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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Image versus Position: Canada as a Potential Destination for Mainland Chinese

Zou, Pengbo January 2007 (has links)
The potential of the Chinese outbound tourism market is substantial; however, research on this market to Canada is limited. This may be due, in part, to the lack of Approved Destination Status (ADS). This study examined the possible perceived image of Canada obtained by potential Chinese tourists, and to compare to the marketing position of Canada by CTC China Division-in effect, to conduct a product-market match between two concepts. Content analysis and an importance and performance analysis were used in the study. A questionnaire distributed at the Beijing Capital International Airport solicited perceptions of tourism in Canada, importance of selected attributes in travel decision making, performance of selected attributes on Canada, and trip preferences. The marketing position of Canada was examined through a content analysis of the promotional materials circulated from CTC China Division in Beijing, China. The coherences and gaps between perceived image of Canada and marketing position of Canada provide some marketing implications. This study concludes that the general tourism image of Canada is vague but positive, which is probably derived from the historically favorable image of Canada in china. Potential Chinese tourists had little knowledge on specific tourism sights; however, they recognized star attractions of Vancouver, Niagara Falls, and Toronto. Potential Chinese tourists prefer slow-paced trips; group tours; two weeks in length; in fall season; featuring mid-budget accommodation, preferably bed-and-breakfasts; on motor coach; visiting nature based sights at majority; and providing foods of various cultures. The current marketing position of Canada reflected through promotional materials by CTC and its partners has coherences in promoting tourism attractions in Canada to the image of Canada. Gaps exist on the promotion of travel issues and unconventional attractions, which inspires the marketing implications. Promotional resources should be allocate to unconventional tourism attractions with consideration rather than the presence of Chinese and mandarin speaking environment in Canada because of Chinese tourists’ demand for culture diversity. Promotion should include more information about travel expense and visas to establish reasonable consumer expectations.

Diferencias técnicas y tácticas entre ganadores y perdedores en rugby internacional masculino

Villarejo García, Diego Hernán 25 June 2012 (has links)
Con el fin de mejorar el entrenamiento de aquellos aspectos técnicos y tácticos que contribuyen al rendimiento deportivo se planteó esta tesis doctoral. Su objetivo general fue describir las diferencias técnico y tácticas entre ganadores y perdedores en rugby internacional masculino. Para responder a ello se plantearon cuatro estudios basados en la metodología observacional, cubriendo un gran espectro de herramientas propias de esta metodología. De forma general los resultados más importantes han encontrado diferencias a favor de los ganadores en: las fases de conquista del balón, fases de lanzamiento; y en la utilización del balón. Los perdedores muestran mayor cantidad de fases dinámicas y de reagrupamiento. Estas diferencias se dan en al análisis colectivo e individual. / To this end and in order to improve the training of technical and tactical aspects that contribute to athletic performance raised this dissertation. Its overall objective was to describe the technical and tactical differences between winners and losers in international rugby men. To answer this basis of four studies based on observational methodology, covering a wide spectrum of tools of this methodology. In general the results the most important results have found differences in favor of the winners: the phases of conquest of the ball, launch stages, and the use of the ball. The losers showed most dynamic phase of reunification, These differences occur in the collective and individual analysis.

Image versus Position: Canada as a Potential Destination for Mainland Chinese

Zou, Pengbo January 2007 (has links)
The potential of the Chinese outbound tourism market is substantial; however, research on this market to Canada is limited. This may be due, in part, to the lack of Approved Destination Status (ADS). This study examined the possible perceived image of Canada obtained by potential Chinese tourists, and to compare to the marketing position of Canada by CTC China Division-in effect, to conduct a product-market match between two concepts. Content analysis and an importance and performance analysis were used in the study. A questionnaire distributed at the Beijing Capital International Airport solicited perceptions of tourism in Canada, importance of selected attributes in travel decision making, performance of selected attributes on Canada, and trip preferences. The marketing position of Canada was examined through a content analysis of the promotional materials circulated from CTC China Division in Beijing, China. The coherences and gaps between perceived image of Canada and marketing position of Canada provide some marketing implications. This study concludes that the general tourism image of Canada is vague but positive, which is probably derived from the historically favorable image of Canada in china. Potential Chinese tourists had little knowledge on specific tourism sights; however, they recognized star attractions of Vancouver, Niagara Falls, and Toronto. Potential Chinese tourists prefer slow-paced trips; group tours; two weeks in length; in fall season; featuring mid-budget accommodation, preferably bed-and-breakfasts; on motor coach; visiting nature based sights at majority; and providing foods of various cultures. The current marketing position of Canada reflected through promotional materials by CTC and its partners has coherences in promoting tourism attractions in Canada to the image of Canada. Gaps exist on the promotion of travel issues and unconventional attractions, which inspires the marketing implications. Promotional resources should be allocate to unconventional tourism attractions with consideration rather than the presence of Chinese and mandarin speaking environment in Canada because of Chinese tourists’ demand for culture diversity. Promotion should include more information about travel expense and visas to establish reasonable consumer expectations.

Numerisk modell för global transport av spårämnen i atmosfären / Numerical model for global transport of tracers

Rietz, Andreas January 1999 (has links)
The aim of this project was to develop a numerical model simulating the global transport of air pollution. The model currently used by SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, was intended to perform such simulations at regional scales. However, the usage of a grid based on longitudes and latitudes makes this model work poorly in global simulations. The problem with this grid is that the nodes are concentrated near the North and South Poles. Due to this characteristic, the Courant, Friedrich and Lewy-condition for numerical stability puts a sharp bound on the timestep length. In order to keep the transport algorithms stable, the timestep length has to be very small. To avoid too short timesteps, we adopted a new kind of grid. In principle, we defined the global grid on the surface of a cube. By replacing straight lines on the cube with great circles we took the curvature of the Earth into account. The result was almost equal distances between the nodes, and thus we were able to use an acceptable timestep length. / Målet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en datormodell för global transportsimulering av luftföroreningar. Den modell som hittills använts av SMHI, Sveriges meterologiska och hydrologiska institut, utvecklades för att göra transportsimuleringar över begränsade områden. Detta innebar att ett gitter baserat på latituder och longituder kunde utnyttjas. Problemet som uppkommer då detta gitter används i globala simuleringar är att noderna ligger alltför tätt i närheten av polerna. Enligt CFL-villkoret för numerisk stabilitet så kommer då de numeriska algoritmer som simulerar vindtransport att bli instabila i polarområdena om inte tidssteglängden görs mycket liten. För att undvika en alltför kort tidssteglängd så har vi i detta projekt begagnat oss av ett nytt slags gitter. Grundideen bakom det nya gittret var att utgå från en numerisk metod definierad på en kub. För att tillämpa metoden på en sfär så ersatte vi kubens räta linjer med storcirklar till sfären. Resultatet blev en någorlunda jämn geografisk spridning av beräkningsnoderna, vilket innebar att en godtagbar tidssteglängd kunde användas.

Adaptive Resource Management Schemes for Web Services

Lee, Heung Ki 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Web cluster systems provide cost-effective solutions when scalable and reliable web services are required. However, as the number of servers in web cluster systems increase, web cluster systems incur long and unpredictable delays to manage servers. This study presents the efficient management schemes for web cluster systems. First of all, we propose an efficient request distribution scheme in web cluster systems. Distributor-based systems forward user requests to a balanced set of waiting servers in complete transparency to the users. The policy employed in forwarding requests from the frontend distributor to the backend servers plays an important role in the overall system performance. In this study, we present a proactive request distribution (ProRD) to provide an intelligent distribution at the distributor. Second, we propose the heuristic memory management schemes through a web prefetching scheme. For this study, we design a Double Prediction-by-Partial-Match Scheme (DPS) that can be adapted to the modern web frameworks. In addition, we present an Adaptive Rate Controller (ARC) to determine the prefetch rate depending on the memory status dynamically. For evaluating the prefetch gain in a server node, we implement an Apache module. Lastly, we design an adaptive web streaming system in wireless networks. The rapid growth of new wireless and mobile devices accessing the internet has contributed to a whole new level of heterogeneity in web streaming systems. Particularly, in-home networks have also increased in heterogeneity by using various devices such as laptops, cell phone and PDAs. In our study, a set-top box(STB) is the access pointer between the internet and a home network. We design an ActiveSTB which has a capability of buffering and quality adaptation based on the estimation for the available bandwidth in the wireless LAN.

Large Scale SLAM in an Urban Environment

Granström, Karl, Callmer, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping SLAM-problemet är ett robotikproblem som består av att låta en robot kartlägga ett tidigare okänt område, och samtidigt lokalisera sig i den skapade kartan. Det här exjobbet presenterar ett försök till en lösning på SLAM-problemet som fungerar i konstant tid i en urban miljö. En sådan lösning måste hantera en datamängd som ständigt ökar, utan att beräkningskomplexiteten ökar signifikant.</p><p>Ett informationsfilter på fördröjd tillståndsform används för estimering av robotens trajektoria, och kamera och laseravståndssensorer används för att samla spatial information om omgivningarna längs färdvägen. Två olika metoder för att detektera loopslutningar föreslås. Den första är bildbaserad och använder Tree of Words för jämförelse av bilder. Den andra metoden är laserbaserad och använder en tränad klassificerare för att jämföra laserscans. När två posar, position och riktning, kopplats samman i en loopslutning beräknas den relativa posen med laserscansinriktning med hjälp av en kombination av Conditional Random Field-Match och Iterative Closest Point.</p><p>Experiment visar att både bild- och laserscansbaserad loopslutningsdetektion fungerar bra i stadsmiljö, och resulterar i good estimering av kartan såväl som robotens trajektoria.</p> / <p>In robotics, the Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping SLAM problem consists of letting a robot map a previously unknown environment, while simultaneously localising the robot in the same map. In this thesis, an attempt to solve the SLAM problem in constant time in a complex environment, such as a suburban area, is made. Such a solution must handle increasing amounts of data without significant increase in computation time.</p><p>A delayed state information filter is used to estimate the robot's trajectory, and camera and laser range sensors are used to acquire spatial information about the environment along the trajectory. Two approaches to loop closure detection are proposed. The first is image based using Tree of Words for image comparison. The second is laser based using a trained classifier for laser scan comparison. The relative pose, the difference in position and heading, of two poses matched in loop closure is calculated with laser scan alignment using a combination of Conditional Random Field-Match and Iterative Closest Point.</p><p>Experiments show that both image and laser based loop closure detection works well in a suburban area, and results in good estimation of the map as well as the robot's trajectory.</p>

Διαχείριση ασφάλειας αθλητικών γεγονότων

Νταλαχάνης, Ιωάννης 27 April 2015 (has links)
Η έρευνα που ακολουθεί έχει ως σκοπό να διερευνήσει την σαφήνεια των αρμοδιοτήτων, το εύρος της συνεργασίας και του συντονισμού των εμπλεκόμενων φορέων στην ασφάλεια αθλητικών ποδοσφαιρικών εκδηλώσεων στην Ελλάδα. Επιπρόσθετα, επιδιώκει να προσδιορίσει κατά πόσο τα θεσμοθετημένα μέτρα ασφάλειας που ισχύουν και εφαρμόζονται στα πρωταθλήματα ποδοσφαίρου με επαγγελματικά αθλητικά σωματεία είναι επαρκή. Επίσης, επιχειρεί να αξιολογήσει τις παραμέτρους εκείνες που λαμβάνονται υπόψη στον επιχειρησιακό σχεδιασμό ενός αθλητικού γεγονότος, τα υπάρχοντα επιχειρησιακά σχέδια που προβλέπονται σε μια αθλητική εκδήλωση σύμφωνα με Ενιαίο Κανονισμό Ασφαλείας, αλλά και να διαπιστώσει την λειτουργικότητα των αθλητικών εγκαταστάσεων. / The survey below is designed to explore the clarity of responsibilities, the scope of cooperation and coordination between stakeholders in the sports concerning safety of football events in Greece. Additionally seeks to determine whether the statutory security measures in force and applied in leagues with professional clubs is sufficient. It also attempts to evaluate the parameters taken into account in the operational planning of a sporting event, the existing operational plans under a sporting event in accordance with Uniform Rules Security, but also to determine the functionality of sports facilities.

Large Scale SLAM in an Urban Environment

Granström, Karl, Callmer, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping SLAM-problemet är ett robotikproblem som består av att låta en robot kartlägga ett tidigare okänt område, och samtidigt lokalisera sig i den skapade kartan. Det här exjobbet presenterar ett försök till en lösning på SLAM-problemet som fungerar i konstant tid i en urban miljö. En sådan lösning måste hantera en datamängd som ständigt ökar, utan att beräkningskomplexiteten ökar signifikant. Ett informationsfilter på fördröjd tillståndsform används för estimering av robotens trajektoria, och kamera och laseravståndssensorer används för att samla spatial information om omgivningarna längs färdvägen. Två olika metoder för att detektera loopslutningar föreslås. Den första är bildbaserad och använder Tree of Words för jämförelse av bilder. Den andra metoden är laserbaserad och använder en tränad klassificerare för att jämföra laserscans. När två posar, position och riktning, kopplats samman i en loopslutning beräknas den relativa posen med laserscansinriktning med hjälp av en kombination av Conditional Random Field-Match och Iterative Closest Point. Experiment visar att både bild- och laserscansbaserad loopslutningsdetektion fungerar bra i stadsmiljö, och resulterar i good estimering av kartan såväl som robotens trajektoria. / In robotics, the Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping SLAM problem consists of letting a robot map a previously unknown environment, while simultaneously localising the robot in the same map. In this thesis, an attempt to solve the SLAM problem in constant time in a complex environment, such as a suburban area, is made. Such a solution must handle increasing amounts of data without significant increase in computation time. A delayed state information filter is used to estimate the robot's trajectory, and camera and laser range sensors are used to acquire spatial information about the environment along the trajectory. Two approaches to loop closure detection are proposed. The first is image based using Tree of Words for image comparison. The second is laser based using a trained classifier for laser scan comparison. The relative pose, the difference in position and heading, of two poses matched in loop closure is calculated with laser scan alignment using a combination of Conditional Random Field-Match and Iterative Closest Point. Experiments show that both image and laser based loop closure detection works well in a suburban area, and results in good estimation of the map as well as the robot's trajectory.

Autonomous Mapping and Exploration of Dynamic Indoor Environments / Autonom kartläggning och utforskning av dynamiska inomhusmiljöer

Fåk, Joel, Wilkinson, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes all the necessary parts needed to build a complete system for autonomous indoor mapping in 3D. The robotic platform used is a two-wheeled Segway, operating in a planar environment. This, together with wheel odometers, an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), two Microsoft Kinects and a laptop comprise the backbone of the system, which can be divided into three parts: The localization and mapping part, which fundamentally is a SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) algorithm implemented using the registration technique Iterative Closest Point (ICP). Along with the map being in 3D, it also designed to handle the mapping of dynamic scenes, something absent from the standard SLAM design. The planning used by the system is twofold. First, the path planning - finding a path from the current position to a destination - and second, the target planning - determining where to go next given the current state of the map and the robot. The third part of the system is the control and collision systems, which while they have not received much focus, are very necessary for a fully autonomous system. Contributions made by this thesis include: The 3D map framework Octomap is extended to handle the mapping of dynamic scenes; A new method for target planning, based on image processing is presented; A calibration procedure for the robot is derived that gives a full six degree of freedom pose for each Kinect. Results show that our calibration procedure produces an accurate pose for each Kinect, which is crucial for a functioning system. The dynamic mapping is shown to outperform the standard occupancy grid in fundamental situations that arise when mapping dynamic scenes. Additionally, the results indicate that the target planning algorithm provides a fast and easy way to plan new target destinations. Finally, the entire system’s autonomous mapping capabilities are evaluated together, producing promising results. However, it also highlights some problems that limit the system’s performance such as the inaccuracy and short range of the Kinects or noise added and reinforced by the multiple subsystems / Detta exjobb beskriver delarna som krävs för att för bygga ett komplett system som autonomt kartlägger inomhusmiljöer i tre dimensioner. Robotplattformen är en Segway, som är kapabel att röra sig i ett plan. Segwayn, tillsammans med en tröghetssensor, två Microsoft Kinects och en bärbar dator utgör grunden till systemet, som kan delas i tre delar: En lokaliserings- och karteringsdel, som i grunden är en SLAM-algoritm (simultan lokalisering och kartläggning)  baserad på registreringsmetoden Iterative Closest Point (ICP). Kartan som byggs upp är i tre dimensioner och ska dessutom hantera kartläggningen av dynamiska miljöer, något som orginalforumleringen av SLAM problemet inte klarar av. En automatisk planeringsdel, som består av två delar. Dels ruttplanering som går ut på att hitta en väg från sin nuvarande position till det valda målet och dels målplanering som innebär att välja ett mål att åka till givet den nuvarande kartan och robotens nuvarande position. Systemets tredje del är regler- och kollisionssystemen. Dessa system har inte varit i fokus i detta arbete, men de är ändå högst nödvändiga för att ett autonomt system skall fungera. Detta examensarbete bidrar med följande: Octomap, ett ramverk för kartläggningen i 3D, har utökats för att hantera kartläggningen av dynamiska miljöer; En ny metod för målplanering, baserad på bildbehandling läggs fram; En kalibreringsprocedur för roboten är framtagen som ger den fullständiga posen i förhållande till roboten för varje Kinect. Resultaten visar att vår kalibreringsprocedur ger en nogrann pose for för varje Kinect, vilket är avgörande för att systemet ska fungera. Metoden för kartläggningen av dynamiska miljöer visas prestera bra i grundläggande situationer som uppstår vid kartläggning av dynamiska miljöer. Vidare visas att målplaneringsalgoritmen ger ett snabbt och enkelt sätt att planera mål att åka till. Slutligen utvärderas hela systemets autonoma kartläggningsförmåga, som ger lovande resultat. Dock lyfter resultat även fram problem som begränsar systemets prestanda, till exempel Kinectens onoggranhet och korta räckvidd samt brus som läggs till och förstärks av de olika subsystemen.

Fotbollsmatcher för hela slanten : En eventstudie om hur klubbars matchprestationer påverkar aktiekursen / Football matches for every penny : An event study about team performances and how it affects football clubs shares

Lundstedt, Jonas, Ulander, Emil January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur fotbollsklubbars aktiekurs påverkas av klubbarnas prestationer på planen i hänsyn till matchresultat. Delsyftet är att se om andra faktorer som är länkade till matchresultat kan ge mer eller mindre tyngd till eventuella prisförändringar.  Metod: Uppsatsen har ett positivistiskt vetenskapligt förhållningssätt och ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Undersökningen tillämpar en eventstudie-metodologi där eventperioden är satt till dagen efter eventet och där estimeringsperioden omfattar 250 dagar. Efter bortfall täcker insamlad data information kring 1060 matcher från 12 olika lag under åren 2011-2013. Data används för att mäta om en genomsnittlig avvikande avkastning (AAR) har uppstått i samband med matchutfall. Utöver detta undersöks de mer psykologiska faktorerna vändningar, anormal målskillnad och förväntningars effekt på den avvikande avkastningen. Slutligen undersöks det även om det finns skillnader mellan hur fotbollsklubbars aktiekurs påverkas vid olika matchutfall beroende på vilken nation de tillhör. Resultat: Vid vinst uppvisade resultatet en positiv AAR på 0,67 %. Oavgjort och förlust uppvisade en negativ AAR på -1,45 % respektive -1,75 %. Förväntade matchutfall hade ingen signifikant påverkan på aktiekursen medan oförväntade matchutfall hade en signifikant påverkan. En match med positiv (negativ) anormal målskillnad gav 0,88 % (-0,72 %) högre (lägre) avkastningen än en match utan en positiv (negativ) anormal målskillnad. Dock förekom endast signifikans vid positiv anormal målskillnad. Resultatet visade även att vändningar inte hade någon signifikant påverkan på aktiekursen. Förövrigt fanns det endast ett fåtal signifikanta skillnader mellan länder i deras reaktioner till olika matchutfall. Slutsatser: Matchutfall påverkar fotbollsklubbars aktiekurs.  En vinst har en positiv effekt på aktiekursen medan oavgjort och förlust har en negativ effekt. Aktiekursens reaktion på matchutfall är asymmetrisk där förluster har en större effekt än vinster. Förväntningar inför matchen har en betydelse för aktiekursens reaktion. Anormal målskillnad påverkar investeraren emotionellt och leder till en avvikande avkastning. Detta gäller inte för vändningar. Slutligen drogs även slutsatsen att det inte finns någon skillnad kring hur fotbollsklubbars aktiekurs påverkas vid olika matchutfall beroende på vilken nation de tillhör. / Purpose: This paper aims to examine how performance on the pitch in terms of match outcome affects the price of football clubs shares. A subordinate aim is to see whether other factors that are linked to match outcome can give more or less weight to probable price changes. Methodology: This thesis has a positivistic and a deductive approach. Furthermore, this thesis applies an event study methodology, where the event period is the day after the event and the estimation period comprises of 250 days. After accounting for errors and loss in data, the overall data contains information about 1060 games from 12 different teams during 2011-2013. The data is used to measure whether average abnormal returns (AAR) have occurred in connection to match outcomes or not. Moreover, the more psychological factors such as turnarounds, abnormal goal difference and expectations have also been examined to see whether these factors can impact the abnormal return or not. Additionally, it has been examined if differences exist in how football clubs shares react to match outcomes when taking account for their nationality. Results: The result shows that a win gives a positive AAR of 0.67%. A draw and a loss both give a negative AAR, where a draw results in a -1.45% AAR and a loss in a -1.75% AAR. Expected match outcomes had no significant effect on football clubs shares while unexpected match outcomes had a significant effect. A match with positive (negative) abnormal goal difference gave a 0.88% (-0.72%) higher (lower) abnormal return than a match without a positive (negative) abnormal goal difference. However, only positive abnormal goal difference was statistically significant. The results also showed that turnarounds had no significant effect on football clubs shares. Furthermore, the result showed barely any statistical significant differences among the countries in their share reaction to match outcomes. Conclusions: Match outcome has an effect on football clubs shares. A win will have a positive effect on the price of a football club share while a draw and a loss will have a negative effect. There is an asymmetric reaction to match outcomes as a loss will have a larger impact than a win. Expectations influence how football stocks react to match outcomes. Abnormal goal difference affects the investor emotionally and consequently leads to an abnormal return. This is not the case for turnarounds. Moreover it was concluded that nationality do not have a deciding impact on how football clubs shares react to match outcomes.

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