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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of SpheriCal® standards as calibrants for IgG glycopeptide analysis using MALDI-MS / Användning av SpheriCal®-standarder som kalibranter för analys av IgG glykopeptider med MALDI-MS

Bubic, Sandra, Kjellberg, Martin, Samuelsson, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns alla möjliga sorters sjukdomar - alltifrån den vanliga säsongsinfluensan till mer allvarliga infektioner och kroniska sjukdomar som cancer och Alzheimers. Därför finns även ett stort intresse för att kunna ställa rätt diagnos samt söka möjliga behandlingar och att bota dessa sjukdomar. Ett sätt att göra detta på är genom att använda biomarkörer, IgG (Immunoglobulin G) är en biomarkör som visat sig vara passande i detta syfte. Vid användning av MALDI-TOF-MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry) krävs dock anrikning av glykopeptiderna för att exakta resultat ska erhållas. Genom att utnyttja de starka hydrofila interaktionerna mellan glykanerna, som inte finns hos icke-glykopeptider, kan de glykosylerade peptiderna bli anrikade för att högre intensitet ska erhållas i spektrat. Därav, är syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete att undersöka huruvida SpheriCals® kalibreringsstandarder är passande i syftet att möjliggöra- samt förbättra användandet av biomarkörer i diagnostik och andra medicinska appliceringar där prov analyseras med MALDI-TOF-MS. Hittills har andra peptidbaserade kalibranter använts och det är därför önskvärt att jämföra dessa med SpheriCal® för att se om den sistnämnda genererar mer exakta mätningar. Det första steget var glykosylering för att få glykopeptider från IgG. Därefter genomfördes experiment med både interna och externa kalibreringsmetoder för naturliga, renade samt till viss del nedbrutna peptider och mänskliga prover från friska individer samt från patienter med COVID-19. Dessa experiment genomfördes i olika matriser, mer exakt i DHB (2,4-dihydroxibensoesyra) och HCCA (α-cyano-4-hydroxikanelsyra) En sammanfattning av resultaten visar att SpheriCal®-kalibranter möjliggör mätningar med hög noggrannhet och små fel för uppmätt m/z (massa mot laddning) för både intern och extern kalibrering vid analys av IgG glykopeptider. Vid extern kalibrering gav SpheriCal®-APH mätningar med väsentligt högre exakthet än för kalibrering med mer traditionellt använt PCS i både HCCA och DHB. / Our world is full of all different kinds of diseases - everything from the regular flu to more severe infections and chronic illnesses such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is therefore of interest to be able to establish a diagnosis, and thus search possible treatments and cures. One way to do this is by using biomarkers and IgG (Immunoglobulin G) has shown to be suited as one. When using MALDI-TOF-MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization -Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry), enrichment of the glycopeptides is required to provide an accurate analysis. Hence, by utilizing the strong hydrophilic interactions of glycans, which do not exist in non-glycopeptides, the glycosylated peptides can be enriched to achieve higher intensity in the spectra. That is why the aim of this bachelor’s degree project is to investigate if SpheriCal® calibrant standards are appropriate for the purpose of enabling and bettering the use of biomarkers in diagnostics and other medical areas when analyzing samples with MALDI-TOF-MS. Until now, other peptide-based calibrants have been used. Therefore, it has been desirable to compare the two to showcase whether SpheriCal® generates more accurate measurements. An initial step was glycosylation in order to obtain glycopeptides of IgG. Following that, tests were carried out with both internal- as well as external calibration methods with natural, purified and partly digested peptides and human samples of healthy- and COVID-19 infected patients. Furthermore, different matrices were tested, more specifically, DHB (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid) and HCCA (α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid). To conclude the results, they showed that SpheriCal® calibrants generate high accuracy with small m/z (mass to charge) errors, for both internal- as well as external calibration methods, when analyzing IgG glycopeptides. For external calibration, SpheriCal®-APH showed significantly higher mass accuracy than conventionally used PCS in both HCCA and DHB.

Separation and identification of IgG glycopeptides using Capillary Electrophoresis and Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry / Separation och identifiering av IgG glykopeptider med kapillärelektrofores och ultra-högupplösande vätskekromatografi- masspektrometri

Lövås, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
I den här studien har metoder för att separera immunoglobulin (IgG) utvecklats med hjälp av kapillärelektrofores (CE) och Ultra högupplösande vätskekromatografi-Mass spektrometri (UHPLC-MS). Vid analysen av peptider från IgG spjälkat av trypsin (IgG TD) detekterades 26 glykopepeptider med UHPLC-MS genom att använda olika gradienter och mobilfaser. Dessutom analyserades fyra olika koncentrations av IgG TD för att testa detektionsgränsen. Resultatet visade att glykopeptider kunde detekteras i alla fyra koncentrationer men antalet detekterade glykopeptider minskade med minskande koncentration. Den sista delen av UHPLC-MS analysen var en selektivitetsanalys där en blandning av bovint serumalbumin spjälkat av trypsin (BSA TD) och IgG TD analyserades i olika koncentrationer. Selektivitetsanalysen visade att ungefär samma antal IgG glykopeptider detekterades som vid analys av IgG TD. Vid CE-analysen användes tre olika kapillärer, varav två av dem var polyvinylalkohol-coated och olika buffertlösningar (BGE) användes. De slutgiltiga resultaten visade 5 toppar som skulle kunna representera IgG gykopeptider men eftersom ingen MS utfördes kunde inga slutsatser dras. Slutligen, användes Matrix-Assisted Laser desorption/ionisation-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) för att analysera proverna innan analys och för att jämföra resultaten med UHPLC-MS. / In this study, methods to separate immunoglobulin G (IgG) glycopeptides were developed using capillary electrophoresis (CE) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-Mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS). In the UHPLC-MS- analysis, 26 glycopeptides were detected during the analysis of trypsin digested IgG (IgG TD) using different gradients and mobile phases. Moreover, a limit of detection study with four different concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 2mg/mL) was performed. Although the number of detected glycopeptides decreased with decreasing concentration, glycopeptides were detected in the 0.01 mg/mL IgG TD sample. Lastly, a selectivity study was performed, in which two trypsin digested Bovine serum albumin (BSA TD) and IgG TD mixtures with different concentrations were analysed. The results showed that approximately the same number glycopeptides were detected as in the IgG sample suggesting that the BSA sample did not interfere with the detection of glycopeptides. Moreover, the CE-analysis included three different capillaries and several background electrolytes (BGEs). Two of the capillaries were polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coated. The final electropherogram showed five peaks possibly representing IgG glycopeptides but no MS were performed on the CE part leading to no conclusions for the CE-part. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation- time-of flight (MALDI-TOF) was performed throughout the project to control the samples and for comparison to the UHPLC-MS analysis.

Détection des bactéries Planctomycetes chez l'homme

Cayrou, Caroline 25 September 2012 (has links)
Les bactéries Planctomycetes sont des bactéries qui ne possèdent pas de peptidoglycane dans leur paroi cellulaire, se reproduisent par bourgeonnement et présentent une compartimentalisation intracellulaire. Malgré quelques études rapportant la présence d'ADN de bactéries Planctomycetes au sein des microbiomes cutanées et intestinaux, les relations existantes entre l'Homme et ces bactéries n'étaient pas encore spécifiquement explorées. L'objectif de cette étude était donc d'explorer cette relation par la détection et l'isolement de bactéries Planctomycetes chez l'Homme. De nouveaux outils basés sur le gène de l'ARNr 16S ont été spécifiquement développés pour la détection des Planctomycetes. Ils ont permis de montrer que l'ADN des bactéries Planctomycetes était présent au sein du microbiome intestinal humain avec une prévalence variant de 0,4 à 1,8%. De plus, une importante diversité a été observée au sein des microbiomes avec une majorité d'organismes proche du genre Gemmata. Ces mêmes outils ont été utilisés lors de dépistage de sérum de patient aplasique fébrile. Sur 100 sérums de patients testés, deux sérums ont donné des résultats positifs. Une entité clinique a pu être identifiée incluant leucémie aigüe myéloïde, fièvre, éruptions cutanées, diarrhées, pneumonies micronodulaires et colites neutropéniques. De nouveaux outils ont également été testés et développés pour faciliter l'isolement et l'identification des bactéries Planctomycetes. La possibilité d'isoler par coculture avec les amibes a été ainsi évaluée. Ces tests ont cependant montré leur inefficacité. En effet, les cinq espèces de Planctomycetes testées ont été phagocytées et lysées après 17h d'incubation. / Planctomycetes are peptidoglycan-less bacteria with budding reproduction and intracellular compartmentation. Despite some study reporting Planctomycetes DNA presence in intestinal and cutaneous microbiome, relationship between Human and these bacteria were not specifically explored. The objective of this study was therefore to explore this relationship by detection and isolation of Planctomycetes bacteria in Human. New 16S rRNA gene-based tools were specifically developed for the Planctomycetes detection. They showed that Planctomycetes DNA was present in the Human intestinal microbiome with 0.4 to 1.8% prevalence. Moreover, an important diversity was observed in microbiomes with a majority of organisms closed to the Gemmata genus. Same tools were used during a febrile aplasic patients' blood screening and 2% (2/100) samples were positive. A clinic entity was identified including acute myeloid leukemia, fever, rash, diarrhea, micronodular pneumonia and neutropenic colitis. New tools were also developed to facilitate the isolation and identification of Planctomycetes. The possibility to isolate by coculture with amoeba was evaluated. These tests showed the inefficiency of this method. Indeed, the five Planctomycetes species tested where phagocyted and lysed after 17H of incubation. Antibiotic sensibility profile was also determined. Planctomycetes bacteria showed an important antibiotic resistance, offering interesting selection tools. Due to expensive, laborious and time consuming characteristic of 16S rRNA gene-based identification, a new tool was developed.

Preparação e caracterização das subunidades alfa e beta dos hormônios glicoproteicos humanos recombinantes: foliculotrofina, luteotrofina, tereotrofina e sua comparação com os produtos hipofisários / Preparation and characterization of alpha and beta subunits of recombinant human glycoprotein hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone, luteotropin, thyrotrophin and comparation with pituitary glycoprotein hormones

Mageika, Cristiane Moreira de Carvalho 23 October 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho é descrito um método prático e eficiente para dissociar, em subunidades &alpha; e &beta;, quantidades pequenas (da ordem de microgramas) dos hormônios foliculotrofina (hFSH), luteotrofina (hLH) e tireotrofina (hTSH) humana, nativos e recombinantes. A dissociação destes hormônios foi conseguida incubando-os, durante 16 horas, a 37ºC, com diferentes concentrações de ácido acético: 3M, 5M e 0,4M respectivamente para o hFSH, hLH e hTSH. Nestas condições, uma eficiência de dissociação acima de 98% foi obtida. Esta eficiência foi calculada com base nas determinações de massa dos heterodímeros e das subunidades, realizadas por MALDI-TOF-MS. Uma separação rápida e quantitativa das subunidades, com rendimentos da ordem de 80-90%, foi conseguida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fase reversa (RP-HPLC) em uma coluna C4. As subunidades foram caracterizadas quanto à pureza, hidrofobicidade, massa molecular e distribuição de carga por HPLC de exclusão molecular e fase reversa, SDS-PAGE e focalização isoelétrica. Quando analisadas quanto à hidrofobicidade, as subunidades mostraram-se aproximadamente iguais, enquanto as subunidades &beta; dos três heterodímeros apresentaram a seguinte escala de hidrofobicidade: &beta;-hFSH < &beta;-hTSH < &beta;-hLH. Com relação à massa molecular relativa (Mr), as subunidades &alpha; e &beta; do hFSH apresentaram as maiores Mr enquanto as subunidades do hLH as menores. A distribuição dos isômeros de carga das subunidades dos três hormônios ocorreu em uma região ácida, para o hFSH, em uma região básica, para o hLH e em uma região intermediária, para o hTSH. As subunidades &alpha; dos três hormônios, quando analisadas via SDS-PAGE, apresentaram praticamente a mesma mobilidade eletroforética, enquanto as subunidades &beta; apresentaram diferentes taxas de migração (mR), sendo mR &beta;-hFSH < mR &beta;-hTSH < mR &beta;-hLH. Diferenças relativas à massa molecular, hidrofobicidade, migração eletroforética e distribuição de carga foram encontradas entre as preparações recombinantes e hipofisárias dos três hormônios. O método descrito é suave, prático e flexível e pode ser adaptado à dissociação de outras glicoproteínas heterodiméricas recombinantes ou nativas. Permite não só estudos e caracterização direta de cada subunidade, como também detectar a presença de subunidades livres em preparações farmacêuticas, que são contaminantes indesejáveis, sendo, portanto, uma ferramenta extremamente útil para o controle de qualidade de produtos farmacêuticos. / In this work a practical and efficient method for the dissociation into &alpha;-and &beta;-subunits of small amounts (microgram range) of pituitaryderived and recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH), human luteotropin (hLH) and human thyrotropin (hTSH) is described. Dissociation was achieved by overnight treatment of the glycoproteins, at 37ºC, with acetic acid in different concentrations: 3M, 5M and 0,4M for hFSH, hLH and hTSH respectively. In these conditions, a dissociation efficiency of > 98% was attained. This efficiency was calculated on the basis of relative mass determinations of the heterodimers and subunits carried out via mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The &alpha;-and &beta;-subunits were rapidly and quantitatively separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on a C4 column with yields of the order of 80-90%. The isolated subunits were characterized concerning their purity, hidrophobicity, molecular mass and charge distribution, via size exclusion and RP-HPLC, SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing. When analyzed with relation to the hydrophobicity, the &alpha;-subunits presented approximately the same hydrophobicity, while &beta;-subunits showed the following scale: &beta-hFSH < &beta;-hTSH < &beta;-hLH. Concerning molecular mass, &alpha;- and &beta;-subunits of hFSH were shown to have the highest while hLH subunits the lowest. Charge isomers of the subunits of the three glycohormones were predominantly distributed in an acidic region for hFSH, in a basic region for hLH, and in a wider pH range (acidic and basic) for hTSH. Similar migration rates (mR), analyzed via SDS-PAGE, were observed for the &alpha;-subunits of the three hormones. A greater variation was found for the &beta;-subunits: mR &beta;-hFSH < mR &beta;-hTSH < mR &beta;-hLH. Differences between recombinant and pituitary preparations of three hormones were observed with relation to molecular mass, hydrophobicity, electrophoretic migration and charge distribution. The described method is mild, practical and flexible and can be adapted to dissociate any recombinant or native heterodimeric glycoprotein, allowing studies and direct characterization of each subunit as well as the detection of free subunits that are undesired contaminants in pharmaceutical preparations, being also an extremely useful tool for the quality control of pharmaceutical products.

Isolamento e identificação de bactérias com potencial para realizar biorremediação de cobre. / Isolation and identification of bacteria with potencial to biorremediate copper.

Hornink, Karina Regueira 05 November 2015 (has links)
A aplicação de microrganismos capazes de adsorver metais se destaca dentre as técnicas para biorremediação ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e identificar bactérias com potencial de emprego nesta tecnologia. A partir de amostras de solo, água e sedimentos coletadas da mina Sossego da VALE em 4 eventos de coleta, foram isoladas 73 bactérias resistentes à altas concentrações de Cu2+. Para a identificação dos isolados utilizaram-se diversos métodos: MALDI-TOF; sequenciamento de parte dos genes 16S rRNA e rpoD; construção de árvores filogenéticas; e provas bioquímicas. Foram selecionadas 12 bactérias pertencentes a pelo menos, 8 espécies diferentes, sendo a maioria pertencente ao gênero Cupriavidus. 75% dos isolados apresentou resistência a Cu2+ superior a de C. metallidurans CH34, bactéria mais resistente a Cu2+ conhecida. Valores de adsorção de Cu2+ superiores aos desta bactéria também foram observados em 5 isolados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os isolados selecionados apresentam alto potencial para aplicação em biorremediação ambiental. / The application of microorganisms capable of adsorbing toxic metals stands out from other bioremediation techniques. This study aimed to isolate and identify bacteria with potential for bioremediation of environments contaminated by copper ions. From soil, water and sediment samples collected at VALE`s Sossego mine collected at 4 different occasions, 73 copper resistant bacteria were isolated. For the identification of the isolates, various methods were used: MALDI-TOF, sequencing of part from the genes rRNA and rpoD; construction of phylogenetic trees; and biochemical tests. 12 bacteria that belong to at least 8 different species were selected. 75% of the isolates were resistant to Cu2+ exceeding C. metallidurans CH34, the, most resistant bacteria to Cu2+ known. The ion adsorption capacity of 5 isolates was greater than those for C. metallidurans. The results obtained for the bacterial isolates indicate that they have a high potential for application in environmental bioremediation.

Le marquage des peptides avec des métaux et détection par MS et l'optimisation des procédures de l'extraction de métalloprotéin dans les échantillons biologiques à des fins de protéomique / Peptide labeling with metals using MS detection and optimization of metalloprotein extraction procedures in biological samples with proteomic purposes

Lyrio Tenorio Correia, Carolina 10 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail a développé une nouvelle méthode pour l'identification et la quantification des peptides, par l'optimisation de certaines stratégies disponibles appropriées pour le marquage des peptides avec des métaux lanthanide, une séparation par nano-HPLC et détection UV, et suivi par MALDI MS. Tout d'abord, les peptides ont été marqués avec les trois métaux lanthanides différents et un réactif fonctionnel - DOTA. Les résultats montrent que la réaction de transformation en dérivé à l'aide du réactif chélateur DOTA-NHS-ester a été efficace pour des peptides individuels et des mélanges de peptides, vérifiées à partir de la relation m/z obtenue par MALDI MS. L'application optimisée d’un complexe (Cytochrome C digest) a montré des résultats comparables à ceux obtenus avec des peptides modèles. En parallèle, nous avons effectué l’optimisation pour la purification de métalloprotéine dans la bile de poisson, qui est signalée entant que biomarqueurs de contamination métallique de l'environnement. Des procédures différentes (différents moments de centrifugation et différentes températures de traitement thermique) et les agents (DTT, β-mercaptoéthanol et TCEP) réduisant ont été apliqués pour purifier les MT isolées de la bile et du foie des poissons (Oreochromis niloticus). Des analyses spectrophotométriques ont été utilisées pour quantifier les échantillons de MT, et le gel SDS-PAGE a été utilisé pour évaluer qualitativement les différents résultats de la procédure. Chaque procédure a en suíte été évaluée statistiquement, une méhtode des surfaces de réponse a été appliquée. Les MT de la bile semblent être plus adéquate pour la surveillance de l'environnement en ce qui concerne l'exposition récente à des xénobiotiques qui peuvent influer sur l'expression protéomique et metalloproteomique de cette matrice biologique. Une procédure d’exposition à des métaux dans le laboratoire a montré que les métaux étaient significativement importante pour l’évaluation de la contamination à partir de la quantification de MT, selon le traitement de données par une techinique de réseau neural. / This work developed a new method for the identification and quantification of peptides, by optimizing some of the available strategies suitable for labeling peptides with lanthanide metals with subsequent separation by nano-HPLC with UV detection, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). First, peptides were labeled with the three different lanthanide metals using a functional DOTA-based reagent. The results demonstrate that the derivatization reaction using the chelating reagent DOTA-NHS-ester was effective for single peptides and peptide mixtures, verified from the m/z relation obtained by MALDI MS. The application of the optimized method in a more complex matrix (Cytochrome C digest) showed results comparable to those obtained with model peptides. In parallel, environmental analyses were conducted, by performing the standardization of metalloprotein purification in fish bile, since this matrix has been reported as a biomarker for environmental metal contamination. Different procedures (varying centrifugation times and heat-treatment temperatures) and reducing agents (DTT, β-mercaptoethanol and TCEP) were applied to purify MT isolated from fish (Oreochromis niloticus) bile and liver. Spectrophotometrical analyses were used to quantify the resulting MT samples, and SDS-PAGE gels were used to qualitatively assess the different procedure results. Each procedure was then statistically evaluated. A response surface methodology was applied for bile samples, in order to further evaluate the responses for this matrix. In an environmental context, biliary MT was lower than liver MT, and, bile MT seems to be more adequate in environmental monitoring scopes regarding recent exposure to xenobiotics that may affect the proteomic and metalloproteomic expression of this biological matrix. A procedure for exposure to metals in the laboratory showed that some metals are significantly important for the assessment of contamination from the quantification of MT, according to the data processing by atifical neural network (ANN).

Caracterização de Bacilos Gram-Negativos Não Fermentadores não usuais em bacteremias pelas técnicas de Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption IonizationTime of Flight Mass Spectrometry, sequenciamento de DNA e método fenotípico convencional / Characterization of unusual nonfermenting Gram-Negative Bacilli from bacteremia by MALDI-TOF MS, DNA sequencing and standard phenotypical methods

Guilherme Mayrink Barandas 30 July 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Alguns Bastonetes Gram-negativos não fermentadores (BGNNF) costumam ser considerados clinicamente pouco significantes e a sua implicação em infecções é subestimada. Devido à similaridade fenotípica, mudanças taxonômicas, baixa reatividade bioquímica e limitações nos bancos de dados em sistemas comerciais, a identificação de BGNNF é frequentemente equivocada, culminando com a denominação de diferentes micro-organismos apenas como BGNNF, por falta de melhor diferenciação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, por métodos fenotípico convencional, proteômico e molecular, a identificação de BGNNF incomuns isolados em hemoculturas de pacientes atendidos em um hospital universitário no Rio de Janeiro. Foram selecionadas 78 amostras isoladas de hemoculturas caracterizadas no laboratório clinico como BGNNF para a identificação por sequenciamento dos genes 16S RNA e recA, por um conjunto amplo de testes fenotípicos manuais e por MALDI-TOF MS. Os micro-organismos predominantes na amostragem foram genotipados pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE). Pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, a maioria das amostras (n=31; 40%) foi incluída no gênero Burkholderia, seguido de Pseudomonas stutzeri (10%) e Delftia acidovorans (4%). Os demais isolados foram agrupados em 27 diferentes espécies. O sequencimento do gene recA identificou a maioria das espécies de Burkholderia como Burkholderia contaminans (n=19; 24%). Os testes fenotípicos incluíram as 31 amostras apenas no CBc e para as outras 47 amostras, a concordância com o sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA em nível de espécie foi de 64% (n=30) e apenas em gênero a concordância foi de 17% (n=8). A análise comparativa geral da identificação por MALDI-TOF MS com o sequenciamento do gene16S rRNA mostrou que 42% (n=33) das 78 amostras foram concordantes em nível de espécie e 45% (n=35) apenas em gênero. Excluindo as amostras do CBc, houve um aumento da concordância em nível de espécie para 60%. As discordâncias parecem ser devido às diferenças nos perfis proteicos das amostras em relação às amostras-referência do banco de dados do equipamento e podem ser aprimorados com a atualização de perfis no sistema. A análise do polimorfismo genético de B. contaminans mostrou a ausência de um clone disseminado causando surto, além da provável origem ambiental das infecções. Os setores de nefrologia e hemodiálise contribuíram com maior número de pacientes com amostras positivas (5 pacientes e 9 amostras). Os grupos clonais BcoD e BcoE foram encontrados em pacientes assistidos no mesmo setor com diferença de quatro meses (BcoD, nefrologia) e 1,5 ano (BcoE, hemodilálise), entre as culturas, respectivamente. As discordâncias entre as técnicas ocorreram principalmente devido a dificuldade de identificação das espécies do CBc. Os BGNNF incomuns são de difícil caracterização independente da metodologia usada e nenhum método por si só foi capaz de identificar todas as amostras. / Some nonfermenting Gram-negative Bacilli (NFGNB) are considered of low clinical significance, and their implication in infections is usually underestimated. Due to their phenotypic similarities, frequent taxonomic changes and low biochemical reactivity, as well as to limitations of bacterial identification commercial system databases, these NFGNB are frequently misidentified and are collectively referred to as NFGNB group, in the lack of a better differentiation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the performance of the conventional phenotypic method, the proteomic matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectometry method (MALDI-TOF MS) and of molecular methods (16S RNA and recA gene sequencing) in the identification of 78 unusual NFGNB isolated from blood cultures of pacients treated at an university hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Clonality of the predominant species identified within these isolates was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). By the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, most strains (n = 31; 40%) were included in the Burkholderia spp. followed by Pseudomonas stutzeri (n = 8; 10%), Delftia acidovorans (n = 3; 4%) and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (n = 3; 4%). The remaining bacterial isolates were included in 27 different species. By the recA gene sequencing technique, most bacteria from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC), samples were classified as Burkholderia contaminans (n=19; 24%). Phenotypic tests provided accurate identification of all 31 isolates included in the BCC by the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. For the other 47 samples, agreement of the results obtained with these two techniques in species and genus level identifications occurred in 30 (63,8%) and 17 samples (36,2%), respectively. The results obtained by the MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing methods agreed at species and genus levels in 33 (42%) and 35 isolates (45%), respectively. When bacteria from the BCC were excluded from the analysis, the agreement between the two techniques at species level increased to 60%. Misidentification by the MALDI-TOF MS method may be due to differences in protein spectra between the samples and the reference strains in the equipment database. PFGE analysis of B. contaminans isolates revealed the absence of a disseminate clone causing an outbreak, and the probable environmental source of infections. The nefrology ang dialisis sectors contributed to the greatest number of patients with positive cultures (5 pacients and 9 isolates). Clones BcoD and BcoE were found in blood cultures of pacientes treated in a same sector with differences of 4 months (BcoD, nefrology) and 1.5 year (BcoE, dialisis). The misidentifications occurred mainly due to the hard differentiation of BCC species. Unusual NFGNB are of difficult characterization whatever the methodology used and no method alone was able to identify all the isolates.

Apport de la protéomique dans l'amélioration de l'exploration de l'aspergillose pulmonaire invasive à partir d'un modèle murin / Interest of proteomics in improving the investigation of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis by the means of a murine model

Desoubeaux, Guillaume 16 December 2013 (has links)
Infection fongique opportuniste, l’aspergillose pulmonaire invasive reste redoutée au sein des services hospitaliers d’onco-hématologie, de réanimation ou de transplantations d’organes. Le diagnostic, tant clinique que biologique, souffre globalement d’un manque de sensiblité et de spécificité. De ce fait, le développement de nouveaux marqueurs d’infection semble nécessaire pour améliorer la prise en charge des patients à risque. Dans ce sens, nous avons d’abord mis au point un modèle murin nous permettant d’explorer la maladie aspergillaire avec reproductibilité. Nous avons ensuite étudié le compartiment pulmonaire des rats grâce à deux techniques permettant l’exploration protéomique de leurs liquides de lavages broncho-alvéolaires (LBA). La spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF a premièrement dessiné des profils protéiques reproductibles, spécifiques de l’état infecté. L’électrophorèse bidimensionnelle, suivie d’une étude comparative statistique, a ensuite sélectionné 20 spots protéiques surrepreséntés au cours de l’aspergillose expérimentale. Leur caractérisation en spectrométrie de masse a abouti à l’identification de 16 protéines, dont une présentait un intérêt tout particulier car jamais décrite jusqu’ici : ITIH4. Une analyse par western blotting a confirmé la surabondance de cette protéine dans tous les LBA de rats malades, ainsi que son augmentation relative dans le sérum après initiation de l’aspergillose expérimentale. De même, une tendance similaire a été observée dans des LBA d’origine humaine. / Opportunistic fungal infection, invasive aspergillosis is still much feared in the hematologyoncology departments, intensive care units and organ transplant centres. Diagnosis globally suffers from a lack of sensibility and specificity. Therefore, the development of new markers of infection seems necessary to improve the management of patients at risk. In this sense, we first developed a rat model which closely mimics the human disease. We were then able to study the pulmonary compartment of infected rats by the means of two proteomic techniques carried out within their bronchial-oalveolar lavage fluids (BALF). MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry first designed reproducible protein profiles of infected BALF, like a finger print. Two-dimensional electrophoresis, followed by a comparative statistical study, then selected 20 spots overrepresented in experimental aspergillosis. Their characterization by mass spectrometry led to the successful identification of 16 proteins. One of them was of a particular interest because never described so far: ITIH4. Analysis by western blotting confirmed the overabundance of this protein in all infected rat BALF, as well as a relative increase in the serum after initiation of the experimental aspergillosis. Likewise, a similar trend was observed in BALF of human origin.

Preparação e caracterização das subunidades alfa e beta dos hormônios glicoproteicos humanos recombinantes: foliculotrofina, luteotrofina, tereotrofina e sua comparação com os produtos hipofisários / Preparation and characterization of alpha and beta subunits of recombinant human glycoprotein hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone, luteotropin, thyrotrophin and comparation with pituitary glycoprotein hormones

Cristiane Moreira de Carvalho Mageika 23 October 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho é descrito um método prático e eficiente para dissociar, em subunidades &alpha; e &beta;, quantidades pequenas (da ordem de microgramas) dos hormônios foliculotrofina (hFSH), luteotrofina (hLH) e tireotrofina (hTSH) humana, nativos e recombinantes. A dissociação destes hormônios foi conseguida incubando-os, durante 16 horas, a 37ºC, com diferentes concentrações de ácido acético: 3M, 5M e 0,4M respectivamente para o hFSH, hLH e hTSH. Nestas condições, uma eficiência de dissociação acima de 98% foi obtida. Esta eficiência foi calculada com base nas determinações de massa dos heterodímeros e das subunidades, realizadas por MALDI-TOF-MS. Uma separação rápida e quantitativa das subunidades, com rendimentos da ordem de 80-90%, foi conseguida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fase reversa (RP-HPLC) em uma coluna C4. As subunidades foram caracterizadas quanto à pureza, hidrofobicidade, massa molecular e distribuição de carga por HPLC de exclusão molecular e fase reversa, SDS-PAGE e focalização isoelétrica. Quando analisadas quanto à hidrofobicidade, as subunidades mostraram-se aproximadamente iguais, enquanto as subunidades &beta; dos três heterodímeros apresentaram a seguinte escala de hidrofobicidade: &beta;-hFSH < &beta;-hTSH < &beta;-hLH. Com relação à massa molecular relativa (Mr), as subunidades &alpha; e &beta; do hFSH apresentaram as maiores Mr enquanto as subunidades do hLH as menores. A distribuição dos isômeros de carga das subunidades dos três hormônios ocorreu em uma região ácida, para o hFSH, em uma região básica, para o hLH e em uma região intermediária, para o hTSH. As subunidades &alpha; dos três hormônios, quando analisadas via SDS-PAGE, apresentaram praticamente a mesma mobilidade eletroforética, enquanto as subunidades &beta; apresentaram diferentes taxas de migração (mR), sendo mR &beta;-hFSH < mR &beta;-hTSH < mR &beta;-hLH. Diferenças relativas à massa molecular, hidrofobicidade, migração eletroforética e distribuição de carga foram encontradas entre as preparações recombinantes e hipofisárias dos três hormônios. O método descrito é suave, prático e flexível e pode ser adaptado à dissociação de outras glicoproteínas heterodiméricas recombinantes ou nativas. Permite não só estudos e caracterização direta de cada subunidade, como também detectar a presença de subunidades livres em preparações farmacêuticas, que são contaminantes indesejáveis, sendo, portanto, uma ferramenta extremamente útil para o controle de qualidade de produtos farmacêuticos. / In this work a practical and efficient method for the dissociation into &alpha;-and &beta;-subunits of small amounts (microgram range) of pituitaryderived and recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH), human luteotropin (hLH) and human thyrotropin (hTSH) is described. Dissociation was achieved by overnight treatment of the glycoproteins, at 37ºC, with acetic acid in different concentrations: 3M, 5M and 0,4M for hFSH, hLH and hTSH respectively. In these conditions, a dissociation efficiency of > 98% was attained. This efficiency was calculated on the basis of relative mass determinations of the heterodimers and subunits carried out via mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The &alpha;-and &beta;-subunits were rapidly and quantitatively separated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on a C4 column with yields of the order of 80-90%. The isolated subunits were characterized concerning their purity, hidrophobicity, molecular mass and charge distribution, via size exclusion and RP-HPLC, SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing. When analyzed with relation to the hydrophobicity, the &alpha;-subunits presented approximately the same hydrophobicity, while &beta;-subunits showed the following scale: &beta-hFSH < &beta;-hTSH < &beta;-hLH. Concerning molecular mass, &alpha;- and &beta;-subunits of hFSH were shown to have the highest while hLH subunits the lowest. Charge isomers of the subunits of the three glycohormones were predominantly distributed in an acidic region for hFSH, in a basic region for hLH, and in a wider pH range (acidic and basic) for hTSH. Similar migration rates (mR), analyzed via SDS-PAGE, were observed for the &alpha;-subunits of the three hormones. A greater variation was found for the &beta;-subunits: mR &beta;-hFSH < mR &beta;-hTSH < mR &beta;-hLH. Differences between recombinant and pituitary preparations of three hormones were observed with relation to molecular mass, hydrophobicity, electrophoretic migration and charge distribution. The described method is mild, practical and flexible and can be adapted to dissociate any recombinant or native heterodimeric glycoprotein, allowing studies and direct characterization of each subunit as well as the detection of free subunits that are undesired contaminants in pharmaceutical preparations, being also an extremely useful tool for the quality control of pharmaceutical products.

Développement de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI -TOF pour l'identification des champignons filamenteux d'intérêt alimentaire et étude de leur résistance aux molécules biocides / Development of MALDI-TOF MS to identify filamentous fungi and study of their resistance towards biocidal molecules

Quero, Laura 21 December 2018 (has links)
Les moisissures d’altération sont à l’origine de pertes alimentaires et économiques importantes et certaines espèces peuvent présenter un danger pour la santé humaine et animale avec la production de mycotoxines. Dans ce contexte, la maîtrise de la qualité et de la sécurité des aliments passe par une bonne connaissance des espèces impliquées. Cette connaissance repose sur une identification fiable et rapide et l’obtention d’informations sur les facteurs abiotiques impactant leur développement, tels que les conservateurs, largement utilisés dans l’industrie. Dans ce cadre, les objectifs de thèse étaient de développer l’utilisation de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF pour l’identification des moisissures et d’évaluer son application à la résolution de complexe d’espèces et au typage, et enfin d’évaluer la néphélométrie laser pour mesurer en haut-débit leur croissance en présence de conservateurs. Dans un premier temps, une base de données robuste a été construite avec près de 6500 spectres correspondant à 136 espèces fongiques. Dans un deuxième temps, la technique MALDI-TOF a été appliquée avec succès à la différenciation de 23 espèces du complexe Aspergillus section Flavi et a permis de différencier des isolats de Penicillium roqueforti appartenant à 3 populations génétiquement différenciées. Enfin, la néphélométrie laser a permis un suivi haut-débit de la croissance de 14 espèces fongiques d’altération en présence de 3 conservateurs et ainsi d’obtenir des informations sur les concentrations minimales inhibitrices de ces derniers. Ces travaux ont démontré l’applicabilité de techniques alternatives permettant d’identifier et de caractériser les moisissures d’altération. / Spoilage fungi represent a major cause of food and economic losses and certain species, which may produce mycotoxins, may also pose a threat to human and animal health. Thus, food safety and quality management relies notably on a good knowledge of the involved species. This knowledge is notably based on their fast and reliable identification and on the study of abiotic factors affecting their growth such as food preservatives, which are commonly used in the food industry. In this context, the objectives of this PhD. thesis were to develop MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for mold identification and to evaluate its potential for species complex differentiation and strain typing, and finally, to evaluate the use of laser nephelometry to monitor fungal growth in the presence of food preservatives.First, a robust database was developed with 6500 spectra corresponding to 136 spoilage fungi. Then, MALDI-TOF MS was successfully applied to differentiate 23 species of Aspergillus section Flavi and Penicillium roqueforti isolates belonging to 3 genetically distinct populations.Finally, in 14 fungal species, laser nephelometry allowed a high-throughput monitoring of their growth after exposition to 3 different food preservatives and the determination of their associated minimal inhibitory concentrations.Overall, the obtained results demonstrate the usefulness of alternative techniques for identification and characterization of food spoilage fungi.

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