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Posouzení výhodnosti koupě bytové jednotky v lokalitě Brno Kociánka a Sadová / Assessing the Advantages of Buying a Housing Unit in Brno Kociánka and SadováKotrla, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of sale/lease of an apartment in the Královo Pole district cadastral area of Sadová. The main objective of the work was to find out the selling/rental price of the apartment unit in the new building, available 2+kk with standard equipment in Sadová. The price calculation was performed according to statutory regulations, standards and coefficients. At the same time, the price and quality levels of the offered housing units in the surrounding Brno localities were monitored and compared. The secondary objectives of the diploma thesis were the analysis of the housing market in Brno and its description including the preferences for the selection of the housing unit. The market indices used were used for the valuation of the dwelling unit and the price of the land included in the dwelling unit was included in the resulting price. The award was made by cost and comparison method. Sales/ rental pricing calculations were verified through direct comparison and Grubbs test. The rental method used to measure sales/rentals was used to determine the usual rent. In the last chapter of the analytical section, an appropriate procedure for purchasing a new dwelling unit was proposed.
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Tržní hodnota a rozpočtovaná cena věci nemovité / Market value and cost price of real estateOlbrechtová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is focusing on market value and cost price of a real estate. The difference between the above-mentioned market value and cost price in relation to a specific real estate is emphasized. To regard and evaluate this difference a database of real estates was needed to be established. Building plots in the region of Opava with a planned construction of a detached house were chosen to establish this database. In all cases, the cost price of the structure and the future market value of the building plot with a completed building of the detached house was known. Based on the database, the main impact of each characteristic of the structure and the building plot on the difference in market value and cost price of particular real estates is evaluated in the main part of this thesis. In it’s last part this thesis comes to the application of ascertained conclusions on the problematic of municipalities management with municipal real estates in the most economical effective way.
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Návrh ocenění podniku / Value Estimating of CompanyLeitner, Dominik January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is valuation of the production company XY, s.r.o. by using income- based valuation methods. In the first part of this thesis is a strategic analysis, financial analysis and SWOT analysis. In conclusion are used income- based methods and determine the value of the company at 31.12.2011.
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Problematika snížení ceny rodinného domu v důsledku vady projevující se zavlháním / Reduction in House Prices due to HumidityOcásek, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Diploma work "Problems of house price reduction due to defects manifested with damp" deals with the issue of property valuation and subsequent sale of the defect. The first chapter describes valuation and other important factors relating to the Act valuation. The second chapter deals with the necessary documentation for property valuation and basic terminology. The third section deals with defects that could occur in the residential building as well as their possible correction. Another part of this work is focused on the actual valuation of the object to a defect with property damage and the last chapter deals with the actual real estate market and the subsequent sale of such property with the defect. The attachments of the case study is then focused on the valuation of the house and without defects and possible solutions and proposed procedures for sale.
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Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemku v Milínově / Evaluation of the Impact of Town and Country Planning on the Land Price in MilínovDoláková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
In this dipoma is priced selected lend and administrative costs by pricing regulation and market price, which is performed by a professional estimate using the comparsion (comparative) method. A case study is considered prices of land in connection with changes in the landscape plan and implementation strategy for rural development. It was also evaluated the degree to which the emergence of zoning and development of services and facilities in rural areas affects the amount of land prices.
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Analýza odchylek obvyklých cen od cen stanovených dle vyhlášky u rodinných domů v praxi / Analysis of Deviations of Market Values from the Values Set by Decree for Detached Houses in PracticeŽaloudíková, Radka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the valuation of family homes in Krnov in a manner determined by the decree and by the market value. Using variations of these two prices of family homes, a simplified mathematical model for determining market values of family homes in the area is created.
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This PhD thesis analyzes the current situation in appraisals of technical infrastructure easements created by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic in the process of transport infrastructure development. The thesis explains the basic concepts, identifies the relevant legisla-tion and examines the appraising methods used for these easements as described in the literature. It then discusses and critically assesses, based on existing legislation and best practices, the indi-vidual appraising approaches used in expert opinions prepared for the Road and Motorway Di-rectorate of the Czech Republic. Drawing on this assessment, it makes recommendations for a standardized approach for establishing the fair market value of easements and demonstrates its application on a model example.
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Stanovení hodnoty podniku výnosovou metodou / Valuation of the Firm by Using Income Capitalization ApproachSkryjová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on valuation of the firm KASKO - Formy spol. s r.o. by using income-based valuation method to the date 31. 12. 2014. The theoretical part deals with the explanation of basic concepts the valuation and describe methods used for determining the value of the company. In the practical part of this thesis is the strategic and financial analysis, proposal of the financial plan. In conclusion of the thesis are contained weighted average cost of capital and the valuation of the company according to the method discounted cash flow and economic value added.
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Posouzení vlivu materiálové skladby nových objektů na jejich tržní cenu i cenu stávajících nemovitostí v dané lokalitě / Assessment of the influence of material composition of new buildings on their market price and the price of existing properties in the localitySchenková, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The submitted thesis focuses on establishing the extent of influence of material composition of selected segment of real estates (units) on their market price and price of the existing properties in the locality, including reasoning and experimental validation of market value (or market price) assessment methodology of the given property. It is indisputable that there are many subjective opinions and views of each individual assessor (of expert opinion) entering into the process of property assessment. Therefore it is necessary to “standardise” or rather unify, if possible, at least some input data in a way most likely preventing disproportions that are still a part of expert practise nowadays. The influence of material composition on the value (price) of the property, as for the relation to unit size, its locality and also its age and technical condition, is within this thesis verified first of all in computational phase of the assessment of the specific unit, when it in principle shows possible inaccuracy in assessing the final price of property, which should be avoided by a proper expert assessment. Practical impact and use of the influence of material composition is applied within the comparative method as one of several assessment methods that can be employed in establishing (assessment) of market value of the property.
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Småhusvärdering och Datatillgång : en jämförelse mellan Spanien och SverigeIsaksson, Alicia, Edfors Koskinen, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to compare the valuation process and the selection of value-influencing factors for single-unit residentials properties between Spain and Sweden in a sales context, and to examine how the process is influenced by data availability about comparable properties. This to provide a basis for increased understanding, well-informed purchasing decisions and lessons learned between the markets. The study was conducted through interviews with nine real estate agents, distributed over Spain and Sweden, and the results were put in relation to previous research on the subject. The results were analyzed in the perspective of Resource Dependence Theory and Efficient Market Hypothesis. It was found that the processes are largely similar, both anchored in comparable properties. The choices of value-influencing factors proved to be relatively similar. A major difference emerged: Spanish real estate agents have access to lower quality and quantity of data on comparable properties, particularly in terms of sales prices, and therefore rely more on listing prices that do not necessarily reflect actual market values. It was found that Swedish real estate agents rely on data and are more dependent on it compared to their Spanish counterparts. With this dependence, it was also found that external actors exert greater control over the Swedish real estate agents' processes. As it was established that the Spanish real estate market is less transparent than the Swedish one, a lower degree of market efficiency was found to prevail in the Spanish real estate market compared to the Swedish market. / Studiens syfte är att jämföra mäklares värderingsprocess och val av värdepåverkande faktorer hos småhus med bostadsändamål i försäljningssyfte mellan Spanien och Sverige, och undersöka hur processen influeras av datatillgång om jämförelseobjekt. Detta för att ge utrymme för ökad förståelse, välinformerade köpbeslut och lärdomar marknaderna emellan. Studien genomfördes via intervjuer med nio mäklare, fördelade över Spanien och Sverige, och resultaten ställdes i relation till den tidigare forskningen i ämnet. Resultaten analyserades ur perspektivet av Resource Dependence Theory och Efficient Market Hypothesis. Det kan fastslås att värderingsprocesserna liknar varandra i sin helhet, båda sker med stöd av jämförelseobjekt. Valen av värdepåverkande faktorer visade sig vara relativt lika. En stor skillnad uppdagades, att spanskverkande mäklare har tillgång till sämre kvalitet på och lägre kvantitet av data om jämförelseobjekten, framförallt i form av försäljningspriser, och därför i högre grad använder sig av utropspriser som inte nödvändigtvis reflekterar ett faktiskt marknadsvärde. Det kan konstateras att de svenskverkande mäklarna förlitar sig på data och är beroende av den i större omfattning än de spanska. Med denna beroendeställning kan det även konstateras att externa aktörer besitter större kontroll över de svenskverkande mäklarnas process. Då det konstaterades att den spanska fastighetsmarknaden var mindre transparent än den svenska kunde en lägre grad av effektiv marknad fastställas råda på den spanska fastighetsmarknaden än på den svenska.
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