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Development of new software tools for phase equilibria modelling of open systems / Développement de nouveaux outils informatiques permettant de modéliser les équilibres de phases en système ouvertMayne, Matthew 03 December 2018 (has links)
Le métamorphisme est un phénomène majeur affectant la distribution des phases minérales au sein de la croûte continentale et participant à sa stabilisation. L’étude des processus métamorphiques est donc essentielle pour comprendre la formation et l’évolution de la Terre. Ces processus exercent un contrôle sur le potentiel de préservation des roches à sa surface et nous renseignent entre autres sur les conditions de pression–température régnant en profondeur. Ils contrôlent également la production et le stockage de fluides au sein de la croûte ce qui influence les cycles géochimiques au sein de la lithosphère, de l’hydrosphère et de l’atmosphère et a, de fait, des implications importantes sur le climat et l’apparition de la vie sur Terre. La principale source de variabilité au sein de ces systèmes correspond à des changements de composition chimique résultant eux-mêmes de transferts de matière. Les techniques modernes de modélisation quantitative des équilibres de phases permettent de calculer l’assemblage minéralogique stable au sein d’un système à l’équilibre pour lequel les paramètres pression, température et composition chimique sont connus. Ceci étant, les programmes informatiques actuels ne possèdent que de fonctionnalités limitées pour modéliser et appréhender les conséquences de changements de composition chimique du système au cours du métamorphisme. Un nouvel outil informatique (Rcrust) a été développé pour permettre de calculer l’assemblage minéralogique stable dans un système soumis à des variations de composition lors de son évolution dans l’espace multidimensionnel pression–température–composition chimique. / The investigation of metamorphic processes in the Earth’s crust is integral to understanding the formation and evolution of the Earth. These processes control the preservation potential of the geochronological rock record and give us insight into, amongst others, the pressure and temperature conditions of the Earth’s interior. Further, they control fluid generation and consumption within the crust which influences global geochemical cycles within the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. This has important implications on the global climate and the creation of conditions conducive to life. The dominant mechanism of change both within and between these systems are compositional changes invoked by processes of mass transfer. Modern quantitative phase equilibrium modelling allows the calculation of the stable phase assemblage of a rock system at equilibrium given its pressure, temperature and bulk chemical composition. However, current software programs have limited functionalities for the sophisticated handling of a changing bulk composition. A new software tool (Rcrust) has been developed that allows the modelling of points in pressure–temperature–bulk composition space in which bulk compositional changes can be passed between points as the system evolves.
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Etude par simulations numériques de l'effet d'une réaction chimique sur le transfert de matière dans un lit fixe de particules / Numerical modeling and simulation of chemical reaction effect on mass transfer through a fixed bed of particlesSulaiman, Mostafa 19 October 2018 (has links)
Nous avons étudié l'effet d'une réaction chimique sur le transfert de matière pour des systèmes à deux phases sous écoulement. La phase continue est une phase fluide et la phase dispersée est constituée de particules de catalyseur au sein desquelles une réaction chimique irréversible de premier ordre a lieu. Le soluté réactif est transporté par l'écoulement externe de fluide et pénètre dans la particule par diffusion, il se produit alors une réaction chimique qui consomme cette espèce. Nous modélisons le problème par un couplage interne-externe des équations de bilan et au moyen de deux conditions limites de raccordement: continuité de la concentration et équilibre des flux de masse à la surface des particules. Le cas d'une seule sphère isolée est traitée en premier lieu de manière théorique et numérique. Nous proposons un modèle pour prédire le coefficient de transfert de masse (nombre de Sherwood «réactif») en tenant compte de la convection-diffusion externes et du couplage diffusion-réaction internes. Nous validons le modèle en le comparant à des simulations numériques directes pleinement résolues (DNS boundaryfitted) sur un maillage adapté à la géométrie des particules. Pour la simulation de systèmes multiparticules, nous mettons en œuvre une méthode d'interface «Sharp» pour traiter les fronts raides de concentration. Nous validons la mise en œuvre de la méthode sur des solutions analytiques existantes en cas de diffusion, de diffusion-réaction et par comparaison avec des corrélations de convection-diffusion disponibles dans la littérature. Dans le cas d'une réaction chimique en présence de convection-diffusion, nous validons la méthode et nous évaluons sa précision en comparant avec les simulations pleinement résolues de référence. Ensuite, nous étudions le problème de l'écoulement et du transfert autour de trois sphères alignées soumis à une réaction chimique interne. Nous proposons un modèle de nombre de Sherwood «réactif» en complément d'une prédiction de transfert pour chaque sphère disponible dans la littérature. Nous validons le modèle par comparaison avec des simulations numériques directes pour une large gamme de paramètres adimensionels. Ensuite, nous étudions la configuration du lit fixe de particules de catalyseur. Nous modélisons le profil de concentration moyenne, en tenant compte de la réaction chimique dans le lit et les profils de concentration moyenne surfacique et volumique des particules. Nous introduisons un modèle pour le nombre de Sherwood «réactif» qui est comparé à des simulations numériques pour en évaluer les limites de validité / We studied the effect of a first order irreversible chemical reaction on mass transfer for two-phase flow systems in which the continuous phase is a fluid and the dispersed phase consists in catalystspherical particles. The reactive solute is transported by the fluid flow and penetrates through the particle surface by diffusion. The chemical reaction takes place within the bulk of the particle. Wehandle the problem by coupling mass balance equations for internal-external transfer with two boundary conditions: continuity of concentration and mass flux at the particle surface. We start with the case of a single isolated sphere. We propose a model to predict mass transfer coefficient (`reactive' Sherwood number) accounting for the external convection-diffusion along with internal diffusion-reaction. We validate the model through comparison with fully resolved Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) performed by means of a boundary-fitted mesh method. For the simulation of multi-particle systems, we implemented a Sharp Interface Method to handle strong concentration gradients. We validate the implementation of the method thoroughly thanks to comparison with existing analytical solutions in case of diffusion, diffusion-reaction and by comparison with previously established correlations for convection-diffusion mass transfer. In case of convectiondiffusion- reaction, we validate the method and we evaluate its accuracy through comparisons with single particle simulations based on the boundary-fitted method. Later, we study the problem of three aligned-interacting spheres with internal chemical reaction. We propose a `reactive' Sherwood number model based on a known non-reactive prediction of mass transfer for each sphere. We validate the model by comparison with direct numerical simulations for a wide range of dimensionless parameters. Then, we study the configuration of a fixed bed of catalyst particles. We model the cup-mixing concentration profile, accounting for chemical reaction within the bed, and the mean surface and volume concentration profiles of the particles. We introduce a model for `reactive' Sherwood number that accounts for the solid volume fraction, in addition to the aforementioned effects. We compare the model to numerical simulations to evaluate its limitations
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Etude expérimentale et modélisation physique des transferts couplés chaleur-humidité dans un isolant bio-sourcé. / Experimental study and physical modeling of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in bio-sourced insulating materials.Aghahadi, Mohammad 29 May 2019 (has links)
Le caractère fortement hydrophile des isolants thermiques bio-sourcés, a montré que les modèles classiques de transfert thermique ne sont pas suffisamment adaptés pour leur caractérisation thermique. Ce travail de thèse vise à répondre à cette problématique par des approches expérimentale et théorique des transferts couplés chaleur-humidité. Dans l’approche expérimentale, un isolant thermique en feutre de fibres de lin (FFL) a été développé puis caractérisé, dans différents états hygrométriques, au moyen d’un dispositif Plan Chaud asymétrique. Des isothermes d’adsorption de l’humidité corrélés aux modèles théoriques GAB, GDW et Park permettent une caractérisation hydrique de cet isolant. Dans l’approche théorique, un modèle physique, de transfert couplé chaleur-humidité au sein de l’isolant FFL humide, est proposé. Il est résolu numériquement, en configuration 3D transitoire, par la méthode de éléments finis sous COMSOL Multiphysics et par la méthode des différences finies, en configuration 1D transitoire, sous MATLAB. La méthode de Levenberg-Marquardt couplée avec le modèle direct 1D transitoire et les températures mesurées a permis d’estimer la conductivité thermique apparente de l'échantillon étudié avec une erreur relative inférieure à 6% par rapport aux mesures expérimentales, validant ainsi les modèles théoriques. / The conventional heat transfer models are not sufficiently suitable for thermal characterization of bio-sourced thermal insulating materials due to their strongly hydrophilic nature. The proposed work in this PhD thesis aims to answer this problem with experimental and theoretical approaches of coupled heat-moisture transfers. In the experimental approach, a thermal insulating material based on Flax Fiber Felt (FFF) is developed and then characterized at different hygrometric conditions with an asymmetric hot plate device. The humidity diffusion characterization of the samples is done using the GAB, GDW and Park theoretical moisture adsorption isotherm models. In the theoretical approach, a physical model of heat and mass transfer is proposed. It is solved numerically, in transient 3D configuration, by the finite element method under COMSOL Multiphysics and, in transient 1D configuration, by the finite difference method under MATLAB. The Levenberg-Marquardt method coupled with the 1D transient direct model and the measured temperatures made it possible to estimate the apparent thermal conductivity of the studied sample with a relative error of less than 6% compared to the experimental measurements, thus validating the theoretical models.
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Comportement thermo-hygro-mécanique différé des feuillus : des sciences du bois à l'ingénierie / Delayed thermo-hygro mechanical behavior of hardwoods : from wood sciences to engineeringVarnier, Maximin 15 March 2019 (has links)
La conception et la vérification du dimensionnement des structures en bois, pour une utilisation en Génie Civil, est régie par la norme Européenne Eurocode 5. Elle permet de dimensionner tout élément de structure en fonction du chargement qui lui est appliqué et d’hypothèses relatives à son environnement. Coordonnée particulièrement par la filière bois des pays Nordiques, cette norme est basée sur l’emploi exclusif de résineux. Or, la France détient la plus grande forêt de feuillus d’Europe. Ces essences ont leur place dans les structures bois d’aujourd’hui en apportant, par exemple, des propriétés de durabilité naturelle. Malheureusement, ces essences ne sont pas aujourd’hui considérées dans les règles de dimensionnement.Le projet EFEUR5, financé par l’agence nationale de la recherche, a pour objectif de répondre à cette problématique en effectuant des travaux similaires à ceux déjà réalisés pour les résineux. Ainsi, les travaux présentés ont pour objectifs de comprendre et de modéliser le comportement mécanique différé des essences de feuillus français que sont le chêne, le hêtre et le peuplier. A ces trois essences, est rajouté le douglas comme essence de référence des résineux.Nous commençons l’étude par l’analyse microscopique de la structure anatomique des essences étudiées. Cette analyse a pour objectif de mettre en avant les différences entre ces quatre essences. Le comportement mécanique différé du bois étant sensible à l’humidité de celui-ci, nous devons dans un premier temps déterminer l’évolution de l’humidité dans la section d’un élément de structure. Pour cela, il est présenté dans le second chapitre un protocole expérimental innovant de détermination des propriétés de diffusion d’une éprouvette située en extérieur. L’identification des propriétés de diffusion effectuée, nous proposons une étude de sensibilité des écarts de comportement hydrique sur un élément de structure.Le comportement mécanique long terme est ensuite étudié par une approche couplée entre expérimentation et modélisation. Différents comportements mécaniques dépendant du temps et de l’humidité sont pris en compte et hiérarchisés. L’implémentation, dans un logiciel aux éléments finis, de l’évolution du champ hydrique 3D au sein d’un élément de structure, ainsi que des différents phénomènes physiques mis en jeu lors du fluage sont discutés. Par la suite, la conception de deux bancs de flexion quatre points à l’échelle métrique des poutres de feuillus et de douglas est détaillée. Les mesures réalisées sur plus d’une année permettent dans un premier temps d’identifier les principaux comportements. Dans un second temps, ces données permettent de déterminer les propriétés viscoélastiques hygro activées par analyse inverse. Ainsi une comparaison des propriétés viscoélastiques entre ces quatre essences est présentée.Enfin, dans la dernière partie, les modèles développés et validés sont mis en forme pour une approche technologique. De nouveaux abaques d’équilibre d’humidité interne sont proposés essence par essence. Une méthodologie de détermination du coefficient kdef est proposée, et permet, par une relation très simple, d’affiner sa détermination en fonction de l’environnement réel, de la section, et de l’humidité initiale. / The design and verification of timber structures, for use in Civil Engineering, is governed by the European standard Eurocode 5. It allows to size any structure element according to the load applied to it and assumptions about its environment. Essentially coordinated by the Nordic timber industry, this standard is based on the exclusive use of softwoods. However, French country has the largest hardwood forest in Europe. Today, these species have their place in timber structures by considering, for example, natural durability properties. Unfortunately, these species are not today considered in design rules. The EFEUR5 project, funded by the National Research Agency, aims to respond to this problem by doing work like those already carried out for softwoods. Thus, the work objectives are for understanding and modeling the long-term mechanical behavior of French hardwood species like oak, beech and poplar. In support of these species, Douglas fir is added as the conifer reference.The study starts with the anatomical structure analysis of the of the species studied. The objective of this analysis is to highlight the differences between these four species. Because the long-term mechanical behavior depends on moisture content, we must first determine the evolution of moisture in the section of a structural element. For this, it is presented in this chapter an innovative experimental protocol for determining the diffusion properties of a test tube located outdoors. The identification of the diffusion properties carried out we propose a study of the sensitivity of the water behavior differences on a structural element.The implementation of the evolution of moisture within a structure element, regardless of its geometry and environment, we present the different physical phenomena involved when creeping a structural element and their implementation in a code with finite elements. Next, we describe the completion of two four-point bending benches at the metric scale of hardwood and Douglas-fir beams. The instrumentation allows to analyze their deferred behavior according to their environment. In a second step, these numerical data are used to determine the hydro viscoelastic properties enabled, by inverse analysis. Thus, a comparison of the viscoelastic properties between these four species is presented.We conclude this study with a proposal for a new approach for considering the delayed mechanical behavior of structural elements. The approach consists in the determination of the long-term behavior through a reference behavior. The prediction of long-term deflection is then defined from the average humidity of the study element. This approach makes it possible to report both the geometry of the beam and its initial humidity.
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Transport Coefficients during Drying of Solids containing Multicomponent MixturesGamero, Rafael January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the transport coefficients involved in mass and heat transfer during the drying of a porous solid partially saturated with multicomponent mixtures. It included the coefficients governing liquid transport through the solid, the matrix of multicomponent diffusion coefficients in the liquid phase, and the effective thermal conductivity. As it is not possible to determine these coefficients by theoretical considerations alone and considerable experimental work is required to determine them in a broad range of process conditions, the principle of this study has been the use of mathematical models complemented with some empirical parameters. These empirical parameters were determined by comparison between measurements in specially designed experiments and the results of mathematical models that describe the process. In addition, the application of the multicomponent diffusion coefficients is described in two cases where liquid diffusion is important: convective evaporation of a multicomponent stationary liquid film and a falling film. To study liquid transport through the solid, isothermal drying experiments were performed to determine the transient composition profiles and total liquid content of sand samples wetted with ternary liquid mixtures with different initial compositions and temperatures. A mathematical model including mass transfer by capillary movement of the liquid and interactive diffusion in both the gas and liquid phases was developed. To simulate the capillary movement of liquid mixtures, parameters experimentally determined for single liquids were weighed according to liquid composition. A fairly good agreement between theoretical and experimental liquid composition profiles was obtained considering that axial dispersion was included in the model. To study the matrix of multicomponent diffusion coefficients in the liquid phase, the redistribution of liquid composition in a partially filled tube exposed to a longitudinal temperature gradient was analysed. Experimental work was carried out using two main ternary mixtures with different initial compositions and temperature gradients. Experimental data were compared with the results of a theoretical model that describes the steady-state liquid composition distribution in a partially filled non-isothermal tube to find the empirical exponent that modifies the matrix of thermodynamic factors. Correlations for the exponents as a function of temperature were determined for each particular multicomponent mixture. The effective thermal conductivity of a porous solid containing multicomponent liquid mixtures was studied by measuring the liquid composition, liquid content and temperature distributions in a cylindrical sample dried by convection from the open upper side and heated by contact with a hot source at the bottom side. Simulations performed at a quasi steady state were compared with experiments to estimate the adjusting geometric parameter of Krischer’s model for effective thermal conductivity, which includes the contribution of the evaporation-diffusion-condensation mechanism. The results revealed that a resistance corresponding to a parallel arrangement between the phases seems to dominate in this case. In the study of the convective drying of a multicomponent stationary liquid film, the equations describing interactive mass transfer were decoupled by a similarity transformation and solved simultaneously with a conduction equation by the method of variable separation. Variations of physical properties along the process trajectory were taken into account by a stepwise application of the solution in time intervals with averaged coefficients from previous time steps. Despite simplifications, the analytical solution gives a good insight into the selectivity of the drying process and is computationally fast. On the other hand, numerical simulations of the convective evaporation of the multicomponent falling liquid film into an inert gas with a co-current flow arrangement of the phases almost always revealed a transition from liquid-phase-controlled conditions to a process in which neither the gas nor the liquid completely controls the evaporation. The results obtained in this work would be useful in implementing models to improve the design, process exploration and optimisation of dryers by incorporating the solid-side effects to describe the drying of liquid mixtures along the whole process. / QC 20110124
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Advanced low temperature metal hydride materials for low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell applicationNtsendwana, Bulelwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Energy is one of the basic needs of human beings and is extremely crucial for continued development of human life. Our work, leisure and our economic, social and physical welfare all depend on the sufficient, uninterrupted supply of energy. Therefore, it is essential to provide adequate and affordable energy for improving human welfare and raising living standards. Global concern over environmental climate change linked to fossil fuel consumption has increased pressure to generate power from renewable sources [1]. Although substantial advances in renewable energy technologies have been made, significant challenges remain in developing integrated renewable energy systems due primarily to mismatch between load demand and source capabilities [2]. The output from renewable energy sources such as photo-voltaic, wind, tidal, and micro-hydro fluctuate on an hourly, daily, and seasonal basis. As a result, these devices are not well suited for directly powering loads that require a uniform and uninterrupted supply of input energy.</p>
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Theoretical and experimental studies of surface and interfacial phenomena involving steel surfacesCao, Weimin January 2010 (has links)
The present work was initiated to investigate the surface- and interfacial phenomena for iron and slag/iron systems. The aim was to understand the mechanism of the effect of surface active elements on surface and interfacial properties. In the present work, the adsorption of oxygen and sulfur on iron surface as well as adatom surface movements were studied based on the ab initio method. BCC iron melting phenomena and sulfur diffusion in molten iron were investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The impact of oxygen potential on interfacial mass transfer was carried out by X-ray sessile drop method. Firstly, the structural, electronic and magnetic properties as well as thermodynamic stability were studied by Density functional theory (DFT). The hollow site was found to be the most stable adsorption site both for oxygen and sulfur adsorbed on iron (100) surface, which is in agreement with the experiment. The relaxation geometries and difference charge density of the different adsorption systems were calculated to analyze the interaction and bonding properties between Fe and O/S. It can be found that the charge redistribution was related to the geometry relaxation. In addition, the sulfur coverage is considered from a quarter of one monolayer (1ML) to a full monolayer. It was found that the work function and its change Δφ increased with S coverage, in very good agreement with experiment. Due to a recent discussion regarding the influence of charge transfer on Δφ, it is shown in the present work that the increase in Δφ can be explained by the increasing surface dipole moment as a function of S coverage. S strongly interacts with the surface Fe layer and decreases the surface magnetic moment as the S coverage increases. Secondly, a two dimensional (2D) gas model based on density functional calculations combined with thermodynamics and statistical physics, was proposed to simulate the movement of the surface active elements, viz. oxygen and sulfur atoms on the Fe(100) surface. The average velocity of oxygen and sulfur atoms was found to be related to the vibration frequencies and energy barrier in the final expression developed. The calculated results were based on the density function and thermodynamics & statistical physics theories. In addition, this 2D gas model can be used to simulate and give an atomic view of the complex interfacial phenomena in the steelmaking refining process. A distance dependent atomistic Monte Carlo model was developed for studying the iron melting phenomenon as well as effect of sulfur on molten iron surface. The effect of boundary conditions on the melting process of an ensemble of bcc iron atoms has been investigated using a Lennard-Jones distance dependent pair potential. The stability of melting process was energetically and spatially analyzed under fixed wall and free surface conditions and the effects of short and long-range interactions were discussed. The role of boundary conditions was significantly reduced when long-range interactions were used in the simulation. This model was further developed for investigating the effect of sulfur on molten iron surface. A combination of fixed wall and free surface boundary condition was found to well-represent the molten bath configuration while considering the second nearest neighbor interactions. Calculations concerning the diffusion of sulfur on molten surface were carried out as a function of temperature and sulfur concentration. Our results show that sulfur atoms tended to diffuse away from the surface into the liquid bulk and the diffusion rate increased by increasing temperature. Finally, impact of oxygen potential on sulfur mass transfer at slag/metal interface, was carried out by X-ray sessile drop method. The movement of sulfur at the slag/metal interface was monitored in dynamic mode at temperature 1873 K under non-equilibrium conditions. The experiments were carried out with pure iron and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-FeO slag (alumina saturated at the experimental temperature) contained in alumina crucibles with well-controlled partial pressures of oxygen and sulfur. As the partial pressure of oxygen increased, it was found that interfacial velocity as well as the oscillation amplitude increased. The thermo-physical and thermo-chemical properties of slag were also found to influence interfacial velocity. / QC 20101123
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Deformation and flow driven by osmotic processes in porous materialsMokni, Nadia 22 February 2011 (has links)
En el caso del almacenamiento de los residuos radioactivos los flujos osmóticos pueden ser relevantes y requieren un análisis en detalle. El residuo nuclear bituminizado (BW) será almacenado mediante contenedores en cavidades excavadas en la Boom Clay, que es una arcilla marina que presenta propiedades favorables para limitar y retrasar la migración de los contaminantes radioactivos. La interacción entre los dos materiales es un proceso acoplado químico-hidro-mecánico y depende de la respuesta hidromecánica de la Boom Clay y del BW. En condiciones de almacenamiento, el contacto del BW, que contienen cantidades importantes de NaNO3, con el agua subterránea induce la hidratación por gradientes osmóticos y el consiguiente hinchamiento, además de la difusión de la sal disuelta hacia la Boom Clay. Se pueden distinguir dos tipos de afecciones: la perturbación geomecánica causada por el hinchamiento del BW y el aumento de presión en el BW y cambio de las distribución de tensiones en la roca, y la perturbación físico química por la migración de grandes cantidades de sales. El objetivo de esta tesis es: (i) Mejorar la comprensión de los procesos que controlan la absorción de agua y el consecuente hinchamiento del BW que contengan sales (NaNO3), y (ii) Investigar los posibles efectos de la concentración de fluidos de los poros sobre el hinchamiento, la compresibilidad y comportamiento de corte de la Boom Clay. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado una formulación para el análisis de la deformación inducida por la disolución de sales en medio poroso con contacto con agua. Las ecuaciones planteadas incluyen los flujos acoplados de agua y soluto. Se presenta también un trabajo teórico que ayuda a la comprensión del comportamiento mecánico del BW. Se considera este material como una mezcla de bitumen y cristales de NaNO3. Se ha desarrollado un modelo elasto-viscoplástico que describe el comportamiento de fluencia del BW considerando el comportamiento de fluencia de sus constituyentes. El modelo constitutivo elasto-viscoplástico ha sido implementado en el programa CODE_BRIGHT. Los resultados se han comparado con observaciones experimentales. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento a largo plazo del BW en contacto con agua al simular ensayos de hinchamiento por absorción de agua bajo condiciones confinadas. El análisis numérico ha demostrado ser capaz de proporcionar una representación satisfactoria de los principales patrones observados en su comportamiento. En lo que respecta al segundo objetivo de la tesis, se ha propuesto una formulación para el análisis de las deformaciones inducidas por procesos osmóticos en un medio poroso de doble estructura. Esta formulación distingue dentro del material un nivel micro-estructural y otro macro-estructural con cambios químicos que tienen un efecto significativo en la micro-estructura. Se han obtenido las ecuaciones básicas que describen los flujos acoplados de agua y solutos y el transporte de sus componentes a través de los macroporos así como las ecuaciones de balance de masa para agua y soluto en los macroporos y microporos. La formulación propuesta ha sido aplicada particularmente para analizar cualitativamente el efecto de la succión osmótica sobre el hinchamiento de los suelos arcillosos. Se han analizado los efectos a corto y largo plazo. Se ha investigado también la influencia del aumento de la concentración del fluido en los poros sobre las propiedades geotécnicas y el comportamiento de la Boom Clay no saturada. Se ha llevado a cabo un programa sistemático de investigación experimental, con control de succión osmótica y matricial, con el fin de investigar el efecto del incremento de la concentración del fluido de poros sobre la resistencia de corte y el cambio volumétrico bajo condiciones edométricas. Se ha observado, que bajo condiciones parcialmente saturadas, un cambio en la salinidad provoca una disminución en la compresibilidad y en la resistencia de corte del material. / For deep storage of high-level nuclear waste osmotic flows can be significant and so require a careful analysis. In Belgium, The bituminized nuclear waste (BW) named Eurobitum contained in metallic drums will be placed inside a tunnel or a shaft excavated in the Boom Clay, which is 100 m thick marine clay presenting favourable properties to limit and delay the migration of the leached radionuclides over extended periods of time. In Geological disposal conditions, contact of the bituminized radioactive waste which contains high amounts of highly soluble salt (NaNO3) with groundwater will result in water uptake and swelling of the waste and in subsequent diffusion of the dissolved salt through the host clay formation. Basically, two types of disturbance can be distinguished: A geo-mechanical perturbation, caused by the swelling of the waste and the increase of the pressure in and around the waste and a physico-chemical perturbation by the release of large amounts of NaNO3 and other soluble salts. In this context the aim of this thesis is: (i) to improve the understanding of the processes controlling the water uptake and the subsequent swelling of bituminized waste containing soluble salts (NaNO3), and (ii) to investigate of the possible effects of the increase of pore fluid concentration on swelling, compressibility and shear behaviour of Boom Clay. A formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformation induced by dissolution of salts in porous media in contact with water. The equations include the effect of coupled transport phenomena and the formulation has been included as an extension in the coupled THM program CODE_BRIGHT. A theoretical and experimental work aiming at understanding the mechanical behaviour of the Bituminized Waste has been presented.This material is considered for this purpose as a mixture of bitumen and crystals of NaNO3. An elasto-viscoplastic model has been developed that describes the creep behaviour of BW considering the constituents' creep behaviour. The elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model has been implemented into CODE_BRIGHT. The modelling results have been compared with the experimental data. The impact of osmotic forces on the swelling of the material has been investigated by simulating water uptake swelling tests under confined conditions and comparing the predictions with experimental results. The numerical analysis has proven to be able to furnish a satisfactory representation of the main observed patterns of the behaviour. In regard to the second objective of this thesis, a formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformations induced by osmotic processes in double structure porous media. The formulation is based on the distinction within the material of a microstructural and a macrostructural levels with chemical changes having a significant effect on the microstructure. A macroscopic description of the system is provided. Then the basic equations describing coupled flows of water and solutes and the transport of its components through macropores and mass balance equations for water and solute in macro and micro pores have been obtained. The proposed formulation has been particularly applied to analyze qualitatively the effect of osmotic suction on swelling of clayey soils. Transient and long term effects have been analyzed. The influence of pore fluid concentration on the geotechnical properties and behavior of Boom Clay under partially saturated conditions has been investigated. A systematic experimental research program involving osmotic suction and matric suction controlled experiments has been carried to investigate the effect of the increase of pore fluid concentration on shear strength and on the volume change behaviour under odometer stress state conditions. It has been observed that under partially saturated conditions a change in salinity causes a decrease in compressibility and shear strength.
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Thermomechanical Manufacturing of Polymer Microstructures and NanostructuresRowland, Harry Dwight 04 April 2007 (has links)
Molding is a simple manufacturing process whereby fluid fills a master tool and then solidifies in the shape of the tool cavity. The precise nature of material flow during molding has long allowed fabrication of plastic components with sizes 1 mm 1 m. Polymer molding with precise critical dimension control could enable scalable, inexpensive production of micro- and nanostructures for functional or lithographic use.
This dissertation reports experiments and simulations on molding of polymer micro- and nanostructures at length scales 1 nm 1 mm. The research investigates two main areas: 1) mass transport during micromolding and 2) polymer mechanical properties during nanomolding at length scales 100 nm. Measurements and simulations of molding features of size 100 nm 1 mm show local mold geometry modulates location and rate of polymer shear and determines fill time. Dimensionless ratios of mold geometry, polymer thickness, and bulk material and process properties can predict flow by viscous or capillary forces, shape of polymer deformation, and mold fill time. Measurements and simulations of molding at length scales 100 nm show the importance of nanoscale physical processes distinct from bulk during mechanical processing. Continuum simulations of atomic force microscope nanoindentation accurately model sub-continuum polymer mechanical response but highlight the need for nanoscale material property measurements to accurately model deformation shape. The development of temperature-controlled nanoindentation enables characterization of nanoscale material properties. Nanoscale uniaxial compression and squeeze flow measurements of glassy and viscoelastic polymer show film thickness determines polymer entanglement with cooperative polymer motions distinct from those observed in bulk.
This research allows predictive design of molding processes and highlights the importance of nanoscale mechanical properties that could aid understanding of polymer physics.
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Gas assisted thin-film evaporation from confined spacesNarayanan, Shankar 29 August 2011 (has links)
A novel cooling mechanism based on evaporation of thin liquid films is presented for thermal management of confined heat sources, such as microprocessor hotspots. The underlying idea involves utilization of thin nanoporous membranes for maintaining microscopically thin liquid films by capillary action, while providing a pathway for the vapor generated due to evaporation at the liquid-vapor interface. The vapor generated by evaporation is continuously removed by using a dry sweeping gas keeping the membrane outlet dry. This thesis presents a detailed theoretical, computational and experimental investigation of the heat and mass transfer mechanisms that result in dissipating heat.
Performance analysis of this cooling mechanism demonstrates heat fluxes over 600W/cm2 for sufficiently thin membrane and film thicknesses (~1-5µm) and by using air jet impingement for advection of vapor from the membrane surface. Based on the results from this performance analysis, a monolithic micro-fluidic device is designed and fabricated incorporating micro and nanoscale features. This MEMS/NEMS device serves multiple functionalities of hotspot simulation, temperature sensing, and evaporative cooling. Subsequent experimental investigations using this microfluidic device demonstrate heat fluxes in excess of 600W/cm2 at 90 C using water as the evaporating coolant.
In order to further enhance the device performance, a comprehensive theoretical and computational analysis of heat and mass transfer at micro and nanoscales is carried out. Since the coolant is confined using a nanoporous membrane, a detailed study of evaporation inside a nanoscale cylindrical pore is performed. The continuum analysis of water confined within a cylindrical nanopore determines the effect of electrostatic interaction and Van der Waals forces in addition to capillarity on the interfacial transport characteristics during evaporation. The detailed analysis demonstrates that the effective thermal resistance offered by the interface is negligible in comparison to the thermal resistance due to the thin film and vapor advection. In order to determine the factors limiting the performance of the MEMS device on a micro-scale, a device-level detailed computational analysis of heat and mass transfer is carried out, which is supported by experimental investigation. Identifying the contribution of various simultaneously occurring cooling mechanisms at different operating conditions, this analysis proposes utilization of hydrophilic membranes for maintaining very thin liquid films and further enhancement in vapor advection at the membrane outlet to achieve higher heat fluxes.
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