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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O livro do desassossego e as máscaras de Deus em Fernando Pessoa / The book of unquietness and masks of God in Fernando Pessoa

Araujo, Maria Claudia 11 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 maria claudia araujo.pdf: 17089162 bytes, checksum: 0570125b49c31b1176ea4efeb3b4fdb0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-11 / This research investigates lhe masks of God in lhe work of Fernando Pessoa, andespecially its various manifestations in lhe ambit heteronomy and polyphonicof lhe poetic Pessoa. The corpus used is lhe Book of Unquietness, written overlhe life of Pessoa, signed by lhe semi-heteronyms Bernardo Soares, and dialoguewith lhe personalities of his main heteronymous: Alberto Caeiro, lhe objectivistpoet, Alvaro de Campos, lhe poet subjectivist, and Ricardo Reis, lhe classical poet. Further dialogue with lhe Book, not just lhe characters of lhe heteronymous, but also lhe major poems by Alberto Caeiro, among which stands out lhe poem VIII of The Keeper of Flack af Sheep. The Triumphal Lyrical of Alvaro de Campos and lhe classic Iyrical of Ricardo Reis also supports lhe dialogue with lhe Book of Unquietness. Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos and RicardoReis have an immanent conception of divinity, while lhe look of Bernardo Soares and lhe own Fernando Pessoa is predominantly mystic and transcendentalist. In this theatrical static, lhe heteronomous characters, diverted, lhe dream narrative fragmented, as well' as lhe process of literary production of FernandoPessoa, feed a sei of multiple masks that point to lhe polyphony and lhe different faces of lhe divinity in Pessoa's work / Esta pesquisa investiga as máscaras de Deus na obra de Fernando Pessoa e, especialmente, suas diferentes manifestações no âmbito heteronímico e politônico da poética pessoana. O corpus adotado é o Livro do Desassossego, escrito ao longo da vida de Pessoa, assinado pelo semi-heterônimo Bernardo Soares, e que dialoga com as personalidades de seus principais heterônimos: Alberto Caeiro, o poeta objetivista; Álvaro de Campos, o poeta subjetivista; e Ricardo Reis, o poeta clássico. Dialogam ainda com o Livro, não apenas os caracteres dos heterônimos, mas também os principais poemas de Alberto Caeiro, dentre os quais se destaca o poema VIII, de O Guardador de Rebanhos. A Ode Triunfal de Álvaro de Campos e as odes clássicas de Ricardo Reis também sustentam o diálogo com o Livrodo Desassossego. Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos e Ricardo Reis têm uma concepção imanente da divihdade; ao passo que o olhar de Bernardo Soares e o do próprio Fernando Pessoa é, predominantemente, místico e transce~dentalista. Nesse teatro estático, as personagens heteronímicas, desfuncionalizadas, a narrativa onírica fragmentada, bem como o processo de produção literária de Fernando Pessoa, alimentam um jogo de máscaras múltiplas que apontam para a polifonia e as diferentes faces da divindade na obra pessoana

The sovereignty of the royal portrait in revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe : five case studies surrounding Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples

Goudie, Allison J. I. January 2014 (has links)
This study demonstrates how royal portraiture functioned during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars as a vehicle for visualizing and processing the contemporary political upheavals. It does so by considering a notion of the 'sovereignty of the portrait', that is, the semiotic integrity (or precisely the lack thereof) and the material territory of royal portraiture at this historical juncture. Working from an assumption that the precariousness of sovereignty which delineated the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars goes hand in hand with the precariousness of representation during the same period, it reframes prevailing readings of royal portraiture in the aftermath of the French Revolution by approaching the genre less as one defined by the oneway propagation of a message, and more as a highly unstable intermedial network of representation. This theoretical undertaking is refracted through the figure of Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples (1752-1814), close sister and foil to Queen Marie- Antoinette of France, and who, as de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Naples, physically survived revolution but was twice dethroned and thrice exiled. A diverse ecology of royal portraiture revolving around Maria Carolina is presented across five case studies. Close attention to the materiality of a hyperrealistic wax bust of Maria Carolina reveals how portraiture absorbed the trauma of the French Revolution; Maria Carolina’s correspondence in invisible ink is used as a tool to read a highly distinctive visual language of 'hidden' silhouettes of sovereigns and to explore the in/visibility of exile; a novel reading of Antonio Canova's work for the Neapolitan Bourbons through the lens of contemporary caricature problematizes the binary between ancien régime and parvenue monarchy; and a unique miniature of Maria Carolina offers itself as a material metaphor for post-revolutionary sovereignty. Finally, Maria Carolina’s death mask testifies to how Maria Carolina herself became a relic of the ancien régime.

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts. The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths. In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents. Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance. It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.

Poređenje efikasnosti upotrebe nazalne kanile i kiseoničke maske za lice kod primene kiseoničke terapije u postoperativnom periodu / Efficiency Comparison between Nasal Cannula and Oxygen Face Mask for Oxygen Therapy during Postoperative Period

Plećaš Đurić Aleksandra 10 June 2019 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Anestezija je povezana sa promenama ventilacije, koje počinju sa prvim datim lekom, a mogu da traju i danima posle hirur&scaron;ke intervencije. Hipoksemija je najočiglednija posledica ove promene. U anesteziolo&scaron;koj praksi i perioperativnom tretmanu bolesnika kiseonička terapija zauzima značajno mesto. Jo&scaron; uvek ne postoje jasne, na dokazima zasnovane, smernice za upotrebu kiseoničke terapije u postoperativnom periodu. Razlog verovatno leži u činjenici da veliki broj faktora može da utiče na ishod lečenja hirur&scaron;kog bolesnika i zato je te&scaron;ko ispitati njihove pojedinačne uticaje. Kiseonička terapija tretira ili prevenira nastanak hipoksije obezbeđujući inspiratornu koncentraciju kiseonika veću od iste u vazduhu. Kod najvećeg broja pacijenata u postoperativnom periodu ne postoji potreba za strogom kontrolom inspiratorne koncentracije kiseonika, a administracija kiseoničke terapije sprovodi se primenom uređaja niskog protoka i varijabilne performanse, kao &scaron;to su nazalna kanila i kiseonička maska za lice. Brojna istraživanja poslednjih decenija poku&scaron;ala su da daju odgovor na pitanja da li postoji stvarna razlika u primeni ova dva uređaja, posebno u svetlu razvoja hipoksemije u postoperativnom periodu. Prednosti primene nazalne kanile su bolje prihvatanje od strane bolesnika u poređenju sa maskom, obično zbog manje izraženog osećaja klaustrofobije pri upotrebi nazalne kanile. Nazalna kanila, ne zahteva uklanjanje prilikom nege usne duplje ili per os unosa &scaron;to obezbeđuje kontinuitet u isporuci kiseonika. Nedostaci nazalne kanile vezani su za otežanu primenu kod bolesnika sa nazogastričnom sondom ili otežanim disanjem na nos. Pri protocima većim od 4 litre u mnuti može izazvati nelagodnost na nosnoj sluznici bolesnika. Literaturni podaci, ukazuju da se primenom kiseoničke maske ipak postižu veće inspiratorne koncentracije kiseonika, te da se epizode desaturacije i hipoksemije znatno ređe javljaju. Međutim, postoje i istraživanja koja ukazuju na mogućnost ponovnog udisanja vazduha iz mrtvog prostora maske, pri nižim protocima &scaron;to može uticati na parcijalni pritisak ugljen-dioksida u arterijskoj krvi. CILJEVI: Ciljevi istraživanja su da se ispitata učestalost javljanja hipoksemije unutar 48 sati od ekstubacije kod bolesnika u jedinici intezivne terapije, zatima da se ispita pojava desaturacije, da se utvrditi učestalost potrebe za primenom neinvazivne mehaničke ventilacije pozitivnim pritiskom kod bolesnika u jedinici intezivne terapije kod kojih se primenjuje kiseonička terapija putem nazalne kanile, odnosno kiseoničke maske. Takođe, cilj je i da se ispita da li postoji povezanost preoperativnih karakteristika bolesnika sa eventualnim izborom jednog od dva uređaja za primenu kiseoničke terapije u ranom postoperativnom periodu. METODOLOGIJA: Na Klinici za anesteziju i intenzivnu terapiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine sprovedeno je prospektivno istraživanje kojim je obuhvaćeno 160 pacijenata nakon elektivnih hrur&scaron;kih procedura, koji su nakon operativnog zahvata praćeni u jedinici intenzivne terapije. Pacijenti su randomizovani u dve grupe (grupa M &ndash; kiseonička maska i grupa N &ndash; nazalna kanila) u odnosu na uređaj kojim je sprovođena postoperativna kiseonička terapija. Za sve pacijente uključene u studiju evidentirana je pol, starost, telesna masa, telesna visina, izračunat indeks telesne mase. Evidentiran je i ASA status, kao i NYHA status. U istraživanje nisu uključeni pacijenti sa plućnim komorbiditetima. Iz istraživanja su isključeni svi oni bolesnici kod kojih je do&scaron;lo do respiratornih komplikacija u perioperativnom periodu, kao i onih kod kojih je bila prisutna hemodinamska nestabilnost. Postoperativno svi pacijenti su sedirani, na mehaničkoj ventilaciji sme&scaron;teni u jedinicu intenzivne terapije. Nakon prevođenja na spontano disanje i ekstubacije započinjana je primena kiseonika putem kiseoničke maske za lice (6 l/min) odnosno nazalne kanile (4 l/min). Sprovođen je kontinuirani monitoring vitalnih parametara, saturacije hemoglobina kiseonikom, kao i novo ugljen-dioksida na kraju ekspirijuma. Kod svih pacijenata u četiri vremena rađene su gasne analize arterijske krvi. Svi praćeni parametri poređeni su između dve ispitivane grupe pacijenata. Za statističku obradu podataka kori&scaron;ćen je programski paket Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 21. Numerička obeležja su prikazana putem srednjih vrednosti (aritmetička sredina) i mera varijabiliteta (opseg vrednosti, standardna devijacija), a atributivna obeležja kori&scaron;ćenjem frekvencija i procenata. Komparacija vrednosti numeričkih obeležja između dve grupe vr&scaron;ena je primenom Studentovog t- testa, odnosno neparametrijskog Mann- Whitney testa. Testiranje razlike frekvencija atributivnih obeležja vr&scaron;eno je primenom &chi;2 testa. U cilju ispitivanja povezanosti dva ili vi&scaron;e obeležja, odnosno generisanja adekvatnih statističkih modela, kori&scaron;ćena je multivarijantna regresiona analiza. Statistički značajnim se smatraju vrednosti nivoa značajnosti p&lt;0.05. REZULTATI: U odnosu na preoperativne karakteristike ispitivanih pacijenata nije nađena statistički značajna razlika u distribuciji pacijenata u dve ispitivane grupe u odnosu na pol (2 test; 2=0,378;p=0,539), starost (T test; t=1,958; p=0,053), APACHE II skor na prijemu (Mann-Whitney test; U=1220,500; p=0,837), indeks telesne mase (T test; t=1,380; p=0,171), pu&scaron;ačkim navikama (2 test; 2=0,644;p=0,422), vrednostima preoperativnog hemoglobina (T test; t=0,442; p=0,660), saturacije hemoglobina kiseonikom (T test; t=0,883; p=0,380). Razlike nije bilo ni u pogledu trajanja mehaničke ventilacije (Mann-Whitney test; U=1114,500; p=0,345). Hipoksemija (parcijalni pritisak kiseonika u arterijskoj krvi manji od 65 mmHg) nije registrovana ni kod jednog od pacijenata u obe ispitivane grupe. Vrednsti SpO2 &lt; 92%, registrovane su kod ukupno 24 pacijenta u svim analiziranim vremenima (24%). Najveći broj pacijenata kod kojih je registrovana niska vrednost detektovan je u prvom satu nakon ekstubacije kada je vrednost manja od 92% registrovana kod 5 pacijenata (5%) i to kod 3 pacijenta u grupi M (6%) i 2 pacijenta u grupi N (4%). Između vizita 2. i 3. vrednosti satutracije manje od 92% registrovana je kod 19 pacijenata (19%), kod 8 pacijenata u grupi M (16%) i kod 11 pacijenata u grupi N (22%). U periodu između vizita 3. i 4. vrednosti saturacije niže od 92% registrovane su kod 19 (19%) pacijenata i to kod 10 pacijenata u grupi M (20%) i kod 9 pacijenata u grupi N (18%). Statistički značajna razlika zabeležena je u sve tri vizite (vizita 2, 3, 4) u vrednosti parcijalnog pritiska kiseonika u arterijskoj krvi. Tako su pacijenti u grupi kod kojih je primenjivana maska imali statistički značajno veće vrednosti parcijalnog pritiska kiseonika. Istovremeno pacijenti kod kojih je kiseonička terapija primenjivana putem maske imali su značajno veće vrednosti saturacije hemoglobina kiseonikom i ova razlika je bila statistički značajna u svim posmatranim vizitama. U prvih 48 sati nakon operacije neinvazivna mehanička ventilacija primenjena je kod 80 pacijenata. Kod svih pacijenata indikacija za primenu je bila pojava desaturacije. U odnosu na distribuciju pacijenata po ispitivanim grupama nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u broju pacijenata koji su zahtevali neinvazivnu mehaničku ventilaciju (2 test; 2=2,250; p=0,134). Pacijenti u grupi N proveli su vi&scaron;e minuta (srednja vrednost 56,85 +/- 19,80 minuta) na neinvazivnoj ventilaciji od pacijenata u grupi M (srednja vrednost 33,14 +/- 10,65 minuta), a ova razlika je statistički značajna (T test; t=2,923; p=0,009). Na osnovu multivarijantne regresione analize, pacijenti koji su kiseoničku terapiju primali putem nazalne kanile, sa porastom indeksa telesne mase imali su niže vrednosti parcijalnog pritiska kiseonika u arterijskoj krvi (r2=0,392). ZAKLJUČCI: Kiseonička maska za lice i nazalna kanila obezbeđuju adekvatnu primenu kiseoničke terapije u smislu prevencije nastanka hipoksemije u ranom postoperativnom periodu. Primenom kiseoničke maske za lice ostvaruju se vi&scaron;e vrednosti parcijalnog pritiska kiseonika u arterijskoj krvi. Epizode desaturacije če&scaron;će se javljaju kod pacijenata kod kojih se u ranom postoperativnom periodu primenjuje kiseonička terapija putem nazalne kanile. Pacijenti kod kojih se primenjuje kiseonička terapija putem maske ostvaruju veće vrednosti saturacije hemoglobina kiseonikom. Pacijenti kod kojih je kiseonička terapija u ranom postoperativnom periodu primenjivana putem nazalne kanile zahtevali su dužu primenu neinvazivne mehaničke ventilacije pluća. Kod pacijenata sa većim vrednostima indeksa telesne mase, za primenu kiseoničke terapije u ranom postoperativnom periodu, kiseonička maska za lice će obezbediti bolju oksigenaciju.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Anesthesiology is associated with vicissitudes in ventilation, which start with application of first medicine and last for days following surgical intervention. Hypoxemia is a most common side effect of vicissitudes in ventilation. Oxygen therapy is important in anesthesiology and post-operative treatment of a patient. There are no clear evidence-based guidelines for application of oxygen therapy in post-operative period. Numerous factors influence patient&rsquo;s treatment outcome and it is difficult to examine each factor&rsquo;s independent impact. Oxygen therapy treats or prevents occurrence of hypoxemia by providing inspiratory concentration of oxygen greater than the amount found in air. Most patients in post-operative period don&rsquo;t require vigilant control of inspiratory concentration of oxygen, and administration of oxygen therapy is implemented with a low flow device with variable performances such as nasal cannula and oxygen face mask. Various research attempts where made in the last decades to discover an evident difference between these two devices, especially in cases where hypoxemia occurred in post-operative period. One advantage to using nasal cannula over oxygen face mask is that its better perceived by a patient as it reduces feeling of claustrophobia. Nasal cannula doesn&rsquo;t need to be removed during oral cavity care or &ldquo;per os&rdquo; intake which ensures continuous oxygen delivery. The drawback to using nasal cannula is that its challenging to insert it in a patient with nasogastric tube or difficult nasal breathing. Also, patient can experience nasal discomfort if the oxygen flow is bigger than four litters per minute. Literature data shows that application of oxygen trough the face mask achieves greater inspiratory concentrations of oxygen, and reduces the occurrence of desaturation and hypoxemia. Still, there is research which points out to the possibility of breathing in from dead space in the mask, in lower flows, which can partially affect pressure of carbon dioxide in artery blood. AIM: Aim of the research is to examine frequency of hypoxemia and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in patients treated with oxygen therapy via nasal cannula or oxygen face mask during the first 48 hours following patient extubating in intensive care unit. Also, aim is to examine correlation between patients&rsquo; pre-operative characteristics and the choice of one of the two devices for oxygen therapy in early postoperative period. METHODOLOGY: Clinic for Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy at the Clinical Center of Vojvodina conducted this research on 160 patients who underwent elective surgical procedures and received post-operative care in Intensive Care Unit. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups (Group M with oxygen face mask and Group N with nasal cannula) relative to device which was used for post-operative oxygen therapy. Information recorded for all the patients included in the study constituted their gender, age, weight, hight, and body max index. ASA status, as well as NYHA status were also recorded. Research excluded any patient who experienced respiratory complications in post-operative period as well as those who experienced hemodynamic instability. Postoperatively all patients were sedated and on mechanical ventilation therapy in intensive care unit. After transition to spontaneous breathing and extubating, oxygen therapy was applied using oxygen mask (6 l/min) or nasal cannula (4 l/min). Vital parameters were continuously monitored as well as hemoglobin oxygen saturation, and carbon dioxide at the end of the expirium. Gas analysis of artery blood was carried out four times for all participants in the study. All parameters were compared between two examined patient groups. Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS 21. Numerical features are depicted using arithmetic mean and variability rate, and attributive features are depicted with frequency and percentages. Comparison of the values of numerical characteristics between the two groups was performed using Student&#39;s t-test, that is, a non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The frequency difference in attributive characteristics was tested using &chi;2 test. To generate adequate statistical model, multivariate regression analysis was applied to examine the link between two or more of features. Significant values are determined if level of significance is p&lt;0.05. RESULTS: Preoperative characteristics of the patient showed no significant differences between the two study groups. Characteristics were recorded with respect to gender (2 test; 2 = 0.378; p = 0.539), age (t-test; t = 1,958, p = 0,053 ), APACHE II score on admission (Mann-Whitney test; U = 1220.500; p = 0.837), body mass index (t-test; t = 1.380, p = 0.171), smoking habits (2 test; 2 = 0.644; p = 0.422), the values of the preoperative hemoglobin (t-test; t = 0.442, p = 0.660), and hemoglobin oxygen saturation (t-test; t = 0.883, p = 0.380). Difference was discovered in regards to duration of mechanical ventilation (Mann-Whitney test; U = 1114.500; p = 0.345). Hypoxemia (partial oxygen pressure in the arterial blood of less than 65 mmHg) was not registered in any of the patients in both study groups. Value SpO2&lt; 92%, was registered in 24 patients during every round (24%). Patients who registered value lower than 92% experienced it in the first hour post extubation. This was observed in 5 patients in total (5%) where 3 patients from group M (6%) and 2 from group N (4%). Between 2nd and 3rd rounds, saturation values lower than 92% were recorded in 19 patients (19%): 8 from group M (16%) and 11 from group N (22%). In the period between the 3rd and 4th rounds the value of saturation lower than 92% was detected in 19 (19%) patients: 10 from group M (20%) and 9 from group N (18%). Statistically significant difference was noted in all three rounds (rounds 2, 3, 4) in the values of the partial oxygen pressure in arterial blood. Thus, patients from the group treated with an oxygen face mask had significantly higher values of partial oxygen pressure. In addition patients treated by oxygen face mask had significantly higher levels of oxygen saturated hemoglobin, and this difference was statistically significant in all observed rounds. In the first 48 hours after surgery noninvasive mechanical ventilation was performed in 80 patients. Common indication for oxygen therapy in all patients was desaturation. There were no statistically significant differences in the number of patients who required non-invasive mechanical ventilation in either of the groups (2 test; 2 = 2.250; p = 0.134). Patients in group N received several minutes more (mean value of 56.85 +/- 19.80 minutes) of the non-invasive ventilation than patients in the group M (mean value of 33.14 +/- 10.65 minutes), and this difference was statistically significant (t-test; t = 2,923, p = 0,009). Based on the multivariate regression analysis, the patients who received oxygen therapy via nasal cannula, with the increase in body mass index had lower values of partial oxygen pressure in arterial blood (r2 = 0.392). CONCLUSION: Both face mask and nasal cannula ensure adequate application of oxygen therapy to prevent hypoxemia in the early postoperative period. Oxygen face mask achieves higher value of partial oxygen pressure in arterial blood. Episodes of desaturation more frequently occur in patients who receive oxygen therapy with nasal cannula in early postoperative period. Patients who receive oxygen therapy via oxygen face mask achieve higher hemoglobin oxygen saturation values. Patients who undergo oxygen therapy in the early postoperative period using nasal cannula require longer application of non-invasive mechanical ventilation. Patients with higher body mass index receive better oxygenation in the early postoperative period if facial mask is the device of choice.</p>

Le théâtre en Égypte aux époques hellénistique et romaine : architecture et archéologie, iconographie et pratique / Theatre in Egypt in Hellenistic and Roman times : architecture and archaeology, iconography and practice

Le Bian, Adeline 08 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude concerne le fait théâtral dans ses dimensions matérielles, éclairé par les textes relatifs au fonctionnement et à la place du théâtre dans la société de l'Égypte hellénistique et romaine. Foyer d'expression et de diffusion de la culture gréco-romaine, la pratique théâtrale apparaît comme un élément fondamental au sein du processus d'hellénisation qui se met en place en Égypte à partir de la conquête d'Alexandre le Grand. Trois grands axes de recherche ont été définis : en premier lieu, le théâtre est étudié en tant qu'ouvrage architectural. Cette approche, essentiellement archéologique, est également mise en relation avec la notion de cadre urbanistique et de parure monumentale des villes d'Égypte à cette période. Nos recherches s'orientent ensuite plus spécifiquement sur le rayonnement de la pratique théâtrale en Égypte, à travers l'étude des productions d'objets issus de l'univers théâtral et dionysiaque. Ces représentations témoignent non seulement de la diffusion et de l'adaptation d'une composante essentielle de la culture grecque et romaine en Égypte, mais également de l'attachement royal à Dionysos, considéré comme l'ancêtre de la dynastie lagide. En troisième et dernier lieu, les activités et les diverses manifestations associées à l'édifice théâtral sont développées ; il s’agit d’aborder non seulement les spectacles, les auteurs et les acteurs, mais également les questions d'entretien, de maintenance et de gestion du bâtiment. L'apport de la documentation textuelle et archéologique constitue un outil précieux dans le développement de cette problématique. / This study deals with theatre in his material dimensions, enlightened by the texts relating to the operation and place of theatre in the society of Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Centre of expression and diffusion of Graeco-Roman culture, theatrical practice appears as a fundamental element in the process of Hellenization which implements in Egypt from the conquest of Alexander the Great. Three main areas of research were identified : first, the theatre is discussed as in his architectural dimension. This approach, mainly archaeological, is also in relation with the notion of urban planning framework and set of monumental cities of Egypt at this time. Then our research focuses specifically on the influence of theatrical practice in Egypt, through the study of the production of objects associated to theatrical and Dionysiac world. These images reflect not only the diffusion and adaptation of an essential component of Greek and Roman culture in Egypt, but also the royal attachment to Dionysus, considered the ancestor of Ptolemaic dynasty. Third and finally, the various activities and events associated with the theatre building are developed ; we deal not only dramatic shows, authors and actors, but also maintenance and building management issues. The contribution of textual documentation is an invaluable tool in the development of these notions.

Medidas utilizadas na prevenção de infecções em transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas: evidências para a prática / Infection prevention measures used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: evidences for practice

Garbin, Livia Maria 30 June 2010 (has links)
O transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) consiste em um procedimento complexo e relacionado à ocorrência de diversas complicações, dentre elas os processos infecciosos decorrentes do longo período de imunossupressão vivenciado após a instituição do regime de condicionamento. Inúmeras medidas têm sido empregadas visando à prevenção e controle de infecções, porém, observam-se divergências em relação à utilização das mesmas; sendo que o emprego da prática baseada em evidências possibilita ao profissional tomar decisões em relação à sua prática fundamentadas em resultados de pesquisas científicas atuais. Esta revisão integrativa da literatura teve como objetivo identificar e avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura e publicadas nos últimos 20 anos em relação ao uso de três medidas de prevenção de infecção em pacientes submetidos ao TCTH durante o período de internação: uso de filtros de ar de alta eficiência, isolamento protetor e máscaras. Para a seleção dos artigos foram utilizadas as bases de dados LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE e a Biblioteca Cochrane. A amostra foi composta por 15 estudos, sendo que apenas um apresentou nível de evidência forte (nível I), dois apresentaram nível de evidência moderado (nível IV e V) e doze consistiram em estudos com evidências fracas (nível VI e VII). Dez estudos abordaram a utilização dos filtros HEPA, sendo recomendado seu emprego para pacientes submetidos ao transplante alogênico durante o período de neutropenia. A necessidade de seu uso para pacientes submetidos ao transplante autólogo ainda é controversa. Nove trabalhos abordaram o uso do isolamento protetor e, embora alguns autores relatem que o emprego do mesmo parece apresentar benefícios quando não se dispõe de filtros HEPA, a utilização desta medida já não é mais indicada tanto pelos Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quanto pela maioria dos estudos analisados. Em relação à utilização de máscaras por pacientes, profissionais de saúde ou visitantes dentro das unidades de internação para TCTH, não foram encontrados estudos com evidências fortes que justifiquem o seu uso. No entanto, recomenda-se que sejam seguidas as diretrizes dos CDC quanto ao uso de respiradores especiais (como as máscaras N95) pelos pacientes imunocomprometidos submetidos ao TCTH ao deixar a unidade de transplante provida de filtro HEPA quando próximo a ela houver áreas de construção/reforma ou atividades geradoras de poeira. Embora os dados evidenciados auxiliem na tomada de decisão para a implementação da assistência de enfermagem a estes pacientes, verificou-se a necessidade de realização de estudos com nível de evidência forte que comprovem ou refutem a efetividade destas medidas. / Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a complex procedure related to the occurrence of different complications, including infectious processes deriving from the long period of immunosuppression experienced after the establishment of the conditioning regimen. Countless measures have been used for infection prevention and control, but divergences are observed with regard to their use; evidence-based practice allows professionals to make decisions for practice based on current scientific research results. This integrative literature review aimed to identify and assess evidence available in literature and published in the last 20 years about the use of three infection prevention measures in patients submitted to HSCT during hospitalization: use of high-efficiency air filters, protective isolation and masks. LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library were used to select the articles. The sample comprised 15 studies, only one of which presented strong evidence (level I), while two presented moderate evidence (levels IV and V) and twelve were studies with weak evidence (levels VI and VII). Ten studies discussed the use of HEPA filters, recommended for patients submitted to allogeneic transplantation during the neutropenia period. It remains controversial whether these filters need to be used for patients submitted to autologous transplant. Nine studies addressed the use of protective isolation and, although some authors report that using this measure can be beneficial when HEPA filters are unavailable, neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor by most of the studies under analysis indicate it any longer. With regard to the use of masks by patients, health professionals or visitors inside HSCT hospitalization units, no studies with strong evidence were found that justify its use. However, it is recommended that CDC recommendations be followed regarding the use of special respirators (like N95 masks) by immunocompromised patients submitted to HSCT when they leave the transplantation unit with a HEPA filter in case of nearby construction/reform areas or activities that generate dust. Although the evidenced data support decision making with a view to nursing care delivery to these patients, research with strong evidence is needed to prove or reject the efficacy of these measures.

Procena efikasnosti laringealne maske u odnosu na endotrahealni tubus u zbrinjavanju disajnog puta u dečjoj otorinolaringološkoj hirurgiji / The assessment of the effectiveness of airway management in pediatric ENT surgery: laryngeal mask versus endotracheal tube

Dolinaj Vladimir 25 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Adenoidektomija sa tonzilektomijom je najče&scaron;će indikovana hirur&scaron;ka intervencija u dečjem uzrastu. Intervencija se izvodi u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Endotrahealni tubus predstavlja &bdquo;zlatni standard&ldquo; za obezbeđenje disajnog puta u dečjoj otorinolaringolo&scaron;koj hirurgiji. Upotreba endotrahealnog tubusa nosi rizike od nastanka komplikacija koje se mogu javiti pri uvodu u op&scaron;tu anesteziju, u toku hirur&scaron;ke intervencije i nakon ekstubacije deteta. Učestalost komplikacija se može smanjiti upotrebom supraglotičnih sredstava. Fleksibilna laringealna maska spada u prvu generaciju supraglotičnih sredstava, koja omogućava zadovoljavajuću oksigenaciju i ventilaciju bolesnika u ORL hirurgiji. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi: efikasnost fleksibilne laringealne maske u za&scaron;titi disajnog puta od aspiracije krvi i sekreta gornjih disajnih puteva u odnosu na endotrahealni tubus u toku adenotonzilektomije; da li primena fleksibilne laringealne maske u zbrinjavanju disajnog puta u toku adenotonzilektomije utiče na učestalost postekstubacionih komplikacija u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom; da li zbrinjavanje disajnog puta fleksibilnom laringealnom maskom u toku adenotonzilektomije ima uticaj na intenzitet postoperativnog bola u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom; da li zbrinjavanje disajnog puta fleksibilnom laringealnom maskom u toku adenotonzilektomije ima uticaj na pojavu postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja u odnosu na zbrinjavanje disajnog puta endotrahealnim tubusom. Metodologija: Prospektivnom, randomizovanom, studijom bilo je obuhvaćeno 160 dečaka i devojčica uzrasta od 3 do 8 godina planiranih za elektivnu hirur&scaron;ku intervenciju adenotonzilektomiju u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u dve grupe: 80 bolesnika kod kojih je disajni put bio obezbeđen endotrahealnim tubusum (ET grupa) i 80 bolesnika kod kojih je disajni put bio obezbeđen laringealnom maskom (LMA grupa). Na kraju hirur&scaron;ke intervencije, u obe grupe bolesnika, izvr&scaron;ena je provera prisustva krvi na larinksu i u traheji pomoću fiberoptičkog bronhoskopa. Postekstubacione respiratorne komplikacije vezane za upotrebu fleksibilne laringealne maske odnosno endotrahealnog tubusa (ka&scaron;alj, opstrukcija disajnog puta i laringospazam) bile su praćene neposredno nakon ekstubacije bolesnika. Procena postoperativnog bola bila je vr&scaron;ena pomoću Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale 2 i 4 sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije kao i prvog postoperativnog dana u 7 sati ujutro. Postojanje postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja bilo je utvrđivano heteroanamnestički, anketom roditelja, dan nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije u 7 sati ujutro. Statistička analiza izvr&scaron;ena je pomoću statističkog paketa Statistical Package for Social Sciences &ndash; SPSS 21. Podaci su predstavljeni tabelarno i grafički, a statistička značajnost je određivana na nivou p&lt;0.05. Rezultati: Ni kod jednog deteta iz ET odnosno LMA grupe bolesnika nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije fiberoptičkim bronhoskopom nije uočeno prisustvo krvi, sekreta niti regurgitiranog želudačnog sadržaja na larinksu odnosno u traheji. Bolesnici iz ET grupe su imali statistički značajno vi&scaron;e komplikacija u odnosu na bolesnike iz LMA grupe (&chi;2=4.254; p=0.039; p &lt; 0.05). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u distribuciji bolesnika sa i bez respiratornih komplikacija izmeĊu ET i LMA grupe (&chi;2=3.413; p=0.065; p &gt; 0.05). U proceni postoperativnog bola FLACC skalom 2 sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije postoji statistički značajna razlika u intenzitetu postoperativnog bola kod bolesnika iz ET u odnosu na bolesnike iz LMA grupe (&chi;2=31.316; p=0.000; p&lt;0.05). Četiri sata nakon hirur&scaron;ke intervencije, statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e bolesnika sa umerenim bolom u ET grupi u odnosu na LMA grupu (&chi;2=40.705; p=0.000; p&lt;0.05). Na dan otpusta, statistički je značajno vi&scaron;e bolesnika sa blagim diskomforom u ET grupi bolesnika u odnosu na LMA grupu (&chi;2=8,012; p=0,005; p &lt; 0.05). U LMA grupi bolesnika jedan ili 1.49% bolesnika je imao postoperativnu mučninu i povraćanje, dok je u ET grupi troje ili 3.56% bolesnika imalo postoperativnu mučninu i povraćanje. Zaključak: Fleksibilna laringealna maska pruža podjednaku za&scaron;titu distalnih delova disajnog puta od krvi i sekreta tokom adenotonzilektomije kao i endotrahealni tubus. Učestalost postoperativnih komplikacija i intenzitet postoperativnog bola su manji kada se za obezbeđenje disajnog puta u toku adenotonzilektomije koristi fleksibilna laringealna maska. Primenom fleksibilne laringealne maske smanjuje se učestalost postoperativne mučnine i povraćanja u toku adenotonzilektomije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Adenoidectomy with tonsillectomy is the most indicated surgery in childhood. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Endotracheal tube represents the &bdquo;gold standard&ldquo; for airway management in paediatric ENT surgery. The use of endotracheal tube carries the risk of complications that may occur during the induction of general anesthesia, during the surgery and after extubation of the child. The frequency of complications may be reduced by the use of supraglottic airway devices. Flexible laryngeal mask is first generation of supraglottic airway devices, which allows sufficient oxygenation and ventilation of patients in ENT surgery. Aims: To determine the effectiveness of the flexible laryngeal mask which protectes the airway from aspiration of blood and secretions of the upper airways compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube during adenotonsillectomy; to determine does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy affects the frequency of post extubation complications compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube, as wll as does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy has an impact on the intensity of postoperative pain compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube, and does the usage of the flexible laryngeal mask in airway management during adenotonsillectomy has an impact on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting compared to the airway management with endotracheal tube. Methodology: One hundred and sixty boys and girls aged from 3 to 8 years scheduled for elective surgical intervention adenotnosillectomy in general anaesthesia were included in this prospective, randomized study. Patients were divided into two groups: 80 patients in whom the airway was managed with a cuffed endotracheal tube (ET group) and 80 patients in whom airway was managed with a laryngeal mask (LMA group). At the end of surgical procedure, in both groups of patients, fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed to verify the presence of blood in the larynx and trachea. Immediate respiratory complications associated with the use of flexible laryngeal mask or endotracheal tube (cough, airway obstruction and laryngospasm) were monitored following extubation of patients. Postoperative pain assessment was performed using Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale 2 and 4 hours following surgery as well as the first postoperative day at 7 o&#39;clock a.m. The presence of postoperative nausea and vomiting was confirmed heteroanamnestically by polling the parents the day after surgery at 7 o&#39;clock a.m. The statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS version 21. The data were presented in tables and graphs, statystical significance was set at p value of less than 0.05. Results: Following surgery there were no any patient in ET or LMA group in which the presence of blood, secretion or regurgitated stomach contents on larynx or in the trachea could be observed by using the fiberoptic bronchoscope. Patients in the ET group had statistically more significant complications compared to patients in the LMA group (&chi;2 = 4.254; p = 0.039; p &lt;0.05). There is no statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients with and without respiratory complications between ET and LMA groups (&chi;2 = 3.413; p = 0.065; p&gt; 0.05). In the assessment of postoperative pain using FLACC scale 2 hours following surgical intervention, there is a statistically significant difference in the intensity of postoperative pain in ET patients compared to patients in the LMA group (&chi;2 = 31.316, p = 0.000, p &lt;0.05). Four hours following surgical intervention, a statistically significant number of patients had mild pain in the ET group compared to the LMA group (&chi;2 = 40.705; p = 0.000; p &lt;0.05). On the day of release, statistically significant numbers of patients with mild discomfort in the ET group were compared to the LMA group (&chi;2 = 8,012; p = 0,005; p &lt;0.05). In the LMA group, one or 1.49% of the patients had postoperative nausea and vomiting, while in the ET group, three or 3.56% of the patients had postoperative nausea and vomiting. Conclusion: Flexible laryngeal mask provides equal protection of the distal parts of airway from the blood and secretions during adenotonsillectomy as the endotracheal tube. The frequency of postoperative complications and the intensity of postoperative pain are smaller when a flexible laryngeal mask is used for airway management during adenotonsillectomy. The usage of the flexible laryngeal mask reduces the frequency of postoperative nausea and vomiting during adenotonsillectomy.</p>

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts.</p><p>The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths.</p><p>In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents.</p><p>Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance.</p><p>It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.</p>

Förebygger kirurgiska munskydd infektion hos patienten vid interventionell radiologi? : en litteraturöversikt / Surgical face masks as infection prevention in interventional radiology : a literature review

Wiippa, Beatrice, Azarnia, Sadaf January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Ett av röntgensjuksköterskans ansvarsområden är att förebygga spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner, och inom interventionell radiologi innebär detta att arbeta med aseptisk teknik. Munskydd har varit standard inom kirurgi i ett århundrade men inom interventionell radiologi saknas nationella riktlinjer för dess användande, trots att den sterila tekniken i övrigt är densamma. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att klargöra huruvida kirurgiska munskydd kan förebygga infektion hos patienten vid interventionell radiologi. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt enligt Friberg (2017) för att sammanställa kunskapsläget inom området. Tolv kvantitativa artiklar hittades genom systematisk litteratursökning i PubMed. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och resultatet presenterades i två huvudkategorier. Resultat: Munskydd har ingen påvisad effekt att förebygga postoperativa sårinfektioner vid kirurgi eller coronarangiografi men förhindrar till viss del spridning av bakterier. Slutsats: Forskningen på munskydd är begränsad vilket gör det svårt att dra några slutsatser. Fler studier som fokuserar på munskydds effektivitet inom interventionell radiologi behövs. Författarna anser att munskydd inom interventionell radiologi inte bör vara obligatoriskt utan upp till varje avdelning att från fall till fall bestämma huruvida det ska användas eller inte. / Introduction: One of the radiographer's responsibilities is to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections. In interventional radiology, this means working with aseptic technique. Surgical face mask protection has been the standard of surgery for a century, but in interventional radiology there are no national guidelines for its use, even though the sterile technique is the same. Aim: The aim of this study was to clarify whether surgical face masks prevent infection in patient in interventional radiology. Methodology: A literature review (Friberg, 2017) has been done to identify the current knowledge in the field. The study includes twelve quantitative articles collected through a systematic literature search in PubMed. After quality review the articles were analyzed and presented into two main categories. Result: Concerning postoperative wound infections, there is no strong evidence to prove that using surgical face masks prevents infections during surgery or coronary angiography. However, using such mask prevents the spread of bacteria to some extent. Conclusion: Research on oral protection is limited, making it difficult to draw any conclusions. A set of new tests are needed to identify the effect of using mask in today’s interventional radiology. Based on the results of the studies, it can be concluded that: generally, mouth protection within interventional radiology should not be mandatory. However, each radiology department need to consider the operating condition and status of the patient and decide if the personal should follow mouth protection process.


Kim, Jin Hyun 19 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jin Hyun Kim.pdf: 2911975 bytes, checksum: f52f85e0769d576a5d47e7bf335d3973 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-19 / This study evaluated the skeletal effects of maxillary protraction using 2D images (lateral radiograph) generated from the cone beam CT (3D images). The sample consisted of 20 children (15 females and 5 males), aged 5,6 -10,7 years who had malocclusion Class III malocclusion. CT was performed before treatment (T1) and after treatment (T2). The treatment was performed by maxillary protraction using the Hyrax expansion appliance associated with individualized face mask with the force of 600 to 800g each side for 14 hours a day. The correction of canine relationship in Class I or Class II in their overcorrection was obtained after 4-7 months of treatment. To check the systematic error and random test was used for paired "t" and the formula of Dahlberg, respectively. The test paired "t" (p <0.05) showed a significant difference between the cephalometric measurements obtained in T1 and T2. In the maxilla there were increases in SNA 2.2°, Nperp A 1.47mm and Co-A 2.58mm. In the mandible, SNB decreased by -0.54° and P-Nperp, -1.45mm, while Co-Gn increased 1.04mm. There was improvement in maxillomandibular relationship ANB 2.74° and Wits 4.23mm. Variables GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md and AFAI demonstrating that there was an increased rotation of the mandible in a clockwise direction. The palatal plane rotated in a counterclockwise direction. It can be concluded that the treatment ofmaxillary protraction in early age has promoted an improvement in maxillomandibular relationship due to a shift of the jaw forward and a displacement of the mandible down and back. / Este estudo avaliou os efeitos esqueléticos da tração reversa da maxila utilizando imagens 2D (telerradiografia lateral) geradas a partir da tomografia de feixe cônico (imagens 3D). A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças (15 do gênero feminino, e 5 do masculino), com idade variando de 5,6 a 10,7 anos que apresentavam má-oclusão de Classe III de Angle. A tomografia foi realizada antes do tratamento (T1) e logo após o tratamento (T2). O tratamento foi realizado por meio da tração reversa da maxila utilizando-se o aparelho expansor Hyrax associado à máscara facial individualizada, com força de 600 a 800g de cada lado, durante 14 horas por dia. A correção da relação de caninos em Classe I ou com sua sobrecorreção em Classe II foi obtida após 4 a 8 meses de tratamento. Para verificar o erro sistemático e casual foi utilizado o teste t pareado e a fórmula de Dahlberg, respectivamente. O teste t pareado (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre as medidas cefalométricas obtidas em T1 e T2. Na maxila houve aumento do SNA 2,2°, A-Nperp 1,47mm e em Co-A 2,58mm. Na mandíbula, SNB diminuiu -0,54° e P-Nperp, -1,45mm, enquanto Co-Gn aumentou 1,04mm. Houve melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular ANB 2,74° e Wits 4,23mm. As variáveis GoGn.SN, Gn.SN, FH.Md, Mx.Md, e AFAI aumentaram demonstrando que houve uma rotação da mandíbula no sentido horário. O plano palatino rotacionou no sentido anti-horário. Pode se concluir que o tratamento de tração reversa da maxila na idade precoce promoveu uma melhora na relação maxilo-mandibular devido a um avanço da maxila e um deslocamento da mandíbula para baixo e para trás.

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