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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delft SAPS as an instrument for community development

Booysen, Freddie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken to determine whether a lack of effective service delivery at the South African Police Service at Delft was due to a lack of community participation and development in Delft. Data was collected through a plurality of research methodologies, including participatory action research by means of interviews with role players and participative observation; a literature study; a diachronical study, application of relevant legislation as a guideline as well as input gained by means of discussion with various experts. The collected data was analysed in relation to the theme, the objective of the study and the research hypothesis. The following observations were made as a result of the study: • The local police station SAPS Delft, by acting as a catalyst, has assisted in the establishment of many structures in the community; and • The erecting of a new police station facilitated community participation and development. The study, having considered the observations and drawn conclusions, has offered a number of recommendations namely: • The erecting of a new police station should take place simultaneously with the development of the township where it is situated. By this means all role players will participate. • The local government and relevant national government departments are of the utmost importance when it comes to addressing the root causes of the problems in the community or when putting alternatives in place. The location of a police station should be such that its convenience and accessibility will result in enhanced and sustainable service delivery, provided that the community capitalises on it. Finally, to ensure success, there must be education and training of both the police and the community, facilitated by the SAPS, government departments and NGOs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om vas te stel of die gebrek aan effektiewe dienslewering by Delft Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Diens te wyte is aan die gebrek aan gemeenskapsdeelname en -ontwikkeling in Delft. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ‘n pluraliteit van navorsingsmetodologië, insluitend die volgende: deelnemende aksie navorsing deur onderhoude met rol spelers en deelnemende waarneming; ‘n literatuurstudie; ‘n diakroniese studie, toepassing van relevante wetgewing as ‘n riglyn asook insae verkry deur besprekings met ‘n verskeidenheid kenners. Die ingesamelde data is geanaliseer in verhouding tot die tema en die doelwitte van die studie en is vergelyk met die navorsingshipotese. Die volgende waarnemings is uit die studie gemaak: • Die plaaslike polisiestasie, Delft SAPD, het as katalisator gedien om baie strukture in die gemeenskap tot stand te bring; en • Die oprigting van ‘n nuwe polisiestasie het gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en - ontwikkeling gefasiliteer. Die waarnemings in ag geneem, is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die volgende aanbevelings gemaak word: • Die bou van ‘n nuwe polisiestasie moet saam met die ontwikkeling van ‘n woonbuurt geskied, waarby alle rolspelers betrokke moet wees; en • Die plaaslike regering en relevante departemente is van kardinale belang by die aanspreek van die oorsake van probleme in gemeenskappe of om alternatiewe in plek te stel. Die aanwesigheid van ‘n bereikbare en toeganklike polisiekantoor sal beter en volhoubare dienslewering tot gevolg hê indien die gemeenskap daarop kapitaliseer. Laastens verg dit egter opvoeding, vir die polisie sowel as die gemeenskap, en gefasiliteer deur SAPD, staatsdepartemente en nie-regeringsorganisasies om sukses te verseker.

The impact of South African firms on the liberalised Zambian economy

Mulusa, L.M. 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While admitting that the ambitious privatization programme embarked on from 1991 to date in Zambia has contributed to unemployment largely due to the closure of privatized parastatal companies, post-privatization business conduct of investors need analyzing in order to understand why the expected economic growth and job creation in the country has never taken place. In this article the role the local political leadership, globalization and the tendency towards misplaced policy formulation play in driving the state of under development in Zambia will be analysed. The inherent weaknesses in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development which may further deny poor African countries such as Zambia, the benefits of a well timed and supported programme to provide home grown solutions for the continent’s numerous developmental problems will also be looked at. The paper will contribute towards resolving Zambia’s problems by suggesting the need to formulate policies which create a positive interface between local policies adopted to support and attract investment, and the motives driving the global players to invest in particular countries. In particular this paper focuses on the absence of good investment policy formulation, and consequently, the absence of the full economic benefit which should be derived by the economy for hosting multinational business enterprises such as the Shoprite Checkers Group. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ambisieuse privatiserings program wat sedert 1991 in Zambië gevolg word, het hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die sluiting van geprivatiseerde semistaatsmaatskappye tot werkloosheid bygedra. Die sake-optrede van beleggers ná privatisering moet egter ontleed word ten einde te verstaan waarom die verwagte ekonomiese groei en werkskepping nooit in hierdie land plaasgevind het nie. In hierdie artikel sal die rol wat die plaaslike politieke leierskap, globalisering en die neiging na misplaaste beleidsformulering in onderontwikkeling in Zambië speel, ondersoek word. Die inherente tekortkominge in die Nuwe Vennootskap vir Afrika-ontwikkeling wat arm Afrikalande soos Zambië moontlik die voordele van ’n geleë en ondersteunde program om eie oplossings vir die kontinent se veelvuldige ontwikkelingsprobleme te bied, ontsê, sal ook onder die loep geneem word. Hierdie artikel sal ter oplossing van Zambië se probleme voorstel dat beleid geformuleer word wat ’n positiewe raakvlak bied tussen plaaslike beleid wat aangeneem is om belegging te lok en te ondersteun, en die beweegredes agter wêreldrolspelers se besluite om in spesifieke lande te belê. Hierdie artikel fokus veral op die afwesigheid van die formulering van goeie beleggingsbeleid en die gevolglike afwesigheid van die volle voordeel wat die ekonomie daaruit kan put om as gasheer vir multinasionale sake-ondernemigs soos die Shoprite Checkers Groep op te tree.

Applying corporate social responsibility principles to the church : a case study of the interface between the Indian Pentecostal/Charimatic Church in the Phoenix Community, Durban North (KwaZulu Natal) and social responsibility

Francis, Virginia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a country in transition, and continues to develop new systems expected to positively shift the social and economic lives of 48 million people. Every sector of society is focussed on people’s upliftment. Corporations in South Africa have Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programmes as their contribution toward this goal. The Pentecostal/Charismatic Church is the fastest growing Christian denomination in the world, certainly even in Africa. Churches’ also have a responsibility to society’s upliftment, and since the Pentecostal/Charismatic church aspires to corporate principles this thesis explores the response of the Indian Pentecostal/Charismatic Church to social, economic and environmental issues of local and global magnitude. The theoretical framework proposes that a theology for social change in South Africa must be traced from the foundation of a theology of liberation from racial oppression, which is found in the Kairos Document; and combines this with CSI principles to present a composite framework for analysis. The study uses qualitative methodologies of loosely structured interviews and a focus group discussion with Pentecostal/Charismatic pastors from the Phoenix community, north of Durban. The findings suggest that the Indian Pentecostal/Charismatic Church i) has divergent viewpoints on what constitutes social responsibility, ii) does not have a set of guiding principles for funding social programmes, and iii) does not have a discernable liberation theology, which is a real challenge facing the Church as this study argues that is a core reason for the Churches’ inability to deal with social justice or sustainability issues effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is ‘n land in ‘n oorgangsfase, en is in die proses om nuwe sisteme te ontwikkel wat benodig word om ‘n positiewe verandering te bewerkstellig in die sosiale en ekonomiese lewensfasette van 48 miljoen mense. Bykans elke sektor van die samelewing is dan ook tans gefokus op die opheffing van mense. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, en om by te dra tot sodanige opheffing, het korporasies in Suid-Afrika Korporatiewe Sosiale Beleggings (KSB) Programme. Die Pinkster / Charismatiese Kerk is die denominasie wat wêreldwyd, veral ook in Afrika, die meeste veld wen. Kerke het ook ‘n verantwoordelikheid ten opsigte van sosiale opheffing, en aangesien die Pinkster / Charismatiese Kerk daarna strewe om korporatiewe beginsels toe te pas, ondersoek hierdie tesis die reaksie van die Indiese Pinkster / Charismatiese Kerk teenoor wêreldwye sosiale-, ekonomiese en omgewingsfaktore. Die teoretiese raamwerk suggereer dat ‘n teologie vir sosiale verandering in Suid-Afrika gebaseer moet word op ‘n teologie van bevryding van rasgebaseerde onderdrukking, wat te vinde is in die Kairos Dokument; en kombineer dit met Korporatiewe Sosiale Beleggings (KSB) beginsels om ‘n saamgestelde analiserings-raamwerk voor te hou. Die studie maak gebruik van kwalitatiewe metodes, naamlik los-gestruktureerde onderhoude asook die besprekings van ‘n fokusgroep wat gehou is tussen Pinkster / Charismatiese pastore / predikante in die Phoenix gemeenskap, noord van Durban. Die bevindinge suggereer dat die Indiese Pinkster / Charismatiese Kerk: i) uiteenlopende menings het oor wat presies sosiale opheffing is; ii) nie ‘n stel grondbeginsels rakende die befondsing van sosiale opheffingsprogramme het nie; en iii) nie ‘n duidelike bevrydingsteologie aanhang nie, welke feit ‘n groot uitdaging aan die Kerk bied, aangesien hierdie studie die standpunt inneem dat dit ‘n fundamentele rede is waarom die Kerk nie in staat is om aangeleenthede van sosiale geregtigheid en volhoubaarheid effektief aan te spreek nie.

Assessing the use of GIS in the poverty alleviation strategy of the West Coast District Municipality

Fouche, Ilse 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poverty is a complex issue and has many causes which are wide-ranging with devastating effects. In order for these effects of poverty to be minimilised and contained, a poverty alleviation strategy has to be implemented in an effective and efficient manner. In order for a poverty alleviation strategy to be effective for the main stakeholders in the decision-making process the various components of poverty have to be fully comprehended. The extent of poverty needs to be determined by employing poverty measurement techniques which will enable the decision-maker to use a (GIS) to store the poverty data. This Geographical Information System (GIS) enables the decision-makers to capture, manage, store and analyse the poverty data. The GIS can be used to map poverty data and allow a visual display of the poverty data to indicate where the greatest needs are and to allow that the relevant stakeholders and policy makers focus scarce resources and efforts to these areas. Therefore poverty mapping can greatly assist government with the implementation process of the policy process specifically in the West Coast region, where a Poverty Alleviation Strategy is currently being implemented. This implementation plan of the West Coast Poverty Alleviation Strategy can be much more effective if used in conjunction with a GIS for poverty mapping. Therefore decision-makers in the West Coast District Municipality will be provided with an opportunity to utilise the poverty data in a more effective manner which will improve their decision-making process thorough the assistance of a decision-support tool such as the visual display of poverty in the West Coast region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toestand van armoede is ingewikkeld en kompleks. Armoede het verskeie negatiewe nagevolge. Om hierdie negatiewe nagevolge te bekamp, moet ʼn armoedeverligting strategie in ʼn effektiewe manier geïmplementeer word. Die armoedeverligting strategie kan net vir die hoof rolspelers effektief wees tydens die besluitnemings proses, as die hoof oorsake van armoede in volle konteks beskryf en verstaan word. Die toestand van armoede kan net bepaal word deur om gebruik te maak van verskei armoede meetings tegnieke. Hierdie tegnieke sal die besluitnemer in staat stel om ʼn Geografiese Inligtings Stelsel (GIS) te kan gebruik wat die armoede data kan stoor. GIS kan gebruik word om die toestand van armoede visueel te illustreer. Deur gebruik te maak van ʼn kaart om aan te wys waar die grootste behoefte is i.t.v. die armoede data en waar die rolspelers hulle hulpbronne en kragte moet saamsnoer. Armoede kartering kan daarom ʼn geweldige hulp verleen aan die Owerhede. Veral i.t.v. die beleid implementerings proses in die Weskus Armoedeverligting Strategie, wat ʼn sleutel armoede verligting aksie plan bevat. Die beleid proses sal net verbeter word, deur vir die besluitnemers in die Weskus Distrik Munisipaliteit ʼn geleentheid te skep om die armoede data in ʼn alternatiewe manier te gebruik. Armoede kartering is so alternatiewe manier en sal deur ʼn besluitneming ondersteunings sisteem soos GIS die algehele besluitnemings proses in die Weskus streek verbeter.

The relevance, importance and applicability of corporate social and environmental responsibility: South African case studies

Louw, Marie-Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / At the beginning of the new millennium, the world faces various challenges. Global warming is an all too familiar word, global terrorism is a threat to many countries that always felt safe and an ever looming oil crisis just does not want to go away. No longer can it be argued that nature is a never-ending provider of resources. In order for humanity to co-exist with nature, it is of great importance that we take our responsibility towards nature and other human beings seriously. In the midst of all these, the most prominent institution in the world, the corporation, plays a very significant role. They are the biggest traders in resources and they are also the institutions that affect our lives more than any other. It is because of the influence that corporations have in our lives and on the natural environment they operate in, that they need to take their social and environmental responsibility serious. This thesis focuses on the corporate social and environmental responsibility of two prominent corporations that operate in and around Stellenbosch: the University of Stellenbosch and Spier Holdings. The validity of the reasons behind corporate social responsibility is also investigated through literature before it is “tested” at the two corporations mentioned above. In terms of its findings, the thesis established the effectiveness of the way the university is dealing with social and environmental issues. Opposed to this, Spier is studied as a corporation that deals with the same challenges in an environmental and socially sensitive manner. The thesis also shows that there is a moral and business case for corporate social and environmental responsibility that is applicable to corporations in general and that those reasons are valid and relevant. The thesis found that becoming a more sustainable corporation is beneficial for the corporation, the society in which it operates as well as the natural environment.

Community participation in sustainable human settlements : the case of Khomas Regional Council

Indongo, Simon Namwandi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This assignment presents the analysis of poor public participation in the Khomas Regional Council where there is a need for popular participation in the development initiatives and projects. Public participation, allows the public to participate in programmes and projects through established institutions and structures. The main objective of the study was to conduct three months’ internships to investigate the importance of community participation. The study envisaged assessing the effectiveness of the Council to deliver basic services such as drinking water, adequate shelter, and sanitation to the community by taking the limited resources into consideration. The study also analysed some challenges the Council is facing in the implementation of the sustainable human settlement projects. The complex and multidimensional nature of public participation is dealt with. As a result, participation can give women and other groups of people who are usually marginalized from the community activities the opportunity to influence development initiatives in their communities. In terms of design and methodology, the active participation and direct involvement as well as working with Council’s staff and the community at large formed the basis of the study. The survey on public participation conducted by Regional Council revealed that absence of public participation policy and legislation makes it difficult for Councillors to implement the public participation process. There is lack of information sharing and communication breaks down between councilors and residents. Lack of capacity building and resources for Constituency Development Committee members prevails in Khomas region. There is confusion regarding political meetings and there is also poor attendance to meetings. In addition, the study recommends that Council should forge a constant consultation and collaboration between the Regional Council and citizens. Establish mechanisms and structures through which citizens can initiate voluntary and interested groups to facilitate their participation in the Regional affairs. Create forums for meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences to discuss and debate pertinent issues. Strengthen the capacity of Regional Development Coordinating Committee (RDCC), Constituency Development Committee (CDCs) and other structures.

Managing diversity in the amalgamated City of Tygerberg : an evaluation

Nombakuse, Ntombikayise Ethel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assignment is intended to evaluate the current strategies employed by the City of Tygerberg to manage diversity and its related aspects namely change management, organisational development and organisational culture and thus to identify possible shortcomings in the current strategies employed by the City of Tygerberg and make possible suggestions for improvement. Considering its aim, boundaries have been defined in the research assignment by identifying four areas of concern to be addressed namely diversity management, change management, organisational development and organisational culture. The review of the theoretical perspectives of diversity management, change management, organisational development and organisational culture within the organisational context is also intended to review theory on the identified areas of concern with the aim of creating understanding by the City of Tygerberg for the challenges presented by diversity. The historical background of the organisation in question, the City of Tygerberg, is discussed as well as its vision and envisaged future, with the aim of establishing the corresponding mission and goals to be achieved by the organisation. The relevant legislation which refers to the importance of diversity management and the organisational policies in place addressing the various aspects related to diversity are also reviewed. In order to collect data the researcher designed a self-administered questionnaire which was distributed to the various members of the target group namely the Chief Executive Officer, Manager Human Resources, Manager Training and Development and the Director of Administration. The findings of the research process are then used to make possible suggestions and recommendations for addressing the identified possible shortcomings, with the intention of strengthening the existing methods employed the City of Tygerberg. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel met hierdie navorsingsprojek is evaluering van die bestaande strategiee toegepas deur die Stad Tygerberg vir diversiteitsbestuur en verwante aspekte soos die bestuur van verandering, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur om sodoende moontlike tekortkominge in die bestaande strategiee te identifiseer en moontlike voorstelle vir verbetering te maak. In aansluiting by die doel is daar ter afbakening vier relevante terreine vir ondersoek geidentifiseer, te wete, diversiteitsbestuur, veranderingsbestuur, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur. Die oorsigtelike beskouing van die teoretiese perspektiewe rakende diversiteitsbestuur, veranderingsbestuur, organisasie-ontwikkeling en organisasiekultuur binne die organisatoriese konteks is ook gerig op teoriehersiening betreffende die geidentifiseerde terreine ter wille van begripskepping by die Stad Tygerberg vir uitdagings gesteI deur diversiteit. Die historiese agtergrond van die ter sprake organisasie, die Stad Tygerberg, word bespreek, asook sy visie en beoogde toekoms, met die oog op daarstelling van 'n verbandhoudende missie en doelwitte vir verwesenliking deur die organisasie. Die relevante wetgewing met betrekking tot die belangrikheid van diversiteitsbestuur en die organisatoriese beleide van toepassing op die verskillende verwante aspekte van diversiteit word ook in oënskou geneem. Met die oog op data-insameling het die navorser 'n vraaglys ontwerp wat versprei is na verskillende lede van die teikengroep, naamlik, die Hoofuitvoerende Beampte, die Hoof Menslike Hulpbronne, die Hoof Opleiding en Ontwikkeling en die Direkteur Administrasie. Die bevindings van die navorsingsproses is gebruik om moontlike voorstelle en aanbevelings vir aanspreking van die geidentifiseerde moontlike tekortkominge te maak, met die oog op verstewiging van die bestaande metodes toegepas deur die Stad Tygerberg.

Project proposal : to construct and manage Moya weKhaya - spirit of home : a cultural centre in Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Wright, Yolande 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study consists of a proposal to construct and manage Moya weKhaya, a cultural centre on a vacant site linked to an existing park in A Section, Khayelitsha. The cultural centre is an innovative vision of urban renewal. The intention is to contribute towards addressing current social and cultural needs and challenge the historical realities of apartheid planning. The concept was initiated by two community-based organisations (CBOs) and the proposal has been developed through a series of meetings and workshops with the initiating CBOs. The approach to the project, from its inception, was based on a communicative planning approach and the intention of this proposal is to stimulate dialogue with government and other potential partners and garner support for the project. The proposal presents the rationale, vision and objectives of Moya weKhaya and describes the background and context in which the project was formulated. It locates the project within the current South African legislative and policy framework and within current planning discourse. The thematic and ecological approach to the architectural design is presented and the proposed usage of the cultural centre and the envisaged activities are described. Strategies to raise funds for capital costs and partnership options are explored. A preliminary operating budget and income generating strategies to maintain the centre are presented. Potential challenges and solutions are discussed. The proposed cultural centre is an ambitious, costly, and complex project and it raises two fundamental issues. - The challenge to the CBO partnership to raise its own capacity to implement and manage the project on its own and / or to negotiate and formalise a public-private partnership to build and manage the centre. - The challenge by the CBOs to government in particular to support the project and bridge the gap between the legislative framework that promotes grassroots driven development and the institutional mechanisms (and political will) to facilitate such processes. This proposal is an attempt to present a framework in which to address these issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie vervat ’n voorstel vir die oprigting en bestuur van ’n kulturele sentrum, Moya weKhaya, op ’n leë bouterrein wat grens aan ’n bestaande park in A Section, Khayelitsha. Die kulturele sentrum is ’n innoverende visie van stedelike vernuwing. Die doel is om by te dra tot die aanspreek van huidige sosiale en kulturele behoeftes en om die historiese werklikhede van apartheidera-beplannning te trotseer. Die konsep is geïnisieer deur twee gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies (GGOs) en die voorstel is ontwikkel aan die hand van ’n reeks vergaderings en werkswinkels met die inisiërende GGOs. Die manier waarop die projek benader is, vanaf die aanvang daarvan, is gebaseer op ’n benadering van tegemoetkomende beplanning en die doel met die voorstel is om gesprekvoering te stimuleer met die regering en ander potensiële vennote en ondersteuning in te win vir die projek. Die voorstel bied die regverdiging vir en visie en doelwitte van Moya weKhaya en beskryf die agtergrond en konteks waarin die projek geformuleer is. Dit posisioneer die projek in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewende en beleidsraamwerk en in die huidige beplanningsdiskoers. Die tematiese en ekologiese benadering tot die argitektoniese ontwerp word aangebied en die voorgestelde gebruik van die kulturele sentrum en die beoogde aktiwiteite word beskryf. Strategieë om fondse vir kapitaalkoste te vermeerder en vennootskapopsies word ondersoek. ’n Voorlopige bedryfsbegroting en inkomsteskeppingstrategieë om die sentrum in stand te hou, word voorgestel. Potensiële uitdagings en oplossings word bespreek. Die voorgestelde kulturele sentrum is ambisieus, duur en kompleks en dit opper twee fundamentele kwessies: - Die uitdaging aan die inisiërende GGO-vennootskap om die kapasiteit op sy eie op te rig om die projek self te implementeer en te bestuur en/of om ’n openbare-private vennootskap te bewerkstellig en te formaliseer om die sentrum te bou en te bestuur. - Die uitdaging gerig deur die GGO aan veral die regering om die projek te ondersteun en die gaping te oorbrug tussen die wetgewende raamwerk wat grondvlakgedrewe ontwikkeling bevorder en die institusionele meganismes (en die politieke wil) om sodanige ontwikkeling te fasiliteer. Hierdie voorstel is ’n poging om ’n raamwerk te bied waarin hierdie kwessies aangespreek kan word.

Privatisation of technical services at the Welkom campus of Vista University

Manyaga, Lukani Amos 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public institutions require financial resources in order to deliver quality services to the community. The survival of each and every organisation primarily relies on the availability and proper management of financial resources in order to provide effective and efficient service to its clients. Section 195 (1) (b) of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1996 , Act 108 of 1996 compels public institutions to promote and implement mechanisms that will promote efficient , economic and effective use of resources. South African Public Universities derives larger part of their revenue from the government. The South African government finances South African Universities on the basis of student enrolments. Funding for South African universities and technikons has increased from 10% in the 1996/1997 financialyear to 14% in the 2000/2001 budget. Despite the increase in the financing of the education sector, there were also significant changes in student enrolments at South African universities (Kulati, 2000: 27). Students are leaving from historically black universities for historically white ones and many more are enrolling at technikons than at universities. There are a number of reasons attributed to the decrease in student enrolment in former black universities. Black universities are perceived to be of inferior status as compared to former white universities in terms of their quality and resources. It is expected that government subsidies to historically black universities might fall by 26% over the next three years because of the projected decline in student enrolments. Taking into consideration the enrolment linked subsidy, changed enrolment patterns have drastically affected subsidy allocations by the government to most historically black universities such as Vista University. According to Caruna et al.,(1998: 55), tertiary educational institutions are required, like business firms, to monitor and adapt to the continuous changed taking place in the political, economic, social and the technological environment. The affected institutions are compelled to adapt their service delivery mechanisms if they are to remain financially viable in the near future. It is for this reason that the researcher will explore the use of privatisation as an alternative strategy to service delivery. This study investigate the manner in which activities of the technical services department within Vista University Welkom Campus can be contracted out with an aim of improving cost efficiency within the University. The study developed a normative model which can be used as a guideline in the process of contracting out services and also explain how such model can applied in the process of contracting out activities of the technical services department. The study further identified the responsibilities of different role players who will in one way or another be affected by the contracting process within the University. The study concluded that for the contracting out process to be cost effective, the University have to adopt a seasonally priced contract which reduces activities of the service producer in winter and concentrate activities of the service producer in summer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Openbare instellings benodig finasiele hulpbronne om 'n gehalte diens aan die gemeenskap te lewer. Die voortbestaan van elke organisasie berus primer op die beskikbaarheid en behoorlike bestuur van finansiele hulpbronne om 'n effektiewe en doeltreffende diens aan kliente te lewer. Afdeling 195 (1) (b) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika, 1996, Wet 108 van 1996, verplig publieke instellings om meganismes te implimenteer en bevorder wat doeltreffende, ekonomiese en effektiewe gebruik van hulpbronne verseker. Suid Afrikaanse openbare universiteite verkry die grootste gedeelte van hulle inkomste vanaf die regering. Hierdie finansiering geskied volgens die aantal geregistreerde studente by die onderskeie universiteite. Bevondsing vir Suid Afrikaanse universiteite en technikons het gestyg van 10% in die 1996/1997 finansiele jaar tot 14% in die 2000/2001 begroting. Ten spyte van die finansiering van die opvoedkundige sektor, was daar beduidende veranderinge in die studente getalle by Suid Afrikaanse universiteite (Financial Mail, 3l.03.2000). Studente verlaat historiese swart universiteite om by histories blanke universiteite in te skryf en meer studente skryf by technikons in as by universiteite. Daar is 'n aantal redes waaraan die afname van registrasies by histories swart universiteite toegeskryf kan word. Voormalige swart universiteite word as minderwaardig betreffende gehalte en hulpbronne beskou, in vergelyking met voormalige blanke universiteite. Die verwagting is dat staat subsidies aan historiese swart universiteite met so veel as 26% oor die volgende drie jaar kan daal, as gevolg van die geprojekteerde daling in studente getalle. Gegewe die feit dat subsidie gekoppel is aan studente registrasies, het die verandering in studente registrasie patrone 'n drastiese invloed op die subsidie toewysing op meeste historiese swart universiteite, waaronder Vista Universiteit resorteer. Volgens Caruna et al.,(1998:55), word daar van tersiere instellings (net soos van besigheidsfirmas), verwag om by die veranderende politieke, eknomiese, sosiale en tegnologiese omgewings aan te pas. Die instellings wat geraak word, gedwing om hul diensleweringsmeganisme aan te pas om finansieel lewensvatbaar te bly. Om hierdie rede gaan die navorser privatisering as alternatiewe strategie tot dienslewering ondersoek. Hierdie studie ondersoek maniere om aktiwiteite van die Tegniese Dienste Departement uit te kontrakteur met die uitsluitlike doel om koste effektiwiteit binne die Vista Universiteit te bewerkstelling. Die studie poog ook om 'n normatiewe model te formuleer en te implementeer om bogenoemde aktiwiteite te rugsteun. Die studie verduidelik ook hoe so 'n model die uitkontrakteur van Tegniese Dienste lewering kan assisteer en komplimenteer. Die studie identifiseer ook verskeie rolspelers wat deel sal vorm van die voorgestelde proses en wat ook direk en indirek deur die proses geraak en geaffekteer sal word. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat die proses van uitkontraktering van Tegniese Dienste, kostebesparings binne die universiteit sal bewerkstellig. Die universiteit moet 'n stelsel implementeer wat seisoensgebonde is asook prysgebonde strukture daar stel wat die aspek van koste effektiwiteit sal aanspreek.

Developmental local government and the role that public private partnerships can play in achieving this in the Breede River/Winelands Municipality

Everson, Anton W. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis analyse the new trend of governance and management, introduced in the public sector abroad and now for the past couple of years in South Africa. The research further explores issues affecting public service delivery in general and then concludes by exploring local government in the Boland area in the Western Cape. The development role of government, and especially local government in South Africa necessitates alternative methods of service delivery, funding and skills transfer. The performance in developing countries as far as service delivery is concerned is hampered due to many constraints, of which unemployment and poverty are two most important ones. The literature review has explored the role New Public Management can play in achieving sustainable local government and further reviews developmental local government in South Africa. Public-private partnerships as a means of service delivery have also been dealt with in the literature review. The case study focuses on a municipality in the Western Cape, Boland region, the Breede River/Winelands Municipality and its demographic, employment and affordability status. It further highlights the investigations done to determine using alternative measures to render services and for partnerships. The current public-private partnership that is in place is also evaluated and elaborated on. If the municipality do not use alternative sources to generate income, create jobs and render services, be it due to outsourcing or partnerships, the municipality will not be able to deliver affordable services and meet its obligation to render sustainable services in the area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing dienslewering in ondersoek verder aspekte wat openbare en sluitdan af deur n Opsomming Die tesis analiseer die nuwe tendense van regeer en bestuur, wat in die publieke sektor internasionaal, en nou ook vir die afgelope aantal jare in Suid-Afrika toegepas word. die geheel raak, ondersoek na plaaslike regering binne die Boland area, in die Wes-Kaap. Die ontwikkelings rol van regering, en in besonder plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika noodsaak alternatiewe metodes van dienslewering, befondsing en die oordra van vaardighede. Die prestasie binne ontwikkelende lande sover dit dienslewering betref, word belemmer deur te veel struikelblokke, waarvan werkloosheid en armoede twee van die belangrikste is. Die li teratuur studie ondersoek die rol wat nuwe publieke bestuur (New Public Management) kan vervul om volhoubare plaaslike regering te verseker. Verder ondersoek ditook ontwikkelende plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika. Publieke privaat vennootskappe (public-private partnerships as n middelom munisipale dienste te lewer was ook ondersoek. Die gevalle Munisipaliteit. area in die studie fokus op die Breërivier/Wynland Die munisipali tei t is geleë in die Boland Wes-Kaap. Sy ligging, werkgeleenthede en bekostigbaarheids aspekte word ook ontleed. Die ondersoeke wat gedoen is om alternatiewe metodes en bronne vir dienslewering te bepaal, wat vennootskappe ins lui t, is ook hierin vervat. Die publieke privaat vennootskap wat tans bestaan binne die munisipaliteit, word ook op uitgewei. Indien die munisipaliteit nie alternatiewe bronne vind om inkomste te genereer, werkgeleenthede te skep en diens te lewer nie, hetsy deur privatisering of vennootskappe, sal die munisipaliteit nie daarin slaag om bekostigbare diens te lewer en dienste te verskaf nie. Die munisipaliteit sal dan ook nie sy verpligting om volhoubare dienslewering binne sy regsgebied te verseker en ook nie sy verpligting om volhoubare plaaslike regering daar te stel, kan nakom nie.

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