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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the 'Eco-Techno' Spectrum of Green Infrastructure in Portland & Baltimore

Matsler, Annie Marissa 01 August 2017 (has links)
Green infrastructure development is desired in many municipalities because of its potential to address pressing environmental and social issues. However, despite technical optimism, institutional challenges create significant barriers to effective green infrastructure design, implementation, and maintenance. Institutional challenges stem from the disparate scales and facility types that make up the concept of green infrastructure, which span from large-scale natural areas to small engineered bioswales. Across these disparate facilities 1) different performance metrics are used, 2) different institutions have jurisdiction, and, 3) facility types are differentially classified as assets, producing epistemological and ontological variegation across the spectrum of green infrastructure that must be negotiated within and across municipal institutions. This has led to knowledge challenges that constrain and shape facility design, implementation, maintenance, and--ultimately--performance on-the-ground. Here, the eco-techno spectrum is developed to highlight the different degree to which biological entities (e.g. plants, microbes) are incorporated as infrastructural components in facilities; this inclusion presents a major knowledge challenge to green infrastructure, namely it brings biological and ecological knowledge into traditionally engineering-dominated decision-making spaces where it does not easily fit procedures for defining, measuring, or valuing existing facility component types. Therefore, municipal institutions have created and vetted new practices, protocols, and institutional structures to appropriately implement and manage green infrastructure. The institutionalization of green infrastructure is examined in this dissertation using knowledge systems analysis in two comparative case studies conducted in Portland and Baltimore. Discourse analysis provides 'thick' description of knowledge systems dynamics within and between different municipal departments in each city; a follow-up Q-method survey is used to further examine these qualitative results and explore the subjectivities that underlie the various ways of 'knowing' green infrastructure in the city.

Innocence et vérité dans le procès pénal français et anglo-saxon / The search for the truth in french and anglo-saxon criminal proceedings

Inchauspé, Dominique 07 September 2016 (has links)
Le véritable enseignement de la présente étude réside en ce que, comme déjà évoqué, le poids de l’appareil judiciaire finit par acquérir plus de consistance que le crime lui-même. A « l’aventure criminelle », c’est-à-dire celle, tragique, des faits à réprimer, se substitue « l’aventure judiciaire », celle de la marche de la justice en vue de parvenir au jugement des faits. Qu’il s’agisse du procès pénal français ou anglo-saxon, l’étude démontre que les règles applicables sont d’une telle complexité qu’elles génèrent une logique judiciaire spécifique et presque détachée des faits à traiter. Les praticiens sont souvent surpris du contraste entre les faits à juger, dont les mobiles et les circonstances sont toujours simples, et la solution judiciaire plus et/ou trop élaborée.L’étude démontre encore le caractère immuable et presque immobile de la justice pénale. Qu’il s’agisse de la France ou des pays anglo-saxons, les fondamentaux des deux systèmes judiciaires en concurrence –procédure inquisitoire ou procédure accusatoire- sont les mêmes depuis le Moyen Âge. Certes, des réformes interviennent, le poids du contradictoire s’accroit, les procédures de recours sont organisées, etc. Mais il s’agit toujours en France de faire faire une enquête approfondie avant procès par un organe d’état et, dans les pays anglo-saxons, de voir s’affronter deux thèses avec un avantage pratique à l’accusation.C’est que, comme le démontre aussi l’étude, la philosophie sociale de chacun des deux mondes français et anglo-saxon est différente sur le statut du suspect : objet d’une recherche de la vérité en France et presque coupable chez les Anglo-Saxons.Cette philosophie sociale en recoupe une autre : la philosophie politique. En France, l’individu est assisté car l’Etat est plus grand que lui ; dans les pays anglo-saxons, l’individu est un homme libre et seul responsable de son destin. Dès lors, en France, l’Etat veut forger sa propre opinion sur des faits délictueux ; dans les pays anglo-saxons, l’affrontement des individus (parquetiers et défenseurs) prime le reste. De plus, dans ces pays, la liberté et l’indépendance reconnues à l’individu le rendent davantage responsable de ses faits et gestes, d’où l’importance démesurée accordée à l’aveu. Pour autant, cette philosophie politique d’un citoyen libre et fort est un extraordinaire levier pour l’Histoire de la Liberté et celle aussi de l’Expansion économique. Sans elle, les pays européens du continent n’auraient sans doute pas pu se soustraire à la botte de conquérants. Sans elle, les Etats-Unis ne seraient pas une locomotive du développement.Il ne faudrait pas croire non plus que le monde anglo-saxon n’a fait que peu d’apports positifs au procès pénal. C’est à la loi britannique sur l’Habeas corpus de 1679 que l’on doit l’idée d’un délai raisonnable pour être jugé et, à défaut, le droit à être remis en liberté. C’est encore aux Britanniques que l’on doit l’idée de droits de la défense recensés en tant que tels, d’abord dans certains articles de la Magna Carta de 1212 puis dans le Bill of Rights de 1689. C’est aux Américains que l’on doit l’idée de sacraliser les droits de la défense en leur donnant un contenu constitutionnel par les amendements à la Constitution de 1787, ajoutés à partir de 1789, une idée qui sera reprise bien plus tard dans la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme et des libertés fondamentales.L’étude montre donc que les pays anglo-saxons réputés pragmatiques ont plutôt fait des contributions de principe, sans mesurer que les applications pratiques qu’ils en tirent dénaturent le procès pénal. L’étude montre aussi que la France, réputée pour ses approches dogmatiques et rationnelles mais d’une raison déconnectée des réalités, a une vision bien plus juste du procès pénal.L’étude a enfin montré que, dans le domaine de la justice pénale, les mondes français et anglo-saxons s’ignorent. / This study shows that the criminal process finally acquires more consistency than the crime itself. The “criminal adventure”, namely the tragical story of the crime itself, turns into “the judicial adventure”, namely the path of justice towards the final decision (conviction or dismissal). Whether it deals with the French or with the Anglo-Saxon models, the legal rules are so complicated that they create a judicial logic which is specific and clipped from the facts of the case. In comparison, the motives and the circumstances of a crime are always simple. Accordingly, the judicial issue appears to be more (and often too much) elaborated than the crime itself.The study also shows the unchanging character of the criminal justice. Whether it is in France or in the Anglo-Saxon countries, the fundamentals of the two justices which are concurrent – inquisitorial model and adversary one- are the same that in the Middle Age. Of course, some reforms happened. The importance of the rule of the contradictory increases, etc. However, the main concern of the French justice still deals with a pretrial investigation which is very thoroughly conducted by a state agency. The Anglo-Saxon model always lies in the confrontation of two thesis with a practical advantage given to the prosecution. These different approaches by the two justices are attributable to a different social philosophy. The status of the suspected person greatly differs whether he is prosecuted in France or in the Anglo-Saxon countries: in France, this status is a matter of the search for the truth; in the Anglo-Saxon countries, this status is in practice that of an almost guilty one, even if his guilt must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.This social and/or ethic philosophy recuts another one: the political philosophy. In France, the individual is assisted since the State is deemed to be “stronger” than him; in the Anglo-Saxon countries, the individual is a free man; accordingly, he is solely responsible for his acts. Therefore, in France, the State wants to fix up its own opinion about the crime; in the Anglo-Saxon countries, the confrontation of the prosecution and the lawyer outdoes all the rest, in particular the truth. Moreover, in these countries, according to the freedom and the independence of the individual, an undue importance is given to confessions.However, the Anglo-Saxon political philosophy is an extraordinary lever for the history and the liberty and also for the economic expansion. Without it, the continental countries would not have been able to be freed from the conquerors of the two world wars and the cold war. Without it, the US would not be a forefront of the progress.We do not consider that the Anglo-Saxon world made few positive contributions to the criminal proceedings. Indeed, this is the famous English Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 which created the idea of a reasonable time to be tried in court and, if not, to be released from prison. From the English comes the idea of an explicit list of rights of the defence, in particular in some articles in the Magna Carta of 1212 and then officially included in the Bill of Rights of 1689. From the Americans comes the idea of making the rights of defence sacred through the amendments of the constitution. We remember that this idea arrived late in Europe with the ECHR.Therefore, the study shows that the Anglo-Saxons countries which benefit from a reputation of pragmatism have rather acted as theoreticians of criminal law. They have provided the world of criminal justice mainly with contributions close to symbols. They have underestimated the consequences of these symbols in the practice of the criminal proceedings. The study shows also that the French, who are often known for their dogmatic approach of problems, have a better understanding of the criminal proceedings.The study shows especially that the Anglo-Saxon world of criminal justice and the French one totally ignore each other.

Maryland Community College Academic Deans and Department Chair Perceptions of Higher-Order Skill Proficiencies for Associate Degree Completers

Ball, James D. 11 May 1999 (has links)
The SCANS report issued in 1990 brought national attention to concerns about lagging competencies of US workers and their lack of preparedness for the high-performance workplace. Since the SCANS report, several national and statewide efforts have attempted to identify skill sets appropriate for success in the changing workplace. Recent discussion has included skill sets appropriate for college graduates. This study was designed to determine perceptions of Maryland community college chief academic officers and department chairs toward one such skill set, the Maryland Skills for Success, and whether they are appropriate learning expectations for associate degree completers. The Maryland Skills for Success (MSS) are comprised of five skill goals: (1) learning skills, (2) thinking skills, (3) communication skills, (4) technology skills, and (5) interpersonal skills. Three to five 'learning expectations' elaborate what students should be able to accomplish under each skill goal to be successful in future work and learning. The study involved a survey of 293 chief academic officers and department chairs at the 18 community colleges across Maryland. A 75 percent response rate was achieved. The survey assessed the extent to which respondents agreed that: (a) the Maryland Skills for Success are appropriate expectations for associate degree completers, (b) students currently achieve MSS expectations, (c) respondent's courses and programs contain specific learning objectives that require students to learn and perform such skills, (d) all Maryland community colleges should teach and assess a common set of higher-order knowledge application skills. Respondent ratings indicated that the Maryland Skills for Success represent valid learning expectations for associate degree completers. Deans were more favorable toward the MSS than were department chairs, and were more confident that students were required to learn and perform learning expectations similar to those listed in the MSS. The department chairs were also divided into groups to determine attitudinal differences by disciplines. The department chairs were more likely than the deans to agree that students currently achieve the MSS learning expectations. Most chair groups somewhat disagreed their courses and programs contained specific learning objectives requiring students to learn and perform the skills represented in the MSS. Of the chair groups, the English/fine arts/humanities, and the technologies/health care groups tended to produce significantly higher ratings than other chairs and supported the notion of Maryland community Colleges teaching and assessing a common higher-order knowledge application skill set. Based on respondent ratings, the communication, thinking and interpersonal skill sets in the MSS have the best chance of gaining acceptance by colleges interested in integration of purposeful teaching and assessment of a higher-order skill set across the curricula. Respondent ratings also indicated that it is unlikely that the colleges would undertake a common initiative to teach and assess a common skill set like the MSS without intervention from the state. Respondents expressed distrust of bureaucratic intervention, were somewhat concerned about the difficulty of teaching and assessing the entire skill set, and felt that the skill sets were too broad to be feasibly taught. Recommendations include the need for extensive faculty development and the provision of incentives from the state educational agencies to provide support for colleges interested in teaching and assessing a common higher-order knowledge application skill set. / Ed. D.

Deformation and Fluid History of Late Proterozoic and Early Cambrian Rocks of the Central Appalachian Blue Ridge

Chandonais, Daniel 23 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Parole and Probation Officers' Perceptions of Management Effectiveness in Baltimore County, Maryland

Johnson, Valencia Tamir 01 January 2015 (has links)
Management practices in the rehabilitation and criminal justice system are primarily concerned with how employees sense, collect, organize, and process information regarding the criminal offender. The purpose of this quantitative study was to measure parole and probation officers' perceptions regarding management support and effectiveness in the workplace, with particular emphasis on communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. Herzberg's 2-factor theory of motivation served as the theoretical framework for the study, supporting the concept of participatory management as a central factor in job satisfaction. A researcher-designed, Likert-type questionnaire was administered to a randomly selected sample of 31 parole and probation officers in Baltimore County. The sample size was determined using a power analysis for the 2-sample t test. The power analysis was completed with alpha levels of .05, and a .80 level of statistical power. Participants had been employed for at least a year as parole and probation officers who supervised African American criminal offenders. Results from the questionnaires were analyzed using t tests, frequency distribution analysis, and comparison of means analysis, with mixed findings. The majority of participants felt that managers provide a positive overall work environment and effectively communicate with parole and probation officers. At the same time, the majority of respondents also believed that managers do not collaborate with employees and do not resolve conflicts with employees in a timely manner. Possible reasons for these contradictory perceptions are discussed. The study contributes to positive social change by providing leaders with improved methods for measuring parole and probation officers' perceptions regarding managerial support for and effectiveness in the rehabilitation of reentry offenders.

To Make America Over: The Greenbelt Towns of the New Deal

Turner, Julie D. 20 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Online learning experiences of students in the MEd in open and distance learning : a phenomenography of the dual university initiative

Gumbo, Mishack Thiza 09 1900 (has links)
This is a phenomenographic study, of which the aim was to explore the variation of experiences, needs, views and understandings through a phenomenographic study of academics who were enrolled in the MEd in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) at Unisa during 2012-2015. The MEd in ODL is a dual university programme between University of South Africa (Unisa) and University of Maryland University College (UMUC). The research question was around issues which Unisa academic staff members experienced during the course of their enrolment for the MEd in ODL. Relevant scholarly literature on online learning, theories for online learning, and previous research on online learning, was surveyed in this regard. Variation theory which framed the study through a phenomenographic research lens was described. Interviews were conducted with seven participants from the students on the MEd in ODL programme. Postings on MyUnisa Discussion Forum which were treated as data were analysed in relation to the aspects raised in the interviews. The findings revealed students’ varied online experiences in the three main aspects namely, experience and understanding, understanding the object of learning and learning objects. Important recommendations made, were based on the findings. In conclusion, the findings exhibited students’ varied experiences about issues which they battle with in the MEd in ODL programme, of which Unisa should take into consideration as they further enrol students in the programme. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning)

Sustainable Construction Practices of Intentional Communities: a Pilot Investigation in Loudoun County, Virginia and Frederick County, Maryland

Shedd, Jason Lee 11 August 2012 (has links)
This project investigated the sustainability of homes within three intentional communities. Semi-structured interview and photographic walkthroughs examined the variability of architectural and technological approaches toward sustainability. These include: passive solar design, green roofs, radiant flooring, composting toilets, ground assist heat pumps, solar water heaters, multiamily units and modular construction. It was hypothesized that variation in sustainable construction is related to socioeconomic status and that economics would be a constraint. This project investigated whether communities were transmitting their practices to wider society, if individuals were copying vernacular architecture and if architectural practices followed individual beliefs regarding sustainability. It was found that the Internet is the main method of conveying these practices; that variability was tied less to individual beliefs than to the communities’ institutional documents; and that copying vernacular architecture was for aesthetics not sustainability. Intentional communities are good models for sustainable development, but knowledge transmission is limited.

Dieter Kober: (* 1920, † 2015): Der Weg vom Ritchie-Boy zum Musikdirektor und Dirigenten des Chicago Chamber Orchestra

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 21 December 2022 (has links)
Dieter Kober (* 2. Jan. 1920 Halberstadt; † 1. Okt. 2015 Radebeul / Dresden) gehört mit seinem ungewöhnlichen Lebenslauf zwischen zwei unterschiedlichen Welten und seiner Lebensleistung als Musiker, Musikpädagoge, Musikdirektor und Dirigent mit zu den bemerkenswertesten Persönlichkeiten, die inmitten der Kluft einer zerrissenen politischen Welt während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg agierten und ihre Spuren hinterließen. Sein Leben bestand zum einen ganz unter dem Trauma von Flucht, Emigration, Kampf in der US-Armee gegen Hitler-Deutschland stehend, zum anderen war es geprägt durch eine Karriere als Musikdirektor und Dirigent. Mit seinem 1952 von ihm gegründeten Chicago Chamber Orchester (CCO) verstand er es, durch Musikdarbietungen in den USA und auf Tourneen durch Europa und Asien, Brücken der Völkerverständigung zu bauen. In Chicago stieg er zum Musikdirektor und Dirigenten auf. Prof. Dr. Dieter Kober war der am längsten amtierend gewesene Musikdirektor in den USA. Die Familie Kober war nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, als Angehörige der deutsch-jüdischen Bevölkerungsschicht, aus der preußischen Provinz Posen (Poznań / Polen) geflüchtet, nachdem mit dem Großpolnischen Aufstand im Dezember 1918 Repressalien gegen die deutsche und jüdische Bevölkerung einsetzten. Nach seinem Realschulabschluss verließ Dieter Kober Deutschland und emigrierte in die USA. So erhielt als 16-jähriger ein Erlaubnisvisum nach New York City. Da er noch keine amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft besaß, erhielt er keine Zulassung zur Aufnahme in das City College of New York und wechselte in den Bundesstaat Nebraska, an die University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Obwohl noch ohne amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft, wurde er als Student in das staatliche Förderprogramm der Army ROTC (Reserve Offizier Training Corps) an der Universität aufgenommen und in militärwissenschaftlichen Kursen und Führungstrainingslabors für einen Einsatz in der US-Armee vorbereitet. Nach Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges erfolgte seine Grundausbildung im Camp Kearns in Utah in der Army Air Forces Base. Nach seinem erfolgversprechenden IQ-Test kam er zur weiteren Spezialausbildung in das geheime Trainingslager des Militärgeheimdienstes nach Camp Ritchie im Bundesstaat Maryland, wo sie für die Vernehmung von hochrangigen Häftlingen oder für die Spionageabwehr in Europa ausgebildet wurden. Hier erhielt er im Trainingscenter eine Spezialausbildung und wurde Teil einer geheimen Einheit des Militärnachrichtendienstes, die überwiegend aus deutsch-jüdischen und österreichischen Emigranten zusammengestellt worden war, die später als Ritchie Boys bezeichnet wurden. Er wurde Spezialist des Militärnachrichtendienstes und in den Stützpunkt Fort Hunt in Virginia verlegt (Geheimer Codenamen „P.O. Box 1142“ / Post Office Box 1142). Als Teamleiter des US-Militärgeheimdienstes MIS Y waren er mit teilweise bis zu 40 Mitarbeitern direkt dem Pentagon unterstellt. Die ehemaligen sogenannten Ritchie Boys erhielten nach Kriegsende großzügige staatliche Förderungen. Kober ging an das Musik Conservatory des Chicago College of Performing Arts (CCPA) der Roosevelt University, wo er Musikwissenschaft und Dirigat studierte. Zurückgekehrt an die University of Chicago, gründete er 1952 ein erstes Streicherensemble als Laienorchester für Kammermusik, das Chicago Chamber Orchestra (CCO). 1957 erhielt er die Berufung zum Musikdirektor des Art Institute of Chicago. Große Popularität erreichte Dieter Kober ab 1959 mit der Produktion und Moderation der TV-Sendung „Einladung zur Musik“ im Chicago-Bildungsfernsehen. Ab 1975 wurde er auf dem klassischen Radiosender von Bruce Duffie „WNIB / Classical 97 Chicago“ auch zu einer Radiopersönlichkeit und gestaltete monatliche Sendungen für „Musik des Kammerorchesters“. Kober sah es als seinen Kulturauftrag an, jedem das Recht auf kulturelle Bildung und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu ermöglichen, und ermöglichte auch kostenlose Besuche seiner Konzerte. Nach seiner zweiten Eheschließung verlegte er seinen Wohnsitz von Chicago Lakeshore Drive nach Radebeul und richtete in seinem Haus das Büro für das CCO ein. Von hier aus organisierte Dieter Kober nun das Management für das Ensemble des CCO. Nach Chicago kam er zumeist nur noch zum Dirigieren von Konzerten und für Vertragsunterzeichnungen. Anlässlich seines 90. Geburtstages 2010 dirigierte Dieter Kober in der Preston Bradley Hall im Chicago Cultural Center nochmals ein großes, für die Öffentlichkeit zugängliches kostenloses Konzert. Am 12. Mai 2013 übergab Dieter Kober im Alter von 93 Jahren und nach 61-jährigem Wirken als Musikdirektor den Taktstock nach einem letzten großen Abschiedskonzert in der Fourth Presbyterian Church an seinen Nachfolger Robert Turizziani. Dieter Kober verstarb am 1. Oktober 2015 in Radebeul bei Dresden im Alter von 95 Jahren. Entsprechend seines letzten Willens fand er seine letzte Ruhestätte auf dem Friedhof Radebeul-Ost.:Ein Leben zwischen zwei Welten – Ein Leben für die Musik 3 Lebenslinien - eine Familie gezeichnet von Verfolgung, Flucht und Exil 4 Vom Flüchtling vor dem Nazi-Regime zum Kämpfer in US-Uniform 5 Als Ritchie Boy zum Kämpfer per Intelligence 5 Geheimdienst-Operation unter Tarn-Adresse und Codenamen „P.O. Box 1142“ 6 Ehemaliger Ritchie Boy - Selbstbewusster Bürger des neuen Heimatlandes 8 Ein Leben für die Musik - Gründung des Chicago Chamber Orchestra (CCO) 9 Neue Wege – denn „Musik macht uns alle zu besseren Menschen“ 10 „Dirigieren ist mein Leben - man muss eine sehr starke Liebe für etwas haben, was man tut“ 11 Lebensräume – vom Chicago Lakeshore Drive nach Radebeul/ Dresden 13 Ehrungen/Auszeichnungen 14 Kommentare 15 Literatur 15

The Link Between Smart Growth in Urban Development and Climate Change

Mathew, Brenda A. 22 January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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