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Užitky fotbalového utkání pro diváky / The benefits of football match for spectatorsVeselý, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Title: The Benefits of football match for spectators Objectives: The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe and analyze the football match as a product that is offered to direct spectators at AC Sparta Prague stadium in the season 2010/2011 and then using marketing research determine their satisfaction with the benefits that football match brings them. Methods: In this thesis there was used three methods: the observation method, interview and the method of written questioning. Observation method was used to collect information during home matches of football club AC Sparta Prague, interview was used at the meeting with experts from the club and the method of written questioning was used to implement the questionnaire survey. Results: The results of the marketing research showed that spectators are satisfied with the benefits that club offers them and they don't see any major drawbacks. Nevertheless, the thesis attempts to outline some recommendations which should lead to improved spectators' comfort at the stadium and higher match attendance. Keywords: benefits of football match, AC Sparta Prague, sport product, marketing research
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Hodnocení vlivu podání na výsledky utkání v kvalifikaci na ME 2017 mužů ve volejbalu. / Evaluation of the impact of the filing on the match results in qualifying for ME 2017 men's volleyball.Dopita, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Title of the thesis Evaluation of the impact of service on the match result in qualification for Men's European Volleyball Championship 2017 Abstract The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of service on the match result in qualification for the 2017 Men's Volleyball European Championship, using indirect video monitoring, and trace the success rate and frequency of individual types of services. Our intention is to show the importance of this individual game activity in a match with our own method and through the interpretation of the acquired data help with the creation of training units in the training process. Key words: - volleyball - game performance - individual game activity - serve - success rate - match
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How teachers enact learning materials in the classroom to ensure effective teaching and learning process?Tsimane, Tebogo 22 May 2015 (has links)
The South African government spends huge sums of funds on schools with an aim to
redress past inequalities. Schools receive resource budget allocations to exclusively
procure learning materials to ensure that the government’s aim is realised. This study
examines availability and enactment of learning materials to enhance effective
curriculum delivery. Four township public ordinary primary schools participated in this study.
Focus was mainly on Grade 3 home language lessons. I used the case study methods to
interview one teacher from each school and scrutinized their documents to establish
what learning materials they have in their possession. Additionally I observed and
analysed three lessons per educator.
Analysis across the cases reveals different collections and variations in usage of learning
materials. The former covers the standard, mix and match, and limited collections.
Whereas the latter refers to the textbook bound, productive blend and the haphazard
approaches. Significantly, the study also explored principles in line with the “ideal
teacher”- under which desired results can be achieved.
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Kan revisorsassistenternas motivationsaspekter matchas med revisionsbyråns arbetssätt? : En kvalitativ studie för att förstå om revisionsbyrån kan påverka den oönskade personalomsättningen / Could the audit assistants´ motivational aspects be matched against the audit firms working methods? : A qualitative study to understand if the audit firm can affect the unwanted employee turnoverNilsson, Linda, Martinsson, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Personalomsättning är ett omtalat ämne i många organisationer och branscher. En låg nivå av personalomsättning är positivt för organisationen medan en hög nivå leder till stora kostnader. En hög nivå av personalomsättning, oönskad personalomsättning, är ett aktuellt ämne inom revisionsbranschen. Drygt hälften av alla revisorsassistenter lämnar yrket inom tre år vilket gör att revisionsbyrån förlorar humankapital som innebär stora kostnader för byrån. Tidigare forskning undersöker problemet med den oönskade personalomsättningen i revisionsbranschen med fokus på vilka motivationsfaktorer som är avgörande för att assistenterna slutar. Syftet med studien är att förstå om revisionsbyrån arbetar på ett sätt som matchar vad revisorsassistenterna motiveras av för att stanna kvar på byrån. Matchningen bidrar till en bättre förståelse för hur revisionsbyrån kan minska den oönskade personalomsättningen. Med hjälp av motivationsteori och tidigare forskning har fyra kategorier av motivationsaspekter valts ut. Personal-organization fit teori och teori om förväntningsgap är grund för att kunna identifiera en matchning eller förväntningsgap mellan vad assistenterna motiveras av och byråns arbetssätt. Motivationsaspekterna illustreras i en framtagen modell. Modellen illustrerar även om det föreligger matchning eller förväntningsgap. För att få en djup förståelse har vi använt semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorsassistenter och gruppchefer. Från det empiriska materialet tillkommer en kategori av motivationsaspekter, variation. Det är även tydligt att motivationsaspekterna motiverar assistenterna olika mycket. Slutsatsen i studien är att byrån bör fortsätta arbeta med att motivera revisorsassistenterna så individanpassat som möjligt. Byrån bör även fokusera på finansiella belöningar. Vår tolkning är att revisionsbyrån genom detta lyckas minska den oönskade personalomsättningen.
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Identificação e análise de padrões de circulação de bola no futebol / Identification and analysis of ball circulation patterns in footballSeabra, Fernando 12 April 2010 (has links)
A análise de jogo é uma área de recente história acadêmica na qual ainda predominam investigações de caráter exploratório, o que se pode observar na literatura pela grande variedade de abordagens adotadas. Nesse trabalho é apresentada uma metodologia fundamentada na representação do status da relação de oposição entre as equipes para o estudo da circulação da bola em diferentes situações da fase ofensiva. Essa representação contemplou parâmetros essenciais das situações de jogo: as condições espaciais, temporais e técnico-táticas das ações ofensivas. A principal referência espacial utilizada foi o conceito de espaço de ocupação defensiva (EOD). A dinâmica das situações foi apreendida mediante a ordenação temporal das ações permitindo identificar encadeamentos de ações ofensivas espaço temporalmente estruturadas na forma de padrões. Esses padrões foram pré-concebidos para atender às diferentes possibilidades de circulação da bola em relação ao EOD. Uma analise das características da circulação da bola na fase ofensiva em equipes européias de altíssimo nível competitivo foi realizada como forma de explorar as potencialidades e limitações dessa metodologia / Match analysis is a recent academic research field in which exploratory investigations still predominate. One can see that in literature by the broad range of adopted approaches. In this work is presented a methodology grounded in the representation of oppositional relation status to the study of ball circulation in different situations of offensive phase. This representation considered essential parameters of match situations: spatial, temporal and technical-tactical conditions of offensive actions. The main spatial reference adopted was the concept of space of defensive occupation (SDO). The situations dynamics was captured trough the temporal ordering of actions allowing the recognition of chains of offensive actions spacetemporally structured in form of patterns. These patterns were pre-conceived to encompass the possible different ways of ball circulation in relation to the SDO. An analysis of ball circulation characteristics in the offensive phase of very high level European teams was conducted to explore the potentialities and limitations of this methodology
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Análise do jogo de futebol por sistemas dinâmicos categóricos / Soccer match analysis by categorical dynamic systemsDrezner, Rene 08 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de elaborar um modelo de análise do jogo de futebol baseado em uma referência dinâmica de descrição do jogo. A elaboração deste modelo foi feita com base no modelo semântico de Lamas (2012) e na linguagem de descrição dos eventos de Seabra (2010). A partir da proposta de Lamas (2012) foi elaborado um modelo com maior resolução conceitual inspirado na categorização de tarefas de Bayer (1986), específico ao jogo de futebol. Depois disso, este modelo com maior resolução conceitual foi adaptado à linguagem de descrição dos eventos de Seabra (2010). Com o modelo adaptado foram elaboradas categorias de segmentos (classes de dinâmicas) a partir da decomposição do jogo em segmentos elementares e posterior reagrupamento destes em classes maiores que representam as transições entre as fases do modelo. A frequência de ocorrência destes segmentos foi o objeto de análise. Foram criadas três tipos de comparações entre classes a partir das frequências: classes principais, subclasses de penetração e subclasses de penetração que resultam em finalização. A aplicação do modelo na mesma unidade amostral de Seabra (2010) demonstrou que as classes de comparação são eficientes na discriminação da forma de jogar das equipes. Entretanto, o modelo final apresenta ainda muitas simplificações que diminuem seu potencial descritivo. Em virtude disto, ainda é necessário aprimora-lo para potencializar a descrição dos eventos jogo / The aim of this study was to create model soccer analysis based dynamic model. The preparation this model was based on semantic model of Lamas (2012) and events description language of Seabra (2010). A model with greater resolution inspired by the conceptual categorization tasks of Bayer (1986), specific to soccer game was elaborated from semantic model of Lamas (2012). After that, this conceptual model with higher resolution was adapted to events description language of Seabra (2010). From the adapted model, categories of segments (dynamic classes) were created from the decomposition of the game in elementary segments and subsequent reunification of these segments into larger segments classes that represent the transitions between the stages of the model. The frequency of these class was the central point of analyze. It was create three types of comparisons from class\' frequencies: main classes, penetration subclasses and finalization subclasses penetration. The application gave strong indications that the classes should be efficient in predicting the form of the teams playing. However, the final model has many simplifications that reduce its descriptive potential. For this reason, it is still necessary to improve the model to enhance the description of the game events
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Análise do jogo de futebol por sistemas dinâmicos categóricos / Soccer match analysis by categorical dynamic systemsRene Drezner 08 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de elaborar um modelo de análise do jogo de futebol baseado em uma referência dinâmica de descrição do jogo. A elaboração deste modelo foi feita com base no modelo semântico de Lamas (2012) e na linguagem de descrição dos eventos de Seabra (2010). A partir da proposta de Lamas (2012) foi elaborado um modelo com maior resolução conceitual inspirado na categorização de tarefas de Bayer (1986), específico ao jogo de futebol. Depois disso, este modelo com maior resolução conceitual foi adaptado à linguagem de descrição dos eventos de Seabra (2010). Com o modelo adaptado foram elaboradas categorias de segmentos (classes de dinâmicas) a partir da decomposição do jogo em segmentos elementares e posterior reagrupamento destes em classes maiores que representam as transições entre as fases do modelo. A frequência de ocorrência destes segmentos foi o objeto de análise. Foram criadas três tipos de comparações entre classes a partir das frequências: classes principais, subclasses de penetração e subclasses de penetração que resultam em finalização. A aplicação do modelo na mesma unidade amostral de Seabra (2010) demonstrou que as classes de comparação são eficientes na discriminação da forma de jogar das equipes. Entretanto, o modelo final apresenta ainda muitas simplificações que diminuem seu potencial descritivo. Em virtude disto, ainda é necessário aprimora-lo para potencializar a descrição dos eventos jogo / The aim of this study was to create model soccer analysis based dynamic model. The preparation this model was based on semantic model of Lamas (2012) and events description language of Seabra (2010). A model with greater resolution inspired by the conceptual categorization tasks of Bayer (1986), specific to soccer game was elaborated from semantic model of Lamas (2012). After that, this conceptual model with higher resolution was adapted to events description language of Seabra (2010). From the adapted model, categories of segments (dynamic classes) were created from the decomposition of the game in elementary segments and subsequent reunification of these segments into larger segments classes that represent the transitions between the stages of the model. The frequency of these class was the central point of analyze. It was create three types of comparisons from class\' frequencies: main classes, penetration subclasses and finalization subclasses penetration. The application gave strong indications that the classes should be efficient in predicting the form of the teams playing. However, the final model has many simplifications that reduce its descriptive potential. For this reason, it is still necessary to improve the model to enhance the description of the game events
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The phase-out of the nuclear family? : empirical studies on the economics and structure of modern Swedish familiesNorberg-Schönfeldt, Magdalena January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis consists of three papers on the economics and structure of Swedish families.</p><p>Paper [I] examines the determinants of children’s educational achievement in Sweden. Special attention is given to the labour market work by mothers and fa-thers in terms of its influence on the educational outcome of their children, measured as grade point average (GPA) in compulsory as well as upper secon-dary school. The results show that there is a positive relationship between paren-tal income and GPA. Regarding the number of hours worked in the labour mar-ket, the results differ between mothers and fathers. Having a mother that works less than full time has positive effects on the child’s grades throughout the schooling of the child, whereas significant effects of the hours of work that the father puts in are found during upper secondary school only.</p><p>Paper [II] explores the role of financial surprises and match quality in the disso-lution of relationships. The analysis is carried out both for surprises in the short term earnings and surprises in the long-run earnings capacity. It is found that positive surprises in short term earnings have a destabilizing effect for a rela-tionship. Generally, a negative surprise in long-run earnings capacity for males has a destabilizing effect. However, if it is combined with a female positive sur-prise, the effect is stabilizing. Commitments become more stable the older the spouses are at the start, and if young children are present.</p><p>Paper [III] studies the role of unemployment in the dissolution of relationships by applying a two-step estimation method to an extensive data set, which con-tains information about young Swedish males and females. Unemployment is recognized as endogenous in the separation decision, and the results show that the effect of unemployment on separation is biased when unemployment is as-sumed to be exogenous in the separation equation. The probability of separation is found to be increasing with male unemployment, while female unemployment decreases the probability of dissolution.</p>
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Numerisk modell för global transport av spårämnen i atmosfären / Numerical model for global transport of tracersRietz, Andreas January 1999 (has links)
<p>The aim of this project was to develop a numerical model simulating the global transport of air pollution. The model currently used by SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, was intended to perform such simulations at regional scales. However, the usage of a grid based on longitudes and latitudes makes this model work poorly in global simulations. The problem with this grid is that the nodes are concentrated near the North and South Poles. Due to this characteristic, the Courant, Friedrich and Lewy-condition for numerical stability puts a sharp bound on the timestep length. In order to keep the transport algorithms stable, the timestep length has to be very small.</p><p>To avoid too short timesteps, we adopted a new kind of grid. In principle, we defined the global grid on the surface of a cube. By replacing straight lines on the cube with great circles we took the curvature of the Earth into account. The result was almost equal distances between the nodes, and thus we were able to use an acceptable timestep length.</p> / <p>Målet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en datormodell för global transportsimulering av luftföroreningar. Den modell som hittills använts av SMHI, Sveriges meterologiska och hydrologiska institut, utvecklades för att göra transportsimuleringar över begränsade områden. Detta innebar att ett gitter baserat på latituder och longituder kunde utnyttjas. Problemet som uppkommer då detta gitter används i globala simuleringar är att noderna ligger alltför tätt i närheten av polerna. Enligt CFL-villkoret för numerisk stabilitet så kommer då de numeriska algoritmer som simulerar vindtransport att bli instabila i polarområdena om inte tidssteglängden görs mycket liten.</p><p>För att undvika en alltför kort tidssteglängd så har vi i detta projekt begagnat oss av ett nytt slags gitter. Grundideen bakom det nya gittret var att utgå från en numerisk metod definierad på en kub. För att tillämpa metoden på en sfär så ersatte vi kubens räta linjer med storcirklar till sfären. Resultatet blev en någorlunda jämn geografisk spridning av beräkningsnoderna, vilket innebar att en godtagbar tidssteglängd kunde användas.</p>
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The phase-out of the nuclear family? : empirical studies on the economics and structure of modern Swedish familiesNorberg-Schönfeldt, Magdalena January 2007 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers on the economics and structure of Swedish families. Paper [I] examines the determinants of children’s educational achievement in Sweden. Special attention is given to the labour market work by mothers and fa-thers in terms of its influence on the educational outcome of their children, measured as grade point average (GPA) in compulsory as well as upper secon-dary school. The results show that there is a positive relationship between paren-tal income and GPA. Regarding the number of hours worked in the labour mar-ket, the results differ between mothers and fathers. Having a mother that works less than full time has positive effects on the child’s grades throughout the schooling of the child, whereas significant effects of the hours of work that the father puts in are found during upper secondary school only. Paper [II] explores the role of financial surprises and match quality in the disso-lution of relationships. The analysis is carried out both for surprises in the short term earnings and surprises in the long-run earnings capacity. It is found that positive surprises in short term earnings have a destabilizing effect for a rela-tionship. Generally, a negative surprise in long-run earnings capacity for males has a destabilizing effect. However, if it is combined with a female positive sur-prise, the effect is stabilizing. Commitments become more stable the older the spouses are at the start, and if young children are present. Paper [III] studies the role of unemployment in the dissolution of relationships by applying a two-step estimation method to an extensive data set, which con-tains information about young Swedish males and females. Unemployment is recognized as endogenous in the separation decision, and the results show that the effect of unemployment on separation is biased when unemployment is as-sumed to be exogenous in the separation equation. The probability of separation is found to be increasing with male unemployment, while female unemployment decreases the probability of dissolution.
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