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Komparace vybraných parametrů herního výkonu v modifikovaných formách fotbalu / Comparison of selected mach performance parametres in modified of fotballPresl, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographic identification PRESL, Aleš: Comparison of selected match performance parametres performances in modified forms of football. [Diploma thesis]. Charles Univerzity in Prague. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Department of Sports games. Supervisor: Phdr. Mario Buzek, CSc. Prague: FTVS UK, 2015. Abstract Title: Comparison of selected mach performance parametres in modified of fotball Objectives: The main target of the thesis is to compare and analyse match parameters in different age categories in football, mainly U8, U10 and U12 at various match performances during the game. The selected categories play various game systems. U8 4+1, U10 5+1, U12 7+1. The thesis at the same time focuses on the difference in IMP (Individual Match Performance) and its comparasion. Methods: The method of observation and analysing partial components is used in the thesis. The observation was mainly focused on the selection of younger age categories in which the development of football skills is on its top. For these categories I have collected crucial and essential information and data, the outcomes were further statistically evaluated. I have applied the method of analysing in the breakdown of particular disciplines and further provide a comparison of the selected match parameters. Results: The statistically...
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Komparace vybraných parametrů herního výkonu v modifikovaných formách fotbalu / Comparison of selected mach performance parametres in modified of fotballPresl, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographic identification PRESL, Aleš: Comparison of selected match performance parametres performances in modified forms of football. [Diploma thesis]. Charles Univerzity in Prague. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Department of Sports games. Supervisor: Phdr. Mario Buzek, CSc. Prague: FTVS UK, 2015. Abstract Title: Comparasion of selected mach performance in modified of football Objectives: The objective is to compare game parameteres in match and detailed analysis Methods: The work uses the indirect observation method in selected game performance, whitch I have used a video recording. I analyzed the parameters to record sheets. I statistically evaluated data. Results: We found frequency selected parameters. Passing, hagling, seat selection. Results presented what king of game parameters it is the match most often frequency Keywords: Modified forms, match performance, handling, of passing, seat selection, individual match performances
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Novo procedimento para a realização de análise capwap no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico em estacas pré-moldadas. / New prodedure to perform CAPWAP analysis on dinamic load test in precast concrete piles.Murakami, Daniel Kina 01 October 2015 (has links)
Desde a década de 1980 diversos autores apresentaram correlações entre provas de carga estática e ensaios de carregamento dinâmico em estacas. Para uma boa correlação é fundamental que os testes sejam bem executados e que atinjam a ruptura segundo algum critério, como o de Davisson, por exemplo, além de levar em conta o intervalo de tempo entre a execução da prova de carga estática e do ensaio dinâmico, face ao efeito \"set up\". Após a realização do ensaio dinâmico realiza-se a análise CAPWAP que permite a determinação da distribuição do atrito lateral em profundidade, a carga de ponta e outros parâmetros dos solos tais como quakes e damping. A análise CAPWAP é realizada por tentativas através do procedimento \"signal matching\", isto é, o melhor ajuste entre os sinais de força medido pelos sensores e o calculado. É relativamente fácil mostrar que a mesma solução pode ser obtida através de dados de entrada diferentes. Isso significa que apesar de apresentarem cargas mobilizadas próximas o formato da curva da simulação de prova de carga estática, obtida pelo CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, podem ser diferentes, mesmo que as análises apresentem \"match quality\" (MQWU) satisfatórios. Uma forma de corrigir o formato da curva simulada do CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, é através da comparação com provas de carga estática (PCE). A sobreposição das duas curvas, a simulada e a \"real\", permite a determinação do quake do fuste através do trecho inicial da curva carga-recalque da prova de carga estática, que por sua vez permite uma melhor definição da distribuição do atrito lateral e da reação de ponta. Neste contexto surge o conceito de \"match quality de recalques\" (MQR). Quando a PCE não está disponível, propõe-se efetuar um carregamento estático utilizando o peso próprio do martelo do bate-estaca (CEPM). Mostra-se, através de dois casos de obra, em que estavam disponíveis ensaios de carregamento dinâmico e PCEs, que esse procedimento permite obter uma melhor solução do ponto de vista físico, isto é consistente com as características do subsolo e com a curva carga-recalque da PCE, e não apenas matemático, através da avaliação do \"match quality\" (MQWU). / Since the 1980s a lot of authors showed correlations between static load tests and dynamic load tests on piles. For a good correlation it is necessary a good execution of the load test, also it is necessary to choose a capacity value from the results of the static load test, for example, the Davisson Offset limit load. The time of execution between the static load test and the dynamic load test should be considered because of the set up effect. Dynamic data may be further analyzed by CAPWAP Method to evaluate the soil resistance distribution, the toe resistance, quake and damping values. It is a signal matching method. Its results are based on the \"best possible match\" between computed pile top variable such as the pile top force and its measured equivalent. It is easy to demonstrate almost the same pile capacity on CAPWAP using different soil parameters. It means that even the pile capacity is almost the same, the shape of the pile top load-displacement of the CAPWAP Method and the shaft friction distribution can be different, although all results confirm good match quality. One way to correct the shape of the top loaddisplacement of the CAPWAP Method, as well as the shaft friction distribution, is by comparisson to a static load test. Overlaying both curves, the static load test and the CAPWAP Method, it is possible to determine the shaft quake value on the initial loads on the top load-displacement curve, allowing this way a improvement of the shaft resistance distribution and the toe resistance. In this context arises the concept of \"match quality of settlements\". When the static load test is not avaliabe, this thesis proposes a static load test using the hammer\'s weight of the pile driving machine. It is shown by two case studies that were available static load tests and dynamic load tests, this procedure allows a better solution on physics aspects, this is consistent with the subsoil conditions and the load-settlement curve of the static load test, not only a mathematical solution based on match quality.
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Fast Algorithms for Nearest Neighbour SearchKibriya, Ashraf Masood January 2007 (has links)
The nearest neighbour problem is of practical significance in a number of fields. Often we are interested in finding an object near to a given query object. The problem is old, and a large number of solutions have been proposed for it in the literature. However, it remains the case that even the most popular of the techniques proposed for its solution have not been compared against each other. Also, many techniques, including the old and popular ones, can be implemented in a number of ways, and often the different implementations of a technique have not been thoroughly compared either. This research presents a detailed investigation of different implementations of two popular nearest neighbour search data structures, KDTrees and Metric Trees, and compares the different implementations of each of the two structures against each other. The best implementations of these structures are then compared against each other and against two other techniques, Annulus Method and Cover Trees. Annulus Method is an old technique that was rediscovered during the research for this thesis. Cover Trees are one of the most novel and promising data structures for nearest neighbour search that have been proposed in the literature.
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Klimatinducerade fenologiförändringar och dess effekter i näringsväven / Climate-induced phenology changes and it's effects in the food webÅrevall, Jonatan January 2011 (has links)
The climate affects animal populations through several processes. These processes includereproduction, phenology and the success of hunting. By influencing the phenology of species theclimate also affects the way species interact. If a climate-induced phenology change promotes abasal species to bud earlier in the spring for example, this will affect the links to other species inthe food web due to a time lag in the tropic levels above. This dependence, that a predator has tobeing synchronous to its prey, is called the match/mismatch hypothesis (MMH). Studies haveindicated that species higher up in the food web adapt slower than species lower in the food webwith shorter generation times (which creates a temporal mismatch).A climate-induced phenology change in basal species could therefore be expected to affect thedensities and extinction rates of species higher up in the food web.In this study a declining conversion efficiency for predators was used to model the effects ofclimate change on triangular food webs with three trophic levels. This was done by using ageneralized Lotka-Volterra model. The results indicate that, in a food web with three trophiclevels, the densities of herbivores and carnivores drops in response to an increased change ofclimate. The extinction rates of carnivores also increase rapidly in response to an increasedclimate change. / Klimatet påverkar djurpopulationer genom ett flertal processer. Dessa processer inkluderarreproduktion, fenologi och jaktframgång. Genom att påverka arters fenologi påverkar klimatet ävenhur arter interagerar med varandra. Om en klimatinducerad fenologiförändring stimulerar en basalart att knoppa tidigare på våren kommer det att påverka länkar till andra arter i näringsväven pågrund av en tidsförskjutning till andra trofinivåer. Detta beroende för ett rovdjur att varasynkroniserad med sitt byte kallas för match/mismatch-hypotesen (MMH). Studier har indikerat attarter högre upp i näringsväven anpassar sig långsammare än arter lägre ned i näringsväven medkortare generationstid. En klimatinducerad fenologiförändring i basala arter kan därför förväntaspåverka densiteten och utdöendehastigheten för arter högre upp i näringsväven. Studien använderen avtagande rekryteringsförmåga för att modellera klimatförändringars effekt på trianguläranäringsvävar med tre trofinivåer. För att göra detta har en generell Lotka-Volterra modell används.Från resultaten av den här studien dras också slutsatsen att, i en näringsväv med tre trofinivåer,densiteten av herbivorer och karnivorer avtar som svar på en ökad klimatförändring.Utdöendehastigheten för rovdjur ökar också snabbt som svar på en ökande klimatförändring.
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Är influencers vampyrer? : En studie om influencer-baserad marknadsföring och brand recall. / Are influencers vampires? : A study about influencer-based marketing and brand recall.Jansson, Julia, Najm, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Är influencers vampyrer? En studie om influencer-baserad marknadsföring och brand recall. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Julia Jansson och Christina Najm Handledare: Jonas Kågström Datum: 2018 - maj Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera hur influencer-baserad marknadsföring, vad gäller brand recall, påverkas av tidsaspekten, vampire effect, source credibility och match-up hypotesen. Metod: Data har insamlats med hjälp av två enkäter med 1461 respondenter. Respondenterna fick svara på enkäter gällande två olika influencers och dess samarbete med ett företag. Materialet har sedan analyserats och bearbetats med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik, T-test, korrelationsanalyser, faktoranalyser samt klusteranalys. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visade betydelsen för företag att välja en lämplig influencer för deras marknadsföring. Dessa influencers har möjligheten att nå en stor del av konsumenterna och det är då viktigt att de kan sända ut rätt information om varumärket. I fallet om vampire effect kom studien fram till att detta hot inte nödvändigtvis behöver påverka varumärkets brand recall, utan vid val av en lämplig och rätt influencer kan istället varumärket gynnas av influencer-baserad marknadsföring. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens bidrag till marknadsföringens forskningsområde är en ökad kunskap om influencer-baserad marknadsföring, vad gäller brand recall och dess effekter. Studien bidrar också med olika aspekter för företag att ta hänsyn till i valet av lämplig influencer. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Forskning bör vidare undersöka hur tidsaspekten har en påverkan på brand recall, då tidigare forskning varit begränsad. Vi anser att fler studier ska göras om influencer-baserad marknadsföring och brand recall då detta fält är relativt nytt och outforskat. Nyckelord: Brand recall, the vampire effect, source credibility model, match-up hypotesen, influencers, tidsaspekt. / Title: Are influencers vampires? A study about influencer-based marketing and brand recall. Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration. Authors: Julia Jansson and Christina Najm Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date: 2018 – may Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how influencer-based marketing, in terms of brand recall, is affected by the time aspect, vampire effect, source credibility and match-up hypothesis. Method: Data were collected from two surveys, with 1461 respondents. The respondents answered surveys about two influencers and their collaboration with a company. The data has been analysed and processed with descriptive statistics, T-test, correlation as well as factor and cluster analyses. Results & Conclusion: The study showed the importance for companies to choose an appropriate influencer for marketing. These influencers have the ability to reach a large portion of consumers and it is, therefore, important that they can send accurate information about the brand. Regarding the vampire effect, the study showed that it is not necessarily a threat to brand recall, but if the appropriate influencer is chosen, the brand can benefit from influencer-based marketing. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of this study to the marketing research area is an increased knowledge about influencer-based marketing, in terms of brand recall and its effects. The study also contributes with different aspects for companies to consider in selecting an appropriate influencer. Suggestions for future research: Future research should examine how the time aspect can affect brand recall, since prior research has been narrowed. We believe that more studies should be done especially about influenced-based marketing and brand recall since it is relatively new and unexplored. Key words: Brand recall, the vampire effect, source credibility, match-up hypothesis, influencers, time aspect
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Novo procedimento para a realização de análise capwap no ensaio de carregamento dinâmico em estacas pré-moldadas. / New prodedure to perform CAPWAP analysis on dinamic load test in precast concrete piles.Daniel Kina Murakami 01 October 2015 (has links)
Desde a década de 1980 diversos autores apresentaram correlações entre provas de carga estática e ensaios de carregamento dinâmico em estacas. Para uma boa correlação é fundamental que os testes sejam bem executados e que atinjam a ruptura segundo algum critério, como o de Davisson, por exemplo, além de levar em conta o intervalo de tempo entre a execução da prova de carga estática e do ensaio dinâmico, face ao efeito \"set up\". Após a realização do ensaio dinâmico realiza-se a análise CAPWAP que permite a determinação da distribuição do atrito lateral em profundidade, a carga de ponta e outros parâmetros dos solos tais como quakes e damping. A análise CAPWAP é realizada por tentativas através do procedimento \"signal matching\", isto é, o melhor ajuste entre os sinais de força medido pelos sensores e o calculado. É relativamente fácil mostrar que a mesma solução pode ser obtida através de dados de entrada diferentes. Isso significa que apesar de apresentarem cargas mobilizadas próximas o formato da curva da simulação de prova de carga estática, obtida pelo CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, podem ser diferentes, mesmo que as análises apresentem \"match quality\" (MQWU) satisfatórios. Uma forma de corrigir o formato da curva simulada do CAPWAP, assim como a distribuição do atrito lateral, é através da comparação com provas de carga estática (PCE). A sobreposição das duas curvas, a simulada e a \"real\", permite a determinação do quake do fuste através do trecho inicial da curva carga-recalque da prova de carga estática, que por sua vez permite uma melhor definição da distribuição do atrito lateral e da reação de ponta. Neste contexto surge o conceito de \"match quality de recalques\" (MQR). Quando a PCE não está disponível, propõe-se efetuar um carregamento estático utilizando o peso próprio do martelo do bate-estaca (CEPM). Mostra-se, através de dois casos de obra, em que estavam disponíveis ensaios de carregamento dinâmico e PCEs, que esse procedimento permite obter uma melhor solução do ponto de vista físico, isto é consistente com as características do subsolo e com a curva carga-recalque da PCE, e não apenas matemático, através da avaliação do \"match quality\" (MQWU). / Since the 1980s a lot of authors showed correlations between static load tests and dynamic load tests on piles. For a good correlation it is necessary a good execution of the load test, also it is necessary to choose a capacity value from the results of the static load test, for example, the Davisson Offset limit load. The time of execution between the static load test and the dynamic load test should be considered because of the set up effect. Dynamic data may be further analyzed by CAPWAP Method to evaluate the soil resistance distribution, the toe resistance, quake and damping values. It is a signal matching method. Its results are based on the \"best possible match\" between computed pile top variable such as the pile top force and its measured equivalent. It is easy to demonstrate almost the same pile capacity on CAPWAP using different soil parameters. It means that even the pile capacity is almost the same, the shape of the pile top load-displacement of the CAPWAP Method and the shaft friction distribution can be different, although all results confirm good match quality. One way to correct the shape of the top loaddisplacement of the CAPWAP Method, as well as the shaft friction distribution, is by comparisson to a static load test. Overlaying both curves, the static load test and the CAPWAP Method, it is possible to determine the shaft quake value on the initial loads on the top load-displacement curve, allowing this way a improvement of the shaft resistance distribution and the toe resistance. In this context arises the concept of \"match quality of settlements\". When the static load test is not avaliabe, this thesis proposes a static load test using the hammer\'s weight of the pile driving machine. It is shown by two case studies that were available static load tests and dynamic load tests, this procedure allows a better solution on physics aspects, this is consistent with the subsoil conditions and the load-settlement curve of the static load test, not only a mathematical solution based on match quality.
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Brand awareness på sociala medier genom influencer marketing : En kvalitativ studie om hur kända företag på sociala medier arbetar med influencer marketing / Brand awareness on social media through influencer marketing : A qualitative study of how well-known companies on social media work with influencer marketingBrolin, Linnea, Chamoun, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Marknadsföring på sociala medier är ett modernt fenomen inom markandsföringsvärlden och ett koncept som företag kan skapa ökad brand awareness genom (Adebanjo & Michaelides, 2010; O’Reilly, 2005). Influencer marketing kommer från celebrity brand endorsing, användning av kända personer i reklam för företag. Jaakonmäki, Müller & Brocke (2017) menar på att sociala medier blivit ett betydelsefullt redskap för att etablera relationerna mellan företaget och dess konsumenter. Användare av sociala medier har däremot blivit mer selektiva och medvetna av uppenbar reklam när den inte uppfattas som genuin eller autentisk vilket i sin tur påverkar tillförlitligheten (Campbell & Farrell, 2020). Ämnet Influencer marketing på sociala medier är därför ett aktuellt ämne att undersöka. Syfte: Studien har undersökt influencer marketing utifrån företagsperspektiv med frågeställningen: Hur arbetar kända företag för att skapa brand awareness genom sociala medier och influencer marketing samt vad anser de om influencer marketing? Teoretisk referensram: Den teori som grundar hela studien behandlar Brand equity, Opinion leader, Influencer marketing och The match-up effect. Metod: För att samla in data har en kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där fem respondenter från olika företag aktiva inom influencer markting deltog. Slutsatser: Resultatet i denna studie visade att influencer marketing hjälper företag att skapa brand awareness med hjälp av konsekvent närvaro på sociala medier, större räckvidd, fler omtalningar, högre engagemang och mer genuinitet i samarbetet. Men att kända företag på sociala medier som lyckats med influencer marketing inte följer en strategi. / Background: Marketing on social media is a modern phenomenon in the marketing world and a concept through which companies can create increased brand awareness (Adebanjo & Michaelides, 2010; O’Reilly, 2005). Influencer marketing comes from celebrity brand endorsing, the use of celebrities in corporate advertising. Jaakonmäki, Müller & Brocke (2017) believe that social media has become an important tool for establishing relationships between the company and its consumers. On the other hand, users of social media have become more selective and aware of obvious advertising when it is not perceived as genuine or authentic, which in turn affects reliability (Campbell & Farrell, 2020). The topic Influencer marketing on social media is therefore a current topic to investigate. Purpose: The study has examined influencer marketing from a company perspective with the question: How do well-known companies work to create brand awareness through social media and influencer marketing and what do they think about influencer marketing? Theory: The theory that underlies the entire study deals with Brand equity, Opinion leader, Influencer marketing and The match-up effect. Method: To collect data, a qualitative method has been used in the form of semi-structured interviews in which five respondents from different companies active in influencer marketing participated. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that influencer marketing helps companies create brand awareness with the help of consistent presence on social media, greater reach, more publicity, higher engagement and more genuineness in collaboration. But that well-known companies on social media that have succeeded with influencer marketing do not follow a strategy.
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Designvisualisering ur ”First person”-perspektivÅström, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
För att skapa kraftfullare presentationer måste nya metoder implementeras för att visualisera projekt. Ett aktivitetshus för ungdomar visualiseras i detta projekt genom att 3D-modellen av huset placeras i ett filmklipp från den plats där huset skall stå. Stegen som togs för att realisera detta var förarbete i form av inskaffande av ritningar, filmande, matchmoving, 3D-modellering, rendering, compositing och ljuddesign. Resultatet blev ett filmklipp som ur ett första persons perspektiv både visar exteriören och interiören.
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Laminar cracking in post-tensioned concrete nuclear containment buildingsDolphyn, Bradley P. 27 May 2016 (has links)
As a critical public safety-related structure, the long-term integrity of post-tensioned concrete containment buildings (PCCs) is necessary for continued operation of the reactors they house. In 2009, during preparations for a steam generator replacement, extensive subsurface laminar cracking was identified in a portion of the Crystal River 3 (CR3) PCC in Florida, and the plant was permanently shut down in 2013. This study investigates potential contributing factors to the identified cracking with particular focus on the effects of high early-age temperatures on the cracking risk of the concrete, on the development of the concrete properties, and on the late-age structural behavior of the concrete. Two planar, full-scale mock-ups of a portion of the CR3 PCC were constructed and instrumented with temperature and strain gauges to monitor the thermal and mechanical behavior during representative concrete curing and post-tensioning loading. Standard- and match-cured concrete specimens were tested for determination of the time- and temperature-dependent development of thermal and mechanical concrete properties, and hydration parameters were determined for the mock-up cement paste for modeling the heat generation in the concrete. These properties and parameters were utilized in 3D finite element analysis of the mock-ups in COMSOL Multiphysics and compared with experimental results. Non-destructive evaluation via shear wave tomography was conducted on the mock-ups to identify flaws and determine the effectiveness of the methods for identifying delaminations between post-tensioning ducts approximately 10 inches beneath the concrete surface. Though early-age thermal stresses were determined not to have caused cracking in the mock-ups, the high early-age concrete temperatures resulted in decreased late-age mechanical properties that were shown to contribute to greater concrete cracking risk when the mock-up was post-tensioned. Tensile stresses exceeding the tensile strength of the concrete were identified along the post-tensioning ducts when biaxial post-tensioning loads were applied in finite element analysis, but the stresses decreased rapidly with increased distance from the ducts. Through parametric modeling, increasing the tensile strength of the concrete was identified as an effective means of reducing the cracking risk in PCCs. Additionally, relationships between the mechanical properties for the standard- and match-cured specimens were identified that could enable prediction of in-place or match-cured concrete properties based only on the results of tests on fog-cured specimens.
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