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Le diagnostic-intervention appliqué à une entreprise d'état au Rwanda : cas de l'usine d'allumettes de Butare (une application de la méthodologie systémique) /Uwiringiyimana, Léonard, January 1984 (has links)
Mémoire M.A. (Gestion des P.M.O.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1984. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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Graduate’s migration and employment. A case study of Umeå.Sorokolit, Tetiana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the students who graduated from the Umeå university in respect to their migration patterns and their employment situation. The study focuses on young adults with higher education, who due to their age are highly mobile and are a significant part of human capital which provides an influx of collective intelligence and has a positive effect on the region. The migration is investigated in terms of defining different migration patterns and the employment is looked at in terms of horizontal match/mismatch.Additionally the factors that have relation to migration patterns and employment match are studied; among them are gender, family status, age and field of studies. It is also studied if there is an income penalty if the employment mismatch occurs.Descriptive statistics as well as logistic regressions are used to research the aim of the study. This is done by means of data from Statistics Sweden available at the Department of Geography and Economic History at Umeå University. The results show that graduates are highly mobile because of their age and the family status plays a more significant role than the employment match for migration. However, the probability to migrate is decreasing if an individual has a child, but it increases chances of being a return migrant. Still the decision to migrate is complex and cannot be determined by one factor only.The employment match appeared to be rather low for Umeå university graduates and there was an income penalty which slightly decreased with the flow of time.
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Desambiguação de autores em bibliotecas digitais utilizando redes sociais e programação genética / Author name disambiguation in digital libraries using social networks and genetic programmingLevin, Felipe Hoppe January 2010 (has links)
Bibliotecas digitais tornaram-se uma importante fonte de informação para comunidades científicas. Entretanto, por coletar dados de diferentes fontes, surge o problema de informações ambíguas ou duplicadas de nomes de autores. Métodos tradicionais de desambiguação de nomes utilizam informação sintática de atributos. Todavia, recentemente o uso de redes de relacionamentos, que traz informação semântica, tem sido estudado em desambiguação de dados. Em desambiguação de nomes de autores, relações de co-autoria podem ser usadas para criar uma rede social, que pode ser utilizada para melhorar métodos de desambiguação de nomes de autores. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo do impacto de adicionar análise de redes sociais a métodos de desambiguação de nomes de autores baseados em informação sintática de atributos. Nós apresentamos uma abordagem de aprendizagem de máquina baseada em Programação Genética e a utilizamos para avaliar o impacto de adicionar análise de redes sociais a desambiguação de nomes de autores. Através de experimentos usando subconjuntos de bibliotecas digitais reais, nós demonstramos que o uso de análise de redes sociais melhora de forma significativa a qualidade dos resultados. Adicionalmente, nós demonstramos que as funções de casamento criadas por nossa abordagem baseada em Programação Genética são capazes de competir com métodos do estado da arte. / Digital libraries have become an important source of information for scientific communities. However, by gathering data from different sources, the problem of duplicate and ambiguous information about author names arises. Traditional methods of name disambiguation use syntactic attribute information. However, recently the use of relationship networks, which provides semantic information, has been studied in data disambiguation. In author name disambiguation, the co-authorship relations can be used to create a social network, which can be used to improve author name disambiguation methods. This dissertation presents a study of the impact of adding social network analysis to author name disambiguation methods based on syntactic attribute information. We present a machine learning approach based on Genetic Programming and use it to evaluate the impact of social network analysis in author name disambiguation. Through experiments using subsets of real digital libraries, we show that the use of social network analysis significantly improves the quality of results. Also, we demonstrate that match functions created by our Genetic Programming approach are able to compete with state-of-the-art methods.
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Determinantes da dinâmica funcional do jogo de voleibol : estudo aplicado em seleções adultas masculinasMoraes, Jose Cicero January 2009 (has links)
Cette étude a eu comme objectif l´analyse de les facteurs déterminants de la dynamique fonctionnelle du jeu de Volley-ball Masculin, en ce qui regarde le KI, au haut-niveau compétitif. Pour l'étude ont été considérées des variables adjointes à la dimension interne du jeu, relatives aux dimensions espace, temps, tâche, joueur et performance et au niveau compétitif des équipes, déterminé par le rangement de la compétition. 1698 séquences offensives ont été analyses dès le service adversaire, qui ont été réduites à 1486 pendant la réception, à 1363 pendant da distribution et à 1344 pendant l'attaque et le bloc, obtenues de 19 jeux des équipes Nationales meilleures placées au Championnat Mondial de Volley-ball Masculin de 2006. La collection de données a été obtenue par de moyens audiovisuels. L'instrument d'observation utilisé a été en obéissant aux critères de validation de construction et de contenu. L'analyse des données a inclue la statistique descriptive, par l'obtention de fréquences et de pourcentages. II a aussi été utilisé statistique déductive à travers de la régression logistique multinomial, avec le but de mesurer le possible effet prédictif des variables indépendantes sur la variable dépendante. La fiabilité intra et inter-observateur a été assurée par le recours à l'index Kappa de Cohen. Les resultats de cette étude ont montré la pratique d'un jeu hautement qualifié au KI, configuré par des actions d'excellente qualité, dès la réception jusqu'à la fin de l'attaque, ce que a produit, par conséquence, des conditions désavantageuses pour le bloc adversaire. Les résultats ont démontré que la dynamique fonctionnelle du KI est relativement stable et déterministe. Par contre, le niveau d'interférence de l'adversaire a influencé le pouvoir prédictif des dimensions d'analyse, puisque l'effet de l'attaque a été moins déterminé que l'effet de la réception, en conséquence de l'interaction élevée entre attaqueur et adversaire. La dynamique fonctionnelle du KI a démontré être déterminée par le service et, à son tour, a exercé pouvoir prédictif sur le bloc. Les équipes de niveau compétitif différent ont montré de caractéristiques distinctes au niveau de la dynamique fonctionnelle du KI et des variables adjointes au KII, en prouvant que le rangement obtenu au Championnat a distingué la qualité du jeu pratiqué. / Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar possíveis determinantes da dinâmica funcional do jogo de Voleibol Masculino, ao nível do Complexo I, no alto rendimento competitivo. Para o estudo foram consideradas variáveis adstritas à dimensão interna do jogo, relativas às dimensões espaço, tempo, tarefa, jogador e desempenho e o nível de rendimento competitivo das equipes, determinado pela classificação na competição, em estudo. Foram analisadas 1698 seqüências ofensivas a partir do saque adversário, sendo que se reduzem para 1486 durante a recepção, 1363 na ação de levantamento e para 1344 na ação do ataque e de bloqueio, retiradas de 19 jogos entre as dez Seleções Nacionais melhores classificadas no Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol Masculino de 2006. A coleta de dados foi garantida pelo sistema de vídeo. O instrumento de observação utilizado foi testado, obedecendo aos critérios de validação de construção e de conteúdo. A análise de dados comportou a estatística descritiva, pela obtenção de freqüências e percentagens, e a estatística inferencial pelo recurso à regressão logística multinomial, no sentido de medir o possível efeito preditor de variáveis independentes sobre uma variável dependente. As fiabilidades intra e interobservador foram apuradas através do recurso ao índice Kappa de Cohen. Os resultados decorrentes da amostra estudada evidenciaram a prática de um jogo altamente qualificado no Complexo I, configurado por ações de excelente qualidade desde a recepção até a finalização do ataque, o que gerou, conseqüentemente, condições desvantajosas para o bloqueio adversário. Os resultados evidenciaram que a dinâmica funcional do Complexo I é relativamente estável e determinista. Todavia, o nível de interferência do adversário influenciou o poder preditor das dimensões de análise, uma vez que o efeito do ataque foi menos determinado do que o efeito da recepção, em razão da elevada interação entre atacante e oponente. A dinâmica funcional do Complexo I mostrou ser determinada pelo saque e, por sua vez, exerceu poder preditor sobre o bloqueio. As equipes de nível de rendimento competitivo distinto evidenciaram características diferenciadas na dinâmica funcional do Complexo I e nas variáveis adstritas ao Complexo II, evidenciando que a classificação obtida no Campeonato diferenciou a qualidade do jogo praticado. / The purpose of this study was to examine possible determinants on the functional dynamics of high level men's Volleyball, in complex I. Hence, variables related to the internal dimension of the game were considered, regarding the dimensions of space, time, task, player, and performance, allied to the team's competitive level (determined by the ranking within the analyzed competition). A total of 1698 sequences from the opponent's serve were analyzed. From these, 1486 allowed serve reception, 1363 allowed setting, and 1344 culminated in attack and blocking actions. These sequences were retrieved from 19 matches between the ten best National Teams, according to their classification on the 2006 Men's World Championships. Data was recorded in video support. The observation instrument was previously tested, following criteria for construction and content validation. Data analysis consisted in descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages), and inferential statistics, namely multinomial logistic regression, with the purpose of measuring the predictive effect of independent variables upon a dependent variable. Intra- and inter-observer reliability was assessed with Cohen's Kappa. Our sample revealed a highly effective game in Complex I, configured by actions of excellent quality, from serve reception to the attack, consequently generating disadvantageous situations for the opponent's block. Results evidenced that the functional dynamics of Complex I are relatively stable and deterministic. However, the opponent's interference level has influenced the predictive power of the analysis dimensions since the attack effect was less determinant than the reception effect, due to the high interaction between attacker and opponent. The functional dynamics of Complex I are strongly determined by the serve, which, in turn, had predictive power over the blocking action. Teams from distinct performance levels have evidenced different characteristics within the functional dynamics of Complex I and related features of Complex II. Hence, the Championship's final ranking allowed differentiating the quality of the practiced game.
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Efektivita střelby přenesená z tréninkového procesu do utkání / Efficiency of shooting transferred from the training process to a matchRovný, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
Title: Efficiency of shooting transferred from the training process to a match Objectives: The diploma thesis is focusing on gathering information about shooting in ice hockey, creating excercises, two training units for shooting and then evaluating collected statistics on shooting from the whole season of one youth team. Attention will be given to a comparison of the productivity and efficiency of the shooting in order to find out how useful the invented exercises had been to improve shooting throughout the season. Methods: The diploma thesis uses experimental methods in order to incorporate fictional exercises to the training process. Consequently statistics that were collected throughout the season were used to check whether the increase in productivity and shooting efficiency was positive. Results: The considered set was separand by the selected statistics into three time periods. The subsequent comparison led to an increase in productivity and efficiency during the whole season. Key words: shooting, hockey stick, ice hockey, pass, match, puck
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Celebrity endorsements and advertising effectiveness: The importance of value congruenceGurel Atay, Eda, 1980- 06 1900 (has links)
xvi, 152 p. : col. ill. / Millions of dollars are spent on celebrity contracts each year by assuming that the benefits of using celebrities will exceed the costs. Accordingly, many researchers have studied the impact of celebrity endorsements on advertising effectiveness. One of the theories used frequently by these researchers is the match-up hypothesis. This theory suggests that there should be a good fit between the celebrity and the product; however, it is not clear what constitutes a good fit. Some researchers suggested that attractive celebrities will be more effective if they are used to promote attractiveness-related products. Other researchers claimed that when there is congruence between the product type and the celebrity profession, advertising effectiveness will be enhanced; however, these existing dimensions of the match-up hypothesis fall short of explaining some popular celebrity endorsement campaigns (e.g., Sharpie Pens and David Beckham).
The current research contributes to the study of celebrity endorsements by adding another dimension, values, to the match-up hypothesis. Specifically, the congruence between celebrity values (as perceived by consumers) and values represented by products was considered as an alternative to the attractiveness and expertise dimensions.
In a series of six experiments, support for the positive impact of celebrity-product value congruence on advertising effectiveness was found. College students exposed to the high value congruence ad spent less time in examining the ad, suggesting that participants were easily and quickly able to match up the celebrities and products. Moreover, participants who were exposed to the high value congruence ad had significantly more favorable attitudes toward ad and brand, had higher intentions to buy the product, and were more likely to recommend the product to other people than were participants who were exposed to the low value congruence ad. The results also suggested that value congruence with unfamiliar celebrities was more effective than value congruence with familiar celebrities for generating more favorable attitudes toward ad and brand and higher behavioral intentions, due probably to the minimized effect of pre-established thoughts or feelings about unfamiliar celebrities. Together these results suggest that the congruence between celebrity and product values plays an important role in advertising effectiveness. / Committee in charge: Lynn R. Kahle, Chairperson;
Joan Giese, Member;
David Boush, Member;
Deborah Morrison, Outside Member
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A estética da recepção contribuindo para o ensino de literatura-infantil: uma experiência com o conto A pequena vendedora de fósforos, de Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)Faria, Fernanda Cristina Ribeiro [UNESP] 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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faria_fcr_me_prud.pdf: 1571986 bytes, checksum: 215214993171199c0aa6e0b694f46658 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A presente pesquisa está vinculada ao programa de Pós-Graduação da Unesp de Presidente Prudente S/P e à linha de pesquisa Infância e Educação e gestada em um projeto maior denominado Literatura na escola: espaços e contextos. A realidade brasileira e portuguesa, coordenado pela professora Dra Renata Junqueira de Souza e realizado pelo Centro de Estudos em Leitura e Literatura Infantil e Juvenil – CELLIJ. O estudo partiu dos resultados calamitosos do Brasil em provas (Saresp, SAEB, PISA) que avaliam a competência leitora dos alunos comprovando o fato de as escolas não cumprirem com sua função primeira: ensinar a ler e escrever. Estudos têm mostrado que o hábito de leitura dos estudantes tem se tornado precário e insuficiente fato que, somado ao despreparo teórico e pedagógico dos professores relativamente ao ensino da literatura e à utilização do material literário, tem dificultado o trabalho com o livro literário no âmbito escolar, razão pela qual justifica-se esta investigação. A pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar as contribuições da Estética da Recepção para o ensino de literatura e para a formação do leitor, além de investigar a compreensão dos principais aspectos que levavam à aceitação, ou não, da obra e como ocorre a recepção literária. Para tanto, optou-se por um aporte teórico afinado com a teoria recepcional de Hans Robert Jauss, bem como a Metodologia Recepcional criada por Bordini e Aguiar e os Níveis de recepção literária de Hans Kügler. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola municipal de Presidente Prudente e teve como público alvo alunos do 5º ano com os quais foi vivenciada uma prática pedagógica fundamentada na Estética... / This research is part of the graduate program at Department of Education in Unesp Presidente Prudente and related to the research topic concerning childhood and education, included in the Literature in the school: spaces and contexts, project intended to study the Brazilian and Portuguese realities. The project is coordinated by Professor Dr. Renata Junqueira de Souza and conducted by the Centre for studies in Reading and Literature for children and teens - CELLIJ. The study presented here was first motivated by unfortunate Brazilians’ educational institutions results in regional, national and international tests (Saresp, SAEB, PISA) designed in order to evaluate the students' reading skills. Such results have been shown that the Brazilian schools teaching techniques do not meet to their primary function: teach students to write and read properly. There are some studies that have shown a lack between the students’ reading habits and the required behaviour to meet a reading proficiency level. Moreover the theoretical and pedagogical teachers’ background, generally, is not enough to suitably use the literary stuff with their students. Has a result, the literature learning process has been faced difficulties and the improvement need in this educational context comes out the importance of the research presented here. This research is purposed to study the Reception’s Aesthetics contributions to the literature teaching goal and develop the students’ comprehensive reading skills. In addition to that, it investigates the major issues related to acceptance of the literature. In order to reach these goals, our study draws on the receptional theory from Hans Robert Jauss, on Receptional Methodology created by Bordini and Aguiar and on Levels of literary reception from Hans Kügler. This research was developed in a school located in Presidente Prudente city... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Máscaras y soledad en la novela Match Ball de Antonio SkármetaGuevara Lara, María Teresa January 2010 (has links)
El presente trabajo pretende analizar cómo se desarrollan los tópicos de Máscara y
Soledad en la novela Match Ball. El estudio se fundamentará en las reflexiones críticas
de autores como Octavio Paz con “Máscaras mexicanas” y “La dialéctica de la soledad”;
Gabriel García Márquez, “La soledad de América Latina” y Antonio Skármeta, “Testimonio:
Perspectiva de los novísimos”.
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Determinantes da dinâmica funcional do jogo de voleibol : estudo aplicado em seleções adultas masculinasMoraes, Jose Cicero January 2009 (has links)
Cette étude a eu comme objectif l´analyse de les facteurs déterminants de la dynamique fonctionnelle du jeu de Volley-ball Masculin, en ce qui regarde le KI, au haut-niveau compétitif. Pour l'étude ont été considérées des variables adjointes à la dimension interne du jeu, relatives aux dimensions espace, temps, tâche, joueur et performance et au niveau compétitif des équipes, déterminé par le rangement de la compétition. 1698 séquences offensives ont été analyses dès le service adversaire, qui ont été réduites à 1486 pendant la réception, à 1363 pendant da distribution et à 1344 pendant l'attaque et le bloc, obtenues de 19 jeux des équipes Nationales meilleures placées au Championnat Mondial de Volley-ball Masculin de 2006. La collection de données a été obtenue par de moyens audiovisuels. L'instrument d'observation utilisé a été en obéissant aux critères de validation de construction et de contenu. L'analyse des données a inclue la statistique descriptive, par l'obtention de fréquences et de pourcentages. II a aussi été utilisé statistique déductive à travers de la régression logistique multinomial, avec le but de mesurer le possible effet prédictif des variables indépendantes sur la variable dépendante. La fiabilité intra et inter-observateur a été assurée par le recours à l'index Kappa de Cohen. Les resultats de cette étude ont montré la pratique d'un jeu hautement qualifié au KI, configuré par des actions d'excellente qualité, dès la réception jusqu'à la fin de l'attaque, ce que a produit, par conséquence, des conditions désavantageuses pour le bloc adversaire. Les résultats ont démontré que la dynamique fonctionnelle du KI est relativement stable et déterministe. Par contre, le niveau d'interférence de l'adversaire a influencé le pouvoir prédictif des dimensions d'analyse, puisque l'effet de l'attaque a été moins déterminé que l'effet de la réception, en conséquence de l'interaction élevée entre attaqueur et adversaire. La dynamique fonctionnelle du KI a démontré être déterminée par le service et, à son tour, a exercé pouvoir prédictif sur le bloc. Les équipes de niveau compétitif différent ont montré de caractéristiques distinctes au niveau de la dynamique fonctionnelle du KI et des variables adjointes au KII, en prouvant que le rangement obtenu au Championnat a distingué la qualité du jeu pratiqué. / Este estudo teve como objetivo examinar possíveis determinantes da dinâmica funcional do jogo de Voleibol Masculino, ao nível do Complexo I, no alto rendimento competitivo. Para o estudo foram consideradas variáveis adstritas à dimensão interna do jogo, relativas às dimensões espaço, tempo, tarefa, jogador e desempenho e o nível de rendimento competitivo das equipes, determinado pela classificação na competição, em estudo. Foram analisadas 1698 seqüências ofensivas a partir do saque adversário, sendo que se reduzem para 1486 durante a recepção, 1363 na ação de levantamento e para 1344 na ação do ataque e de bloqueio, retiradas de 19 jogos entre as dez Seleções Nacionais melhores classificadas no Campeonato Mundial de Voleibol Masculino de 2006. A coleta de dados foi garantida pelo sistema de vídeo. O instrumento de observação utilizado foi testado, obedecendo aos critérios de validação de construção e de conteúdo. A análise de dados comportou a estatística descritiva, pela obtenção de freqüências e percentagens, e a estatística inferencial pelo recurso à regressão logística multinomial, no sentido de medir o possível efeito preditor de variáveis independentes sobre uma variável dependente. As fiabilidades intra e interobservador foram apuradas através do recurso ao índice Kappa de Cohen. Os resultados decorrentes da amostra estudada evidenciaram a prática de um jogo altamente qualificado no Complexo I, configurado por ações de excelente qualidade desde a recepção até a finalização do ataque, o que gerou, conseqüentemente, condições desvantajosas para o bloqueio adversário. Os resultados evidenciaram que a dinâmica funcional do Complexo I é relativamente estável e determinista. Todavia, o nível de interferência do adversário influenciou o poder preditor das dimensões de análise, uma vez que o efeito do ataque foi menos determinado do que o efeito da recepção, em razão da elevada interação entre atacante e oponente. A dinâmica funcional do Complexo I mostrou ser determinada pelo saque e, por sua vez, exerceu poder preditor sobre o bloqueio. As equipes de nível de rendimento competitivo distinto evidenciaram características diferenciadas na dinâmica funcional do Complexo I e nas variáveis adstritas ao Complexo II, evidenciando que a classificação obtida no Campeonato diferenciou a qualidade do jogo praticado. / The purpose of this study was to examine possible determinants on the functional dynamics of high level men's Volleyball, in complex I. Hence, variables related to the internal dimension of the game were considered, regarding the dimensions of space, time, task, player, and performance, allied to the team's competitive level (determined by the ranking within the analyzed competition). A total of 1698 sequences from the opponent's serve were analyzed. From these, 1486 allowed serve reception, 1363 allowed setting, and 1344 culminated in attack and blocking actions. These sequences were retrieved from 19 matches between the ten best National Teams, according to their classification on the 2006 Men's World Championships. Data was recorded in video support. The observation instrument was previously tested, following criteria for construction and content validation. Data analysis consisted in descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages), and inferential statistics, namely multinomial logistic regression, with the purpose of measuring the predictive effect of independent variables upon a dependent variable. Intra- and inter-observer reliability was assessed with Cohen's Kappa. Our sample revealed a highly effective game in Complex I, configured by actions of excellent quality, from serve reception to the attack, consequently generating disadvantageous situations for the opponent's block. Results evidenced that the functional dynamics of Complex I are relatively stable and deterministic. However, the opponent's interference level has influenced the predictive power of the analysis dimensions since the attack effect was less determinant than the reception effect, due to the high interaction between attacker and opponent. The functional dynamics of Complex I are strongly determined by the serve, which, in turn, had predictive power over the blocking action. Teams from distinct performance levels have evidenced different characteristics within the functional dynamics of Complex I and related features of Complex II. Hence, the Championship's final ranking allowed differentiating the quality of the practiced game.
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Desambiguação de autores em bibliotecas digitais utilizando redes sociais e programação genética / Author name disambiguation in digital libraries using social networks and genetic programmingLevin, Felipe Hoppe January 2010 (has links)
Bibliotecas digitais tornaram-se uma importante fonte de informação para comunidades científicas. Entretanto, por coletar dados de diferentes fontes, surge o problema de informações ambíguas ou duplicadas de nomes de autores. Métodos tradicionais de desambiguação de nomes utilizam informação sintática de atributos. Todavia, recentemente o uso de redes de relacionamentos, que traz informação semântica, tem sido estudado em desambiguação de dados. Em desambiguação de nomes de autores, relações de co-autoria podem ser usadas para criar uma rede social, que pode ser utilizada para melhorar métodos de desambiguação de nomes de autores. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo do impacto de adicionar análise de redes sociais a métodos de desambiguação de nomes de autores baseados em informação sintática de atributos. Nós apresentamos uma abordagem de aprendizagem de máquina baseada em Programação Genética e a utilizamos para avaliar o impacto de adicionar análise de redes sociais a desambiguação de nomes de autores. Através de experimentos usando subconjuntos de bibliotecas digitais reais, nós demonstramos que o uso de análise de redes sociais melhora de forma significativa a qualidade dos resultados. Adicionalmente, nós demonstramos que as funções de casamento criadas por nossa abordagem baseada em Programação Genética são capazes de competir com métodos do estado da arte. / Digital libraries have become an important source of information for scientific communities. However, by gathering data from different sources, the problem of duplicate and ambiguous information about author names arises. Traditional methods of name disambiguation use syntactic attribute information. However, recently the use of relationship networks, which provides semantic information, has been studied in data disambiguation. In author name disambiguation, the co-authorship relations can be used to create a social network, which can be used to improve author name disambiguation methods. This dissertation presents a study of the impact of adding social network analysis to author name disambiguation methods based on syntactic attribute information. We present a machine learning approach based on Genetic Programming and use it to evaluate the impact of social network analysis in author name disambiguation. Through experiments using subsets of real digital libraries, we show that the use of social network analysis significantly improves the quality of results. Also, we demonstrate that match functions created by our Genetic Programming approach are able to compete with state-of-the-art methods.
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