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Švietimo įvaizdžio formavimas šalies spaudoje / Reputation building of education in Lithuanian mediaMackevičiūtė, Jurgita 07 July 2010 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo įstatyme teigiama, jog švietimas – veikla, kuria siekiama suteikti asmeniui visaverčio savarankiško gyvenimo pagrindus ir padėti jam nuolat tobulinti savo gebėjimus. Tačiau nereikia pamiršti, kad tik kokybiškų švietimo paslaugų įvairovė gali užtikrinti geras mokymosi galimybes.
Nepaisant to, kad nuo Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo mokslo kokybė sparčiai žengė į priekį (mokyklų bei aukštojo mokslo reorganizavimas, didėjančios pedagogų kompetencijos, gerėjanti ugdymo kokybė ir pan.), tačiau negalima nepaminėti, jog švietimo sistema susiduria ir su tam tikromis problemomis. Vienokį ar kitokį įspūdį dar labiau sustiprina žiniasklaidos skleidžiama informacija.
Savo darbe stengiausi išsiaiškinti, kokį švietimo įvaizdį šalies spaudoje kuria žiniasklaida. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgiau švietimo, švietimo kokybės, įvaizdžio sampratas įvairiuose literatūriniuose šaltiniuose, analizavau žiniasklaidos darbo principus ir funkcijas. Empirinėje dalyje analizavau atrinktas publikacijas švietimo tema, siekiau išsiaiškinti, kokį švietimo įvaizdį formuoja tradicinė ir specializuota spauda.
Tyrimo metu buvo analizuojami 2008 metų sausio – 2008 metų gruodžio mėnesiais publikuoti straipsniai apie švietimą tradicinėje (laikraščiuose ,,Lietuvos rytas“, ,,Respublika“, ,,Kaišiadorių aidai“) ir specializuotoje spaudoje (,,Dialogas“). Galutinė publikacijų imtis – 2331.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad šalies žiniasklaida kuria neigiamą švietimo įvaizdį. Išsiaiškinta, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the state law of education it is claimed that education is an activity aiming to provide a person with the foundations for a fulfilling independent life and help him to improve his abilities. However, it is not to be forgotten that decent learning opportunities can only be ensured by a variety of quality education services.
Despite the fact that the quality of education was improved significantly since the regaining of Independence in Lithuania (reorganisation of schools and higher education system, improving competences of teachers, better quality of teaching, etc.), still some problems in education system can not be underestimated. The reputation of education with its improvement on one hand and its problems on the other, is also shaped by the media.
The aim of the thesis is to find out what image of education is formed in the media. In the theoretical part there is an overview of concepts of education, quality of education, reputation in various literature sources, analysis of media principles and functions. In the empyrical part there is an analysis of selected publications about education, with a focus on traditional and specialized media.
Publications dated from January, 2008 till December, 2008 were taken for the analysis. The traditional newspapers included ,,Lietuvos rytas“, ,,Respublika“, ,,Kaišiadorių aidai“, while specialized media was represented by a newspaper ,,Dialogas“. Total amount of publications – 2331.
The results of the analysis show that the... [to full text]
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The impact of CAAD on design methodology and visual thinking in architectural educationSalman, Huda Shakir January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the potential impact of Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) as a conceptual design tool on the design methodology of final year students. Many design studies have focused on sketching and its relationship with creative thinking to validate CAAD programs as a design tool. On the contrary, this study argues that the continued primacy of traditional tools as the predominant conceptual tools needs more evidence in the contemporary design practices. That is to say, the relative importance of CAAD alongside other media, such as sketching, model making and verbalisation must be recognised before the forthcoming leap in CAAD programs development. To illustrate these ideas, the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment was used as a case study to explore CAAD’s role in the educational context, the studio in general and the final year studio in particular. A mixed methods approach was employed to carry out two studies: a case study and a protocol study. A case study approach was utilised to understand the modern context whereby CAAD is used by the students despite CAAD not being an integrated part of the project model. The case study was also used to document the reasons behind students’ tendency of using CAAD at the conceptual phases of the design process. Mixed methods were used to collect data at three different intervals of the two semesters; before starting the studio project, while working on the project and after submitting the final project. The methods used include a questionnaire survey, structured reflection interviews, and a focus group. A protocol study was conducted to understand the impact of CAAD on selfcommunication using the think aloud method under the same experimental conditions using CAAD program(s) as the only external representation. The case study findings clarified the effects of the traditional context of the studio and the project model on CAAD’s utility within students’ design processes and identified the lack of CAAD professional skills, and the integration of CAAD as a knowledge base. The protocol study findings provided a greater understanding of the cognitive processes in designing and design performance while using CAAD, as well as acknowledging the possibility of a cyclic conceptual process. The potential impact of CAAD on the design process was further categorised. The empirical exploration provides CAAD research with new insights, instigating more useful ways of teaching and learning by an appropriate integration of CAAD programs and design methods in a situated manner where students can enhance their design processes creatively. It is proposed that a more measured and disinterested approach is now required to investigate CAAD and their implications for education.
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Vliv médií na formování kolektivní paměti / The Media Impact on the Collective MemoryLiberská, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the issues of collective memory in relationship with mass media. The key concepts from both fields are included. The emphasis is put on distinction between collective memory concept and other key concepts like history or historical consciousness. Subsequently the theories presenting correlation between the media and the collective memory are introduced; a lesser empirical part is also included. The main goal of this dissertation is to connect two seemingly separated issues into one compact concept, to demonstrate possible way how media forms collective memory and to support these conclusions by results from the empirical research. Keywords Collective memory, historical consciousness, media impact
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Framställningen av samkönade föräldrar i svensk dagspress : En kritisk diskursanalys som jämför tre olika tidsperioder i modern tid / The representation of same-sex parents in Swedish daily press : A critical discourse analysis that compares three different time periods in modern timesDanielsson, Amanda, Olsson, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze and critically review how cohabited parents are represented in selected Swedish newspapers during three periods of time. We have conducted a critical discourse analysis and looked at how daily newspapers use the language based on social constructivism. As a power aspect we also used Foucault's power analysis as a theoretical starting point. In the study's results, we saw that the language used in the articles differs depending on the time period they had been published. In the result, we found three general themes that we analyzed: exercise of power within the discourse, norms and categorizations, as well as changes over time. During the years 1992-1993, different expressions were used against same-sex couples, compared to today. In 2002, the focus instead was on the adoption issue. In the later period, 2017-2018, the result showed that the policy took more place in the articles. Same-sex parents also expressed themselves in the media and they described how they still felt excluded in a society dominated by heterosexual norms.
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The impact of social media in conserving African Languages amongst youth in Limpopo ProvinceMalatji, Edgar Julius January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Media Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / This study focuses on the impact of social media towards conserving African languages, particularly Sepedi, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. Social media are given attention to explore their impact in conserving African languages amongst youth. Youth is a suitable group to focus on as they are the future and are thus expected to carry their African languages and pass them on to succeeding generations. This exercise should be done to ensure that African languages should not face extinction in the future. Generally, youth are constant users of social media platforms, hence it is cardinal to investigate their language-usage patterns on social media platforms. The majority of the African youth in South Africa use either one or more of the nine (9) indigenous African languages that are official, namely, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, and Xitsonga. Therefore, one would expect speakers of these indigenous African languages to effectively use them on social media, particularly, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. African language heritage is undoubtedly a valuable resource, however, it needs state resources to develop it further and establish it as a core economic driver on various media platforms. The study employs exploratory and descriptive designs. These designs are appropriate for this study because it permits data to be collected through observations, focus group interviews and questionnaires. Focus group interviews, observations, and questionnaires were used to collect data. Focus group is a data-collection tool for understanding people’s behaviour and attitudes. The researcher moderated three focus groups. One hundred (100) questionnaires were distributed to the participants in this study. These tools are apt for the data-collection process in this study because they assist to discover factors that influence opinions, attitudes, and behaviours. Social media have great potential to conserve the African languages but the speakers of these languages should play a cardinal role in this process. Majority of the youth do not prefer to use the African languages on social media. Conversations on both Facebook and Twitter are dominated by English as youth prefer it ahead of Sepedi, Tshivenda, and Xitsonga.
In contrast, youth prefer to use the African languages on WhatsApp because they know their contacts. However, code-switching is used a lot by youth on social media. Despite the fact that Sepedi, Tshivenda, and Xitsonga are not mostly used on Facebook and Twitter they remain relevant and useful amongst their speakers on a daily basis. Nevertheless, there is a need to develop the African languages based social media sites to stimulate their usage on these platforms. Additionally, these languages should be developed to fit the needs of social media. / National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS)
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Lietuvos įvaizdis Didžiosios Britanijos spaudoje / Lithuanian national image in british pressŠukytė, Viktorija 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti, kaip žiniasklaida formuoja šalies įvaizdį. Tam tikslui keliami šie uždaviniai: oNustatyti žiniasklaidos sampratą ir atskleisti, kaip žiniasklaida veikia visuomenę; oIšsiaiškinti, kaip žiniasklaida formuoja viešąją nuomonę; oPaaiškinti nacionalinio įvaizdžio sampratą ir apibrėžti, kas lemia nacionalinio įvaizdžio žiniasklaidoje formavimą; oNustatyti, kaip žiniasklaida formuojama nacionalinį įvaizdį; oTyrimu atskleisti, kaip Didžiosios Britanijos žiniasklaida formuoja Lietuvos įvaizdį. Darbas sudarytas iš trijų dalių: oPirmoje dalyje pateikiamos svarbiausios žiniasklaidos sąvokos, iš kurių išrenkama pagrindinė darbe naudojama sąvoka. Tam, kad būtų suprasta, kokiais kanalais informacija pasiekia auditoriją ir kokius vaidmenis atlieka žiniasklaida pateikdama informaciją supažindinama su pagrindinėmis žiniasklaidos rūšimis ir funkcijomis. Žiniasklaidos teorijomis nustatomas žiniasklaidos ir visuomenės ryšys. Tuo tarpu poveikio teorijomis aiškinama, kaip žiniasklaida veikia visuomenę: kokia informacija auditorijai teikiama ir kaip tai daroma. Išskiriamos tam tikros teorijos, turinčios įtakos įvaizdžio žiniasklaidoje formavimui. oAntroji dalis skirta šalies įvaizdžio sampratos analizei ir žiniasklaidos įtakai nacionalinio įvaizdžio sudarymui nustatyti. Išskiriant tam tikrus veiksnius, aiškinamas informacijos atrankos procesas: kaip ir kokia informacija atrenkama,- ir kas lemia žiniasklaidos pasirinkimą. Framing teorija nustatoma, kaip žiniasklaida... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this paper is to examine how the British press shapes the image of Lithuania. To achieve the result certain questions were raised: how often is Lithuania mentioned in the selected newspapers; what are the major topics/coverage that mention Lithuania; what is the role of Lithuania in those topics; what attitude is being formed towards Lithuania in those topics; what means are used in the image formation. Two major British newspapers The Times and The Guardian were taken for the analysis of the articles. For the research all articles between the period of the 1st January to the 31st December 2008 were used. The methods of content analysis were mostly applied though the comparison of different newspapers was also selected. The paper is divided into two main parts. The first part is used to present the general views on the media, theoretical approach, main research on national image that is formed by the media. The second part reveals the means of how and the reasons why certain sources for the reaseach were selected: the selection of the media, newspapers, articles and periods; defining the variables and formation of the code (coding schemata); gathering of information; data analysis; concluding remarks. The conclusion that was arrived is as follows. Both newspapers presented Lithuania in slightly different ways. The Times had less articles about Lithuania and the country was presented in a quite narrow context (home news) as one of the East European countries... [to full text]
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Die kleine böse Randnotiz: Schockfotos auf ZigarettenschachtelnVollbrecht, Ralf 30 August 2018 (has links)
Um den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern das Rauchen zu verleiden, setzt die Europäische Union seit zwei Jahren auf die gesetzliche Vorabe, möglichst eklige bzw. abschreckende Fotos der Folgen des Tabakkonsums auf die Verpackungen zu drucken. Seither tragen auch in Deutschland Zigarettenschachteln, Tabak zum Selbstdrehen und Wasserpfeifentabak sogenannte „Schockbilder“ und Warnhinweise. Aus medienwissenschaftlicher und medienpädagogischer Sicht war von vornherein arg zu bezweifeln, dass diese Maßnahme Erfolg hat, weil ihr ein veraltetes und unterkomplexes Medienwirkungsmodell zugrunde liegt.
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