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Implementação de ERP em pequenas e médias empresas: estudo de caso em empresa do setor da construção civil / ERP implementation in small and medium size businesses: case study in a enterprise construction sectorNelma Terezinha Zubek Valente 20 December 2004 (has links)
Os sistemas integrados de gestão, originalmente conhecidos como ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), provocam grandes impactos nas organizações em que são implementados. Os efeitos, tanto de natureza positiva em termos de benefícios, contribuições e vantagens que o sistema pode proporcionar, quanto negativos, no que se refere às dificuldades, barreiras e problemas enfrentados na implementação do sistema, assim como os desafios que se impõem com a adoção e uso do ERP, têm sido discutidos em diferentes estudos. No entanto, grande parte das pesquisas que tratam dos efeitos e impactos decorrentes da adoção dos sistemas ERP tem focado os processos e resultados de implementações realizadas em empresas de grande porte, apesar da participação crescente das pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) na aquisição desse tipo de sistema. Considerando as características específicas e diferenciadas das PMEs em relação às empresas de grande porte, o crescente interesse dos fornecedores de ERP nesse segmento de empresas e o aumento da participação do segmento das PMEs na aquisição de sistemas integrados de gestão, este estudo foi conduzido com o propósito de responder à seguinte questão: Como se desenvolve o processo de implementação de ERP em PMEs? Utilizando a estratégia de pesquisa estudo de caso, do tipo único e incorporado, analisou-se o processo de implementação de um sistema ERP em empresa do setor da construção civil, enquadrada como de pequeno porte, de acordo com os critérios dos fornecedores de ERP, e de porte médio, se considerados os demais parâmetros vigentes no Brasil. O estudo teve como propósito investigar como se desenvolveu o processo de implementação do sistema ERP na empresa pesquisada tomando por base as seguintes proposições teóricas: contexto da empresa antes da adoção do ERP, fatores que levaram à adoção do ERP, impactos e efeitos da implementação do ERP, dificuldades e problemas enfrentados na sua implementação, vantagens e desvantagens obtidas com o ERP, desafios que se impuseram com sua adoção, acrescentando-se ainda o nível de satisfação da empresa com o sistema ERP. As evidências, obtidas neste estudo de caso, permitiram constatar que alguns aspectos relevantes, presentes no processo de implementação de ERP na empresa pesquisada, confirmam aspectos já observados em estudos anteriores, outros se apresentam de forma diferente, alguns não condizem com o que diz a literatura, constatando-se, também, alguns aspectos novos, ainda não mencionados pela literatura que trata do assunto. / Integrated Management Systems, originally known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) provoke massive impact in the companies where they are implemented. The effects, both positive - benefits, contributions and advantages, and negative - difficulties, barriers and problems faced along implementation, as well as the challenges posed by the execution and use of ERP, have been discussed in many studies. However, much of the research on the effects and the impact resulting from the adoption of ERP has focused on processes and results derived from the implementation of that system in large enterprises, in spite of the increasing participation of small and medium size businesses (SMEs) in the acquisition of such system. Considering that: SMEs display distinctive characteristics from the larger enterprises; suppliers have shown increasing interest on this segment; there has been a swell in the participation of these enterprises in the acquisition of integrated enterprise systems, this work aimed at answering the following question: How does the ERP implementation process take place in SMEs? Case study of the type unique and incorporated was the kind of research chosen to investigate the implementation process of an ERP system in a construction enterprise considered small according to ERP suppliers criteria, and medium size if Brazilian current parameters are to be taken into account. The study aimed at investigating the way the process evolved in the above-mentioned enterprise, based on the following theoretical proposition: enterprise context prior to the adoption of ERP; difficulties and troubles faced along implementation; advantages and disadvantages obtained through ERP; challenges imposed by its implementation; level of satisfaction of the enterprise with the system. The evidence allowed us to ascertain that: some relevant aspects present in the process of implementation of ERP validate facts already observed in previous studies, some others consubstantiate differences, some do not comply with the present written material available, and some are new aspects, still not mentioned in studies on the subject.
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Management jakosti ve vybraném podniku / Quality management in the selected companyPRAGEROVÁ, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation describes the quality management- quality management systems, improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction.
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Systémy řízení jakosti ve vybraném podniku / Quality management systems in the choosen companyEDROVÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess existing quality management system, the possibility of applying new approaches to quality management in the selected company, the proposal process for their implementation. This thesis is focused on quality management. Implementation and application of the model EFQM (European Foundation for quality management) in the company LINET spol. s r.o. Evaluation of the implementating process and its contribution to improving efficiency, quality and image.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema web para a notificação e vigilância epidemiológica de trauma com monitorização e análise de indicadores de qualidade do atendimento / Development of a web system for trauma notification and trauma epidemiological surveillance with monitoring and analysis of care quality indicatorsSara Galleni de Oliveira 01 June 2016 (has links)
O trauma é uma das principais causas de morte no mundo. Estima-se que mais de cinco milhões de pessoas morrem anualmente por algum tipo de trauma e que outras milhões que sobrevivem aos ferimentos ficam com sequelas temporárias ou permanentes, o que implica em custos diretos e indiretos de bilhões de reais. Desta forma, o problema do trauma envolve questões de ordem epidemiológica, social, assistencial, financeira e de gestão. Uma das maneiras de minimizar este problema é avaliar as fases do atendimento por meio de programas de melhoria de qualidade. O Comitê de Trauma do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões criou uma base de dados única de registros de traumas de diversos centros nos Estados Unidos e Canadá na base de dados única do National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). Após coletados, os dados são processados e transformados em relatórios anuais com indicadores que fornecem uma visão da situação geral do atendimento ao trauma em todo o país. Muitos países investem recursos para construir registros de trauma ou base de dados regionais, que são importantes fontes de dados para construção de indicadores de qualidade. No Brasil não existe a notificação sistemática dos pacientes traumatizados nos serviços de saúde. O presente estudo tem por finalidade desenvolver um software com módulo de notificação e vigilância epidemiológica dos traumas associado à monitorização e análise dos dados consolidados utilizando indicadores de qualidade. Para teste do software foi utilizado o banco de dados de pacientes traumatizados atendidos na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (UE-HCFMRP/USP) no período de 2006 a 2014. No software desenvolvido há duas maneiras de inserir dados de trauma: manualmente por meio do preenchimento do formulário eletrônico de notificação ou por meio da importação direta de arquivo Excel com a mesma sequência de dados. Desta forma, os indicadores são gerados automaticamente e podem ser visualizados em gráficos e tabelas. Os resultados obtidos através do uso da ferramenta foram utilizados para analisar a situação da assistência ao trauma na região de Ribeirão Preto. A análise destes resultados também foi essencial para verificar a capacidade da ferramenta em prover informações relevantes para a gestão hospitalar. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a ferramenta pode auxiliar a avaliação da qualidade do atendimento ao trauma. Uma possibilidade de expansão do sistema é incluir novos indicadores e coletar dados de outras instituições para permitir benchmarking externo. / Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that more than five million people die annually from some sort of trauma and millions more who survive their injuries are left with temporary or permanent sequelae, which leads to billions of Reais in direct and indirect costs. Thus, the question of trauma involves epidemiological, social, healthcare, financial and management issues. One way to lessen such problems is to evaluate the phases of medical care through quality improvement programs. The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma has created a unique aggregation of trauma registry data from several centers in the United States and Canada in a single database, the National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB). After collected, the data are processed into annual reports with indicators that provide a view of the overall situation of trauma care nationwide. Many countries invest resources on gathering trauma registries or building regional databases, which are important sources of data for generating care quality indicators. In Brazil there is no systematic notification of trauma patients in health services. The present study aims to develop a software with a trauma notification and epidemiological surveillance module associated with the monitoring and analysis of the consolidated data using care quality indicators. To test the software we used the database of trauma patients treated at the Emergency Unit of the Clinics Hospital at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of São Paulo (UE HCFMRP/USP) from 2006 to 2014. There are two ways to feed the software with the trauma data: manually, by completing an electronic notification form or by directly importing an Excel file with the same data stream. The indicators are then generated automatically and can be viewed in charts and tables. The results yielded from the software were used to assess the situation of trauma healthcare in the Ribeirão Preto region. The analysis of such results was also crucial to determine the software capacity to provide relevant information for hospital management. The results analysis led us to conclude that the software can help assess the quality of trauma healthcare. A possibility of system expansion is to include new indicators and collect data from other institutions to allow external benchmarking.
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Assessing the adaptive capacity of Sweden's environmental governanceTomas, Cusicanqui January 2016 (has links)
Different challenges arising from increasingly uncertain and unpredictable environmental and economicconditions have been shifting the focus of public governance and socio-economic development. Morerecently, empirical studies have demonstrated a transitional epoch in which humanity is currently in: TheAnthropocene, as well as its harmful effects that degrade the biosphere, and thus our economic, political,social well-being. The casual dynamics of climate change and its impacts on life-supporting ecosystemshas increasingly been recognized by a resilient approach which incorporates adaptive processes andschemes, allowing public governance to embrace the changes rather than control uncertainty. Thisresearch introduces the interwoven concepts of adaptive capacity, adaptive governance, and resiliencewithin a social and environmental framework. It provides a review of how these concepts support aparadigm shift to mitigating current and future challenges—understood through a multidisciplinaryapproach, and how scholars have sought to develop a blueprint to improve the need to foster and mobilizeadaptive capacity within the governance of the commons. In Sweden, key governmental and businessleaders have shown the ability to foster environmental governance that is capable of developing analternative form of planning, implementing, and managing public policy. Moreover, Sweden’s concertedmultilevel governance and public policy efforts have promoted an all-encompassing generational, mainlythrough: coordinated environmental policies and private, public, and civil society partnerships. Theseinitiatives have led to innovative technologies and projects (e.g. urban vertical farming technology) as wellas cross collaboration and integration of companies and industries in order to achieve economic, social,and environmentally symbiosis.
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Sistemas erp: uma contribuição ao estudo do ciclo de vida em uma instituição federal de ensino superior / Erp systems: a contribution to the study of life cycle in a federal institution of higher educationFerreira, David Luiz Silva 29 May 2014 (has links)
The use of ERP systems in brazilian public organizations represents a change in operating procedures quite significant and is the result of the worldwide movement "New Public Management" or "New Public Management", occurred from the 1980s, the government pricipalmente U.S. administrations , Great Britain and Sweden. The main feature of this movement is the adoption by government organizations of information and communication technologies (ICT) and operational technologies already tested as efficient from the private organizations. The ERP system arises in the early 1990s, released by the German company SAP, founded in 1972, with the R / 2 and R / 3 products, becoming a leader in this segment, becoming the product of information technology used by most large public and private organizations worldwide. The implementation of this type of information technology in organizations has as consequence the beginning of a state of organizational change, where all the people involved, planters, managers and operators get the reflexes arising from the adoption of new technology. In public organizations, especially in Brazilian IFES, there are few studies on the investigation of these reflections, which can be both difficult as benefits to be enjoyed by people. The aim of this study is to describe the implementation of an ERP system in a Brazilian IFES through the study of the life cycle of this system along with the difficulties and possible benefits of adopting this emerging information technology. / A utilização de sistemas ERP em organizações públicas brasileiras representa uma mudança de procedimentos operacionais bastante significativa e é fruto do movimento mundial "New Public Management" ou " Nova Administração Pública", ocorrido a partir dos anos de 1980, pricipalmente nas administrações governamentais dos Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha e Suécia. A principal característica deste movimento é a adoção pelas organizações governamentais de tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) e tecnologias operacionais já testadas como eficientes provenientes das organizações privadas. O sistema ERP surge no início dos anos 1990, lançado pela empresa alemã SAP, fundada em 1972, com o produtos R/2 e R/3, tornando-se líder neste segmento, tornando-se o produto de tecnologia da informação mais utilizado pelas grandes organizações públicas e privadas em todo o mundo. A implantação deste tipo de tecnologia da informação nas organizações tem como consequencia o início de um estado de mudança organizacional, onde todas as pessoas envolvidas, implantadores, gerentes e operadores recebem os reflexos provenientes da adoção da nova tecnologia. Nas organizações públicas, sobretudo nas IFES brasileiras, ainda existem poucos estudos relativos à investigação destes reflexos, que tanto podem ser dificuldades como benefícios a serem usufruídos pelas pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a implantação de um sistema ERP em uma IFES brasileira através do estudo do ciclo de vida deste sistema juntamente com as dificuldades e os benefícios possivelmente emergentes da adoção desta tecnologia da informação.
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Pillars of a safety management system for small-scale vended foods in a rural-based municipality of South AfricaMathaulula, Mushaisano Agnes 09 1900 (has links)
PhDRDV / Institute for Rural Development / Throughout the world, small-scale food vending forms an integral part of society, serving as a poverty buffer and a local based economy generation strategy to optimize livelihoods. However, untrustworthiness and safety concerns have been raised regarding the food handling practices and hygiene that tend to compromise the quality of the food sold in this sector. Thus, this study was conducted in order to propose the pillars of a safety management system for small-scale vended foods in Thulamela Municipality in South Africa. The pillars were proposed after assessing the level of small-scale food vendors’ knowledge, attitude and handling practices. Complementary, the microbiological quality of the commonly consumed small-scale vended foods was determined.
A survey-underpinned exploratory sequentially integrated mixed methods research design was adopted. Fifty-four respondents participated in a qualitative study via administering a semistructured interview guide to key informants and focus groups. Correspondingly, quantitative data were collected through a 5-point Likert questionnaire, administered to 136 small-scale food vendors and 272 customers. An observation checklist was used to collect data on 124 food stalls focusing on food handling practices. Microbial loads were determined through analysing 28 food samples collected from seven informal food markets. Qualitative data were analysed using ATLAS. ti version 8.0. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 25.0 was used to analyse quantitative data. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate frequencies and mean scores. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the degree of correlation among variables. Principal Component Analysis was used to isolate and deepen understanding of the main factors determining the knowledge and attitude towards food safety. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was used to identify two cluster solutions for food handling practices. Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to determine the relative stability of the generated two cluster solutions. Ordinal Least Square regression analysis was conducted to identify the variables which were critical in defining the state of food handling practices dynamics in the study area and their relationship with other variables. Data on the microbial counts were subjected to the Analysis of Variance. Duncan’s multiple range test was used to separate means while T-test was conducted to establish if there was any difference between organisms isolated for each food type from Thohoyandou and Sibasa markets.
In general, food vendors were knowledgeable about personal (x̄ = 1.77) and food (x̄ = 1.75) hygiene respectively. However, they rarely considered knowledge of foodborne diseases and rules and regulations as crucial in defining the quality and safety of small-scale vended foods. Respondents reflected positive attitude towards personal hygiene (x̄ = 3.21), food hygiene (x̄ = 3.55) and utensils management (x̄ = 3.43). The highest correlation relations between variables of roadside vendors’ knowledge of food safety were observed to be between “Staphylococcus as a germ that causes foodborne diseases” and “Hepatitis A virus that can cause foodborne disease” (P < 0.01). From thirty-six factors that determined the knowledge and attitude towards food safety, the Principal Component Analysis isolated eight components that accounted for 50 % of the variability. Similarly, customers were knowledgeable about food hygiene (x̄ = 1.88) personal hygiene (x̄ = 1.86). They also showed positive attitude towards personal (x̄ = 3.66) hygiene, food (x̄ = 3.72) hygiene and utensils management (x̄ = 3.56). From thirty-six factors that determined the knowledge and attitude towards food safety, the Principal Component Analysis isolated ten components that accounted for
60. % of the variability.
The results revealed the six major determinants of the state of handling practices in Thulamela Municipality. These were stalls conditions, personal hygiene, environmental and waste management, hygiene-related behaviour, food storage and utensils management. The most significant variables defining the state of food handling practices were protective clothing (P < 0.05) and stalls conditions (P < 0.05). The microbial counts (log10 cfu/g) of food samples ranged from 2.0 ± 2.08 to numerous to count for total plate count, 2.0 ± 1.00 to 6.6 ± 7.57 for Salmonella spp, 2.0 ± 2.64 to 3.9 ± 6.03 for S. aureus, 2.1 ± 1.73 to numerous to count for yeast, 2.0 ± 0.00 to 3.8 ± 10.00 for coliform bacteria and 2.0 ± 1.15 to 4.9 ± 21.66 for B. aureus. Coliform bacteria and B. cereus were not found in foods sold at Thohoyandou markets while mould was not detected in foods collected at both locations. Total plate count differed significantly (P < 0.05) between salads and chicken stews. Salmonella spp, significantly differed (P < 0.05) between salads and beef stews. For S. aureus, a significant difference was found in salads (P < 0.05). For yeast, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed between salads and beef stews.
The main objective of this study was to propose the pillars of a safety management for small-scale vended foods. Thus, the major components of pillars proposed were encored on hygiene (personal, food and handling practices), training programme, environmental management, infrastructure development and law enforcement. The training programme was scored as number one by the majority of food vendors (x̄ = 4.7) whilst personal hygiene was ranked first by the customers (x̄ = 4.8). The results of the study revealed the urgent need for basic training in food and personal hygiene throughout the value chain. Infrastructure development such as a decent food stalls with adequate working space, proper washing and storage facilities to improve food safety and hygienic practices was highlighted. Adequate access to waste-water and food disposal facilities aligned to vending spaces was also considered crucial. Thus, it is recommended that Thulamela Municipality should provide extensive training programme to ensure that proper hygiene practices are in place. Suitable regulations must be crafted to ensure that safe and secure foods are sold. Lastly, Thulamela Municipality should consider providing all vending stalls with basic infrastructure to close the gap between knowledge and practices of safe small-scale food vending. / NRF
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Budování systému managementu / Management system buildingMatuška, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on management issues within the organization. It describes and evaluates selected management approaches to capture individual thoughts and consequently creates a comprehensive management philosophy that is applicable across a wide range of specialization. It also deals with the non-governmental non-profit sector, the introduction of a process approach and improvement through the Deming PDCA cycle.
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Implementace novelizované normy ISO 10006 ve spolecnosti UNICORN a.s. / ČSN ISO 10 006 Implementation in the UNICORN a.s.Havlín, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This Thesis looks at the current situation in the UNICORN a.s. company and analyses how the projects are managed in the company. The Thesis suggests recommendation for improvements in this field according to ČSN ISO 10 006 Quality Management Systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects.
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Zavedení Managementu Informační Bezpečnosti v IT podniku / The Introduction of Information Security Management System in IT EnterpriseRiegl, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the introduction of information security management system in IT enterprise. It includes theoretical knowledge which are necessary for the understanding of this issue and their application for the analysis of the current state of information security, risk analysis and risk management. Last but not least for the actual implementation of information security management system in the company. The implementation of ISMS was divided into two phases. This thesis details the first phase.
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