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Selective roles of the Nuclear Receptors LXR in the transcriptional control of classical and alternative macrophage activation = Efectos selectivos de los receptores nucleares LXR en el control transcripcional de la activación clásica y alternativa de macrófagosLeón Moreno, Theresa Elizabeth 30 October 2013 (has links)
Nuclear receptor LXR is a ligand dependent transcription factor. The activating ligands of LXR are specific oxidized forms of cholesterol (oxysterols) and intermediate products of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. This thesis has been developed in two main parts. In the first part, we have characterized the anti-inflammatory role of LXR in foam cells, a predominant cell type in atherosclerotic plaques, activated by the endogenous cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and the bacterial component lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We have observed that the conversion of macrophages to foam cells itself has an inhibitory effect on the inflammatory response to LPS, but not to IFN-γ. These inhibitory effects on the LPS response in foam cells do not seem to be mediated by impairing activation of ERK and p38 MAPK pathways, nor by inhibiting IκBα degradation. We also compared the antiinflammatory effects of the LXR ligands with the effects mediated by ligands of another member of the nuclear receptors superfamily, PPAR-γ, in peritoneal macrophages. We have found subsets of genes that are specifically repressed by PPAR-γ in the absence of LXR, and another group that is only repressed by LXR.
In the second part of this work we have determined the role of LXR on the (IL-4-induced) alternative activation of macrophages. The expression of the main markers of alternative activation of macrophages is not affected by LXR agonists. However, we have observed that LXR exerts specific inhibitory effects over a group of chemokines associated to inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma. We have characterized the effect of an LXR agonist in a murine model of allergic asthma and we observed that LXR ameliorates the respiratory capacity upon induction of the asthmatic response. Moreover, LXR deficient mice developed significantly worsened airway responses in comparison with the wild type animals in this type of test. Finally, in this work we have also observed that IL-4 exerts negative reciprocal effects on the induction of selective LXR target genes in a STAT-6 dependent manner. This IL-4-mediated inhibition is selective and only affects a subset of targets of LXR. / El receptor nuclear LXR es un factor de transcripción dependiente de ligando. Los ligandos activadores de LXR son formas derivadas del colesterol. Esta tesis se ha elaborado en dos grandes bloques. En el primero, hemos caracterizado el papel antiinflamatorio que LXR ejerce en células espumosas, un tipo celular predominante en la placa aterosclérotica, activadas por la citoquina Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) y por el componente bacteriano lipopolisacárido (LPS). Así mismo, hemos observado que la conversión de macrófagos en células espumosas, per se, tiene un efecto inhibitorio de la señal inflamatoria inducida por LPS, pero no de la inducida por IFN-γ. Estos efectos inhibitorios de la respuesta a LPS en células espumosas no están mediados por la inhibición de la activación de las vías de MAPKs ERK-1/2 o p38, ni tampoco por una inhibición de la degradación de IκBα. También hemos comparado los efectos antiinflamatorios de los ligandos de LXR con los de otro miembro de la familia de los receptores nucleares, PPAR-γ, en macrófagos peritoneales y hemos encontrado subgrupos de genes que son específicamente inhibidos por PPAR-γ en ausencia de LXR, y otros que son inhibidos únicamente por LXR.
En el segundo bloque de esta tesis hemos determinado el papel de LXR sobre la activación alternativa de los macrófagos (inducida por IL-4). Los marcadores de activación alternativa de macrofagos mejor caracterizados no se ven afectados por los agonistas de LXR. Sin embargo, hemos observado que LXR ejerce efectos inhibitorios específicos sobre un subgrupo de quimioquinas asociadas a enfermedades inflamatorias pulmonares como el asma. Hemos caracterizado el efecto de un agonista de LXR sobre un modelo murino de asma inducida por alérgeno y hemos observado que LXR es capaz de mejorar la capacidad respiratoria tras la inducción de la respuesta asmática, y de inhibir la expresión de mediadores proinflammatorios en el pulmón de ratones asmáticos. Además, ratones deficientes para ambas isoformas de LXR tienen una peor respuesta pulmonar en comparación con los wild type en este tipo de ensayos. En este trabajo también hemos observado que IL-4 ejerce efectos negativos recíprocos sobre la actividad de LXR, de forma dependiente de STAT-6; esta inhibición mediada por IL-4 es selectiva y solo afecta a un subgrupo de genes diana de LXR.
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Pattern formation through lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signalingFormosa Jordan, Pau 29 April 2013 (has links)
Multicellular organisms are constituted by different kinds of cells which are arranged in a particular way, forming tissues with specific functions. The organization of these different cells can give rise to regular spatiotemporal patterns.
In this Thesis we evaluate from a theoretical perspective the effects of different regulatory elements of the Notch signaling pathway in lateral inhibition patterning. These new elements under study are motivated by recent experimental observations. For studying them, we reformulate a phenomenological model proposed by Collier and colleagues (1996). Our modeling approach is based on coupled ordinary differential equations in hexagonal and irregular bidimensional lattices. We use both deterministic and stochastic approaches. We analyze the pattern formation capabilities of our proposed models by using different analytical tools and integrate numerically our dynamical equations.
We focus on four main topics. In the first topic we study how a neurogenic differentiation wavefront in the embryonic vertebrate retina depends on the state of the invaded tissue. Our results show that the properties (pattern formed, shape and velocity) of progressing fronts of lateral inhibition depend crucially on the presence of ligand ahead of the differentiation front. We find similar results in a planar growing wavefront that would mimic morphogenetic furrow progression in embryonic Drosophila eye. Hence, our results point to a mechanism for neurogenic front regulation, and to a potential new design principle.
In the second topic, we study the effects of a diffusible ligand in the context of lateral inhibition. We show that the diffusible ligand per se combined with its inhibition by Notch is not able to generate a pattern. Our results indicate that diffusible ligand with the classical lateral inhibition circuit softens and destroys the lateral inhibition pattern. At intermediate diffusion rates, diffusion can help to create perfect patterns.
The third topic focuses on the study of receptor-ligand interactions within the same cell, what is called cis-interactions. We study the effect of Notch signal-productive cis-interactions in combination with another signaling source in two different situations: (i) in a multicellular scenario, where the other signaling source would be provided by the trans-interactions, and (ii) in a single-cell scenario in which a basal ligand-independent signaling source would be provided. In both situations, we predict that cis-interactions can drive cis-inhibition - i.e. an effective depletion of the signal production rate - at weak cis-signaling rates when acting together with a stronger signaling source, e.g. trans-interactions or with a ligand-independent signaling source. Our work also shows that cis-inhibition in the single-cell system together with a basal signal production can drive bistability. In the multicellular case, we observe that by increasing the amount of cis-interactions in the cis-inhibition scenario the proportion of high-Delta fated cells in a tissue gradually increases.
In the fourth topic we study the case of hair cell differentiation in the embryonic chick inner ear. In this context, Notch pathway operates in two opposite modes with two different ligands: first, lateral induction through Jag1 ligand and afterwards, lateral inhibition through Dl1 ligand. We predict that relative signaling rates (or strengths) by Jag1 and Dl1 when bound to Notch are critical for the transit of operating modes. Also, we predict that in the lateral inhibition stage, competition between Dl1 and Jag1 ligands arise. This competition introduces an extra intercellular mutual inhibitory feedback loop, contributing to lateral inhibition.
Overall, this Thesis presents new theoretical results and predictions on pattern formation in the context of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling. / Els organismes multicel·lulars estan constituïts per diferents tipus cel·lulars ordenats d’una certa manera, formant teixits amb funcions específiques. L’organització de cèl·lules de tipus diferents pot donar lloc a patrons espacio-temporals
Aquesta Tesi es basa en l’estudi de com a partir d’un teixit de cèl·lules equivalents — estat homogeni precursor — s’estableixen patrons ordenats de tipus cel·lulars diferents. En particular, ens hem centrat en l’estudi d’un tipus de patrons que sorgeixen en teixits animals que tenen dos tipus cel·lulars i que presenten un ordre fi en el teixit, i.e. de longitud d’ona de poques cèl·lules. Aquest tipus de patrons són formats degut al efecte de la inhibició lateral. La inhibició lateral és un fenomen en el qual cèl·lules precursores equivalents intenten adoptar
un cert estat o destí cel·lular per a diferenciar-se en un tipus cel·lular en particular, i al mateix temps inhibeixen a les seves cèl·lules veïnes que adquireixin aquest mateix estat. Aquest procés dinàmic dóna lloc a un patró fi, on les cèl·lules que han finalment adoptat l’estat desitjat vénen rodejades per cèl·lules que són inhibides, i que acabaran diferenciant-se en un tipus cel·lular diferent. Aquest tipus de patró es troba en una àmplia varietat de teixits animals, com ara en la retina ,i en l’oïda interna de vertebrats, i en l’ull de la mosca Drosophila.
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Crystal Engineering Studies of Squaric Acid DerivativesPortell Bueso, Anna 17 November 2014 (has links)
Tesi realitzada a la Unitat de Polimorfisme i Calorimetria - CCIT-UB / This thesis is a multidisciplinary study of the solid state of squaric acid derivatives which combines approaches from areas such as crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry and crystallography. The structural preferences in the solid state of this family of compounds has been analyzed, new crystalline materials derived from squaric acid have been designed in order to study new supramolecular synthons and relevant chemical phenomena such as template effect, preorganization, cooperativity and electrostatic compression have been explored.
In summary, 47 polymorphs, solvates, cocrystals and salts from 22 squaric acid derivative compounds have been obtained and 31 crystal structures have been solved and analyzed. Several experimental techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, thermomicroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and Xray diffraction have been used for the analysis of the squaric acid derivatives synthesized. In this sense, the optimization of a methodology for solving crystal structures from laboratory powder Xray diffraction data by means of direct space methods has permitted to overcome the difficulty of growing good quality single crystals of disecondary squaramides.
Squaramides are interesting compounds due to their double donoracceptor hydrogen bond character. In this work, their structural characteristics in the solid state have been studied and cooperativity in hydrogenbonded catemers has been observed to play a crucial role in defining the robust solidstate headtotail synthon in the anti/anti conformation of disecondary squaramides, overriding the preferred association mode anti/syn observed in solution. Consequently, the selfassembling of the squaramide rings is a very strong binding motif, which has been proven difficult to be perturbed by other competing functional groups in the solid state. Taking into account these characteristics, two different cocrystal design strategies have been developed: the first one considering the preorganization of a monosquaramide ester via intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and the second one, more successful, considering that secondary squaramides can act as molecular scaffolds which, with a suitable functionalization of their substituents, new multicomponent solids have been obtained with coformers interacting via peripheral hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the analysis of the hydrogen bonding donor/acceptor parameters (a and ß) has been conducted with some model compounds with the aim of explaining their structural preferences in the solid state. Understanding the preference of a functional group for a particular synthon is mandatory in order to design new crystalline materials. In this sense, an unprecedented squaramide helical topology driven by the headtotail interaction has been reported, revealing its potential use in the field of crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry. In a second stage of this thesis, further inside has been given to squaric acid derivatives through the design of zwitterionic squaramides. This has permitted the analysis of the electrostatic compression phenomenon which is responsible for a robust dimeric supramolecular synthon which also allows the formation of multicomponent solids. Finally, a collaborative research has been conducted on the theoretical and experimental of the main interactions shown by squaric acid and amidosquaric acid salts in the solid state.
In summary, it can be concluded that the squaric/squaramide functional group, poorly studied in the solid state, has interesting properties which can be potentially exploited for the design and synthesis of new and diverse crystalline materials. / Aquesta tesi presenta un estudi multidisciplinar de l’estat sòlid de derivats de l’àcid esquàric, enmarcat en diferents àrees com l’enginyeria cristal•lina, la química supramolecular i la cristal•lografia. Les esquaramides són compostos interessants per la seva capacitat doble donadora/acceptora d’enllaços d’hidrogen. En aquest treball s’han analitzat les característiques estructurals de les esquaramides en l’estat sòlid i s’han dissenyat nous materials cristal•lins derivats de l’àcid esquàric per tal d’estudiar nous sintons supramoleculars. L’estudi de la capacitat acceptora/donadora de compostos model a través de la determinació teòrica dels paràmetres d’enllaç d’hidrogen (a i ß), ha permès la racionalització dels aspectes estructurals d’aquesta família de compostos. A més, a través d’aquest estudi, s’han explorat fenòmens químics de rellevància com l’efecte template i la preorganització pel disseny de sals i cocristalls, la cooperativitat, responsable del sintó observat en estat sòlid de les diesquaramides secundàries, així com la compressió electrostàtica identificada en esquaramides zwitteriòniques i sals de l’àcid esquàric.
En resum s’han obtingut 47 polimorfs, solvats, cocristalls i sals de 22 derivats de l’àcid esquàric i s’han resolt i analitzat 31 estructures cristal•lines. Per a l’anàlisi de les espècies sintetitzades s’han utilitzat diferents tècniques experimentals com la calorimetria diferencial d’escaneig, la termogravimetria, la termomicroscòpia, l’espectroscòpia de ressonància magnètica nuclear i la difracció de raigs X de pols i de monocristall. En aquest sentit, l’optimització de la metodologia de resolució d’estructures cristal•lines a partir de dades de difracció de raigs X de laboratori a través de mètodes d’espai directe ha permès superar les dificultats que presenten les esquaramides secundàries a cristal•litzant monocristalls de qualitat.
A partir dels resultats d’aquesta tesi doctoral es pot concloure que el grup funcional esquàric/esquaramida, poc estudiat en l’estat sòlid, té unes propietats potencialment explotables en el disseny i la síntesi de nous i diversos materials cristal•lins.
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Colloidal Dispersions in Fluid Media: Electric, Magnetic and Light ControlHernández Navarro, Sergi 27 February 2015 (has links)
In the present thesis I have worked with particle dispersion in water as well as in liquid crystal.
As the first study of this thesis, I have studied the aggregation of isotropic (spherical) and elongated anisometric (pear-shaped) colloidal particles in aqueous medium, confined in two dimensions when subjected to perpendicular external alternating current (AC) electric fields. For low frequencies (f < 2.5kHz) the electrohydrodynamic flow is predominant, and particles tend to aggregate in clusters. On the contrary, for higher frequencies the repulsive dipolar interaction dominates, and particles disperse.
Although both types of particles feature a similar behavior under AC field, pear-shaped particles present a richer phase diagram, that is, they have more phases than the spherical ones. I have also found that pear-shaped particles tend to form smaller and more elongated aggregates, with faster aggregation kinetics. I have also tested different ways to measure the strength of the colloidal aggregates using magnetic probes.
The following studies of this thesis focus on colloidal dispersions in liquid crystals, which are widely used nowadays to clarify new fundamental concepts and original applications.(1–5) Nematic liquid crystals (NLC) are anisotropic organic fluids whose molecules exhibit the positional disorder of a liquid, but are aligned in a certain direction (called the director of the NLC) (6,7). The director field is usually controlled by certain boundary conditions imposed on the plates of the experimental cell.
As a novel way to determine the director orientation, I have demonstrated that paramagnetic anisometric inclusions can be used to locally control the in-plane orientation of the director field by means of external weak magnetic fields. To better understand the phenomenon I have also developed a theoretical model based on the free energy density of the NLC. Additionally, I have found that, by rotating the paramagnetic inclusions more than 100º from their initial orientation, a target pattern of dark and light alternated circles appear. This phenomenon is also captured by the model proposed.
In the third phase of this project, I have investigated the controlled motion of micrometer inclusions dispersed in a nematic liquid crystal, propelled by an alternating current (AC) electric field. Recently it has been reported in the literature that micrometric particles can be propelled in NLC by using AC fields, provided that these particles break the symmetry of the NLC director around them. The mechanism explaining this propulsion is called Liquid Crystal-Enabled Electrophoresis (LCEEP) (3).
By taking advantage of this mechanism, I have demonstrated that aqueous microdroplets are also propelled by LCEEP. One can make these droplets transport solid polystyrene microparticles, or perform a chemical reaction by coalescing two microdroplets containing separate reactants. In addition, I have also demonstrated the control of the activation or deactivation of LCEEP by using photosensitive particles, which change the NLC director symmetry around them upon UV-visible irradiation.
In the last part of this thesis I have developed a novel technique to separately control particle driving from steering under LCEEP. Using photo-induced patterns, I assemble and dynamically control ensembles of particles in a NLC medium. These swarms are assembled, transported and dynamically addressed by local irradiation of the photosensitive cell plate with UV light. With this technique I have demonstrated different potential applications: from the formation and reconfiguration of lattices composed of particle swarms, to segregation of particles with different sizes, as well as the storage and subsequent release of a swarm inside physical constraints, or the formation of particle jets. All these phenomena unveil novel possibilities in the field of collective transport of driven inclusions.
(1) Koenig, G. M.; Lin, I.-H.; Abbott, N. L. Chemoresponsive Assemblies of Microparticles at Liquid Crystalline Interfaces. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2010, 107, 3998–4003.
(2) Lintuvuori, J. S.; Stratford, K.; Cates, M. E.; Marenduzzo, D. Colloids in Cholesterics: Size-Dependent Defects and Non-Stokesian Microrheology. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 105, 178302.
(3) Lavrentovich, O. D.; Lazo, I.; Pishnyak, O. P. Nonlinear Electrophoresis of Dielectric and Metal Spheres in a Nematic Liquid Crystal. Nature 2010, 467, 947–950.
(4) Pishnyak, O. P.; Tang, S.; Kelly, J. R.; Shiyanovskii, S.; Lavrentovich, O. D. Levitation, Lift, and Bidirectional Motion of Colloidal Particles in an Electrically Driven Nematic Liquid Crystal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 99, 127802.
(5) Tasinkevych, M.; Mondiot, F.; Mondain-Monval, O.; Loudet, J.-C. Dispersions of Ellipsoidal Particles in a Nematic Liquid Crystal. Soft Matter 2014, 10, 2047–2058.
(6) Oswald, P.; Pieranski, P. Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid Crystals: Concepts and Physical Properties Illustrated by Experiments; Taylor& Francis: Boca Raton, 2005.
(7) Kleman, M.; Lavrentovich, O. D. Soft Matter Physics - An Introduction; Springer, 2003. / Durant aquesta tesi, he treballat amb dispersions de partícules en l'aigua, així com també amb dispersions en cristall líquid nemàtic (NLC).
Com a primer estudi d'aquesta tesi, he investigat la influència de camps elèctrics en dispersions col·loïdals de partícules sòlides en un medi aquós. He estudiat l'agregació de partícules col·loïdals isotròpiques (esfèriques) i anisomètriques allargades (amb forma de pera) en un medi aquós confinat en dues dimensions, quan se sotmet a un camp elèctric de corrent alterna (AC) perpendicular a la superfície de confinament.
En un segon estudi he demostrat que es poden utilitzar inclusions anisomètriques paramagnètiques per controlar localment l'orientació d’un NLC, per mitjà de camps magnètics febles. Per entendre millor el fenomen també he desenvolupat un model teòric basat en la densitat d'energia lliure del NLC. A més, he estat capaç de generar patrons complexos, que també s’expliquen amb model proposat.
En la tercera fase d'aquest projecte, he investigat el moviment controlat d'inclusions micromètriques disperses en NLC, impulsades per un corrent altern (AC) a traves d’un mecanisme anomenat “electroforesi habilitada per cristall líquid” (LCEEP). He demostrat que microgotes aquoses es poden propulsar per LCEEP. Es pot fer que aquestes microgotes transportin micropartícules sòlides de poliestirè, o dur a terme una reacció química mitjançant la coalescència de dos microgotes que contenen reactius separats. A més, també he demostrat el control de l'activació o desactivació de la LCEEP mitjançant l'ús de partícules fotosensibles, en funció de la irradiació UV-visible.
En l'última part d’aquesta tesi he desenvolupat una nova tècnica per a controlar separadament la propulsió i la direcció de moviment de les partícules transportades per LCEEP. Mitjançant l’ús de patrons fotoinduïts, es poden formar i controlar dinàmicament conjunts de partícules en un medi de NLC. Aquests eixams es formen, es transporten i es dirigeixen dinàmicament per irradiació local amb llum UV. Amb aquesta tècnica he pogut demostrat diferents aplicacions potencials: des de la formació i reconfiguració de xarxes cristal·lines compostes d'eixams de partícules, a la segregació de partícules de diferents mides, així com l'emmagatzematge i posterior alliberament d'un eixam dins d’un canal micromètric, o la formació de jets de partícules. Tots aquests fenòmens revelen noves possibilitats en el camp del transport col·lectiu d'inclusions propulsades.
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A network-based approach to cell metabolism: from structure to flux balancesGüell Riera, Oriol 12 February 2015 (has links)
The thesis called “A network-based approach to cell metabolism: from structure to flux balances” shows how the vision of cell metabolism as a whole allows to unveil new mechanisms and responses impossible to reach by traditional reductionist approaches. Different lines of research have been used, and each one has allowed extracting new insights about the properties of cell metabolism of three organisms, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. To do so, tools that belong to the complex network science and Systems Biology have been used.
The first line of study analyzes how the structure of the metabolic networks of the three mentioned organisms respond when their metabolic networks are affected by perturbations, i.e., when a reaction or a set of them are forced to be non-operative. To do this, the applied algorithm spreads a structural cascade when an initial reaction is forced to be non-operative. This study determines that evolutionary pressure favors the ability of efficient metabolic regulation at the expense of losing robustness to reaction failures.
The second line of study focuses on the application of the technique called Flux Balance Analysis (FBA), which is able to compute the fluxes of all reactions composing a metabolic network, assuming that the biological target of the organism is to maximize maximizes the growth rate. The study of synthetic lethal pairs in E. coli and M. pneumoniae with FBA allows identifying two protection mechanisms called plasticity and redundancy. Plasticity sets up as a backup mechanism that is able to reorganize metabolic fluxes turning on inactive reactions when coessential counterparts are removed in order to maintain viability in a specific medium. Redundancy corresponds to a simultaneous use of different flux channels that ensures viability and besides increases growth.
The third part combines FBA and the technique called Disparity Filter in E. coli and M. pneumoniae to obtain metabolic backbones, which are reduced versions of metabolic networks composed by the most relevant connections, this relevancy being determined by the importance of the chemical fluxes. One finds that the disparity filter recognizes metabolic connections that are important for long-term evolution, these connections being related to ancestral pathways. In addition, the disparity filter identifies metabolic connections that are important for short-term adaptation. These connections are related to pathways whose reactions quickly adapt to external stimuli.
The last line of study studies whether the assumption of maximizing the growth rate leads to a representative solution or not. Although FBA gives a single solution, there exist a number of other possible solutions that are chemically feasible but that do not maximize growth, and that form part of the whole flux space. In this way, the third line of study computes all the possible solutions, obtaining in this way the whole space of flux solutions of E. coli. The information content in the whole space of solutions provides with an entire map of phenotypes to evaluate behavior and capabilities of metabolism. Therefore, it is found that the FBA solution is eccentric compared to the mean of solutions. In addition, the whole flux solution map can be used to calibrate the deviation of FBA from experimental observations. To finish, in the map it is possible to find solutions that perform aerobic fermentation, a process which is impossible to recover with FBA computations unless extra constraints are used.
The obtained results could be applied in medical applications, for example to study the metabolism of cancer cells. Thus, it could be a way to study how to force that these cells do not proliferate in the human body, a fact that causes many problems in humans. / La visió completa del metabolisme cel·lular, és a dir, tenint en compte totes les reaccions que el componen, permet descobrir nous mecanismes i respostes que són impossibles d’obtenir amb els mètodes reduccionistes tradicionals. L’estudi d’una xarxa metabòlica completa requereix eines que pertanyen a la Biologia de Sistemes i a la Ciència de les Xarxes Complexes.
La present tesi mostra com la combinació de les eines que pertanyen a aquests dos camps es pot aplicar per a descobrir noves propietats de les xarxes metabòliques. D'aquesta manera, s’han estudiat les xarxes metabòliques de tres bacteris amb les següents eines: (1) algoritme de cascada, que es pot usar per estudiar si les xarxes metabòliques poden sobreviure a inactivacions de determinades reaccions, (2) Flux Balance Analysis, que s’usa per a calcular els fluxos a través de les reaccions que composen la xarxa metabòlica suposant que l’objectiu biològic de l’organisme a estudiar és maximitzar la velocitat de creixement, (3) Disparity Filter, que permet obtenir versions reduïdes de xarxes metabòliques, cosa que facilita el seu estudi i anàlisi, i (4) Hit-And-Run, que permet obtenir totes les solucions metabòliques independentment de que maximitzin el creixement de l’organisme.
En aquesta tesi es demostra que el metabolisme de les cèl·lules dels organismes vius ha evolucionat de forma que aconsegueix sobreviure a les inactivacions de les reaccions que el componen. Addicionalment, s’identifiquen les rutes metabòliques responsables dels processos evolutius i adaptatius que es donen en les xarxes metabòliques. A més, també es demostra que la tècnica Flux Balance Analysis dóna una solució de fluxos que no es representativa de totes les possibles solucions. Cal remarcar que això no invalida la tècnica, sinó que les assumpcions que usa donen una solució concreta que té sentit biològic però que és molt diferent de la resta de solucions.
És important recalcar que els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi podrien emprar-se en aplicacions mèdiques, per exemple estudiar el metabolisme de les cèl·lules cancerígenes, que podia utilitzar-se per a que aquestes cèl·lules no proliferin en el cos dels humans, un fet que causa moltes problemes en l'ésser humà.
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Occupancy, abundance, potential dislribution and spatial competitíon of the critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) and the invasive non-native American mink (Neovison vison) in the lberian PeninsulaSantulli Sanzo, Giulla 21 November 2014 (has links)
The target species of this thesis, the European mink (Mustela lutreola) and the American mink (Neovison vison), are considered respectively as one of the most threatened carnivores and as one of the worst invaders in Europe.
Both species colonized the Iberian Peninsula very recently: the European mink entered from France in the 1950s and colonized the rivers basins of the Northeastern Spain, and the American mink was introduced in the 1950s through fur farming and is currently found in six different populations throughout the Northern half of the Peninsula.
In the Iberian Peninsula, most analyses focused on conservation and management of the European and the American mink in the last two decades are at local-scale, using data collected over small areas inside their range of distribution.
In this thesis, we explored the two mink species interaction, occupancy, abundance and potential distribution over their entire range of distribution in the Iberian Peninsula, in order to provide sound basis to guide conservation and management actions.
We used data from live-trapping surveys conducted between 2000 and 2011 as part of the European mink conservation plan and the American mink control plan. Moreover, we collected presence data of the historical distribution of the European mink all over Europe and presence data of the American mink in the native (North America) and the invaded (Europe) ranges.
We applied three different statistical techniques to analyze the data: Occupancy Models, N-mixture Models and Species Distribution Models.
We provided evidences of a large-scale competitive exclusion of the native species by the invasive mink, and we found a negative trend in the abundance of the critically endangered mink over the last fifteen years.
We produced a spatial prediction of the potential expansion of the American mink in the Iberian Peninsula, demonstrating that the species could colonize river basins of the entire Peninsula.
Finally, we analyzed the overlap of the two mink species’ potential distribution in the Iberian Peninsula, in order to identify priority conservation areas for the European mink.
Overall, from our analysis emerged that a better coordination between local policies as well as a greater constancy in monitoring and controlling the American mink population is imperative to improve the conservation strategy of the European mink in Spain. / Las especies objeto de la presente tesis, el visón europeo (Mustela lutreola) y el visón americano (Neovison vison) son respectivamente uno de los carnívoros más amenazados y una de las peores especies invasoras de Europa
Ambas especies han colonizado la Península Ibérica muy recientemente: el visón europeo ha entrado desde Francia en los años 1950s y ha colonizado algunas cuenca fluviales en el noreste de España, y el visón americano ha sido introducido en los 1950s a través de las granjas peleteras, y se encuentra ahora distribuido en seis núcleos poblacionales en el nord de la Península.
La mayoría de los análisis sobre la conservación y la gestión del visón europeo y del visón americano llevados al cabo en las últimas dos décadas, se ha realizado a escala local usando datos recogidos en pequeñas áreas.
En la presente tesis se ha explorado la interacción, la ocupación, la abundancia y la distribución potencial de las dos especies de visones en la totalidad de su área de distribución en la Península Ibérica, con el objetivo de proporcionar sólidas bases para orientar las acciones de conservación y gestión.
Se han utilizado datos de capturas en vivo recogidos entre el 2000 y el 2001, como parte del plan de conservación del visón europeo y el plan de control del visón americano en la Península Ibérica. Además, se han utilizados datos sobre la presencia histórica del visón europeo en toda Europa y datos de presencia del visón americano en su área original de distribución (Norte América) y en el área invadida (Europa).
Se han aplicado tres diferentes técnicas estadísticas para el análisis de los datos: Modelos de Ocupación, Modelos N-mixture y Modelos de Distribución de Especies.
Se han proporcionados pruebas a amplia escala, de la exclusión competitiva del visón europeo de parte del visón americano, y se ha observado una tendencia negativa en la abundancia de la especie en peligro crítico de extinción en los últimos 15 años.
Se ha producido una predicción de la expansión potencial del visón americano en la Península Ibérica, demostrando que la especie puede colonizar las cuencas fluviales de la entera Península.
En general del presente análisis emerge que son necesarias una mejor coordinación entre las políticas locales y una mayor constancia en la monitorización y el control del vison americano para mejorar la estrategia de conservación del visón europeo en España
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From pixels to gestures: learning visual representations for human analysis in color and depth data sequencesHernández-Vela, Antonio 09 March 2015 (has links)
The visual analysis of humans from images is an important topic of interest due to its relevance to many computer vision applications like pedestrian detection, monitoring and surveillance, human-computer interaction, e-health or content-based image retrieval, among others.
In this dissertation in learning different visual representations of the human body that are helpful for the visual analysis of humans in images and video sequences. To that end, we analyze both RCB and depth image modalities and address the problem from three different research lines, at different levels of abstraction; from pixels to gestures: human segmentation, human pose estimation and gesture recognition.
First, we show how binary segmentation (object vs. background) of the human body in image sequences is helpful to remove all the background clutter present in the scene. The presented method, based on “Graph cuts” optimization, enforces spatio-temporal consistency of the produced segmentation masks among consecutive frames. Secondly, we present a framework for multi-label segmentation for obtaining much more detailed segmentation masks: instead of just obtaining a binary representation separating the human body from the background, finer segmentation masks can be obtained separating the different body parts.
At a higher level of abstraction, we aim for a simpler yet descriptive representation of the human body. Human pose estimation methods usually rely on skeletal models of the human body, formed by segments (or rectangles) that represent the body limbs, appropriately connected following the kinematic constraints of the human body, In practice, such skeletal models must fulfill some constraints in order to allow for efficient inference, while actually Iimiting the expressiveness of the model. In order to cope with this, we introduce a top-down approach for predicting the position of the body parts in the model, using a mid-level part representation based on Poselets.
Finally, we propose a framework for gesture recognition based on the bag of visual words framework. We leverage the benefits of RGB and depth image modalities by combining modality-specific visual vocabularies in a late fusion fashion. A new rotation-variant depth descriptor is presented, yielding better results than other state-of-the-art descriptors. Moreover, spatio-temporal pyramids are used to encode rough spatial and temporal structure. In addition, we present a probabilistic reformulation of Dynamic Time Warping for gesture segmentation in video sequences, A Gaussian-based probabilistic model of a gesture is learnt, implicitly encoding possible deformations in both spatial and time domains. / L’anàlisi visual de persones a partir d'imatges és un tema de recerca molt important, atesa la rellevància que té a una gran quantitat d'aplicacions dins la visió per computador, com per exemple: detecció de vianants, monitorització i vigilància,interacció persona-màquina, “e-salut” o sistemes de recuperació d’matges a partir de contingut, entre d'altres.
En aquesta tesi volem aprendre diferents representacions visuals del cos humà, que siguin útils per a la anàlisi visual de persones en imatges i vídeos. Per a tal efecte, analitzem diferents modalitats d'imatge com són les imatges de color RGB i les imatges de profunditat, i adrecem el problema a diferents nivells d'abstracció, des dels píxels fins als gestos: segmentació de persones, estimació de la pose humana i reconeixement de gestos.
Primer, mostrem com la segmentació binària (objecte vs. fons) del cos humà en seqüències d'imatges ajuda a eliminar soroll pertanyent al fons de l'escena en qüestió. El mètode presentat, basat en optimització “Graph cuts”, imposa consistència espai-temporal a Ies màscares de segmentació obtingudes en “frames” consecutius. En segon lloc, presentem un marc metodològic per a la segmentació multi-classe, amb la qual podem obtenir una descripció més detallada del cos humà, en comptes d'obtenir una simple representació binària separant el cos humà del fons, podem obtenir màscares de segmentació més detallades, separant i categoritzant les diferents parts del cos.
A un nivell d'abstraccíó més alt, tenim com a objectiu obtenir representacions del cos humà més simples, tot i ésser suficientment descriptives. Els mètodes d'estimació de la pose humana sovint es basen en models esqueletals del cos humà, formats per segments (o rectangles) que representen les extremitats del cos, connectades unes amb altres seguint les restriccions cinemàtiques del cos humà. A la pràctica, aquests models esqueletals han de complir certes restriccions per tal de poder aplicar mètodes d'inferència que permeten trobar la solució òptima de forma eficient, però a la vegada aquestes restriccions suposen una gran limitació en l'expressivitat que aques.ts models son capaços de capturar. Per tal de fer front a aquest problema, proposem un enfoc “top-down” per a predir la posició de les parts del cos del model esqueletal, introduïnt una representació de parts de mig nivell basada en “Poselets”.
Finalment. proposem un marc metodològic per al reconeixement de gestos, basat en els “bag of visual words”. Aprofitem els avantatges de les imatges RGB i les imatges; de profunditat combinant vocabularis visuals específiques per a cada modalitat, emprant late fusion. Proposem un nou descriptor per a imatges de profunditat invariant a rotació, que millora l'estat de l'art, i fem servir piràmides espai-temporals per capturar certa estructura espaial i temporal dels gestos. Addicionalment, presentem una reformulació probabilística del mètode “Dynamic Time Warping” per al reconeixement de gestos en seqüències d'imatges. Més específicament, modelem els gestos amb un model probabilistic gaussià que implícitament codifica possibles deformacions tant en el domini espaial com en el temporal.
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Paleobiología de los artrópodos del ámbar cretácico de El Soplao (Cantabria, España) = Arthropod paleobiology of the cretaceous amber from El Soplao (Cantabria, Spain)Pérez de la Fuente, Ricardo 21 December 2012 (has links)
El yacimiento de ámbar de El Soplao (Rábago, Cantabria), de edad Cretácico Inferior (hace unos 110 millones de años), ha proporcionado a día de hoy más de 500 bioinclusiones de artrópodos. El estudio morfológico y sistemático de los artrópodos del ámbar de El Soplao se ha centrado en rafidiópteros, neurópteros y algunos grupos de dípteros, himenópteros y arañas, y ha permitido realizar inferencias paleoecológicas, paleobiogeográficas y paleoetológicas. Estos datos han complementado los datos geológicos y otros datos paleontológicos (como los paleobotánicos), que, en suma, han conducido a una reconstrucción paleoambiental. La presente Tesis Doctoral se basa en un total de once artículos.
Las plantas productoras de resina que dieron origen al ámbar de El Soplao, coníferas pertenecientes al menos a la familia extinta Cheirolepidiaceae y a otro grupo diferente por determinar, se desarrollarían cerca de la costa marina. Los incendios, como parte integrante de la dinámica del ecosistema, tuvieron un papel determinante en la producción y posterior acumulación de resina que dio lugar al yacimiento, provocando la secreción traumática de resina (en la que los insectos barrenadores de madera pudieron haber colaborado) y eliminando la cobertura vegetal del suelo del bosque. Ello facilitó que el agua de escorrentía erosionara el suelo y movilizara la resina depositada primariamente. Esta resina sufrió un corto transporte y se depositó de un modo paraauctóctono en las áreas de enterramiento definitivo, al no existir indicios de reelaboración ni retrabajamiento del ámbar. Estas áreas donde la resina quedó enterrada y fosilizó corresponden a ambientes de marjal costero o de estuario asociado a una llanura deltaica. Algunas masas de resina presentaron un largo periodo de exposición en las aguas salobres o marinas antes de enterrarse.
Pese a hallarse en una fase de estudio inicial, la diversidad identificada de artrópodos en el ámbar de El Soplao es elevada, y en algunas casos ha brindado el registro más antiguo conocido de ciertos taxones. En un total de 549 inclusiones de artrópodos catalogadas, se han determinado 13 órdenes de hexápodos repartidos en unas 40 familias, cuatro órdenes de arácnidos y uno de crustáceos. La paleofauna de artrópodos de El Soplao muestra una serie de singularidades, tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas, en comparación con el resto de paleofaunas conocidas de los ámbares cretácicos. Estas singularidades paleofaunísticas tanto a nivel cuantitativo como cualitativo en el ámbar de El Soplao, aparte de los factores tafonómicos y teniendo además en cuenta los hallazgos anteriores en el ámbar de Peñacerrada I, podrían reflejar un cierto carácter endémico de los ecosistemas ibéricos durante el Albiense debido a la insularidad que la Placa Ibérica adquirió en el Jurásico Inferior.
Existen tres especies de insectos comunes a los ámbares de El Soplao y Peñacerrada I (= Moraza). Ello sugiere una edad muy similar para ambos yacimientos de la Cuenca Vasco‐Cantábrica. Además, se han advertido ciertas similitudes entre las paleofaunas del ámbar de España (El Soplao y Peñacerrada I) (Albiense) y las del ámbar del Líbano (Barremiense‐ Aptiense), aunque se hallen espaciadas en el tiempo por varios millones de años. No obstante, es necesario aumentar las colecciones de los ámbares españoles para dar mayor fundamento a estas observaciones, así como revisar las dataciones del ámbar del Líbano.
La elevada proporción de sininclusiones y muestras que brindan información paleoetológica o acerca de interacciones paleobióticas, tanto intraespecíficas como interespecíficas, dan al ámbar de El Soplao un elevado valor paleoecológico. Existen casos de posible enjambramiento, de cópula, de camuflage/defensa, de relación planta‐insecto, de parasitismo, de posible hematofagia y de posible relación depredador‐presa. / The El Soplao amber outcrop (Rábago, Cantabria, Northern Spain), Early Cretaceous in age (about 110 Mya), has currently provided more than 500 arthropod inclusions. This PhD dissertation aimed to achieve in‐depth knowledge of the paleobiology associated with the arthropods from the El Soplao amber outcrop, allowing for a preliminary comparison with primary Cretaceous amber outcrops. This was possible only after a thorough systematic treatment of El Soplao arthropod inclusions that inferred their paleoautoecological, paleobiogeographical and paleoethological contexts to, ultimately, glean a holistic understanding of the paleoenvironmental setting.
The resin‐producing plants responsible for El Soplao amber are conifers belonging to the extinct family Cheirolepidiaceae and, at least, another unknown conifer group. These trees would have lived close to the paleo‐coastline. Paleofires played a leading role in the production and accumulation of resin. The areas where the resin was buried and fossilized correspond to marshy or delta‐estuarine environments. Some resin pieces had a long exposure time to marine or brackish waters before being buried.
Identified arthropod diversity is high, and the outcrop has provided the oldest known records for certain taxa. Thirteen hexapod orders (composed by about 40 families), four arachnid orders, and one crustacean order have been determined. The arthropod fauna from El Soplao is quantitatively and qualitatively singular when compared to faunas from other known Cretaceous ambers.
Three insect species occur in both the El Soplao and Peñacerrada I (=Moraza) outcrops. The shared species between these two Basque‐Cantabrian Basin outcrops suggest they are similar in age. Moreover, similarities have been noted between the paleofauna from the Spanish amber outcrops (El Soplao and Peñacerrada I) (Albian) and the paleofauna from Lebanon (Barremian‐Aptian), despite these outcrops are separated in time by several million years.
El Soplao amber is valuable in the abundance of syninclusions and samples that provide information about paleoethology and paleobiotic interactions. There are instances of possible swarming, mating, camouflage/defense, plant‐insect relationship, parasitism, possible hematophagy and possible predator‐prey relationship.
An expanded English summary is provided at the end of the dissertation.
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Dinàmica de la vegetació en relació amb els canvis climàtics, els processos geològics i l'impacte humà a l'illa de Pasqua des del Glacial tardà. Estudi paleoecològic dels sediments del llac Rano RarakuCañellas Boltà, Núria 01 April 2014 (has links)
Tesi realitzada a l'Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB-CISC) / Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en la paleoecologia de l’Illa de Pasqua (Rapa Nui) (27ºS 109ºW). El present treball ha caracteritzat la vegetació a la conca del llac i la seva dinàmica com a resposta als canvis ambientals durant els darrers 34000 anys a partir d’indicadors ambientals (macrorestes vegetals, diatomees, registre palinològic, geoquímic i fàcies sedimentari) analitzats en sediments de testimonis de sondeig del llac Raraku. Els resultats han evidenciat variacions significatives en la composició de la vegetació en relació a canvis climàtics a llarg termini, modificacions de la morfologia de la conca per rebliment sedimentari i, en els últims tres mil•lennis, les activitats humanes. El llac Raraku i els seus entorns han experimentat grans canvis transformant-se d’un llac profund amb forts pendents envoltat per un palmerar obert a un llac somer amb vegetació dominada per palmeres, desprès a una torbera amb una successió de plantes dominants, el retorn a condicions de llac, i finalment el reemplaçament dels palmerars de l’entorn per vegetació herbàcia. A més a més, s’han observat fluctuacions menors en la vegetació durant el període glacial i la desglaciació, que podrien ser conseqüència de canvis climàtics ràpids com el Younger Dryas i esdeveniments Heinrich (H1-H3), donant suport a la hipòtesi de l’ocurrència d’aquests fenòmens a la regió del Pacífic Sud. En el treball s’ha dut a terme l’anàlisi de la successió sedimentaria més contínua fins el moment pels darrers 3,7 cal ka BP. L’estudi ha caracteritzat el reemplaçament de la vegetació dominada per palmeres per prats, iniciat el c. 2,4 cal ka BP, com un procés llarg i gradual-esglaonat en contrast amb el patró sobtat d’estudis anteriors. La presència i expansió de la planta ruderal d’origen americà Verbena litoralis, juntament amb la correlació significativa del seu augment amb increments en el registre de carbó, suggereixen la implicació de les activitats humanes en aquest procés de reemplaçament. L’identificació de hiatus sedimentaris suggereixen la contribució del clima als canvis de vegetació. Aquests resultats indiquen el probable establiment de l’home a l’illa 1500 anys abans de la data actualment acceptada, i el possible paper de poblacions provinents d’Amèrica. La magnitud i rapidesa dels canvis de vegetació a causa de les variacions climàtiques i del rebliment del llac des del final de l’últim glacial són similars als ocorreguts durant la presència humana. D’altra banda s’han identificat restes macrofòssils com a possibles indicadors de condicions ambientals i s’ha reconegut per primera vegada la presència d’una nova planta nativa a l’illa actualment extirpada: Dianella cf. intermedia/adenanthera. / This dissertation focuses on the paleoecology of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) (27°S 109°W). The study has characterised vegetation of the lake’s basin and its dynamics in response to environmental changes during the past 34000 years from several environmental indicators (macroremains plants, diatoms, palynological, geochemical and sedimentary facies records) analized in lacustrine sediment cores of lake Raraku. The results show significant changes in the composition of the vegetation in relation to long-term climatic changes, variations on the lake basin morphology due to sedimentary infilling and human activities in the last three millennia. Lake Raraku and its surroundings have undergone significant changes, such as the transformation of the deep lake surrounded by open palm grove into a shallow lake with palm-dominant vegetation around, the hydrosere succession into a mire with a plant succession, the return to lake conditions, and finally the replacement of palm vegetation by herbs. Moreover, small fluctuations in vegetation during the glacial period and deglatiation have been observed and could be the result of rapid climate changes such as the Younger Dryas and Heinrich events H1-H3. This supports a wide occurrence of these events, including the Pacific South region. The multiproxy analysis of the most continuous sequence to date for the last 3.7 ka BP has characterised the replacement of palm-dominated vegetation by grasslands as a long and gradual process, starting at c.2.4 ka BP, in contrast with the abrupt pattern from previous studies. The presence of the weed of American origin Verbena litoralis, together with significant correlation with charcoal increases, suggest the involvement of human activities in the replacement process. Sedimentary gaps observed in the sequence suggest the contribution of climatic effects as well. These results indicate that human settlement occurred likely 1500 years before the date currently accepted, and a possible role of people coming from America. The study shows that vegetation changes due to climate and lake basin morphological variations are similar in rate and magnitude to those occurred during human presence. On the other hand, several macrofossil remains have been identified as potential indicators of environmental conditions and the presence of a new plant native to the island, now extirpated, Dianella cf. Intermediate/adenanthera, has been recognized for the first time.
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Volcanic hazard assessment in monogenetic volcanic fieldsBartolini, Stefania 06 October 2014 (has links)
Tesi realitzada a l'Institut de Ciències de la Terra “Jaume Almera” (ICTJA-CSIC) / One of the most important tasks of modern volcanology, which represents a significant socio-economic implication, is to conduct hazard assessment in active volcanic systems. These volcanological studies are aimed at hazard that allows to constructing hazard maps and simulating different eruptive scenarios, and are mainly addressed to contribute to territorial planning, definition of emergency plans or managing volcanic crisis. The impact of a natural event, as a volcanic eruption, can significantly affect human life, property, infrastructures, and the environment. Long periods of quiescence are quite common in many volcanic areas and this often leads to a fall in the alert. The consequence is lack of preparation to deal with a volcanic crisis.
The present Ph.D. Thesis is focused on the development and application of different tools for the spatial and temporal analyses to assess volcanic hazard in monogenetic volcanic fields. Monogenetic volcanic fields are commonly not regarded as potentially dangerous and only a few studies concerning hazard assessment have been conducted in such environments. In the long-term hazard assessment, we assume that the future eruptive behaviour in the volcanic field could be similar to the last eruptive activity. First, we have developed a new tool, QVAST (QGIS for VolcAnic SuscepTibility), designed to carry out the spatial analysis. This tool allows to calculate the volcanic susceptibility of the area, i.e. the probability of new vent opening, using direct and indirect structural data. Second, we have developed a new tool, HASSET (Hazard Assessment Event Tree), to conduct temporal analysis. Combining both tools and the previous one, VORIS 2.0.1, that uses simulation models to predict the most probable eruptive scenarios and which areas could be affected by a future eruptive event, we can evaluate in a probabilistic way long-term hazard represented by a qualitative hazard map that allows us to identify different levels of hazard in the study area. In this thesis we present different case studies. The first example was carried out at El Hierro Island (Canary Islands), an island essentially characterized by basaltic volcanism with both Strombolian and Hawaiian activity. The last eruption on El Hierro occurred in 2011–2012 demonstrates the importance of reliable data and tools that can enable scientific advisors and decision-makers to consider possible future eruptive scenarios. The second case study was Deception Island (Southern Shetland Archipelago, Antarctica), which is the most active volcano in the South Shetland Islands and has been the scene of more than twenty eruptions over the past two centuries. We identified a number of significant scenarios using our GIS-based tools and evaluated the potential extent of the main volcanic hazards to be expected on the island. The last case study presented is La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE of Spain), which is a quaternary volcanic field, located in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, and includes more than 50 well preserved volcanoes.
Finally, considering the importance of both quantity and quality of the available volcanic data and an optimum storage mechanism and as complement to the e-tools we have developed, we describe the design of a new spatial database structure, VERDI (Volcanic managEment Risk Database desIgn), which allows different types of data to be manipulated, organized, managed. The design of purpose-built databases should facilitate spatial and temporal analysis that will produce probabilistic hazard models for future vent opening, simulate volcanic hazards and assess their socio-economic impact, avoiding any duplication of information.
The methodologies described in this thesis establish the general guidelines of a procedure that facilitates undertaking volcanic hazard assessment in a systematic way, which can be easily applied to any volcanic area or system, and in particular to any monogenetic volcanic field. / Una de las tareas más importantes de la vulcanología moderna, que representa una implicación socio-económica significativa, es llevar a cabo la evaluación de la peligrosidad en los sistemas volcánicos activos. Estos estudios vulcanológicos están enfocados a la elaboración de mapas de peligro y la simulación de diferentes escenarios eruptivos, y están dirigidas para contribuir a la planificación territorial, a la definición de los planes de emergencia o la gestión de crisis volcánicas.
La presente Tesis doctoral está enfocada al desarrollo y aplicación de diferentes herramientas informáticas para los análisis espacial y temporal del peligro volcánico en campos volcánicos monogenéticos. En primer lugar, hemos desarrollado una nueva herramienta, QVAST, diseñada para llevar a cabo el análisis espacial, que permite calcular la susceptibilidad volcánica de la zona de estudio, utilizando datos estructurales directos e indirectos. En segundo lugar, hemos desarrollado una nueva herramienta, HASSET, para llevar a cabo el análisis temporal. La combinación de ambos instrumentos y una herramienta anterior, VORIS 2.0.1, que utiliza modelos de simulación para predecir los escenarios eruptivos más probables y aquellas áreas que podrían verse afectadas por un futuro evento eruptivo, nos permite evaluar de forma probabilística el peligro a largo plazo, representado por un mapa cualitativo que nos permite identificar los diferentes niveles de peligro en el área de estudio. En esta tesis se presentan diferentes casos de estudio en campos volcánicos monogenéticos: la isla de El Hierro (Islas Canarias), la isla Decepción (archipiélago de las Shetland del Sur, Antártida), el campo volcánico de La Garrotxa (NE de España).
Por último, teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la cantidad y la calidad de los datos volcánologicos disponibles y un mecanismo de almacenamiento óptimo, se describe el diseño de una nueva estructura de base de datos espaciales, VERDI, que permite manipular, organizar y gestionar diferentes tipos de datos. Las metodologías descritas en esta tesis establecen líneas guía generales de un procedimiento que facilita la realización de la evaluación del peligro volcánico de forma sistemática, los cuales se pueden aplicar a cualquier zona volcánica o sistema, y en particular, a cualquier campo volcánico monogenético.
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