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A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varietiesNgara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotic stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germin proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism.</p>
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A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varietiesNgara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotic stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germin proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism.</p>
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Expansion regulatorischer T-Zellen mittels eines IL-2/anti-IL-2-AntikörperkomplexesKlein, Emanuela 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Regulatorische Foxp3+CD4+ T-Zellen sind essentiell für das Gleichgewicht des intestinalen Immunsystems. Eine Einschränkung ihrer Suppressionsfunktion wird bei Patienten mit Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked (IPEX)-Syndrom beobachtet und führt im Tiermodell zu lymphoproliferativen Erkrankungen und intestinalen Entzündungen. Von entscheidender Bedeutung für Homöostase und Suppressionsfunktion regulatorischer T-Zellen ist das Signalmolekül Interleukin-2 (IL-2). Im Gegensatz zu Effektor-T-Zellen exprimieren Foxp3+CD4+ T-Zellen den hochaffinen IL-2-Rezeptor αβγ konstitutiv. IL-2 wird von regulatorischen T-Zellen nicht in relevanten Mengen exprimiert. Sie sind somit auf von anderen Zellen sezerniertes IL-2 angewiesen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass im Tiermodell regulatorische Foxp3+CD4+ T-Zellen durch Applikation eines IL-2/anti-IL-2-Antikörperkomplex nicht nur in mesenterialen Lymphknoten und Milz, sondern auch lokal in der Lamina propria mucosae des Kolons der Versuchstiere expandiert werden.
Als relevante Quelle von IL-2 in situ könnten aktivierte proliferierende T-Zellen dienen. Um dies näher zu untersuchen, wurde die Proteinexpression proliferierender Einzelzellen mittels Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation-Time of flight-Massenspektrometrie-Imaging (MALDI-Imaging) analysiert. Es gelang die Identifikation präferentiell in lymphoiden Geweben exprimierter Peptidmassen. Obwohl die Einzelzellanalyse mittels MALDI-Imaging prinzipiell möglich erscheint, ist ein Nachweis von Zytokinen wie IL-2 derzeit aufgrund fehlender Sensitivität im Proteinmassebereich zwischen 10kDa und 20kDa nicht möglich.
Die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten der Expansion regulatorischer Foxp3+ T-Zellen durch stabile IL-2-Rezeptor-Agonisten und die Rolle von IL-2 für die intestinale Immunregulation sollten weiter untersucht werden.
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Entwicklung einer flexiblen bioinformatischen Plattform zur Analyse von MassenspektrometriedatenGibb, Sebastian 15 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Sowohl in der Klinischen Labormedizin, der Klinischen Mikrobiologie als auch in der Pathologie ist die Massenspektrometrie (MS) ein bedeutender Bestandteil der Diagnostik geworden. Der Fortschritt in der Gerätetechnik ermöglicht in kurzer Zeit viele, hochaufgelöste Spektren zu generieren. Diese Informationsvielfalt macht die manuelle Auswertung durch den Anwender sehr kompliziert bis unmöglich. Aus diesem Grund ist die Unterstützung durch bioinformatische Programme notwendig. Für die Reproduzierbarkeit der Ergebnisse und die Qualitätskontrolle ist es essentiell, dass die verwendeten Algorithmen transparent und die Programme als Open Source Software (OSS) frei verfügbar sind (Aebersold and Mann, 2003).
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von MALDIquant, einer unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) stehenden, flexiblen OSS, die für die o.g. Anwendungsbereiche modernste Algorithmen für die komplette Analyse bietet und in der freien Programmiersprache R (R Core Team, 2014) geschrieben ist. Im Zusammenspiel mit dem dazugehörigen Paket MALDIquantForeign ist MALDIquant in der Lage die üblichen Dateiformate der verschiedenen MS-Geräte zu verarbeiten. Dadurch ist MALDIquant hersteller- und geräteunabhängig und eignet sich nicht nur für MALDI/TOF, sondern für alle zweidimensionalen MS-Daten.
Angefangen vom Datenimport über die Prozessierung bis hin zur Analyse der Spektren bietet MALDIquant eine komplette Analyse-Pipeline und implementiert state-of-the-art Methoden. Neben weit verbreiteten Verfahren zur Baseline Correction und Peak Detection zeichnet sich MALDIquant besonders durch ein hervorragendes Peak Alignment aus. Dieses ist sehr genau und aufgrund des Fokus auf die Peaks schneller als die meisten anderen Verfahren und weitestgehend unabhängig von der Qualität der Intensitätenkalibrierung. Eine weitere Stärke von MALDIquant ist die Möglichkeit, eigene Algorithmen zu integrieren, sowie den Ablauf der Analyse den individuellen Bedürfnissen anzupassen.
In der beispielhaften Analyse der Daten von Fiedler et al. (2009) konnten durch MALDIquant Peaks gefunden werden, die Patienten mit Pankreaskarzinom von nicht erkrankten Probanden unterscheiden. Einige dieser Peaks wurden bereits in anderen Publikationen beschrieben. Neben diesem Beispiel hat MALDIquant seine Nützlichkeit bereits in verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen und Publikationen bewiesen, wie etwa in Ouedraogo et al. (2013) oder Jung et al. (2014).
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Characterization of the Munc13 - CaM Interaction / Charakterisierung der Munc13-CaM-WechselwirkungDimova, Kalina 04 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varietiesNgara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotic stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germin proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism.</p>
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A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varietiesNgara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotic stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germin proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism.</p>
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Moustiques et dirofilariose : mise au point et utilisation d'outils innovants pour la détection et la surveillance / Mosquitoes and dirofilariasis : development and use of innovative tools for detection and monitoringTahir, Djamel 23 November 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude des dirofilarioses chez le réservoir canin « le chien » ainsi que chez les vecteurs « moustiques », en particulier, en ce qui concerne la détection, la surveillance et la prophylaxie. Le premier objectif était de développer une PCR duplex en temps réel ciblant le gène COI capable de détecter et de différencier simultanément D. immitis et D. repens. Ainsi, nous avons détecté par cet outil moléculaire, pour la première fois en France, D. immitis et D. repens chez des moustiques tigre "Aedes albopictus". Nous avons, de plus, confirmé la présence de l’infection à D. immitis chez les chiens du nord d'Algérie.Le deuxième objectif était d'évaluer l’intérêt de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF MS pour la détection de changements dans les profils protéiques d'Aedes aegypti infectés expérimentalement avec des nématodes filaires (D. immitis, Brugia malayi et B. pahangi). Les résultats obtenus montrent la capacité du MALDI-TOF MS à différencier des moustiques infectés et non infectés par les filaires. Ainsi, les meilleurs taux de classification correcte obtenus sont 94,1, 86,6, 71,4 et 68,7% pour les non infectés versus ceux infectés, respectivement, par D. immitis, B. malayi et B. pahangi.Le troisième objectif de ce travail était l’évaluation de l'efficacité anti-gorgement et insecticide d'un ectoparasiticide (Vectra® 3D) contenant trois principes actifs : le dinotéfurane, le pyriproxyfène et la perméthrine contre Ae. albopictus, l'une des principales espèces vectrices de Dirofilaria spp. Les résultats ont démontré que le DPP a une efficacité anti-gorgement et insecticide significative contre Ae. albopictus / In this work, we are interested in studying dirofilarial infections in dogs and vectors “Mosquitoes” especially detection, monitoring and prophylaxis. The first objective is to develop a real-time duplex PCR targeting the COI gene capable of simultaneously detecting and differentiating D. immitis and D. repens. Subsequently, we applied this tool to a canine dirofilariosis surveillance process in different endemic areas of Mediterranean basin (Corsica and Algeria). We have thus detected by this molecular tool for the first time in France, D. immitis and D. repens in Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. We reported, also, the presence of D. immitis in dogs from northern Algeria.The second aim was to assess whether the MALDI-TOF MS can detect changes in the protein profiles of Aedes aegypti infected experimentaly with filarial nematodes (D. immitis, Brugia malayi and B. pahangi). Obtained results showed the potential of MALDI-TOF MS as a reliable tool for differentiating non-infected and filariae-infected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes with a best correct classification rate obtained from the thorax-head part with 94.1 and 86.6, 71.4 and 68.7% for non-infected and D. immitis, B. malayi and B. pahangi infected mosquitoes respectively.The third aim of this work has focused on the evaluation of the anti-feeding and insecticidal efficacy of an ectoparasiticide (Vectra® 3D) containing three active ingredients: dinotefurane, pyriproxyfen and permethrin (DPP) against Ae. albopictus. Results demonstrated that the DPP combination has significant anti-feeding and insecticidal efficacy against Ae. albopictus for at least 4 weeks.
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Avaliação da diversidade microbiana presente em sistema gerador de água purificada dedicado à produção de penicilínicos em Farmanguinhos - Fiocruz / Evaluation of microbial diversity present in purified water generator system dedicated to the production of penicillin in Farmanguinhos - FiocruzCosta, Luciana Veloso da January 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos (Farmanguinhos), unidade técnico-científica da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, representa o maior laboratório farmacêutico oficial vinculado ao Ministério da Saúde brasileiro responsável pela produção de mais de um bilhão de medicamentos por ano. As legislações sanitárias vigentes definem que devem ser utilizadas instalações segregadas e dedicadas para a produção de medicamentos, como penicilinas, minimizando os riscos de contaminação cruzada, que consequentemente possam gerar danos à saúde. Por isso, Farmanguinhos possui, atualmente, uma área dedicada à produção de amoxicilina, assim como o sistema gerador de água purificada, que atende à referida fabricação, também é dedicado à mesma. A água é a matéria-prima de mais elevado volume empregada na produção farmacêutica, exercendo profundo impacto na qualidade do produto e na segurança do paciente. O controle microbiológico da qualidade da água utilizada em processos farmacêuticos torna-se fundamental, já que micro-organismos podem sobreviver e proliferar em sistemas de água, tornando-se fontes de contaminação microbiana e pirogênica. A identificação destes micro-organismos e as informações obtidas sobre os mesmos podem ser extremamente úteis na identificação da fonte de contaminação microbiana de um produto ou processo, alem de direcionar ações corretivas, se necessário. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade microbiana presente em sistema gerador de água purificada, dedicado à produção de penicilínicos, de Farmanguinhos. Para isto, as amostras de água coletadas a partir do ponto de entrada, ponto de água potável, e do ponto de saída do sistema, ponto de água purificada, foram analisadas microbiologicamente quanto à contagem de micro-organismos mesófilos e quanto à presença de patógenos: Escherichia coli; coliformes totais e Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As amostras foram analisadas entre janeiro e maio de 2013. Todas as colônias obtidas foram isoladas e submetidas à identificação, através de equipamento MALDI-TOF. Não foram observados resultados acima da especificação para ambos os pontos, no período analisado. Do ponto de água potável foram isoladas apenas três espécies bacterianas: Bacillus cereus, Delftia acidovorans e Acinetobacter sp. Uma diversidade microbiana maior foi isolada a partir do ponto de água purificada, como: Burkholderia sp, Delftia acidovorans, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans e Pseudomonas putida. A espécie Delftia acidovorans, associada a fenômenos de biocorrosão foi o micro-organismo mais encontrado, sendo identificado em cerca de 1/3 do total de isolados. O sistema de água de Farmanguinhos é sanitizado mensalmente com sanitizante à base de glutaraldeído. Pode-se concluir que a sanitização está sendo eficiente para manter a contagem total de micro-organismos mesófilos dentro dos limites especificados. No entanto, algumas ações podem ser tomadas para evitar a presença de biofilmes, o que aprimorará ainda mais a qualidade da água purificada gerada. / The Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos (Farmaguinhos), technical- scientific unit of
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, is the largest official pharmaceutical laboratory under the Brazilian
Ministry of Health responsible for producing more than one billion drugs per year. The
current sanitary laws define that segregated facilities must be dedicated and used for the
production of drugs such as penicillin, thus the risk of serious damage to health, due to crosscontamination,
can be minimized. Because of this, Farmanguinhos has a dedicated production
of amoxicillin, as well as a purified water generator system that caters to such manufacturing is also dedicated to this area. Water is the raw material of the highest volume used in
pharmaceutical production so that it has a profound impact on the product quality and patient
safety. Therefore, the microbiological quality control of water used in pharmaceutical
processes becomes crucial, since microorganisms can survive and proliferate in water
systems, becoming sources of microbial and pyrogenic contamination. The identification of
these microorganisms and the information obtained about them can be extremely useful in
identifying the source of microbial contamination of a product or process, in addition to direct
corrective actions, if necessary. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial
diversity present in the purified water generator system, dedicated to the area of
manufacturing penicillin-based drugs of Farmanguinhos. To aim this objective, water samples
collected from the entry point of the system, point of drinking water, and the point of
departure, point of purified water, were analyzed microbiologically for the count of
mesophilic and for the presence of pathogens: Escherichia coli; coliforms and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, respectively. The samples were analyzed between January and May of 2013. All
colonies obtained were isolated and subjected to identification by MALDI - TOF equipment.
No results above specification for both points were observed in the analyzed period. From the
point of drinking water only three bacterial species were isolated: Bacillus cereus,
Acinetobacter sp and Delftia acidorovans. A higher microbial diversity was observed from
the purified water source, such as Burkholderia sp, Delftia acidovorans, Stenotrophomonas
maltophilia, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas oryzihabitans. The
species Delftia acidovorans associated with biocorrosion phenomena was the microorganism
most frequently found and was identified in about 1/3 of the total isolates. The water system of Farmaguinhos water is sanitized monthly with sanitizing agent comprising glutaraldehyde. It can be concluded that sanitization is being effective to maintain the total count of mesophilic within the specified limits. However, some actions can be taken to avoid the presence of biofilms, which will improve even more the quality of purified water generated.
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Développements méthodologiques en TLC/MALDITOF MS et GC/MS pour l’analyse des composés terpénoïdes présents dans les résines végétales / Development of TLC-MALDI-TOF-MS and GC-MS methodologies to analyze terpenoids in resinous materialsJemmali, Zaïneb 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les résines végétales sont des sécrétions de végétaux qui ont été utilisées par l’homme de l’Antiquité à nos jours dans de nombreuses applications (pharmaceutique, cosmétique et artistique). Ces exsudats sont composés majoritairement de terpènes. L'identification et la quantification de l'ensemble de ces composés dans les extraits végétaux reste un défi du fait de leur très grande diversité structurale. L’objectif de ce travail a été de développer de nouvelles approches analytiques pour identifier et quantifier les composés terpéniques présents dans ce matériel végétal afin d’en assurer le contrôle qualité et la certification. Deux méthodes séparatives ont été sélectionnées: la TLC et la GC. Pour ces deux techniques on s’est intéressé à toutes les potentialités de leur couplage avec la spectrométrie de masse. Le développement en TLC-1D et TLC-2D a permis le « screening » rapide des résines végétales et la faisabilité du couplage avec le MALDI-TOF-MS a été mise en évidence pour l’identification des marqueurs majoritaires (acides triterpéniques). La GC a permis une caractérisation plus aboutie des résines en mettant en place une méthode d’analyse exhaustive des terpènes des plus volatils au non-volatils. L’optimisation des différentes étapes de la méthodologie GC-MS s’est effectuée en se basant sur la méthode des plans d’expérience ainsi que sur des analyses statistiques tels que l’ACP et la CAH. Dans un souci d’apporter des éléments plus précis pour distinguer les résines les plus proches, la quantification de leurs marqueurs majoritaires a été établie après une validation complète de la méthode GC. L’ensemble de ce travail a permis de développer des outils pour une caractérisation rapide des extraits de résines permettant de différencier les espèces même les plus proches. / Resins are hydrocarbon secretions of many plants and well known for their protective benefits. They have been used as raw materials for a wide range of applications (pharmaceutic, cosmetic and artistic). Plant resins are complex mixtures of organic substances mainly terpenoid compounds which constitute the most abundant and structurally diverse group of plant secondary metabolites. The chemical characterization of this material results in long and difficult separation due to the wide range of polarity and volatility of its constituents. The aim of this work was to develop new analytical approaches to improve the identification of resins certifying their origin and ensuring the quality control. For that purpose two analytical methods were selected: TLC and GC approaches hyphenated to mass spectrometry. TLC-1D and TLC-2D allow a rapid screening and first visual differences of resins. The innovating TLC coupling to MALDI-TOF-MS gives a clear identification of major markers (triterpenic acids). In order to have complementary information about the composition of resins, a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method was developed to analyze volatile to non-volatile compounds. The various stages of optimization were based on experimental design and statistical (PCA and HAC) approaches. For closely related resins, a quantitative approach was investigated based on a complete validation for major markers. This work allows the development of two complementary techniques that give a powerful approach for fast and reliable differentiation of various resins even the closest ones.
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