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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Misinformation About the Misinformation Effect

Halvorsen, Lars I. 08 1900 (has links)
This study partially replicated the research of Cook, Kwak, Hoffman, & Loftus where they examined post-event activities that induces subjects to pick a wrong person in a forced choice identification procedure. The goal was to investigate if providing a neither option to a match to sample task increases the accuracy of responding. Subjects were asked to study three faces for 10 seconds, after which they were asked to pick out the faces in a forced choice setting where two other faces were presented. Later the subjects were asked to pick out faces in a setting in which they could use a neither option. Results indicated that a generalization effect occurs when identifying faces and the effect is seen as subjects choosing the wrong face. This suggests that when using faces with some similar features in a lineup setting the procedure may cause the subject to pick the wrong person.

How Promotions Effect Consumer Purchases

White, Justin D 01 January 2006 (has links)
Rational choice theory provides a blueprint for predicting individual behavior under the assumption that objectives and decisions are rationally identified and executed. Under certain conditions, actions reveal preferences and the ability to observe these preferences allows for the possibility to study the effects of subtle changes in individual constraints such as price and wealth affect preferences. For instance, recent work by Eckel and Grossman (2003), Davis, Millner and Reilly (2003), and Davis and Millner (2004) observe a preference for matching promotions over coupon rebates even when the two promotions types are strictly equivalent. An important question remaining is whether this result persists. This paper analyzes whether this seemingly anomalous behavior persists as individuals gain experience through repeated decisions in a controlled environment.

Match Moving : En analys av olika arbetsmetoder / Match Moving : Analysis of different working methods

Sjöström, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Match moving är ett av de steg inom en vfx produktion som avgör och skapar intergrerandet mellan filmat material och filmiska effekter gjorda i 3D.  Redan under en inspelning förekommer förberedande arbete och dokumentation för att i ett senare stadie underlätta för match moving. Detta för att utesluta specifika problem som kan uppstå under match moving processen då det är väsentligt att skapandet av en virtuell kamera är korrekt i förhållande till det filmade materialet. Detta för att vfx ska kunna adderas senare. Detta arbete tar upp den problematik som kan uppstå när förberedelser och dokumentation saknas för det filmade materialet. Arbetet fokuserar på tester av olika arbetsmetoder för match moving samt analyser av det filmade materialet. Detta för att klargöra hur en vfx artist ska gå tillväga för att göra valet av arbetsmetod beroende på hur det filmade materialet ser ut. De arbetsmetoderna som tas upp i detta arbete är automatic tracking, tracking med enbart 2D feature points samt planar tracking och dess förberedande steg. Resultaten visar även på att olika arbetsmetoder ska behandlas på olika sätt av vfx artisten samt att de kan ha olika resultat beroende på hur det filmade materialet ser ut. Klargörandet av dessa arbetsmetoder och det filmade materialet med hjälp av tester gör valet av arbetsmetod simplare när det kommer till match moving. / Match moving is one of the steps within a vfx production pipeline that decides how filmed material and 3D effects will intergrate with each other. Already on set preparations and documentations are made to make the match moving process less problematic later in the pipeline. It is essential that the filmed material match the virtual created camera from the match moving process to make the intergration happen. This report discusses the problems that can arise when needed preparations on set are missing and how they can be solved by studying different methods for match moving. The report focuses on these methods compared to the filmed material and how a vfx artist can choose a method to work with depending on that material. The methods that are discussed in this report are automatic tracking, tracking with feature points only and planar tracking. The results also show that different methods should be treated differently from each other by the vfx artist and that the result can differ depending on how the filmed material looks. Clarifying these methods and filmed material with tests will make it easier to choose a method to work with while match moving.

DeterminaÃÃo de fÃsforo por espectrometria de emissÃo Ãtica com plasma indutivamente acoplado em matrizes contendo metais alcalinos e alcalinos terrosos / Determination of match for emission spectrometry optics with plasma inductively connected in matrices I contend alkaline metals and alkaline terrosos

Francisco Furtado dos Santos 07 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O FÃsforo à um dos elementos essencial no corpo humano requerido pelas cÃlulas para o seu funcionamento; sendo o maior constituinte dos ossos do corpo humano, na forma de fosfato de cÃlcio. A determinaÃÃo de fÃsforo pode ser efetuada utilizando-se diferentes tÃcnicas tais como espectrofotometria de absorÃÃo molecular, cromatografia iÃnica, fosforescÃncia, espectrometria de emissÃo atÃmica, entre outras. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para determinaÃÃo de fÃsforo em digeridos de amostras orgÃnicas por espectrometria de emissÃo Ãptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado. A metodologia desenvolvida estudou quatro linhas de emissÃo deste elemento e duas configuraÃÃes instrumentais, axial e radial. Somente os comprimentos de onda 213,617 e 214,914nm apresentaram sensibilidade adequada para o estudo. A faixa linear investigada foi de 50 a 300 mg.L-1 . A investigaÃÃo do efeito interferente foi realizado com os metais alcalinos (Na e K) e alcalinos terrosos (Ca e Mg) no sinal de fÃsforo. Mostrando-se aditiva para todos os metais estudados, com aumento do sinal em atà 50% para o potÃssio como interferente. Para resoluÃÃo desse efeito interferente investigou-se o aumento da potÃncia da radiaÃÃo do plasma gerado e uso de padrÃo interno. O uso do padrÃo interno mostrou-se mais adequado, no caso o Sc, com correÃÃes de 90 % de reduÃÃo da interferÃncia. A metodologia desenvolvida foi avaliada em amostras certificadas interlaboratoriais e os resultados obtidos foram compatÃveis com erros inferiores a 10%. O teor de fÃsforo foi determinado em amostras de banana submetidas a um tratamento de fertilizaÃÃo, sendo os valores obtidos na ordem de 765 e 1.167 mg.L-1 / The Phosphorus is an essential element for in body human required by cells for the operation; is the largest constituent of the bones of the human body in the form of calcium phosphate. The determination of phosphorus can be using different techniques is like Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometry, Ion Chromatography, Phosphorescence, Atomic Emission spectrometry, among others. This work has a goal to develop a methodology for determination of phosphorus in digest of organic samples by optical emission spectrometry with plasma inductive coupled. The methodology developed studies 4 lines of emission of this element and two instrumental settings, axial and radial. Only a wavelength 213.617 and 214.914nm had sensitivity suitable for the study. The linear range investigated was 50 to 300 mg. L-1. The investigation of the interference effect was studied by alkali metals (Na and K) and alkali earth (Ca and Mg) in the sign of phosphorus. The positive interference was obtained for all metals investigated with increase in the signal in up to 50% for potassium with interference. To resolve this effect interfering was investigated the increased power of radiation from the plasma generated and use of internal standard. The use of internal standard has been more appropriate, in case the Sc, with corrections of 90% reduction of interference. The methodology developed was evaluated in interlaboratory certified samples and the results were compatible with errors less than 10%. The content of phosphorus was determined in samples of banana subjected to a treatment of fertilization, and the values obtained in the order of 765 and 1.167mg.L-1


Smith, Gregory J 01 September 2015 (has links)
This research examines how comparison of objects underlies free categorization, an essential component of human cognition. Previous results using our binomial labeling task have shown that classification probabilities are affected in a graded manner as a function of similarity, i.e., the number of features shared by two objects. In a similarity rating task, people also rated objects sharing more features as more similar. However, the effect of matching features was approximately linear in the similarity task, but superadditive (exponential) in the labeling task. We hypothesize that this difference is due to the fact that people must select specific objects to compare prior to deciding whether to put them in the same category in the labeling task, while they were given specific pairs to compare in the rating task. Thus, the number of features shared by two objects could affect both stages (selection and comparison) in the labeling task, which might explain their super-additive effect, whereas it affected only the latter comparison stage in the similarity rating task. In this experiment, participants saw visual displays consisting of 16 objects from three novel superordinate artificial categories, and were asked to generate binomial (letter-number) labels for each object to indicate their super-and-subordinate category membership. Only one object could be viewed at a time, and these objects could be viewed in any order. This made it possible to record what objects people examine when labeling a given object, which in turn permits separate assessment of stage 1 (selection) versus stage 2 (comparison/decision). Our primary objective in this experiment was to determine whether the increase in category labeling probabilities as a function of level of match (similarity) can be explained by increased sampling alone (stage 1 model), an increased perception of similarity following sampling (stage 2 model), or some combination (mixed model). The results were consistent with earlier studies in showing that the number of matching discrete features shred by two objects affected the probability of same-category label assignment. However, there was no effect of the level of match on the probability of visiting the first matching object while labeling the second. This suggests that the labeling effect is not due to differences in the likelihood of comparing matching objects (stage 1) as a function of the level of match. Thus, the present data provides support for a stage 2 only model, in which the evaluation of similarity is the primary component underlying the level of match effect on free categorization.

Capabilities-strategy match and Board governance: Their impacts on Financial Performance and Accountability-Emphasis of Government Business Enterprises

Seng, Cheaseth, cheaseth.seng@rmit.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
The study addresses three research questions posed by the nature of government business enterprises. The three questions are (1) Does the way management (including the board) aligns the development of GBE organisational capabilities and the formulation of strategies have an influence on the financial performance and management's emphasis for discharging accountability requirements of that GBE? (2) Does the extent of adoption of board governance structures have an influence on financial performance and accountability-emphasis given by management of a GBE? (3) Does board composition moderate the relationship between capabilities-strategy configurations and performance of a GBE? The research questions are addressed as follow. First, the study explores the concepts of corporate governance, board governance in particular, strategy, capabilities and accountability in the context of GBEs. Second, the study investigates relationships between GBEs' governance arrangements and performance, on the one hand, and capabilities-strategy match and performance on the other hand. The concept of performance used in this study is separated into financial performance, measured by economic rate of return (ERR) (a government-developed algorithm for GBEs comprising financial accounting and market measures), and accountability-emphasis (ACCBTY) (management's attention to systems and processes used for discharging aspects of accountability). Third, the study investigates the moderating effects of GBEs' board governance arrangements on the relationship between capabilities-strategy match and performance. The findings of the study are as follow. First, the results of a set of multivariate analyses indicate that board governance index (BGI) has a positive and significant relationship with ERR, but has no significant relationship with ACCBTY. At the individual governance mechanism level, the percentages of non-executive directors (NEDs), politically-related directors (PRDs) and financial-literate directors (FLDs) are all strongly and positively related to ERR. These findings are supported by certain prior studies from different contexts. On the ACCBTY side, these specific board governance variables are not found to support a hypothesis that the composition of the board will impact on the GBE's attention to accountability processes. Second, the findings indicate that capabilities-strategy match (CSM) has no significant influence on ERR but has a strong and positive impact on ACCBTY. The results indicate that only the alignment between defender strategic-type and outside-in capabilities has a positive relationship with both ERR and ACCBTY. Other than the defender strategic position, alternative strategy-types will align with capabilities (e.g. prospector strategy and inside-out capabilities) to have a significant positive affect on ACCBTY, but not on ERR. Third, the study finds that GBE's board governance arrangements (BGI) have a positive moderating affect on the relationship between capabilities-strategy match and ERR. However, BGI has no moderating impact on capabilities-strategy match and ACCBTY relationship. The findings draw the conclusion that in order to achieve their dual objectives of concurrently fulfilling financial performance and accountability-emphasis, GBEs need to adopt a defender strategic-type, develop strengths in outside-in capabilities and have their boards of directors comprise of non-executive directors, politically-linked directors and financial-literate directors. Given the limitations underlying the findings that are mentioned, the conclusion from this study has implications for government-owners and managers of GBE.

The physical demands of elite men’s field hockey and the effects of differing substitution methods on the physical and technical outputs of strikers during match play

Lythe, John January 2008 (has links)
Research has indicated that teams who cover greater distance during matches and complete more basic tasks such as passes, tackles and shots are more successful. Identifying means of increasing these physical and technical outputs is therefore a significant opportunity for performance enhancement. There has been limited research performed on hockey, especially at the elite level. An issue that is even more relevant given that in the past 15 years the sport has undergone some significant rule changes including the introduction of unlimited substitutions. With sixteen players able to be used per match and eleven players on the field at any one time the coach can make substitutions as frequently as desired to try and maximise the overall performance of the team. The objectives of this thesis were to use methods of performance analysis to measure the physical and technical outputs of players during elite hockey and to specifically measure the impact of differing substitution strategies on the physical and technical outputs of strikers during match play. Three striker conditions were assessed; three strikers with no substitutions, four strikers with a moderate amount of substitutions; and, five strikers with a large amount of substitutions. Five matches between the New Zealand men’s hockey team and Tasmania state representative team were played over eight days. Physical outputs of players were measured using portable GPS units and heart rate monitors and technical aspects of match play were measured using team performance statistics and a set of technical criteria which awarded points to strikers for each contribution they made to the game based upon a scale of effectiveness. Average total distance covered during 70 minutes by a position was 8160 ± 428m of which 479 ± 108m (6.1%) was performed at speeds greater than 19km.h-1. Within this high intensity distance were 34 ± 12 sprints per player with an average duration of 3.3s. Average match HR was 85.3 ± 2.9% HRmax and average peak HR was 96.3 ± 2.7% HRmax. Distance covered decreased by 6.2% between the 1st and 2nd halves and there was a trend of decreasing distance in both halves when total distance was broken into five-minute time periods. When assessing the impact of substitutions on the performance of strikers it was found that there were no significant differences in physical outputs between conditions with total distance (S5 = 8414 ± 125m, S4 = 8422 + 34m; S3 = 8282m) and distance covered at speeds greater than 19km.h-1(S5 = 701 ± 46m, S4 = 685 ± 28m, S3 = 723m) being similar. Substantial differences were found in technical outputs between the substitution conditions with more strikers and greater substitutions offering a better total output than less strikers and fewer substitutions (S5 = 241 ± 35, S4 = 207 ± 38, S3 = 173) but statistical significance between conditions was also not found. In conclusion, the results suggest that although substitutions are not a means to increase the physical work of strikers they do appear to be a way to enhance the contributions that strikers are making to the game.

Rätt chef på rätt plats : Hur går rekryteringsprocessen till, vilka riktlinjer följs och vad krävs av en chef?

Palm, Caroline, Lotta, Larspers January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur rekryteringsprocessen vid anställning av chef går till samt vikten av organisatorisk och personlig matchning av chef och företag. Författarna är även intresserade av betydelsen av psykologiska kontrakt i rekryteringssammanhang. Studien är inriktad mot rekryteringsföretag specialiserade på chefsrekrytering som organisationsmässigt skiljer sig så mycket som möjligt från varandra för att få en bredare syn. Undersökningen har delats in i olika områden som består av rekryteringsprocessen, meriter och personlighet samt organisatorisk passform. Studien är utförd genom intervjuer på sju deltagande rekryteringsföretag belägna i Mälardalen. Resultatet visar att det avgörande för rekryteringsprocessen är kravprofilsmötet där rekryteraren möter företaget som ska anställa. Efter en grundläggande kompetens passande uppdraget, är det personligheten som avgör vem som får jobbet.

The Application of Dopplergram on Underwater Intruder Detection in a Harbor Environment

Guo, Chin-lin 31 August 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to undertake the analysis of underwater detection and tracking using the Doppler phase-shift effects to enhance the detection capability. The fundamental principle is owing to the fact that the M-sequence may result in a better distinction to the echo returning from a moving target than the traditional LFM signal, in that the matched filter using M-sequence may need to estimate and compensate the doppler shift due to the moving target. The experiments were carried out in two harbors: True Love Pier of Kaohsiung Harbor (TLPKH) and Woods Hole Hrabor (WHH). The TLPKH is an inner harbor, with sediment being mud, while the WHH is an open types, suitable for target detection. The results from WHH experiment has shown that when the results from M-sequence and traditional LFM signal were compared, the M-sequence yields much better capability both in detection and estimation of the speed of the moving target along the beam axis. However, the signals from TLPKH were too weak for analysis, therefore, the data from TLPKH were used to analyze the environmental noise, transmission loss, which were combined with estimated values for sonar parameters to conduct the sonar performance analysis in an harborenvironment.

Research and Development of Applying Vision guided Position Control by a Flexible Circuits with Automatic Drill Equipments

Liu, Yi-Te 26 July 2001 (has links)
Flexible printed circuits (FPCs) have a flexible character, so the topic for high accuracy and speed of drill is important. We will create an automatic system that joins vision-guided function to accomplish the challenge object of high quality and low cost. The system must contain two sub-systems, which are the machine position control and the image recognition. The machine position control system basis framework moves to position after getting hole-position with different methods and scheme of trajectory planning. The image recognition system framework exports correction to machine position control system that integrates the technique of charge-coupled device (CCD), light source design, snap an image in region of interest (ROI) with image grabber card, pattern match that uses normalized cross correlation (NCC) algorithm. We can proof that the system can achieve the expected goal of high speed and accuracy of drill.

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