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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Λειτουργικές γονιδιωματικές προσεγγίσεις για τη μελέτη της μορφογένεσης στη Drosophila melanogaster

Μουρατίδου, Μαρία 18 December 2013 (has links)
Τα τελευταία χρόνια πολλές ερευνητικές ομάδες εστίασαν στην ταυτοποίηση γονιδίων που ενέχονται σε διάφορες βιολογικές διεργασίες και η Δροσόφιλα αποτέλεσε τον ιδανικό οργανισμό-μοντέλο λόγω της διαθεσιμότητας πολλών γενετικών εργαλείων. Η ανάπτυξη της τεχνολογίας της RNA παρεμβολής ευνόησε ιδιαίτερα την ευρείας κλίμακας γενετική ανάλυση στη Δροσόφιλα. Εκμεταλλευόμενοι τα διαθέσιμα εργαλεία πραγματοποιήσαμε μία μελέτη σάρωσης βασισμένη σε RNAi για γονίδια που εμπλέκονται στη μορφογένεση του συστήματος των σωματικών μυών και του επιθηλίου του φτερού της Drosophila melanogaster. Συνολικά, εξετάσαμε 321 γονίδια με συστημική ή ιστοειδική RNAi σιώπηση στο μεσόδερμα ή με συνδυασμό και των δύο και ταυτοποιήσαμε 58 γονίδια άγνωστης λειτουργίας τα οποία χρειάζονται για την ανάπτυξη και ομοιόσταση του εμβρυϊκού/προνυμφικού μυϊκού συστήματος. Περιέργως, στις μισές σχεδόν περιπτώσεις δεν παρατηρήσαμε φαινότυπο θνησιμότητας πλήρους διεισδυτικότητας, γεγονός που υποδεικνύει ότι ο αριθμός των γονιδίων που συμμετέχουν στη συγκεκριμένη διεργασία είναι μεγαλύτερος από αυτόν που έχει προβλεφθεί με βάσει τα αποτελέσματα μίας ευρείας κλίμακας μελέτης σάρωσης με RNAi στο μυϊκό σύστημα που ολοκληρώθηκε πρόσφατα. Επιπλέον, μελετήσαμε 242 γονίδια με ιστοειδική σιώπηση στα επιθήλια και ταυτοποιήσαμε 32, τα οποία είναι απαραίτητα για τη βιωσιμότητα, και 24, τα οποία είναι αναγκαία για τη μορφοποίηση του ενήλικου φτερού. Από τα γονίδια που έδωσαν θετικό αποτέλεσμα επιλέξαμε ένα το οποίο είναι απαραίτητο και για τις δύο διεργασίες, το chd64. Το chd64 κωδικοποιεί μία πρωτεΐνη που αποτελείται από μία δομική περιοχή με ομολογία στις καλπονίνες (CH) και ένα μοτίβο CLIK23 και παρουσιάζει 42% και 43% ταυτότητα με τις τρανσγελίνες 2 και 3 των θηλαστικών αντιστοίχως. Οι τρανσγελίνες συνιστούν μία οικογένεια πρωτεϊνών που εμφανίζουν υψηλό βαθμό συντήρησης και συμμετέχουν στο σχηματισμό δεσμίδων και στη σταθεροποίηση των ινιδίων ακτίνης. Το γονιδίωμα της Δροσόφιλας εμπεριέχει τρεις διαφορετικούς γενετικούς τόπους: CG4694 ή Mp20, CG14996 ή Chd64 and CG5023, σε πλήρη αναλογία με τα γονιδιώματα των θηλαστικών. Τα προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα μας έδειξαν ότι από τα γονίδια που κωδικοποιούν τις τρεις τρανσγελίνες της Δροσόφιλας μόνο το Chd64 είναι απαραίτητο για τη βιωσιμότητα και τη σωστή ανάπτυξη των μυϊκών και επιθηλιακών ιστών. Για να μελετήσουμε τη λειτουργία του γονιδίου ήταναπαραίτητο: α) να διερευνήσουμε το πρότυπο έκφρασης του και β) να αξιολογήσουμε τα αποτελέσματα της απώλειας λειτουργίας του σε διαφορετικούς ιστούς. Έτσι, δημιουργήσαμε διαγονιδιακές μύγες που έφεραν τυχαίες ενθέσεις ενός γενωμικού τμήματος του γονιδίου συζευγμένου με GFP που επέτρεπε την παρατήρηση του ενδογενούς προτύπου έκφρασης του γονιδίου σε ζωντανό οργανισμό κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάπτυξης. Ταυτόχρονα, δημιουργήσαμε ένα αντίσωμα έναντι ολόκληρης της πρωτεΐνης Chd64. Επιπλέον, προμηθευτήκαμε δύο UAS:chd64IR στελέχη και πολλά διαφορετικά GAL4 στελέχη με σκοπό να μελετήσουμε την επίδραση της μειορρύθμισης του chd64 σε διαφορετικούς ιστούς. Τέλος, δημιουργήσαμε δύο ελλείψεις που απομακρύνουν το chd64. Τα δεδομένα που έχουμε ως τώρα δείχνουν ότι το chd64 εκφράζεται έντονα στον εμβρυϊκό/προνυμφικό πεπτικό σωλήνα, στα αιμοκύτταρα, στην τραχεία, στο νευρικό σύστημα, στα περιτραχειακά κύτταρα Inka, στους εμβρυϊκούς δίσκους, στους σιελογόνους αδένες, στην επιδερμίδα και στα τενόντια κύτταρα. Επιπλέον, διαπιστώσαμε έκφραση του γονιδίου στα θυλακοκύτταρα και μισχοειδή κύτταρα των ωοθυλακίων. Σε όλους τους παραπάνω κυτταρικούς τύπους η πρωτεΐνη συσσωρεύεται στο κυτταρόπλασμα και στην περιφέρεια του κυττάρου. Λεπτομερέστερη ανάλυση των μεγάλων κυττάρων των σιελογόνων αδένων έδειξε ότι η πρωτεΐνη εντοπίζεται σε μεβρανικές δομές που αντιστοιχούν στο ενδοπλασματικό δίκτυο και στο φλοιό του κυττάρου, όπου συνεντοπίζεται με την ακτίνη. Οι μελέτες απώλειας λειτουργίας έδειξαν ότι έκφραση του chd64 είναι απαραίτητη για τη βιωσιμότητα και τη μορφολογία ή/και λειτουργικότητα των μαλπιγγιανών σωληναρίων. Συγκεκριμένα, διαπιστώσαμε ότι η αναστολή της ζυγωτικής έκφρασης του γονιδίου οδηγεί σε διόγκωση των μαλπιγγιανών σωληναρίων και σχετίζεται με τη μη φυσιολογική υποκυτταρική κατανομή της DE-καδερίνης. Ωστόσο, ο τρόπος δράσης του γονιδίου στην προαναφερθείσα διαδικασία παραμένει άγνωστος. Η απομάκρυνση της μητρικής προέλευσης Chd64 πρωτεΐνης και η εκτενέστερη εξέταση της διαδικασίας καθορισμού και της πολικότητας των κυττάρων που συγκροτούν τα μαλπιγγιανά σωληνάρια σε αγρίου τύπου και μεταλλαγμένο γενετικό υπόβαθρο με τη χρήση κατάλληλων μαρτύρων θα μας δώσουν νέες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη λειτουργία του γονίδιου σε ολόκληρο τον οργανισμό. / In the past years many research groups have focused in the identification of genes that are involved in distinct biological processes and Drosophila has provided the ideal model-organism due to the availability of several genetic tools. The introduction of RNAi technology has greatly facilitated the conduction of many large scale genetic analyses in Drosophila. Taking advantage of the available tools we conducted an RNAi-based screen for genes involved in the morphogenesis of the somatic muscle system and wing epithelium of Drosophila melanogaster. Collectively, we tested 321 genes with either systemic or tissue-specific RNAi silencing in the mesoderm or a combination of both and discovered 58 novel genes which are required for proper development and homeostasis of the embryonic/larval muscular system. Surprisingly, in almost half of the cases we did not observe a lethal phenotype of complete penetrance arguing that the number of genes involved in the particular process is greater than the one estimated based on the results of a recently completed genome-wide scale RNAi-based muscle screen. In addition, we tested 242 genes by tissue-specific gene inactivation in the epithelia and identified 32 that are required for adult viability and 24 that are indispensible for proper adult wing morphogenesis. Among our positive hits we selected one that is required for both processes for further examination, namely chd64. Chd64 encodes a protein that consists of a calponin-homology (CH) domain and a CLIK23 motif and exhibits 42% and 43% identity with the mammalian transgelins 2 and 3 respectively. Transgelins comprise a highly conserved family of proteins that have been implicated in the bundling and stabilization of actin filaments. The Drosophila genome bears three distinct loci: CG4694 or Mp20, CG14996 or Chd64 and CG5023 by complete analogy to the mammalian genomes. Our initial results showed that out of the three genes that code for the fly transgelins only chd64 is required for viability and the proper development of muscle and epithelial tissues. In order to gain insight into the function of chd64 it was crucial to: a) explore the expression pattern of the gene and b) evaluate the effects of chd64 loss of function in diverse tissues. Thus, we generated transgenic flies that bear random insertions of a GFP-tagged genomic fragment for the gene that allowed us to visualize the endogenous gene expression pattern in the living organism throughout development. Meanwhile, we developed an antibody against the full-length Chd64 protein. Inaddition, we obtained two different UAS:chd64IR strains and many tissue specific GAL4 strains in order to explore the effects of chd64 knock-down in the specific tissues. Finally we generated two deletions that remove chd64. Our data so far indicate that chd64 is largely expressed in the embryonic/larval gut, hemocytes, trachea, nervous system, peritracheal Inka cells, imaginal discs, salivary glands, epidermis and tendon cells. In addition, we observed chd64 expression in the follicle and stalk cells of egg chambers. In all the above mentioned cell types the protein is accumulated in the cytoplasm and periphery. More detailed analysis using the large salivary gland cells shows that Chd64 is specifically localized in some membranous structures of the cytoplasm corresponding to the ER and in the cell cortex where it colocalises with actin. Our loss of function studies demonstrate that chd64 expression is indispensable for viability and for the normal morphology and/or function of malpighian tubules. We specifically observed that the ablation of chd64 zygotic expression results in the appearance of bloated tubules and is involved in the abnormal subcellular distribution of DE-cadherin. However the mode of the gene’s action in the above mentioned procedure remains unknown. Consequently, we conclude that chd64 exhibits a complicated expression pattern during development and is required for viability. Removal of the maternally derived Chd64 protein and further examination of malpighian tubule cell specification and polarity using specific markers in wild type and mutant backgrounds will provide a novel insight on the gene’s functions in the whole organism.

Etude fonctionnelle de Shavenbaby dans l'homéostasie du système rénal chez la drosophile / Functional study of Shavenbaby in renal system homeostasis of Drosophila

Bohere, Jérôme 06 October 2017 (has links)
Les cellules souches adultes assurent le renouvellement des cellules différenciées, un mécanisme indispensable à la régénération des organes soumis au vieillissement et aux agressions extérieures. Des cellules souches ont été identifiées dans les tubules de Malpighi (TM) qui assurent les fonctions rénales chez la Drosophile. Ces cellules souches rénales (CSR) proviennent à l'origine de précurseurs des cellules souches intestinales (CSI) qui migrent et colonisent les TM pendant la métamorphose. Nous montrons que le facteur de transcription shavenbaby (svb) est exprimé au sein des CSR. Svb est connu pour contrôler la morphogenèse épidermique durant le développement de la Drosophile tandis que son homologue chez l'Homme, OvoL, est impliqué dans la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse et est dérégulé dans certains cancers. Nous avons découvert que la principale fonction de svb au sein des CSR est de prévenir l'apoptose. En effet, la perte de fonction de svb, spécifiquement au sein des CSR adultes, induit leur disparition progressive et cet effet est abolit par l'expression d'inhibiteurs d'apoptose. Tout comme dans l'épiderme, nous avons pu observer que la fonction de svb est supportée par sa maturation protéolytique induite par les gènes polished-rice et ubr3. De plus, nous démontrons que Svb interagit avec Yorkie (Yki) un membre de la voie de signalisation Hippo, connue pour contrôler le nombre de CSI. Ce complexe Svb/Yki régule l'expression de l'inhibiteur apoptotique DIAP1 afin de maintenir un nombre normal de CSR. Ces travaux ont donc permis d'identifier un nouveau membre de la voie de signalisation Hippo et de découvrir un mécanisme inattendu de protection des cellules souches contre la mort cellulaire qui pourrait expliquer leur capacité de résistance à l'apoptose. / Throughout adult life, homeostasis of fundamental functions requires cell renewal to compensate for tissue damage and cell death. The renal (Malpighian) tubules in Drosophila are responsible for excretion of metabolic waste like kidney in vertebrates. Although Malpighian tubules are thought to be very stable during development, evidence of adult cell renewal have been showed and stem cells identified. Renal and nephric stem cells (RNSC) derived from intestinal stem cell precursors that colonize Malpighian tubules during metamorphosis. We showed that the gene shavenbaby (svb) which encodes a transcription factor belonging to the OVO-Like family (OVOL) is expressed in RNSCs. In vertebrates, OvoL factors act as guardian of epithelial integrity, while in Drosophila, Svb is well identified for its role in epidermal cell shape remodeling. The transcriptional activity of Svb requires its proteolytic processing mediated by the SmORF peptides Pri encoded by the polished-rice gene. Here, we show that this processing occurs also in RNSC and that the main function of svb in these cells is to protect them from apoptosis. Svb loss of function induces a progressive disappearance of RNSC that can be rescued by blocking programmed cell death. At the molecular level, we found that Svb physically interacts with Yorkie, the downstream effector of the hippo pathway to favor the expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis DIAP1. To conclude, our work identified a new member of the hippo pathway and uncovered an additional way to protect stem cell from apoptosis that may explain their capacity to resist apoptosis.

Avaliação da concentração de Cl, K e Ca na urina, hemolinfa e túbulos de Malpighi de Rhodnius prolixus usando a técnica de fluorescência de raios X por reflexão total por radiação síncrotron (SR-TXRF) / Evaluation of Cl, K and Ca concentration in urine, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius prolixus using total reflection X-Ray fluorescence by synchrotron radiation (SR-TXRF)

Andrea Mantuano Coelho da Silva 05 September 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho utilizou-se a técnica fluorescência de raios X usando radiação síncrotron (SR-TXRF) para estudar, quantitativamente, o transporte de cloro, potássio e cálcio na hemolinfa, urina e túbulos de Malpighi (TM) em ninfas de quinto estágio do Rhodnius prolixus (R. prolixus), considerando a excreção destes elementos em diferentes dias após o repasto sanguíneo. R. prolixus é um dos principais vetores do Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causador da doença de Chagas. R. prolixus fornece um sistema modelo particularmente útil porque seus TMs tanto secretam quanto reabsorvem íons a taxas elevadas. Os TMs filtram a hemolinfa e secretam um líquido que é muitas vezes comparado com a urina primária em vertebrados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a concentração de potássio na urina é substancialmente maior do que na hemolinfa. A concentração de cloro na hemolinfa é menor do que na urina, mas a diferença não é tão marcada como no caso do potássio. No caso do Rhodnius é razoável interpretar a elevada concentração de potássio na urina como adaptativo para o problema de excreção imediato do inseto. A concentração de cálcio nos TMs é substancialmente maior em comparação com os valores encontrados na hemolinfa e urina. Este resultado mostra que o cálcio é retido no corpo do R. prolixus e pouco eliminado. Os resultados obtidos estão coerentes com a literatura. Avaliou-se também o efeito no transporte de Cl, K e Ca após um repasto de sangue de coelho contaminado com HgCl2 de modo a avaliar o efeito da presença deste metal tóxico no balanço iônico nos fluidos de excreção urina e hemolinfa e também pelo principal órgão de transporte, os túbulos de Malpighi. As excreções de Cl e K pela urina são afetadas pela ingestão. Este resultado é esperado levando-se em consideração a ingestão de excesso de Cl através do HgCl2. O transporte de Cl, K e Ca na hemolinfa do Rhodnius prolixus não é afetada pela ingestão de HgCl2. Nos túbulos de Malpighi, as altas concentrações de Ca obtidas foram comparáveis àquelas encontradas nos insetos controle. Pode-se concluir que SR-TXRF é um método muito promissor para análises diretas, rápidas e confiáveis para a quantificação simultânea de elementos envolvidos na regulação do transporte e em todo o sistema excretor de insetos. Além disso, o estudo do transporte e a excreção de elementos no inseto Rhodnius prolixus abrem oportunidade para a maior compreensão de efeitos da poluição em espécies de invertebrados. / In this work, we investigated changes in the concentrations of Cl, K and Ca, in 5th instar using total reflection X-ray fluorescence Rhodnius prolixus with synchrotron radiation (SR-TXRF). The elements were quantified using urine, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules samples collected on different days after a blood meal. Rhodnius prolixus is one of the most important vectors of the Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of Chagas? disease. R. prolixus provides a particularly useful model system because its MTs both secrete and reabsorb ions at high rates. The TMs filter hemolymph and secrete a liquid that is often compared with the primary urine in vertebrates. The experimental results showed that the concentration of potassium in the urine is substantially greater than in the hemolymph. The concentration of chlorine in the hemolymph is generally less than in the urine, but the difference is not so marked as in the case of potassium. In the case of Rhodnius, it is reasonable to interpret the high concentration of potassium in the urine as adaptive to the animals? immediate excretory problem. The concentration of calcium in the TMs is substantially greater than in both the hemolymph and the urine. This result shows that that calcium is retained in the body and not eliminated. These results are in accordance with the literature. We also investigated whether dietary mercury contamination may influence the transport of Cl, K and Ca by the hemolymph, urine and Malpighian tubules of R. prolixus fed on blood containing HgCl2. The results suggested that dietary Hg contamination may influence the Cl and K contents during excretion of the urine. It was expected considering the large amounts of chlorine ingested by Rhodnius prolixus in its meals of blood containing HgCl2. Statistical analysis showed no significant variation in all elements contents for hemolymph samples. The main conclusion which can be drawn from the results is that in all the insects studied calcium is deposited in Malpighian tubules. These observations point out that the analytical approach of the SR-TXRF method can be efficiently used to measure elements involved in the transport regulation into insect Malpighian tubules and also provides useful data concerning the biological effects of pollution on invertebrate species.

Clonagem gênica e caracterização de uma enzima tipoluciferase de coleópteros não bioluminescentes e sua relação com a origem da atividade luminescente

Prado, Rogilene Aparecida 06 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:20:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4406.pdf: 2884968 bytes, checksum: a40d69433ee7cef0093f66b8c32c1bb8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-06 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Bioluminescence in beetles is dependent on luciferase which evolved from AMP/CoA ligases. The cDNA of a luciferase-like enzime was cloned from the Malpighian tubules of Zophobas morio mealworm (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The gene product of this cDNA displays weak luminescence and it is composed of 528 aminoacids residues with N-terminal and C-terminal sequences signal addressed to smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Although having a low identity (26-32%) with beetle luciferases, this enzyme is a reasonable protoluciferase model to investigate the origin and evolution of beetle luciferases. The luciferin binding site is higly conserved among the beetle luciferases. However, in this protoluciferase of Z. morio, most of these residues of this motif are substituted by others. Using a site-directed mutagenesis survey some of aminoacids residues of this protoluciferase, which are located at correspondent luciferin binding site of luciferases, were replaced by the conserved residues of beetle luciferases. Most of the substitutions had negative effect on the luminescent activity, however, the substitution I327T, which is located in a β-hairpin motif close to the luciferin binding site, improved the luminescence activity. Such substitution indicates the importance of this motif for luciferase activity and indicates a possible route for the evolution of bioluminescence function of beetle luciferase. Since this enzyme is located in the Malpighian tubules, which are involved in excretion and metabolization of carboxylic substrates, this enzyme could be involved to excretion the some type of chemical compound. Regardless of the function the results show that the potential for bioluminescent activity is older and probably arose before the divergences of the Coleoptera bioluminescent families. / A bioluminescência em coleópteros é dependente das luciferases, enzimas que evoluíram das AMP-CoA ligases. O cDNA de uma enzima tipo-luciferase foi clonado dos túbulos de Malphighi de larvas de Zophobas morio (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). O produto gênico deste cDNA mostra naturalmente uma fraca luminescência na presença de MgATP e luciferina e possui 528 aminoácidos com sequências sinal na região N-terminal e C-terminal endereçadas a membrana do retículo endoplasmático liso. Apesar de ter uma baixa identidade (26-32%) com as luciferases de vaga-lumes, esta enzima é um modelo apropriado de protoluciferase para investigar a origem e evolução das luciferases de besouros. O sítio de ligação da luciferina é altamente conservado entre todas as luciferases de besouros; na protoluciferase de Z. morio porém, a maioria dos resíduos desta região é substituído por outros. Utilizando-se a técnica de mutagênese sitio-dirigida, alguns resíduos de aminoácidos desta protoluciferase, que são localizados na correspondente região do sítio ativo das luciferases, foram substituídos pelos resíduos conservados das luciferases. A maioria das substituições teve um efeito negativo sobre a atividade luminescente. Porém, a substituição I327T, cujo resíduo é localizado em um motivo grampo β, perto do sítio de ligação da luciferina, aumentou sua atividade luminescente. Tal substituição mostra a importância deste motivo para a atividade luciferásica e indica uma possível rota de evolução das luciferases de coleópteros. Uma vez que esta enzima foi extraída dos túbulos de Malpighi, é possível que esteja envolvida com a excreção de algum composto químico. Independente de sua função, os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que o potencial para atividade bioluminescente é bem antigo nas ligases e provavelmente evoluíram antes da divergência das famílias de coleópteros bioluminescentes.

Avaliação da concentração de Cl, K e Ca na urina, hemolinfa e túbulos de Malpighi de Rhodnius prolixus usando a técnica de fluorescência de raios X por reflexão total por radiação síncrotron (SR-TXRF) / Evaluation of Cl, K and Ca concentration in urine, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius prolixus using total reflection X-Ray fluorescence by synchrotron radiation (SR-TXRF)

Andrea Mantuano Coelho da Silva 05 September 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho utilizou-se a técnica fluorescência de raios X usando radiação síncrotron (SR-TXRF) para estudar, quantitativamente, o transporte de cloro, potássio e cálcio na hemolinfa, urina e túbulos de Malpighi (TM) em ninfas de quinto estágio do Rhodnius prolixus (R. prolixus), considerando a excreção destes elementos em diferentes dias após o repasto sanguíneo. R. prolixus é um dos principais vetores do Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causador da doença de Chagas. R. prolixus fornece um sistema modelo particularmente útil porque seus TMs tanto secretam quanto reabsorvem íons a taxas elevadas. Os TMs filtram a hemolinfa e secretam um líquido que é muitas vezes comparado com a urina primária em vertebrados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a concentração de potássio na urina é substancialmente maior do que na hemolinfa. A concentração de cloro na hemolinfa é menor do que na urina, mas a diferença não é tão marcada como no caso do potássio. No caso do Rhodnius é razoável interpretar a elevada concentração de potássio na urina como adaptativo para o problema de excreção imediato do inseto. A concentração de cálcio nos TMs é substancialmente maior em comparação com os valores encontrados na hemolinfa e urina. Este resultado mostra que o cálcio é retido no corpo do R. prolixus e pouco eliminado. Os resultados obtidos estão coerentes com a literatura. Avaliou-se também o efeito no transporte de Cl, K e Ca após um repasto de sangue de coelho contaminado com HgCl2 de modo a avaliar o efeito da presença deste metal tóxico no balanço iônico nos fluidos de excreção urina e hemolinfa e também pelo principal órgão de transporte, os túbulos de Malpighi. As excreções de Cl e K pela urina são afetadas pela ingestão. Este resultado é esperado levando-se em consideração a ingestão de excesso de Cl através do HgCl2. O transporte de Cl, K e Ca na hemolinfa do Rhodnius prolixus não é afetada pela ingestão de HgCl2. Nos túbulos de Malpighi, as altas concentrações de Ca obtidas foram comparáveis àquelas encontradas nos insetos controle. Pode-se concluir que SR-TXRF é um método muito promissor para análises diretas, rápidas e confiáveis para a quantificação simultânea de elementos envolvidos na regulação do transporte e em todo o sistema excretor de insetos. Além disso, o estudo do transporte e a excreção de elementos no inseto Rhodnius prolixus abrem oportunidade para a maior compreensão de efeitos da poluição em espécies de invertebrados. / In this work, we investigated changes in the concentrations of Cl, K and Ca, in 5th instar using total reflection X-ray fluorescence Rhodnius prolixus with synchrotron radiation (SR-TXRF). The elements were quantified using urine, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules samples collected on different days after a blood meal. Rhodnius prolixus is one of the most important vectors of the Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of Chagas? disease. R. prolixus provides a particularly useful model system because its MTs both secrete and reabsorb ions at high rates. The TMs filter hemolymph and secrete a liquid that is often compared with the primary urine in vertebrates. The experimental results showed that the concentration of potassium in the urine is substantially greater than in the hemolymph. The concentration of chlorine in the hemolymph is generally less than in the urine, but the difference is not so marked as in the case of potassium. In the case of Rhodnius, it is reasonable to interpret the high concentration of potassium in the urine as adaptive to the animals? immediate excretory problem. The concentration of calcium in the TMs is substantially greater than in both the hemolymph and the urine. This result shows that that calcium is retained in the body and not eliminated. These results are in accordance with the literature. We also investigated whether dietary mercury contamination may influence the transport of Cl, K and Ca by the hemolymph, urine and Malpighian tubules of R. prolixus fed on blood containing HgCl2. The results suggested that dietary Hg contamination may influence the Cl and K contents during excretion of the urine. It was expected considering the large amounts of chlorine ingested by Rhodnius prolixus in its meals of blood containing HgCl2. Statistical analysis showed no significant variation in all elements contents for hemolymph samples. The main conclusion which can be drawn from the results is that in all the insects studied calcium is deposited in Malpighian tubules. These observations point out that the analytical approach of the SR-TXRF method can be efficiently used to measure elements involved in the transport regulation into insect Malpighian tubules and also provides useful data concerning the biological effects of pollution on invertebrate species.

To salt or not to salt : three MALDI-TOF IMS protocols where (de)salting proved essential

Yang, Ethan 05 1900 (has links)
Présentement, la désorption ionisation laser assistée par la matrice (MALDI) est la méthode d’ionisation préférentielle pour étudier les lipides par l’imagerie par spectrométrie de masse (IMS). Bien qu’il existe les matrices spécifiques aux lipides, tel que la 1,5-DAN pour les phospholipides et la 2,5-DHB pour les triacylglycérols, il est toujours nécessaire d’augmenter la sensibilité de cette technique pour les échantillons atypiques ou certaines classes de lipides. Dans la première étude, nous avons amélioré la sensitivité pour les phospholipides sur les tubes de Malpighi de mouches prélevés par microdissection dans un tampon physiologique à base de sodium et potassium. Un protocole de lavage à deux étapes a était trouvé favorable : un premier rinçage dans le glycérol suivi d’un second rinçage dans l’acétate d’ammonium. Ce protocole permet de réduire au maximum la présence de sels sans délocalisation notoire des phospholipides. La détection et l’imagerie des phospholipides en ionisation négative et positive ont suggéré une distribution uniforme sur toute la longueur des tubes. Ces résultats ont été comparés à ceux obtenus sur des sections tissulaires minces de mouche entière acquis avec les deux polarités. Néanmoins, la structure tridimensionnelle complexe des tubes rénaux suggère que la microdissection est l’approche la plus favorable pour en étudier leur lipidome. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons déterminé que l’addition de formate d’ammonium (AF) peut améliorer la détection des gangliosides par IMS dans le cerveau. Curieusement, il est nécessaire de rincer l’échantillon dans une solution d’AF avant l’addition de ce même sel suivit d’une conservation de l’échantillon dans un congélateur pendant 24 heures après la déposition de la matrice afin d’obtenir la meilleure augmentation de sensibilité. En moyenne, cette approche a permis d’augmenter l’intensité d’un facteur dix avec trois fois plus d’espèces de gangliosides détectées. De plus, malgré l’étape de lavage, nous n’avons pas observé la délocalisation des gangliosides puisqu’il est toujours possible d’obtenir les résultats d’IMS de qualité avec une résolution spatiale de 20 µm. Finalement, nous avons établi que le nitrate d’argent permet l’analyse des oléfines par IMS, en particulier du cholestérol. En optimisant le protocole de déposition par nébulisation, il est possible de générer une couche mince et homogène de nitrate d’argent ce qui rend la possibilité d’effectuer l’IMS à haute résolution spatiale, jusqu’à 10 µm, sans perte de qualité comparativement aux autres approches publiées. L’ensemble de ce travail démontre l’effet du sel sur la sélectivité et la sensibilité pour cibler les familles de lipides désirées, ce qui nécessite les études ultérieures sur le rôle de ces sels lors du processus de la désorption-ionisation. / Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI IMS) is currently the ionization method of choice for elucidating the spatial distribution of lipids on thin tissue sections. Despite the discovery of lipid friendly matrices such as 1,5-DAN for phospholipids and 2,5-DHB for triacylglycerols, there is a continued need to improve sensitivity. In the first study, we improved the overall sensitivity for phospholipids of entire fly Malpighian tubules microdissected in PBS with a two-step wash in glycerol followed by ammonium acetate that removed the bulk of the salt with minimal species delocalization and tubule displacement. We were able to detect phospholipids in both positive and negative ion modes and revealed an even distribution of most phospholipids along the length of this organ. We compared the method to the results from whole body fly sections acquired in dual-polarity mode at the same spatial resolution and found it to be more suitable for studying the tubules because of the complex three-dimensional structure of this organ within the fly. In the second study, we observed a marked improvement in ganglioside signals on mouse brain tissue sections with ammonium salt addition. Specifically, when the sample was first desalted in a low concentration ammonium formate solution, spray-coated with the same salt, coated with matrix and finally left in the freezer overnight before data acquisition, we observed an average overall improvement in ganglioside signal intensity by ten-fold and the number of species detected by three-fold. This method also did not affect the spatial distribution of the gangliosides, as high spatial resolution IMS results acquired at 20 µm showed no species delocalization. Finally, we sought to determine if salts could be employed directly as matrices. In this work, we tested silver-based metal salts and discovered that spray depositing silver nitrate alone is a viable method for the IMS detection of olefins, particularly cholesterol. With the optimized dry spray parameter, the overall deposition is homogeneous and composed of microscopic salt crystals that allow for high spatial resolution IMS down to 10 µm while maintaining acceptable overall signal quality comparable to that of previously published protocols. Overall, this thesis demonstrates we can manipulate the local salt distribution to influence the sensitivity and selectivity to target specific lipid subfamilies, opening the door for future research to understanding the role salts play during the laser desorption/ionization process.

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