values due to alloying, as well as the strength of the intersublattice exchange interaction into account.
GdTb exhibits demagnetization in two steps, typical for rare earths. The time constant of the second, slower magnetization decay was previously linked to the strength of spin-lattice coupling in pure Gd and Tb, with the stronger, direct spin-lattice coupling in Tb leading to a faster demagnetization. In GdTb, the demagnetization of Gd follows Tb on all timescales. This is due to the opening of an additional channel for the dissipation of spin angular momentum to the lattice, since Gd magnetic moments in the alloy are coupled via indirect exchange interaction to neighboring Tb magnetic moments, which are in turn strongly coupled to the lattice.
Time-resolved measurements of the ultrafast demagnetization of a Ni layer buried under a Au cap layer, thick enough to absorb nearly all of the incident pump laser light, showed a somewhat slower but still sub-picosecond demagnetization of the buried Ni layer in Au/Ni compared to a Ni reference sample. Supported by simulations, I conclude that demagnetization can thus be induced by transport of hot electrons excited in the Au layer into the Ni layer, without the need for direct interaction between photons and spins. / Der mikroskopische Ursprung der ultraschnellen Entmagnetisierung, d.h. des Rückgangs der Magnetisierung eines ferromagnetischen Metalls innerhalb einer Pikosekunde nach Laseranregung, ist bisher nur unvollständig verstanden, trotz umfangreicher experimenteller und theoretischer Arbeiten, die seit der Entdeckung des Effekts vor mehr als 15 Jahren durchgeführt wurden. Zeit- und elementaufgelöster Röntgenzirkulardichroismus kann Einblick in die mikroskopischen Prozesse hinter der ultraschnellen Entmagnetisierung sowie deren Materialabhängigkeit gewähren.
Am BESSY II Femtoslicing, einer speicherringbasierten Quelle für 100 fs kurze Röntgenpulse, wurde ultraschnelle Magnetisierungsdynamik von ferromagnetischen NiFe- und GdTb-Legierungen sowie einer Au/Ni-Schichtstruktur in Anregungs-Abfrage-Experimenten untersucht.
Nach Laseranregung zeigen die Konstituenten von Ni50Fe50 und Ni80Fe20 deutlich unterscheidbares Verhalten und damit entkoppelte Dynamik, trotz starker Austauschkopplung der Ni- und Fe-Untergitter im Gleichgewichtszustand. Weiterhin variieren die Werte der Zeitkonstanten der Entmagnetisierung von Ni und Fe für Ni50Fe50 und Ni80Fe20, und auch für die jeweiligen reinen Elemente. Diese Unterschiede werden durch die magnetischen Momente der Untergitter erklärt, die sich in den Legierungen gegenüber den reinen Elementen ändern, sowie durch die Stärke der Austauschkopplung zwischen den Untergittern.
GdTb zeigt Entmagnetisierung in zwei Stufen, was typisch für Seltene Erden ist. Die Zeitkonstante der langsameren zweiten Stufe wurde kürzlich mit der Stärke der Spin-Gitter-Kopplung in reinem Gd und Tb in Verbindung gebracht, wobei die stärkere, direkte Spin-Gitter-Kopplung in Tb zu schnellerer Entmagnetisierung führt. In GdTb folgt die Entmagnetisierung von Gd auf allen Zeitskalen der von Tb. Dies beruht auf einer verstärkten Kopplung der magnetischen Momente von Gd an das Gitter, über die indirekte Austauschkopplung an die Tb-Momente. Dadurch kann Spindrehimpuls schneller an das Gitter abfließen.
Zeitaufgelöste Messungen der Entmagnetisierung einer Ni-Schicht unter einer Au-Deckschicht, deren Dicke ausreichend ist um den anregenden Laserpuls praktisch vollständig zu absorbieren, zeigen eine leicht verzögerte aber trotzdem ultraschnelle Entmagnetisierung im Vergleich mit einer Ni-Referenzprobe. Unterstützt durch Simulationen zeigt sich, dass Entmagnetisierung durch den Transport heißer Elektronen von der Au-Deckschicht in die Ni-Schicht ausgelöst wird, ohne dass direkte Wechselwirkung zwischen Photonen und Spins notwendig ist.
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Magnetization Dynamics in Nano-Contact Spin Torque Oscillators : Solitonic bullets and propagating spin wavesBonetti, Stefano January 2010 (has links)
Magnetization dynamics in nano-contact spin torque oscillators (STOs) is investigated from an experimental and theoretical point of view. The fundamentals of magnetization dynamics due to spin transfer torque are given. A custom-made high frequency (up to 46 GHz) in large magnetic fields (up to 2.2 T) microwave characterization setup has been built for the purpose and described in this thesis. A unique feature of this setup is the capability of applying magnetic fields at any direction θe out of the sample plane, and with high precision. This is particularly important, because the (average) out-of-plane angle of the STO free magnetic layer has fundamental impact on spin wave generation and STO operation. By observing the spin wave spectral emission as a function of θe, we find that at angles θe below a certain critical angle θcr, two distinct spin wave modes can be excited: a propagating mode, and a localized mode of solitonic character (so called spin wave bullet). The experimental frequency, current threshold and frequency tuneability with current of the two modes can be described qualitatively by analytical models and quantitatively by numerical simulations. We are also able to understand the importance, so far underestimated, of the Oersted field in the dynamics of nano-contact STOs. In particular, we show that the Oersted field strongly affects the current tuneability of the propagating mode at subcritical angles, and it is also the fundamental cause of the mode hopping observed in the time-domain. This mode hopping has been observed both experimentally using a state-of-the-art real-time oscilloscope and corroborated by micromagnetic simulations. Micromagnetic simulations also reveal details of the spatial distribution of the spin wave excitations. By investigating the emitted power as a function of θe, we observed two characteristic behaviors for the two spin wave modes: a monotonic increase of the power for increasing out-of-plane angles in the case of the propagating mode; an increase towards a maximum power followed by a drop of it at the critical angle for the localized mode. Both behaviors are reproduced by micromagnetic simulations. The agreement with the simulations offers also a way to better understand the precession dynamics, since the emitted power is strongly connected to the angular variation of the giant magnetoresistance signal. We also find that the injection locking of spin wave modes with a microwave source has a strong dependence on θe, and reaches a maximum locking strength at perpendicular angles. We are able to describe these results in the theoretical framework of non-linear spin wave dynamics. / QC 20101130
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