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Transferência de calor e massa no escoamento bifásico em torno de aerofólios equipados com sistemas de antigelo aeronáuticos. / Heat and mass transfer in two-phase flow around airfoils with aeronautical anti-ice systems.Silva, Guilherme Araújo Lima da 02 February 2009 (has links)
Há a necessidade de prevenir formação de gelo nas asas e nos estabilizadores de aeronaves, pois as formas de gelo podem causar a degradação do desempenho aerodinâmico, o aumento de peso, bem como dificuldades de controle e manobra que, em casos críticos, leva a uma diminuição da margem de segurança operacional. Quando as aeronaves atravessam nuvens com gotículas de água sub-resfriadas, ou seja, em equilíbrio metaestável, o crescimento de gelo ocorre nas superfícies não protegidas. Usualmente, os sistemas antigelo térmicos de aerofólios são projetados, desenvolvidos e certificados com o auxílio de programas de simulação numérica. O presente trabalho visa desenvolver e implementar um modelo matemático para prever a transferência de calor e massa no escoamento bidimensional bifásico em torno de aerofólios de uso aeronáuticos, equipados com sistema de antigelo térmico operando em regime permanente. Em condições de formação de gelo, é necessário aquecer o bordo de ataque e controlar a temperatura da região protegida para que não ocorra formação de gelo. O sistema de aquecimento compensa os efeitos do resfriamento imposto principalmente pelos mecanismos acoplados de evaporação e transferência de calor por convecção, que são causados pelo escoamento do ar carregado de gotículas sub-resfriadas e pelo escoamento da água líquida residual. O modelo deverá estimar a distribuição de temperaturas de superfície e o coeficiente de transferência de calor com precisão ao uso em aplicações aeronáuticas. O presente trabalho implementou novos submodelos para: 1) estimar a molhabilidade da superfície do aerofólio por meio de um modelo matemático para caracterizar o escoamento da água líquida residual na padrão de filme e de filetes; 2) avaliar o comportamento dinâmico e térmico da camada-limite laminar e turbulenta por meio de análises integral e diferencial, que considera efeitos do gradiente de pressão, da transição laminar-turbulenta, da transpiração e da não uniformidade de temperatura da superfície e 3) estimar o início e o término da região de transição laminar-turbulenta. O presente trabalho seguiu um processo de desenvolvimento de código numérico que: verificou os resultados de cada submodelo separadamente para depois implementados no modelo do antigelo; validou os resultados da simulação de desempenho do sistema antigelo com os novos submodelos implementados. Os resultados obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios para o modelo do antigelo que utilizou os submodelos de ruptura de filme e formação de filetes pelo critério da Energia Mecânica Total Mínima, de camada-limite diferencial compressível e de previsão da transição laminar-turbulenta por correlações algébricas, que consideraram efeitos do gradiente de pressão e do nível de turbulência ao longe. / It is required to prevent ice accretion on wings and horizontal stabilizers because it may cause aerodynamic performance degradation, weight increase, flight control difficulties and, in critical cases, may lead to operational safety margins reduction. When aircraft flies through clouds containnig supercooled water droplets, which are in metastable equilibrium, ice will form in all non-protected surfaces. Usually, anti-ice protection systems are designed, developed and certified with a support from a numerical tool. The present describes the development and implementation of a mathematical model for prediction of heat and mass transfer in two-phase flow around airfoils, which are equipped with thermal anti-ice system and operating in steady state regime. Under icing conditions, it is necessary to heat and control the temperature of the airfoil surface at leading edge region to prevent ice formation. The heating system balances the evaporative cooling effects, which are caused by the coupled heat and mass convection transfer, imposed by the air flow loaded with supercooled water droplets and the runback water flow around the airfoil. The present work implemented submodels to: 1) estimate airfoil surface wetness factor by adopting a liquid water film flow model as well as a rivulet formation and flow model; 2) evaluate laminar and turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradient and laminar-turbulent transition over nonisothermal and permeable airfoil surface by implementing differential boundary layer analysis and 3) predict the onset position and length of laminar-turbulent transition region. The present paper followed a validation and verification process during the numerical code development. All sub-models results were verified separately against experimental data before their inclusion in anti-ice model.The results of anti-ice model with selected submodels were validated against reference cases. The results were considered suficiently accurate when solving the film breakdown and rivulets formation by total mechanical energy method, compressible boundary layer by differential analysis and laminar-turbulent transition prediction by algebraic correlations, which considered pressure gradient and freestream turbulence level.
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Modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de torres de resfriamento de água acopladas e estudo de casos. / Phenomenological modeling of performance of coupled water cooling towers and case studies.Lima Junior, Rafael Candido de 03 June 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de uma torre de resfriamento de água e de um sistema de duas torres de resfriamento em série, com temperatura de água de entrada de até 65 ºC. Verificou-se a validade do modelo através de comparação dos resultados previstos com os obtidos em ensaios em uma unidade piloto. Em seguida, através de simulação matemática, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, foi feito o estudo de diversos casos de aplicação. Estudou-se a influência das principais variáveis de operação (vazão de ar, vazão de água e temperatura de bulbo úmido) no desempenho de torres de resfriamento acopladas (em série e em paralelo) e no custo operacional. Verifica-se que a variável de maior influência é a vazão de água que circula pela torre. / This is a study about the phenomenological modeling of the performance of a water cooling tower and a system of two cooling towers in series, with water temperature input up to 65°C. The validity of model was verified by comparing the expected results with those obtained in tests on a pilot plant. After this, through a mathematical simulation, based on the model developed, several cases of application were analyzed. It was studied the influence of main operating variables (air flow, water flow and wet bulb temperature) on the performance of couples cooling towers (in series and parallel) and on operational cost. It was verified the most influential variable is the water flow rate through the tower.
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Modelagem e simulação da operação de sistema antigelo eletrotérmico de um aerofólio. / Modeling and simlulation of an electro-thermal airfoil anti-ice system operation.Silva, Guilherme Araújo Lima da 11 March 2002 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi implementado um modelo matemático para simular o sistema antigelo eletrotérmico de um aerofólio. Por meio do programa ONERA2D simulou-se o escoamento potencial completo com velocidade 44,7 m/s (100 mph) e 89,4 m/s (200 mph) em torno de um aerofólio perfil NACA0012 de corda 0,914 m (3 pés) com ângulo de ataque de 0°, e calculou-se a eficiência de coleta local de gotículas de água com diâmetro mediano volumétrico de 20 μm. Foram simuladas quatro condições de teste com diferentes distribuições de fluxo de calor nos aquecedores elétricos do sistema antigelo. O modelo previu a distribuição de temperaturas na superfície sólida do aerofólio e no filme de água líquida, e as distribuições de fluxo de água líquida sobre a superfície do aerofólio (\"runback water\") e de coeficiente de transferência de calor por convecção de calor entre a superfície do aerofólio e o escoamento gasoso. Os resultados da simulação obtidos com o modelo foram comparados com resultados experimentais da NASA e os resultados numéricos dos programas LEWICE/ANTICE (EUA) e CANICE (Canada). Para as regiões molhadas pelo filme de água líquida, obteve-se um desvio máximo de temperatura de 2,6°C entre os resultados do presente modelo e o resultados experimentais. Para as regiões secas, onde não existe o filme de água líquida sobre a superfície do aerofólio, obteve-se um desvio de máximo de temperatura de 8°C. As previsões para distribuição de vazão de \"runback\", posição do término do filme de água líquida foram comparadas com os resultados do programa LEWICE/ANTICE. O modelo desenvolvido simula com adequada aproximação os efeitos da transferência de calor e de massa por convecção entre a superfície não-isotérmica do aerofólio ou do filme de água líquida e o escoamento gasoso, bem como os efeitos da transição entre o escoamento laminar e o turbulento na camada limite dinâmica e térmica e ainda a influência do escoamento do filme de água líquida sobre o desempenho do sistema de antigelo do aerofólio. / An electro-thermal anti-ice system was simulated with a mathematical model developed in the present work. A 44.7 m/s (100 mph) and 89.4 m/s (200 mph) full potential flow around a 0.914 m (3 ft) chord NACA0012 airfoil with 0° angle of attack and the local water catch efficiency of 20 μm median volumetric diameter droplets impingement were calculated by the numerical code ONERA2D. Four test conditions were simulated with four different heat flux distributions of the anti-ice system according to the experimental work developed at NASA. The model predicted distributions of solid surface and liquid water film temperatures, runback water flow and convection heat transfer coefficient between airfoil or water surface and gaseous flow. The simulated results obtained by the mathematical model developed were compared to NASA experimental results and the ones predicted by the numerical codes LEWICE/ANTICE (US) and CANICE (Canada). For the regions wetted by the water film, the present model provided 2.6°C maximum temperature deviations between the predicted results and experimental data. For the dry regions, where there is no liquid water on the airfoil surface, an 8°C maximum temperature deviation was obtained. The runback flow and water film ending point position were compared to LEWICE/ANTICE numerical results. The developed model predicts adequately the convection heat and mass transfer effects between the non-isothermal airfoil or liquid water film surface and the gaseous flow, as well the effects of laminar to turbulent flow transition within dynamic and thermal boundary layer and the influence of the liquid water film flow on the anti-ice system performance.
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Mesoscale Interactions in Porous ElectrodesAashutosh Mistry (6630413) 11 June 2019 (has links)
Despite the central importance of porous electrodes to any advanced electrochemical system, there is no clear answer to “<i>How to make the best electrode</i>?”. The source of ambiguity lies in the incomplete understanding of convoluted material interactions at smaller – difficult to observe length and timescales. Such mesoscopic interactions, however, abide by the fundamental physical principles such as mass conservation. The porous electrodes are investigated in such a physics-based setting to comprehend the interplay among structural arrangement and off-equilibrium processes. As a result, a synergistic approach exploiting the complementary characteristics of controlled experiments and theoretical analysis emerges to allow mechanistic insights into the associated mesoscopic phenomena. The potential of this philosophy is presented by investigating three distinct electrochemical systems with their unique peculiarities.
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Stockage de chaleur dans l'habitat par sorption zéolite/H2O / Thermal storage for housing through zeolite/H2O sorptionMetchueng Kamdem, Syntia 09 June 2016 (has links)
Le couple zéolite/H2O, qui présente une densité énergétique importante et remplit les conditions d’innocuité requises pour un système de stockage de chaleur pour l’habitat, est mis en œuvre dans réacteur modulaire à lit fixe. Un modèle monodimensionnel de transferts couplés de masse et de chaleur dans un lit fixe de grains de zéolite parcourus par un flux d'air humide été élaboré. Ce dernier a été conçu de façon à pouvoir intégrer rapidement des données sur de nouvelles générations de matériaux et coupler le réacteur à d’autres modèles : bâtiment/sous-station/quartier. L'étape de validation expérimentale montre que le modèle permet une estimation satisfaisante de l'autonomie, la durée d'amorçage et la puissance moyenne fournie en phase de décharge ainsi que la durée de charge. Ce modèle est donc un bon outil de dimensionnement et de pilotage du réacteur. L'analyse de sensibilité a montré que l'amélioration des prévisions du modèle requiert une évaluation plus précise de la chaleur complémentaire de sorption et de la porosité du lit. Après avoir estimé les besoins de chauffage d'une maison BBC deux dimensionnements ont été proposés afin d'effacer soit l'hyper-pointe de 18h - 20h soit la semaine la plus froide. Si la première stratégie aboutit à un système de stockage plus compact, la seconde permet de réduire le nombre de cycles marche/arrêt. Pour un îlot de 50 maisons BBC, la notion de foisonnement est considérée lors de l'estimation des besoins en chauffage pendant la semaine la plus froide. La phase de charge du système de stockage se ferait par le biais de la chaleur fatale récupérée dans l'industrie. Pour des stratégies d'effacement similaires (semaine la plus froide en hiver), un volume équivalent de 544 litres par maison dans l'îlot suffit pour répondre aux besoins de chauffage à Nancy contre 580 litres pour une maison BBC seule. / Heat storage systems for residential house heating could contribute to smoothing the load curve and would help prevent the use of the most polluting power plants or electricity imports during consumption peaks. Thermochemical heat storage systems are suitable for the intended application since they have high energy densities and low thermal losses. This thesis focuses on the design of an adsorption heat storage system that would be used to shed the load curve of the heating device of a house or residential district during the winter peak consumption periods. The zeolite/H2O pair, which has interesting features such as a high energy density and meets the conditions of safety required for a heat storage system for housing, is implemented in a modular fixed bed reactor. A 1D pseudo-homogeneous model was developed in order to simulate the performance of a fixed bed of zeolite during the adsorption and desorption of water. The latter was designed so as to facilitate the integration of data on new generations of materials and model couplings. The need to obtain data on the sorption properties of the zeolite/H2O pair to have reliable simulation results has been demonstrated, particularly at low partial pressures of water vapor and under the operating conditions selected. The experimental validation phase shows that the pseudo-homogeneous model provides a satisfactory estimate of criteria such as the autonomy, the responsiveness and the average power delivered during the discharging phase and the charging time. The model is thus a good sizing and management tool of the reactor. A sensitivity analysis, with the method of Morris, showed that improved model estimates require a more accurate assessment of the additional heat of sorption and porosity of the bed. After assessing the heating needs of the LEB house with a thermal model of the latter in cold climate conditions, two heat storage reactors were sized in order to shed the heating system's load curve either between 6 and 8pm or during the coldest week of the year. While the first strategy results in a more compact storage system, the second makes it possible to reduce the number of on/off cycles. The need for predictive control for monitoring the storage system was highlighted. As for the residential district of 50 LEB houses, diversity is considered when estimating the heating needs of the latter during the coldest week in Nancy. The heat source during the charging phase of the container would be industrial waste heat. During the coldest week, two sizings are suggested. For similar load shedding strategies, the comparison of the equivalent storage volume per house in the district with the storage volume for a single house serves highlights the importance of taking into account diversity. In order to meet the heating needs in Nancy, an equivalent volume of 544 liters per house in the district is sufficient whereas 580 liters are needed for a LEB house.
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Effet des films liquides en évaporation / Effect of evaporating liquid filmsChauvet, Fabien 26 November 2009 (has links)
Ce travail est axé sur l'étude de l'évaporation lente d'un liquide confiné dans un tube capillaire de section carrée, en lien avec l'étude du phénomène de séchage. Dans un tel capillaire, si le liquide est suffisamment mouillant, des films liquides se forment par capillarité le long des coins internes. L'évaporation du liquide en sommet de film engendre un pompage capillaire et l'espèce volatile est alors transportée, sous phase liquide, au plus près du sommet du capillaire. Ce mode de transport dépend de la compétition entre les effets capillaires et les effets visqueux et de gravité qui s'opposent tous deux au mouvement du liquide vers le sommet du capillaire. Ces films liquides sont étudiés en adoptant une approche expérimentale. Le principe des expériences est de laisser un liquide volatil s'évaporer dans un tube capillaire carré. Plusieurs expériences d'évaporation sont réalisées en faisant varier la nature du liquide, la taille du capillaire et son orientation (horizontale et verticale). Une méthode de thermographie infra-rouge permet de mesurer le profil de température le long du capillaire. Le refroidissement induit par le changement de phase liquide-vapeur ainsi que sa position sont alors mesurables. A partir d'une méthode de visualisation par ombroscopie, plusieurs grandeurs sont mesurées : position du ménisque principal, taux d'évaporation et épaisseur relative des films. En s'appuyant sur une analyse simple du transfert de masse, on montre alors que les cinétiques d'évaporation obtenues expérimentalement se divisent en trois principales phases caractéristiques, ressemblant fortement aux trois périodes de la cinétique classique de séchage des milieux poreux capillaires. L'analyse de l'hydrodynamique des films montre qu'il est indispensable de prendre en compte l'arrondi interne des coins des capillaires dans la modélisation de l'écoulement au sein des films. On montre notamment que le phénomène étudié est très sensible à ce paramètre, qui limite l'extension des films. Ce travail expérimental a permis de développer une modélisation du transfert de masse dans la configuration étudiée, couplée à une modélisation de l'écoulement des films, et finalement de proposer un modèle de séchage d'un capillaire carré quantitativement satisfaisant. / In connection with the study of the phenomenon of drying, this work focuses on the study of slow evaporation of a liquid confined in a capillary of square cross section. In such a capillary, if the liquid wetting contact angle is low enough, liquid films are trapped by capillary forces along the capillary inside corners. Evaporation of the liquid at the film top creates a capillary pumping. The volatile species is then transported in liquid phase to the top of the capillary. This efficient mode of transport depends on the competition between the effects of capillarity and the effects of viscosity and gravity both opposing to the liquid flow towards the top of the capillary. In this work, the liquid films are studied experimentally.The principle of the experiments is to leave a volatile liquid evaporate in a square capillary tube. Several evaporation experiments are conducted, varying the liquid, the capillary tube size and its orientation (horizontal and vertical). An infrared thermography method allows to measure the temperature profile along the capillary. The cooling induced by the liquid-vapor phase change and its location is then measured. Owing to an ombroscopy visualization method, the location of the bulk meniscus, the evaporation rate and the relative thickness of the films can be measured. The experimental results show that the evaporation kinetics is similar to the drying kinetics of capillary porous media. This finding allows to study evaporation in a square capillary by analogy with the study of drying of capillary porous media. Based on a simple analysis of mass transfer in the system, it is then shown that the evaporation kinetics obtained experimentally can be divided into three main characteristic phases. The analysis of the hydrodynamic of the films shows that it is essential to take into account the roundeness of the capillary tube inside corners in the modelling of the flow in the films. We show that the phenomenon studied is very sensitive to the degree of roundedness of the tube internal corners, which limits the extension of the films. Modelling of the mass transfer coupled with modelling the film flow lead to a quantitatively satisfactory model of the drying of a square capillary tube.
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Modelagem e simulação da operação de sistema antigelo eletrotérmico de um aerofólio. / Modeling and simlulation of an electro-thermal airfoil anti-ice system operation.Guilherme Araújo Lima da Silva 11 March 2002 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi implementado um modelo matemático para simular o sistema antigelo eletrotérmico de um aerofólio. Por meio do programa ONERA2D simulou-se o escoamento potencial completo com velocidade 44,7 m/s (100 mph) e 89,4 m/s (200 mph) em torno de um aerofólio perfil NACA0012 de corda 0,914 m (3 pés) com ângulo de ataque de 0°, e calculou-se a eficiência de coleta local de gotículas de água com diâmetro mediano volumétrico de 20 μm. Foram simuladas quatro condições de teste com diferentes distribuições de fluxo de calor nos aquecedores elétricos do sistema antigelo. O modelo previu a distribuição de temperaturas na superfície sólida do aerofólio e no filme de água líquida, e as distribuições de fluxo de água líquida sobre a superfície do aerofólio (\"runback water\") e de coeficiente de transferência de calor por convecção de calor entre a superfície do aerofólio e o escoamento gasoso. Os resultados da simulação obtidos com o modelo foram comparados com resultados experimentais da NASA e os resultados numéricos dos programas LEWICE/ANTICE (EUA) e CANICE (Canada). Para as regiões molhadas pelo filme de água líquida, obteve-se um desvio máximo de temperatura de 2,6°C entre os resultados do presente modelo e o resultados experimentais. Para as regiões secas, onde não existe o filme de água líquida sobre a superfície do aerofólio, obteve-se um desvio de máximo de temperatura de 8°C. As previsões para distribuição de vazão de \"runback\", posição do término do filme de água líquida foram comparadas com os resultados do programa LEWICE/ANTICE. O modelo desenvolvido simula com adequada aproximação os efeitos da transferência de calor e de massa por convecção entre a superfície não-isotérmica do aerofólio ou do filme de água líquida e o escoamento gasoso, bem como os efeitos da transição entre o escoamento laminar e o turbulento na camada limite dinâmica e térmica e ainda a influência do escoamento do filme de água líquida sobre o desempenho do sistema de antigelo do aerofólio. / An electro-thermal anti-ice system was simulated with a mathematical model developed in the present work. A 44.7 m/s (100 mph) and 89.4 m/s (200 mph) full potential flow around a 0.914 m (3 ft) chord NACA0012 airfoil with 0° angle of attack and the local water catch efficiency of 20 μm median volumetric diameter droplets impingement were calculated by the numerical code ONERA2D. Four test conditions were simulated with four different heat flux distributions of the anti-ice system according to the experimental work developed at NASA. The model predicted distributions of solid surface and liquid water film temperatures, runback water flow and convection heat transfer coefficient between airfoil or water surface and gaseous flow. The simulated results obtained by the mathematical model developed were compared to NASA experimental results and the ones predicted by the numerical codes LEWICE/ANTICE (US) and CANICE (Canada). For the regions wetted by the water film, the present model provided 2.6°C maximum temperature deviations between the predicted results and experimental data. For the dry regions, where there is no liquid water on the airfoil surface, an 8°C maximum temperature deviation was obtained. The runback flow and water film ending point position were compared to LEWICE/ANTICE numerical results. The developed model predicts adequately the convection heat and mass transfer effects between the non-isothermal airfoil or liquid water film surface and the gaseous flow, as well the effects of laminar to turbulent flow transition within dynamic and thermal boundary layer and the influence of the liquid water film flow on the anti-ice system performance.
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Modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de torres de resfriamento de água acopladas e estudo de casos. / Phenomenological modeling of performance of coupled water cooling towers and case studies.Rafael Candido de Lima Junior 03 June 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizada a modelagem fenomenológica do desempenho de uma torre de resfriamento de água e de um sistema de duas torres de resfriamento em série, com temperatura de água de entrada de até 65 ºC. Verificou-se a validade do modelo através de comparação dos resultados previstos com os obtidos em ensaios em uma unidade piloto. Em seguida, através de simulação matemática, a partir do modelo desenvolvido, foi feito o estudo de diversos casos de aplicação. Estudou-se a influência das principais variáveis de operação (vazão de ar, vazão de água e temperatura de bulbo úmido) no desempenho de torres de resfriamento acopladas (em série e em paralelo) e no custo operacional. Verifica-se que a variável de maior influência é a vazão de água que circula pela torre. / This is a study about the phenomenological modeling of the performance of a water cooling tower and a system of two cooling towers in series, with water temperature input up to 65°C. The validity of model was verified by comparing the expected results with those obtained in tests on a pilot plant. After this, through a mathematical simulation, based on the model developed, several cases of application were analyzed. It was studied the influence of main operating variables (air flow, water flow and wet bulb temperature) on the performance of couples cooling towers (in series and parallel) and on operational cost. It was verified the most influential variable is the water flow rate through the tower.
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Estudo da dissolu??o de part?culas de NaCl em fluidos n?o-Newtonianos / Study of NaCl particles dissolve in non-Newtonian fluidsMENESES, Jo?o Pedro Chalfun Haouche 25 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-05T18:21:53Z
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2016 - Jo?o Pedro Chalfun Haouche Meneses.pdf: 6719960 bytes, checksum: ac9a27b5731b19e4693f71fae09adefe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T18:21:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016 - Jo?o Pedro Chalfun Haouche Meneses.pdf: 6719960 bytes, checksum: ac9a27b5731b19e4693f71fae09adefe (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-01-25 / Petrobras / The drilling of wells in salt layers faces major challenges in Brazil?s oil industry. Drilling in such layers requires the development of new technologies and operational procedures to make the process economically viable. One of the main problems is the dissolution of the salt layers in water-based drilling fluids. An uncontrolled dissolution presents a potential risk for the operation and can cause abrupt changes in the properties of the fluids. The main objective of this work was to study the effects of the dissolution of sodium chloride particles in non-Newtonian fluids containing xanthan gum. The study was divided into three parts, rheological experiments, kinetics experiments in a mixing tank and a mathematical modeling. The rheological experiments aimed at studies of the effect of the addition of saline particles on the rheology of non-Newtonian fluids, the effect of the concentration of suspended particles in the rheology of saturated fluids and the effect of the size of suspended particles in the rheology of saturated fluids. The Einstein equation was used to calculate the apparent viscosity of saturated fluids, taking into account the effect of the concentration of salt particles in suspension. The experiments in the mixing tank aimed at the study of the kinetics of dissolution with time in different operating conditions. Fluids were prepared using different concentrations of xanthan gum and different initial concentrations of sodium chloride. The effects of the viscosifier concentration and the initial concentration gradient were evaluated. A phenomenological model was used to represent the dissolution process, which provides the variation of the concentration of the fluid, the variation of the volume fraction of solids, the variation of the particles mean diameter and the variation of the interfacial mass transfer area as a function of time. In the rheology studies, it was verified that the addition of sodium chloride to the non-Newtonian fluid, in the studied conditions, increased the apparent viscosity of the solution. The increase of the concentration of suspended sodium chloride particles increased the apparent viscosity of the suspensions. The increase of the size of the suspended particles decreased the apparent viscosity of the suspension. Statistical tests were made in order to evaluate the statistical relevance of the performed studies. In the kinetics study, the convective mass transfer coefficient was estimated and simulations were made for the other variables of the process. The estimations showed that the xanthan gum concentration in the fluid and the initial sodium chloride concentration in the fluid affect the mass transfer coefficient. The average relative error observed for the simulations was 2,2%. / A perfura??o de po?os em camadas salinas enfrenta grandes desafios na ind?stria de petr?leo do Brasil. A perfura??o em tais camadas exige o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e procedimentos operacionais para tornar a perfura??o economicamente vi?vel. Um dos principais problemas enfrentados ? a dissolu??o das camadas de sais em fluidos de perfura??o base ?gua. Uma dissolu??o descontrolada apresenta um risco em potencial para a opera??o, podendo causar mudan?as bruscas nas propriedades dos fluidos. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar os efeitos da dissolu??o de part?culas de cloreto de s?dio em fluidos n?o-Newtonianos contendo goma xantana. O estudo foi dividido em tr?s partes, experimentos reol?gicos, experimentos de cin?tica em um tanque de mistura e modelagem matem?tica. Os experimentos reol?gicos tiveram como objetivo os estudos do efeito da adi??o de part?culas salinas na reologia de fluidos n?o-Newtonianos, do efeito da concentra??o de part?culas suspensas na reologia de fluidos saturados e do efeito do tamanho das part?culas suspensas na reologia de fluidos saturados. A equa??o de Einstein foi utilizada para calcular a viscosidade aparente dos fluidos saturados levando em conta o efeito da concentra??o de part?culas salinas em suspens?o. Os experimentos no tanque de mistura tiveram como objetivo o estudo da cin?tica de dissolu??o com o tempo em diferentes condi??es operacionais. Foram preparados fluidos com diferentes concentra??es de goma xantana e diferentes concentra??es iniciais de cloreto de s?dio. Foi analisado o efeito da concentra??o do viscosificante na cin?tica de dissolu??o bem como o efeito do gradiente de concentra??o inicial. Um modelo fenomenol?gico foi utilizado para representar o processo de dissolu??o, o qual prev? as varia??es da concentra??o do fluido, a varia??o da fra??o volum?trica de s?lidos, a varia??o do di?metro m?dio das part?culas e a varia??o da ?rea interfacial de transfer?ncia de massa em fun??o do tempo. Nos estudos de reologia, verificou-se que a adi??o de cloreto de s?dio ao fluido n?o-Newtoniano, nas condi??es estudadas, aumentou a viscosidade aparente da solu??o. O aumento da concentra??o de part?culas suspensas de cloreto de s?dio provocou um aumento na viscosidade aparente das suspens?es. O aumento do tamanho das part?culas suspensas de cloreto de s?dio diminuiu a viscosidade aparente da suspens?o. Testes estat?sticos foram feitos para analisar a relev?ncia estat?stica dos estudos realizados. No estudo da cin?tica, o coeficiente convectivo de transfer?ncia de massa foi estimado e simula??es foram feitas para as demais vari?veis do processo. As estima??es mostraram que a concentra??o de goma xantana no fluido e a concentra??o inicial de cloreto de s?dio no fluido influenciam o coeficiente de transfer?ncia de massa. O erro relativo m?dio simula??es observado para as simula??es foi de 2,2%.
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Local investigations of gas-liquid mass transfer around Taylor bubbles flowing in straight and meandering millimetric channels using a colorimetric method / Etudes locales par colorimétrie du transfert de matière gaz-liquide autour de bulles de Taylor en écoulement dans des canaux millimétriques droits et ondulésYang, Lixia 24 March 2017 (has links)
Les réacteurs-échangeurs à plaques (HEX) sont une technologie clé en intensification des procédés. Cependant, la plupart des recherches existantes portant sur ce type d'équipement ont été réalisées dans le cas d’écoulements monophasiques. Pour les réactions gaz-liquide, peu d'études ont été conduites. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier localement le transfert de matière gaz-liquide autour de bulles de Taylor en écoulement dans des canaux millimétriques droits et ondulés par une méthode dite colorimétrique. Ceci constitue une étape préliminaire indispensable avant la mise en œuvre de systèmes réactifs diphasiques. Il a d’abord déterminé si une possible accélération du transfert de matière gaz-liquide pouvait avoir lieu en présence de la réaction chimique utilisée. La deuxième phase de ce travail s’est focalisée sur l'étape de formation des bulles de Taylor dans un microréacteur. Ensuite, l'hydrodynamique gaz-liquide a été caractérisée et les effets des coudes sur le mécanisme de transfert de masse ont été étudiés localement dans un canal carré millimétrique ondulé. Enfin, une comparaison rigoureuse a pu être effectuée entre les différentes géométries de canaux (ondulé et droit). Elle a permis de montrer comment et pourquoi une géométrie ondulé permet d’intensifier le transfert de masse gaz-liquide (notamment en terme d’efficacité de transfert). L’ensemble de ces résultats ont conduit à la formulation une loi d'échelle, exprimée en termes de nombres de Sherwood, de Graetz et de Péclet, capable de décrire l'évolution du transfert de matière gaz-liquide en fonction de la position axiale dans le canal et des conditions opératoires mises en œuvre. / Compact Heat-EXchanger reactors (HEX) are an important part of process intensification technology. However, most of the existed research dealing with such type of equipment has been focused on the application of one-phase reactive flows. For gas-liquid reactions, few investigations have been out carried. This thesis aims at locally studying gas-liquid mass transfer around Taylor bubbles flowing in straight and meandering millimetric channels using a colorimetric method; this is a preliminary step essential before implementing two-phase reactive systems. Firstly, the occurrence of a possible enhancement of the gas-liquid mass transfer by the chemical reaction involved was investigated. Secondly, the gas-liquid mass transfer occurring in Taylor flows right after the bubble formation stage in a microreactor was studied. Thirdly, the gas-liquid hydrodynamics were characterized and the effects of bends on the mass transfer mechanism were locally investigated in a millimetric meandering channel. At last, a rigorous comparison could be made between the meandering and straight channels. It showed how and why the meandering geometry leads to intensify gas-liquid mass transfer. All these findings enabled to formulate a scaling law, expressed in terms of Sherwood, Graetz and Péclet numbers, able to describe the evolution of gas-liquid mass transfer as a function of axial position and operating conditions.
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