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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de resíduo de mármore e de óxido de boro em escórias sintéticas dessulfurantes para aços. / Use of marble waste and boron oxide in desulfurizing synthetic slags for steels.

Jorge Luís Coleti 14 September 2015 (has links)
O mercado atual exige das indústrias siderúrgicas aços de melhor qualidade produzidos por meio de processos que causem menor impacto ao meio ambiente. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo reciclar o resíduo de mármore gerado na indústria de rochas ornamentais, que possui em sua composição óxido de cálcio (CaO) e óxido de magnésio (MgO). O CaO é suficiente para substituir a cal nas escórias e o MgO contribui para a diminuição do desgaste dos refratários, através do emprego do resíduo no processo produtivo do aço. Além disso, foi realizada a substituição da fluorita por óxido de boro como fluxante na composição de misturas dessulfurantes. O resíduo de mármore foi caracterizado utilizando as seguintes técnicas: análise química via EDXFR, análise granulométrica via espalhamento de luz, área de superfície específica pelo método BET, difração de raios-X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise de micro-regiões por EDS. Visando verificar a eficiência na dessulfuração, foram formuladas misturas sintéticas utilizando a cal convencional ou resíduo de mármore, e a fluorita ou o óxido de boro. As misturas foram formuladas com o auxílio dos programas de termodinâmica computacional, Thermo-Calc e FactSage. Estas misturas foram adicionadas no aço fundido a temperatura de 1600°C sob atmosfera de argônio e agitadas por meio de um rotor de alumina. Amostras de metal foram retiradas para verificar a variação do teor de enxofre durante o experimento. O resíduo de mármore caracterizado, apresentou em sua composição 40% de CaO e 14% de MgO, na forma dos carbonatos CaCO3 e MgCO3. Obteve uma perda de massa de 42,1%, na forma de CO2 a temperatura de 780°C. Os experimentos mostraram que, as misturas testadas apresentaram, na maioria dos casos, eficiência de dessulfuração acima de 60%. / The present market requires from steel industry better quality of steel that was produced by processes that cause less impact to the environment. Thus, this study aims to recycle the marble waste generated from the industry of ornamental rocks, which has in its composition calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO). Using this waste in the steel production process, the amount of CaO is enough to replace the lime in the slag whereas the MgO contributes to reduce the wear of the refractory material. Furthermore, it was part of this study to test the replacement of the fluorite by boron oxide as desulfurizing flux into the composition of mixtures. The marble waste was characterized using the following techniques: chemical analysis (EDXFR), particle size analysis with a light scattering method, specific surface area by BET method, Xrays diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), analysis of micro-regions by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and thermogravimetry analysis (TG) with mass spectrometer coupled (MS). In order to verify the efficiency of desulfurization, mixtures were formulated using conventional lime or marble waste, and fluorite or boron oxide. The blends were prepared using the computational thermodynamics programs, Thermo-Calc and FactSage. These mixtures were added into the molten steel under an argon atmosphere and the metallic bath stirred by a rotor of alumina at the temperature of 1600ºC. Metal Samples were removed periodically in order to verify the variation of sulfur content during the experiments. The characterization of marble waste showed in its composition the amount of 40% CaO and 14% MgO in a CaCO3 and MgCO3 carbonates forms. It was also observed a mass loss of 42.1%, in the form of CO2 at a temperature of 780 ° C. The experiments showed that the tested mixtures desulfurization efficiency was above 60%, in most cases.

Caracterização geoquímica e isotópica das rochas carbonáticas da zona central do embasamento do Rio Grande do Sul

Goulart, Rossana Vicente January 2012 (has links)
O Bloco São Gabriel, localizado na zona central do embasamento cristalino do Rio Grande Sul, apresenta extensos registros do Neoproterozóico do Ciclo Brasiliano, contidos em complexos ígneos e metamórficos. Esses complexos também guardam registros sedimentares, com sequências carbonáticas metamorfisadas, cuja evolução tectônica é pouco conhecida. Essas sequências são observadas na Formação Passo Feio (Caçapava do Sul), no Complexo Cambaí (Vila Nova do Sul) e no Complexo Metavulcano-sedimentar Coxilha do Batovi (São Gabriel). As rochas carbonáticas da Formação Passo Feio compreendem dolomita mármores impuros. As amostras do Complexo Cambaí são classificadas como calcita mármores impuros. Os mármores do Complexo Coxilha do Batovi compreendem litotipos calcíticos e cálcio-silicáticos, cuja assembleia mineral é composta predominantemente por calcita em alguns exemplares e por grafita em outros, com percentuais de até 10% de quartzo, demonstrando contribuição siliciclástica no protólito. Idades de zircões de rochas associadas com os mármores, de trabalhos anteriores, indicam um intervalo entre 770 – 700 Ma para a deposição dos carbonatos do Bloco São Gabriel. Os carbonatos da Formação Passo Feio sofreram dolomitização durante ou logo após a deposição, enquanto os carbonatos do Complexo Cambaí não foram afetados pela dolomitização. A geoquímica dos elementos traços e terras raras indica que os mármores analisados preservaram as assinaturas originais do protólito nos diferentes graus metamórficos: Coxiha do Batovi (grau baixo), Formação Passo Feio e Complexo Cambaí (grau médio). A análise integrada dos isotópicos de Sr, 13C e 18O da Formação Passo Feio e do Complexo Cambaí revelou a preservação de assinaturas isotópicas primárias. Na Formação Passo Feio essas assinaturas são: 0,7074 (Sr87/Sr86), -0,26‰ e 2,44‰ (δ13CPDB) e -5,68‰ (δ18OPDB). Quando comparadas com a variação desses isótopos na água do mar ao longo do Neoproterozóico, verifica-se que os mármores da Formação Passo Feio e do Complexo Cambaí estão situados no intervalo entre 740 e 730 Ma. O período sugerido para a deposição das rochas carbonáticas da Formação Passo Feio é de 770 a 730 Ma, e entre 740-730 para o Complexo Cambaí. / The São Gabriel Block, located in the central zone of the crystalline basement of Rio Grande do Sul has extensive Neoproterozoic records of the Brasiliano Cycle, contained in igneous and metamorphic complexes. These complexes also keep sedimentary records with metamorphosed carbonate sequences whose tectonic evolution is poorly understood. These sequences are found in Passo Feio Formation, located in Caçapava do Sul region, in Complex Cambaí, at Vila Nova do Sul region and in Coxilha do Batovi metavolcanosedimentary Complex, in the São Gabriel region. The Passo Feio Formation carbonate rocks consist of impure dolomite marbles. The Cambaí Complex samples are classified as impure calcite marbles. Coxilha do Batovi Complex samples include calcite and calc-silicate marbles whose mineral assemblage are composed predominantly of calcite in some samples and graphite in others, with quartz rates up to 10% showing the siliciclastic contribution to the protolith. Zircon ages of associated rocks from previous works indicate an interval between 770-700 Ma for carbonate deposition in S. Gabriel Block. The carbonates from Passo Feio Formation were affected by dolomitization process during or early after its deposition, while the carbonates from Cambaí Complex were not affected by dolomitization. Trace elements and REE geochemistry of marbles indicate preservation of original signature of carbonate protoliths along different metamorphic grades; Coxilha do Batovi (low grade), Passo Feio Formation and Cambaí Complex (medium grade). The integrated analysis of Sr isotope, 13C and 18O from Passo Feio Formation and Cambaí Complex revealed the preservation of primary isotopic signatures. The Passo Feio Formation signatures are: 0,7074 (Sr87/Sr86), -0,26‰ and 2,44‰ (δ13CPDB) and -5,68 (δ18OPDB). In Cambaí Complex, the primary signatures are: 0,7069 (Sr87/Sr86), 5,75 (δ13CPDB) and -11,64 (δ18OPDB). When compared with the variation of these isotopes in seawater along the Neoproterozoic it appears that Passo Feio Formation and Cambaí Complex are situated in the range between 740 and 730 Ma. Based on these data it is suggested that the São Gabriel Block depositional event occurred between 770-700 Ma. The period suggested for the carbonate rocks depositional event of Passo Feio Formation is between 770-730 Ma, and specifically between 740-730 for Cambaí Complex.

Etude de la fracturation et de la déformation d'un massif rocheux aux abords d'une faille d'échelle crustale dans le cadre du tracé du tunnel routier de Saint-Béat / Deformation and fracturing in a rock mass near a crustal scale fault. Geology, rock mechanics and implications for a tunnel project

Mahé, Stéphanie 06 December 2013 (has links)
Le massif de marbres de Saint-Béat se situe dans la Zone Interne Métamorphique des Pyrénées centrales françaises. Il est formé de sédiments mésozoïques métamorphisés lors de l'événement métamorphique extensif Haute température - Basse pression classiquement décrit dans les Pyrénées. L'objet de cette thèse est de caractériser la déformation ductile et la fracturation qui affectent ce massif, et de déterminer dans quelle mesure les processus responsables de la fracturation peuvent être influencés par l'état de déformation. Les caractéristiques de la déformation des marbres et de ses roches encaissantes seront déterminées essentiellement grâce aux orientations préférentielles des axes de la calcite (marbre) et du quartz (socle paléozoïque), déterminées à l'aide de mesures à l'EBSD. L'observation en lame mince des textures de la calcite permet de quantifier les taux de déformation et d'estimer la température de cette déformation. Combinés aux observations de terrain, ces résultats permettent de proposer un modèle structural retraçant l'évolution du bassin depuis l'extension aptio-albienne jusqu'à son état actuel. La fracturation du massif est ensuite regardée à différentes échelles, depuis la photo aérienne jusqu'à l'affleurement. Quatre zones seront étudiées en détail afin de classifier les fractures par familles de mêmes caractéristiques et de reconstituer localement les paléo-régimes de contraintes. On comparera les tenseurs obtenus avec les régimes tectoniques décrits dans la littérature. Trois faciès légèrement différents de marbre servent de base à une étude visant à discuter de l'état d'anisotropie de la roche. Ainsi, des essais en compression simple, en traction indirecte et des mesures de vitesses acoustiques sont pratiqués sur des carottes orientées réalisées dans ces trois faciès ; leurs résultats donnent accès aux caractéristiques internes de la roche. On comparera et discutera les résultats d'un faciès à l'autre, et au sein du même faciès, d'une orientation à l'autre. Les résultats obtenus sur la fracturation servent de guide à la classification des fractures observées sur les fronts de tirs, lors du creusement du tunnel routier de Saint-Béat, recoupant le massif sur plus d'un kilomètre du Nord au Sud. / The Saint-Béat massif, composed of different marble facies, is part of the Internal Metamorphic Zone of the French Central Pyrenees. It is formed by Mesozoic sediments metamorphosed by the High Temperature – Low Pressure extensional event, classically described in the Pyrenees. The aim of this work is to characterize the deformation and fractured state of the massif, and to understand how the former can constrain the latter. The ductile deformation state is recorded in calcite grains for Mesozoic rocks, or in quartz grains for Paleozoic rocks. Their preferential lattice orientations have been measured with the EBSD method. Calcite texture observations give indications about deformation rates and temperatures. These results, in addition with field observations, allow us to rebuild the structural evolution of the massif, from the Albian extension. Fracturing along the massif is described at different scales. Four outcrops are selected in order to characterize and to classify fractures, and locally reconstruct the paleo stress tensor. The obtained tensors are presented and compared to those already published. Three slightly different marble facies are used to discuss the degree of anisotropy of the rock. Mechanical experiments such as compression tests, tensile tests and velocity measurements of elastic waves are carried out on oriented cores within these three facies. These results provide internal rock characteristics which are discussed and compared for the three facies, and for different orientations of the cores.

Counter-monumentalism in the Search for American Identity in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter & The Marble Faun

Mise, Carmen 30 June 2015 (has links)
This study examines the crisis of identity the United States was experiencing in the nineteenth-century through two of the major literary works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter and The Marble Faun. Hawthorne, who lived through this crucial and important developmental period, was concerned as to what this identity would be, how the United States would shape and define itself, and what its future would be if this identity was malformed. In addition, this study will look at counter-monuments as argued by James E. Young in his essay “The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today” to expand on these issues of identity. If according to Young, the ideal goal of the counter-monument is “not to remain fixed but to change,” one can conclude that Hawthorne understood that national identity must be fluid; otherwise, the nation would crumble under the pressure and force of change.


Patel, Dhara Yogendra 13 June 2012 (has links)
"Reflection" is an experiment with what I call"symbolic architecture" i.e. design where the features of the building have a profound meaning or a strong recall to some familiar aspect in our lives. It is a meditation center designed to rejuvenate visitors by providing an ideal environment to practice and teach meditation. The design is inspired by concepts of Hindu philosophy and each element of the building, the light, the materials, the water and the structure is likened to an element of the spiritual being that helps a meditator achieve a connection between the body and the soul. / Master of Architecture

Hawthorne's Use of the Supernatural in Three Romances

Reeves, Eunice 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of three of Hawthorne's long romances, The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, and The Marble Faun, with particular attention to his use of phenomena having the appearance of the supernatural as a means of exemplifying the theme of his romances.

Stabilization Of Expansive Soils Using Waste Marble Dust

Baser, Onur 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Expansive soils occurring in arid and semi-arid climate regions of the world cause serious problems on civil engineering structures. Such soils swell when given an access to water and shrink when they dry out. Several attempts are being made to control the swell-shrink behavior of these soils. Soil stabilization using chemical admixtures is the oldest and most widespread method of ground improvement. In this study, waste limestone dust and waste dolomitic marble dust, by-products of marble industry, were used for stabilization of expansive soils. The expansive soil is prepared in laboratory as a mixture of kaolinite and bentonite. Waste limestone dust and waste dolomitic marble dust were added to the expansive soil with predetermined percentage of stabilizer varying from 0 to 30 percent. Grain size distribution, consistency limits, chemical and mineralogical composition, swelling percentage, and rate of swell were determined for the samples. Swelling percentage decreased and rate of swell increased with increasing stabilizer percentage. Also, samples were cured for 7 days and 28 days before applying swell tests. Curing of samples affects swell percentages and rate of swell in positive way.

Lithofacies, depositional environments, and sequence stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian (Morrowan-Atokan) Marble Falls Formation, Central Texas

Wood, Stephanie Grace 01 November 2013 (has links)
The Pennsylvanian Marble Falls Formation in the Llano Uplift region of the southern Fort Worth Basin (Central Texas) is a Morrowan-Atokan mixed carbonate-siliciclastic unit whose deposition was influenced by icehouse glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations and foreland basin tectonics. Previous interpretations of the Marble Falls Formation focused on outcrop data at the fringes of the Llano Uplift. This study uses a series of 21 cores to create a facies architectural model, depositional environmental interpretation, and regional sequence stratigraphic framework. On the basis of core data, the study area is interpreted to have been deposited in a ramp setting with a shallower water upper ramp area to the south and a deeper water basin setting to the north. Analysis of cores and thin sections identified 14 inner ramp to basin facies. Dominant facies are: (1) burrowed sponge spicule packstone, (2) algal grain-dominated packstone to grainstone, (3) skeletal foraminiferal wackestone, and (4) argillaceous mudstone to clay shale. Facies stacking patterns were correlated and combined with chemostratigraphic data to improve interpretations of the unit’s depositional history and form an integrated regional model. The Marble Falls section was deposited during Pennsylvanian icehouse times in a part of the Fort Worth Basin with active horst and graben structures developing in response to the Ouachita Orogeny. The resulting depositional cycles reflect high-frequency sea-level fluctuations and are divided into 3 sequences. Sequence 1 represents aggradational ramp deposition truncated by a major glacioeustatic sea-level fall near the Morrowan-Atokan boundary (SB1). This fall shifted accommodation basinward and previously distal areas were sites of carbonate HST in Sequence 2 deposition following a short TST phase. Sequence 3 represents the final phase of carbonate accumulation that was diachronously drowned by Smithwick siliciclastics enhanced by horst and graben faulting. These findings contribute to our understanding of the depositional response to glacioeustatic sea-level changes during the Pennsylvanian and can also form the basis for constructing a sedimentological and facies analog for Morrowan to Atokan shallow- to deepwater carbonates in the Permian Basin and the northern Fort Worth Basin. / text

Gefügekontrollierte Verwitterung natürlicher und konservierter Marmore / Fabric controlled weathering of natural and consolidated marbles

Rüdrich, Jörg Michael 03 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Marble decay caused by thermal expansion: microstructure-based mathematical and physical modeling

Shushakova, Victoria 19 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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