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Synen på ZYN : En studie om hur gratisprover påverkar attityd och konsumentbeteendeKristiansson, Simon, Nobs-Lindau, Erik January 2020 (has links)
I den här studien har Swedish Matchs marknadsföring av produktlinjen ZYN undersökts, med fokus på marknadsföring genom gratisprover. Då produktkategorin nikotinpåsar inte regleras av Lag (2018:2088) om tobak och liknande produkter har Swedish Match helt andra möjligheter att marknadsföra ZYN än företagets tobaksprodukter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka fenomenet utifrån den teoretiska modellen Tri-component attitude model och undersöka hur gratisprover påverkar konsumenters attityd och framtida köpbeteende. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en kvantitativ metod där en elektronisk webbenkät skickades ut som gav 185 svar. Resultatet visade att gratisprovet inte hade någon effekt på den kognitiva delen, men den affektiva delen av attitydskapandet. Vidare visade resultatet att gratisprovet faktiskt hade en effekt på framtida konsumentbeteende. Slutsatserna som drogs i studien var att Tri-component attitude model inte var rätt teori för att studera fenomenet, att det gratisprovet påverkade den affektiva delen, men inte den kogntiva delen. Det resultatet bör dock ses som en indikator, och inte som en vetenskaplig sanning på grund av implikationer med vald teori och metod. Slutsatsen drogs också att det finns ett orsak-verkan samband mellan gratisprovet och framtida konsumentbeteende.
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Skador hos fotbollsdomare : En retrospektiv observationsstudieEriksson Kartal, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Fotboll är Sveriges populäraste sport och har över en halv miljon utövare. Det står för en tredjedel av hela den svenska idrottsrörelsen. Med ett stort antal aktiva fotbollsspelare behövs även domare. Domare har inte alltid varit en självklar del av spelet utan introducerades först när fotbollen professionaliserades. Likt fotbollsspelare, drabbas även fotbollsdomare av skador. Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka skadepanorama hos fotbollsdomare. Metod Studien genomfördes genom en retrospektiv enkätundersökning med 265 (N=265) fotbollsdomare. Resultat Totalt deltog 265 domare varav 214 män och 51 kvinnor. Totalt rapporterade 103 av 265 domare att de drabbats av skador (68 män och 23 kvinnor). Domarna drabbades främst av överbelastningsskador (80 domare) men akuta skador rapporterades också av 20 domare. Smygande debut var den vanligaste skademekanismen men muskelsträckning och muskelbristning rapporterades också. Domare drabbades främst av skador i nedre extremitet såsom hamstrings, vader, knän. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan typ av skador i förhållande till nivån som domaren dömer. Både domare och assisterande domare drabbades i samma utsträckning av skador och hade samma skadelokalisation. Diskussion Vid retrospektiva undersökningar finns svårigheter att återge skador som har hänt bakåt i tiden. Val av annan undersökningsmetod hade därför kunnat tydliggöra och differentiera de skador som domarnas drabbas av. Konklusion Resultaten av studien är i linje med tidigare studier om skador hos fotbollsdomare. Många domare drabbas av överbelastningsskador med smygande debut främst i nedre extremitet såsom hamstring, vader och knän. Utifrån resultatet i den här studien rekommenderas utveckling, implementering och utvärdering av evidensbaserade skadeförebyggande träningsprogram såsom FIFA 11+. / Abstract Background Football is Sweden's most popular sport and has over half a million athletes. It accounts for a third of the entire Swedish sports movement. With a large number of active football players, referees are also needed. Referees have not always been an obvious part of the game but were only introduced when football was professionalized. Like football players, football referees also suffer from injuries. Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate the injury panorama in football referees. Method The study was conducted through a retrospective survey with 265 (N = 265) football referees. Results A total of 265 referees participated, of which 214 men and 51 women. A total of 103 out of 265 reported that they had suffered from injuries (68 men and 23 woman). The referees were mainly affected by overload injuries (80 referee) but acute injuries were also reported (20 referee). Gradually occurred injuries is stated as the most common injury mechanism but muscle sprain and strain were also common. Referees suffered mainly from injuries to the lower extremities such as hamstrings, calves and knees. There were no significant results between the type of injuries in relation to the level of refereeing. Both referee and assistant referee suffered from injuries to the same extent and on the same location of the body. Discussion In retrospective examinations, there are difficulties in reproducing injuries that have occurred back in time. The choice of another examination method could therefore have clarified and differentiate the referee’s injuries. Conclusion The results of the study are in line with previously reported injury-related complaints. Many Referees were affected by overuse injuries that occurred gradually, mainly in the lower extremity. Based on the results of this study, the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based injury prevention training programs such as FIFA 11+ are recommended.
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Objektivizace a míra asociace mezi indikátory herního zatížení a pohybovými předpoklady u elitních hráčů ragby / Objectification and level of association between game performance and physical determinants in elite rugby playersStárka, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Title: Objectification and degree of association between indicators of game load and movement assumptions in elite rugby players Objectives: The aim was to objectify and measure the association between selected indicators of game load and selected movement assumptions in elite rugby players and measure the association between selected results of different fitness tests. Methods: The research group consisted of 31 players of the Czech rugby team of the senior category. Data were acquired using GPSports. The results from fitness testing provided by the Czech Rugby Union were used as indicators of movement assumptions. In total, three matches were measured. During the individual matches, the total distance covered was measured, the distance covered in individual speed zones (1st zone 0.0-1.8 km/h, 2nd zone 1.8-6.1 km/h, 3rd zone 6, 1-13.0 km/h, 4th zone 13.0-18.0 km/h, 5th zone 18.0-24.1 km/h, zone 6th >24.1 km/h), number of inputs to individual acceleration and deceleration zones (1st zone 1.2- 2.4 m/s/s, 2nd zone 2.4-3.6 m/s/s, 3rd zone 3.6-4.8 m/s/s). Results: The results of the work contain data that are unparalleled in Czech conditions. Tight forwards run 70.50 ± 7.09 m/min lose forwards 73.89 ± 4.25 m/min, inside backs 81.70 ± 11.71 m/min and outside backs 82.82 ± 12.71 m/min. In one match,...
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Essays on College Major, College Curriculum, and Subsequent Labor Market OutcomesJiang, Shengjun 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Abstract The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between (a) racial/ethnic matching between African American clients and their counselors (i.e., Black, White, and non-Black racial/ethnic minority counselors) and therapeutic outcomes (i.e., change in symptoms, treatment length, and premature termination), (b) while also controlling for the potential influences of client (i.e., initial distress level, family and social support, and socioeconomic status) and counselor (i.e., experience level) characteristics. Change in symptomology on specific domains of functioning (i.e., Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Academic Distress, and Distress Index) was assessed using the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms-34 (i.e., CCAPS-34; Locke et al., 2012). The change in symptomology was classified into one of three categories (i.e., improvement, no change, and deterioration). An archival data set that consisted of client data from the 2011-2012 academic year contributed by 120 university and college counseling centers in the U.S. that were participating members of the Center for Collegiate Mental Health was used. The sample sizes for the analyses were: 348 clients for change in functioning analyses, 1,418 clients for treatment length analyses, and 2,024 clients for premature termination analyses. The findings indicated that after controlling for the covariates, clients who were matched with White counselors were more likely to experience deterioration in overall distress symptoms, rather than no change in symptoms, compared to those who were matched to Black counselors. Also, those clients who were matched with White counselors were more likely to prematurely terminate their counseling sessions, compared to those who were matched to Black counselors or non-Black racial/ethnic minority counselors. The findings from this study may assist researchers and university counseling center staff in understanding the potential influence of ethnic matching on outcomes and service utilization for African American clients. Keywords: ethnic match, African American, outcome research, university counseling center, Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms
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"Mobile Fashion" ApplicationKashanipour, Morvarid January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis investigates studies on fashion oriented people according to the "Outfit-Centric Accessories" concept. The outfit-centric accessories concept originated from recent research study by Juhlin and Zhang (2011) about mobile phone representation in fashion and Aesthetic of Interaction area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The term outfit-centric accessories originated from clothing and wearer. In this concept an outfit is playing a role as the centerpiece and a mobile phone is functioning as a sort of an accessory that can be added to an outfit. The main aim here is to explore design solution for matching the visual appearance of mobile device with different outfit of a person. The first phase of this thesis is based on a research conducted through a literature review on the Aesthetic Interaction and the Experience-Centered design approach. Literature study has been followed by studies the relation between the fashion and technology and the outfit-centric accessories concept precisely. The findings that are presented here are based on field studies on fashion oriented people who are interested in mobile phone design. Filed studies were conducted through gathering input entries from social networking services such as Facebook and Blogger, survey of questionnaire on outfit matching mechanism, and inquiring people around. The findings are described the outfit "Match Mechanism" and the "social activities around the outfit matching" in relation to the concept. These descriptions have led the project to the system design and development phase regarding the outfit-centric accessories concept. This phase resulted in the Android based mobile application named "Mobile Fashion". This application enables a user to match a mobile device with variety of clothing in the form of a background image, cover, or printable sticker (skin phone) and it allows a user to participate in social services by sharing the look with others. It is worth mentioning that "Mobile Fashion" application presented in Vinnova-nytt (June 2011, No.3, p15) and International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligent (AmI'11 November, 16, 2011, Amsterdam) (see appendix 14 and 15).
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SiGe Millimeter-Wave (W-Band) Down-Converter for Phased Focal Plane ArrayNagavalli Yogeesh, Maruthi 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A millimeter-wave (W-Band) down-converter for Phased Focal Plane Arrays (PFPAs) has been designed and fabricated using the IBM Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS 8HP process technology. The radio frequency (RF) input range of the down-converter chip is from 70 95GHz. The intermediate frequency (IF) range is from 5 30GHz. The local oscillator (LO) frequency is fixed at 65GHz. The down-converter chip has been designed to achieve a conversion gain greater than 20dB, a noise figure (NF) below 10dB and input return loss greater than 10dB. The chip also has novel LO circuitry facilitating LO feed-through among down-converters chips in parallel. This wide bandwidth down-converter will be part of millimeter-wave PFPA receiver designed and fabricated in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts-Amherst Department of Astronomy. This PFPA receiver will be installed on Green Bank Telescope (GMT) / Large millimeter wave telescope (LMT) in Q2 of 2014. This project is collaboration between the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (UMass), Brigham Young University (BYU) and National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is first wide bandwidth down-converter at W-band to achieve this high gain and low noise figure among Si/SiGe based systems.
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GPSユニットを用いたエリートラグビー選手の試合中のパフォーマンス分析 : 効果的なコンディショニングへの応用にむけて / GPS ユニット オ モチイタ エリート ラグビー センシュ ノ シアイチュウ ノ パフォーマンス ブンセキ : コウカテキナ コンディショニング エノ オウヨウ ニ ムケテ山本 隼年, Hayato Yamamoto 19 September 2020 (has links)
エリートラグビー選手が試合中に装着しているGPSユニットのデータを分析し,ポジション毎の1試合あたりのパフォーマンスや試合時間の経過あるいは試合展開によるパフォーマンスへの影響を明らかにした.試合中に要求される各ポジションの特性を基にパフォーマンスの最適化や傷害発生予防にむけたスポーツ実践現場のコンディショニングに応用する際の方法を提示した. / Data from GPS units worn by elite rugby players during matches was analyzed to determine player performance in each match and the impact of match time and match results on performance for each position. Furthermore, a method for applying conditioning to optimize performance and prevent injury based on the characteristics required of each position was presented. / 博士(スポーツ健康科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sports Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Development of a Notational Analysis System for Selected Soccer Skills of a Women's College TeamThomas, Camille 19 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to develop a notational system to evaluate passing, dribbling, first touch, and individual defensive skills as they relate to success during women's soccer games and to develop a statistical model to weight the importance of each skill on creating scoring opportunities. Sequences of skills in 10 Division I intercollegiate women's soccer games were coded using well defined performance scores and outcomes. The notational analysis system was highly reliable as demonstrated by high test-retest Spearman's correlations (>0.98) between the first and second notation of 3 games for all four skills. The importance scores calculated from a Bayesian model demonstrated that dribbling (0.0127) was the most important skill on creating scoring opportunities, followed by first touch (0.0079), passing (0.0075), and individual defense (0.0050). The notational system developed by this study provides coaches with reliable and objective information in order to improve the specificity of practices and to prepare individuals for optimal performance.
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Using Arbitrary Stimuli to Teach Say-Do CorrespondenceDiCola, Katie L. 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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