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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coprodutos da reciclagem seletiva de resíduos do processamento da tilápia híbrida vermelha / Co-products from selective recycling of red hybrid tilapia processing residues

Marcia Mayumi Harada Haguiwara 24 May 2016 (has links)
O aproveitamento de proteína de pescado como coprodutos do processo de industrialização, constitui-se em uma alternativa para a elaboração de produtos com elevada qualidade nutricional. A carne mecanicamente separada (CMS), produzida a partir de carcaças do descarte do processamento de tilápia híbrida vermelha (CMSV), Oreochromis niloticus var. Red Stirling e de tilápia preta (CMSP), Oreochromis niloticus, foram caracterizadas física, química, microbiológica e sensorialmente. Em um primeiro estudo avaliou-se a eficiência de dois tipos de equipamentos de extração mecânica da CMS, rosca- sem-fim e cinta-tambor. Posteriormente, avaliou-se a qualidade da CMS congelada durante 90 dias de armazenamento. Em seguida avaliou-se os atributos sensoriais de cor, odor e aparência da CMSV e CMSP congelada. Para a avaliação do sabor da CMS, foi adicionado ao molho de tomate com CMSV armazenada por 15 e 90 dias e a aceitação avaliada por consumidores. Foi realizado um estudo para avaliação das características de funcionalidade da CMS reestruturada da tilápia híbrida vermelha. O separador tipo rosca-sem-fim apresentou melhor rendimento de extração e controle da temperatura do processo, quando comparado ao separador do tipo cinta-tambor, embora ambos os processos tenham permitido a obtenção de CMS com teores de umidade, proteína e lipídeo adequados para o processamento de coprodutos. A avaliação da vida útil indicou que coprodutos da tilápia híbrida vermelha (CMSV) e tilápia preta (CMSP) apresentaram padrões microbiológicos, valores de pH e oxidação lipídica aceitáveis ao longo do estudo, mesmo apresentado uma descoloração ao longo do armazenamento. A avaliação sensorial para o estabelecimento da vida útil (teste de diferença do controle com provador treinado) foi realizada em períodos até 90 dias. Aos 15 dias de armazenamento, os provadores detectaram diferença significativa, porém o limite sensorial estabelecido pelos provadores (moderadamente diferente do controle) foi atingido aos 60 dias para a CMS da tilápia preta e aos 90 dias para a CMS de tilápia vermelha. A aceitação teve boa resposta, porém a intenção de compra apresentou queda de 19% para o molho adicionado de CMS estocada durante 90 dias. A CMSV é uma matéria prima, com elevado teor proteico (12%) e elevado teor lipídico (15%) e pode ser utilizada para elaboração de diferentes coprodutos. Foi possível obter produto reestruturado com boa funcionalidade tecnológica com adição de 100% de CMS de tilápia híbrida vermelha, o que demonstra a viabilidade de sua utilização, onde apresentaram respostas satisfatórias de rendimento, capacidade de retenção de água e força de penetração no reestruturado. Conclui-se que a CMS das variedades de tilápia estudadas representam um coproduto de qualidade a ser aproveitado pela indústria. Além de contribuir para para fornecer dados, junto a outros trabalhos, para se criar um padrão de identidade e qualidade da CMS de pescado, o que é de suma importância para o controle de qualidade da indústria processadora do coproduto. / The use of fish protein resulting from the industrial process constitutes an alternative to the development of co-products with nutritional quality. Mechanically recovered meat (MRM), produced from carcasses of Red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus var. Red Stirling and black tilapia Oreochromis niloticus were characterized in terms of physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory aspects. The first study evaluated the efficiency of two mechanical extraction devices of MRM, the screw type and the belt and drum type. Later assessed the quality of frozen MRM for 90 days of storage. Then it was evaluated the sensory attributes of color, odor and appearance of defrozen MRM. The resulting MRM was used in the development of a tomato sauce and its acceptance with consumers was analyzed. A performance study of MRM restructured of red hybrid tilapia was conducted. The worm screw-type separator presented better extraction yield when compared to belt-drum type separator, but both processes allowed obtaining MRM with levels of moisture, protein and lipids suitable for processing co-products. Both MRM presented microbiological and oxidative stability after 90 days of storage. The sensory analysis of control difference for up to 90 days showed significant difference to that at 15 days of storage. The team of tasters set the value 4 (appearance, color and odor moderately different from the control) as limiting MRM shelf life to 60 days for MRM of the Nile tilapia and 90 days for MRM of the red tilapia. The tomato sauce with the addition of tilapia formulated with MRM of the red tilapia stored for 15 and 90 days was well accepted by consumers, but purchase intent dropped 19% for the product obtained from MRM with 90 days of storage. The MRM from the red hybrid tilapia is a raw material with high protein content, average 12%, and high lipid content, average 15%, and can be used to prepare different co-products of tilapia. It was possible to obtain restructured product with addition of 100% of MRM from the red hybrid tilapia with good processing characteristics, which shows viability of production with satisfactory responses of performance, water retention capacity and penetration force of restructured fish meat. We conclude that the CMS of the studied tilapia varieties represent a quality co-product to be used by the industry. Besides contributing to to provide data , along with other works , to create a standard of identity and quality of fish CMS , which is of paramount importance for the quality control of the co-product processing industry.

Transglutaminase e albumina de ovo em reestruturados cozidos congelados de frango / Transglutaminase and egg albumin in restructured cooked frozen chicken

Márcio Aurélio de Almeida 10 January 2011 (has links)
A importância de toda a cadeia produtiva de aves no Brasil é fortemente impulsionada pela produção, exportação de carne de frango e pelo seu consumo per capita, que em 2009 foi de 11 milhões de toneladas, 3.3 milhões de toneladas e 40,1 Kg/hab/ano respectivamente. Porém a exportação de cortes e a preferência dos consumidores por cortes de frangos e filés ao invés dos frangos inteiros despertaram a necessidade de encontrar meios para o aproveitamento de dorsos, pescoços e ossos resultantes da desossa. A produção de carne mecanicamente separada com essas partes tornou-se ao longo dos anos uma alternativa viável, produzindo uma matéria-prima de baixo custo. O desenvolvimento de um produto reestruturado cozido congelado com carne de ave, com a utilização de pedaços desossados de peito e sobrecoxa, adicionados de carne mecanicamente separada do dorso da carcaça das aves tornou-se interessante para a indústria e consumidor. Porém as características desejadas pelo consumidor deste tipo de produto são consistência, força de adesão e suculência, ou seja, características de um filé de frango íntegro. Para conseguir essas características desejadas objetivou-se utilizar ingredientes não cárneos como a transglutaminase e albumina de ovo em pó, sendo esses ingredientes adicionais somados a adição de carne mecanicamente separada o estudo deste projeto. Para determinar a qualidade do produto foi realizada análise microbiológica no produto cru e após o cozimento e posteriormente para avaliar sua qualidade durante o armazenamento e sua vida útil a -18°C, foram realizadas análises como pH, cor instrumental, valor de TBARS e análise sensorial, sendo esta última para determinar aceitação do produto por consumidores. / The importance poultry production chain in Brazil is strongly stimulated by meat poultry exportation 11 million of tons, 3,3 million of tons and by per capita consumption 40,1 kg/hab/year. Although the preference of exportation cuts and the consumer preference by cuts instead of whole chicken so theres a search for the use of backs, necks, and bones from the boning. The mechanically separated meat production with that parts over the years one viable alternative, resulting in low cost raw material. Then the develop of restructured product frozen and cooked with poultry meat, the utilization of boning meat from chest and thighs , added to most from back bones is extremity interesting for industry and consumers. But the features desired by consumers for this product are the cohesiveness, richness and strength of accession, that means whole chicken characteristics. To achieve these desired features aimed to use non meat ingredients as transglutaminase and egg albumin powder were used, and these non meat ingredients added to the minced meat in the objective of this project. To determine the quality of the product, microbiological analyses in the raw product and after cooking were performed, and later, to evaluate its quality during storage and service life at -18°C, analyses such as pH, instrumental color, TBARS values and analysis sensory were performed, the latter being performed to determine the acceptance of the product by consumers.

Studie chování vyztuženého zeminového bloku pod koncetrovaným zatížením / The study the behavior of the reinforced soil block under the concentrated load

Prechtlová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with numerical 3D modeling of reinforced earth block under concentrated wheel load. This is a parametric study, which varies entering face and load position and even his own task. And either by simplification of the CSN 73 0037 or directly. At the beginning briefly describes the construction of reinforced soil in terms of history, application, construction, and properties of materials from which the structure is formed. Attention is also paid to static action and methods of spreading of a concentrated load to earth block. structural design using analytical methods is also part of the thesis

Differential program semantics / Sémantique différentielle des programmes

Girka, Thibaut 03 July 2018 (has links)
Les programmes informatiques sont rarement écrits d'un seul coup, et sont au contraire composés de changements successifs. Il est également fréquent qu'un logiciel soit mis à jour après sa sortie initiale. De tels changements peuvent avoir lieu pour diverses raisons, comme l'ajout de fonctionnalités ou la correction de bugs. Il est en tout cas important d'être capable de représenter ces changements et de raisonner à leur propos pour s'assurer qu'ils implémentent les changements voulus.En pratique, les différences entre programmes sont très souvent représentées comme des différences textuelles sur le code source, listant les lignes de textes ajoutées, supprimées ou modifiées. Cette représentation, bien qu'exacte, ne dit rien de leurs conséquences sémantiques. Pour cette raison, il existe un besoin pour de meilleures représentations des différences sémantiques entre programmes.Notre première contribution est un algorithme de construction de programmes de corrélation, c'est-à-dire, des programmes entrelaçant les instructions de deux autres programmes de telle sorte qu'ils simulent leur sémantiques. Ces programmes de corrélation peuvent alors être analysés pour calculer une sur-approximation des différences sémantiques entre les deux programmes d'entrée. Ce travail est directement inspiré d'un article de Partush et Yahav, qui décrit un algorithme similaire, mais incorrect en présence de boucles avec des instructions `break` ou `continue`. Pour garantir la correction de notre algorithme, nous l'avons formalisé et prouvé à l'aide de l'assistant de preuve Coq.Notre seconde et plus importante contribution est un cadre formel permettant de décrire précisément et de formellement vérifier des différences sémantiques. Ce cadre, complètement formalisé en Coq, représente la différence entre deux programmes à l'aide d'un troisième programme que nous appelons oracle. Contrairement à un programme de corrélation, un oracle n'entrelace pas nécessairement les instructions des deux programmes à comparer, et peut « sauter » des calculs intermédiaires.Un tel oracle est généralement écrit dans un langage de programmation différent des programmes à comparer, ce qui permet de concevoir des langages d'oracles spécifiques à certaines classes de différences, capables de mettre en relation des programmes qui plantent avec des programmes qui s'exécutent correctement.Nous avons conçu de tels langages d'oracles pour couvrir un large éventail de différences sur un langage impératif jouet. Nous avons également prouvé que notre cadre est au moins aussi expressif que celui de la Logique Relationnelle de Hoare en encodant plusieurs variantes de cette dernière sous forme de langages d'oracles, prouvant leur correction dans la foulée. / Computer programs are rarely written in one fell swoop. Instead, they are written in a series of incremental changes.It is also frequent for software to get updated after its initial release. Such changes can occur for various reasons, such as adding features, fixing bugs, or improving performances for instance. It is therefore important to be able to represent and reason about those changes, making sure that they indeed implement the intended modifications.In practice, program differences are very commonly represented as textual differences between a pair of source files, listing text lines that have been deleted, inserted or modified. This representation, while exact, does not address the semantic implications of those textual changes. Therefore, there is a need for better representations of the semantics of program differences.Our first contribution is an algorithm for the construction of a correlating program, that is, a program interleaving the instructions of two input programs in such a way that it simulates theirsemantics. Further static analysis can be performed on such correlating programs to compute an over-approximation of the semantic differences between the two input programs. This work draws direct inspiration from an article by Partush and Yahav, that describes a correlating program construction algorithm which we show to be unsound on loops that include `break` or `continue`statements. To guarantee its soundness, our alternative algorithm is formalized and mechanically checked within the Coq proof assistant.Our second and most important contribution is a formal framework allowing to precisely describe and formally verify semantic changes.This framework, fully formalized in Coq, represents the difference between two programs by a third program called an oracle.Unlike a correlating program, such an oracle is not required to interleave instructions of the programs under comparison, and may “skip” intermediate computation steps. In fact, such an oracle is typically written in a different programming language than the programs it relates, which allows designing correlating oracle languages specific to certain classes of program differences, andcapable of relating crashing programs with non-crashing ones.We design such oracle languages to cover a wide range of program differences on a toy imperative language. We also prove that our framework is at least as expressive as Relational Hoare Logic by encoding several variants as correlating oracle languages, proving their soundness in the process.

Eficiencia estructural de muros de contención de suelos mecánicamente estabilizados con geosintéticos y gaviones, en las laderas de la quebrada Huaycoloro - Lurigancho - Chosica - Lima Metropolitana

Márquez Espinoza, José Manuel 22 April 2021 (has links)
La ocurrencia del “Fenómeno del Niño”, el año 2017, ocasionó una serie de desastres en diversas cuencas ubicadas al Oeste de la ciudad de Lima, cuyo hecho constituyó el inicio de la búsqueda de información, encontrándose dentro de ella el Estudio “Escenarios de riesgos de desastres–Sector Huachipa” Distrito Lurigancho Chosica-Lima Metropolitana” desarrollado por el INDECI en convenio con PNUD y CESAL. En consideración a dicho estudio, en cuanto se refiere al asentamiento y consolidación urbanística de la margen derecha de la quebrada Huaycoloro, se asumió como zona de la presente investigación el área adyacente ocupada por las empresas PETRAMAS y UNICON; siendo relevante la existencia de gran cantidad de material fluvial como resultado de la limpieza del cauce de dicha quebrada; así mismo, alguna cantidad de detritos coluviales de roca granodiorítica en las laderas Cajamarquilla. La constatación anterior ha permitido orientar el sentido de la investigación hacia el diseño de muros de sostenimiento con suelo estabilizado mecánicamente MSE, lo cual responde al requerimiento de optimización del planeamiento urbanístico de esta zona, en correlación a una adecuada y abundante existencia de suelo granular. La mejor manera de aprovechar la variedad granulométrica de los suelos de la quebrada Huaycoloro y de la ladera Cajamarquilla es mediante el uso de diversos tipos de refuerzo, lo cual implica el logro de una eficiencia estructural aplicable a diversas solicitaciones de la geomorfología, de la altura del elemento y del tipo de granulometría del suelo compatible con cada refuerzo, considerando para ese efecto el uso de geosintéticos (geotextiles y geomallas) y gaviones. Bajo este cometido, todo diseño estructural de muros MSE requiere la verificación de estabilidad externa, al volteo, al deslizamiento y a la capacidad de carga; lo cual es aplicable de manera simple cuando se utiliza como refuerzo los gaviones; sin embargo cuando el refuerzo es con geosintéticos debe realizarse previamente la verificación de estabilidad interna, que correlaciona las propiedades físicas de dichos refuerzos y el suelo. Sin embargo, por diversas circunstancias que confluyen en toda investigación el uso de los valores de los parámetros del suelo a utilizarse como elemento estructural de los muros MSE (ϒ1, ɸ’1 y c’1,) conllevan a incertidumbre epistémica desde el punto de vista geotécnico, lo cual, en la presente investigación ha generado un análisis y dilucidación probabilística de la confiabilidad de uso de dichos parámetros. Ello, en correlación a la serie de factores que intervienen en los diseños y en la discrecionalidad del diseñador o investigador, dará como resultado un producto (muro MSE) con eficiencia estructural. El término “eficiencia estructural” debe entenderse como “la capacidad de lograr una estructura con el mínimo de recursos, y al menor costo y tiempo posibles”, lo cual se sustenta en una serie de experiencias que puede sintetizarse como: la optimización de procesos para maximizar (ganancias, velocidad, calidad, etc.), o minimizar: (costos, tiempo, riesgos, error, etc.), todo lo cual implicará la agudeza en la toma de decisiones del diseñador, así como del ejecutor de la obra. / The occurrence of the "Child Phenomenon", in 2017, caused a series of disasters in various basins located west of the city of Lima, which event constituted the beginning of the search for information, finding within it the Study "Scenarios of disaster risks – Huachipa Sector ”Lurigancho Chosica-Lima Metropolitan District” developed by INDECI in agreement with UNDP and CESAL. In consideration of this study, as regards the urban settlement and consolidation of the right bank of the Huaycoloro stream, the adjacent area occupied by the PETRAMAS and UNICON companies has been assumed as the area of ​​the present investigation; being relevant the existence of a large amount of fluvial material as a result of cleaning the channel of said stream; likewise, some amount of colluvial debris of granodioritic rock on the Cajamarquilla slopes. The aforementioned finding has allowed to orient the direction of the research towards the design of support walls with mechanically stabilized soil MSE, which responds to the requirement of optimization of urban planning in this area, in correlation to an adequate and abundant existence of granular soil. The best way to take advantage of the granulometric variety of the soils of the Huaycoloro stream and the Cajamarquilla slope is through the use of various types of reinforcement, which implies the achievement of a structural efficiency applicable to various requests of geomorphology, height of the element and the type of granulometry of the soil compatible with each reinforcement, considering for this purpose the use of geosynthetics (geotextiles and geogrids) and gabions. Under this mandate, all structural design of MSE walls requires the verification of external stability, overturning, sliding and load capacity; which is applicable in a simple way when using gabions as reinforcement; However, when the reinforcement is with geosynthetics, the internal stability verification must be previously performed, which correlates the physical properties of said reinforcements and the soil. However, due to various circumstances that converge in all research, the use of the values ​​of the soil parameters to be used as a structural element of the MSE walls (ϒ1, ɸ'1 and c'1,) lead to epistemic uncertainty from the point of view of geotechnical view, which, in the present investigation, has generated a probabilistic analysis and elucidation of the reliability of use of these parameters. This, in correlation to the series of factors that intervene in the designs and in the discretion of the designer or researcher, will result in a product (MSE wall) with structural efficiency. The term "structural efficiency" should be understood as "the ability to achieve a structure with the minimum of resources, and at the lowest possible cost and time", which is based on a series of experiences that can be synthesized as: the optimization of processes for maximize (profits, speed, quality, etc.), or minimize: (costs, time, risks, error, etc.), all of which will imply sharpness in the decision-making of the designer, as well as the executor of the work. / Tesis

Passive Force on Skewed Abutments with Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wingwalls Based on Large-Scale Tests

Franke, Bryan William 18 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Passive force-deflection behavior for densely compacted backfills must be considered in bridge design to ensure adequate resistance to both seismic and thermally induced forces. Current codes and practices do not distinguish between skewed and non-skewed bridge abutment geometries; however, in recent years, numerical models and small-scale, plane-strain laboratory tests have suggested a significant reduction in passive force for skewed bridge abutments. Also, various case studies have suggested higher soil stresses might be experienced on the acute side of the skew angle. For these reasons, three large-scale tests were performed with abutment skew angles of 0, 15 and 30 degrees using an existing pile cap [11-ft (3.35-m) wide by 15-ft (4.57-m) long by 5.5-ft (1.68-m) high] and densely compacted sand backfill confined by MSE wingwalls. These tests showed a significant reduction in passive force (approximately 38% as a result of the 15 degree skew angle and 51% as a result of the 30° skew angle. The maximum passive force was achieved at a deflection of approximately 5% of the backwall height; however, a substantial loss in the rate of strength gain was observed at a deflection of approximately 3% of the backwall height for the 15° and 30° skew tests. Additionally, the soil stiffness appears to be largely unaffected by skew angle for small displacements. These results correlate very well with data available from numerical modeling and small-scale lab tests. Maximum vertical backfill displacement and maximum soil pressure measured normal to the skewed backwall face were located on the acute side of the skew for the 15° and 30° skew test. This observation appears to be consistent with observations made in various case studies for skewed bridge abutments. Also, the maximum outward displacement of the MSE wingwalls was located on the obtuse side of the skew. These findings suggest that changes should be made to current codes and practices to properly account for skew angle in bridge design.

Evaluation of Passive Force Behavior for Bridge Abutments Using Large-Scale Tests with Various Backfill Geometries

Smith, Jaycee Cornwall 12 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Bridge abutments are designed to withstand lateral pressures from thermal expansion and seismic forces. Current design curves have been seen to dangerously over- and under-estimate the peak passive resistance and corresponding deflection of abutment backfills. Similar studies on passive pressure have shown that passive resistance changes with different types of constructed backfills. The effects of changing the length to width ratio, or including MSE wingwalls determine passive force-deflection relationships. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the wall heights and of the MSE support on passive pressure and backfill failure, and to compare the field results with various predictive methods. To compare the effects of backfill geometries, three large-scale tests with dense compact sand were performed with abutment backfill heights of 3 ft (0.91 m), 5.5 ft (1.68 m), and 5.5 ft (1.68 m) confined with MSE wingwalls. Using an existing pile cap 11 ft (3.35 m) wide and 5.5 ft (1.68 m) high, width to height ratios for the abutment backfills were 3.7 for the 3ft test, and 2.0 for the 5.5ft and MSE tests. The failure surface for the unconfined backfills exhibited a 3D geometry with failure surfaces extending beyond the edge of the cap, increasing the "effective width", and producing a failure "bulb". In contrast, the constraint provided by the MSE wingwalls produced a more 2D failure geometry. The "effective width" of the failure surface increased as the width to height ratio decreased. In terms of total passive force, the unconfined 5.5ft wall provided about 6% more resistance than the 5.5ft MSE wall. However, in terms of passive force/width the MSE wall provided about 70% more resistance than the unconfined wall, which is more consistent with a plane strain, or 2D, failure geometry. In comparison with predicted forces, the MSE curve never seemed to fit, while the 3ft and 5.5ft curves were better represented with different methods. Even with optimizing between both the unconfined curves, the predicted Log Spiral peak passive forces were most accurate, within 12% of the measured peak resistances. The components of passive force between the unconfined tests suggest the passive force is influenced more by frictional resistance and less by the cohesion as the height of the backwall increases.

Structural Characterization Of Sputter-deposited Ss304+xal (x = 0, 4, 7 And 10 Wt.%) Coatings And Mechanically Milled Ti, Zr And

Seelam, Uma Maheswara 01 January 2010 (has links)
Study of the metastable phases obtained by non-equilibrium processing techniques has come a long way during the past five decades. New metastable phases have often given new perspectives to the research on synthesis of novel materials systems. Metastable materials produced by two non-equilibrium processing methods were studied for this dissertation- 304-type austenitic stainless steel (SS304 or Fe-18Cr-8Ni)+aluminum coatings produced by plasma enhanced magnetron sputter-deposition (PEMS) and nanocrystalline Ti, Zr and Hf powders processed by mechanical milling (MM). The objective of the study was to understand the crystallographic and microstructural aspects of these materials. Four SS304+Al coatings with a nominal Al percentages of 0, 4, 7 and 10 wt.% in the coatings were deposited on an SS304 substrate by PEMS using SS304 and Al targets. The as-deposited coatings were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and three-dimensional atom probe microscopy (3DAP). Surface morphology and chemical analysis were studied by SEM. Phase identification was carried out by XRD and TEM. The microstructural features of all the coatings, as observed in the TEM, consisted of columnar grains with the columnar grain width (a measure of grain size) increasing with an increase in the Al content. The coatings had grains with average grain sizes of about 100, 290, 320 and 980 nm, respectively for 0, 4, 7 and 10 wt.% Al. The observed grain structures and increase in grain size were related to substrate temperature during deposition. XRD results indicated that the Al-free coating consisted of the non-equilibrium ferrite and sigma phases. In the 4Al, 7Al and 10Al coatings, equilibrium ferrite and B2 phases were observed but no sigma phase was found. In 10Al coating, we were able to demonstrate experimentally using 3DAP studies that NiAl phase formation is preferred over the FeAl phase at nano scale. During mechanical milling of the hexagonal close packed (HCP) metals Hf, Ti and Zr powders, unknown nanocrystalline phases with face centered cubic (FCC) structure were found. The FCC phases could be either allotropes of the respective metals or impurity stabilized phases. However, upon MM under high purity conditions, it was revealed that the FCC phases were impurity stabilized. The decrease in crystallite size down to nanometer levels, an increase in atomic volume, lattice strain, and possible contamination were the factors responsible for the transformation.

The effects of mechanical alloying conditions on hydrogen interaction characteristics and microstructure of mixtures of titanium, magnesium, and nickel

Gilbert, Jason K. 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.


Pereira, Marlene Gomes 30 April 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the antioxidant activity in vitro and its effects at the oxidative stability of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) of five natural extracts. It was studied: the yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis), the marcela (Achyrocline satureioides), a mixture of yerba mate (50%) and marcela (50%), green tea (Camellia sinensis) and propolis without alcohol. The synthetic antioxidant BHA (Butylated Hydroxianisole) was used as a positive control and the meat treated with no antioxidant was used as negative control. Natural extracts were evaluated in vitro for quantification of phenolic and flavonols total content, for antioxidant activity, by DPPH radicalscavenging, Phosphomolybdenum complex and Reducing Power assay methods. All antioxidants were mixed separately in different and equal portions of mechanically deboned poultry meat, as follow: 0.50% of yerba mate, marcela and the mixture, 0.05% of green tea, 0.10% of própolis without alcohol and 0.02% of BHA. Samples of MDPM were packed and storage at 0 to +4ºC for 10 days. The samples were evaluated each two days and the pH, TBARS and peroxide index were measured, as well as the Total Mesophilic Aerobic counts, Total Coliforms, E. coli, Lactic Bacteria, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp and Staphylococcus aureus. Surface and internal colour ( L*, a*, b*) were measured and pictures of each treatment were done. Green tea extract showed the higher (p<0.05) phenolics contents and the higher (p<0.05) antioxidant activity in vitro compared to the other extracts. Yerba mate extract showed the higher (p<0.05) flavonols content. Propolis without alcohol extract showed the lowest (p<0.05) phenolics, flavonols and antioxidant activity in vitro. Marcela had the best oxidative inhibitory effect at the MDPM, with the lowest TBARS values. Propolis extract showed the best performance for the meat colour stability. Natural antioxidant addition do not interfere at MDPM pH and peroxide values. Salmonella spp was not detected in any of the samples evaluated and the results found to Staphylococcus aureus were in agreement with the Brazilian Mechanically Deboned Meat Legislation. The mixture of extracts showed the lowest (p<0.05) media for Total Mesophilic Aerobic counts. Propolis extract showed the lowest media count for Total Coliforms, E. coli and Clostridium perfringens. Yerba mate extract showed the lowest media count for Lactic Bacteria. The use of natural antioxidants should provide benefits in relation to the MDPM lipid oxidation and the microbiological growth inhibition. More researchs are necessary, looking for a better understanding about the action mechanisms of these extracts. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar cinco extratos naturais em relação a sua atividade antioxidante in vitro e na Carne Mecanicamente Separada (CMS) de frango. Foram estudadas a erva mate (Ilex paraguariensis), a marcela (Achyrocline satureioides), uma mistura de erva mate (50%) com marcela (50%), o chá verde (Camellia sinensis) e o própolis sem álcool. O antioxidante sintético BHA foi utilizado como controle positivo e o tratamento sem adição de antioxidante como controle negativo. Nos extratos naturais foram identificados o conteúdo total de fenólicos, flavonóides e a atividade antioxidante pelos métodos do DPPH, Fosfomolibdênio e do Poder de Redução. Todos os extratos foram aplicados separadamente em porções distintas e iguais de Carne Mecanicamente Separada (CMS) de frango, sendo os percentuais de aplicação de 0,50% de erva mate, marcela e da mistura, 0,05% de chá verde, 0,10% do própolis sem álcool e 0,02% de BHA. A CMS de frango foi mantida sob refrigeração de 0 a +4ºC durante 10 dias. As amostras foram avaliadas a cada dois dias, em relação ao pH, índice de TBARS, índice de peróxido, em relação a contagem média de Aeróbios Mesófilos Totais, Coliformes Totais, E. coli, Bactérias lácticas, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp e Staphylococcus aureus. A cor objetiva (L*, a*, b*) foi medida na superfície e na parte interna da CMS de frango assim como o registro em foto de cada tratamento. O extrato de chá verde apresentou o maior (p<0,05) conteúdo de fenólicos e a maior (p<0,05) atividade antioxidante in vitro em relação aos demais extratos. O extrato de erva mate apresentou o maior (p<0,05) conteúdo de flavonóides. O extrato de própolis sem álcool apresentou os menores (p<0,05) conteúdos de fenólicos, de flavonóides e a menor atividade antioxidante in vitro. O extrato de marcela teve o melhor efeito na inibição da oxidação lipídica da CMS de frango, apresentando os menores valores médios de TBARS. O extrato de própolis sem álcool manteve por mais tempo a estabilidade da cor da carne. A adição dos antioxidantes naturais não interferiu no pH e nem no índice de peróxido da CMS de frango. Não foi detectada a presença de Salmonella spp e os resultados de Staphylococcus aureus ficaram dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela Legislação. O tratamento com a mistura de extratos de erva mate e de marcela apresentou a menor (p<0,05) contagem média de Aeróbios Mesófilos Totais em relação aos demais tratamentos. O extrato de própolis sem álcool apresentou a menor contagem média de Coliformes totais, E. coli e Clostridium perfringens. O extrato de erva mate apresentou a menor contagem média de Bactérias lácticas. O uso de antioxidantes naturais pode trazer benefícios em relação a inibição da população microbiana da CMS de frango. Mais estudos são necessários visando um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos de ação desses extratos na carne mecanicamente separada (CMS) de frango.

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