Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mammalian""
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Elk and mule deer distributions after a cattle introduction in northern ArizonaMcIntosh, Bruce John January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Behavior and Ecology of Neotropical Tree Squirrels in Seasonally Flooded Forests in the Peruvian AmazonJessen, Rosa Raquel January 2013 (has links)
Tree squirrels play an important role in the maintenance of forest ecosystems by functioning as seed and fungal spore dispersers, forest regenerators, and prey for forest predators. The highest species richness for tree squirrels occurs in tropical forests and these species are also the least studied. We conducted distance sampling to estimate population density, measured habitat variables to investigate forest characteristics that influence habitat selection and feeding site selection at three different scales, and conducted observations to obtain knowledge about activity pattern and behavior of Neotropical pygmy squirrels and Amazon red squirrels in the Peruvian Amazon. Density of Neotropical pygmy squirrels was 0.10 and 0.14 individuals/ha for 2009 and 2010. Activity peaked in early morning, squirrels were found mainly in the canopy but never on the ground, and frequency of behaviors differed by time and story level. Neotropical pygmy squirrels used mainly high and low restinga and areas that had more large trees. Squirrels also used species of trees disproportionately to availability. Neotropical pygmy squirrels seem to be associated with features related to mature forests. Amazon red squirrels use mainly high and low restinga and selected Astrocaryum and Attalea palm trees that were taller and larger as foraging sites compared to random locations. Amazon red squirrels used all vertical strata of the forest and the main behaviors observed were travel and forage. Behaviors were similar among time periods but differed in frequency by vertical strata. Although Amazon red squirrels used vegetation communities differently than their availability and selected for tree characteristics, they did not select for site characteristics and this is different from other tree squirrel species. We also conducted surveys during a wet and a dry year to investigate and estimate diversity of diurnal mammals. We assessed the vertical strata of the forest to determine if diversity index varied by story level, and estimated alpha, beta, and gamma diversity. Overall mammal diversity did not differ between wet and dry years. Diversity index differed by story level between years, but was the highest in the canopy for both years. Alpha diversity was higher in the dry year, and gamma and beta diversity were higher in the wet year. Frequency of sightings of species was influenced by time of day and varied by story level. Protection of continuous, mature forests with large canopies has important conservation implications as these areas most likely protect the greatest diversity of mammals while also providing shelter and food for other taxa.
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Social tolerance: novel insights from wild female crested macaques, Macaca nigraDuboscq, Julie 05 September 2013 (has links)
Sozialität ist vorteilhaft für Individuen. Sozialbeziehungen zwischen Individuen können als langfristige Investitionen betrachtet werden, die letztlich individuelle Fitness beeinflussen. Die Analyse der Kosten und Nutzen von Sozialbeziehungen kann daher dazu dienen, herauszufinden wie Individuen mit den Kosten (Wettbewerb) und Vorteilen (Kooperation) vom Gruppenleben umgehen. Theoretische Modelle, die zur Erklärung der existierenden Diversität von Sozialstrukturen im Tierreich dienen, basieren auf der Analyse ökologischer, genetischer, ontogenetischer, phylogenetischer und anderer sozialer Faktoren.
In Säugetieren entwickeln Weibchen häufig intensive soziale Bindungen. Diese Bindungen werden häufig stark von Dominanz- und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen geprägt, was wiederum Konsequenzen hat für Kooperation im Allgemeinen. Es ist jedoch noch größtenteils unklar, wie Unterschiede in der Stärke und Qualität von solchen sozialen Bindungen auftreten, insbesondere in Bezug auf den Typ der Gesellschaft in der sie auftreten, beispielsweise ob eine Gesellschaft eher despotisch oder egalitär organisiert ist.
Obwohl alle Makakenarten (Gattung Macaca) eine gemeinsame Art von sozialer Organisation teilen (Mehrmännchen/Mehrweibchen Gruppen, Philopatrie der Weibchen), treten gleichzeitig markante Unterschiede im Sozialverhalten zwischen den einzelnen Arten auf. Die Unterschiede wurden anhand verschiedener Faktoren erklärt, die von Ökologie bis hin zu Phylogenie reichen, was wiederum zur Klassifizierung der Arten in verschiedene Kategorien führte. Ein Problem dabei ist, jedoch, dass bisher nur einige wenige Makakenarten sehr intensiv erforscht wurden, während viele andere Arten bisher stark vernachlässigt wurden. Diese Unausgeglichenheit unterhöhlt unser Verständnis der Diversität der verschiedenen Sozialsysteme.
Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, durch die Erforschung einer der bisher weniger bekannten Arten, dem Schopfmakaken M. nigra, unser Wissen und Verständnis über die Verhaltensdiversität innerhalb der Makaken zu erweitern. Das erste untergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Grad sozialer Toleranz zwischen Weibchen zu quantifizieren (Studie 1). Danach erläutere ich die Struktur und Funktion von Sozialbeziehungen zwischen Weibchen. Ich beschreibe die Interaktionen die direkt nach Konflikten stattfinden (Studie 2), und untersuche den Einfluss von Dominanz- und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen auf Sozialverhalten (Studie 3). Insgesamt können die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit dazu beitragen, das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Faktoren besser zu verstehen, insbesondere durch den Vergleich der in Schopfmakaken gefundenen Muster mit denen anderer Arten. Darauf aufbauend wird ein theoretischer Rahmen vorgeschlagen, der die Evolution unterschiedlicher Sozialstrukturen im Tierreich zu vereinen sucht.
In der ersten Studie quantifiziere ich eine umfangreiche Reihe von Verhaltensparametern, die dazu geeignet sind den sozialen Stil einer Art zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bestätigen einen toleranten sozialen Stil weiblicher Schopfmakaken, der sich durch Konflikte mit niedriger Intensität, häufiger bidirektionalität, und versöhnung ausdrückt. Asymmetrie in Dominanzbeziehungen ist moderat, was unter anderem durch den bidirektionalen und affiliativen Gebrauch der bared-teeth Geste ausgedrückt wird. Weiterhin tolerieren Weibchen gegenseitige räumliche Nähe. Diese Muster stimmen mit denen anderer toleranter Makakenarten überein und liegen außerhalb der für despotische Arten beschriebenen Variation.
In der zweiten Studie untersuche ich die Determinanten und Funktionen von Interaktionen die nach Konflikten stattfinden. Die Kosten von Aggression werden durch Verhaltensindikatoren für Stress gemessen. Weiterhin untersuche ich, ob Charakteristika von Konflikten (z.B. Intensität, Entschiedenheit, Kontext) und der beteiligten Paare (Stärke der sozialen Bande, Häufigkeit von Unterstützung in Konflikten), das Auftreten von Interaktionen nach einem Konflikt beeinflussen. Dabei teste ich vier mögliche Funktionen von nach-Konflikt-Interaktionen. Wenig spricht dafür, dass Aggression Kosten beinhaltet, gemessen durch Verhaltensindikatoren für Stress. Es scheint deshalb unwahrscheinlich, dass Interaktionen nach einem Konflikt dazu dienen solchen Stress zu reduzieren. Ebenso unwahrscheinlich scheint es, dass solche Interaktionen dazu dienen die Beziehung zwischen den Tieren zu „reparieren“. Im Gegensatz dazu unterstützen die Muster der Initiationen und Richtungen der nach-Konflikt Interaktionen die Hypothese, dass Versöhnung ein Signal für freundliche Intention ist, und dass Interaktionen mit Dritten dem Schutz vor erneuter Aggression dienen. Auch diese Ergebnisse weisen auf den toleranten sozialen Stil von Schopfmakaken hin und kontrastieren mit den Ergebnissen von Studien anderer Makaken- und Tierarten.
Die abschließende Studie beschreibt den Einfluss von Dominanz und Verwandtschaft auf Sozialbeziehungen. Dafür untersuche ich Verbindungen zwischen Dominanz, Verwandtschaft, Alter, sozialen Bindungen, Unterstützung in Konflikten, und soziale Toleranz (Versöhnung und Nahrungsaufnahme in der Nähe anderer Individuen). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass hochrangige Weibchen als soziale Partner nicht attraktiver sind als niederrangige Weibchen, und dass Dominanzbeziehungen unabhängig vom Verwandtschaftsgrad sind. Weiterhin kann ich zeigen, dass die stärksten sozialen Bindungen zwischen verwandten Weibchen auftreten, die einen ähnlichen Rang haben und gleichaltrig sind. Im Gegensatz dazu, tritt Unterstützung in Konflikten am häufigsten zwischen Tieren gleichen Ranges und Alters auf, unabhängig vom Verwandtschaftsgrad und der Stärke der sozialen Bindung. Des weiteren konnte keine Beziehung zwischen den getesteten Parametern und sozialer Toleranz gefunden werden. Diese differenzierten Effekte von Beziehungs-Charakteristika unterstreichen die Komplexität des sozialen Lebens in Schopfmakaken. In solch toleranten Gesellschaften formen Weibchen weitreichende und diversifizierte Netzwerke.
Durch die Kombination von Verhaltens- und genetischen Daten, stellt diese Arbeit die erste umfassende Studie über Sozialverhalten unter natürlichen Bedingungen dar, an einer Art über die bisher relativ wenig bekannt ist. Die erste Studie unterstützt die Idee, dass soziale Stile als „Cluster“ von sozialen Verhaltensweisen betrachtet werden können. Diese Cluster variieren um einen Modalwert und ähneln sich innerhalb von Arten mehr als zwischen Arten und Gruppen von Arten. Damit können sie auch als coping Strategien oder Verhaltenssyndrome betrachtet werden. Weiterhin konnte der geringe Einfluss von Dominanz- und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen auf die Stärke von sozialen Bindungen nachgewiesen werden, sowie die Abwesenheit eines Effektes der Stärke von sozialen Bindungen auf Koalitionen, Versöhnung, und Nahrungsaufnahme in der Nähe anderer Individuen. Diese Ergebnisse werfen die Frage auf, welchen adaptiven Wert starke soziale Bindungen haben, angesichts ihrer Diversität in Arten in denen soziale Netzwerke gebildet werden. Es kann daher angenommen werden, dass solche Unterschiede zwischen toleranten und despotischen Strategien im evolutionären Kontext bedeutungsvoll waren.
Die vorherrschenden Theorien sozialer Evolution können einen großen Teil der auftretenden Variation im Sozialverhalten nicht ausreichend erklären. Mit dieser Arbeit schlage ich deshalb vor, soziale Stile von Makaken besser als coping Strategien oder Verhaltenssyndrome zu betrachten, die sich evolutiv entwickelten, um letztlich die Probleme zu lösen, die mit dem Leben in sozialen Gruppen einhergehen. Im Rahmen von Verhaltenssyndromen betrachtet können nicht nur verschiedene Verhaltensstrategien in verschiedenen Kontexten und zwischen verschiedenen Individuen erklärt werden, sondern diese erlauben ebenfalls die Integration von Ansätzen um gleichzeitig proximate Mechanismen, ultimate Funktionen, und Ontogenie von Verhalten zu untersuchen.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sollten in folgenden Studien durch Quantifizierung weiterer ökologischer (bspw. Wettbewerb um Zugang zur Nahrung) und sozialer Einflussfaktoren (bspw. Männchen) ergänzt werden. Insgesamt weicht das Sozialverhalten von Schopfmakaken, wie ich in dieser Arbeit beschreibe, substantiell von dem ab, was normalerweise als typisch für cercopithecine Primaten angesehen wird. Dies unterstreicht letztlich die Wichtigkeit, sowohl externe (Umwelt), als auch interne Komponenten (Sozialsystem) zu betrachten, um die Diversität von Tiergesellschaften zu erklären. / La vie sociale est extrêmement bénéfique pour les individus. Les relations sociales entre individus, compétitives et coopératives, sont considérées comme des investissements à long-terme influençant leur valeur adaptative. L’analyse des coûts (compétition) et bénéfices (coopération) de la vie sociale à ce niveau permets donc de determiner les stratégies comportementales des individus, qui sont très diverses. Pour expliquer cette diversité dans les structures sociales animales, les modèles d’évolution sociale prennent en compte l’influence de facteurs écologiques, génétiques, sociaux, développementaux et l’histoire phylogénétique des espèces.
Chez les mammifères sociaux, les femelles, étant philopatriques, forment des liens sociaux forts. Ces liens peuvent être influencés par les relations de dominance et le degré de parenté. La variation dans la force et la diversité des relations sociales a d’importantes implications pour la coopération entre femelles. Cependant, les facteurs déterminant cette variation restent ambigus, surtout en relation avec le type de société dans laquelle les femelles vivent, par exemple despotique ou égalitaire.
Les macaques (genre Macaca) partagent la même organisation sociale (groupes multi-males multi-femelles où les femelles sont philopatriques), mais les relations sociales des différentes espèces varient largement. Ces différences sont expliquées par différent facteurs, de l’écologie à la covariation des caractères, et ont généré plusieurs classifications des structures sociales. Un problème majeur est le manque de connaissance de certaines espèces au détriment d’autres qui empêche une compréhension exhaustive de la diversité sociale des macaques.
L’objectif principal de ma thèse est donc d’approfondir la connaissance de la diversité sociale des macaques par l’étude détaillée d’une des espèces les moins connues, les macaques à crête de Sulawesi, M. nigra, dans son milieu naturel. Ma 1ère étude consiste à évaluer le style social des femelles. J’examine ensuite de manière approfondie la structure et la fonction des relations sociales par l’étude des interactions conciliatoires (2ème étude) et de l’influence de la dominance et de la parenté sur les interactions sociales (3ème étude). Finalement, je propose une réflexion sur l’interaction des facteurs diverses dans une perspective comparative et une idée de modèle permettant une prise en compte globale de ces facteurs dans l’évolution de la diversité sociale.
Dans la première étude, j’évalue un ensemble de comportements sociaux dont la variation est liée au degré de tolérance d’une espèce. Je confirme que les femelles macaque à crête ont un style social tolérant avec des conflits de faible intensité, souvent bidirectionnels et réconciliés. L’asymétrie de dominance est modérée et associée à une mimique faciale positive et également bidirectionnelle. De plus, les femelles ont une grande tolérance des autres à proximité. Ces observations concordent avec ce qui a été observé chez les autres macaques tolérants et contrastent avec les macaques plus despotiques.
Dans la deuxième étude, j’examine les facteurs déterminants et la fonction des interactions post-agression. J’analyse les conséquences de l’agression sur l’anxiété des femelles. J’étudie ensuite l’influence des caractéristiques des conflits (intensité, direction ou contexte) et de celles des dyades impliquées sur l’occurrence des interactions post-agression afin de déterminer leur fonction. Les agressions ne semblent pas perçues comme anxiogènes. En conséquence, les interactions post-agression ne semblent pas fonctionner pour réduire l’anxiété perçue des opposants. Je n’ai pu trouver qu’un support partiel à la théorie selon laquelle les femelles utilisent les interactions post-agression pour “raccommoder” leurs relations sociales. L’initiation et la direction des interactions post-agression révèlent plutôt que la réconciliation pourrait fonctionner comme un signal d’intention pacifique et que les agressions secondaires pourraient fonctionner pour réaffirmer le rang hiérarchique des opposants initiaux. Ces observations, très distinctes de ce qui est généralement observé chez les autres macaques et animaux sociaux, sont à mettre en relation avec le style social tolérant de cette espèce.
Finalement, la troisième étude a pour objectif de déterminer l’influence des relations de dominance et de la parenté sur les interactions sociales. J’analyse les liens entre la dominance, la parenté, l’âge, les liens sociaux, les coalitions, le niveau de tolérance sociale (réconciliation et proximité autour de ressources alimentaires). Je ne trouve pas de lien entre les différences de rang hiérarchique et le degré de parenté. Je mets en évidence que les femelles appartenant à la même classe d’âge ainsi que les femelles à la fois proches en rang de dominance et apparentées ont les liens sociaux les plus forts. Les coalitions sont formées entre femelles appartenant à des classes d’âge différentes ou proches en dominance, mais pas entre apparentées ou entre femelles avec des liens forts. De plus, le degré de tolérance n’est influencé par aucune des variables analysées. Les effets différents des variables analysées sur plusieurs des plus importants paramètres sociaux censés influencer la valeur adaptative des femelles met en évidence la complexité des relations sociales dans les sociétés tolérantes, qui forment des réseaux sociaux diverses et variés.
En combinant des variables comportementales et génétiques, ma thèse constitue l’étude la plus exhaustive du comportement social des femelles d’une espèce de macaque peu connue en milieu naturel. Elle apporte de nouvelles perspectives empiriques essentielles pour l’étude de la variation sociale. En confirmant le style social tolérant des femelles macaque à crête, la première étude étaye la thèse selon laquelle les styles sociaux sont des associations constantes de comportements, analogues aux syndromes comportementaux. Je démontre aussi l’influence limitée de la dominance ou de la parenté sur les relations sociales des femelles. Le degré de parenté ainsi que la force des liens sociaux, déterminants majeurs de la coopération, n’expliquent pas la fréquence des coalitions, ou le degré de tolérance sociale. Ces résultats questionnent l’importance de la force des liens sociaux par rapport à sa diversité. Ils indiquent aussi que les différences entre stratégies sociales sont significatives au niveau évolutif.
Les théories actuelles sur l’évolution sociale ne sont pas entièrement satisfaisantes parce qu’une grande part de la variation observée dans les comportements sociaux restent inexpliquée. Je propose de considérer les styles sociaux comme des syndromes comportementaux, ayant évolués différemment pour résoudre le même problème: comment tirer tous les bénéfices de vivre en groupe. Finalement, le cadre théorique des syndromes comportementaux permet de prendre en compte de nombreux facteurs à la fois et de faire le lien entre eux afin d’expliquer globalement la diversité sociale.
Mes résultats restent à mettre en relation de manière plus approfondie avec d’autres facteurs sociaux (comme le comportement des males) et écologiques (comme la compétition alimentaire). Néanmoins, le portrait des comportements sociaux des femelles macaque à crête tracé dans cette thèse diffère substantiellement du modèle traditionnel des primates cercopithecines. Cela démontre l’importance d’intégrer au sein d’un seul modèle d’évolution sociale tous les composants (l’environnement, l’organisme et le système social) pour mieux comprendre la diversité des sociétés animales.
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Function, Expression and Glucose-dependent Regulation of Monocarboxylate-Proton Co-transporter molecules (MCT) in Mouse Preimplantation Development.Sarah Jansen Unknown Date (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to investigate monocarboxylate (i.e. pyruvate and lactate) transport in the preimplantation stage of embryo development. Much progress has been made over the last 15 years towards understanding preimplantation and peri-implantation embryo physiology, including metabolic preferences during this period. It is known that as the cells (blastomeres) of an embryo compact via tight junctions and the embryo differentiates into a blastocyst, a metabolic “switch” occurs to allow the blastocyst to take up glucose at a rapid rate, obtaining energy derived from glycolysis. Glucose transporter molecules have been identified and characterized during this period of development and a paradigm for glucose transport has been described. However, during the early cleavage stages (days 1-3 post-fertilization), the embryo preferentially derives its metabolic energy from the monocarboxylate pyruvate. Evidence for the expression of pyruvate transporter molecules (a family of proton-coupled monocarboxylate co-transporters, MCT) has only been indicated via some kinetic studies on pH homeostasis and PCR analysis for MCT expression, and results have been conflicting (Gibb et al., 1997, Harding et al., 1999, Herubel et al., 2002). This project aimed to clarify discrepancies in reports for mRNA expression of MCT and to enhance the understanding of monocarboxylate transport processes during preimplantation development by pioneering investigations into protein expression for various MCT isoforms. Transport kinetics for monocarboxylate, DL-lactate, were examined by measuring the uptake of radioactive [3H]-DL-lactate from the medium by two-cell embryos and blastocysts. It was discovered that blastocysts demonstrate significantly higher affinity for DL-lactate compared to zygotes (Km 20 + 10 v 87 + 35 mM lactate; p=0.03), which suggested that alterations in the expression of various MCT isoforms might be expected as the embryo developed to a blastocyst. The rate of transport showed a trend towards a decrease from the zygote to blastocyst stages, although this could not be confirmed as significant within the limitations of this experiment. Mouse embryos, both in vivo and in vitro-derived, were collected and pooled at the zygote, two-cell, morula and blastocyst stages of development. RNA purification, reverse-transcription and PCR were used to analyze the expression of the four best-characterized MCT isoforms. MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4 were all found to be expressed in oocytes and mouse embryos from the zygote through to the preimplantation blastocyst. MCT3, an isoform uniquely expressed in the retina, was not detected at any stage in embryos. Since glucose has been implicated in regulatory processes involving glucose transporter expression in mouse embryos (Pantaleon et al., 2005, Pantaleon et al., 2001), mRNA expression was examined in the presence or absence of glucose in the culture media to determine whether the same phenomena applied to MCT. It was discovered that MCT1 and MCT4 isoforms were responsive to glucose-deprivation as evidenced by a reduction in mRNA expression in compacted morula cultured from the zygote stage without glucose. When glucose-deprived embryos were exposed to a brief high concentration of glucose during the 4-cell stage of development and continued in culture without glucose, the expression of mRNA for MCT1 and MCT4 persisted post-compaction, demonstrating that glucose exposure is necessary for the continued expression of these two isoforms in the mouse blastocyst. MCT2 mRNA did not respond to the absence of glucose in this way, and mRNA expression persisted in either the presence or absence of glucose. To follow these analyses of MCT gene transcription during early embryo development, confocal laser scanning immunofluorescence and western blotting were used to identify the expression of MCT proteins at various stages of development. Culture in the presence or absence of glucose was again employed to determine whether the changes seen in mRNA expression were conveyed at the protein level. All three proteins were identified throughout preimplantation development, though their locations were uniquely different. MCT1 was notably absent from plasma membranes at all stages, and was detected diffusely within the cytoplasm. In expanding blastocysts MCT1 tended to concentrate in the cortical cytoplasm of blastomeres and staining was more intense in the polar trophectoderm. In this cytoplasmic location its function is unclear. MCT1 does not appear to be a key transporter of monocarboxylates into and out of the embryo, but it may have a role in shuttling pyruvate and lactate within the cytoplasm to maintain metabolic and redox homeostasis. In embryos cultured without glucose, the immunostaining intensity for MCT1 gradually decreased as morulae degenerated and died. Protein loss occurred from the morula stage onwards, whilst mRNA was already undetectable at this stage. This would indicate that glucose signals which maintain mRNA expression most likely operate at the level of gene activation/transcription with latent effects on protein expression. MCT4 appeared to be located on the plasma membranes of oocytes and 2-cell embryos and nuclear staining was evident throughout preimplantation development, however plasma membrane expression was not apparent in morulae and blastocysts. This is consistent with earlier kinetic evidence of a low affinity lactate transporter (Km 87 + 35 mM lactate) operating at the early preimplantation stages. MCT4 has the lowest affinity for lactate of all the characterized MCT to date. Kinetic data also suggests that a change might occur in MCT protein expression as the embryo progresses to a blastocyst with a higher affinity lactate transporter taking precedence, and the loss of MCT4 from the plasma membrane at these later stages supports this view. Similarly to MCT1, MCT4 mRNA expression was also found to be dependent on glucose exposure during the early preimplantation period, and embryos cultured entirely without glucose demonstrated a loss of MCT4 mRNA expression at the morula stage. MCT4 typically exists as a lactate exporter in glycolytic tissues and it most likely exports lactate from the embryo for pH and redox homeostasis during this period of development. Protein localization studies found MCT2 to be located on the plasma membranes of oocytes, zygotes, 2-cell embryos, and polarized to the surface of the outer blastomeres of morulae and blastocyst trophectodermal cells. Throughout preimplantation development, MCT2 protein co-localized with peroxisomal catalase in peroxisome-sized granules throughout the cells. Known to be a high affinity pyruvate transporter, given its location in embryos it was proposed here that MCT2 most likely imports pyruvate to fuel early embryos, and later works as a bifunctional pyruvate/lactate importer/exporter on the transporting epithelium (trophectoderm) of blastocysts to maintain the pH, redox and metabolic status of the embryo. MCT2 was an enigma to the other MCT. Its expression in the absence of glucose behaved in an opposite way to that of MCT1 and MCT4, with mRNA expression persisting in the absence of glucose. In fact, MCT2 and catalase proteins demonstrated a quantitative increase in embryos lacking glucose, and the increase in staining was noticed as an increase in the density of peroxisome-like structures (or peroxisome proliferation) within the embryo. As such, it was decided to investigate the possibility that peroxisome proliferators (Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors, PPARs) were involved in the control of MCT expression in the same way that they are known to control the expression of catalase and other peroxisomal proteins. At this stage, no MCT isoforms had been identified as being under the control of PPARs, although it was known that their expression was most likely controlled at the level of transcription, with no translational or post-translational controlling elements. PPARα, one of three isoforms (α, γ and β/δ) was selected as a likely candidate given that it controls peroxisomal proliferation and fatty acid β-oxidation processes at the level of transcription in other tissues, and it was known to be upregulated in conditions of starvation and oxidative stress. PPARα mRNA was shown to be expressed in early cleavage preimplantation mouse embryos, but its expression was reduced in morulae and blastocysts. Further, lack of glucose led to persistence of PPARα mRNA expression at the morula stage. PPARα protein was also demonstrated to stain more brightly in early preimplantation embryos compared to later stages. Further experimentation demonstrated that the phenomenon of increased catalase and MCT2 expression in embryos cultured without glucose could be mimicked in the presence of glucose by treating these embryos with the PPARα-selective agonist, WY14,643. The timing and quantitative nature of this upregulation were very similar, suggesting that PPARα was in some way involved in the glucose-deprived upregulation pathway for catalase and MCT2. To further investigate this pathway, oxidative stress was investigated in embryos cultured in the presence and absence of glucose to test whether the generation of reactive oxygen species contributed to the PPARα/MCT2 phenomenon. It was demonstrated that within 2 h of culture in the absence of glucose, hydrogen peroxide levels were significantly elevated in zygotes. Amelioration of increased peroxide generation in glucose-deprived embryos using a non-selective flavoenzyme inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) eliminated any increases in PPARα and MCT2 protein expression that were earlier noted in the absence of glucose. To summarize, MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4 mRNA and protein expression were successfully demonstrated in mouse preimplantation embryos and all were confirmed to be in some way regulated by glucose in the culture medium. In the absence of glucose, mRNA expression for MCT1 and MCT4 were reduced to undetectable levels in morulae indicating that their expression was glucose-dependent. Paradoxically, glucose deprivation caused an increase in PPARα, catalase and MCT2 protein expression. PPARα-selective agonism in the presence of glucose induced similar timing and effects on catalase and MCT2 upregulation, implicating PPARα in this pathway. Hydrogen peroxide levels were significantly elevated within 2 h of culture in the absence of glucose. This peroxide elevation could be quenched to control levels by treating these embryos with DPI, and reducing hydrogen peroxide to control levels also eliminated the upregulation of PPARα and MCT2, implicating oxidative stress as an important component in the glucose-deprivation induced upregulation of MCT2. The experimental data presented in this thesis demonstrate that from its very conception, the embryo interacts with, adapts to, and is indeed affected by the external environment in which it develops. Even components like glucose, once considered simply as metabolic substrates, have profound effects on gene transcription and protein expression within the embryo which may impact on later its developmental competence, a reality we need to consider more deeply in light of the implementation of artificial reproductive technologies widely used today in zoology, agriculture and clinically, in humans.
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Assessing estimators of feral goat (Capra hircus) abundanceTracey, John Paul. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M. Appl. Sci.)--University of Canberra, 2004. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on July 20, 2005). Includes bibliographical references (p. 129-146).
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Effects of Off-road Vehicles on Rodents in the Sonoran DesertJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Human recreation on rangelands may negatively impact wildlife populations. Among those activities, off-road vehicle (ORV) recreation carries the potential for broad ecological consequences. A study was undertaken to assess the impacts of ORV on rodents in Arizona Uplands Sonoran Desert. Between the months of February and September 2010, rodents were trapped at 6 ORV and 6 non-ORV sites in Tonto National Forest, AZ. I hypothesized that rodent abundance and species richness are negatively affected by ORV use. Rodent abundances were estimated using capture-mark-recapture methodology. Species richness was not correlated with ORV use. Although abundance of Peromyscus eremicus and Neotoma albigula declined as ORV use increased, abundance of Dipodomys merriami increased. Abundance of Chaetodipus baileyi was not correlated with ORV use. Other factors measured were percent ground cover, percent shrub cover, and species-specific shrub cover percentages. Total shrub cover, Opuntia spp., and Parkinsonia microphylla each decreased as ORV use increased. Results suggest that ORV use negatively affects rodent habitats in Arizona Uplands Sonoran Desert, leading to declining abundance in some species. Management strategies should mitigate ORV related habitat destruction to protect vulnerable populations. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Applied Biological Sciences 2012
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Uso de habitat e padrão de atividade de médios e grandes mamíferos e nicho trófico de Lobo-Guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus), Onça-Parda (Puma concolor) e Jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) numa paisagem agroflorestal, no Est / Habitat use and activity patterns use of large and medium size mammals and niche overlap of Manned-wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), Mountain-lion (Puma concolor) and ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) in a agroforest landscape, in São Paulo StateGiordano Ciocheti 17 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou analisar padrões de atividade e uso de habitats por mamíferos de médio e grande porte, bem como dieta e sobreposição de nicho trófico de espécies de felinos e canídeos, numa região fragmentada do estado de São Paulo. Na paisagem estudada, existem duas unidades de conservação de proteção integral com vegetação de cerrado e floresta semidecídua, além de fragmentos de floresta nativa (semidecídua) em propriedades privadas. As hipóteses gerais do trabalho são: em ambientes mais impactados, i. as espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte tendem a generalizar seu comportamento de uso de habitat e padrão de atividade e ii. predadores de topo de cadeia alimentar aumentam a competição por recursos alimentares. Para explorá-las, foram estudados, por meio de armadilhas fotográficas e triagem de fezes, os seguintes aspectos: a) a freqüência do uso de diferentes habitats por mamíferos de médio e grande porte; b) o padrão de atividade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte; c) a dieta e a sobreposição de nicho de três carnívoros de topo de cadeia alimentar: lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus), onça-parda (Puma concolor) e jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis). As coletas foram distribuídas em sete fragmentos, onde existem fitofisionomias nativas - cerrado sensu stricto, cerradão e floresta semidecídua - e também reflorestamento com espécies de eucaliptos. Foram obtidas 165, fotografias, nas quais identificou-se 17 espécies. Foram coletadas e identificadas 233 amostras de fezes, sendo 93 de lobo-guará, 68 de onça-parda, 38 de jaguatirica, 30 de outros pequenos felinos e 4 de cachorro-do-mato. Os resultados mostraram que, de forma geral, os mamíferos de médio e grande porte utilizam a área como um todo; os mamíferos mais especialistas, como o tapiti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis), mantiveram sua preferência por um habitat específico. Testes de correlação de Spearman mostraram que algumas espécies mais suscetíveis a alterações antrópicas mostraram-se correlacionadas a áreas com maior tamanho e grau de conectividade. Em relação aos padrões de atividade, os dados indicam que as espécies estão generalizando o seu comportamento: espécies que tinham atividade em alguns períodos do dia estão permanecendo ativas também em outros períodos. Quanto à dieta, o lobo-guará foi a espécie que utilizou mais itens entre os carnívoros estudados, alimentando-se de aves, répteis, frutos, mamíferos de diversos portes e insetos. A onça-parda e a jaguatirica apresentaram uma dieta mais restrita, sendo que os mamíferos representaram 90% dos itens consumidos. Houve uma alta sobreposição de nicho trófico entre lobo-guará e jaguatirica, indicando competição entre essas espécies. Os resultados, obtidos tanto por meio de armadilhamento fotográfico como por análise da dieta, indicam que pode existir uma relação entre áreas com maior grau de conservação (áreas maiores, menos isoladas estruturalmente e imersas em matrizes mais permeáveis) e a freqüência de mamíferos, a sobreposição de nicho dos carnívoros de topo e a densidade de fezes encontradas / The following study analyzed activity patterns and habitat use of large and medium size mammals as well as diet and trophic niche overlapping of feline and canid species in a fragmented area of the State of São Paulo. The landscape studied contains two fully protected conservation units with cerrado and semi-deciduous vegetation and also remnants of native semi-deciduous forest located in private properties. The general hypothesis of this study are: in more impacted environments, i, large and medium size mammal species tend to generalize their behavior regarding habitat use and activity patterns and ii, top food chain predators increase the competition for resources. The following aspects were studied through photographic traps and fecal sorting: a) frequency of different habitat use by large and medium size mammals; b) activity pattern of large and medium size mammals; c) diet and niche overlapping of three top food chain carnivores: Chrysocyon brachyurus, Puma concolor and Leopardus pardalis. Samples were withdrawn from seven fragments of native phytophysiognomies - cerrado sensu stricto, cerradão and semideciduous forest - and from areas of eucalyptus plantations. One hundred and sixty five photographs were obtained, where 17 species were identified. Two hundred and thirty three samples of feces were collected and identified, of which 93 of Chrysocyon brachyurus, 68 of Puma concolor, 38 of Leopardus pardalis, 30 of other small felines and 4 of Cerdocyon thous. The results show that, generally, large and medium size mammals use the entire area. However, more specialist mammals, such as the Sylvilagus brasiliensis, kept their preference for a more specific habitat. Spearman correlation tests demonstrated that those species which are more susceptible to anthropic alterations were more correlated with areas containing a higher connectivity and bigger size. The data also indicated that species are generalizing their behavior regarding the activity patterns: species that were active in some periods of the day are now remaining active in other periods as well. Among the carnivore species studied, Chrysocyon brachyurus was the specie with the most diversified diet, feeding on birds, reptiles, fruits, insects and mammals. Puma concolor and Leopardus pardalis had more restricted diets, where 90% of the items ingested belonged to other mammals. The trophic niche of C. brachyurus and L. pardalis species were strongly overlapped, indicating competition between them. The results obtained through photographic traps and diet analysis indicate that there might be a relation between more conserved areas (less isolated larger areas immersed in more permeable matrixes) and the frequency of mammals, the overlapping niche of top food chain carnivores ad the density of feces found.
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Cobertura florestal e intensificação do manejo: desafios para manutenção de biodiversidade em mosaicos agroflorestais / Forest cover and management intensification: challenges for biodiversity maintenance in agroforestry mosaicsCamila Righetto Cassano 02 December 2011 (has links)
Sistemas agroflorestais abrigam grande biodiversidade quando comparados a outros usos da terra e representam uma ferramenta importante para conciliar produção agrícola e conservação de recursos naturais em paisagens modificadas pelo homem. Esta tese é composta de três capítulos que sintetizam e ampliam o conhecimento a respeito da influência do manejo das agroflorestas e da cobertura florestal remanescente sobre a distribuição dos organismos e apontam ações visando a conservação de biodiversidade em mosaicos agroflorestais. No primeiro capítulo revisamos a informação científica publicada até 2008 sobre a diversidade da fauna e flora nativas nas agroflorestas de cacau do sul da Bahia. Com base nesta síntese, identificamos recursos chave presentes nessas plantações que se relacionam com a maior riqueza de espécies ou presença de táxons ameaçados e evidenciamos a importância da manutenção de florestas nativas em mosaicos agroflorestais. Finalizamos esta revisão com recomendações para um manejo adaptativo visando a conservação de biodiversidade em propriedades e mosaicos agroflorestais e levantamos questões para serem respondidas por estudos futuros. Nos capítulos 2 e 3, apresentamos dois estudos empíricos realizados a partir da amostragem de mamíferos por armadilhas fotográficas em 30 agroflorestas e remanescentes florestais adjacentes a nove delas. No segundo capítulo, construímos e testamos hipóteses que descrevem quais espécies de mamífero de maior porte com ocorrência na região devem ser positiva e negativamente influenciadas pela conversão de florestas em agroflorestas e como estas respostas diferenciais deveriam se refletir na estrutura, composição e diversidade das assembléias. O valor de conservação das agroflorestas é apoiado pela presença de espécies endêmicas ou ameaças de extinção e pela composição de espécies similar entre florestas e agroflorestas. Entretanto, ao identificar que espécies caçadas e mortas por retaliação são raras ou ausentes na nossa amostragem e que agroflorestas são menos usadas por espécies arborícolas e mais usadas por espécies exóticas do que as florestas, nós explicitamos porque o valor de conservação das agroflorestas deve ser visto com cuidado, destacando questões que podem contribuir para a viabilidade das populações de mamíferos de maior porte em paisagens agroflorestais. No terceiro capítulo, contrastamos a importância relativa da intensificação do manejo e da cobertura florestal do entorno sobre o uso das agroflorestas de cacau por mamíferos de maior porte. Nossos resultados indicam que, na paisagem de estudo, fatores diretamente e indiretamente relacionados à intensificação do manejo das agroflorestas são mais importantes para a distribuição das espécies de mamíferos do que a quantidade de florestas remanescentes no entorno. A taxa de registro de cães domésticos (fator indireto) teve efeito negativo sobre várias espécies de mamíferos, enquanto a redução da conectividade do dossel das agroflorestas (diretamente associada ao manejo do sombreamento) teve um efeito negativo sobre espécies arborícolas e a redução da altura do estrato herbáceo (diretamente associada à freqüência de roçagem) um efeito positivo pequeno sobre espécies generalistas. Por outro lado, nesse mosaico agroflorestal com grande quantidade de florestas nativas remanescentes, apenas as espécies generalistas responderam à variação da quantidade de florestas no entorno, sendo mais comuns em agroflorestas circundadas por menor quantidade de floresta. Assim, em mosaicos agroflorestais com elevada cobertura florestal, restringir os efeitos negativos decorrentes da intensificação do uso da terra, como o controle das populações de cães domésticos e das atividades de caça e o planejamento cuidadoso do sombreamento das agroflorestas, deve resultar em maiores benefícios para o uso das agroflorestas por mamíferos de maior porte do que alterações na configuração espacial dos remanescentes florestais. Entretanto, a importância da cobertura florestal em relação a intensificação do manejo deve aumentar em paisagens mais desmatadas. Em conjunto, os três capítulos desta tese mostram que o conhecimento científico atual pode embasar o desenho de práticas e políticas públicas para conciliar produção agrícola e conservação em mosaicos agroflorestais. Tais práticas devem ser continuamente avaliadas, contribuindo e sendo repensadas com o avanço do conhecimento científico / Agroforestry systems harbor high levels of biodiversity if contrasted to other land uses and represent an important tool to reconcile agricultural production and conservation in humanmodified landscapes. This thesis is composed of three chapters that synthesize and expand the knowledge on the influence of agroforest management and remaining forest cover on the distribution of organisms, and highlight practices aiming biodiversity conservation in agroflorestry mosaics. In the first chapter we review the scientific information published until 2008 on the diversity of native fauna and flora in cacao agroforests in southern Bahia. Based on this synthesis, we identify key agroforest resources associated with higher species richness or the presence of threatened taxa, and emphasize the importance of Forest cover maintenance in agroforestry mosaics. We end this review with recommendations to an adaptive management aiming biodiversity conservation on farms and agroforestry mosaics and consider issues to be developed by future studies. On chapters 2 and 3 we present two empirical studies based on photographic records of large mammals in 30 agroforests and forest remnants adjacent to nine of them. In the second chapter we constructed and tested hypotheses describing which mammals from the regional species pool should be positively and negatively influenced by the conversion of forest to agroforests and how these differential responses should change assemblage structure, composition, and diversity. The high conservation value of agroforests is supported by the presence of species of conservation concern, and a similar species composition between forests and agroforests. However, by identifying that hunted and persecuted species are rare or absent in our samples, and that agroforests are less used by arboreal species and more used by non-native species than forest, we explicit why the conservation value of agroforests should be viewed with caution and underline issues that should be addressed to improve the viability of large mammal populations in agroforestry mosaics. In the third chapter we contrast the relative importance of management intensification and surrounding forest cover for the use of agroforests by large mammals. Our results indicate that, in the studied landscape, factors directly and indirectly related to management intensification are more important to define large mammal distribution than the amount and spatial arrangement of surrounding forest cover. High domestic dog capture rate (an indirect factor) had a negative effect on several species, while low canopy connectivity (directly associated to shade management) was negative correlated to the distribution of arboreal species and lower herbaceous vegetation (directly associated to ground vegetation clearance) had a minor positive influence on generalist species. On the other hand, in this agroforestry mosaic highly covered by native forests, only generalist species responded (positively) to the decrease in surrounding forest cover. In agroforestry mosaics from highly forested regions, restricting the negative effects of land-use intensification, such as the control of domestic dog populations and overhunting, and the careful planning of shade management, is likely to bring greater benefit to large mammal use of agroforests than the spatial arrangement of forest remnants. However, the importance of forest cover relative to management intensification is likely to be higher as deforestation increases. The three chapters show that current scientific knowledge can already support policy and management practices to conciliate agricultural production and biodiversity conservation in agroforestry mosaics. Such practices should be continuously evaluated, contributing to and being supported by improvement of scientific knowledge
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Cryptosporidium spp. (Tyzzer, 1907), Giardia sp. (Leeuwenhoek, 1681) e identificação de endoparasitos em mamíferos aquáticos no BrasilBORGES, João Carlos Gomes 22 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mario BC (mario@bc.ufrpe.br) on 2016-06-15T13:12:39Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-01-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / With five significant biomes and the largest river system in the World, Brazil has the richest continental biota on the planet, which has led to the country being classified as megadiverse. In Brazil, several species of aquatic mammals have been suffering almost constantly form the anthropogenic, and sometimes triggering, effects of different parasitic agents. However, our scientific knowledge of the parasitic fauna of aquatic mammals remains limited. Thus, the aim of the present study was to diagnose infections caused by Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia sp. and endoparasites among aquatic mammals in Brazil. To do this, 553 samples were collected from fecal content and the gastrointestinal tract of several species of cetaceans, sirenians (Antillean and Amazonian manatees) and mustelids (neotropical and giant otters) in the North (Amapá, Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia) and Northeast (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Sergipe, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte) of Brazil. Samples were obtained from animals that were kept in captivity and others in the wild, including specimens that lived in rivers, coastlines and oceans. For Cryptosporidium spp., the fecal samples were processed by Kinyoun technique. Concerning the identification of Giardia sp. cysts and helminth eggs, the material collected was submitted to flotation (Willis and Faust) and sedimentation (Hoffman) methods, followed by the Flotac technique. All samples were subjected to the direct immunofluorescence test. In the results obtained, a notable infection was caused by the digenetic trematode of the Opistothrematidae family (Pulmonicola cochleotrema), with an infection prevalence of approximately 7.95% (07/88) among Antillean manatees. The presence of Cryptosporidium spp. was confirmed in five species: Lontra longicaudis (15.28%); Pteronura brasiliensis (41.66%); Sotalia guianensis (9.67%); Trichechus inunguis (16.03%) and Trichechus manatus (13.79%). Giardia sp. was diagnosed in the following species: L. longicaudis (9.23%); P. brasiliensis (29.16%); Kogia breviceps (100%); Kogia sima (25%); S. guianensis (9.67%); T. inunguis (3.81%) and T. manatus (10.34%). The identification of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia sp. in aquatic mammals, allied to the capacity of their oocysts and cysts, respectively, to remain infective in the environment for a long period of time, increases the possibility of the transmission of these agents to other aquatic and land organisms, as well as the human population. / Abrigando cinco importantes biomas e o maior sistema fluvial do mundo, o Brasil tem a mais rica biota continental do planeta, o que rendeu o título de país megadiverso. Dentro deste contexto, encontram-se várias espécies de mamíferos aquáticos, as quais vem sofrendo constantemente com os efeitos antropogênicos e por vezes desencadeantes de diversos agentes parasitários. Entretanto, o conhecimento científico da fauna parasitária dos mamíferos aquáticos ainda é bastante limitado. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo diagnosticar infecções ocasionadas por Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia sp. e endoparasitos em mamíferos aquáticos no Brasil. Para isto foram realizadas coletas de 553 amostras de conteúdo fecal e do trato gastrointestinal de diversas espécies de cetáceos, sirênios (peixe-boi marinho e amazônico) e mustelídeos (lontra neotropical e ariranha), nas regiões Norte (Amapá, Amazonas, Pará e Rondônia) e Nordeste (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Sergipe, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte). Entre os animais envolvidos foi possível obter amostras de espécimes mantidos em cativeiro e de vida livre, bem como, de espécies que habitavam os recursos fluviais, costeiros e oceânicos. Para a pesquisa de Cryptosporidium spp. as amostras fecais foram processadas pela técnica de Kinyoun. Ao que concerne à identificação dos cistos de Giardia sp. e ovos de helmintos, o material coletado foi submetido aos métodos de flutuação (Willis e Faust) e sedimentação (Hoffman), assim como à técnica do Flotac. Todas as amostras foram submetidas ao Teste de Imunofluorescência Direta. Entre os resultados obtidos destaca-se a infecção ocasionada pelo trematódeo digenético da família Opistothrematidae, espécie Pulmonicola cochleotrema, sendo a frequência da infecção de aproximadamente 7,95% (07/88) em peixes-bois marinhos. A presença de Cryptosporidium spp. foi constatada em cinco espécies, sendo estas, a Lontra longicaudis (15,28%), Pteronura brasiliensis (41,66%), Sotalia guianensis (9,67%), Trichechus inunguis (16,03%) e Trichechus manatus (13,79%). No que concerne à ocorrência de Giardia sp., este coccídio foi diagnosticado em um maior número de espécies, conforme pode ser constatado em L. longicaudis (9,23%), P. brasiliensis (29,16%), Kogia breviceps (100%), Kogia sima (25%), S. guianensis (9,67%), T. inunguis (3,81%) e T. manatus (10,34%). A identificação de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia sp. acometendo os mamíferos aquáticos, aliado à capacidade dos oocistos e cistos respectivamente destes protozoários permanecerem infectantes em condições ambientais por um longo período de tempo, amplia a possibilidade de transmissão destes agentes para outros organismos aquáticos, terrestres e populações humanas.
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Soroprevalência da toxoplasmose e leptospirose em mamíferos selvagens neotropicais do zoológico do Parque da Cidade Governador José Rollemberg Leite, Aracaju, Sergipe / Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in neotropical wild mammals from “Zoológico do Parque da Cidade Governador José Rollemberg Leite”, Aracaju, SergipePIMENTEL, Joubert Santana 02 March 2009 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-10-14T12:55:53Z
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-02 / Modern zoological gardens are institutions to wild fauna maintenance, aiming its conservation, the performance of scientific research and leisure, recreation and environmental education activities. The variety of wild species living in conditions different from the one found in its natural habitats represents a propitious environment for diseases spread, specially the zoonotic ones. Due to data shortage and wild mammals’ epidemiological relevance both for toxoplasmosis as for leptospirosis, this study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and leptospirosis in neotropical wild mammals, from “Zoológico do Parque da Cidade Governador José Rollemberg Leite”, Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 32 wild mammals, adults and from both sexes: 14 tufted capuchins (Cebus apella), four golden-bellied capuchins (Cebus xanthosternus), three pumas (Puma concolor), one jaguar (Panthera onca), one fox (Pseudolopex vetulus), six crab-eating raccoons (Procyon cancrivorus), two South American coatis (Nasua nasua), and one tayra (Eira Barbara). Sera were tested by the modified agglutination test (MAT) using formalin-fixed whole tachyzoites and mercaptoetenhol (cut-off point 1:25) to Toxoplasma gondii antibodies, and by the microscopic seroagglutination test (cut-off point: 1:100) using 24 serovar of,pathogenic leptospiras and 2 serovar of saprophyte leptospiras. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 17 of 32 wild mammals (53.1%), and antibodies to Leptospiras spp were found in 4 of 32 wild mammals (12.5%). In relation to gender, 9 of 15 (60%) males, and 8 of 17 (47.1%)females had antibodies to T. gondii, and 4 of 15 (26.7%) males had antibodies to Leptospira spp. Considering the origin of wild seropositive mammals to T. gondii, 8 of 17 (47%) was born in zoo, 7 of 17 (41.2%) were from other zoos, and 2 (11.8%) was from the wild, and 3 of4 (75%) seropositive to Leptospiras spp was born in zoo, and 1 of 4 (25%) was from the wild. This is the first serological survey of Leptospiras spp in neotropical primates and carnivores from Northeast zoo from Brazil, and the first found to antibodies to Leptospira spp (serovar Copenhageni) in the threaten specie of primate golden-bellied capuchins (Cebus xanthosternus). / Os zoológicos modernos são instituições destinadas à manutenção da fauna selvagem com objetivo de conservação, pesquisa cientifica, lazer, recreação e educação ambiental. A ampla variedade de espécies selvagens, vivendo em condições diferentes do seu habitat natural, representa um ambiente propício à disseminação de doenças, muitas delas zoonóticas. Devido à escassez de dados e à relevância dos mamíferos selvagens no contexto epidemiológico, tanto na toxoplasmose, quanto na leptospirose, objetivou–se determinar a soroprevalência de toxoplasmose e de leptospirose em mamíferos selvagens neotropicais do Zoológico do Parque da Cidade Governador José Rollemberg Leite, Aracaju, Sergipe. Para tanto foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas de 32 mamíferos selvagens, adultos e de ambos os sexos, das espécies: 14 macacos-prego (Cebus apella), quatro macacos-prego-do-peito-amarelo (Cebus xanthosternus), três onças-suçuaranas (Puma concolor), uma onça-pintada (Panthera onca), uma raposa-do-campo (Pseudolopex vetulus), seis guaxinins (Procyon cancrivorus), dois quatis (Nasua nasua) e um papa-mel (Eira barbara). Para pesquisa de anticorpos anti- Toxoplasma gondii foi utilizado o teste de Aglutinação Modificada com taquizoítos inativados na formalina e 2-mercaptoetanol (ponto de corte na diluição 1:25) e para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp foi utilizado o teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (ponto de corte na diluição 1:100) com uma coleção de antígenos vivos que incluiu 24 variantes sorológicas de leptospiras patogênicas e duas leptospiras saprófitas. Dentre os 32 mamíferos, 17 (53,1%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii e quatro (12,5%) foram positivos para anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. De acordo com o sexo, 60% (9/15) dos machos e 47,1% (8/17) das fêmeas foram soropositivos para T. gondii e 26,7% (4/15) dos machosapresentaram anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp. Com relação à procedência, dos mamíferos que apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii, 47% (8/17) nasceram no zoológico, 41,2% (7/17) foram oriundos de outras instituições e dois (11,8%) foram provenientes da natureza. Em relação aos quatro mamíferos soropositivos para Leptospira spp, três (75%) foram procedentes da natureza e um (25%) nasceu no zoológico. Este trabalho representou o primeiro inquérito sorológico para a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Leptospira spp em primatas e carnívoros neotropicais em um zoológico do Nordeste do Brasil e descreveu pela primeira vez a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T. gondii e anti-Leptospira spp com sorovar mais provável Copenhageni no primata ameaçado de extinção macaco-prego-de-peito-amarelo (C. xanthosternus).
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