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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing poverty alleviation in Botswana in terms of the Copenhagen Declaration

Chepete, Maipelo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Botswana is one of the signatories of the Copenhagen Declaration, which was promulgated in Denmark in 1995. The Declaration, among others, called for signatories to eradicate poverty through decisive national actions and international cooperation as an ethical, social, political and economic imperative of humankind. This study, which takes the form of a policy systems analysis, seeks to establish the implementation path followed by the Government of Botswana in its endeavour to bring into effect its commitment to poverty alleviation, using the Copenhagen Declaration as a benchmark. The main methodology that informs this study is a comparative literature review of existing documentary sources, which include research reports and policy documents. This data is supplemented by interviews with some top officials involved in the planning, formulation and monitoring of poverty alleviation programmes. In addition, the author's experience of working as an Assistant District Officer in the Central District greatly supplements collected data. After presenting the background to the study and the research methodology that was followed, the study discusses the Copenhagen Declaration. It then explains the poverty situation at a global level. The picture is then narrowed to sub- Saharan Africa after which a more specific picture of the poverty situation in Botswana is explored. The findings of this study indicate that poverty alleviation policies and programmes implemented by the Government of Botswana are in line with the requirements of the Copenhagen Declaration. The most notable limiting factor affecting proper implementation of the commitments is lack of monitoring and evaluation, hence the study recommends that the Government put in place proper monitoring and evaluation mechanisms among others. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Botswana is een van die ondertekenaars van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring wat in 1995 in Denemarke uitgevaardig is. Die Verklaring het, onder andere, 'n beroep aan ondertekenaars gerig om die uitwissing van armoede deur middel van indringende nasionale aksies en internasionale samewerking as eties, sosiaal, polities en ekonomies gebiedend vir die mensdom aan te spreek. Hierdie studie, wat in die vorm van 'n analise van beleidsstelsels aangepak is, poog om vas te stel watter implementeringsweg deur die Regering van Botswana gevolg is om uiting te gee aan die verbintenis tot die verligting van armoede, met die Kopenhaagse Verklaring as maatstaf. Die vernaamste metode wat gevolg is om aan die studie gestalte te gee, is 'n vergelykende letterkundige oorsig van bestaande dokumentêre bronne, wat navorsingverslae en beleidsdokumente ingesluit het. Hierdie inligting is aangevul met behulp van onderhoude met sommige hoogstaande amptenare wat betrokke is by die beplanning, formulering en monitering van programme om armoede te verlig. Hierbenewens is die versamelde inligting tot 'n groot mate aangevul uit die ondervinding wat die skywer deur haar werk as 'n Assistent Distriks Offisier in die Sentraal distrikte opgedoen het. Die agtergrond tot die studie en die navorsingsmetodologie wat gevolg is, word eers aangebied en gevolg deur 'n bespreking van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring. Daarna word die stand van armoede op globale vlak verduidelik. Vervolgens word die blik vernou tot die gebied in Afrika suid van die Sahara en uiteindelik is daar 'n meer spesifieke ondersoek om 'n spesifieke indruk van die stand van armoede in Botswana te verkry. Die bevindinge van die studie toon dat beleidsbesluite en programme vir die verligting van armoede wat deur die Regering in Botswana geïmplementeer is, by die vereistes van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring aansluit. Die mees opvallende beperkende faktor wat die behoorlike implementering van die verbintenis tot die verklaring affekteer, is 'n gebrek aan monitering en evaluering en die studie stel dus voor dat die Regering behoorlike meganismes vir monitering en evaluering opstel.

Organisasie-innovasie vir omgewingsbestuur

Ward, Willie (Willem Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The complexity of environmental problems and the demands that these make on organisations to create integrated management outcomes in a participative way in a multilevel context with many role-players, have highlighted the search for new innovative organisational forms. Organisations have specific structural characteristics with regard to complexity, formalisation and (de)centralisation, that correspond with their core activities and their external circumstances. The traditional bureaucracy, as an organisational structure, is a rigid and hierarchical system that is based on formal rules, complex management systems and centralised decision-making. The spread of postmodernism highlighted the restrictions of bureaucracies and started a process, throughout the world, that is transforming organisations into flatter, less formal structures. The focus of this study was to determine to which extent organisations in the field of sustainable development adapt to new realities and experiment with innovative organisational forms. Greenpeace, as an international environmental organisation, a Representative Forum, as an Agenda 21 type institutional mechanism for interest groups in the integrated development planning processes at local government level, and Water Catchment Management Agencies, as organisational institutional form for the integrated management of all aspects with regard to water resources, were analysed as case studies. The case studies confirm the increase in and application of multilevel network type organisational forms in the field of natural resources management. It highlights a common vision, processes that work towards reaching consensus and the forming of partnerships. The rise of the network organisation, its advantages and potential problems, are finally discussed with a view to the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kompleksiteit van omgewingprobleme en die vereistes wat dit stel aan organisasies om op 'n deelnemende wyse in 'n multivlak en multi-rolspeler konteks ge·'ntegreerde bestuursuitkomste te bewerkstellig, het die fokus op die soeke na nuwe innoverende organisasievorme laat val. Organisasies het bepaalde strukturele eienskappe in terme van kompleksiteit, formalisasie en (de)sentralisasie wat grootliks aanpas by hulle kernbedrywighede en die eksterne omstandighede waarin hulle hulself bevind. Die tradisionele burokrasie as organisasievorm is 'n rigiede en hierarqiese sisteem wat geskoei is op sentrale besluitneming, formele reels en komplekse bestuurstelsels. Met die koms van postmodernisme het die beperkinge van die reuse burokrasiee aan die lig gekom en is daar, regoor die wereld, 'n proses aan die gang gesit wat talle organisasies in platter, minder formele en losser strukture verander. In die studie is ondersoek ingestel tot watter mate organisasies in die veld van volhoubare omgewingsbestuur by die nuwe realiteite aanpas en met nuwe innoverende organisasievorme eksperimenteer. Greenpeace, as internasionale omgewingsorganisasie, 'n Verteenwoordige Forum as Agenda 21-tipe institusionele meganisme vir belangegroepe in die geYntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanningsprosesse op plaaslike regeringsvlak, en Wateropvanggebied-bestuursagentskappe as organisatoriese institusionele vorm vir die qemteqreerde bestuur van aile aspekte wat met waterhulpbronne te make het, is as gevallestudies ontleed. Die gevallestudies bevestig die toenemde voorkoms en aanwending van multivlak netwerk-tipe organisasievorme op die gebied van natuurlike hulpbronbestuur wat die klem laat val op 'n samebindende visie, konsensus-soekende prosesse en venootskapsvorming. Die opkoms van die netwerkorganisasie met sy voordele sowel as die potensiele probleme, word ten slotte in 'n toekomsblik beskou.

Performance management in practice : a study of the public sector and a specific educational facility

Van Nieuwenhuysen, Hendrik Lourens 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Performance management is an activity of the greatest of importance in any organization, whether that organisation functions within the public or private sector. The importance of performance management has however grown greatly within the public sector due to a renewed focus on efficiency, effectiveness and economy of actions. Within an environment increasingly characterised by a scarcity of resources, the application of performance management has therefore become an essential component. This applied research study hence examines the role of performance management within the public sector. The importance of this essay is due to the fact that very limited research has been done in this field in So~th Africa concerning the modification and application of performance management, which was primarily a private sector initiative, on the more complex public sector. By making use of historical and descriptive research methods, the researcher furthermore analyses the usage of performance management within a particular educational facility. This research study therefore focuses on the formulation and implementation of a performance management instrument for the measurement of the performance of administrative and support personnel employed by the specific educational facility, with the objective to solve existing performance problems within the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Prestasiebestuur is 'n aktiwiteit wat van allergrootste belang is in enige organisasie, hetsy die organisasie in die private sektor of die openbare sektor funksioneer. Die belangrike rol van prestasiebestuur binne die openbare sektor het egter aansienlik gegroei met die openbare sektor se hernude fokus op effektiwiteit, doeltreffendheid en ekonomie van aktiwiteite. Binne 'n omgewing wat toenemend gekenmerk word deur 'n skaarsheid van hulpbronne, word die toepassing van prestasiebestuur gevolglik 'n ononbeerlike komponent. Vervolgens bestudeer hierdie toegepaste meestersvlak navorsingstuk die rol van prestasiebestuur binne die openbare sektor. Die uiterste belangrikheid van hierdie navorsingstuk spruit uit die beperkte hoeveelheid navorsing wat daar binne hierdie veld gedoen is rakende die aanpassing en toepassing van prestasiebestuur, wat aanvanklik slegs binne die privaat sektor gebruik is, op die meer komplekse openbare sektor. Verder ondersoek die navorser deur middel van historiese en beskrywende navorsingsmetodes ook die gebruik van prestasiebestuur binne 'n spesifieke onderwysinstelling. Die werkstuk fokus gevolglik op die formulering en implementering van 'n prestasie metingsinstrument vir die meting van die prestasie van administratiewe en ondersteuningspersoneel verbonde aan die spesifieke onderwysinstelling, met die oog daarop om bestaande prestasie probleme binne die organisasie op te los.

The learning organisation and productivity : a case study of the Athlone detective service

Brand, J. J. (Johannes Jurgens) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transformation of the South African Police Service (SAPS) did not simply brought about a change in name; it meant a different new style of policing. A completely new concept of how a police service should function within a democratic society, had to be developed and learnt. One of the significant changes was the transformation of the old South African Police Force into the SAPS. Included in this process was the amalgamation of the eleven police agencies into one organisation. The transformation process had a major impact on productivity in the different components of the SAPS, as evidence suggests that change is difficult and that resistance may be expected whenever change involves a significant impact on the traditional behaviour, power, authority, culture and structure within an organisation. The objective of training is to achieve a change in the behaviour of those employees who are undergoing training. The SAPS therefore had to start using training programmes to ensure that all employees accept the change process easier. The researcher attended the Station Management Programme (SMP) at Stellenbosch University in 1999. The first module presented at the SMP comprised the concept of a learning organisation. After successfully completing the SMP, this management mechanism was implemented at Athlone Detective Service. This detective service is one of the components at the Athlone po lice station, which in turn forms part of 1096 po lice stations in South Africa. The high volume of cases on hand was one of the main reasons why it was decided to experiment there with the five disciplines of the learning organisation, as proposed by Peter Senge, at the beginning of July 1999. In Chapter one the research problem is identified, namely whether a learning organisation can be used to improve productivity at detective services. The objectives of this study are firstly to prove how the five disciplines of a learning organisation were implemented at Athlone detective service in order to increase productivity. Secondly, this study will give guidance to the other detective services in the SAPS on how to improve their own productivity. Related literature is reviewed in Chapter two, and these references are made applicable on the SAPS, and more specifically on the Athlone detective service in Chapter three. The gathering, analysis and interpretation of data are discussed in Chapter four. The data for this research has been gathered by means of computerised data, which has been collected from the Criminal Administration System (CAS) of the SAPS, and by means ofa questionnaire, which was distributed among the personnel at Athlone detective service. The collected data is analysed statistically and interpreted in this chapter to establish whether the disciplines of a learning organisation had an impact on productivity. The main focus points of each chapter are firstly summarised, while recommendations are made on the effective management thereof in Chapter five. A conclusion is also given in this last chapter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) het nie slegs 'n verandering in naam beteken nie, maar 'n totale verskillende manier van polisiering. 'n Algehele nuwe konsep van hoe 'n polisiediens binne 'n demokratiese samelewing behoort te funksioneer, moes ontwikkel en aangeleer word. Een van die vernaamste veranderings was die omskakeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag na die SAPD. Ingesluit in hierdie proses was die samesmelting van die elf verskillende polisieagentskappe in een organisasie. Hierdie proses het 'n negatiewe invloed op produktiwiteit in die verskillende afdelings van die SAPD gehad, aangesien daar al bewys is dat verandering moeilik is en dat weerstand verwag kan word wanneer hierdie verandering met tradisies, mag, gesag, kultuur en struktuur binne 'n organisasie te make het. Die doel van opleiding is om 'n verandering in die gedrag van werknemers te bereik; gevolglik het die SAPD met opleidingsprogramme begin om te verseker dat alle werknemers die veranderingsproses makliker aanvaar. Gedurende 1999 het die navorser die Stasiebestuursprogram (SBP) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch deurloop. Die eerste module wat gedurende die SBP aangebied is, was die konsep van lerende organisasie. Na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die SBP, is hierdie bestuursinstrument te Athlone speurdiens in gebruik geneem. Hierdie speurdiens is een van die afdelings van die Athlone polisiestasie, wat op sy beurt deel uitmaak van 'n totaal van 1096 ander polisiestasies in Suid-Afrika. Die vernaamste rede waarom besluit was om die vyf dissiplines van die lerende organisasie, soos deur Peter Senge voorgestel op die proef te stel was die groot aantal sake wat ondersoekbeamtes voorhande gehad het gedurende 1999. In hoofstuk een word die navorsingsprobleem geformuleer as: kan die lerende organisasie gebruik word om produktiwiteit in die speurdiens te verbeter? Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is eerstens om te bewys hoe die lerende organisasie gebruik is om produktiwiteit te Athlone speurdiens te verbeter. Ten tweede is die doel van die navorsing om ander speurdienste, binne die SAPD, van riglyne te voorsien oor hoe om hulle eie produktiwiteit te verbeter. Hoofstuk twee bestaan uit 'n oorsig oor die toepaslike literatuur, terwyl die literatuur in hoofstuk drie op die SAPD van toepassing gemaak word. Die insameling, ontleding en vertolking van data word in hoofstuk vier bespreek. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie navorsing is van gerekenariseerde data gebruik gemaak wat vanaf die Misdaad-Administrasiestelsel (MAS) van die SAPD verkry is en uit vraelyste wat onder die Athlone speurdiens versprei is. Die data wat ingesamel is, word in hierdie hoofstuk statisties ontleed en vertolk, ten einde vas te stel of die dissiplines van die lerende organisasie weI 'n invloed op produktiwiteit gehad het. In hoofstuk vyf word die vernaamste bevindings eerstens opgesom en daarna word aanbevelings oor die doeltreffende bestuur daarvan gemaak. Laastens word 'n gevolgtrekking gegee.

Centralisation versus decentralisation of the organisation development function within the Western Cape Provincial Administration

Boonzaaier, Jacob J. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisation development is one of the. most important management tools used by organisations to assess themselves and their environment and to revitalise and to rebuild their strategies, structures and processes to manage change. The purpose of this study is to establish an understanding of what organisation development is and how it works, and to identify and explain the legislative and other aspects that influence the decision-making process with regard to organisation development interventions within the public service. In addition to this, the author explains the development and current reality of organisation development in the Western Cape Provincial Administration. A current burning issue in the context of public legislation and other directives in the public service is that managers want to be empowered to manage their own resources. The issue of centralisation or decentralisation of the organisation development function is a major source of dissension within the Western Cape Provincial Administration. The main purpose of this study is to provide a body of knowledge on whether organisation development is centralised or decentralised and what factors need to be considered regarding this issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasieontwikkeling is een van die belangrikste bestuursmiddele wat deur organisasies gebruik word tydens assessering van die organisasie en van die omgewing, en om nuwe lewe in hulle strategieë, strukture en prosesse te blaas en dit te herbou ten einde verandering te kan bestuur. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om 'n begrip te verkry van wat organisasieontwikkeling is en hoe dit werk, en om wetgewing en ander aspekte wat die besluitnemingsproses oor intervensies ten opsigte van organisasieontwikkelings binne die staatsdiens beïnvloed, te identifiseer en te verklaar. Voorts sit die skrywer die ontwikkeling en huidige realiteit van organisasieontwikkeling in die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Administrasie uiteen. 'n Vraagstuk wat tans baie aandag geniet binne die konteks van openbare wetgewing en ander voorskrifte in die staatsdiens, is dié van bestuurders wat bemagtig wil word om self hulle hulpbronne te bestuur. Die vraagstuk van sentralisering of desentralisering van die organisasieontwikkelingsfunksie is 'n belangrike bron van meningsverskil binne die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Administrasie. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing is om 'n kennisgeheel te voorsien rakende die vraag of organisasieontwikkeling gesentraliseer of gedesentraliseer is en watter faktore ten opsigte van hierdie kwessie in ag geneem moet word.

Die effek van personeelplasing op dienslewering in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens : Area Oos-Metropool : Kaapstad

Clark, Edward William 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The General Elections of 27 April 1994 lead the country to a new democracy which caused changes in the political-, social- and constitutional domain in South Africa. This brought about new winds of change in the Public Sector too. The South African Police Service (SAPS) is also identified as a component of the Public Sector and this lead to an investigation of service delivery standards which are rendered to local communities by the SAPS. The hypothesis is that personal placement in the SAPS can have an effect on the organisation's service delivery standards. Various concepts were investigated and defined. Methodological considerations and research methods were applied as guidelines to the underlying principles, for possible answers to the research problem. A theoretical base was established as foundation of a practical investigation. Recruitment, selection and personnel placement are discussed with various references to current legislation includes aspects such as affirmative action and the implications it could have on service delivery. A final practical investigation included the distribution of questionnaires to police members and members of the public in the policing areas under discussion. The answers were processed where upon recommendations were made for the improvement of service delivery in the SAPS. Research was completed in the East Metropole, Cape Town to establish what effect personal placement could have on service delivery in the South African Police Service. The specific policing area (referring to the Area East Metropole) is used as a practical case study as if appears that currently personal placement within the SAPS could be implemented more effectively in order to enhance service delivery to all communities in the East Metropole. Due to personal shortages within the SAPS, these communities encounter problems such as increases in crime on a daily basis. The research process was encouraged by problems experienced by members of the SAPS and the public. Although the research outcome cannot be ruled as a success or failure, it was an attempt to focus on the effect that crime have on the lives of members of the SAPS and communities within the Area East Metropole. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Algemene Verkiesing op 27 April 1994 het die land gelei na 'n nuwe demokrasie wat tot 'n totale verandering op die politieke-, sosiale- en konstitusionele terrein in Suid-Afrika gevolg het. Dit het die geleentheid geskep vir veelvuldige veranderinge in die Openbare Sektor. Hieronder is die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) ook geïdentifiseer en dit het gelei tot 'n ondersoek in die dienslewering standaarde wat die SAPD aan plaaslike gemeenskappe verskaf. Die hipotese is dat personeelplasing in die SAPD 'n effek kan hê op die organisasie se dienslewering standaard. Verskeie konsepte is ondersoek en gedefinieer. Metodologiese oorwegings en navorsingsmetodes is as riglyne toegepas om 'n moontlike antwoord te vind op die navorsingsprobleem. 'n Teoretiese basis is geskep as fondasie vir 'n praktiese ondersoek. Werwing, keuring en personeelplasing word bespreek met verskeie verwysing na huidige wetgewing op aspekte soos regstellende aksie en die impak wat dit op dienslewering kan hê. 'n Finale praktiese ondersoek het die verspreiding van vraelyste onder polisiebeamptes en lede van plaaslike gemeenskappe in die polisiërings area onder bespreking, ingesluit. Die antwoorde is verwerk, waarna aanbevelings gemaak is tot die verbetering van dienslewering in die SAPO. Navorsing is voltooi in die Area Oos-Metropool, Kaapstad om te bepaal watter effek personeelplasing op dienslewering in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens kon hê. Hierdie spesifieke polisiëringsgebied (verwysend na die Area Oos-Metropool) word as 'n praktiese gevalle studie aangewend aangesien dit wil voorkom dat personeelplasing in die SAPD tans meer effektief geïmplementeer kan word ten einde dienslewering te verbeter aan alle gemeenskappe in die Oos-Metropool. As gevolg van personeel tekorte binne die SAPD ondervind hierdie gemeenskappe 'n toename in misdaad op 'n daaglikse basis. Die navorsingsproses is aangemoedig deur probleme wat deur lede van die SAPD en publiek ondervind word. Alhoewel die navorsingsuitkoms nie as 'n sukses of mislukking uitgeskakel kan word nie, was dit 'n poging om te fokus op die effek wat misdaad op die lewens van die lede van die SAPD en gemeenskappe in die Area Oos-Metropool het.

A critical narrative analysis of the deployment of corporate arrangements in the conduct of government employee pension fund

Kekana, Makabelo Ephraim 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African (SA) government is experiencing problems with regard to its service delivery mandate in public institutions. These problems have resulted from a number of factors, such as SA’s history of unequal distribution of resources; the introduction of remedial legislations and programmes when the new government took office in 1994; incorrect implementation of these legislations and programmes with the accompanying departure of skilled managers accompanied by the influx of new and inexperienced managers. Deliberate interventions were introduced to address this service delivery problem however, many public institutions remain unsuccessful in fulfilling their mandate to service delivery. In this study, the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is used as a case study to learn more about the effect of corporate governance in addressing service delivery problems in public institutions. As a government entity, the GEPF experienced some service delivery problems with regard to its mandate. Like any other public entity in SA, the GEPF is governed by all legislative provisions governing public entities and is equally affected by challenges such as scarcity of resources (financial; equipment and skills). The objectives of the study is to identify major principles and techniques related to corporatisation as an approach to management practice; to identify major challenges encountered by GEPF prior to corporatisation; and to analyse the deployment of corporate arrangements in the conduct of the GEPF in relation to these techniques and principles. The basis of this research is a thorough literature study and interviews with managers of the GEPF. The major finding of this study is that the GEPF has entrusted basic duties and responsibilities affecting its mandate to employer institutions (EIs). These basic yet sensitive functions have been left arbitrarily to EIs, hence the GEPF is unable to execute its duties in its benefits administration in line with its vision. Other findings include internal processes are incorrectly applied, thus hampering effective and efficient benefits administration; there is lack of, or limited use of a performance management system; there is an inability to deal with predictable problems; and the organisation of resources does not support the vision of the GEPF. Achievements in terms of the corporatisation process to improve performance were noted. The enrolment of the services of consultants to assist the GEPF to improve its performance led to the following: approval of the organisational structure that supports the GEPF’s vision; empowerment of managers in terms of skills capacity; conversion of contract workers to permanent; and taking an aggressive approach to performance and risk management. It is therefore concluded that although challenges still exist, the GEPF has embarked on a systematic process to rid itself of the challenges it faces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse Owerheidsektor ervaar tans probleme ten opsigte van sy diensleweringsmandaat. Die probleme met swak dienslewering kan toegeskryf word aan faktore soos Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis van wat betref die onbillike verdeling van hulpbronne, die daarstel van ʼn nuwe regering in 1994 wat gelei het tot regstellende wetgewing en programme, die onoordeelkundige implementering van hierdie nuwe wetgewing en programme, en die gepaardgaande verlies van bekwame bestuurders en die aanstelling van nuwe en onervare bestuurders. Ten spyte van doelbewuste ingrypings om die diensleweringprobleem aan te spreek, bly owerheidsinstellings steeds in gebreke om aan hul diensleweringsmandaat te voldoen. Die Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is as ʼn gevallestudie gebruik om die effek van korporatiewe bestuur op die hantering van diensleweringsprobleme in owerheidsinstellings te bepaal. Die GEPF as ʼn owerheidsinstelling ervaar ook probleme wat sy mandaat van dienslewering betref. In vergelyking met ander owerheidsinstellings ervaar die GEPF soortgelyke uitdagings ten opsigte van hulpbronverdeling (op finansiële vlak, en wat toerusting en vaardighede betref). Die doelwit van die studie is om die hoofbeginsels en -tegnieke verbonde aan korporatisering as ʼn bestuursbeleid te identifiseer, om die hoofuitdagings vir die GEPF voor intervensie op ʼn objektiewe en onbetrokke wyse te identifiseer, en om die tegnieke en beginsels aangewend sedert die implementering van die intervensie te analiseer. Hierdie studie is op ʼn deeglike literatuurstudie en die voer van onderhoude met bestuurslede van die GEPF geskoei. Die vernaamste bevinding van die studie is dat die GEPF sy basiese verpligtinge en verantwoordelikhede rakende sy mandaat aan die werkgewersinstellings toevertrou. Die basiese, dog sensitiewe funksies wat arbitrêr aan die werkgewer oorgelaat word, kniehalter die GEPF om sy administratiewe pligte volgens sy visie uit te voer. Ander bevindings sluit in dat interne prosesse op ʼn ondoeltreffende manier toegepas word, wat dan doeltreffende administrasie kortwiek. Dit sluit in die gebrek of beperkte gebruik van ʼn prestasiebestuurstelsel, die onbevoegdheid om ooglopende probleme te identifiseer en beperkte hulpbronne, wat nie die visie ondersteun nie. Die aanwending van korporatiewe prosesse om dienslewering te verbeter blyk suksesvol te wees. Die aanstelling van konsultante om behulpsaam te wees met dienslewering het gelei tot die goedkeuring van ʼn organisatoriese struktuur wat die visie van die GEPF ondersteun, die bemagtiging van bestuurders omdat hul vaardigheid verbeter is, die aanstelling van kontrakwerkers in permanente poste en ʼn aggressiewe benadering tot prestasie- en risikobestuur. Die gevolgtrekking is dat alhoewel daar nog uitdagings bestaan, die GEPF ʼn sistematiese proses onderneem het om die uitdagings te oorkom.

Evaluation of gender equity programme implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

Nkoana, Nthabiseng Martha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the democratic dispensation in South Africa, attempts were made in earlier studies to make recommendations for the implementation of gender equity in the labour markets. Until now companies and public service departments have done little to ensure gender equity. Most efforts made were merely window-dressing given that previous studies provide evidence of fewer female employments in Senior Management Service (SMS) positions across the public service. South Africa has introduced a legal framework to support the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). The study sets out to evaluate the extent of gender equity implementation in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. The EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998) aims to redress employment inequalities previously experienced by racially, culturally and sexually marginalized South Africans. Departmental human resource processes are evaluated to establish equity measures necessary to achieve the purpose of the EEA, 1998 (RSA, Act 55 of 1998). This study reviews employment equity practices from various countries to establish best practice. Issues and proposed strategies for improvements surrounding employment equity legislation in South Africa are also highlighted. The study is extended to other departments to establish accountability standards as well as actions and penalties available for noncompliance. The findings from the study indicate that women are mostly employed in middle management while male employees continue to dominate the top management in spite of the Department of Public Service and Administration’s (DPSA) strategic goal to reach a 50% equal employment at SMS by 31 March 2009. Suggestions are provided to accelerate implementation of gender equity in Limpopo Provincial Department of Sport, Arts and Culture. Given that the study was based on a representative sample of a single public service department, the findings may as a result not be generalized to the entire South African public service. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die demokratiese bedeling in Suid-Afrika was pogings in vroeë studies aangewend om aanbevelings te maak vir die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die arbeidsmark. Tot dus- ver het maatskappye en staatsdiens departemente min gedoen om geslagsgelykheid te bevorder. Talle pogings wat aangewend was, is niks meer nie as uiterlike vertoon, gegee die feit dat vorige studies bewysstukke lewer van minder vroulike indiensneming in Senior Bestuursdiens (SBD) posisies deur die staatsdiens. Suid -Afrika het `n wetgewende raamwerk ingestel om die Gelyke Indiensnemingswet, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van1998) te ondersteun. Die studie het ten doel om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur te evalueer. Die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) beoog om die indiensnemings ongelykhede te herstel, wat voorheen ondervind was deur rasse, kulturele en geslagtelik gemarginaliseerde Suid-Afrikaners. Departementele menslike hulpbron prosesse word beoordeel ten einde die billikheidsmaatreëls te bepaal wat nodig is om die doelwitte van die GIW, 1998 (RSA, Wet 55 van 1998) te bereik. Hierdie studie raadpleeg gelyke indiensnemings praktyke van verskillende lande ten einde die beste praktyk te stig. Aangeleenthede en voorgestelde strategieë vir die bevordering van wetgewing oor gelyke indiensneming in Suid-Afrika word ook beklemtoon. Die studie word uitgebrei na ander departemente om standaarde oor aanspreeklikheid te bepaal, asook optrede en strafmaatreëls vir nie-voldoening daaraan. Die bevinding van die studie dui daarop dat vrouens meestal op middel bestuursvlak in diens geneem word, terwyl manlike werknemers aanhou om die top bestuursvlak te domineer, ten spyte van die Departement van Staatsdiens en Administrasie (DSDA) se strategiese doelwit om 50% gelyke indiensneming op SBD- vlak teen 31 Maart 2009 te bereik. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die implementering van geslagsgelykheid te versnel in die Limpopo Provinsiale Departement van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur. Gegee die feit dat die studie gebaseer was op `n verteenwoordigende monster van `n enkele staatsdiens departement, mag die bevindinge gevolglik nie veralgemeen word met die totale Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens nie.

An assessment of South African housing co-operatives : the case of Ilinge Labahlali housing co-operative, Nyanga, Cape Town

Herbst, Adriana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Co-operatives as a form of business have a long history in South Africa. The successes of agricultural co-operatives are well known. Housing co-operatives, however, are a relatively unfamiliar concept as a form of business to provide tenure, and for those who are involved in it, a frustrating and long process to obtain housing. This study examined the issue of housing co-operatives as part of addressing the housing crisis in South Africa taking into consideration that this specific model (housing development co-operatives) does not fall under the Social Housing sector anymore. It involves a comprehensive literature study of the history of co-operatives internationally and in South Africa as well as analysing different models implemented internationally and in South Africa; a review of legislation; policies affecting housing co-operatives; analysis of data and information and surveys of housing co-operatives. The specific aims of the research were: • To determine the different models of successful housing development cooperatives internationally; • To determine the viability and sustainability of housing development co-operatives in Third World Countries; • To determine the current status of the registered housing co-operatives in South Africa; • To determine the different models implemented in South Africa; • To evaluate the housing development co-operative sector in South Africa; • To determine the viability and sustainability of a registered housing development co-operative in Cape Town, (Ilinge Labahlali Housing Co-operative, Nyanga, Cape Town, South Africa); and • To determine the challenges faced by the co-operative and how they foresee these challenges being overcome. The study followed a survey design, including both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The qualitative approach related to the views and opinions of co-operative members with regards to the socio-economic impact that the co-operative have had and the quantitative approach relates to statistical and measurable data obtained from the Department of Trade and Industry in terms of a number of variables such as: type of co-operatives, categories indicated and Province representation. For the purpose of this study, only housing co-operatives were contacted and research was conducted on the state of housing co-operatives and if each housing co-operative meet the selection criteria of the Housing Development Co-operative Model. In critically assessing housing co-operatives in South Africa, it was determined that the unacceptable level of support from all three tiers of Government, was the prime problem experienced by housing co-operatives. Several reasons can explain this, the most prominent as follow: 1. The Department of Trade and Industry’s lack of proper record keeping and administration; 2. Housing development co-operatives do not benefit from the Social Housing sector in South Africa; 3. Department of Housing’s lack of knowledge with regards to the housing cooperative sector; 4. No synergy between different Government departments with regards to housing cooperatives; 5. Municipalities do not have the know-how regarding co-operatives and/or display an unwillingness to assist housing co-operatives; 6. Housing co-operatives established by outside agencies/Government departments receive no follow-up and support; 7. No proper Government housing co-operative department focusing on housing delivery with the necessary knowledge and support mechanisms in place. It is clear that in the late nineties, the co-operative principle was promoted by the Department of Housing, Social Housing Foundation and community workers alike as the new brain child of international agencies (Rooftops Canada, Norwegian Government, Swedish Government) to secure housing for communities building on the concept of “ubuntu”. Afterwards the emphasis were shifted to Social Housing Institutions and rental tenure and the few housing co-operatives registered, were left in the cold with no support structures available to them. With no support from international agencies, national-, provincial- and local Government the future of these housing co-operatives are bleak. Co-operative members are community driven, but without the necessary capacity-building and institutional support, community members become despondent and the co-operative principles of “working together to achieve more” are seen as just another scheme which failed in the delivery of housing. This study found that the grass root housing co-operative with the support of all levels of Government can be successful providing that community structures such as saving groups and hostel committees are in place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koöperasies as bedryfsvorm het ’n lang geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika. Die welslae van landboukoöperasies is wel bekend. Behuisingskoöperasies is egter ’n relatief onbekende konsep as bedryfsvorm om eiendomsreg te verskaf en vir diegene wat daarby betrokke is, is dit ’n frustrerende en uitgerekte proses waarvolgens behuising bekom kan word. Dié studie het die behuisingskoöperasie-aangeleentheid as deel van die aanspreek van die behuisingskrisis in Suid-Afrika onder die loep geplaas met inagneming daarvan dat hierdie spesifieke model (ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies) nie meer onder die Maatskaplike Behuisingsektor ressorteer nie. Dit het ’n omvattende literatuurstudie van die geskiedenis van koöperasies internasionaal en in Suid-Afrika behels, asook ’n analise van verskillende modelle wat internasionaal en in Suid-Afrika toegepas word; ’n oorsig van relevante wetgewing; beleidsrigtings wat behuisingskoöperasies raak; analise van data en inligting, en opnames van behuisingskoöperasies. Die spesifieke doelwitte van die navorsing was: • Om die verskillende modelle van geslaagde ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies internasionaal te bepaal; • Om die lewensvatbaarheid en volhoubaarheid van ontwikkelingsbehuisingkoöperasies in lande van die Derde Wêreld te bepaal; • Om die huidige status van die geregistreerde behuisingskoöperasies in Suid-Afrika te bepaal; • Om die verskillende modelle wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas word, te bepaal; • Om die behuisingsontwikkeling-koöperasiesektor in Suid-Afrika te evalueer; • Om die lewensvatbaarheid en volhoubaarheid van ’n geregistreerde behuisingsontwikkeling-koöperasie in Kaapstad (llinge Labahlali Behuisingskoöperasie, Nyanga, Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika) te bepaal, en • Om die uitdaging wat deur die koöperasies in die gesig gestaar word, te bepaal en hoe daar gemeen word dié uitdaging te bowe gekom gaan word. Dié studie is aan die hand van ’n vooropgestelde opnamepatroon uitgevoer wat kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe aspekte ingesluit het. Die kwalitatiewe benadering was gerig op die sieninge en menings van koöperasielede met betrekking tot die sosioekonomiese impak van die koöperasie, en die kwantitatiewe benadering het te make gehad met die statistiese en meetbare data rakende ’n aantal veranderlikes, soos soorte koöperasies, aangeduide kategorieë en provinsiale verteenwoordiging, wat van die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid bekom is. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is daar net met behuisingskoöperasies geskakel en navorsing is gedoen op die stand van behuisingskoöperasies en of iedere so ’n koöperasie aan die keuringskriteria van die model van die ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasie voldoen. Na kritiese beskouing van behuisingskoöperasies in Suid-Afrika, is daar vasgestel dat die onaanvaarbare mate van ondersteuning wat van die drie vlakke van regering ontvang word, die vernaamste probleem is waarmee behuisingskoöperasies te kampe het. Onder die talle redes wat as verduideliking kan dien, is die volgende die mees prominente: 1. Die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid se gebrek aan deeglike rekordhouding en administrasie; 2. Ontwikkelingsbehuising-koöperasies vind nie baat by die Maatskaplike Behuisingsektor in Suid-Afrika nie; 3. Die Departement van Behuising se gebrek aan kennis met betrekking tot die behuisingskoöperasiesektor; 4. Gebrek aan sinergie tussen verskillende regeringsdepartemente met betrekking tot behuisingskoöprasies; 5. Munisipaliteite beskik nie oor die kundigheid ten opsigte van koöperasies nie en/of toon onwilligheid om behuisingskoöperasies by te staan; 6. Behuisingskoöperasies, wat deur buite-ondernemings/regeringsdepartemente gestig word, ontvang geen onderskraging nie en daar is ook ’n gebrek aan enige voortgesette belangstelling in hulle doen en late. 7. Daar is geen geskikte behuisingskoöperasie aan regeringskant wat fokus op die voorsiening van behuising en wat oor die nodige kennis en ondersteuningsmeganismes beskik nie. Dit is duidelik dat die beginsel van koöperasies in die laat jare negentig deur die Departement van Behuising, die Maatskaplike Behuisingstigting, gemeenskapswerkers, en dies meer, as die nuwe breinkind van internasionale agentskappe soos Rooftops Canada, die Noorweegse regering, die Sweedse regering bevorder is om behuising vir gemeenskappe te verseker wat op die konsep “ubuntu” gebou het. Daarna is die klem na Maatskaplikebehuisingsondernemings en huurbesit verskuif en die enkele geregistreerde behuisingskoöperasies is sonder enige ondersteuningstruktuur aan hulle eie lot oorgelaat. Met geen ondersteuning van die kant van internasionale organisasies, nasionale, provinsiale of plaaslike regering nie, is die toekoms van dié behuisingskoöperasies maar bra droewig. Koöperasielede is gemeenskapsgedrewe, maar sonder die nodige kapasiteitsbou en institusionele onderskraging, het lede van die gemeenskap wanhopig geraak en word die beginsel van “saamwerk om meer te bereik” bloot beskou as net nog ’n plan wat ten opsigte van behuisingvoorsiening gefaal het. Dié studie het bevind dat die voetsoolvlak-behuisingskoöperasie – met die onderskraging van alle vlakke van regering – wel geslaagd kan wees, mits gemeenskapstrukture soos spaargroepe en hostelkomitees in plek is.

Evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government’s land provision programme for new state health facilities

Conradie, Hendrik Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research was undertaken during 2009/2010 and focused on the Western Cape Department of Transport & Public Works (DPW) programme for the provision of land for the construction of new state health facilities (hospitals, community health centres, clinics) in the province. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the Department has instituted proper policy to deliver the required land, and whether this policy is implemented successfully. The study was thus, in essence, an evaluation of a government policy programme. The following are the overall findings and conclusions, per chapter: •Chapter 1 provides an introduction, with reference to the main research question and related questions. •In Chapter 2 important theory on policy evaluation is presented, and a Policy Documentation Template (PDT) developed, capturing the essential principles and elements for effective public policy documents. •In Chapter 3 important selected sections of the existing conceptual/theoretical body of knowledge on policy implementation are explored and analysed by the researcher, leading to identification of critical implementation principles/lessons as well as the Policy Implementation Monitor (PIM). •In Chapter 4 the DPW‟s set of policy documentation related to land provision for new state health facilities is studied, described, analysed, and compared with the PDT. It is found that an effective and enforceable annual operational plan does not exist, rendering successful policy implementation and monitoring impossible. •In Chapter 5 the implementation of the policy documents is described, and critically analysed. The PIM and lessons learnt from policy implementation theory are applied to DPW‟s implementation practice. Serious shortcomings are found in the implementation of the land provision programme – especially regarding ineffective cooperation between the Provincial Departments of Public Works and Health – resulting in delayed delivery of land for new state health facilities. •Chapter 6 contains the researcher‟s conclusions and policy recommendations. The researcher produces the following recommendations for consideration by the Minister, to address the problems in the DPW land provision policy programme: A. Appointment of a policy think tank (group of independent expert professional individuals with high-order management skills) with the following tasks: •Facilitate the establishment of a Health Facilities Partnership Contract (HFPC) between DPW and the Provincial Department of Health by 31 March 2011. •Ensure that the HFPC contains the essential elements on functioning of the partnership, and includes the mutually agreed new state health facility projects, of which construction must start over the next three financial years (2011/12 – 2013/14); also initiate an electronic management cockpit to be used by the Minister for real-time (24 hr) monitoring of progress with the priority land/facility projects. •Document a broad policy and strategic framework for innovative asset management approaches and models that will maximise revenue streams for DPW, and increase the value of the asset base of the Western Cape Provincial Government; this policy framework should include reference to inner city renewal in Cape Town, as well as asset-based urban regeneration and economic development in other larger towns of the Western Cape (e.g. George, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, etc.). •Make recommendations regarding updating of the asset register of DPW, including reference to effecting and conclusion of the transfer of various real estate properties that have not been transferred to DPW yet, and regarding sophisticated information/communication technology (ICT) solutions that will modernise DPW‟s asset management to international best practice standards. B. The „policy think tank‟ (Ministerial advisory group) should have experts from outside DPW as members, but will have to engage with the DPW top management (Head of Department; Chief Director of Property Management; Director of Property Development) in a partnership context in order to have the HFPC established. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is onderneem gedurende 2009/2010 en fokus op die Wes-Kaap Departement van Vervoer & Openbare Werke program vir die voorsiening van grond vir die konstruksie van nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite (hospitale, gemeenskap gesondheidsentrums, klinieke) in die provinsie. Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel of die Department behoorlike beleid ingestel het om die vereiste grond te lewer, en of hierdie beleid suksesvol geimplementeer word. Die studie was dus, in wese, 'n evaluering van 'n regeringsbeleidsprogram. Die volgende oorhoofse bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak, per hoofstuk: •Hoofstuk 1 beslaan die inleiding, met verwysing na die hoof navorsingsvraag en verwante vrae. •In Hoofstuk 2 word belangrike teorie oor beleidsevaluering voorgehou, en 'n Beleid Dokumentasie Patroonplaat (BDP) word ontwikkel, wat die wesenlike beginsels en elemente vir effektiewe openbare beleidsdokumente bevat. •In Hoofstuk 3 word belangrike geselekteerde dele van die bestaande konseptuele/teoretiese kennispoel oor beleidsimplementering ondersoek en ontleed deur die navorser, wat lei na die identifikasie van kritiese implementering beginsels/lesse, asook die Beleid Implementering Monitor (BIM). •In Hoofstuk 4 word die Departement se stel beleidsdokumente rakende grondvoorsiening vir nuwe staatsgesondheidsfasiliteite bestudeer, beskryf, ontleed en vergelyk met die BDP. Dit word bevind dat geen effektiewe en afdwingbare jaarlikse operasionele plan bestaan nie, wat suksesvolle beleidsimplementering en monitering onmoontlik maak. •In Hoofstuk 5 word die implementering van die beleidsdokumente beskryf en krities ontleed. Die BIM en lesse uit die beleidsimplementering teorie word toegepas op die Departement se implementeringspraktyk. Ernstige tekortkominge word gevind in die implementering van die grondvoorsiening program – veral rakende die oneffektiewe samewerking tussen die Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid – met vertraagde lewering van grond vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite die gevolg. •Hoofstuk 6 bevat die navorser se gevolgtrekkings en beleidsaanbevelings. Die navorser produseer die volgende aanbevelings vir oorweging deur die Minister, om die probleme in die Departement se grondvoorsiening beleidsprogram aan te spreek: A. Aanwysing van 'n beleid denkgroep ('n groep onafhanklike deskundige individue met hoë orde bestuursvaardighede) met die volgende take: •Fasiliteer die vestiging van 'n Gesondheidsfasiliteite Vennootskap Kontrak (GFVK) tussen die provinsiale Departemente van Openbare Werke en Gesondheid, teen 31 Maart 2011. •Verseker dat die GFVK die wesenlike elemente bevat betreffende funksionering van die vennootskap, asook die wedersyds ooreengekome projekte vir nuwe staatsgesondheidfasiliteite waarvan konstruksie 'n aanvang moet neem oor die volgende drie finansiële jare (2011/12 – 2013/14); inisieer ook 'n elektroniese bestuurskajuit vir gebruik van die Minister in die konstante (24 uur) monitering van vordering met die prioriteit grond/fasiliteite projekte. •Dokumenteer die breë beleid en strategiese raamwerk vir innoverende batebestuur benaderings en modelle, wat die inkomste strome vir die Departemente sal optimaliseer, en die waarde van die bate basis van die Wes-Kaap Provinsiale Regering sal vergroot; hierdie beleidsraamwerk moet verwysing na middestad-vernuwing in Kaapstad insluit, asook bate-gefundeerde stedelike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in ander groter dorpe in die Wes-Kaap (soos George, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Hermanus, Paarl/Wellington, ens.). •Doen aanbevelings rakende die opdatering van die bate register van die Departement, insluitende verwysing na die uitvoer en afhandeling van die oordragte van verskeie vaste eiendomme wat nog nie oorgedra is na die Departement nie, asook rakende gesofistikeerde informasie/kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) oplossings wat die Departement se batebestuur sal moderniseer tot internasionale beste-praktyk standaard. B. Die „beleid denkgroep‟ (Ministeriele adviesgroep) moet deskundiges van buite die Departement as lede hê, maar sal in gesprek moet tree met die Departement se topbestuur (Hoof van Departement; Hoof Direkteur van Eiendomsbestuur; Direkteur van Eiendomsontwikkeling) in 'n vennootskapskonteks, sodat die GFVK tot stand kan kom.

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