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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De la répétition et des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : éléments cliniques pour une analyse critique d'un problème de santé publique / Of repetition and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence : clinical material for a critical analysis of a public health problem

Marianne, Christophe 15 December 2017 (has links)
Deux faits interpellent le psychologue intervenant auprès des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : la responsabilisation et la prévention de la récidive en tant qu’ils constituent le moyen et la visée des interventions. À partir d’une analyse liminaire du fonctionnement des centres de prise en charge en France, la dimension de la répétition en tant que grille d’interprétation de ces violences, et en particulier en tant qu’elle structure la clinique, est interrogée. Pour ce faire, je développe le concept de répétition à l’appui de la théorie psychanalytique et analyse 8 témoignages d’hommes en m’intéressant aux fantasmes sous-jacents. Cinq constats sont ainsi relevés : la récurrence d’imagos paternelles et maternelles fortes, de composantes cruelles chez l’objet, de traits sadiques et de libido homosexuelle. Le développement théorique qui s’ensuit s’articule autour de quatre thématiques : l’identification à l’agresseur, le fantasme de la mère cruelle, le sadisme et la jalousie. / Two aspects of clinical interventions for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence are of concern to psychologists: the perpetrators’ responsibility and the prevention of recidivism insofar as they constitute the means and the aim of these interventions. From the initial analysis of batterer programmes in France, repetition, as a dimension for interpretating male intimate partner violence, in particular within a clinical intervention context, is examined. To this end, I develop the concept of repetition based on psychoanalytic theory and analyse 8 interviews of male perpetrators, focussing on the underlying fantasies. This approach led to five findings: the recurrence of strong paternal and maternal imagos, cruelty components within the object, sadistic traits and homosexual libido. The ensuing theoretical development hinged on four concepts: identification with the aggressor, the fantasy of the cruel mother, sadism and jealousy.

Vilka behandlingsmetoder finns för våldsutövande män? : En litteraturstudie om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld i nära relation

Gailany, Lara, Lahdo, Gabriella January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är sammanställa forskning om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld mot kvinnor i nära relation. I syftet ligger även att granska vilka metoder som anses vara framgångsrika i detta behandlingsarbete. Åtta artiklar utgör studiens empiri. Vi har gjort en tematisk analys som därefter analyserats utifrån studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter: professionsteorin, arbetsallians, klientorientering och yrkeskompetens. Resultaten visar att individanpassade behandlingsmetoder är avgörande i arbetet med våldsutövare och att ett holistiskt synsätt behöver tillämpas i arbetet. Våra slutsatser är att de som arbetar med behandlingsområdet behöver utgå från individanpassade behandlingsmetoder och upprätthålla en stark arbetsallians med våldsutövare. I enighet med forskningen om behandlingsmetoder ser vi också att det behövs mer forskning inom området. De behandlingsmetoder som har identifierats är duluth-modellen, kognitivbeteende- och psykodynamisk terapi samt motiverande samtal. Resultatet visar att motiverande strategier samt individanpassade metoder är de mest effektiva i behandlingsarbetet / The purpose of this study is to assemble research on treatment methods for men who have perpetrated violence against women in intimate relationships. The aim is also to examine which methods are considered successful in the treatment work. The empirical foundation consists eight articles. We have done a thematic analysis which has been analyzed based on the theoretical framework of the study: profession theory, working alliance, client orientation and professional competence. The results show that individual adapted treatment methods are crucial in working with perpetrators of domestic violence and that holistic approach needs to be applied in the work. Our conclusions are that those who work in the area treatment need to apply individually adapted treatment methods and maintain a strong working alliance with perpetrators of violence. In agreement with the research on treatment methods, we also see that more research is needed in the area. The treatment methods that have been identified are the Duluth model, cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy, and motivational interviewing. The results show that motivational strategies and individually adapted methods are the most effective in treatment work.


LUCIANA MOREIRA DE ARAUJO 14 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] A trajetória institucional dos grupos reflexivos para homens autores de violência (HAV) no Rio de Janeiro inicia-se com intervenções concebidas e executadas por organizações não governamentais, até que a promulgação da Lei 11.340/2006, em seus artigos 35 e 45, legitimou o Serviço de Educação e Responsabilização para HAV, como política pública, no âmbito do Poder Judiciário. Nesse movimento de elaboração em processo, à medida que se dava a implementação e a reflexão sobre as práticas, diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas foram acionadas para sustentação de propostas igualmente diversificadas. Com foco nesse processo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar fundamentos históricos, teóricos e ético-políticos de grupos realizados com homens autores de violência contra mulheres. Para tal, elegemos como campo empírico três Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher (JVDFM) da Região Metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e estruturamos o corpus analítico a partir de três fontes e três técnicas de produção de dados: 1) observação participante do primeiro ao último encontro de um grupo reflexivo em cada JVDFM pesquisado; 2) entrevistas semiestruturadas com condutoras/es dos grupos reflexivos observados; 3) análise de documentos e normativas instituintes do Serviço de Educação e Responsabilização para HAV. Os dados produzidos a partir da triangulação das fontes – homens autores de violência, condutoras/es de grupos reflexivos e documentos – e técnicas mencionadas foram analisados com base na perspectiva relacional dos estudos de gênero e nos estudos feministas situados na perspectiva dos direitos humanos, articulados aos conceitos de habitus, capital cultural, campo e agente, de Pierre Bourdieu. As conclusões indicam tendência crescente de padronização do trabalho desenvolvido em grupos com homens autores de violência, a partir da produção de normativas deflagradas pela promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha, ainda que preservando relativa margem de autonomia teórico-técnica dos responsáveis por sua condução. Parte significativa dos fundamentos do trabalho permanece tributária das experiências e elaborações iniciais, com marcada influência dos estudos de gênero com ênfase nos direitos humanos de mulheres e na necessidade de responsabilização e de mudanças de perspectiva dos homens autores. No entanto, a institucionalização dos serviços prevalentemente no âmbito do Poder Judiciário impõe importantes inflexões na correlação de forças em operação no campo, estabelecendo um paradoxo expresso pela realização de um trabalho que se pretende reeducativo em um espaço historicamente associado ao controle e à punição. / [en] The institutional trajectory of reflexive groups for male perpetrators of violence in Rio de Janeiro begins with interventions designed and carried out by non-governmental organizations, until the enactment of Law 11.340/2006, in its articles 35 and 45, legitimized the Education Service and Accountability for men responsible for gender-based violence, as a public policy, within the scope of the Judiciary. In this movement of elaboration in process, as the implementation and reflection on the practices took place, several theoretical-methodological perspectives were set to support equally diversified proposals. Focusing on this method, this study aims to identify and analyze historical, theoretical and ethical-political foundations of groups made with men who are perpetrators of violence against women. Therefore, were elected as empirical field three Courts of Domestic and Family Violence against Women in the Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro and structured the analytical corpus from three sources and three data production techniques: 1) observation participant from the first to the last meeting of a reflective group in each researched court; 2) semi-structured interviews with conductors of the reflective groups observed; 3) analysis of documents and regulations instituting the Education and Accountability Service for male perpetrators. The data produced from the triangulation of sources – male responsible for violence, conductors of reflective groups and documents – and mentioned techniques were analyzed based on the relational perspective of gender studies and on feminist studies situated in the perspective of human rights, articulated to Pierre Bourdieu s concepts of habitus, cultural capital, field and agent. The conclusions indicate a growing tendency to standardize the work developed in groups with male perpetrators of violence, from the production of norms triggered by the enactment of the Maria da Penha Law, while preserving a relative margin of theoretical-technical autonomy for those responsible for conducting it. A significant part of the foundations of the work remains a result of the experiences and initial elaborations, with a marked influence of gender studies with an emphasis on women s rights and the need for accountability and changes in the perspective of male authors. However, the institutionalization of services, predominantly within the scope of the Judiciary, imposes important inflections in the correlation of forces in operation in the field, establishing a paradox expressed by carrying out a work that is intended to be re-educational in a space historically associated with control and punishment.

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