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A study of the efficiency and potential of the eco-village as an alternative urban modelIrrgang, Berendine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / It is generally agreed that the concept of sustainability should play an increasing role in future urban development world-wide. In order to ensure ecological sustainability, cities around the world have to decrease their environmental footprint. Two aspects are important in this regard: the decrease of energy consumption and the decrease of waste products and its subsequent management.
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The impact of management on learner performance : Nhlophenkulu areaNdlovu, Enock Goodman 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenboch, 2009. / This study focuses on the effect of management on learner performance in secondary schools. The Grade 12 senior certificate results are used in the study as a standard benchmark. The researcher acknowledges that there may be other factors that contribute to poor performance of learners. A case study of schools in Nongoma (Nhlophenkulu circuit) was used. The three schools that were selected in the case study represent the best performing school in Grade 12 results for the past three years; the middle performing school in Grade 12 results for the past three years; and the poor performing school in Grade 12 for the past three years. In investigating the problem the researcher used both observations and a questionnaire as a way of collecting data information in the selected schools. The middle and the poor performing schools’ problems pointed to the poor management of the schools under study. In the best performing school the analysis of the data revealed that the school was well managed with support structures in and outside the school. It could therefore be deduced that management does have an impact on learner performance. The findings further revealed that a school can not operate in isolation but needs other stakeholders and outside assistance.
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An analysis into the implementation of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) in Namibia : selected case studiesTeek, Pia Mbemurukira 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISCH ABSTRACT:
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in Namibia is viewed as an essential poverty
reduction strategy in the fight against black disempowerment. However, the concept and
practice of BEE in Namibia, prevails in the absence of a national BEE policy.
Nonetheless, the government has encouraged the public and private sector to develop
their own empowerment initiatives, in accordance with the draft BEE guidelines.
The practice of BEE in Namibia has become controversial amongst the presently
disadvantaged Namibians with regard to its implementation. Criticisms on the
implementation of BEE are based on the assumption that BEE has resulted in the selfenrichment
of a small black elite as opposed to empowering the poor. Breaking the cycle
of underdevelopment and marginalization requires a commitment towards Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and broad-based ownership. The ultimate
objectives of BBBEE are to achieve significant decreases in poverty, income inequality
and unemployment.
The primary objective of the research was to analyze the implementation of BBBEE
within two companies in Namibia, namely; Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company
Financial Services (Nam-MIC FS) and the National Housing Enterprise (NHE). The
purpose was to determine whether the poor are benefiting from their respective BBBEE
strategies and to what extent. A descriptive case study approach was used to understand
the empowerment process within the identified institutions. Two data collection methods
were used, namely; open-ended questionnaires and standardized open-ended interviewing
with the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the respective institutions.
The findings reveal that Nam-MIC FS is promoting broad-based ownership in that union
members are able to access affordable financial services and products. However, Nam-
MIC FS has failed to effectively implement BBBEE, since key areas of empowerment,
such as the implementation of a broad-based skills development programme for
employees, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) development for union members and
community initiatives have been overlooked. The conclusion is that Nam-MIC FS is promoting a minimalist approach to empowerment, since its main focus is on the
provision of affordable financial services and products, which is a short-term and
unsustainable approach to reducing income inequalities and poverty. The main
recommendations include the need to formulate and implement internal policies in
respect of the transformational guidelines and implementing a monitoring and evaluation
The findings on NHE reveal that whilst a BBBEE model has been implemented, a
shortcoming is the failure to implement a skills development programme for black SME
contractors. Moreover, of concern is the failure by NHE to promote broad-based
ownership in the provision of housing, since the poor and very poor are directly and
indirectly excluded from housing opportunities. The conclusion is that NHE is not
promoting the broader participation, capacity building and economic improvement of the
poor and very poor, which exacerbates the housing backlog through the emergence of
informal settlements. The main recommendations pertain to the need to directly or
indirectly include the poor and very poor in the provision of housing opportunities and a
need to implement a skills development programme for black SME contractors, in
addition to implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Swart Ekomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) in Namibië word as ‘n noodsaaklike strategie vir die
verligting van armoede in die stryd teen swart verontmagtiging beskou. Die SEB-konsep
en die beoefening daarvan staan egter sonder ‘n ondersteunende nasionale SEB-beleid.
Desnieteenstaande moedig die regering die private en die besigheidsektors aan om self
bemagtigingsinisiatiewe in ooreenstemming met SEB-konsepriglyne te ontwikkel.
Vir minderbevoorregtes in Namibië is die beoefening van SEB egter omstrede vanweë
die implementering daarvan. Kritiek oor die implementering van SEB word gebaseer op
die aanname dat SEB die selfverryking van ‘n klein groep swart elite instede van die
bemagtiging van armes behels. Verbreking van die siklus van onderontwikkeling en
marginalisering vereis verbondenheid tot Breë Basis Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging
(BBSEB) en breë basis eienaarskap. Die uiteindelike oogmerke van BBSEB is
betekenisvolle vermindering van armoede, ongelyke inkomste en werkloosheid.
Die primêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing was om die implementering van BBSEB in
twee maatskappye in Namibië, die Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company Financial
Services (Nam-MIC FS) en die National Housing Enterprise (NHE), te ontleed. Die doel
was om te bepaal of die armes enige voordeel uit die onderskeie BBSEB-strategieë trek
en in hoeverre dit gebeur. Die navorsing is met behulp van beskrywende gevallestudies
benader om die bemagtigingsproses in die betrokke instansies te kan verstaan. Twee
insamelingsmetodes is vir die verkryging van data gebruik: ope-vraag vraelyste en
gestandaardiseerde ope-vraag onderhoude met bedryfshoofde van die onderskeie
Die bevindings toon dat Nam-MIC FS breë basis eienaarskap bevorder deur vakbondlede
in staat te stel om toegang tot bekostigbare finansiële dienste en produkte te bekom, maar
nie daarin geslaag het om BBSEB effektief te implementeer nie, aangesien sleutelareas
van bemagtiging, soos implementering van breë basis vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme
vir werknemers en ontwikkeling van vaardighede vir Klein en Medium
Ondernemings vir vakbondlede, sowel as gemeenskapsinisiatiewe, oor die hoof gesien is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat Nam-MIC FS ‘n minimalistiese benadering tot bemagtiging
bevorder – hulle is hoofsaaklik op die verskaffing van bekostigbare finansiële dienste en
produkte gerig, wat as ‘n korttermyn en onvolhoubare benadering tot die vermindering
van inkomste-ongelykheid, en tot armoede, beskou word. Die vernaamste aanbevelings
betrek die behoefte om ‘n interne beleid ten opsigte van transformatiewe riglyne te
formuleer en ‘n stelsel vir die monitering en evaluering daarvan te implementeer.
Bevindings oor die NHE toon dat ‘n BBSEB model geïmplementeer is, maar die firma
tekortskiet aangesien hulle nie ’n vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram vir swart KMOkontrakteurs
kon instel nie. Verder is dit sorgwekkend dat die NHE nie geslaag het om
breë-basis eienaarskap deur voorsiening van behuising te bevorder nie, aangesien die
armes uiters arm is en direk sowel as indirek uitgesluit word wanneer geleenthede vir
behuising ter sprake is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die NHE nie breër deelname, die
ontwikkeling van kapasiteit, en ekonomiese verbetering van armes en uiters armes
bevorder nie, waardeur die behuisingsagterstand vererger, en informele nedersettings
ontstaan. Die vernaamste aanbevelings betrek die behoefte aan direkte of indirekte
insluiting van armes en uiters armes by die voorsiening van behuisingsgeleenthede en die
behoefte om vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme vir swart KMO-kontrakteurs, tesame
met ‘n monitering- en evalueringstelsel, te implementeer.
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Building sustainable communities through participation : analysing the transition from participatory planning to implementation in the case of the Grabouw Sustainable Development InitiativeBoulogne, Fleur Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((MPhil (Sustainable Development, Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABTRACT:
Through the development of sustainable communities, a transformation process can be incited towards a more sustainable way of life. An important prerequisite of this transformation process is behavioural change. This thesis is based on the supposition that participation can contribute to behavioural change. Behaviour which supports the functioning of sustainable systems, is essential in the long term success of sustainable communities. To sustain this behaviour and create a sense of ownership, participatory processes need to encompass the initial phases of development (planning) as well as the implementation and management phase (governance). To secure the participatory involvement in the implementation phase anchor points need to be created in the planning phase, which enable participation of community members in the implementation phase.
By means of a case study this thesis has analysed the role of participation in the pilot project in Grabouw, a medium-sized town in the Western Cape, South Africa. The key objective was to establish whether and in what manner, the participatory planning process anticipated the involvement of community members in the implementation phase. Research shows that in some occasions, participation is defined as an instrument to effectively manage contingencies and facilitate the implementation of government decisions. However, the case studies of Grabouw and Porto Alegre, illustrate that community participation can also be organised in such a way that it enables community members to be involved in a meaningful way in decision-making processes, enabling them to shape their own environment. Defined this way active participation is not merely an instrument but an integral part of a complex system encompassing opportunities for social learning. Active participation can incite a process of „conscientization‟ and empowerment, stimulating people to become aware of sustainable challenges and adapt their behaviour accordingly. This viewpoint on participation is in line with the multi-dimensional nature of sustainable development and based on the need to facilitate a continuous evolving learning system. Furthermore it supports the notion that sustainable development is not a fixed objective but a moving target. Within this perspective sustainable communities need to be flexible entities able to evolve in accordance with increased understanding of the complex interrelated issues of sustainable development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
‟n Transformasieproses, gerig op ‟n meer volhoubare lewenswyse, kan deur die ontwikkeling van volhoubare gemeenskappe aangemoedig word. ‟n Belangrike voorvereiste vir so ‟n transformasieproses is gedragsverandering. Gedragsverandering is nie ‟n individuele oefening nie, maar is stewig veranker in sosiale prosesse en word daardeur beïnvloed. Om gedragsverandering op groter skaal te stimuleer, is dit nodig dat individue as katalisators van gedragsverandering optree. Deelname speel ‟n vername rol om volhoubare gemeenskappe as platforms vir volhoubare gedragsverandering op te stel. Die bestaande verskeidenheid tussen die verskillende vlakke van deelname bemoeilik die opstel van een duidelik omlynde definisie van deelname. Die regering en ander gemeenskapsrolspelers het die waarde van deelname besef en dit het algemene gebruik geword om lede van die gemeenskap by die beplanning en/of beheer van volhoubare stedelike ontwikkeling te betrek. Kompleksiteit-teorie bied ‟n waardevolle perspektief in die strewe na dieper verstandhouding rondom die geleenthede en beperkinge van deelname. Hierdie verhandeling het deur middel van ‟n gevallestudie die rol van deelname in die loodsprojek op Grabouw, ‟n medium-grootte dorp in Wes-Kaapland, geanaliseer. Die navorsing wat vir dié verhandeling gedoen is, het deel uitgemaak van ‟n evaluasiestudie wat deur die Ontwikkelingsbank van Suider Afrika bekend gestel is en deur die Omgewingsevaluasie-eenheid aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad (UK) uitgevoer is.
Die navorsing het getoon dat in sommige gevalle deelname gedefinieer word as ‟n instrument om omstandighede doeltreffend te beheer en die toepassing van regeringsbesluite af te glad. Die gevallestudies van Grabouw en Porto Allegre wys egter daarop dat deelname ook op so ‟n manier georganiseer kan word dat dit lede van die gemeenskap in staat stel om op betekenisvolle wyse by besluitnemingsprosesse betrokke te raak en sodoende hulle eie omgewing rangskik. Aktiewe deelname wat so gedefinieer word, is nie ‟n instrument nie, maar ‟n integrale deel van ‟n komplekse stelsel wat geleenthede vir sosiale leer omsluit. Aktiewe deelname kan ‟n proses van „gewetensprikkeling‟ en bemagtiging aanmoedig, wat mense stimuleer om bewus te word van volhoubare uitdagings en hulle gedrag dienooreenkomstig aan te pas. Hierdie siening oor deelname is in lyn met die multi-dimensionele aard van volhoubare ontwikkeling en gebaseer op die behoefte om ‟n voortdurende ontwikkelende leerstelsel te fasiliteer. Voorts ondersteun dit die denkwyse dat volhoubare ontwikkeling nie ‟n vasgeankerde doelwit is nie, maar wel ‟n bewegende teiken. Binne hierdie perspektief behoort volhoubare gemeenskappe buigsame entiteite te wees wat daar toe in staat is om met toenemende insig van die komplekse verbandhoudende aangeleenthede rondom volhoubare ontwikkeling, te groei.
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Improving service delivery through partnerships between local government, civil society and the private sector : a case study of Imizamo YethuMatibane, Luvuyo P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Public and Development Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Developmental local government places emphasis on the importance of partnerships between local government and various stakeholders such as community-based organisations, non-governmental organisations and private sector organisations delivering services to communities. The focus of this thesis is on a service delivery improvement plan for Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay, Cape Town, a poor Black informal settlement alongside a well-established and affluent White suburb. There is severe lack of service delivery in that community and the study has sought to suggest a solution that would address the appalling situation in which the people of Imizamo Yethu live. It seeks to respond to the question: How can partnerships between civil society organisations, local government and the private sector improve service delivery in Imizamo Yethu? The main research objectives were to determine how local government, business and civil society organisations can deliver services; to establish whether there were any partnerships between local government, civil society and the private sector in Imizamo Yethu; to describe the activities of role players in Imizamo Yethu; to identify areas that require partnership between these role players; to generate information for future research that will enable the community of Imizamo Yethu to address their problems; and to make recommendations on how service provision could be improved by establishing partnerships between local government, civil society and the private sector.
Service provision is a complex exercise that needs different skills and strategies. Local government alone cannot win the battle of service delivery. What is needed is the collaboration of different role players using their different and unique capabilities. Partnerships between local government, civil society organisations and the private sector can be an effective alternative model of service provision. The study therefore focuses on improving partnerships between local government, civil society and business in Imizamo Yethu.
While many civil society organisations, business organisations and local government departments are involved in service delivery and development in Imizamo Yethu, these organisations operate in isolation from each other. This makes it virtually impossible for them to make a dent in service delivery challenges.
Through partnerships, local government, civil society and the private sector could wszssork together to mitigate the situation in the particular community. Forums by means of which local government, civil society organisations and business can work together should therefore be formed. Such forums could assist in terms of devising a strategy to provide services, and disseminate information.
The study examines the level of service delivery and partnerships in Imizamo Yethu. It was found that there is both lack of service delivery and lack of partnership between the local government, which is the City of Cape Town, civil society and the private sector.
It is recommended that community service delivery be established, with dissemination of information by the City of Cape Town by means of a communication strategy aimed at informing the community about such service delivery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkelingsgerigte plaaslike regering beklemtoon die belangrikheid van vennootskappe tussen die plaaslike owerheid en verskillende belanghebbers soos gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies, nie-regeringsorganisasies en organisasies in die private sektor wat dienste aan gemeenskappe lewer met die oog op ontwikkeling. Die tesis fokus op ‘n verbeterde diensleweringsplan vir Imizamo Yethu te Houtbaai, Kaapstad, ’n arm, informele Swart nedersetting aangrensend aan ‘n goed gevestigde en welgestelde wit voorstad. Die gemeenskap ondervind ’n ernstige gebrek aan dienslewering en die studie het gepoog om ’n oplossing aan die hand te doen om die haglike omstandighede waarin die inwoners van Imizamo Yethu bestaan, aan te spreek. Dit het probeer om die vraag met betrekking tot hoe vennootskappe tussen organisasies van die burgerlike samelewing, die regering en die private sektor dienslewering aan Imizamo Yethu kan verbeter. Die hoof navorsingsdoelwitte was om vas te stel hoe plaaslike regering en organisasies binne die sakelewe en burgerlike samelewing dienste kan lewer; om vas te stel of daar enige vennootskappe tussen die plaaslike owerheid, die burgerlike samelewing en die private sektor in Imizamo Yethu bestaan; om die aktiwiteite van rolspelers in Imizamo Yethu te beskrywe; om areas waarbinne ’n vennootskap tussen sodanige rolspelers benodig word, te identifiseer; om inligting vir toekomstige navorsing wat die gemeenskap in Imizamo Yethu in staat sal stel om hul probleme aan te spreek, te genereer; en om voorstelle aan die hand te doen oor hoe dienslewering deur die daarstelling van vennootskappe tussen die plaaslike bestuur, die burgerlike samelewing en die private sektor verbeter kan word.
Die lewering van dienste is ‘n ingewikkelde oefening wat verskillende vaardighede en strategieë verg. Die regering is nie in staat om die stryd om dienste te lewer, op sy eie te stry nie. Wat vereis word, is samewerking van die kant van verskillende rolspelers wat hul onderskeie en unieke vermoëns inspan. Vennootskappe tussen die plaaslike owerheid, organisasies binne die burgerlike samelewing en die private sektor kan ’n effektiewe alternatiewe model vir dienslewering wees. Die studie is dus ook gerig op die verbetering van vennootskappe tussen die plaaslike owerheid, die burgerlike samelewing en die sakelewe in Imizamo Yethu.
Terwyl vele organisasies binne die burgerlike samelewing en sakelewe en plaaslike regeringsdepartemente reeds by dienslewering en ontwikkeling in Imizamo Yethu betrokke is, tree hierdie organisasies afsonderlik op. Hul geïsoleerdheid maak dit haas onmoontlik om die uitdagings verbonde aan dienslewering die hoof te bied.
Vennootskap tussen die plaaslike owerheid, die burgerlike samelewing en die private sektor kan egter samewerking bewerkstellig om omstandighede binne die besondere gemeenskap te verlig. Forums waarbinne samewerking tussen die plaaslike owerheid, die burgerlike gemeenskap en die sakelewe moontlik is, behoort dus geskep te word. Sulke forums kan die ontwikkeling van ’n strategie vir dienslewering en die verspreiding van inligting aanhelp.
Die studie het die vlak van dienslewering en vennootskap in Imizamo Yethu ondersoek. ’n Gebrek aan dienslewering sowel as aan vennootskap tussen die plaaslike owerheid, naamlik die Stad Kaapstad, die burgerlike samelewing en die private sektor is gevind.
Die voorstel is dat die Stad Kaapstad dienslewering aan die gemeenskap instel, tesame met ‘n inligtingstrategie wat daarop gemik is om die gemeenskap oor sodanige dienslewering in te lig.
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Financial literacy as core competency of South African military officers : a measurement instrumentVan Nieuwenhuyzen, Bernard J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
Since 1994, education and training in South Africa has experienced various changes,
driven mainly by the Green Paper on Skills Development and the White Paper on
Education which set objectives and outcomes and gave guidelines on how education
and training should be approached, planned, and managed.
The White Paper on Education necessitated change in SA tertiary institutions such
as Stellenbosch University and its respective faculties. The Faculty of Military
Science, which is situated at the South African Military Academy (SAMA) in
Saldanha, accepted the challenge of contributing to the full personal development of
students, by undertaking to shape people capable of organising and managing
themselves and their human activities, including their financial activities, responsibly
and effectively.
The success of higher education institutions in empowering young people to be
financially capable is questioned by various publications and surveys. Preliminary
findings from surveys in 2004 and 2005 among students at the SAMA suggest that
they are largely financially illiterate, thus potentially economically volatile.
These findings introduce the research problem and serve as a foundation for the
development of a scientific, socially relevant, valid and reliable financial literacy
measurement instrument. A combined qualitative and quantitative research
methodology is applied to develop a measurement instrument, which is then
assessed for validity and reliability by applying it in a case study.
The secondary objective of this research is the social study of the financial
knowledge, financial behaviour and financial attitude levels of individuals. To ensure
relevance between the case study and the measurement instrument, financial literacy
is initially evaluated as a management competency. Financial literacy is stated as a
key competency in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).
The financial literacy measurement instrument was constructed after an exploration
of the contextual and conceptual nature of financial literacy. A questionnaire was
selected as the ideal method of gathering the required information. The
questionnaire’s validity and reliability were assessed as part of descriptive research in the development phase, as well as in the case study. The face and content validity
were proven through input from respondents and subject experts.
Reliability of the measurement instrument was assessed by calculating item difficulty,
item discrimination, means, standard deviations and ultimately the internal
consistency of the financial knowledge, behaviour and attitude sections of the
measurement instrument.
In the case study first-year students achieved an average of 50.17% for their financial
knowledge although they rated their own knowledge levels to be 60.8%. The
respondents struggled most with questions pertaining to investment, insurance, and
inflation, and least with retirement and income and expenditure questions.
This research underlines the importance of financial literacy as a management
competency and its importance at a global, national, organisational and personal
level. It produces a valid and reliable financial literacy measurement instrument that
can be used by different stakeholders in South Africa to assess financial knowledge,
behaviour and attitude, and thus indicate where intervention is required. Having a
valid and reliable measurement instrument for measuring financial literacy creates
opportunity for future research and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Sedert 1994 het die opvoeding- en opleidingsteater in Suid-Afrika dramatiese
veranderinge ondergaan met veral die die Groenskrif op Vaardigheidsontwikkeling en
die Witskrif op Opvoeding, wat die doelwitte en uitkomste gestel het en die toon
aangegee het in terme van hoe opvoeding en opleiding aangepak, beplan en bestuur
behoort te word.
Verandering genoodsaak deur die Witskrif op Opvoeding sou by assosiasie ook
verandering noodsaak in SA tersiêre inrigtings soos Stellenbosch Universiteit en haar
fakulteite. Die Fakulteit Krygskunde, gevestig by die Suid-Afrkaanse Millitêre
Akademie (SAMA) in Saldanha, het die uitdaging aanvaar om by te dra tot die totale
persoonlike ontwikkeling van studente deur te onderneem om mense te vorm wat in
staat sal wees om hulself en hul aktiwiteite verantwoordelik en doeltreffend te
bestuur, insluitend hul finansiële aktiwiteite.
Hoër Onderwys se sukses met die bemagtiging van jong mense tot finansieel
vaardige individue is deur verskeie navorsingsverslae bevraagteken. Voorlopige
bevindinge van studies in 2004 en 2005 onder voograadse studente van die SAMA is
dat hulle grootliks finansieel ongeletterd is en gevolglik ekonomies kwesbaar.
Die bevindinge is die vertrekpunt van die probleemstelling vir hierdie studie, en vorm
die basis vir die ontwikkeling van 'n wetenskaplik- en sosiaalrelevante, geldige en
betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument. 'n Gekombineerde kwalitatiefkwantitatiewe
navorsingsmetodologie is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van 'n
metingsinstrument, en die verbandhoudende bepaling van sy geldigheid en
betroubaarheid deur die toepassing daarvan in 'n gevallestudie.
Die sekondêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing is die sosiale studie van die finansiële
kennis-, finansiële gedrags- en finansiële houdingsvlakke van individue. Ten einde
relevansie tussen die gevallestudie en die metingsinstrument te verseker, is
finansiële geletterdheid aanvanklik as 'n bestuursvaardigheid geëvalueer. Finansiële
geletterdheid word in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW), as
kernvaardigheid aangedui.
Die finansiële geletterdheidsinstrument is gekonstrueer na 'n verkenning van die
konteksuele en konsepsuele aard van finansiële geletterdheid. 'n Vraelys is geselekteer as die ideale metode om die relevante data te bekom. Die vraelys se
geldigheid en betroubaarheid is as deel van deskriptiewe navorsing in die
ontwikkelingsfase, en ook tydens die gevallestudie, bepaal. Die gesigs- en
inhoudsgeldigheid is bevestig deur respondentterugvoer en vakspesialisinsette.
Betroubaarheid van die metingsinstrument is bepaal deur die berekening van
itemmoeilikheidsgraad, itemdiskriminasie, gemiddelde, standaardafwyking en
uiteindelik interne betroubaarheid van die finansiële kennis-, gedrags- en
houdingsafdelings van die metingsinstrument.
In die gevallestudie, het eerstejaarstudente 'n gemiddeld van 50.17% vir die
kennisfaktor behaal, alhoewel hulle hul eie kennisvlakke gemiddeld as 60.8%
aangedui het. Respondente het hoofsaaklik gesukkel met kennisvrae wat handel oor
beleggings, versekering en inflasie. Hul het die minste gesukkel met kennisvrae wat
handel oor aftrede en inkomste en uitgawes.
Hierdie navorsing bevestig die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid as
bestuursvaardigheid, asook op 'n globale, nasionale, organisatoriese en persoonlike
Hierdie studie het 'n geldige en betroubare finansiële geletterdheidsmetingsinstrument
opgelewer; een wat deur diverse finansiële geletterdheidsaandeelhouers
in Suid-Afrika aangewend kan word. Hierdie metingsinstrument sal empiriese inligting
oor finansiële kennis-, gedrags-, en houdingsvlakke genereer en aantoon waar
intervensie benodig word. Die belangrikheid van finansiële geletterdheid, sowel as
die noodsaak vir 'n geldige en geloofwaardige metingsinstrument, is geleenthede vir
verdere navorsing en ontwikkeling.
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Development of military leadership : a proposed model for the South African National Defence ForceErasmus, Willem Driesse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The result of this research is an alternative model for leadership character
development in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The SANDF
reflects the racial and cultural diversity of South Africa as a nation. The need for a
unifying leadership-related mechanism for the military milieu in which humane
leadership development will flourish, is evident. This statement is based on the
premise that no evidence is found that any previous efforts by the SANDF to instil a
leadership philosophy or policy as a way of military life was successful.
Further shortcomings in the current SANDF leadership development model, apart
from the reality that its selection process of officer candidates needs improvement,
are the absence of political guidance and participation in the development of its
military leaders, as well as emaciated attention to the development of the character
side of leaders during officer formative training. The SANDF, unlike the international
tendency, has no military leadership institution to ensure that its leadership
development policies and practices are based on sound academic research. Such an
institution will also ensure that the SANDF stays contemporary in the global field of
military leadership development.
The shortcomings of the current SANDF Model were identified by progressing
through the academic theories on leadership and leadership development to a
comparative analysis of leadership development practices in the militaries of
Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and the SANDF. This supplied the
information needed to propose the Five Point Star Model (FPS Model) for leadership
character development in the SANDF. The five components of the FPS Model, which
address the shortcomings of the current SANDF Model, are Convergent Leadership,
Political Participation, Superior Selection, Interventions for Leadership Character
Development, and a Military Leadership Institution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Die uitkoms van hierdie navorsing is ’n alternatiewe model wat die tekortkominge in
die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag
(SANW) aanspreek. Die SANW weerspieël die rasse- en kulturele diversiteit van die
Suid Afrikaanse nasie, wat die behoefte aan ‘n samebindende leierskapsverwante
meganisme na vore bring. Hierdie stelling is gegrond daarop dat geen bewys, waar
die SANW daarin geslaag het om ’n samebindende leierskapsfilosofie of –beleid as
‘n militêre leefwyse te vestig, gevind is om sodoende die militêre milieu te skep
waarin mensgerigte leierskap sal floreer nie.
Verdere tekortkominge in die huidige Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel van die SANW,
bo en behalwe dat die keuringsproses van kandidaat-offisiere uitgebrei en verbeter
moet word, is die afwesigheid van politieke deelname en rigtinggewing waar die
ontwikkeling van die land se jong militêre leiers ter sprake is. Te min aandag word
ook gewy aan die ontwikkeling van kandidaat-offisiere se karakter of inbors tydens
offisiersvorming kursusse. Die internasionale tendens is vir weermagte om ‘n militêre
leierskapsinstelling te hê. Die SANW het nie so ‘n instelling om te verseker dat
militêre leierskapsontwikkelingsbeleid en -praktyke op behoorlike akademiese
navorsing gefundeer is nie. Dit maak dit moeilik om ’n kontemporêre bydrae in die
internasionale veld van militêre leierskap te maak.
Die wyse waarop die tekortkominge van die huidige SANW
Leierskapsontwikkelingsmodel geïdentifiseer is, was om voort te bou op die
akademiese teorieë oor leierskap en leierskapsontwikkeling en om ’n vergelykende
studie tussen leierskapsontwikkelingspraktyke in die weermagte van Duitsland,
Brittanje, Kanada en die SANW te doen. Die vergelykende studie het inligting verskaf
om die Vyfpuntster Model vir die ontwikkeling van leierskapkarakter in die SANW
voor te stel. Die vyf komponente van die nuwe model spreek die tekortkominge van
die huidige SANW Model aan, en die komponente is Konvergerende Leierskap,
Politieke Deelhebberskap, Voortreflike Keuring, Intervensies vir Leierskapkarakterontwikkeling,
en ‘n Instansie vir Militêre Leierskap.
288 |
Impact of map literacy on development planning in South AfricaClarke, Derek G. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Most of the less developed countries are engaging in development projects to address the development needs of their citizens. Yet the record of success of these projects is not high. The ‘crisis in development planning’ has been under scrutiny for some time so that ways may be found of improving the development planning process. Development planning requires reliable quantities of information of an acceptable quality. In particular geo-spatial information should be used in development planning. However, there is evidence of poor usage of geo-spatial information in development planning. There is a need to review the development planning process, in particular the decision-making process, particularly where information and knowledge are used. A proposed new development planning process is presented, emphasizing the role of information and knowledge, as well as capacity and capacity-building in a community participative process.
From evidence presented in this research it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between geo-spatial information and development planning. A Geo-spatial Information Decision-making Model is developed, emphasizing the relationship between geo-spatial information, spatial knowledge and the decision-making process within the environment of the development planning process. This is an information / knowledge-centric model, with the objective of optimizing rationality in the decision-making process...
289 |
Anti-corruption strategies in the South African public sector : perspectives on the contributions of complexity thinking and ICTs / Political corruption -- South AfricaHabtemichael, Faniel Sahle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Among the multitude of problems that contemporary
South Africa is faced with, is corruption. Corruption in contemporary South Africa has
spread to a systemic level, as evidenced through national and international research,
official government statements, and the media. The leakage of billions of Rand from
government coffers to greedy individuals is alarming. Allegations of corruption are
increasingly implicating top government and party officials.
Some of government payrolls are invaded by ghost workers; government accounts are
charged by over- and under-invoicing, phantom billing and ghost beneficiaries.
Resources are diverted and leaked in the process of supply chain activities. Against these,
ICTs are not well placed, despite their capabilities to counter administrative corruption.
The dissertation focuses on exploring the answers to the following questions in the South
African public sector.
i. What is corruption and why is it still increasing, despite the availability of
ICTs that can effectively assist in tracking and tracing irregularities in the
financial system?
ii. How sufficiently and effectively are ICTs designed to minimise susceptibility
to corruption in financial transactions, HR issues, and the activities (elements)
of the supply chain?
iii. How cohesive and integrated are the sub-systems and systems in the anticorruption
industry (organisationally, nationally and internationally) in order
to close the loopholes for corruption?
iv. Is there a nationally centralised database system that is used as a frame of
reference in administrative decision making?
v. What general problems are there in the anti-corruption system?
In the effort to move from the conceptual to the empirical level, these problems provide
the main stimulus for exploring the status and role of information technologies in the
anti-corruption system.
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Beleidstelselanalise van militêre opleiding in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale WeermagCoetzee, Abraham Johannes Albertus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / 457 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-xxvii and 429 numberd pages. Includes bibliography. List of figures, List of tables. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: POLICY SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF MILITARY TRAINING IN THE SOUTH
Borders in a global economy market exist only to determine the sovereignty of
nations. Modern military interventions on the other hand are caught up in a struggle
to stabilise international focal points. In the midst of this struggle, is the South
Africa National Defence Force, in a process of change on the way to a supportive
role to the African Renaissance and an upliftment mandate of the South African
society. The South African government is caught in a battle against poverty,
illiteracy and unemployment of an abundance of general workers, opposing a
shortage of speciality skills measured against the National Qualifications
Framework. The National Defence Force in contrast, attempts to create a
meaningful military development training policy for the backbone of the National
Defence Force, the non-commissioned officer. This military development training
policy should not only adhere to economic restrictions of the Defence Budget, but
should also acknowledge the potential and skills of this specific group.
A literature survey as well as an empirical study of the non-commissioned officer's
military development training policy in respect of the different arms of service in the
National Defence Force shows that up to 18% of the personnel budget is spent on
training. In the midst of this tendency, military development training does not keep
up with changing training policy systems in South Africa, and that its effectiveness
should therefore be improved in an integrated military developmental training
system. The study has found that there are gaps in the military developmental
training policy where learners in the South African Army have to meet far more
course requirements than their peers in other Arms of the Service. Furthermore, the
standard of curricula of the different training courses is not the same. Both these
problems could be solved by way of one responsible, joint training department in the
National Defence Force.In an emotional protection of a defence force culture, the National Defence Force
creates a training budget monster, where seven different training units' supply the
same training. According to the different developmental training curriculums, with
small exceptions of arms of service specific training, developmental training could
easily be presented in one or two separate National Defence Force Units. This idea
will support the concept of one force and joint operations. In addition this idea will
ensure that the National Defence Force exists within a National Defence Force
culture followed by an arm of service culture that is supported by a functional
Grense bestaan in ’n globale ekonomiese omgewing slegs ten einde die
soewereiniteit van volke te bevestig. Moderne militêre intervensies hierteenoor is
gewikkel in ’n stryd om internasionale brandpunte te stabiliseer. Te midde van
hierdie stryd is die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag in ’n toetstand van
verandering, onderweg na ’n ondersteuningsrol tot die Afrika-Renaissance en
opheffingsopdrag van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Die Suid-Afrikaanse
regering veg teen armoede, ongeletterdheid en werkloosheid wat ’n oorvloed
algemene werkers bied, teenoor ’n skaarsste aan spesialisvaardighede, gemeet teen
die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk. Die Nasionale Weermag hierteenoor, poog
om vir die ruggraat van die Nasionale Weermag, die Onderoffisier, ’n betekenisvolle
militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingbeleid daar te stel. Hierdie ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid
moet nie slegs aan die ekonomiese beperkings van die Verdedigingsbegroting
voldoen nie, maar moet ook aan die ontwikkelingspotensiaal en
vaardighede van hierdie groep erkenning verleen.
’n Literatuuroorsig sowel as ’n empiriese ondersoek na die militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid
van onderoffisiere ten opsigte van die verskillende weermagsdele
in die Nasionale Weermag toon dat die Weermag tot 18,2% van die
personeelbegroting aan opleiding spandeer. Te midde van hierdie tendens hou
militêre ontwikkelingsopleiding nie tred met die veranderende opleidingsbeleidstelsels
in Suid-Afrika nie en kan die effektiwiteit daarvan in ’n geïntegreerde
militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingstelsel verbeter word. Die ondersoek het bepaal dat
daar veral leemtes bestaan in die militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid, aangesien
leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse Leër aan veel meer kursusvereistes moet voldoen as
hulle gelykes in die ander weermagsdele. Verder is die standaard van die
kurrikulums van die verskillende opleidingskursusse ook nie dieselfde nie. Beide
hierdie probleme sou opgelos kon word deur middel van een verantwoordelike,
gesamentlike opleidingsdepartement in die Nasionale Weermag.In ’n emosionele beskerming van ’n weermagsdeelkultuur, skep die Nasionale
Weermag ’n opleidingsbegrotingsmonster, waar sewe verskillende opleidingseenhede
dieselfde opleiding verskaf. Die verskillende ontwikkelingsopleidingskurrikulums,
met die uitsondering van ’n beperkte aantal weermagsdele wat unieke
opleiding verskaf, kan gemaklik onder die vaandel van een of twee Nasionale
Weermagsdeeleenhede aangebied word. Hierdie gedagte sal steuning verleen aan
die Een Mag en Gesamentlike Operasionele gedagte van die Nasionale Weermag.
Verder sal hierdie visie verseker dat die Nasionale Weermag eerstens bestaan binne
’n Nasionale Weermag kultuur, gevolg deur ’n Weermagsdeelkultuur wat
gerugsteun word deur ’n funksionele kultuur.
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