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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Entwicklung der medialen Zeichenkompetenz im Vor- und Grundschulalter und ihr Bezug zu bildungsrelevanten Fähigkeiten

Möckel, Thomas 21 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Unser tägliches Umfeld ist heute mehr als jemals zuvor durch die Präsenz von Medien geprägt. Wir begegnen ihnen in schulischen Einrichtungen, am Arbeitsplatz, im häuslichen Bereich oder in unserer Freizeit und nutzen sie gleichermaßen zu Informations- und Unterhaltungszwecken. Dass sich dieser Trend im Laufe der nächsten Jahre weiterhin fortsetzen und verstärken wird, steht außer Frage. Auch in Bezug auf Vor- und Grundschüler lässt sich diese Tendenz beobachten. Um die jüngsten Mitglieder unserer Informationsgesellschaft vor eventuellen medienbezogenen Risiken zu schützen, wird diese Entwicklung durch eine in öffentlichen Diskussionen vielfach zu vernehmende Forderung nach Medienkompetenz begleitet. Allerdings beruht die Mehrheit von Modellen und Konzepten zur Entwicklung und Förderung von Medienkompetenz im Kindesalter nahezu ausschließlich auf theoretischen Annahmen. Aus diesem Grund sollten mittels des durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Projekts "Der Erwerb medialer Zeichenkompetenz im Vor- und Grundschulalter: Grundlagen und Förderung", welches zugleich die Grundlage der vorliegenden Dissertation darstellt, folgende Forschungsfragen beantwortet werden: a) Wie lassen sich kindliche Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf Medienkompetenz erfassen?, b) Wie entwickelt sich Medienkompetenz im Verlauf der (frühen) Kindheit? und c) Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen Medienkompetenz und anderen relevanten kognitiven und akademischen Fähigkeiten und der Kompetenz, aus medial vermittelten Inhalten zu lernen? Zu diesem Zweck wurden drei empirische Studien mit Vor- und Grundschülern durchgeführt, die sich mit der Entwicklung der medialen Zeichenkompetenz beschäftigten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sich die mediale Zeichenkompetenz, welche ab circa. vier Jahren erworben wird, förderlich auf den Erwerb von Lesekompetenz und mathematischen Kompetenzen, auf ihre Vorläuferfähigkeiten sowie auf medienvermitteltes Lernen auswirkt. Zudem zeigte sich, dass die mediale Zeichenkompetenz als ein, zumindest partiell, eigenständiger, symbolisch-kognitiver Bereich zu interpretieren ist, welcher zwar gewisse Verbindungen zu Intelligenzleistungen aufweist, aber dennoch als von ihnen verschieden betrachtet werden muss. Aus den Resultaten folgt somit, dass es günstig wäre, mit Kindern zwischen vier bis sechs Jahren ein Training der medialen Zeichenkompetenz durchzuführen.

藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養 / The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy

林承宇, Lin, Cheng-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為國民的健康把關,通常是政府作為實現國民健康權的一種具體作為,有關國民的用藥安全更是政府責無旁貸的責任。本論文著眼於「虛擬藥房」的藥品廣告刺激一般常民用藥的消費過程,政府基於保護國民健康所採取的介入方式是「法規範」對藥品廣告的管理,此種管理方式隨著藥品本身與商業言論的時空變遷會有緊縮或放寬的變革,然而易侷限於專業精英討論的上層層次;後有主管機關意識到常民健康的落實須直達正確的用藥觀念,以健康促進作為彌補上層可能無法下達困境的下層層次。 本論文以為,此二層次對應的概念仍屬「由上對下」的意識,亦即「政府」下對「常民」的概念。這種由上而下的把關做法,在維護國民「健康權」的國家、社會與個人法益上固然有其必要;惟欲落實整體健康權的實踐,仍須回歸「健康素養」的具體貫徹。亦即,本論文主張政府所主導的法規範或健康促進的作為,必須同時伴隨常民健康素養的賦權,兼顧「由下而上」的作法,不斷促使法規範與社會現實互為主體,則法規範才能真實維護與實踐國民的「健康權」。 / It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings. This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.

A cross-section survey of health information-seeking practices among young adults on a South African university campus

Van Niekerk, Estelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Health information-seeking is a complex and dynamic construct. This study attempted to quantify and explain the use of interpersonal communication, media and related technologies as health information sources among first year university students on the campus of Stellenbosch University (SU), using a cross-sectional survey design. The questionnaire and web-based survey intended to measure and document important research constructs at a single point in time. Data from this survey provide exploratory information on patterns of health information-seeking practices and preferences encountered among the research target group. Measures of the reasons for health information-seeking on specific topics; health information sources/channels and frequency of source/channel use; information source credibility and quality as well as the outcomes of the health information-seeking process were used as secondary research aims in this study. Health communication and health management needs of the research population were also important research variables to establish. Results from this research indicate that the health status of the study cohort was good. The mean of the BMI kg/m² for the current study cohort lies at the higher end of the BMI kg/m² continuum for this age group, which indicates that the lifestyle of the study cohort is at risk. The use of health information sources among the research cohort was diverse. This research confirms that interpersonal communication is an important information medium through which young adults receive health information. The concept of an ecological context to health communication and its effects are therefore supported by these results. Use of media sources and related technology was common and diverse among the study cohort, mirroring patterns of media use for other young adult groups. Results further support the theory of effect-studies in communication (the media), where the provision of certain types of information through the media, indicate to have an impact on people’s thinking and behaviour. A behaviour change as result of the health information-seeking process was reported among the research cohort. Health communication literature refers to small numbers of studies conducted on health information-seeking among young adults (student populations). The current research has attempted to add to the body of knowledge on health information-seeking and its outcomes among a student population group in a South African university setting. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die soektog na gesondheidsinligting is 'n dinamiese en komplekse proses. Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om die gebruik van interpersoonlike kommunikasie, media en verwante tegnologieë as inligtingsbronne oor gesondheid onder eerstejaar-studente op die kampus van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) te kwantifiseer en te verklaar. 'n Dwarsdeursnitopname is as studieontwerp gebruik. Die web-gebaseerde vraelys het gepoog om belangrike navorsingskonstrukte tydens 'n enkele tydgleuf te probeer meet. Data van hierdie opname verskaf verkennende inligting oor die patrone van die soeke na gesondheidsinligting en gesondheidsinligtingvoorkeure van studente. Redes vir die soek na gesondheidsinligting; mediums/metodes waardeur inligting verkry word; frekwensie van soektogte; geloofwaardigheid van mediums en die kwaliteit daarvan; onderwerpe waarna gesoek word en die uitkomste van hierdie gesondheidsinligtingsoektog, is as sekondêre navorsingsuitkomste van belang geag. Gesondheidskommunikasiebehoeftes onder die navorsingsteikengroep was belangrik om vas te stel. Resultate van die navorsing dui aan dat die gesondheidstatus van die navorsingsgroep goed was. Die gemiddelde BMI kg/m² vir die groep was egter aan die bokant van die BMI kg/m² kontinuum vir die ouderdomsgroep en dui op moontlike leefstylrisiko’s vir die groep. Die gebruik van gesondheidsinligtingsbronne was baie divers. Hierdie navorsing ondersteun die feit dat interpersoonlike kommunikasie, as gesondheidsinligtingsbron, nog 'n belangrike rol speel onder jong volwassenes. Die konsep van 'n ekologiese konteks vir gesondheidskommunikasie en die uitwerking daarvan, word ondersteun deur die huidige navorsingsresultate. Die gebruik van media en verwante tegnologieë, as inligtingsbronne vir gesondheid, is as baie divers gerapporteer. Dit bevestig patrone van mediagebruik wat onder ander jong volwassenes gevind is. Resultate van hierdie navorsing ondersteun ook die teorie van effek-studies in kommunikasie (die media), waar die verskaffing van inligting deur die media 'n impak op mense se denke en gedrag aandui. 'n Gedragsverandering is wel deur die navorsingsgroep aangedui as resultaat van die soeke na gesondheidsinligting. Gesondheidskommunikasieliteratuur verwys na enkele studies wat oor gesondheidsinligtingsoektogte onder jong volwassenes (studente-populasies) gedoen is. Die huidige navorsing het gepoog om 'n bydrae te maak tot hierdie kennis en die uitkomste daarvan onder studente op 'n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteitskampus.

Etika ve světě reklamy / Ethics in the World of Advertisement

ANTL, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the dilemma of ethics in advertisement; it is divided into six chapters. The first chapter concerns communication and advertisement{\crq}s function in it. In the second part, I focus on the targets and methods of advertisement (they can be positive and negative). I describe the following processes: influence, manipulation, persuasion, suggestion, motivation and purpose of advertisement in the sectors of the market. The third part is directed at the principles of regulation and self-regulation (I explain their differences). How does self-regulation work in practice I showed in the practical example. The fourth chapter describes the most frequently forbidden commercials and in the practical examples, I show how the consumer{\crq}s protection works. In the fifth part,. I stress the importance of media literacy and the problems in media education. In the sixth chapter I focus on the advertisements and at different attitudes and opinions related to it.

Kritická mediální pedagogika - teoretická východiska a přínos pro mediální výchovu / Critical media pedagogy - theoretical underpinning and contribution to media education

Valenta, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Critical media pedagogy - theoretical underpinnigs and contribution to media education Dissertation Mgr. Petr Valenta Keywords critical theory, critical media pedagogy, media literacy, critical pedagogy, media, ideology, discourse, power, symbolic power, knowledge Abstract The theoretical dissertation analyzes the traditional media education model issues, which derives from the orientation of media literacy on the dominant paradigm of media effects research in media studies. Media education takes the "media effects concept" and uses it to organize its own teaching practice. Theoretical dependence on media studies and the concept media effects leads media education to protectionism and normativity, which is reflected in the directive establishment of knowledge, skills and values pupils may acquire. This situation has negative effect on efforts of developing critical media thinking as independent on social authorities. Moreover, media education potentially reproduces the dominant modes of knowledge about media and society, without revealing them as social constructions. The theoretical basis for changing the paradigm of media education to become more critical and transformative practice able to form the student's personality as an autonomous, critical- thinking and committed citizen is presented in the second...

Mediální výchova pohledem žáků

JINDROVÁ, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to map the importance of media education in general education and also to find out the way how pupils of the 2nd stage of elementary school and pupils of lower grade of multi-years grammar schools reflect the media education and at the same time to find out its benefit and usage in their real life. The theoretical part describes the basic knowledge that are connected with the theme of this work. The greatest emphasis is placed on the concept of media education in the Czech educational system. The practical part is focus on the results of the research which was made with the mentioned pupils. With the use of the interview with these pupils should be find out what is their opinion on the media education. Through their answers the author of this diploma thesis will try to outline if there is any difference in concept of media education between pupils of the elementary school and pupils of lower grade of multi-year grammar school. At the end of this work the author gives some suggestions for improvement and diversification of teaching media education that reacts on results found out in the research.

Pojetí mediální výchovy v učebnicích a výukových materiálech pro 1. stupeň ZŠ / Media education in text books and teaching materials for primary school

Pokrupová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The central theme of the diploma thesis is incorporation of media education at the first stage of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly defines the basic concepts related to media education, offers an insight into historcal background and gradual integration of media education into the Czech educational system and, last but not least, introduces current state of this cross-curricular topic at Czech schools. The practical part is devoted to a research survey aimed at finding out which didactic topics of media education are mostly reflected in educational materials intended for the first stage of primary school and at the same time at ascertaining how the pupils are mostly involved in media education in terms of task assignments contained in teaching materials. The results of the research show that the most frequently reflected topics of media education that appear in educational materials are advertising, its regulation and influence and characteristics and function of traditional media. In case of the method of pupils involvement in media education, the research findings show that pupils are mostly called upon to receptive activities. To obtain the results of the research survey, qualitative content analysis of selected teaching materials was used.

Étude contrastive du langage publicitaire en français et en italien : approche linguistique et perspectives didactiques pour l’enseignement du français en Italie et de l’italien en France / A contrastive study of the language of advertising in French and Italian : linguistic approach and didactic perspectives for the teaching of French in Italy and Italian in France

Appetito, Paola 08 July 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est d’élaborer une approche pédagogique renouvelée pour un enseignement du français et de l’italien comme langues étrangères qui utilise le support publicitaire. Pour cela, nous avons fait référence aux principaux travaux existant dans ce domaine et nous avons analysé les caractéristiques de la publicité dans une approche contrastive en français et en italien et dans une perspective didactique. L’étude de l’évolution des stratégies et des formes de codage du message publicitaire ainsi que de ces spécificités linguistiques, iconographiques et culturelles est mis au service d’une approche qui s’inscrit tant dans la dimension actionnelle, interculturelle et plurilingue prônée dans le CECRL que dans l’éducation aux médias recommandée par l’UE et présente dans les plans d’études des systèmes scolaires et universitaires français et italiens. Notre propos est à la fois de montrer les atouts d’une exploitation didactique de ce type de documents à plusieurs niveaux de compétence et pour différents publics et de prouver l’efficacité de certaines approches méthodologiques, notamment celles qui intègrent les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication et les outils numériques. Ce travail de recherche constitue le cadre général d’un vaste programme multimédia interculturel et interlinguistique pour l’enseignement de l’italien et du français qui aboutira à la creation d’un site ou d’un blog didactique offrant la possibilité de réaliser et répertorier de nouveaux scenarios pédagogiques dans le domaine de l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères en milieu scolaire et universitaire. / The purpose of this research work is to develop a renewed pedagogical approach which uses advertising as tool for the teaching of French and Italian as foreign languages. To this end, we have made reference to the major studies in this area, and we have analysed the characteristics of advertising adopting a contrastive approach in French and Italian and in a didactic perspective. The study of the evolution of the strategies and forms of encoding of the advertisements message – as well as the linguistic, iconographic and cultural peculiarities – is put at the service of an approach which places itself in an action-orientated, intercultural and plurilinguistic dimension. This approach – adopted in the educational plans of French and Italian schools and universities - meets both the recommendations of the CEFR and the media literacy endorsed by the EU. In addition to illustrate the advantages of a didactic exploitation of this type of documents at different levels of competence and for different users, our objective is also to prove the effectiveness of certain methodological approaches, especially those integrating new information and communication technologies and digital tools.This research work represents the general framework of an extended multimedia, intercultural and interlinguistic programme for the teaching of Italian and French and it will lead to the creation of a website or an educational blog, offering the opportunity to implement and catalogue new pedagogical scenarios in the field of teaching-learning of foreign languages in schools and universities.

Informační gramotnost v ČR / Information literacy in Czech republic

Matouš, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
Thesis deal with information literacy as a new phenomenon in education. In the first part define what information is about and how communication proceed. In the next part of the text follow this thesis information and disinformation problems, define what are new media and what are thein specificity. In the next part follow this thesis information literacy, define its single components and their substantiality, deal with its contributions, which result from achievement as for single person as for society as whole. Further is the substanciality of separated parts of information literacy, divided into three levels of information literacy, which answer to three levels of education. Consequently is this achivement analysed and compared with defined levels of information literacy. On the basis of this comparation the recommendations which may lead to improvement of achiving information literacy are defined.

Projekty mediálních institucí v oblasti rozvoje a podpory mediální gramotnosti / Projects of Media Institutions in the Field of Media Literacy Development and Support

Šestáková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
(abstract) The main aim of this diploma thesis is to describe projects of selected Czech media institutions that arised from the beginning 2008 until the end of May 2019 and aimed to develop and support media literacy of the public. It will be primarily about researching of programs of the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting, the Czech Television and the Czech Radio. We also pay certain attention to projects of other media institutions. For individual projects, the work focuses primarily on the period of origin, format, type and its thematic content. The obtained data will be summarized in a well arranged way at the end. Based on the results and with regard to the current state of media literacy in the Czech Republic, at the end of the thesis, will be proposed other formats for individual institutions that could help the development and support of media literacy. In addition to this systematic research, at the beginning the work will deal with the history of implementation of media education, that means systematic education, to achieve various levels of media literacy in the world and Czech society. In describing the history of media education, particular account will be taken of the role played by the media and media institutions in the process. The thesis will also mention some...

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