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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controlabilidade de sistemas de controle em grupos de Lie simples e a topologia das variedades flag / Controllability of control systems simple Lie groups and the topology of flag manifolds

Santos, Ariane Luzia dos 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Antonio Barrera San Martin / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T06:18:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_ArianeLuziados_D.pdf: 829222 bytes, checksum: 870721241f42ea4a1c1748427ae28d99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Seja S um semigrupo com interior não vazio de um grupo de Lie simples G, conexo, complexo ou real. No caso em que o grupo G é real também considere-o não compacto, com centro finito e cuja álgebra de Lie é uma forma real, normal de uma álgebra clássica... ... Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: Let S be a semigroup with nonempty interior of a complex or real connected simple Lie group G. In the case the group G is real also assume that G is non-compact, with finite center, whose algebra is a normal real form of a classic algebra. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations / Doutorado / Matematica / Doutor em Matemática

Effect of Legendrian surgery and an exact sequence for Legendrian links / Effet de chirurgies Legendriennes et une suite exacte de entrelacements Legendriens

Eslami Rad, Anahita 31 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the study of the effect of Legendrian surgery on contact manifolds. In particular, we study the effect of this surgery on the Reeb dynamics of the contact manifold on which we perform such a surgery along Legendrian links. We obtain an exact sequence of cyclic Legendrian homology for the Legendrian links. Then we present the applications in 3-dimension and higher dimensions. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Shift-like Automorphisms of Ck

Bera, Sayani January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We use transcendental shift-like automorphisms of Ck, k > 2 to construct two examples of non-degenerate entire mappings with prescribed ranges. The first example exhibits an entire mapping of Ck, k>2 whose range avoids a given polydisc but contains the complement of a slightly larger concentric polydisc. This generalizes a result of Dixon-Esterle in C2. The second example shows the existence of a Fatou-Bieberbach domain in Ck,k > 2 that is constrained to lie in a prescribed region. This is motivated by similar results of Buzzard and Rosay-Rudin. In the second part we compute the order and type of entire mappings that parametrize one dimensional unstable manifolds for shift-like polynomial automorphisms and show how they can be used to prove a Yoccoz type inequality for this class of automorphisms.

Locally compact property A groups

Harsy Ramsay, Amanda R. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 1970, Serge Novikov made a statement which is now called, "The Novikov Conjecture" and is considered to be one of the major open problems in topology. This statement was motivated by the endeavor to understand manifolds of arbitrary dimensions by relating the surgery map with the homology of the fundamental group of the manifold, which becomes diffi cult for manifolds of dimension greater than two. The Novikov Conjecture is interesting because it comes up in problems in many different branches of mathematics like algebra, analysis, K-theory, differential geometry, operator algebras and representation theory. Yu later proved the Novikov Conjecture holds for all closed manifolds with discrete fundamental groups that are coarsely embeddable into a Hilbert space. The class of groups that are uniformly embeddable into Hilbert Spaces includes groups of Property A which were introduced by Yu. In fact, Property A is generally a property of metric spaces and is stable under quasi-isometry. In this thesis, a new version of Yu's Property A in the case of locally compact groups is introduced. This new notion of Property A coincides with Yu's Property A in the case of discrete groups, but is different in the case of general locally compact groups. In particular, Gromov's locally compact hyperbolic groups is of Property A.

Vlist and Ering: compact data structures for simplicial 2-complexes

Zhu, Xueyun 13 January 2014 (has links)
Various data structures have been proposed for representing the connectivity of manifold triangle meshes. For example, the Extended Corner Table (ECT) stores V+6T references, where V and T respectively denote the vertex and triangle counts. ECT supports Random Access and Traversal (RAT) operators at Constant Amortized Time (CAT) cost. We propose two novel variations of ECT that also support RAT operations at CAT cost, but can be used to represent and process Simplicial 2-Complexes (S2Cs), which may represent star-connecting, non-orientable, and non-manifold triangulations along with dangling edges, which we call sticks. Vlist stores V+3T+3S+3(C+S-N) references, where S denotes the stick count, C denotes the number of edge-connected components and N denotes the number of star-connecting vertices. Ering stores 6T+3S+3(C+S-N) references, but has two advantages over Vlist: the Ering implementation of the operators is faster and is purely topological (i.e., it does not perform geometric queries). Vlist and Ering representations have two principal advantages over previously proposed representations for simplicial complexes: (1) Lower storage cost, at least for meshes with significantly more triangles than sticks, and (2) explicit support of side-respecting traversal operators which each walks from a corner on the face of a triangle t across an edge or a vertex of t, to a corner on a faces of a triangle or to an end of a stick that share a vertex with t, and this without ever piercing through the surface of a triangle.

Reduced order modeling, nonlinear analysis and control methods for flow control problems

Kasnakoglu, Cosku, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-144).

Minimal Crystallizations of 3- and 4- Manifolds

Basak, Biplab January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
A simplicial cell complex K is the face poset of a regular CW complex W such that the boundary complex of each cell is isomorphic to the boundary complex of a simplex of same dimension. If a topological space X is homeomorphic to W then we say that K is a pseudotriangulation of X. For d 1, a (d + 1)-colored graph is a graph = (V; E) with a proper edge coloring : E ! f0; : : : ; dg. Such a graph is called contracted if (V; E n 1(i)) is connected for each color A contracted graph = (V; E) with an edge coloring : E ! f0; : : : ; dg determines a d-dimensional simplicial cell complex K( ) whose vertices have one to one correspondence with the colors 0; : : : ; d and the facets (d-cells) have one to one correspondence with the vertices in V . If K( ) is a pseudotriangulation of a manifold M then ( ; ) is called a crystallization of M. In [71], Pezzana proved that every connected closed PL manifold admits a crystallization. This thesis addresses many important results of crystallization theory in combinatorial topology. The main contributions in this thesis are the followings. We have introduced the weight of a group which has a presentation with number of relations is at most the number of generators. We have shown that the number of vertices of any crystallization of a connected closed 3-manifold M is at least the weight of the fundamental group of M. This lower bound is sharp for the 3-manifolds RP3, L(3; 1), L(5; 2), S1 S1 S1, S2 S1, S2 S1 and S3=Q8, where Q8 is the quaternion group. Moreover, there is a unique such vertex minimal crystallization in each of these seven cases. We have also constructed crystallizations of L(kq 1; q) with 4(q + k 1) vertices for q 3, k 2 and L(kq +1; q) with 4(q + k) vertices for q 4, k 1. In [22], Casali and Cristofori found similar crystallizations of lens spaces. By a recent result of Swartz [76], our crystallizations of L(kq + 1; q) are vertex minimal when kq + 1 are even. In [47], Gagliardi found presentations of the fundamental group of a manifold M in terms of a crystallization of M. Our construction is the converse of this, namely, given a presentation of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M, we have constructed a crystallization of M. These results are in Chapter 3. We have de ned the weight of the pair (hS j Ri; R) for a given presentation hS j R of a group, where the number of generators is equal to the number of relations. We present an algorithm to construct crystallizations of 3-manifolds whose fundamental group has a presentation with two generators and two relations. If the weight of (hS j Ri; R) is n then our algorithm constructs all the n-vertex crystallizations which yield (hS j Ri; R). As an application, we have constructed some new crystallization of 3-manifolds. We have generalized our algorithm for presentations with three generators and a certain class of relations. For m 3 and m n k 2, our generalized algorithm gives a 2(2m + 2n + 2k 6 + n2 + k2)-vertex crystallization of the closed connected orientable 3-manifold Mhm; n; ki having fundamental group hx1; x2; x3 j xm1 = xn2 = xk3 = x1x2x3i. These crystallizations are minimal and unique with respect to the given presentations. If `n = 2' or `k 3 and m 4' then our crystallization of Mhm; n; ki is vertex-minimal for all the known cases. These results are in Chapter 4. We have constructed a minimal crystallization of the standard PL K3 surface. The corresponding simplicial cell complex has face vector (5; 10; 230; 335; 134). In combination with known results, this yields minimal crystallizations of all simply connected PL 4-manifolds of \standard" type, i.e., all connected sums of CP2, CP2, S2 S2, and the K3 surface. In particular, we obtain minimal crystallizations of a pair 4-manifolds which are homeomorphic but not PL-homeomorphic. We have also presented an elementary proof of the uniqueness of the 8-vertex crystallization of CP2. These results are in Chapter 5. For any crystallization ( ; ) the number f1(K( )) of 1-simplices in K( ) is at least d+1 . It is easy to see that f1(K( )) = d+1 if and only if (V; 1(A)) is connected for each d 2 2 1)-set A called simple. All the crystallization in Chapter 5 (. Such a crystallization is are simple. Let ( ; ) be a crystallization of M, where = (V; E) and : E ! f0; : : : ; dg. We say that ( ; ) is semi-simple if (V; 1(A)) has m + 1 connected components for each (d 1)-set A, where m is the rank of the fundamental group of M. Let ( ; ) be a connected (d +1)-regular (d +1)-colored graph, where = (V; E) and : E ! f0; : : : ; dg. An embedding i : ,! S of into a closed surface S is called regular if there exists a cyclic permutation ("0; "1; : : : ; "d) (of the color set) such that the boundary of each face of i( ) is a bi-color cycle with colors "j; "j+1 for some j (addition is modulo d+1). Then the regular genus of ( ; ) is the least genus (resp., half of genus) of the orientable (resp., non-orientable) surface into which embeds regularly. The regular genus of a closed connected PL 4-manifold M is the minimum regular genus of its crystallizations. For a closed connected PL 4-manifold M, we have provided the following: (i) a lower bound for the regular genus of M and (ii) a lower bound of the number of vertices of any crystallization of M. We have proved that all PL 4-manifolds admitting semi-simple crystallizations, attain our bounds. We have also characterized the class of PL 4-manifolds which admit semi-simple crystallizations. These results are in Chapter 6.

The Riemann zeta function

Reyes, Ernesto Oscar 01 January 2004 (has links)
The Riemann Zeta Function has a deep connection with the distribution of primes. This expository thesis will explain the techniques used in proving the properties of the Rieman Zeta Function, its analytic continuation to the complex plane, and the functional equation that the the Riemann Zeta Function satisfies.

Superstable manifolds of invariant circles

Kaschner, Scott R. 10 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Let f:X\rightarrow X be a dominant meromorphic self-map, where X is a compact, connected complex manifold of dimension n > 1. Suppose there is an embedded copy of \mathbb P^1 that is invariant under f, with f holomorphic and transversally superattracting with degree a in some neighborhood. Suppose also that f restricted to this line is given by z\rightarrow z^b, with resulting invariant circle S. We prove that if a ≥ b, then the local stable manifold W^s_loc(S) is real analytic. In fact, we state and prove a suitable localized version that can be useful in wider contexts. We then show that the condition a ≥ b cannot be relaxed without adding additional hypotheses by resenting two examples with a < b for which W^s_loc(S) is not real analytic in the neighborhood of any point.

The differential geometry of the fibres of an almost contract metric submersion

Tshikunguila, Tshikuna-Matamba 10 1900 (has links)
Almost contact metric submersions constitute a class of Riemannian submersions whose total space is an almost contact metric manifold. Regarding the base space, two types are studied. Submersions of type I are those whose base space is an almost contact metric manifold while, when the base space is an almost Hermitian manifold, then the submersion is said to be of type II. After recalling the known notions and fundamental properties to be used in the sequel, relationships between the structure of the fibres with that of the total space are established. When the fibres are almost Hermitian manifolds, which occur in the case of a type I submersions, we determine the classes of submersions whose fibres are Kählerian, almost Kählerian, nearly Kählerian, quasi Kählerian, locally conformal (almost) Kählerian, Gi-manifolds and so on. This can be viewed as a classification of submersions of type I based upon the structure of the fibres. Concerning the fibres of a type II submersions, which are almost contact metric manifolds, we discuss how they inherit the structure of the total space. Considering the curvature property on the total space, we determine its corresponding on the fibres in the case of a type I submersions. For instance, the cosymplectic curvature property on the total space corresponds to the Kähler identity on the fibres. Similar results are obtained for Sasakian and Kenmotsu curvature properties. After producing the classes of submersions with minimal, superminimal or umbilical fibres, their impacts on the total or the base space are established. The minimality of the fibres facilitates the transference of the structure from the total to the base space. Similarly, the superminimality of the fibres facilitates the transference of the structure from the base to the total space. Also, it is shown to be a way to study the integrability of the horizontal distribution. Totally contact umbilicity of the fibres leads to the asymptotic directions on the total space. Submersions of contact CR-submanifolds of quasi-K-cosymplectic and quasi-Kenmotsu manifolds are studied. Certain distributions of the under consideration submersions induce the CR-product on the total space. / Mathematical Sciences / D. Phil. (Mathematics)

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