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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A description of whether the objectives of the performance management system of the Botswana Department of Tribal Administration are being realised

Monnaesi, Timothy Tiro 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Public sector organisations have to deliver quality services to the people amid budgetary cuts and public disenchantment with the public sector. Delivering these services in the face of dwindling resources has led public sector organisations to introduce performance improvement initiatives in an endeavour to do more with less. The government of Botswana introduced a raft of performance improvement initiatives such as WITS, O & M and Job Evaluation in the public sector with the sole objective of improving performance and driving public service delivery. However, despite the implementation of these initiatives, there was increasing concern that the quality of the delivery of public services was declining. These performance improvement initiatives were criticised for failing to make any meaningful impact on organisational performance, as the problems of poor service delivery remained unchanged. The failure of these earlier public sector reforms to improve organisational performance led the government to introduce a more comprehensive and holistic reform programme, PMS, guided by the national vision – Vision 2016 – in 1999. PMS was seen as the overall framework within which all previous reform initiatives could be integrated. This research sought to determine whether the objectives of PMS of DTA were being realised, given that previous public sector reforms had been deemed to have failed to actually raise organisational performance. A case study of DTA was therefore undertaken to describe the extent to which PMS had delivered on its objectives. Data collection was through structured self-administered questionnaires, comprising 14 closed-ended questions, one ranked question and one open-ended question. This was also augmented by documentary analysis of official reports such as the Annual Statements of Accounts (ASA). The research found that PMS had succeeded only in so far as communicating DTA’s vision, mission and values across the department. There was awareness of PMS within DTA. However, the system had not succeeded in improving DTA’s organisational performance, as it was hampered by various challenges such as lack of leadership commitment, the difficulty in implementing the system and lack of feedback on organisational performance. Recommendations are also made for enhancing DTA’s PMS to actually realise its objectives of improving organisational performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word van openbare sektor organisasies verwag om kwaliteit dienste aan die publiek te lewer te midde van ingekorte begrotings en openbare ontnugtering rakende die openbaresektor. In ‘n poging om hierdie dienste te lewer ten spyte van beperkte hulpbronne stel openbaresektor organisasies inisiatiewe in om werkverrigting te verbeter en sodoende meer koste-doeltreffend te werk. Die regering van Botswana het ‘n aantal inisiatiewe, byvoorbeeld Werk Verbetering Spanne (WITS), Organisering en Metodes (O&M) en Posevaluering, in die openbaresektor geïmplementeer met die uitsluitlike doel om werkverrigting te verbeter en openbare dienslewering te dryf. Ten spyte hiervan was daar egter toenemende kommer dat die kwaliteit van dienslewering toenemend verswak. Bogenoemde inisiatiewe is gekritiseer dat hulle gefaal het om enige noemenswaardige impak op organisatoriese prestasie te toon, aangesien probleme rakende swak dienslewering onveranderd was. Die versuim van hierdie aanvanklike hervormings in die openbaresektor om organisatoriese prestasie te verbeter, het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat die regering in 1999 ‘n meer omvattende en holistiese hervormingsprogram, die Prestasie Bestuur Stelsel (PMS), ingestel het, gelei deur die nasionale visie – ‘Vision 2016’. Die PMS is gesien as die omvattende raamwerk waarbinne al die vorige hervormingsinisiatiewe geïntegreer kon word. Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om vas te stel of die doelstellings van die PMS in die Departement van Stam Administrasie realiseer, siende vorige openbaresektor hervormings nie geslaag het om organisatoriese prestasie te verbeter nie. ‘n Gevallestudie van die departement is onderneem om die mate waarin die PMS se doelstellings bereik is te beskryf. Dataversameling is gedoen deur gestruktureerde, selfgeadministreerde vraelyste, bestaande uit 14 geslote vrae, een ranglysvraag en een oopvraag. Dit is aangevul deur dokumentêre analise van amptelike verslae soos Jaarlikse Rekeningstate. Die navorsing het gevind dat die PMS slegs in dié mate geslaag het dat mense dwarsdeur die departement bewusgemaak is van die departement se visie, missie en waardes. Hoewel mense bewus was van die prestasiebestuurstelsel, bevind die navorsing geen daadwerklike verbetering in organisatoriese prestasie nie, aangesien dit belemmer word deur verskeie uitdagings, soos gebrekkige toewyding deur leiers, probleme met die implementering van die sisteem en die tekort aan terugvoer rakende organisatoriese prestasie. Die navorsing stel sekere aanbevelings voor om die departement se prestasiebestuursisteem te verbeter om die doelstelling om organisatoriese prestasie te verwesenlik.

What contributions can housing co-operatives make to managing the South African housing crisis?

Jacobs, Juan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis sets out to explore housing co-operatives as an alternative housing delivery mechanism in South Africa. This is done by critically examining the housing policy post 1994, as well as the various mechanisms government implemented in an attempt to manage the service delivery within the housing sector. The thesis also explores the role that co-operatives played in South Africa’s history and draws some historical comparisons in relation to the establishment of housing co-operatives internationally and locally. In exploring the various types of housing co-operatives, insights emerge about their structure, potential and limitations. The thesis examines the themes of public service delivery and explores possible alternatives to the failing traditional model of public service delivery. The thesis focuses on the experiences and perceptions that South Africans have with regards to local government process in housing service delivery. The thesis concludes that local government should play an active role in creating more collaborative partnerships; one that focuses on training and facilitating the efforts of civil society to establish entities such as housing cooperatives. This requires a fundamental shift in the manner in which local government approaches service delivery in the housing sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis het ten doel behuisings kooperatiewe te verken as ’n alternatiewe behuisingsmeganisme in Suid-Afrika. Dit is gedoen deur n kritiese ondersoek van die behuisingsbeleid na 1994, sowel as die verskeie meganismes wat die regering probeer implementeer het in ’n poging om die dienslewering binne die behuisingsektor te beheer. Die tesis ondersoek die rol wat koöperatiewe gespeel het in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis en het ’n historiese vergelyking gemaak met betrekking tot die stigting van behuisingskoöperatiewe op internasionale sowel as op plaaslike vlak. In die tesis van die verskillende tiepe behuising koöperasies het sekere ideas na vore gekom ten opsigte van hul struktuur, potensiaal en beperkinge. Die tesis ondersoek die temas van publieke dienslewering en het ook na die alternatiewe gekyk ten opsigte van publieke dienslewering. Die tesis fokus op die ervarings en persepsies van Suid- Afrikaners met betrekking tot die plaaslike regering se proses van behuisings dienslewering. Die tesis word afgesluit met voorstelle waarin plaaslike regering 'n aktiewe rol speel in die skepping van meer samewerkende vennootskappe, een wat fokus op die opleiding en die fasilitering waarin pogings van die burgerlike samelewing entiteite tot stand bring soos byvoorbeeld behuising koöperasies. Dit vereis ’n fundamentele verandering in die wyse waarop plaaslike regering dienslewering benader in die behuisingsektor.

Assessing talent management within the Western Cape Provincial Treasury (WCPT)

Roman, Keith Charles 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Constitution, 1996, requires a development–oriented public administration, cultivating good human resources management and career development practices to maximise human potential. Talent management complies with this constitutional requirement as a practice that ensures that people with the required skills and aptitude are attracted, developed, utilised and retained to increase workplace productivity. The Provincial Government Western Cape (PGWC) has aligned itself with talent management by focusing on the attraction, development and retention of skills to address poverty and unemployment. The Western Cape Provincial Treasury (WCPT), which manages the PGWC finances, has however experienced high employee turnover rates lately with talented employees leaving the organisation for other public service departments or private sector organisations. This thesis assessed WCPT’s approach to talent management by: Obtaining an understanding for why talented employees left or are leaving WCPT; Exploring the concept of talent management in organisations globally; Exploring the legislative context for talent management in the South African public service; and Determining what WCPT’s approach to talent management is by using WCPT as a case study. A qualitative case study research design with unstructured interviews, a survey questionnaire and documentation were used to conduct this study. The case study of WCPT was used to draw inferences between the practice and theory in the literature review to understand why talented employees left and are leaving WCPT and what WCPT’s approach to talent management is. It was found that job dissatisfaction was the broad reason why talented employees left WCPT. Job dissatisfaction includes dissatisfaction about competitive salaries, sufficient training and development, a career planning programme, work-life balance, and so on. A draft talent management strategy has been formulated for WCPT but has not been implemented because the Human Resources department of WCPT has been relocated to the Department of the Premier as a result of the modernisation1 of public service departments in the PGWC. This thesis has made recommendations that the draft talent management strategy be implemented, despite the absence of the Human Resources department, as part of a broader strategy to establish WCPT as an employer of choice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: The Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet, 1996 vereis ʼn publieke administrasie wat goeie menslike hulpbron bestuurspraktyke bevorder en loopbaanontwikkeling sowel as menslike potensiaal aanhelp. Talentbestuur voldoen aan hierdie vereiste deur te verseker dat mense met vaardighede gewerf, ontwikkel, aangewend en behou word om produktiwiteit te verbeter. Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering het homself in lyn gebring met hierdie grondwetlike vereiste deur te fokus op die werwing, ontwikkeling en behoud van vaardighede om armoede en werkloosheid aan te spreek. Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie (WKPT) het egter, inteendeel, ʼn hoë omset in talentvolle werknemers ondervind, wie die organisasie verlaat het vir posisies in ander openbare sektor departemente sowel as privaatsektor organisasies. Hierdie verhandeling het die WKPT se benadering tot talent bestuur gemeet deur: ʼn Begrip te verkry vir hoekom talentvolle werknemers WKPT verlaat het; om die begrip talentbestuur in organisasies wêreldwyd te verken; om die wetlike konteks van talentbestuur in openbaresektor organisasies in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek; en om vas te stel wat WKPT se benadering tot talentbestuur is deur WKPT as ʼn gevallestudie te gebruik. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp was gebruik om die navorsings probleem te ondersoek met ongestruktureerde onderhoude, ʼn meningsopname vraelys en dokumentasie as navorsingsmetodes. Die gevallestudie van WKPT was gebruik om verskille tussen die praktyk en die teorie te verstaan en vas te stel waarom talentvolle werknemers WKPT verlaat het en wat die organisasie se benadering tot talentbestuur is. Daar was gevind dat werknemerontevredenheid die oorhoofse rede was waarom talentvolle werknemers WKPT verlaat het. Werknemerontevredenheid sluit in hierdie geval ontevredenheid oor kompeterende salarisse, genoegsame opleiding en ontwikkeling, ʼn loopbaanontwikkelingsprogram en werk-leefbalans in. WKPT het ʼn konsep talentbestuur strategie ontwerp, maar dit was egter nog nie geimplementeer nie omdat die menslikehulpbronne department van WKPT verskuif was na die Departement van die Premier. Hierdie verhandeling het aanbeveel dat die konsep talentbestuur strategie nog steeds geimplementeer word ten spyte van die feit dat die menslikehulpbron department verskuif was. Die implementering van hierdie strategie sal deel uitmaak van ʼn oorhoofse strategie om WKPT te vestig as ʼn werknemer by keuse.

Evaluation of financial management practices in the Department of Correctional Services

Mathiba, Luckyboy Samuel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA))--School of Public Leadership, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is the evaluation of financial management practices in the Department of Correctional Services (DCS). For the purpose of the study, "financial management practices‟ are defined and demarcated as the practices performed by the accounting officer, chief financial officer and other managers in the areas of budgeting, supply chain management, movable asset management and control. Recurrence of similar internal audit and inspection findings, as well as the continuous poor audit reports that the department had been receiving annually, led the office of the National Commissioner to request all branches and Regional Commissioners to compile action plans aimed at addressing non-compliance. In order to fulfil the study objective, the normative requirements for the identified financial management practices are first defined in terms of financial management theory, policy and legislation. The accounting officers are heads of departments, and they account personally for financial transactions. The concepts of "budget processes" and "planning" are explored in order to identify normative requirements. „Budget‟ is identified as part of organisational planning, which starts with the aim and the mission of the institution. Under supply chain management, the principles of procurement are discussed, as considerable amounts are spent on goods and services. The life cycle of assets is discussed in detail, including the procedure for giving account of assets. Control is defined as a process through which a manager ensures that activities are carried out as originally planned. With regard to policy and legislation, the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999 as amended by Act 29 of 1999 (South Africa, 1999) and Treasury Regulations are explained in detail, focusing on the budget process and financial management responsibilities of all different role players. With regard to supply chain management, policies are explained in detail, focusing on the acquisition of goods and services. The acceptable supply chain management system is also highlighted. According to Gildenhuys (1997:137), equipment is called movable assets and this category of assets are obtained and created to be utilised for a number of years as instruments for delivering services. With regard to control, in order to comply with financial management policies, an official in a department must ensure that the system of financial management and internal control established for that department is carried out within the area of responsibility of that official. The budget and planning processes of the Department of Correctional Services are explained in detail. How the financial management cascades through the department is highlighted by means of an organogram. Supply chain management processes are discussed in detail, focusing on the procurement procedures and requirements for acquisition of goods and services. The policy on asset management for the Department of Correctional Services is considered, focusing on the acquisition and control of assets. The legislative framework of the department is also examined in detail, focusing on the control measures within the department. The theory of evaluation is discussed in detail, with the emphasis on evaluation questions. A summary is provided of the financial functions of budgeting, supply chain management, asset management and control in terms of the financial functions of each of the following role players: the Accounting Officer, Chief financial officer and other managers. Evaluation questions are formulated, and audit reports contained in the annual reports, the internal auditor‟s reports and circulars of the department are used to answer those questions. Finally, recommendations are made, emphasising that Department of Correctional Services needs to continue to invest in the training and development of all staff, regarding The PFMA (South Africa, 1999) and Treasury Regulations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om finansiële bestuurspraktyke binne die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste (DKD) te evalueer. "Finansiële bestuurspraktyke" word vir die doel van die studie gedefinieer en omskryf as die praktyke wat deur die rekenpligtige amptenaar, die hoof finansiële bestuursbeampte en ander bestuurders binne die gebied van begroting, voorsieningskettingbestuur, roerende batebestuur en beheer beoefen word. Herhaalde voorkoms van soortgelyke interne ouditerings- en inspeksiebevindings, sowel as die voortdurende swak ouditverslae wat jaarliks deur die departement ontvang is, het die kantoor van die Nasionale Kommissaris genoop om alle takke en Streekskommissarisse te versoek om 'n plan van optrede op te stel om nie-nakoming aan te spreek. Om die doelwit van die studie te bereik, word die normatiewe vereistes vir die geïdentifiseerde finansiële bestuurspraktyke eerstens in terme van finansiële bestuursteorie, beleid en wetgewing gedefinieer. Die rekenpligtige amptenare is hoofde van departemente en hulle doen persoonlik verantwoording vir finansiële transaksies. Die konsepte „begrotingsproses‟ en „beplanning‟ word verken om normatiewe vereistes te identifiseer. „Begroting‟ word as deel van organisatoriese beplanning, wat by die doel en misie van die instelling begin, geïdentifiseer. Die beginsels van aanskaffing word in verband met die voorsieningskettingbestuur bespreek aangesien aansienlike bedrae op goedere en dienste bestee word. Die lewensiklus van bates word met inbegrip van die prosedure vir verslaglewering aangaande bates in besonderhede bespreek. Beheer word as 'n proses waarvolgens 'n bestuurder verseker dat aktiwiteite sonder afwyking van 'n oorspronklike plan uitgevoer word. Ten opsigte van beleid en wetgewing word die Wet op Openbare Finansiële Bestuur (WOFB), No. 1, 1999 soos gewysig deur Wet 29 van 1999 (South Africa, 1999) en Regulasies van die Departement Finansies in besonderhede verduidelik, met aandag aan die begrotingsproses en die finansiële bestuursverantwoordelikhede van al die verskillende rolspelers. Beleid betreffende voorsieningskettingbestuur word in besonderhede bespreek met spesifiek aandag aan die verkryging van goedere en dienste. Die aanvaarbare voorsieningskettingbestuurstelsel word ook toegelig. Volgens Gildenhuys (1997:137) word toerusting as roerende bates aangedui en hierdie kategorie van bates word verkry en geskep om vir 'n aantal jare as middele vir die lewering van dienste gebruik te word. Om aan finansiële bestuursbeleid met betrekking tot beheer te voldoen, moet 'n amptenaar binne 'n departement verseker dat die stelsel wat binne sy/haar verantwoordelikheidsveld vir die finansiële bestuur en interne beheer van daardie departement ingestel is, toegepas word. Die begrotings- en beplanningprosesse van die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste word in besonderhede verduidelik. 'n Organogram word gebruik om lig te werp op hoe die finansiële bestuur die hele departement deurvloei. Voorsieningskettingbestuursprosesse word in besonderhede bespreek met klem op die prosedure en die vereistes vir die verkryging van goedere en dienste. Aandag word geskenk aan die beleid oor batebestuur binne die Departement Korrektiewe Dienste, met klem op die verkryging en beheer van bates. Verder word die departement se wetgewingsraamwerk in besonderhede ondersoek, weereens met aandag aan beheermeganismes binne die departement. Die teorie aangaande evaluering word in besonderhede bepreek, met spesiale klem op vrae wat vir evaluering gestel word. 'n Opsomming van die finansiële funksie van begrotings, voorsieningskettingbestuur, batebestuur en beheer in terme van die finansiële funksies van elk van die rolspelers, naamlik die rekenpligtige amptenaar, die hoof bestuursbeampte en ander bestuurders word voorsien. Vrae vir evaluering word geformuleer en antwoorde op daardie vrae word aan die hand van ouditverslae wat in jaarverslae opgeneem is, die interne ouditeur se verslae en departementele omsendbriewe verskaf. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gedoen wat beklemtoon dat die Departement Korrektiewe dienste sy belegging in die opleiding en ontwikkeling van alle personeel ten opsigte van die WOFB (South Africa, 1999) en Regulasies van die Departement Finansies moet voortsit.

Why do companies go green? A qualitative study of the motivations and contextual factors inducing sustainable responses

Von Witt, Simon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ‘Going green’ draws its origins from the ‘green’ in politics, which was first used as a party name by the German Greens (Die Grünen) in the late 1970s, which, although not the first green party, through media hype triggered the conception of a green movement in the early 1980s. This was voiced through green parties across the globe. Green is now seen as a buzzword and is often used as shorthand for discussing sustainability. It has since gained support leading to the gathering of more than 100 heads of state at the Earth Summit, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 and provided the necessary platform to launch a global campaign. It initially began in developed nations, in particular European countries, but has since spread to developing countries, despite receiving abundant opposition both from developed and developing nations, due to its impact on the oil and coal sectors. The purpose of this research is to determine the core motivation behind companies going green. The researcher does this through a qualitative study of the motivations and contextual factors that induce ecological responsiveness ranging from day to day business practices to the ecological design of their offices. The researcher tests the hypothesis, namely climate change mitigation, which is developed through the literature study and adopted to evaluate the four case studies selected. The researcher builds up his argument in chapters 3 to 5, which draw on the literature studied and first discuss Government’s response to climate change, then the interventions in place to address climate change and finally look at the four case studies. Climate change and its relevance to companies is the key motivation behind deciding on this topic and it is discussed throughout the thesis. Companies interviewed in this thesis expressed concern about it, although it was not always the primary motivation. Some had already introduced measures to address it and were continually looking at new ways of mitigating it. Similarly, the companies interviewed and others analysed were all concerned about introducing cost saving measures, which had the added advantage of being of benefit to the environment. Genuine reasons for mitigating climate change and concern over the future of the planet put forward by certain companies, while protecting profit margins were given by others. All served to achieve one goal to protect the environment through the sustainable use of natural resources and ultimately to enhance companies’ public images as being green companies. This study is divided into a literature review and case studies, where literature pertaining to climate change, renewable energy, sustainable building, corporate governance, green jobs and others was sourced from government gazettes, newspapers, academic studies, books, documentaries, journals, magazines and internet sources. These serve to develop and support the case studies, which take the form of interviews done with owners and workers from the selected companies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om groen te wees is ‘n uitdrukking wat van die politiek afkomstig is. Die naam is eers deur die Duitse Groenparty (Die Grünen) in die laat sewentiger jaar gebruik en alhoewel dit nie eintlik die eerste groenparty was, het dit deur middel van die media gelei tot die totstandkoming van die groenbeweging in die vroeer tagtige jare. Die naam “groen” is deur groenpartye wêreldwyd gebruik en ‘groen’ word deesdae as ‘n bynaam gebruik as ‘n mens van verdedigbaarheid praat. In 1992 te Rio de Janeiro, Brazil het die groenbeweging sterk steun gevind toe meer as 100 staatshoofde by die ‘Earth Summit’ bymekaar vergader het. Oorspronklik het die groenbeweging in die ontwikkelde nasies, veral Europese nasies, begin maar het daarna tot die ontwikkelende nasies uitgebrei. Maar daar was heelwat teenstand van beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende nasies, weens die ekonomiese uitwerking op die olie en steenkool industriëe. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om te bepaal watter motiverende faktore maatskappye inagneem as hulle “groen” gaan. Die skrywer versoek om vas te stel deur middel van ‘n kwalitatiewe studie van die motiverende en samehangende faktore wat ekologiese antwoordendheid teweegbring. Hierdie faktore beweeg van daaglikse besigheidspraktyke tot die ekologiese beplanning van die kantore. Die skrywer gebruik die versagting van klimaatverandering as ‘n toets, wat deur die literatuurstudie ontwikkel is en wat verwys word as die sleutelmotivering wat tot groening lei, en wat gebruik word om die vier uitgesoekte studies te beoordeel. Elkeen van die studies word volgens hierdie kriteria bepaal. Die skrywer pas hierdie kriteria ook op voorbeelde wat gebruik word om die vier uitgesoekte studies te steun. Die skrywer bou in hoofstukke 3 tot 4 sy argument op. Daar word die regering se reaksie tot klimaatverandering en groot besigheid se antwoord op regeringsbeleid uiteengesit. Ons sien ook die bemiddelinge wat in staat gestel is om klimaatverandering teen te staan; daarna word die agtergrond oor die logiese gronde vir die verkiesing van die vier gevallestudies bespreek, en laastens word die eintlike gevallestudies behandel. Klimaatverandering en die relevantheid daarvan is die sleutelmotivering vir die keuse van hierdie onderwerp en dit word deurgaans in die proefskrif bespreek. Dit is die een gemeenskaplike faktor waaroor die vier ondervraagde maatskappye getoets is; hulle het reeds stappe geneem om dit teen te staan en soek aanhoudend om die uitwerking van klimaatverandering te versag. ‘n Oorsig van die algemene literatuur en sakestudies, die literatuur wat spesifiek op klimaatverandering van toepassing is, hernieubare energie, verduurbare geboue, maatskaplike beheer, ‘groen’ werk en klimaatverandering te versag. Inligting afkomstig van staatskoerante, koerante, akademiese studies, boeke, dokumentere studies, joernale, tydskrifte en internet bronne. Altesame het hierdie bronne bygedra tot die ontwikkeling en steun van die gevallestudies, wat hoofsaaklik die vorm van onderhoude met werkgewers en werknemers van uitgesoekde maatskappye gevat het.

Enhancing the contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises to local economic development in Oshakati Town, Namibia

Kakwambi, J. N. N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1997, the Government of the Republic of Namibia launched the Policy and Programme for Small Business Development. The Ministry of Trade and Industry at the time was assigned the responsibility, together with several different stakeholders, to implement this policy. The launch of such a programme was a step taken to recognise the importance of the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in local economic development (LED). The core of LED transformation and the implementation of any local authority is the creation of the private sector - a primary source of development – and support of the SME sector in particular. SMEs are considered one of the main driving forces in LED. The current study, which was conducted within Oshakati Town, attempted to study the role of SMEs in the LED sector and what challenges are hampering the SME sector to participate fully and to make a serious contribution towards LED implementation at the local authority level. The study considers to what extent the Namibian government and local government policies supports the SME sector development and contributes to LED and assessed issues regarding the sustainability of the measures engaged in by the government, and especially by the local government. Further, the researcher also attempted to determine how the SME sector in Namibia has responded to the LED implementation that regards SME development as the key to social and economic development through reducing poverty and increasing employment opportunities. The findings of the study indicates that, despite the nationally recognised importance of the SME sector in terms of LED, the sector still faces major challenges in regional and local government. The challenges of business entry (start-up capital), survival and growth are often substantial. The availability of financial resources and the lack of capacity to handle complex business management issues, as well as business premises also regarding the price of business land are all important in this regard. There is a continuous need to improve and maintain the required elements that bring about a good enterprises climate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die regering van die Republiek van Namibië het in 1997 die Beleid en Program vir Kleinsakeontwikkeling bekend gestel. Die destydse Ministerie van Handel en Nywerheid is saam met etlike verskillende belanghebbendes met die praktiese inwerkingstelling daarvan belas. Met dié beleidstuk het die regering oënskynlik ’n tree nader gekom aan die erkenning van die belang van die klein-en-middelslagonderneming- (KMO-)sektor in plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling (PEO). Die grondslag van PEO-transformasie en die suksesvolle funksionering van enige plaaslike owerheid is die koestering van die privaat sektor – synde ’n vername bron van ontwikkeling – sowel as steun vir die KMO-sektor in die besonder. KMO’s is bekend as een van die hoofdryfkragte agter PEO. Hierdie studie, wat in Oshakati onderneem is, ondersoek die rol van KMO’s in PEO, en die uitdagings waarvoor die KMO-sektor te staan kom om as volwaardige deelnemer aan die ekonomie ’n werklike bydrae tot PEO-inwerkingstelling op plaaslikeregeringsvlak te lewer. Die studie besin oor die mate waarin Namibiese staats- en plaaslikeregeringsbeleid die ontwikkeling van die KMO-sektor sowel as dié sektor se bydrae tot PEO ondersteun. Die volhoubaarheid van die maatreëls wat die regering, en veral plaaslike regering, ingestel het, word ook verken. Voorts probeer die navorser vasstel hoe die Namibiese KMO-sektor gereageer het op die ontwikkeling van dié tipe ondernemings as sleutel tot plaaslike maatskaplike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling deur armoedeverligting en werkskepping. Ondanks die nasionaal erkende belang van die KMO-sektor in die strewe na PEO, kom die sektor volgens hierdie studie klaarblyklik steeds voor groot uitdagings op streeks- sowel as plaaslike vlak te staan. Dikwels is saketoetrede (aanvangskapitaal), -oorlewing en -groei wesenlike hindernisse. Die beskikbaarheid van geldelike hulpbronne, die gebrek aan vermoë om ingewikkelde sakebestuurskwessies te hanteer en die verkryging van ’n sakeperseel, ook wat eiendomspryse betref, is alles tersaaklike kwessies in dié verband. Dus is daar ’n dringende én voortdurende behoefte aan die verbetering en instandhouding van die vereiste elemente vir ’n goeie sakeklimaat.

Sustainability in the restaurant industry : a Cape Town study

Welter, Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aims of this thesis were to focus on the restaurant system in Cape Town with a view to creating a support mechanism for a move to more sustainable practices. A review of the literature found that despite a growing global population, the pressure on resources and consumption has been driven by the global middle class. Over half the world lives in cities and dualistic urban systems reinforce access to resources by excluding the poor and favouring the wealthy. Resource flows and consumption have degraded ecosystems, created waste and emissions. We use resources faster than they can be replenished and have exceeded the earth’s regenerative capacity. Counter to this, there is evidence of decoupling resource use from economic growth. Similarly, the industrialised food system has been created on external inputs such as fertiliser and insecticides, largely derived from fossil fuels. Food produced in the system uses energy, produces waste, depletes the soil and thwarts biodiversity. The global food system counters local food economies. This thesis argues that a sustainable system would have the economy as a basis for a better and equitable environment for current and future generations within ecological and regenerative capacity. As a city Cape Town reflects the inequalities and unsustainability of the global system, with vast disparities in wealth and opportunity. Restaurants can control flows of energy, food and waste, support people and the environment, as well as communicate and educate consumers. By collaborative efforts they can lay the basis for local food economies. Restaurants connect consumers to their food and make decisions about where the food comes from, how it will be prepared and disposed of and who will engage in that preparation. The restaurant sector can contribute to sustainability in its use of resources as well as its employment, community engagement and communication practices. This in turn supports local economies and impacts on the broader sustainability of the city. Research into the restaurant system in Cape Town showed that there is consumer interest in sustainability. There is evidence of restaurants making efforts towards sustainable endeavours. Within Cape Town there is the opportunity to look for more sustainable energy, work around local and seasonal menus, support local food economies, and control wastage. Local food economies can be supported while staff can also be treated fairly and given growth opportunities. Endeavours can be communicated as a way of shifting current unsustainable consumption patterns. The conclusions drawn from the thesis suggest that like the Sustainable Restaurant Associations (SRA) and Dinegreen there is space for a support mechanism for the restaurant industry where individual restaurants can be helped to move to sustainability and collaborate with other stakeholders. The recommendations of the thesis are to create an organisation that can evolve into a co-operative that will bring restaurants together and map out the changes they make. They need to be supported with expertise and audits of their current practice so that they can set goals for the future with regard to their environmental and social actions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoof doel van hierdie dissertasie was om die restaurantstelsel in Kaapstad te ondersoek met die oog daarop om ‘n ondersteuningsmeganisme vir meer volhoubare praktyke te skep. ‘n Literatuuroorsig het getoon dat ten spyte van ‘n groeiende wereldbevolking, die druk op natuurlike en ander hulpbronne deur die wereldwye middelklas uitgeoefen word. Meer as die helfte van die wereld woon in stede en dualistiese stedelike stelsels versterk toegang tot sulke hulpbronne deur die armes uit te sluit en voorkeur te gee aan die reikes. Die vloei en verbruik van hulpbronne het ekologiese stelsels gedegradeer en afskeidings en afval vergroot. Ons verbruik hierdie hulpbronne vinniger as wat hulle vervang kan word en het die aarde se herstelkapasiteit oorskry. Aan die ander hand is daar bewyse dat die verbruik van hulpbronne ontkoppel is van ekonomiese groei. Insgelyks is die industrieele voedselstelsel gegrond op externe inset soos kunsmis en insekdoders, wat grootendeels van fossiele brandstof bekom word. Voedsel wat in hierdie stelsel geproduseer word verbruik energie, skep afval, put die grond uit en werk biologiese verskeidenheid tee. Die globale voedselstelsel is in teenstand teenoor plaaslike voedselekonomiee. Hierdie dissertasie redeneer uit die oogpunt dat ‘n onderhoudbare stelsel die ekonomie as ‘n basis vir ‘n beter en billike omgewing vir huidige en toekomstige geslagte, binne die ekologiese kapasiteit, sou he. Die stad Kaapstad weerkaats die ongelykhede en onvolhoubaarheid van die wereldwye stelsel, met sy ongelykhede in welstand en geleenthede. Restaurante kan beheer uitoefen oor hulle vloei van energie, voedsel en afval, kan mense en die omgewing ondersteun, sowel as verbruikers inlig en oplei. Deur pogings om saam te werk kan hulle die grondslag le vir plaaslike voedselekonomiee. Restaurante kan verbruikers verbind tot hulle voedsel en kan besluite neem oor waarvandaan die voedsel verkry word, asook hoe dit berei en afgedoen sal word en wie dit sal berei. Die restaurantsektor kan bydra tot volhoubaarheid in sy gebruik van hulpbronne sowel as inwerkneming, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en kommunikasiepraktyke. Dit sal op sy beurt dan plaaslike ekonomiee ondersteun en ‘n wyer impak he op die volhoubaarheid van die stad. Navorsing oor die restaurantstelsel in Kaapstad het getoon dat die verbruiker belang stel in volhoubaarheid. Daar is tekens daarvan dat restaurante pogings aanwend in die rigting van beter volhoubaarheid. In Kaapstad bestaan die geleentheid om te soek na meer volhoubare energie, rondom seisoenaangepaste spyskaarte, die ondersteuning van plaaslike voedselekonomiee, en die beheer van afval. Plaaslike voedselekonomiee kan ondersteun word terwyl werknemers regverdig behandel word, en moontlikhede tot vooruitgang het. Hierdie pogings kan oorgedra word as ‘n manier om die huidige onvolhoubare verbruikspatrone te verander. Die afleidings wat gemaak word in hierdie dissertasie stel voor dat daar plek is vir ‘n ondersteuningsmeganisme vir die restaurantindustrie, soos die “Sustainable Restaurant Associations” (SRA) en “Dinegreen”, waar die individuele restaurant gehelp kan word in rigting volhoubaarheid te beweeg en om saam te werk met ander belangstellendes. Hierdie dissertasie stel voor om ‘n organisasie te skep wat kan ontwikkel tot ‘n kooperatiewe wat restaurant saam kan bring en die veranderings wat hulle aanbring kan uiteensit. Hulle sal moet ondersteun word met kennis en ouditering van hulle huidige praktyke, sodat hulle doele kan stel vir die toekoms met betrekking tot hulle omgewings en sosiaal gerigte handeling.

Conceptualising a sustainable energy solution for in situ informal settlement upgrading

Keller, Andreas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Please refer to full text for abstract.

The benefits of agritourism : two case studies in the Western Cape

Van Niekerk, Chantell 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The amalgamation of the two large industries, agriculture and tourism, created a new industry called agritourism. Current farming practices are not securing employment opportunities for farm workers, and this situation will be aggravated by the increased economic pressures on farming. Agritourism is seen as a diversification option which could assist in creating jobs for the vulnerable and unemployed farm community, while at the same time create financial incentives to the farmer. This study specifically focused on the advantages which could be derived from agritourism, with Sen’s Capabilities Theory being used as frame of reference when determining the non-financial benefits accruing to the local community on the farm. A qualitative research approach was followed and information was gathered through interviews, observations and being embedded in the researched spaces. Two case study sites were used for primary research, Keisies Cottages (situated outside Montagu) and Tierhoek Cottages (situated outside Robertson). The management approach applied on the farms play an important role in developing the farm workers’ capabilities, entitlements and functionings as articulated in Sen’s Capabilities Theory. The two South African agritourism case study sites were found to follow some of the international trends identified during the literature review of this study but also offered new findings relevant to the South African context. Although agritourism is seen as a diversification strategy to ensure survival for most farmers, such strategies offer both financial and non-financial benefits to the broader farming community while having the potential to create a refuge for urban dwellers and assist visitors to reconnect with the farmers and their produce. This research contributes to the South African agritourism literature, which is currently limited. By highlighting some of the advantages of this industry, this research could also assist farm owners who are considering agritourism as a diversification strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: `n Nuwe industrie genaamd agritoerisme word geskep wanneer twee groot industriee, landbou en toerisme, amalgameer. Huidige landbou praktyke verseker nie werksgeleenthede vir plaaswerkers nie, en hierdie situasie sal vererger word deur verhoogde ekonomiese druk op landbou. Agritoerisme word gesien as a diversifiserings opsie wat kan help om werksgeleenthede te skep vir die weerlose en werklose plaaswerkers. Hierdie studie het veral gefokus op die voordele wat geskep word deur agritoerisme, en Sen se Vermoëns Teorie is gebruik as verwysingsraamwerk wanneer die niefinansiële voordele ondersoek is van die plaasgemeenskap. `n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg en inligting is ingesamel deur middel van onderhoude, obserwasies en om in die navorsingsspasie te wees. Twee gevallestudie liggings is gebruik vir die primêre navorsing, Keisies Cottages (geleë buite Montagu) en Tierhoek Cottages (geleë buite Robertson). Die bestuursbenadering wat gevolg word op die plase speel `n rol in die ontwikkeling van die plaaswerkers se vermoëns, aansprake en funksionerings, soos bespreek in Sen se teorie. Die twee Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie liggings het sommige internasionale tendense gevolg soos wat geidentifiseer is tydens die literatuur studie, maar het ook unieke Suid- Afrikaanse bevindinge tot gevolg gehad. Alhoewel agritoerisme gesien word as `n divesifisering strategie wat oorlewing verseker vir meeste plaaseienaars, bied hierdie strategie finansiële en nie-finansiële voordele aan die breër plaasgemeenskap, terwyl dit die potensiaal het om `n toevlugsoord te skep vir stadsbewoners en dit kan help om besoekers met boere en hul produkte te skakel. Hierdie navorsing dra by tot die Suid-Afrikaanse agritoerisme literatuur wat tans beperk is. Deur sommige voordele van hierdie industrie te beklemtoon, kan hierdie navorsing boere leiding bied wat agritoerisme oorweeg as diversifiseringsstrategie.

A study of rural women farmers' access to markets in Chirumanzu

Kapungu, Sheila T. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigated the issues that rural smallholder women face in accessing markets in developing countries. Market access for rural smallholder farmers is increasingly being promoted as a means towards catalysing sustainable rural development. However, without addressing the gender specific issues that rural smallholder women farmers face in accessing markets, market access as a strategy towards sustainable rural development may fail to achieve its ends. This thesis gathered evidence from a group of smallholder women farmers in Chirumanzu, Zimbabwe, who are part of a market access project run by Oxfam, in order to highlight the issues that they face in accessing markets for their produce. Primary and secondary data were used in the study. First, a literature review was conducted to assess the issues that smallholder rural women farmers in developing countries face in accessing markets and how the issues differ to those faced by male smallholder farmers. A thematic assessment of the issues was conducted, beginning with the production for market through to the actual market engagement. Secondly, primary data was collected in Chirumanzu, from rural smallholder women farmers who are participating in a market access project being facilitated by Oxfam. Data was collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews and document review. Five focus group discussions were held with a total of 40 participants in August 2011. Some of the key findings were that rural smallholder women farmers face challenges in terms of meeting the labour demanded for market production, accessing market information and having to contend with high transport costs. The data was then compared with the points raised in the literature review. The comparison showed that most of the key issues raised in the Chirumanzu case study were similar to those identified in the literature review. The study came to the conclusion that rural smallholder women farmers face different issues and more challenges in accessing markets compared to male farmers. Market access initiatives that do not recognise and address the gender specific challenges that women smallholder farmers face may therefore not be catalysts for sustainable rural development. Therefore recommendations are that market access initiatives should go beyond facilitating access to markets to address the structural social, economic and cultural issues that present special challenges and constraints to women smallholder farmers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis het ondersoek ingestel na die kwessies waarvoor landelike vrouekleinboere in ontwikkelende lande te staan kom om toegang tot markte te verkry. Marktoegang vir landelike kleinboere word toenemend aangemoedig as ’n manier om volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling teweeg te bring. Indien die geslagspesifieke kwessies van marktoegang waarmee landelike vrouekleinboere te kampe het egter nié hanteer word nie, kan marktoegang as strategie vir volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling in gebreke bly om sy doel te bereik. Hierdie tesis het bewyse ingesamel van ’n groep vrouekleinboere in Chirumanzu, Zimbabwe, wat deel is van ’n marktoegangsprojek deur Oxfam, ten einde die soeklig te werp op die uitdagings wat hulle ervaar om marktoegang vir hul produkte te bekom. Die studie het van primêre sowel as sekondêre data gebruik gemaak. Eerstens is ’n literatuuroorsig onderneem om te verken watter probleme landelike vrouekleinboere in ontwikkelende lande ondervind om marktoegang te verkry, en hoe dit verskil van die uitdagings waarvoor hul manlike eweknieë te staan kom. Die kwessies is tematies beoordeel en het gestrek van markgerigte produksie tot en met werklike markskakeling. Tweedens is primêre data ingesamel onder landelike vrouekleinboere in Chirumanzu wat aan ’n marktoegangsprojek deur Oxfam deelneem. Data is deur middel van fokusgroepbesprekings, onderhoude met sleutelinformante sowel as ’n dokumentoorsig bekom. Vyf fokusgroepbesprekings is in Augustus 2011 met altesaam 40 deelnemers gehou. Van die belangrikste bevindinge was dat landelike vrouekleinboere bepaald uitdagings ervaar wat betref die vereiste arbeid vir markgerigte produksie, toegang tot markinligting sowel as hoë vervoerkoste. Daarná is die data met die hoofpunte uit die literatuuroorsig vergelyk. Die vergelyking toon dat die meeste van die kernbevindinge in die Chirumanzu-gevallestudie met die bevindinge in die literatuuroorsig ooreenstem. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat landelike vrouekleinboere voor andersoortige kwessies en meer uitdagings as hul manlike eweknieë te staan kom ten einde marktoegang te verkry. Marktoegangsinisiatiewe wat nié hierdie geslagspesifieke uitdagings van vrouekleinboere erken en hanteer nie, kan dus in gebreke bly om waarlik volhoubare landelike ontwikkeling teweeg te bring. Daarom beveel die studie aan dat marktoegangsinisiatiewe oor méér as die blote fasilitering van marktoegang handel, en ook aandag skenk aan die strukturele maatskaplike, ekonomiese en kulturele kwessies wat besondere uitdagings en beperkings vir vrouekleinboere inhou

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